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1  Theology / General Theology / Re:APostles Creed on: July 07, 2005, 05:47:20 PM
        It recently came to my attention that the Apostles Creed isnt entirely Biblical. Well if you dont believe in the trinity than there are certainly problems with the Creed. However there is a bit of information that I found to be completely false. The part of the Creed where it says Jesus descended setting the captives free. Jesus never went to hell to defeat satan. He didnt have to. He beat him ultimately on the cross.

           There are bits of temptation delievered to Jesus by satan throughout the Gospels and he resisted all of them and refered to scripture for his defense. However it states nowhere that he went into hell before rising to heaven.

            I've thought about and analysed it and I dont go with the trinity either I dont think they work separately..I think they are all together all the time...

Then, where did He go before He resurrected?

He was in the Tomb..The Holy Spirit lifted him up on the 3rd day....

Maybe getting a Bite to eat before..Smiley

The spirit doesn't die and it doesn't stay in a dead body either.  Where was His spirit before He resurrected?

Jesus commanded his spirit to go to the father on the cross..

Luk 23:46 And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he said, Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit: and having said thus, he gave up the ghost.

Col 2 says that Jesus won the fight on the cross
2  Entertainment / Music / Re:my favorite christian band on: July 07, 2005, 12:14:12 AM
Day Of Fire

3  Theology / General Theology / Re:APostles Creed on: July 06, 2005, 10:39:03 PM
        It recently came to my attention that the Apostles Creed isnt entirely Biblical. Well if you dont believe in the trinity than there are certainly problems with the Creed. However there is a bit of information that I found to be completely false. The part of the Creed where it says Jesus descended setting the captives free. Jesus never went to hell to defeat satan. He didnt have to. He beat him ultimately on the cross.

           There are bits of temptation delievered to Jesus by satan throughout the Gospels and he resisted all of them and refered to scripture for his defense. However it states nowhere that he went into hell before rising to heaven.

            I've thought about and analysed it and I dont go with the trinity either I dont think they work separately..I think they are all together all the time...

Then, where did He go before He resurrected?

He was in the Tomb..The Holy Spirit lifted him up on the 3rd day....

Maybe getting a Bite to eat before..Smiley

4  Theology / General Theology / APostles Creed on: July 06, 2005, 10:28:39 PM
         It recently came to my attention that the Apostles Creed isnt entirely Biblical. Well if you dont believe in the trinity than there are certainly problems with the Creed. However there is a bit of information that I found to be completely false. The part of the Creed where it says Jesus descended setting the captives free. Jesus never went to hell to defeat satan. He didnt have to. He beat him ultimately on the cross.

           There are bits of temptation delievered to Jesus by satan throughout the Gospels and he resisted all of them and refered to scripture for his defense. However it states nowhere that he went into hell before rising to heaven.

            I've thought about and analysed it and I dont go with the trinity either I dont think they work separately..I think they are all together all the time...

5  Theology / General Theology / Re:Rapture on: July 06, 2005, 08:24:07 PM
        I have something to share. I'm sorry for coming in here like a bull in a china shop calling names to people about this subject.

         I have been going through some personal and family struggles for some time now. My daughter had a cancer scare. The state was investigating my my family for we did nothing wrong and we were found not guilty. Then My wife was unjustisfyably fired from her job. However she has a lawyer and the lawyer as reviewed her case and he says that the place she worked at is at fault and she will get her job back but it will take time. Meanwhile we have to worry about the bills, shelter, medical expenses. If its not one thing its another.

          So I came on here and vented. I dont agree with all the opinions however I was wrong for how I jumped on peoples back about certain things.

          I've been under alot of stress and tension. Felt like putting my head through a wall, depression is bad and I've been having suicidal thoughts...I would apprecaite prayers..

Godbless and Love to all here

6  Theology / General Theology / Re:Rapture on: July 02, 2005, 05:08:53 PM
Can you feel the love on this sight. It doesnt bother me the responses that is towards me..

I think of it this way. In order for the pre-trib garbage to be true then there would have to be 2 comings of Jesus. One time to come get us and protect us from the trib blah. Then the people that get wisked away come back with Jesus for his final coming back to earth.

Its not going to happen Jesus comes back once more thats it..Period...

Reba, my website works fine I just went there.

 Roll Eyes  Wow! - I guess you think that you've been exhibiting love.

Here's another hint for you since you obviously haven't made yourself familiar with any of the Scripture that deals with this subject. Jesus Christ doesn't come down to earth for His Church.  The Church Which is the BODY OF CHRIST is caught up to meet the Lord in the air.

1 Thessalonians 4:13  But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope.
1 Thessalonians 4:14  For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him.
1 Thessalonians 4:15  For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.
1 Thessalonians 4:16  For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
1 Thessalonians 4:17  Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
1 Thessalonians 4:18  Wherefore comfort one another with these words.

Rich, in case you have never read it, the above is the RAPTURE OF THE CHURCH. The SECOND COMING OF JESUS CHRIST is a completely separate event and all the way down to the earth.

Just as a matter of huge curiosity, who do you think the members are of the armies that will follow our Lord and Saviour during His Second Coming? If you don't know or have a clue about where to look in the Holy Bible, just make another guess.


If the dead in Christ arise first and join the rest of the believers in the air and go up to Heaven with Jesus - where were the dead in Christ before the rapture?
7  Theology / General Theology / Re:Rapture on: June 30, 2005, 11:25:22 PM
Can you feel the love on this sight. It doesnt bother me the responses that is towards me..

I think of it this way. In order for the pre-trib garbage to be true then there would have to be 2 comings of Jesus. One time to come get us and protect us from the trib blah. Then the people that get wisked away come back with Jesus for his final coming back to earth.

Its not going to happen Jesus comes back once more thats it..Period...

Reba, my website works fine I just went there.
8  Theology / General Theology / Re:Rapture on: June 30, 2005, 10:44:11 PM
He still hasn't answered my many questions. Now he calls us blind. Enlighten us oh knower of all things. Again, if you'll read, you'll find massive threads on the Rapture. Typical....sheesh. Later


One World GOV=UNited Nations
9  Theology / General Theology / Re:Rapture on: June 30, 2005, 05:10:16 PM
I really dont know why I keep coming to this website. Theres so much blindness..

I mean people liking:     rick warren
People believing in the: Pre-Trib lie fantasy
People liking the film     The passion of mel gibson

I guess its just all part of the great falling away...
10  Theology / General Theology / Re:Rapture on: June 29, 2005, 05:38:56 PM
All you pre-tribber believers. Something to think about..

Look around..Look at whats happening around the. Can you honestly say that we're not in the trib now?

11  Theology / General Theology / Re:Rapture on: June 28, 2005, 11:34:09 PM
The Pre-Trib rapture theory is false. Its not surprising that the poll is telling that more people think it is true and Biblical it is not..

The Popular LEFT BEHIND theory is a LIE
12  Theology / General Theology / Re:Rapture on: June 22, 2005, 12:03:38 AM
What do you feel about the Pre-Trib Rapture theory?
If there is a pre, will there be a during and post? So that all the saved might be with the Lord


No during, yes post....but all the saved will be with the Lord.  During, they become martyrs, and their souls are found waiting under the throne of God until the end of the trib and Jesus comes to earth with "10 thousand thousand of His saints..." to rule during the Millennium.

Where in the Bible does it state that..?
13  Theology / Debate / Bibles on: June 18, 2005, 11:36:47 AM
I've heard many debates about this, explainations and I'm still confused..

I've been told the the KJV is the best, most accurate. I find it a bit of a difficult read.

The MKJV is a bit better but still I dont know about it...

The Literal Translation I'm not really comfortable either...

I've been told every Bible outside of these 3 bibles are herectic and garbage and inaccurate....and some are new age garbage..

Is this true any information would be greatly apprecaited..

In Christ

14  Theology / General Theology / Rapture on: June 17, 2005, 05:48:45 PM
What do you feel about the Pre-Trib Rapture theory?
15  Theology / General Theology / Re:Jesus and his Word are the Answer on: June 15, 2005, 03:51:18 PM
Hi All!

I was just reading through this thread and would like to share a couple of thoughts...

I am a lot more cautious about various books published under the Christian genre banner than I used to be. You see, as a recovered alcoholic/addict, early in my recovery I got caught up in the binding/loosening taught in the Neil T Anderson books The Bondage Breaker and Victory over the Darkness.

I was about half way through The Bondage Breaker when (I believe) the Spirit of Holiness led me to this page on the Internet: The Bondage Maker - http://www.equip.org/free/DA081.htm.

After reading the article, I was amazed at how easily I had been drawn in and caught up in the false teaching! That experience really opened my eyes. However, some lessons are soon forgotten and it wasn't long until I was promoting the 40-Days of Purpose curriculum to my then pastor. Not long afterwards, I was once again (I believe) led by the Spirit of Holiness to a web page that brought out some facts, much like the the one about the Neil T. Anderson books did.

When the Prayer of Jabez and the Wild at Heart books came out, I was sorely tempted to jump on the band wagon and gobble them up as well. But by then the lesson was beginning to sink in. So instead of running out and obtaining a copy of the books (when they came out), I prayed about them and waited on God. I am so glad I did!

I watched other people who highly touted these books - people whom I knew up close and personal - to see if their walk with God deepened and/or if their life changed at all. I was unable to notice any perceivable change in their life. They were the same after reading the books and participating in the small groups, as they were prior to doing so.

Again, I was led to some web sites that examined the respective author's teaching with Scripture, and again I was saddened by the truth of the distortions and heresy contained within the teachings of the respective books.

Please understand, I'm not saying that lives were not changed by people who read the books. I'm saying that I fear the false and/or misleading teachings contained within such popular books may being doing more harm than good. However, I know that God can and does use anything to His glory. So I do not concern myself with those who are caught up in the latest popular teaching to come out. Instead, I pray for guidance as concerns my walk with God in Christ, and praise Him for His many blessings.

I think sometimes, many of us who have placed our faith in Christ, spend an inordinate amount of time and energy trying to do things FOR God, thinking we are being good Christian Soldiers. I sincerely believe that God would much rather have us doing things WITH Him, rather than FOR Him.

I would encourage all if us who claim Christ as our Lord and Master to spend less time finding fault within the body of Christ and more time building up the body of Christ. I sincerely believe that is God's will for us. Don't you?

Read Ephesians 4 and pray about it. Okay?

Thank you for your time and prayerful consideration of my comments.


I just read Ephesians 4.

29 thru 32 popped out at me.

"Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word as is good for edification according to the need of the moment, that it may give grace to those who hear.  And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.  Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice.  And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you."

IMO, this says it all.  If these Christian writers are not against God, then they are for God.  Didn't Jesus respond to His own disciples in this same way when they questioned what others were doing?

Grace and peace,

What amazes me is that even when presented with truth right from the Bible and then put alongside the lies, to compare. There are still some Christians that will defend the heretic, fanscinating!
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