ChristiansUnite Forums

Entertainment => Laughter (Good Medicine) => Topic started by: Forrest on April 14, 2003, 08:39:58 PM

Title: BULL
Post by: Forrest on April 14, 2003, 08:39:58 PM
Three bulls heard via the grapevine that the
rancher was going to bring yet another bull
onto the ranch, and the prospect raised a
discussion among them.

First Bull: "Boys, we all know I've been here
5 years. Once we settled our differences,
we agreed on which 100 of the cows would
be mine. Now, I don't know where this new-
comer is going to get HIS cows but I aint'
givin' him any of mine."

Second Bull: "That pretty much says it for me,
too. I've been here 3 years and have earned
my right to the 50 cows we've agreed are mine.

I'll fight 'im till I run him off or kill 'im, but I'M

Third Bull: "I've only been here a year, and so
far you guys have only let me have 10 cows to
"take care of". I may not be as big as you fellows
(yet) but I am young and virile, so I simply MUST
keep all MY cows."

They had just finished their big talk when an eighteen-
wheeler pulls up in the middle of the pasture with only
ONE ANIMAL IN IT: the biggest Son-of-Another- Bull
these guys had ever seen! At 4700 pounds, each step
he took toward the ground  strained the steel ramp to
the breaking point.

First Bull: "Ahem...You know, it's actually been some
time since I really felt I was doing all my cows justice, anyway. I
think I can spare a few for our new friend."

Second Bull: "I'll have plenty of cows to take care of if
I just stay on the opposite end of the pasture from HIM.
I'm certainly not looking for an argument."

They look over at their young friend, the 3rd bull, and
find him pawing the dirt, shaking his horns, and snorting.

First Bull: "Son, let me give you some advice real quick.
Let him have some of your cows and live to tell about it."

Third Bull: "Hell, he can have ALL my cows. I'm just
making sure he knows I'M A BULL!"

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: IrishAngel on April 15, 2003, 09:33:47 AM
OCH!  :-X

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: TigerLily on April 15, 2003, 09:42:41 AM
DOE :-X ;)

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on April 17, 2003, 01:49:07 PM
Recently while going through an airport, President Bush encountered a man with long hair, wearing a robe and sandals, holding a staff. President Bush went up to the man and said, "Aren't you Moses?" The man never answered but just kept staring ahead. Again the President said, "Moses!" in a loud voice. The man just kept staring ahead, never answering the president.

Soon a secret service agent came along and President Bush grabbed him and said, "Doesn't this man look like Moses to you?" The secret service agent agreed with the President. "Well," said the President, "every time I say his name, he just keeps staring ahead and refuses to speak. Watch!" Again, the President yelled, "Moses!" and again the man stared ahead.

The secret service man went up to the man in the robe and whispered, "You look just like Moses. Are you Moses?" The man leaned over and whispered, "Yes, I am Moses, but the last time I talked to a bush I spent 40 years wandering in the desert!"  ;D

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on April 17, 2003, 01:53:45 PM
A nun was going to Chicago. She went to the airport and sat down waiting for her flight. She looked over in the corner and saw one of those weight machines that tells your weight and fortune.

So, she thought to herself, "I'll give it a try just to see what it tells me."

She went over to the machine and put her nickel in and out came a card that said, "You're a nun and weigh 128 lb., and you are going to Chicago, Illinois."

She sat back down and thought about it. She told herself it probably tells everyone the same thing, but decided to try it again.

She went back to the machine and put her nickel in. Out came a card that read, "You're a nun, weigh 128 lb., you're going to Chicago, Illinois and you are going to play a fiddle."

The nun said to herself, "I know that's wrong, I have never played a musical instrument in my life."

She sat back down. From nowhere a cowboy came over and set his fiddle case down next to her. She picked it up and just started playing beautiful music.

Startled she looked back at the machine and said, "This is incredible. I've got to try it again."

Back to the machine, she put her nickel in and another card came out. It said, "You're a nun, you weigh 128 lb., you're going to Chicago, Illinois and you're going to break wind."

Now, the nun knows the machine is wrong. "I've never broke wind in public a day in my life."

Well, she tripped getting off the scale and broke wind.

Stunned she sat back down and looked at the machine. She said to herself, "This is truly unbelievable! I've got to try it again."

She went back to the machine, put her nickel in and collected the card.

It said, "You're a nun, you weigh 128 lb., you have fiddled and farted around and missed your plane to Chicago."  ;D

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on April 18, 2003, 03:26:42 PM
A scientist was arguing with God one day that he too could create life.

God replied; I am the Lord God creator of all things. He alone could create life and would demonstrate it for the scientist.

God took a handful of dirt and breathed on it; creating life as He had done in the beginning.

The scientist said he too could create life and began to pick up a handful of dirt.

Just then God said; NO! - get your own dirt!.

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on April 18, 2003, 03:28:12 PM

An engineer dies and reports to hell. Pretty soon, the engineer becomes dissatisfied with the level of comfort in hell, and starts designing and building improvements. After a while, they've got air conditioning and flush toilets and escalators, and the engineer is a pretty popular guy. One day God calls Satan up on the telephone and says with a sneer: "So, how's it going down there in hell?"
Satan replies: "Hey things are going great. We've got air conditioning and flush toilets and escalators, and there's no telling what this engineer is going to come up with next."
God replies: "What??? You've got an engineer? That's a mistake - he should never have gotten down there; send him up here."
Satan says: "No way. I like having an engineer on the staff, and I'm keeping him."
God says: "Send him back up here or I'll sue."
Satan laughs uproariously and answers: "Yeah, right. And just where are you going to get a lawyer?"  ;D ;D

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on April 18, 2003, 03:30:21 PM
A Nun's Kiss

A cabbie picks up a nun. She gets into the cab, and the cab driver won't stop staring at her. She asks him why is he staring and he replies, "I have a question to ask you but I don't want to offend you." She answers, "My dear son, you cannot offend me. When you're as old as Iam and have been a nun as long as I have, you get a chance to see and hear just about everything. I'm sure that there's nothing you could say or ask that I would find offensive." "Well, I've always had a fantasy to have a nun kiss me." She responds, "Well, let's see what we can do about that: #1, you have to be single and #2 you must be Catholic." The cab driver is very excited and says, "Yes, I am single and I'm Catholic too! "OK" the nun says "Pull into the next alley"

He does and the nun fulfills his fantasy with a kiss that would make a hooker blush. But when they get back on the road, the cab driver starts crying.

"My dear child, said the nun, why are you crying?" "Forgive me sister, but I have sinned. I lied, I must confess, I'm married and I'm Jewish." The nun says, "That's OK, my name is Kevin and I'm on my way to a Halloween party."  ;D

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on April 18, 2003, 03:32:20 PM
Tap on the Shoulder

A passenger in a taxi tapped the driver on the

shoulder to ask him something.

The driver screamed and lost control of the cab,
nearly hit a bus, drove up over the curb, and stopped inches from a
large plate glass window.

For a few moments everything was silent in the cab.
Then, the driver quietly said, "Please don't ever do that again! You
scared the daylights out of me."

The passenger, who was also frightened,
apologized and said he didn't realize that a tap on the shoulder

could frighten him so much. To which the driver replied,

"I'm sorry, it's really not your fault.Today is my first day driving a cab.

I've been driving a hearse for the last 25 years.  ;D ;D

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on April 18, 2003, 03:34:59 PM
Bill Gates dies and finds himself standing at the peraly gates of heaven. St.Peter is not quite sure what to do she he gets an idea. He tells Bill that he can choose where to spend eternity; in heaven or hell.

Bill Gates foolishly asks which is better and Peter tells him he must decide. So Bill asks which he should try first, heaven or hell, to which peter tells him that too he must decide.

Bill tries hell first. Swiiishhhh he is wisked away to hell. Bill finds himself on a warm dry beach surronded by beautiful half naked women and servants catering to his every desire. Blue sky and no rain, with billowing clouds dotting the sky. The animals are all friendly. Bill tells Peter he wishes to see heaven. Wishhh!!! away he goes.

Bill is in heaven and amazed! It is unlike anything he has ever imagined. After much consideration Bill tells Peter he wishes to spend eternity in hell, so away he goes to the abyss. Weeks pass by.

Peter checks in on Bill one day to find him being tormented and tortured by evil demons who are plucking his eyes and burning him with fire and sulphur, Bill is in obvious agony and pain. He cries to Peter, "Peter where is the version of hell you showed me just a few weeks ago?"

Peter replies -- "That was just a demo"  ;D

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on April 18, 2003, 10:07:18 PM
The gates of heaven are very busy one day in particular with all the people dying from wars and famine and what not, Peter is overwhelmed and has little mercy.

A man, one of many in an unending line approaches the gates and states his name. Peter opens the book-of-life but can not find the mans name. Peter orders him to hell. The man pleads with Peter, "Please, please don't send me there" Peter is very hurried and busy and states that the man's name is not in the book of life. Again the man cries, don't send me there. Peter, having compasion asks the man if he ever did anything that let him escape hell.

The man said to Peter. YES! once ther was this little old lady leaving a grocery store and a motorcycle gang approached her. They knocked her groceries, stole her money and wanted to beat and rape her, but I stepped in to help her.

Peter remarks "That is wonderful son, tell me, when did you do this? I can't see your name in the book of life.

The man looked at his watch and said, "OH about a half-hour ago.  ;D ;D

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on April 18, 2003, 10:09:31 PM
Sarah, the church gossip and self-appointed supervisor of the church's morals, kept sticking her nose into other people's business.

Several residents were unappreciative of her activities, but feared her enough to maintain their silence.

She made a mistake, however, when she accused George, a new member, of being an alcoholic after she saw his pickup truck parked in front of the town's only bar one afternoon.

She commented to George and others that everyone seeing it there would know that he was an alcoholic. George, a man of few words, stared at her for a moment and just walked away. He said nothing.

Later that evening, George, quietly parked his pickup in front of Sarah's house...............

AND he left it there all night.  ;D

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on April 18, 2003, 10:11:36 PM
As income tax time approaches,
did you ever notice:
When you put the two words
"The" and "IRS" together
it spells "THEIRS"?  ;D

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on April 18, 2003, 10:14:29 PM
A man walking along a California beach was deep in prayer. Suddenly the sky clouded above his head and in a booming voice the Lord said, "Because you have TRIED to be faithful to me in all ways, I
will grant you one wish."

The man said, "Build a bridge to Hawaii so I can drive over anytime I

The Lord said, "Your request is very materialistic. Think of the
enormous challenges for that kind of undertaking. The supports required to reach the bottom of the Pacific! The concrete and steel it would take! It will nearly exhaust several natural resources. I can do it, but it is hard
for me to justify your desire for worldly things. Take a little more time
and think of something that would honor and glorify me."

The man thought about it for a long time. Finally he said, "Lord,
instead of the bridge, I wish that I could understand my wife! I want to know how she feels inside, what she's thinking when she gives me the silent treatment, why she cries, what she means when she says 'nothing's wrong', and how I can make a woman truly happy."

The Lord replied, "You want two lanes or four on that bridge?"  ;D

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Photogrunt on April 19, 2003, 01:20:46 AM
I think you need to rename this thread...I'm in tears over here!!!  ;D  ;D  ;D

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on April 19, 2003, 07:17:55 AM
I think you need to rename this thread...I'm in tears over here!!!  ;D  ;D  ;D


Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on April 19, 2003, 07:47:09 AM
A minister decided to relax one weekday by playing a few holes of golf. When he was about to tee off, another golfer approached and offered to make it a twosome. The minister agreed.

"How about we make it interesting?" the newcomer asked..."say, $5.00 a hole?"

"Why not?" the minister said, a little guiltily.
The other fellow won easily, and the minister paid up. While dressing in the locker room, the winner looked on, aghast, as the minister donned his collar.

"Sir, I'm sorry! I would never have challenged you to bet if I'd known you were clergy! I'm the club pro here, I haven't lost a round in years!"
"Never mind, Son," sighed the preacher..."I shouldn't have made a wager, it's sinful...and to show you there are no hard feelings, the next time you're downtown, bring your parents by my church and I'll marry them, free of charge!"  ;D

Title: Don't argue with children
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on April 19, 2003, 07:49:42 AM
Don't argue with children

A little girl was talking to her teacher about whales. The teacher said it was physically impossible for a whale to swallow a human because even though it was a very large mammal its throat was very small. The little girl stated that Jonah was swallowed by a whale.

Irritated, the teacher reiterated that a whale could not swallow a human; it was physically impossible.

The little girl said, "When I get to heaven I will ask Jonah". The teacher asked, "What if Jonah went to hell?"

Without missing a beat the child said, "Then you ask him".  ;D

Title: The Church Picnic...
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on April 19, 2003, 07:52:55 AM
The church picnic was always such a hit and one reason was Mrs. D's Baked Beans. So as per usual the person in charge asked Mrs. D to do them again. Mrs. D. agree'd and baked them up that week.

The Beans were finished so Mrs. D put them on top of the stove to cool. Without Mrs. D knowing Billy got up over the stove to get a cookie and while up there his BB's fell into the Baked Beans. He didn't know what to do because the beans were hot so he just left them there.

The church picnic was a fabulous hit and everyone raved about those beans. Many of the ladies asked for her famous recipe and got it to cook these for their families.

About a week went bye and one of the ladies caught Mrs. D in the market. " Oh, Mrs. D, I wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed your baked beans at the church picnic. They were the most wonderful beans I have ever had." She went on, " The only thing I can't understand and it has me very sad is that I bent down to feed my kitty and shot my Canary."  ;D

Title: Fantastic Brown
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on April 19, 2003, 07:56:25 AM
Fantastic Brown hated his name. Ever since a little boy, he cringed at the sound of it. His parents loved the little boy dearly, and had given him a name to reflect their love for him.

Many years later, Fantastic at last on his death bed, his loving wife asked him any last request. "Don't put 'Fantastic' on my tombstone!", bellowed Fantastic, "Just put 'Brown'." "Okay, dear", said the adoring wife.

Well, the funeral came and went, and there over Fantastic's grave, engraved on the tombstone was, "My dear husband, Brown, who never looked at another woman."

And ever since that day, when people walk by and read that tombstone, they point and say, "That's Fantastic!"  ;D ;D

Title: A Sea Captain...
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on April 19, 2003, 07:59:02 AM
A Sea Captain of many years, pridefully steared his vessel across the large body of water. It started to get a little foggy and as he concentrated on his point of direction he suddenly noticed a bright light heading straight for his ship. He signaled to tell them to turn 10 degrees West. They quickly flashed back, "You must turn 10 degrees East."

The Captain bristled as he returned the message, "No. I am a Captain. You must turn 10 degrees West or we will hit head on!" Within seconds, the light ahead flashed a message, "No, sir. You will have to steer 10 degrees East."

Now, the veteran Sea Captain was infuriated and flashed a furious message that read, "You must turn now as we are about to crash head on AND I AN A 44,000 FREIGHTER!!!

The light replied, "I am a lighthouse."  ;D

Title: A farmer and his wife...
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on April 19, 2003, 08:01:33 AM
A farmer and his wife went to a fair. The farmer was fascinated by the airplanes and finally asked a pilot how much a ride cost.

"Ten dollars for three minutes," the pilot said. "But I'll make you a deal. If you and your wife can ride without making a sound, it will cost you nothing, but if you say one word, you have to pay ten dollars."

"Agreed," said the farmer.

They went for the ride and after the pilot landed, he said, "I want to congratulate you for not making a sound. You are a very brave man."
"Maybe so," said the farmer, "but I almost yelled when my wife fell out."  ;D ;D ;D

Title: How many Chritians does it take to change a light bulb?
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on April 19, 2003, 08:09:50 AM
How many Christians does it take to change a light bulb?

Charismatic: Only one. Hands already in the air.

Pentecostals: Ten. One to change the bulb, and nine to pray against the spirit of darkness.

Presbyterians: None. Lights will go on and off at predestined times.

Roman Catholic: None. Candles only.

Baptists: At least 15. One to change the light bulb, and three committees to approve the change and decide who brings the potato salad.

Episcopalians: Three. One to call the electrician, one to mix the drinks, and one to talk about how much better the old bulb was.

Mormons: Five. One man to change the bulb, and four wives to tell him how to do it.

Unitarians: We choose not to make a statement either favor of or against the need for a light bulb.
However, if in your own journey you have found that light bulbs work for you, that is fine.
You are invited to write a poem or compose a modern dance about your light bulb for the next Sunday service, in which we will explore a number of light bulb traditions including incandescent, fluorescent, three-way, long-life and tinted, all of which are equally valid paths to luminescence.

Methodists: Undetermined. Whether your light is bright, dull, or completely out, you are loved. You can be a light bulb, turnip bulb, or tulip bulb. Church-wide lighting service is planned for Sunday. Bring bulb of your choice and a covered dish.

Nazarene: Six. One woman to replace the bulb while five men review church lighting policy.

Lutherans: None. Lutherans don't believe in change.

Amish: What's a light bulb?

 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: A woman brought in a very limp parrot...
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on April 19, 2003, 08:13:16 AM
A woman brought a very limp parrot into a veterinary surgeon. As she lay her pet on the table, the vet pulled out his stethoscope and listened to the bird's chest. After a moment or two, he shook his head sadly and said, "I'm so sorry, Polly has passed away."

The distressed owner wailed, 'Are you sure? I mean, you haven't done any testing on him or anything. He might just be in a coma or something."

The vet rolled his eyes, shrugged, turned and left the room, returning a few moments later with a beautiful black Labrador. As the bird's owner looked on in amazement, the dog stood on his hind legs, put his front paws on the examination table and sniffed the dead parrot from top to bottom. He then looked at the vet with sad eyes and shook his head.

The vet took the dog out, but returned a few moments later with a cat. The cat jumped up and also sniffed delicately at the bird. The cat sat back, shook its head, meowed and ran out of the room.

The vet looked at the woman and said, "I'm sorry, but like I said, your parrot is most definitely 100% certifiably dead."

He then turned to his computer terminal, hit a few keys and produced a bill which he handed to the woman.

The parrot's owner, still in shock, took the bill. "$150!" she cried, "$150 just to tell me my bird is dead!!"

The vet shrugged. "If you'd taken my word for it the bill would only have been $20, but what with the Lab report and the cat scan .  ;D

Title: self-esteem
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on April 19, 2003, 09:14:04 AM
And once again the low self-esteem therapy group meets here at the Salvation Army Hall next Tuesday at 3.00 P.M. Remember that we prefer if you would use the back entrance.
 ;D ;D

Title: A middle aged woman...
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on April 19, 2003, 09:18:58 AM
A middle aged woman has a heart attack and is taken to the hospital. While on the operating table she has a near death experience. During that experience she sees God and asks if this is it. God says no and explains that she has another 30-40 years to live. Upon her recovery she decides to just stay in the hospital and have major cosmetic surgery: a face lift, liposuction, tummy tuck, etc. She even has someone come in and change her hair color. She figures, since she's got another 30 or 40 years, she might as well make the most of it. She walks out the hospital after the last operation and is killed by an ambulance speeding up to the hospital. She arrives in front of God and asks, "I thought you said I had another 30-40 years?" God replies, "Sorry, I didn't recognize you."  ;D ;D ;D

Title: An old lamp...
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on April 19, 2003, 12:17:15 PM
A guy was in a cave, looking for treasure. He found an old lamp, rubbed it, and a genie came out. The genie said "I will grant you three wishes, but your ex-wife will get double." The man agreed, and said "I wish I had a mansion." The genie granted it, and his ex-wife got two mansions. The man said "I would like a million dollars." The genie again granted it and his ex-wife got two million dollars. Then the man said, "Scare me half to death."  ;D ;D ;D

Title: A new teacher...
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on April 19, 2003, 03:45:12 PM
A new teacher is trying to make use of her Psychology courses. She starts her class by saying,

"Everyone who thinks you're stupid, stand up." After a few seconds, little Johnny stood up. The teacher said, "Do you think you're stupid, Johnny?" "No, ma'am," he says, "but I hate to see you standing there all by yourself."  ;D ;D

Title: $5,000 for a male brain...
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on April 19, 2003, 03:48:46 PM
Relatives gathered in the waiting room of a hospital as their family member lay gravely ill. Finally, the doctor came in looking tired and somber.
"I'm afraid I'm the bearer of bad news," he said as he surveyed the worried faces. "The only hope left for your loved one at this time is a brain transplant. It's an experimental procedure, very risky, but it is the only hope."

"Insurance will cover the procedure, but you will have to pay for the brain yourselves." The family members sat silent as they absorbed the news. After a great length of time, someone asked, "Well, how much does a brain cost?"

The doctor quickly responded, "$5,000 for a male brain, and $200 for a female brain."

The moment turned awkward. Men in the room tried not to smile,avoiding eye contact with the women, but some actually smirked. A man,unable to control his curiosity, blurted out the question everyone wanted to ask,"Why is the male brain so much more?"

The doctor smiled at the childish innocence and explained to the entire group. "It's just standard pricing procedure. We have to mark down the price of the female brains, because they've actually been used."  ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: IrishAngel on April 19, 2003, 06:13:43 PM
The man said, "Build a bridge to Hawaii so I can drive over anytime I

The Lord said, "Your request is very materialistic. Think of the
enormous challenges for that kind of undertaking. The supports required to reach the bottom of the Pacific! The concrete and steel it would take! It will nearly exhaust several natural resources. I can do it, but it is hard
for me to justify your desire for worldly things. Take a little more time
and think of something that would honor and glorify me."

The man thought about it for a long time. Finally he said, "Lord,
instead of the bridge, I wish that I could understand my wife! I want to know how she feels inside, what she's thinking when she gives me the silent treatment, why she cries, what she means when she says 'nothing's wrong', and how I can make a woman truly happy."

The Lord replied, "You want two lanes or four on that bridge?"  ;D

 more BULL  ::)

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on April 19, 2003, 09:22:36 PM
The man said, "Build a bridge to Hawaii so I can drive over anytime I

The Lord said, "Your request is very materialistic. Think of the
enormous challenges for that kind of undertaking. The supports required to reach the bottom of the Pacific! The concrete and steel it would take! It will nearly exhaust several natural resources. I can do it, but it is hard
for me to justify your desire for worldly things. Take a little more time
and think of something that would honor and glorify me."

The man thought about it for a long time. Finally he said, "Lord,
instead of the bridge, I wish that I could understand my wife! I want to know how she feels inside, what she's thinking when she gives me the silent treatment, why she cries, what she means when she says 'nothing's wrong', and how I can make a woman truly happy."

The Lord replied, "You want two lanes or four on that bridge?"  ;D

 more BULL  ::)

OK  ;D

Title: ..middle aged guy...
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on April 19, 2003, 09:25:34 PM
There was a middle aged guy who bought a brand new Mercedes SL convertible. He took off down the road, pushed it up to 80 mph, and enjoying the wind blowing through what little hair he had left on his head. "This is great," he thought and accelerated to an even higher speed. But then he looked in his rearview mirror, and there was a State Trooper behind him, blue lights flashing. "I can get away from him with no problem " thought the man and he floored it some more, and flew down the road at over 100 mph. Then he thought, "What am I doing? I'm too old for this kind of thing" and pulled over to the side of the road, and waited for the State Trooper to catch up with him.

The Trooper pulled in behind the Mercedes and walked up on the driver's side. "Sir," he said, looking at his watch. "My shift ends in 30 minutes and today is Friday the 13th. If you can give me a reason why you were speeding that I've never heard before, I'll let you go." The man looked back at the Trooper and said, "Last week my wife ran off with a State
Trooper, and I thought you were bringing her back."

The State Trooper said, "Have a nice day.  ;D ;D

Title: A Christian Puppy
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on April 19, 2003, 09:37:33 PM
A Christian Puppy

A Baptist couple decide that they want to get a dog. As they are walking down the street in town, they notice that a sign in the pet shop is advertising "Christian Puppies." Their interest piqued, they go inside.

"How do you know they're Christian puppies?"

"Watch," says the owner, as he takes one of the dogs and says, "Fetch the Bible." The dog runs over to the desk, and grabs the Bible in its mouth and returns. Putting the Bible on the floor, the owner says, "Find Psalm 23." The dog flips pages with its paw until he reaches the right page, and then stops. Amazed and delighted, the couple purchase the dog and head home.

That evening, they invite some friends over and show them the dog, having him run through his Psalm 23 routine. Impressed, one of the visitors asks "Does he also know 'regular' commands?"

"Gee, we don't know. We didn't ask," replies the husband.

Turning to the dog, he says, "Sit." The dog sits. He says, "Lie down." The dog lies down. He says "Roll over." The dog rolls over.

He says "Heel." The dog runs over to him, jumps up on the sofa, puts both paws on the owner's forehead and bows his head.

"Oh look!" the wife exclaims. "He's PENTECOSTAL!"  ;D ;D

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: IrishAngel on April 20, 2003, 07:12:40 AM

methinks if God can use a donkey, He can surely use a lil ole dog to get ye unbelievin  lot to HEEL   :D

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on April 20, 2003, 08:25:33 AM

This is pretty neat how it works out.


It takes less than a minute.......

Work this out as you read.

Don't cheat and read the bottom until you've worked through it!

This is fun!

1. First of all, pick the number of times a week that you would like to have dinner out. (try for more than once but less than 10)

2. Multiply this number by 2 (Just to be bold)

3. Add 5. (for Sunday)

4. Multiply it by 50 - I'll wait while you get the calculator................

5. If you have already had your birthday this year add 1753.... If you haven't, add 1752..........

6.. Now subtract the four digit year that you were born.

You should have a three digit number ..

The first digit of this was your original number

(I.e., how many times you want to have eat out each week.)

The next two numbers are...

YOUR AGE! (Oh YES, it IS!!!!!)  


Title: Rest Stop
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on April 20, 2003, 08:30:39 AM
I was barely sitting down when I heard a voice from the other stall saying: "Hi, how are you?"

I'm not the type to start a conversation in the men's restrooms at a rest Stop but, I don't know what got into me, so I answered, somewhat embarrassedly: "Doin Just Fine!"

And the other guy says: "So what are you up too?"

What kind of question is that? At that point, I'm thinking this is too bizarre so I say: "Uhhh I'm like you, just traveling east!"

At this point I am just trying to get out as fast as I can when I hear another question.

Can I come over to your place after while?

Ok, this question is just wacky but I figured I could just be polite and End the conversation.

I tell him, "Well, I have company over so today is a bad day for me!"

Then I hear the guy say nervously...

"LISTEN, I'll have to call you back.
There's an idiot in the other stall who keeps
answering all my questions!"

 ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: TigerLily on April 20, 2003, 06:26:54 PM
 ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on April 21, 2003, 02:56:09 PM
;D ;D ;D


Title: A couple drove down...
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on April 21, 2003, 02:59:32 PM
A couple drove down a country road for several miles, not saying a word.
An earlier discussion had led to an argument and neither of
them wanted to concede on their position. As they passed a
barnyard of mules, jack asses, and pigs, the husband asked
sarcastically, "Relatives of yours?" "Yep," the wife replied,
"in-laws." ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: TigerLily on April 21, 2003, 03:12:40 PM

( ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on April 22, 2003, 04:21:09 PM

( ;D ;D ;D

 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Jesus Is Watching
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on April 22, 2003, 04:23:21 PM
A burglar broke into a house one night. He shined his flashlight around, looking for valuables, and when he picked up a CD player to place in his sack, a strange, disembodied voice echoed from the dark saying, "Jesus is watching you."

He nearly jumped out of his skin, clicked his flashlight out, and froze. When he heard nothing more after a bit, he shook his head, promised himself a vacation after the next big score, then clicked the light on and began searching for more valuables.

Just as he pulled the stereo out so he could disconnect the wires, clear as a bell he heard, "Jesus is watching you." Freaked out, he shone his light around frantically, looking for the source of the voice. Finally, in the corner of the room, his flashlight beam came to rest on a parrot.

"Did you say that?" He hissed at the parrot.

"Yep," the parrot confessed, then squawked, "I'm just trying to warn you."

The burglar relaxed. "Warn me, huh? Who in the world are you?"

"Moses," replied the bird.

"Moses?" the burglar laughed. "What kind of people would name a bird Moses."

"The kind of people that would name a rottweiler Jesus."  ;D ;D

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: IrishAngel on April 22, 2003, 07:09:22 PM
soon be a whole barnyard fulla BULLS in here  ::)

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on April 23, 2003, 02:37:31 AM
soon be a whole barnyard fulla BULLS in here  ::)

 ;D ;D ;D

Title: Blond Joke
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on April 23, 2003, 12:44:07 PM
A man was in his front yard mowing grass when
his attractive blond
female neighbor came out of the house and went
straight to the mailbox..
She opened it then slammed it shut &stormed back
in the house.
A little later she came out of her house again
went to the mail box
and again, opened it, slammed it shut again.
Angrily, back into the house she went.
As the man was getting ready to edge the lawn,
here she came out again, marched
to the mail box, opened it and then slammed it
closed harder than ever. Puzzled by her actions
the man asked her, "Is something wrong?"
To which she replied, "There certainly is!"

My stupid computer keeps saying,

Title: Atheist!
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on April 23, 2003, 04:57:42 PM
A young lady came home from a date and her mother could see she had been crying. "What's wrong dear?" asked the mother.

"Oh Mom!" said the girl "My boyfriend asked me to marry him tonight!"

"What's the matter dear, don't you love him?" asked the mother.

"I do love him" said the girl... "But tonight he told me that he's an atheist! He doesn't even believe there is a hell mom!!!"

The mother just smiled and said "You marry him anyway ... between the two of us we'll show him just how wrong he is!"
 ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Symphony on April 23, 2003, 06:35:03 PM
Purrrrrfect, Ambassador!!  hehe.(

That's a good one.

Here's another:

Guy, to friend:  "Wanna go bowlin' tonight?"
           friend:  "Nope.  I gotta 'tend a lecture this evenin'."
             guy:   "Oh yeah?  You taken' a night course?"
           friend:   "Naaah.  I'm having dinner with my mother-in-                             law."


Title: Re:BULL
Post by: IrishAngel on April 23, 2003, 06:46:16 PM
BULLS come home to pasture fer sure  ::)


Title: Re:BULL
Post by: TigerLily on April 23, 2003, 06:54:07 PM
ROFL,, hey A4C and blue these are great,, heres a couple i got in my email.. hope ya enjoy!!

. Two elderly women were eating breakfast in a restaurant one
morning. Ethel noticed something funny about Mabel's ear and she said,
 did you know you've got a suppository in your left ear?" Mabel
 answered, "I have? A suppository?" She pulled it out and stared at
 it. Then she said, "Ethel, I'm glad you saw this thing. Now I think I
where my hearing aid is :-\ ;D

A funeral service is being held for a woman who has just passed
away. At the end of the service, the pallbearers are carrying the
casket out when they accidentally bump into a wall, jarring the
hear a faint moan! They open the casket and find that the woman is
actually alive! She lives for ten more years, and then dies. Once
again, a ceremony is held, and at the end of it, the pallbearers are
carrying out the casket. As they carry the casket towards the door,
the husband cries out: "Watch that wall!

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: TigerLily on April 23, 2003, 06:57:45 PM
The Amish Elevator

An Amish boy and his father were visiting a mall.
They were amazed by almost everything they saw, but
especially by two shiny, silver walls that could move
apart and then slide back together again.

The boy asked, "What is this, Father?"
The father (never having seen an elevator) responded,
Son, I have never seen anything like this in my life,
I don't know what it is."

While the boy and his father were watching with
amazement, a fat old lady in a wheel chair rolled up
to the moving walls and pressed a button. The walls
opened and the lady rolled between them into a small
room. The walls closed and the boy and his father
watched the small circular numbers above the walls
light up sequentially. They continued to watch until
it reached the last number and then the numbers began
to light in the reverse order.
Finally the walls opened up again and a gorgeous,
voluptuous 24 year old blonde woman stepped out. The
father, not taking his eyes off the young woman, said
quietly to his son ...
Go get your mother."

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on April 24, 2003, 02:23:28 AM
Purrrrrfect, Ambassador!!  hehe.(

That's a good one.

Here's another:

Guy, to friend:  "Wanna go bowlin' tonight?"
           friend:  "Nope.  I gotta 'tend a lecture this evenin'."
             guy:   "Oh yeah?  You taken' a night course?"
           friend:   "Naaah.  I'm having dinner with my mother-in-                             law."


LOL Symphony Thanks Bro
  ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on April 24, 2003, 02:27:24 AM
ROFL,, hey A4C and blue these are great,, heres a couple i got in my email.. hope ya enjoy!!

. Two elderly women were eating breakfast in a restaurant one
morning. Ethel noticed something funny about Mabel's ear and she said,
 did you know you've got a suppository in your left ear?" Mabel
 answered, "I have? A suppository?" She pulled it out and stared at
 it. Then she said, "Ethel, I'm glad you saw this thing. Now I think I
where my hearing aid is :-\ ;D

A funeral service is being held for a woman who has just passed
away. At the end of the service, the pallbearers are carrying the
casket out when they accidentally bump into a wall, jarring the
hear a faint moan! They open the casket and find that the woman is
actually alive! She lives for ten more years, and then dies. Once
again, a ceremony is held, and at the end of it, the pallbearers are
carrying out the casket. As they carry the casket towards the door,
the husband cries out: "Watch that wall!

LOL I liked them both Sis, thanks  ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on April 24, 2003, 02:29:42 AM
The Amish Elevator

An Amish boy and his father were visiting a mall.
They were amazed by almost everything they saw, but
especially by two shiny, silver walls that could move
apart and then slide back together again.

The boy asked, "What is this, Father?"
The father (never having seen an elevator) responded,
Son, I have never seen anything like this in my life,
I don't know what it is."

While the boy and his father were watching with
amazement, a fat old lady in a wheel chair rolled up
to the moving walls and pressed a button. The walls
opened and the lady rolled between them into a small
room. The walls closed and the boy and his father
watched the small circular numbers above the walls
light up sequentially. They continued to watch until
it reached the last number and then the numbers began
to light in the reverse order.
Finally the walls opened up again and a gorgeous,
voluptuous 24 year old blonde woman stepped out. The
father, not taking his eyes off the young woman, said
quietly to his son ...
Go get your mother."


Title: A blonde calls Delta Airlines ...
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on April 24, 2003, 01:33:15 PM
A blonde calls Delta Airlines and asks, "Can you tell me how long it'll take to fly from San Francisco to New York City?"

The agent replies, "Just a minute... " Thank you," the blonde says, and hangs up.  ;D ;D

Title: investigation of Martha Stewart
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on April 24, 2003, 01:35:48 PM
The investigation of Martha Stewart continues.

Her recipe for chicken casserole is quite efficient. First you boil the chicken in water. And then you dump the stock.

Title: "My wife got me to believe in religion."
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on April 24, 2003, 01:38:10 PM
Moe: "My wife got me to believe in religion."

Joe: "Really?"

Moe: "Yeah. Until I married her I didn't believe in hell."
 ;D ;D

Title: A man is recovering from surgery...
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on April 24, 2003, 01:41:48 PM
A man is recovering from surgery when a nurse asks him how he is feeling.

"I'm O.K. but I didn't like the four-letter-word the doctor used in surgery," he answered.

"What did he say," asked the nurse.


Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Symphony on April 24, 2003, 06:34:57 PM


Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on April 25, 2003, 02:29:35 AM


Irish Angel, Symphony, is the one on the left, I am the guy on the right  ;D ;D ;D  

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Sammy on April 25, 2003, 10:30:12 AM

Why God never received tenure at any university

1.  He had only one Major publication

2.  It was in Hebrew

3.  It had no references

4.  It Wasn't published in a referee journal

5.  Some even doubt he wrote it himself

6.  It may be true that he created the world, but what has he done since then.

7. His co-operative efforts have been quite limited

8. The Scientific community has had a hard time replicating his results

9.  He never applied to the Ethics Board to use human subjects

10. When one experiment went awry he tried to cover it up by drowning the subjects

11. When subjects didn't behave as predicted he deleted them from the sample

12.  He rarely came to class, just told students to read the Book.

13.  Some say he had his son teach the class

14.  He expelled his first two students for learning.

15. Although there were only ten requirements, most students failed his test

16.  His office hours were infrequent and usually held on a mountain top.

Top 17 childrens books not recommended by the National LIbrary Association.

Bob the Germ's Wonderous journey into and Back out of you Digestive System.

The Little Engine that became intoxicated and killed civilians

Rudolph the Rednosed Reindeer's Games of Revenge

Clifford the Bog Red Dog Accidently Eats His Masters and is put to Sleep

Valuable Protein and other Nutritional Benefits of Things from your Nose

A Pictorial History of Circus Geek Suicides

Charles Manson Bedtime Stories

Daddy loses his job and Finds the Bottle

Babar Meets the Taxidermist and Becomes a Piano

Controlling the Playground: Respect Through Fear

David Duke's World of Imagination

Curious George and the High-Voltage Fence

The Boy Who Died from Eating All His Vegetables

Teddy: The Elf With the Detached Retina

The Pop-up Book of Human Anatomy

Things Rich Kids Have But You Never Will

Let's Draw Betty and Veronica Without Their Clothes On.

The Care Bears Maul Some Campers and are Shot Dead.

Title: People...
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on April 25, 2003, 01:52:20 PM
People are just about as happy as theyre willing to be. ;D

Title: Think...
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on April 25, 2003, 01:54:50 PM
Think about what you want people to say about you after you die and live backward. ;D ;D

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: IrishAngel on April 25, 2003, 04:58:12 PM


Irish Angel, Symphony, is the one on the left, I am the guy on the right  ;D ;D ;D  

n definately cracked right down the middle  :P

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Symphony on April 25, 2003, 06:43:48 PM

Why God never received tenure at any university

1.  He had only one Major publication

2.  It was in Hebrew

3.  It had no references

4.  It Wasn't published in a referee journal

5.  Some even doubt he wrote it himself

6.  It may be true that he created the world, but what has he done since then.

7. His co-operative efforts have been quite limited

8. The Scientific community has had a hard time replicating his results

9.  He never applied to the Ethics Board to use human subjects

10. When one experiment went awry he tried to cover it up by drowning the subjects

11. When subjects didn't behave as predicted he deleted them from the sample

12.  He rarely came to class, just told students to read the Book.

13.  Some say he had his son teach the class

14.  He expelled his first two students for learning.

15. Although there were only ten requirements, most students failed his test

16.  His office hours were infrequent and usually held on a mountain top.

Top 17 childrens books not recommended by the National LIbrary Association.

Bob the Germ's Wonderous journey into and Back out of you Digestive System.

The Little Engine that became intoxicated and killed civilians

Rudolph the Rednosed Reindeer's Games of Revenge

Clifford the Bog Red Dog Accidently Eats His Masters and is put to Sleep

Valuable Protein and other Nutritional Benefits of Things from your Nose

A Pictorial History of Circus Geek Suicides

Charles Manson Bedtime Stories

Daddy loses his job and Finds the Bottle

Babar Meets the Taxidermist and Becomes a Piano

Controlling the Playground: Respect Through Fear

David Duke's World of Imagination

Curious George and the High-Voltage Fence

The Boy Who Died from Eating All His Vegetables

Teddy: The Elf With the Detached Retina

The Pop-up Book of Human Anatomy

Things Rich Kids Have But You Never Will

Let's Draw Betty and Veronica Without Their Clothes On.

The Care Bears Maul Some Campers and are Shot Dead.

That's tops, Sammy.  Thanks!!

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: IrishAngel on April 25, 2003, 07:14:39 PM
One for laurel n hardy...

The new inmate at the mental hospital announced in a loud voice that he was the famous British naval hero, Lord Nelson. This was particularly interesting, because the institution already had a "Lord Nelson." The head psychiatrist, after due consideration, decided to put the two men in the same room, feeling that the similarity of their delusions might prompt an adjustment in each that would help in curing them. It was a calculated risk, of course, for the two men might react violently to one another, but they were introduced and then left alone and no disturbance was heard from the room that night.

The next morning, the doctor had a talk with his new patient and was more than pleasantly surprised when he was told: "Doctor, I've been suffering from a delusion. I know now that I am not Lord Nelson."

"That's wonderful," said the doctor.

"Yes," said the patient, smiling demurely, "I'm Lady Nelson."

I couldnt resist!  :D

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on April 25, 2003, 07:15:09 PM


Irish Angel, Symphony, is the one on the left, I am the guy on the right  ;D ;D ;D  

n definately cracked right down the middle  :P


Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on April 25, 2003, 07:16:03 PM
Why did the clone go into the clothing store?

To get more genes.  ;D ;D

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: IrishAngel on April 25, 2003, 07:29:44 PM
A pastor was preaching an impassioned sermon on the evils of television.

"It steals away precious time that could be better spent on other things," he said.

He advised the congregation to do what he and his family had done.

"We put our TV away in the closet."

"That's right," his wife mumbled, "and it gets awfully crowded in there."


Title: Re:BULL
Post by: TigerLily on April 25, 2003, 07:42:54 PM
What are a typical redneck's three last words?
"Hey, watch this! " ;D
You might be a redneck if you have to go outside to get something from your fridge! ;D
Y'might be a redneck if ya can french kiss yer girlfriend without partin' yer teeth! ;D
You might be a redneck if when you walk the dog you both use the same bush. ;D
You might be a redneck if you think fast food is hitting a deer at 90 MPH. ;D

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: TigerLily on April 25, 2003, 07:47:03 PM
Dear Son,
I'm writing this slow 'cause I know you can't read fast. We don't live where we did when you left. Your dad read in the paper that most accidents happen within twenty miles of home, so we moved. Won't be able to send you the address as the last Arkansas family that lived here took the numbers with them for their house, so they wouldn't have to change their address.

This place has a washing machine. The first day I put four shirts in it, pulled the chain and haven't seen 'em since.

It only rained twice this week, three days the first time and four days the second time.

The coat you wanted me to send to you, Aunt Sue said it would be a little too heavy to send in the mail with them heavy buttons, so we cut them off and put them in the pockets.

We got a bill from the funeral home, and it said if we didn't make the final payment on Grandma's funderal bill, up she comes.

About your sister, she had a baby this morning. I haven't found out whether if it is a boy or a girl so don't know if you are an Aunt or Uncle.

Your Uncle John fell in the whiskey vat. Some men tried to get him out, but he fought them off playfully, so he drowned. We cremated him and he burned for three days.

Three of your friends went off the bridge in a pickup. One was driving and the other two were in the back. The driver got out. He rolled down the window and swam to safery. The other 2 drowned. They couldn't get the tail gate down.

Not much more news this time. Nothing much happened. If you don't get this letter, please let me know and I will send another one.

Love, Ma

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: IrishAngel on April 25, 2003, 07:55:46 PM
This rich person was very faithful about going to church.

His time came about, and he passed on to heaven. Met at the Pearly Gate by St. Peter, he was made to wait. The inquiring mind wanted to know, "Why must I wait, I was faithful about going to church. I was an important person on earth."

St. Peter said, "We are readying your residence."

Off in the distance as far as the eye could see was fabulous mansion after fabulous mansion. St. Peter finally led the person in and started walking past all the beautiful homes, each one more beautiful that the last. Turning a corner, St. Peter said, "This one is yours."

The newcomer asked, "But this is a dilapidated shack. Why do I get this?"

St. Peter replied, "Although you did get rich, this was the best we could do with the money YOU bequeathed us."

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on April 25, 2003, 08:11:48 PM
A pastor was preaching an impassioned sermon on the evils of television.

"It steals away precious time that could be better spent on other things," he said.

He advised the congregation to do what he and his family had done.

"We put our TV away in the closet."

"That's right," his wife mumbled, "and it gets awfully crowded in there."


LOL How True  ;D ;D

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on April 25, 2003, 08:13:55 PM
One for laurel n hardy...

The new inmate at the mental hospital announced in a loud voice that he was the famous British naval hero, Lord Nelson. This was particularly interesting, because the institution already had a "Lord Nelson." The head psychiatrist, after due consideration, decided to put the two men in the same room, feeling that the similarity of their delusions might prompt an adjustment in each that would help in curing them. It was a calculated risk, of course, for the two men might react violently to one another, but they were introduced and then left alone and no disturbance was heard from the room that night.

The next morning, the doctor had a talk with his new patient and was more than pleasantly surprised when he was told: "Doctor, I've been suffering from a delusion. I know now that I am not Lord Nelson."

"That's wonderful," said the doctor.

"Yes," said the patient, smiling demurely, "I'm Lady Nelson."

I couldnt resist!  :D

oh my  ;D

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on April 25, 2003, 08:15:52 PM
What are a typical redneck's three last words?
"Hey, watch this! " ;D
You might be a redneck if you have to go outside to get something from your fridge! ;D
Y'might be a redneck if ya can french kiss yer girlfriend without partin' yer teeth! ;D
You might be a redneck if when you walk the dog you both use the same bush. ;D
You might be a redneck if you think fast food is hitting a deer at 90 MPH. ;D

I am a Redneck  ;D ;D

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on April 25, 2003, 08:18:47 PM
Dear Son,
I'm writing this slow 'cause I know you can't read fast. We don't live where we did when you left. Your dad read in the paper that most accidents happen within twenty miles of home, so we moved. Won't be able to send you the address as the last Arkansas family that lived here took the numbers with them for their house, so they wouldn't have to change their address.

This place has a washing machine. The first day I put four shirts in it, pulled the chain and haven't seen 'em since.

It only rained twice this week, three days the first time and four days the second time.

The coat you wanted me to send to you, Aunt Sue said it would be a little too heavy to send in the mail with them heavy buttons, so we cut them off and put them in the pockets.

We got a bill from the funeral home, and it said if we didn't make the final payment on Grandma's funderal bill, up she comes.

About your sister, she had a baby this morning. I haven't found out whether if it is a boy or a girl so don't know if you are an Aunt or Uncle.

Your Uncle John fell in the whiskey vat. Some men tried to get him out, but he fought them off playfully, so he drowned. We cremated him and he burned for three days.

Three of your friends went off the bridge in a pickup. One was driving and the other two were in the back. The driver got out. He rolled down the window and swam to safery. The other 2 drowned. They couldn't get the tail gate down.

Not much more news this time. Nothing much happened. If you don't get this letter, please let me know and I will send another one.

Love, Ma

tigerlily you get **** LOL ;D

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on April 25, 2003, 08:20:31 PM
This rich person was very faithful about going to church.

His time came about, and he passed on to heaven. Met at the Pearly Gate by St. Peter, he was made to wait. The inquiring mind wanted to know, "Why must I wait, I was faithful about going to church. I was an important person on earth."

St. Peter said, "We are readying your residence."

Off in the distance as far as the eye could see was fabulous mansion after fabulous mansion. St. Peter finally led the person in and started walking past all the beautiful homes, each one more beautiful that the last. Turning a corner, St. Peter said, "This one is yours."

The newcomer asked, "But this is a dilapidated shack. Why do I get this?"

St. Peter replied, "Although you did get rich, this was the best we could do with the money YOU bequeathed us."

LOL  ;D ;D ;D

Title: Born A Baptist
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on April 25, 2003, 08:25:53 PM
NOTE: This is one of my FAVORITES  ;D

Born a Baptist

A Baptist man lived in a traditional Catholic
neighborhood. Every Friday, the Catholics were
driven crazy because, while they were morosely eating
fish, the Baptist was outside barbecuing steaks.
The Catholics worked on the Baptist, attempting to
convert him to Catholicism. Finally, after much
pleading and some threats, the Catholics succeeded.
They took the Baptist to a priest who sprinkled
Holy Water on the man while saying, "Born a Baptist,
Raised a Baptist, Now a Catholic!"
The Catholics were ecstatic but this was short-lived
for, the next Friday evening, the scent of barbecue
once again drifted through the neighborhood.
The Catholics all rushed to the ex-Baptist's house
to remind him of his new diet.
They found him standing over the cooking steaks,
sprinkling water on the meat and saying, "Born a
cow, Raised a cow, Now a fish!"

Title: Shopping
Post by: Forrest on April 25, 2003, 11:16:56 PM
Saddam Hussein's son comes home from shopping, carrying everything in a cardboard box.

His dad says, "Why have you brought the shopping home in acardboard box, son?"
To which his son replies,

"Because there's no Baghdad!"

Title: Re:Shopping
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on April 26, 2003, 08:06:45 AM
Saddam Hussein's son comes home from shopping, carrying everything in a cardboard box.

His dad says, "Why have you brought the shopping home in acardboard box, son?"
To which his son replies,

"Because there's no Baghdad!"

Good one Forrest, LOL  ;D

Title: Nuns & Baseball
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on April 26, 2003, 08:20:31 AM
Nuns & Baseball

Sitting behind a couple of nuns at a baseball game (with their habits partially blocking the view ), three men decided to badger the nuns in an effort to get them to move. In a very loud voice, the first guy said, "I think I'm going to move to Utah, there are only 100 nuns living there." The second guy spoke up and said, "I want to go to Montana, there are only 50 nuns living there."The third guy said,"I want to go to Idaho, there are only 25 nuns living there." One of the nuns turned around, looked at the men, and in a very sweet calm voice said, "Why don't you go to Hell...... there aren't any Nuns living there."  ;D ;D

Post by: Ambassador4Christ on April 26, 2003, 08:24:49 AM

A blonde came running up to her husband in the driveway as he came home from work just jumping for joy. He didn't know why she was jumping for joy but thought, what the heck, and started jumping up and down with her.

When she said, "Honey, I have some really great news for you!"

He said, "Great, tell me what you're so happy about!"

She stopped jumping and was breathing heavily from all the jumping up and down, when she told him that she was pregnant!

He kissed her and told her,"That's great! I couldn't be happier!"

Then, she said, "Oh, honey, there's more!"

He asked, "What do you mean, 'more'?"

She said, "Well, we are not having just one baby, we are going to have TWINS!"

Amazed at how she could know so soon after getting pregnant, he asked her how she knew.

She said, "Well, that was the easy part. I went to Wal-Mart and bought the TWIN PACK home pregnancy test kit and BOTH tests came out positive."

Title: Re:Born A Baptist
Post by: IrishAngel on April 26, 2003, 07:45:28 PM
NOTE: This is one of my FAVORITES  ;D

Born a Baptist

A Baptist man lived in a traditional Catholic
neighborhood. Every Friday, the Catholics were
driven crazy because, while they were morosely eating
fish, the Baptist was outside barbecuing steaks.
The Catholics worked on the Baptist, attempting to
convert him to Catholicism. Finally, after much
pleading and some threats, the Catholics succeeded.
They took the Baptist to a priest who sprinkled
Holy Water on the man while saying, "Born a Baptist,
Raised a Baptist, Now a Catholic!"
The Catholics were ecstatic but this was short-lived
for, the next Friday evening, the scent of barbecue
once again drifted through the neighborhood.
The Catholics all rushed to the ex-Baptist's house
to remind him of his new diet.
They found him standing over the cooking steaks,
sprinkling water on the meat and saying, "Born a
cow, Raised a cow, Now a fish!"


I`ve got a different version of that last line...

wanna hear it?

sure ya do...

"Born a boy, Raised a boy, now a Big Baby!"

author: twouble  :D

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on April 27, 2003, 06:24:09 PM
I`ve got a different version of that last line...

wanna hear it?

sure ya do...

"Born a boy, Raised a boy, now a Big Baby!"

author: twoubl

 ??? ??? ??? ??? ???

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Symphony on April 29, 2003, 12:14:22 AM
That's a funny one, A4C.

Good one, Forrest--no Baghdad!  hehe.

Say, Irish, you should tell the one about the Bible salesman.  I think that's the funniest joke I ever heard.  I printed it out when you had it here the first time, but thot maybe you might know where you could just cut and paste.  It's kinda long.


Run over a canary with your lawn mower, what'll you have??

(Shredded tweet.......(hehe))

Couple goes in to restaurant, sits down, views menu.  Wife says, Oh look, honey, your favorite, turtle soup!

Hmmmm, I DO like turtle soup, says the hubby.  I'lll order it!  Waiter!?  Waiter!?  I'll take the turtle soup.  

Okay, sir.  Bring it right up.

Just then the wife says, Oh honey, look, they have PEA soup too.  You know that's REALLY your favorite!

Hmmmm, says hubby, that's true.  But I've already ordered.  Maybe I can change it.  Waiter!?  Waiter!?  

Yes, sir, what is it?

Um, sorry, but would it be too late to change my order?  

 Oh, no sir, not at all.  What would you like?  

Well, I'd really like the pea soup, please.

Oh certainly, sir, said the waiter, turning to the kitchen window,  and yells, "Hold the turtle!  Make it pea !


Title: Re:BULL
Post by: IrishAngel on April 29, 2003, 11:09:24 AM`s a shorter version...

The Bible Salesman

A man came into a shop with a 'Salesman Wanted' sign in a window.

He went up to the owner and said, "I-I-I w-w-waannn-t the j-joooob-b."

"I don't know if this job would suit you because of your speaking impediment," said the owner.

"I h-h-havvve a w-wi-wiiiife and s-s-s-six k-kkkids, iiii-I re-really neeeed thi-thi-this j-j-job!" said the man.

"O.K. Here are three Bibles. Go out and sell them." said the owner.

So the man went out and came back an hour later.

"H-here-sss your m-m-money." said the man.

The owner was impressed, so he gave the man a dozen more Bibles and sent him out.

The man came back in two hours and said, "Her-ers y-yooour m-m-money."

The owner said, "This is fantastic. You sold more Bibles in three hours than anyone has sold in a week. Tell me, what do you say to the people when they come to the door?"

"W-welllll," said the man, "I r-r-ring the d-door bell, a-a-and s-s-say 'H-Hel-Hello, M-m-maaaaddam, d-d-do you w-w- want t-t-t-to buy thi-thi-this B-B-Bible, oooor d-d-do y-you w-w-want m'me t-toooo read it t-t-t-t-to you?"

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Forrest on April 29, 2003, 02:06:27 PM
not always
Little Logan and his family were having Sunday dinner at his
Grandmother's house.
Everyone was seated around the table as the food was being served.
When little Logan received his plate, he started eating right away.
"Logan, wait until we say our prayer," his mother reminded him.
"I don't have to," the little boy replied.
"Of course you do," his mother insisted, "we say a prayer before eating
at our house."
"That's at our house," Logan explained, "but this is Grandma's house and
she knows how to cook.

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Forrest on April 29, 2003, 02:11:35 PM
On the first day God created the cow.
God said, "You must go to field with the farmer all day long and suffer
under the sun, have calves and give milk to support the farmer. I will
give you a life span of sixty years."
The cow said, "That's a kind of a tough life you want me to live for
sixty years. Let me have twenty years and I'll give back the other
And God agreed.
On the second day, God created the dog.
God said, "Sit all day by the door of your house and bark at anyone who
comes in or walks past. I will give you a life span of twenty years."
The dog said, "That's too long to be barking. Give me ten years and I'll
give back the other ten."
So God agreed (sigh).
On the third day God created the monkey.
God said, "Entertain people, do monkey tricks, make them laugh. I'll
give you a twenty year life span."
Monkey said, "How boring, monkey tricks for twenty years? I don't think
so. Dog gave you back ten, so that's what I'll do too, okay?"
And God agreed again.
On the fourth day God created man.
God said, "Eat, sleep, play, have sex, enjoy. Do nothing, just enjoy,
enjoy. I'll give you twenty years."
Man said, "What? Only twenty years? No way, man. Tell you what, I'll
take my twenty, and the forty cow gave back, and the ten dog gave back
and the ten monkey gave back. That makes eighty, okay?"
"Okay," said God. "You've got a deal."
So that is why for the first twenty years we eat, sleep, play, have sex,
enjoy, and do nothing; for the next forty years we slave in the sun to
support our family; for the next ten years we do monkey tricks to
entertain our grandchildren; and for the last ten years we sit in front
of the house and bark at everybody.
Life has now been explained.

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Forrest on April 29, 2003, 02:15:55 PM
The couple was 85 years old, and had been married for
>sixty years. Though they were far from rich, they managed
>to get by because they watched their pennies. And, though
>not young, they were both in very good health, largely due
>to the wife's insistence on healthy foods and exercise for the
>last three decades.
>One day, their good health didn't help when they went on
>a rare vacation and their car crashed, sending them off to
>They reached the Pearly Gates, and St. Peter escorted them
>inside. He took them to a beautiful mansion, furnished in
>gold and fine silks, with a fully stocked kitchen and a waterfall
>in the master bath. A maid could be seen hanging their favorite
>clothes, freshly pressed, in the closet. They gasped in astonish-
>ment when he said, "Welcom e to Heaven. This will be your home now."
>The old man asked Peter how much all this was going to
>cost. "Why, nothing," Peter replied, "remember, this is
>your reward in Heaven."
>The old man looked out the window and saw a championship
>golf course, finer and more beautiful than any ever-built on Earth.
>"What are the green fees?", grumbled the old man. "This
>is heaven," St. Peter replied. "You can play for free, every day--
>any starting time you wish."
>Next they went to the clubhouse and saw the lavish buffet lunch,
>with every imaginable cuisine laid out before them, from seafood
>to steaks to exotic deserts, free flowing beverages and a fountain
>of champagne.
>"Don't even ask," said St. Peter to the couple.
>"This is Heaven, it is all free for you to enjoy."
>The old man looked around and glanced nervously at his wife.
>"Well, where are the low fat and low cholesterol foods, and
>the decaffeinated tea?" he asked.
>"That's the best part," St. Peter replied. "You can eat and drink
>as much as you like of whatever you like, and you will never get
>fat or sick. This is Heaven!"
>The old man pushed, "No gym to work out at?"
>"Not unless you want to," was the answer.
>"No testing my sugar or blood pressure or..."
>"Never again. All you do here is enjoy yourself."
>The old man glared at his wife and said, "You and your
>fat-free bran muffins. We could have been here twenty years ago!"

Post by: Forrest on April 29, 2003, 02:33:58 PM


1) My husband and I divorced over religious differences. He thought he
     was God and I didn't!

2) I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it.

3) I work hard because millions on welfare depend on me!

4) Some people are alive only because it's illegal to kill them.

5) I used to have a handle on life, but it broke.

6) Don't take life too seriously, you won't get out alive.

7) You're just jealous because the voices only talk to me.

8) Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder.

9) Earth is the insane asylum for the universe.

10) Quoting one is plagiarism. Quoting many is research.

11) I'm not a complete idiot, some parts are missing.

12) Out of my mind. Back in five minutes.

15) God must love stupid people, he made so many.

16) The gene pool could use a little chlorine.

17) It IS as BAD as you think and they ARE out to get you.

18) I took an IQ test and the results were negative.

19) Consciousness: that annoying time between naps.

20) Ever stop to think, and forget to start again?

24) Frankly, Scallop, I Don't Give a Clam (seen on Cape Cod)

26) Wrinkled Was Not One of the Things I Wanted to Be When I Grew Up

27) Procrastinate Now

28) Rehab Is for Quitters

29) My Dog Can Lick Anyone

32) Finally 21, and Legally Able To Do Everything I've Been Doing Since

33) West Virginia: One million people and 15 last names

34) FAILURE IS NOT AN OPTION. It comes bundled with the software.


37) A journey of a thousand miles begins with a cash advance

38) STUPIDITY IS NOT A HANDICAP. Park elsewhere!

40) They call it PMS because Mad Cow Disease was already taken

41) He who dies with the most toys is nonetheless dead

43) POLICE STATION TOILET STOLEN .... Cops have nothing to go on.

44) FOR SALE - Iraqi rifle. Never fired. Dropped once.


46) A PICTURE IS WORTH A 1000 WORDS, but it uses up a 1000 times the

47) The Meek shall inherit the earth, after we're through with it.

48) Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.

49) HAM AND EGGS - A day's work for a chicken, a lifetime commitment for
      a pig.

50) WELCOME TO SOUTH CAROLINA - Set your watch back 20 years.

51) The trouble with life is there's no background music.

52) The original "point and click interface" was a Smith &Wesson

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: IrishAngel on April 29, 2003, 08:15:50 PM
I Come Quickly  

With sermon preparations and anxiety, the new preacher had gotten
very little sleep the week before he was to address his flock for the
first time; so by Sunday morning, he was both exhausted and extremely
nervous. Nevertheless, he managed to make it up the few steps onto the
platform and into the pulpit. However, he had barely begun his
presentation when everything he had planned to say flew right out of
his mind. In fact, his mind went totally blank. Then he remembered
that in seminary they had taught him what to do if a situation like
this ever arose:

"Repeat your last point, and let it remind you of what's coming next."
Figuring this advice couldn't hurt, he recalled the very last thing
he'd said, and repeated it:

"Behold," he quoted, "I come quickly." Still his mind was blank. He
thought he'd better try it again: "Behold, I come quickly." Still

He tried it one more time - but in his panic, he pronounced the words
with such force that he lost his balance, fell forward, knocked the
pulpit to one side, tripped over a flower arrangement, and fell into
the lap of a little old lady in the front row. Flustered and
embarrassed, he picked himself up, apologized profusely, and started
to explain what had just happened.

"That's all right, young man," said the little old lady kindly. "It
was my fault, really. You told me three times you were on your way
down here. I should have just gotten out of your way!"

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Symphony on April 30, 2003, 03:11:04 AM

Thanks, Irish, for the Bible salesman joke.  And the others.

Forrest, you are one busy bee!!   Some good ones for bumper stickers there.

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on April 30, 2003, 01:27:58 PM
That's a funny one, A4C.

Good one, Forrest--no Baghdad!  hehe.

Say, Irish, you should tell the one about the Bible salesman.  I think that's the funniest joke I ever heard.  I printed it out when you had it here the first time, but thot maybe you might know where you could just cut and paste.  It's kinda long.


Run over a canary with your lawn mower, what'll you have??

(Shredded tweet.......(hehe))

Couple goes in to restaurant, sits down, views menu.  Wife says, Oh look, honey, your favorite, turtle soup!

Hmmmm, I DO like turtle soup, says the hubby.  I'lll order it!  Waiter!?  Waiter!?  I'll take the turtle soup.  

Okay, sir.  Bring it right up.

Just then the wife says, Oh honey, look, they have PEA soup too.  You know that's REALLY your favorite!

Hmmmm, says hubby, that's true.  But I've already ordered.  Maybe I can change it.  Waiter!?  Waiter!?  

Yes, sir, what is it?

Um, sorry, but would it be too late to change my order?  

 Oh, no sir, not at all.  What would you like?  

Well, I'd really like the pea soup, please.

Oh certainly, sir, said the waiter, turning to the kitchen window,  and yells, "Hold the turtle!  Make it pea !


Bro you get  ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on April 30, 2003, 01:30:59 PM`s a shorter version...

The Bible Salesman

A man came into a shop with a 'Salesman Wanted' sign in a window.

He went up to the owner and said, "I-I-I w-w-waannn-t the j-joooob-b."

"I don't know if this job would suit you because of your speaking impediment," said the owner.

"I h-h-havvve a w-wi-wiiiife and s-s-s-six k-kkkids, iiii-I re-really neeeed thi-thi-this j-j-job!" said the man.

"O.K. Here are three Bibles. Go out and sell them." said the owner.

So the man went out and came back an hour later.

"H-here-sss your m-m-money." said the man.

The owner was impressed, so he gave the man a dozen more Bibles and sent him out.

The man came back in two hours and said, "Her-ers y-yooour m-m-money."

The owner said, "This is fantastic. You sold more Bibles in three hours than anyone has sold in a week. Tell me, what do you say to the people when they come to the door?"

"W-welllll," said the man, "I r-r-ring the d-door bell, a-a-and s-s-say 'H-Hel-Hello, M-m-maaaaddam, d-d-do you w-w- want t-t-t-to buy thi-thi-this B-B-Bible, oooor d-d-do y-you w-w-want m'me t-toooo read it t-t-t-t-to you?"

I remember that one, it is  a keeper. Thanks Angel  ;D

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on April 30, 2003, 01:33:13 PM
not always
Little Logan and his family were having Sunday dinner at his
Grandmother's house.
Everyone was seated around the table as the food was being served.
When little Logan received his plate, he started eating right away.
"Logan, wait until we say our prayer," his mother reminded him.
"I don't have to," the little boy replied.
"Of course you do," his mother insisted, "we say a prayer before eating
at our house."
"That's at our house," Logan explained, "but this is Grandma's house and
she knows how to cook.

I LOVE it, thanks Forrest  ;D

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on April 30, 2003, 01:36:29 PM
On the first day God created the cow.
God said, "You must go to field with the farmer all day long and suffer
under the sun, have calves and give milk to support the farmer. I will
give you a life span of sixty years."
The cow said, "That's a kind of a tough life you want me to live for
sixty years. Let me have twenty years and I'll give back the other
And God agreed.
On the second day, God created the dog.
God said, "Sit all day by the door of your house and bark at anyone who
comes in or walks past. I will give you a life span of twenty years."
The dog said, "That's too long to be barking. Give me ten years and I'll
give back the other ten."
So God agreed (sigh).
On the third day God created the monkey.
God said, "Entertain people, do monkey tricks, make them laugh. I'll
give you a twenty year life span."
Monkey said, "How boring, monkey tricks for twenty years? I don't think
so. Dog gave you back ten, so that's what I'll do too, okay?"
And God agreed again.
On the fourth day God created man.
God said, "Eat, sleep, play, have sex, enjoy. Do nothing, just enjoy,
enjoy. I'll give you twenty years."
Man said, "What? Only twenty years? No way, man. Tell you what, I'll
take my twenty, and the forty cow gave back, and the ten dog gave back
and the ten monkey gave back. That makes eighty, okay?"
"Okay," said God. "You've got a deal."
So that is why for the first twenty years we eat, sleep, play, have sex,
enjoy, and do nothing; for the next forty years we slave in the sun to
support our family; for the next ten years we do monkey tricks to
entertain our grandchildren; and for the last ten years we sit in front
of the house and bark at everybody.
Life has now been explained.

Thats a real good one, you get  ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on April 30, 2003, 01:39:49 PM
The old man glared at his wife and said, "You and your
fat-free bran muffins. We could have been here twenty years ago!"

Another  ;D ;D ;D ;D Thanks again Forrest ;D

Post by: Ambassador4Christ on April 30, 2003, 01:42:39 PM


 ;D ;D ;D ;D Another GRRRRRRREAT one  ;D

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on April 30, 2003, 01:44:50 PM
I Come Quickly  

With sermon preparations and anxiety, the new preacher had gotten
very little sleep the week before he was to address his flock for the
first time; so by Sunday morning, he was both exhausted and extremely
nervous. Nevertheless, he managed to make it up the few steps onto the
platform and into the pulpit. However, he had barely begun his
presentation when everything he had planned to say flew right out of
his mind. In fact, his mind went totally blank. Then he remembered
that in seminary they had taught him what to do if a situation like
this ever arose:

"Repeat your last point, and let it remind you of what's coming next."
Figuring this advice couldn't hurt, he recalled the very last thing
he'd said, and repeated it:

"Behold," he quoted, "I come quickly." Still his mind was blank. He
thought he'd better try it again: "Behold, I come quickly." Still

He tried it one more time - but in his panic, he pronounced the words
with such force that he lost his balance, fell forward, knocked the
pulpit to one side, tripped over a flower arrangement, and fell into
the lap of a little old lady in the front row. Flustered and
embarrassed, he picked himself up, apologized profusely, and started
to explain what had just happened.

"That's all right, young man," said the little old lady kindly. "It
was my fault, really. You told me three times you were on your way
down here. I should have just gotten out of your way!"

Thanks Angel  ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on April 30, 2003, 05:30:57 PM
Darling," said the swooning man to his new bride. "Now that we are married, do you think you will be able to live on my small income?"
      "Of course, dearest, no trouble," she said. "But what will you live on?"  ;D

Title: Romance Mathematics...
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on May 02, 2003, 02:38:05 PM

Smart man + smart woman = romance

Smart man + dumb woman = affair

Dumb man + smart woman = marriage

Dumb man + dumb woman = pregnancy

A man will pay $2 for a $1 item he needs.

A woman will pay $1 for a $2 item that she doesn't need.


A woman worries about the future until she gets a husband.

A man never worries about the future until he gets a wife.

A successful man is one who makes more money than his wife can spend.

A successful woman is one who can find such a man.


To be happy with a man, you must understand him a lot and love him a little.

To be happy with a woman, you must love her a lot and not try to understand her at all.


Married men live longer than single men, but married men are a lot more willing to die.


A woman marries a man expecting he will change, but he doesn't.

A man marries a woman expecting that she won't change, and she does.


A woman has the last word in any argument.

Anything a man says after that is the beginning of a new argument.


Old aunts used to come up to me at weddings, poking me in the ribs and cackling, telling me, "You're next."

They stopped after I started doing the same thing to them at funerals.

Post by: Ambassador4Christ on May 02, 2003, 02:50:52 PM

Several men are in the locker room of a golf club.

When a cell phone on a bench rings, a man engages
the hands free speaker function and begins to talk.

MAN: "Hello"

WOMAN: "Honey, it's me. Are you at the club?"

MAN:: "Yes"

WOMAN: "I am at the mall and found a beautiful
leather coat. It's only $1500.00. Can I buy it?"

MAN: "OK, go ahead if you like it that much."

WOMAN: " I also stopped at the Mercedes dealership
and saw the 2003 models. I saw one that I really liked."

MAN:"How much?"

WOMAN "$65,000.00."

MAN:: "For that price I want all the options."

WOMAN: "Great! One more thing...the house we
wanted last year is back on the market. They're only asking

MAN:: "Well, then go ahead and buy it, but just
offer $840,000.00."

WOMAN "OK. I'll see you later! I love you!"

MAN:: "Bye, I love you too!"

The man hangs up. The other men are looking at
him in astonishment.

Then he asks: "Anyone know who this phone
belongs to?"  ;D ;D ;D

Title: Revelation 3:20
Post by: Forrest on May 02, 2003, 09:53:47 PM
The new pastor was visiting the homes of his parishioners. At one house it  seemed obvious that someone was at home, but no answer came to his repeated  knocks at the door. He took out a card, wrote "Revelation 3:20" on the back  and stuck it in the door.
When the offering was processed the following Sunday, he found that his  card had been returned. Added to it was this cryptic message, "Genesis  3:10." Reaching for his Bible to check out the citation, he broke up in gales of laughter.
Revelation 3:20 begins "Behold, I stand at the door and knock."
Genesis 3:10 reads, "I heard your voice in the garden and I was afraid for  I was naked."
Remember when the funniest jokes were the clean ones? They still are!

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Forrest on May 02, 2003, 10:20:45 PM
The Secret
One day, one friend asked another,
"How is it that you are always so happy?
You have so much energy,
and you never seem to get down."
With her eyes smiling, she said,
"I know the Secret!"
"What secret is that?"
To which she replied,
"I'll tell you all about it,
but you have to promise to
share the Secret with others."
"The Secret is this:
I have learned there is little I can do
in my life that will make me truly happy.
I must depend on God to make
me happy and to meet my needs.
When a need arises in my life,
I have to trust God to supply
according to HIS riches.
I have learned most of the time
I don't need half of what I think I do..
He has never let me down.
Since I learned that 'Secret', I am happy."
The questioner's first thought was,
"That's too simple!"
But upon reflecting over her own life
she recalled how she thought a bigger house
would make her happy, but it didn't!
She thought a better paying job
would make her happy, but it hadn't.
When did she realize her greatest happiness?
Sitting on the floor with her grandchildren,
playing games, eating pizza or reading a story,
a simple gift from God.
Now you know it too!
We can't depend on people to make us happy.
Only GOD in His infinite wisdom can do that.
Trust HIM!
And now I pass the Secret on to you!
So once you get it, what will you do?
YOU have to tell someone the Secret, too!
That GOD in His wisdom will take care of YOU!
But it's not really a secret...
We just have to believe it and do it....
Really trust God!

Title: Re:Revelation 3:20
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on May 03, 2003, 11:29:58 AM
The new pastor was visiting the homes of his parishioners. At one house it  seemed obvious that someone was at home, but no answer came to his repeated  knocks at the door. He took out a card, wrote "Revelation 3:20" on the back  and stuck it in the door.
When the offering was processed the following Sunday, he found that his  card had been returned. Added to it was this cryptic message, "Genesis  3:10." Reaching for his Bible to check out the citation, he broke up in gales of laughter.
Revelation 3:20 begins "Behold, I stand at the door and knock."
Genesis 3:10 reads, "I heard your voice in the garden and I was afraid for  I was naked."
Remember when the funniest jokes were the clean ones? They still are!

YES!!!! LOL ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on May 03, 2003, 11:32:33 AM
The Secret
One day, one friend asked another,
"How is it that you are always so happy?
You have so much energy,
and you never seem to get down."
With her eyes smiling, she said,
"I know the Secret!"
"What secret is that?"
To which she replied,
"I'll tell you all about it,
but you have to promise to
share the Secret with others."
"The Secret is this:
I have learned there is little I can do
in my life that will make me truly happy.
I must depend on God to make
me happy and to meet my needs.
When a need arises in my life,
I have to trust God to supply
according to HIS riches.
I have learned most of the time
I don't need half of what I think I do..
He has never let me down.
Since I learned that 'Secret', I am happy."
The questioner's first thought was,
"That's too simple!"
But upon reflecting over her own life
she recalled how she thought a bigger house
would make her happy, but it didn't!
She thought a better paying job
would make her happy, but it hadn't.
When did she realize her greatest happiness?
Sitting on the floor with her grandchildren,
playing games, eating pizza or reading a story,
a simple gift from God.
Now you know it too!
We can't depend on people to make us happy.
Only GOD in His infinite wisdom can do that.
Trust HIM!
And now I pass the Secret on to you!
So once you get it, what will you do?
YOU have to tell someone the Secret, too!
That GOD in His wisdom will take care of YOU!
But it's not really a secret...
We just have to believe it and do it....
Really trust God!

Bro, thats no bull, thanks for posting it.

Title: BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on May 05, 2003, 01:47:52 PM
The secret of a good sermon is to have a good beginning and a good ending and having the two as close together as possible. (George Burns)  ;D

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: TigerLily on May 06, 2003, 03:11:41 PM
ROFL.. thats a good one A4C... I'll have to show my dad that one.. hes a preacher hehe.. ;)


Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on May 07, 2003, 01:27:55 PM
ROFL.. thats a good one A4C... I'll have to show my dad that one.. hes a preacher hehe.. ;)


tigerlily, I am sure your dad will like it  ;D
P.S. 23 days and counting  ;D

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: IrishAngel on May 07, 2003, 06:18:19 PM
almost 1000 views for BULL
not sure what this says about the lot of us  ::)

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Forrest on May 07, 2003, 07:57:56 PM
        Blue Star;
      Why did you change your Name from IrishAngle?

Title: BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on May 08, 2003, 02:03:41 PM

It was the first day of school and the teacher thought she'd get to know the new kids by asking them their name and what their father does for a living.

The first little girl says: "My name is Mary and my daddy is a postman."

The next little boy says: "I'm Andy and my Dad is mechanic."

Then one little boy says: "My name is Jimmy and my father is a striptease dancer in a cabaret for gay men."

The teacher gasps and quickly changes the subject.

Later in the school yard, the teacher approaches Jimmy privately and asks if it was really true that his Dad dances nude in a gay bar.

He blushed and said, "No, my dad raises money for the Democratic Party, but I was just too embarrassed to say it."

 ;D ;D ;D

Title: A blonde and a Lawyer...
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on May 08, 2003, 02:16:08 PM

A blonde and a lawyer are seated next to each other on
a flight from LA to NY. The lawyer asks if she would
like to play a fun game, but the blonde is tired and
just wants to take a nap, so she politely declines.
She rolls over to the window to catch a few winks. The
lawyer persists and explains that the game is easy and
a lot of fun.
He explains, "I ask you a question, and if you don't
know the answer, you pay me $5, and vise versa."
Again, she declines and tries to get some sleep.
The lawyer, now agitated, says, "Okay, if you don't
know the answer you pay me $5, and if I don't know the
answer, I will pay you $500." This catches the
blonde's attention and, figuring there will be no end
to this torment unless she plays, agrees to the game.
The lawyer asks the first question. "What's the
distance from the earth to the moon?"
The blonde doesn't say a word, reaches into her purse,
pulls out a $5, and hands it to the lawyer. "OK," says
the lawyer, "Your turn."
She asks the lawyer, "What goes up a hill with three
legs and comes down with four legs?" The lawyer,
puzzled, takes out his laptop computer and searches
all his references, but no answer. He taps into the
air phone with his modem and searches the net and the
library of congress, no answer. Frustrated, he sends
e-mails to all his friends and coworker, but to no
After an hour, he wakes the blonde, and hands her
$500. The blonde says, "Thank you." and turns back to
get some more sleep. The lawyer, who is more than a
little miffed, wakes the blonde and asks, "Well, what
goes up a hill with three legs and comes down with
four legs?"
Without a word, the blonde reaches into her purse,
hands the lawyer $5 and goes back to sleep...

 ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: TigerLily on May 08, 2003, 03:19:59 PM
Why parents have grey hair

This is a telephone conversation between a child and the boss of one of the parents...
An employer, concerned with his best worker not showing up for work, decides to give him a call.
He dialed the employee home phone number and was greeted with a child's
whisper, "Hello?"

Feeling put out at the inconvenience of having to talk to a youngster,
 the boss asked,
"Is your Daddy home?"
"Yes," whispered the small voice."May I talk with him?" the man asked.The small voice whispered, "No."

Wanting to talk with an adult, the boss asked,"Is your Mommy there?"
"Yes," came the answer.
"May I talk with her?"
Again the small voice whispered, "No."

Knowing that it was not likely that a young child would be left home alone,
the boss decided he would just leave a message with the person who should
be there watching over the child.

Is there anyone else there in your house?" the boss asked the child.
"Yes," whispered the child, "a policeman."

Wondering what a cop would be doing at his employee's home, the Boss asked,
may I speak with the policeman?"
"No, he's busy," whispered the child.
"Busy doing what?" asked the boss.
Talking to Daddy and Mommy and the fireman," whispered the child.

Growing concerned and even worried as he heard what sounded like a
helicopter through the ear piece on the phone, the boss asked, "What is
that noise?"

"A hello-copper," answered the whispering voice.

What's going on there?" asked the boss, now alarmed. In an awed hushed
voice the child answered, "The search team just landed the hello-copper."

Alarmed, concerned and more than just a little frustrated, the boss asked,
"What are they searching for?"

Still whispering, the young voice replied, along with a muffled giggle:

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: TigerLily on May 08, 2003, 03:26:58 PM
ok ladies i know im going against my own sex here but this was just to funny not to post... ;) ;DBuild Me a Bridge

A man walking along a California beach was deep in prayer. Suddenly the sky clouded above his head and, in a booming voice, the Lord said, "Because you have TRIED to be faithful to me in all ways, I will grant you one wish."

The man said, "Build a bridge to Hawaii so I can drive over anytime I want."

The Lord said, "Your request is very materialistic. Think of the enormous challenges for that kind of undertaking. The supports required to reach the bottom of the Pacific! The concrete and steel it would take! It will nearly exhaust several natural resources. I can do it, but it is hard for me to justify your desire for worldly things. Take a little more time and think of something that would honor and glorify me."

The man thought about it for a long time. Finally he said, "Lord, I wish that I could understand my wife. I want to know how she feels inside, what she's thinking when she gives me the silent treatment, why she cries, what she means when she says ‘nothing's wrong,’ and how I can make a woman truly happy."

The Lord replied, "You want two lanes or four on that bridge?"
 ;D ;D ;D


Title: BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on May 08, 2003, 04:37:41 PM
Why parents have grey hair

This is a telephone conversation between a child and the boss of one of the parents...
An employer, concerned with his best worker not showing up for work, decides to give him a call.
He dialed the employee home phone number and was greeted with a child's
whisper, "Hello?"

Feeling put out at the inconvenience of having to talk to a youngster,
 the boss asked,
"Is your Daddy home?"
"Yes," whispered the small voice."May I talk with him?" the man asked.The small voice whispered, "No."

Wanting to talk with an adult, the boss asked,"Is your Mommy there?"
"Yes," came the answer.
"May I talk with her?"
Again the small voice whispered, "No."

Knowing that it was not likely that a young child would be left home alone,
the boss decided he would just leave a message with the person who should
be there watching over the child.

Is there anyone else there in your house?" the boss asked the child.
"Yes," whispered the child, "a policeman."

Wondering what a cop would be doing at his employee's home, the Boss asked,
may I speak with the policeman?"
"No, he's busy," whispered the child.
"Busy doing what?" asked the boss.
Talking to Daddy and Mommy and the fireman," whispered the child.

Growing concerned and even worried as he heard what sounded like a
helicopter through the ear piece on the phone, the boss asked, "What is
that noise?"

"A hello-copper," answered the whispering voice.

What's going on there?" asked the boss, now alarmed. In an awed hushed
voice the child answered, "The search team just landed the hello-copper."

Alarmed, concerned and more than just a little frustrated, the boss asked,
"What are they searching for?"

Still whispering, the young voice replied, along with a muffled giggle:

You Get  ;D ;D ;D ;D Sister

Title: BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on May 09, 2003, 05:57:24 PM
There's a man with a bald head and a wooden leg who gets invited to a Halloween party. He doesn't know what costume to wear to hide his head and his leg so he writes to a fancy costume company to explain the problem. A few days later he receives a parcel with a note.

"Dear Sir, please find enclosed a pirate's outfit. The spotted handkerchief will cover your bald head and, with your wooden leg, you will be just right as a pirate".

The man thinks this is terrible because they have just emphasized his wooden leg and so he writes a letter of complaint.

A week passes and he receives another parcel and a note, which says "Dear Sir, please find enclosed a monk's habit. The long robe will cover your wooden leg and, with your bald head, you will really look the part".

Now the man is really annoyed since they have gone from emphasizing his wooden leg to emphasizing his bald head and he writes the company another nasty letter of complaint.

The next day he receives a small parcel and a note which says "Dear Sir, please find enclosed a bottle of molasses. Pour the molasses over your bald head, stick your wooden leg up your butt and go as a caramel apple!"  ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: TigerLily on May 09, 2003, 06:22:31 PM
Well, i think i may have a stroke from laughing here.. hysterical...

Title: Gentle Thoughts
Post by: Forrest on May 10, 2003, 03:09:49 PM
1.  Birds of a feather flock together and aim for
your car.

2.There's always a lot to be thankful for if you
take time to look for it.  For example I am sitting
here thinking how nice it is that wrinkles don't hurt.

3.  When I'm feeling down, I like to whistle.  It makes
the neighbor's dog run to the end of his chain and
gag himself.

4.  When I can't be kind, I try to have the decency
to be vague.

5.  Don't assume malice for what stupidity can

6.  A penny saved is a government oversight.

7.  The real art of conversation is not only to say
the right thing at the right time, but also to leave
unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment.

8.  The older you get, the tougher it is to lose
weight, because by then your body and your
fat are really good friends.

9.  The easiest way to find something lost around
the house is to buy a replacement.

10.  He who hesitates is probably right.

11.  If you think there is good in everybody, you
haven't met everybody.

12.  If you can smile when things go wrong, you
have someone in mind to blame.

13.  The sole purpose of a child's middle name is
so he can tell when he's really in trouble.

14.  Did you ever notice: When you put the 2 words
"The" and "IRS" together it spells "THEIRS"?

Title: Real BULL :)
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on May 11, 2003, 08:59:20 AM
Posted By prophecyjax1

     Bride of Christ & the Mid-Tribulation Rapture

Hello everyone, my name is Michael Hollner, a minister in Jacksonville, Fl. I just finished my book on the Rapture of the Church and the Bride of Christ. Before I send it to publishers, I should like to sharpen my sword a bit, and answer any questions regarding the timing of the Rapture. I want to give this book the acid test, the Word of God, and to satisfy any doubts that the Rapture will occur in the middle of the 7 year tribulation period.

We believe if it was important enough for the Apotle Paul to tell the Thessalonians about the timing, so do we.

With all due respect and humility, I honestly do challenge anyone to come up wih even one verse of scripture for a pre-tribultion Rature. After 20 years of research, we have concluded a mid-tribulation Rapture to be a "more sure word of prophecy."

My book is available for FREE viewing, even before it gets published, and any lettes of recommendation will be printed in the book, with your name and Church you attend.. Just email me at, and I'll send you a free copy to critique. If you approve of the book, and send a nice letter of recommendaton, your letter, along with your name and Church will be in the forward of the book which is yet to be added.

If anyone has any questions regarding this great topic, please ask your questions, and I will respond. Let's do it all in a good spirit and be good Christians here.

I'll start it off with Acts 3:19-21 KJV. Jesus cannot come back to earth UNTIL the end-time Restoration takes place through God's two end-time prophets of Rev 11:3-13 and Elijah must also first come.

Michael Hollner
LOL  ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Paul2 on May 11, 2003, 09:17:03 AM
pppsssstttt....(whispering) Elijah is one of the two prophets of Revelation 11.

  (whispering in the voice of Foghorn Leghorn)
"The boy's to short....all the good ones go over his head"

Title: BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on May 11, 2003, 10:44:34 AM
Jon, Brian, and Amanpreet were in the pub enjoying a few quiet drinks one night, when they decided to get in on the weekly raffle. They bought five $1 tickets each, seeing it was for charity. The following week, when the raffle was drawn, they each won a prize.

Jon won the first prize: a whole year's supply of gourmet spaghetti sauce.

Brian won the second prize: six month's supply of extra-long gourmet spaghetti.

Amanpreet won the sixth prize: a toilet brush.

When they met in the pub a week later, Amanpreet asked the others how they were enjoying their prizes.

"Great," said Jon. "I love spaghetti."
"So do I," said Brian. "And how's the toilet brush, 'Preet?"
"Not so good," Amanpreet confided. "I'm going to have to go back to paper."  ;D ;D ;D

Title: BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on May 11, 2003, 11:05:46 AM
Understanding Engineers - Take One

Two engineering students were walking across campus when one said, "Where did you get such a great bike?" The second engineer replied, "Well, I was walking along yesterday minding my own business when a beautiful woman rode up on this bike. She threw the bike to the ground, took off all her clothes and said, "Take what you want."

The second engineer nodded approvingly, "Good choice; the clothes probably wouldn't have fit."  ;D ;D ;D

Title: BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on May 11, 2003, 11:07:17 AM
Understanding Engineers - Take Two

To the optimist, the glass is half full. To the pessimist, the
glass is half empty. To the engineer, the glass is twice as big as it needs to be.  ;D ;D ;D

Title: BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on May 11, 2003, 11:11:22 AM
Understanding Engineers - Take Three

A pastor, a doctor and an engineer were waiting one morning for a particularly slow group of golfers. The engineer fumed, "What's with these guys? We must have been waiting for 15 minutes!" The doctor chimed in, "I don't know, but I've never seen such ineptitude!" The pastor said, "Hey, here comes the greens keeper. Let's have a word with him."

"Hi, George. Say, what's with that group ahead of us? They're rather slow, aren't they?" The greens keeper replied, "Oh, yes, that's a group of blind firefighters who lost their sight saving our clubhouse from a fire last year, so we always let them play for free anytime."

The group was silent for a moment. The pastor said, "That's so sad.

I think I will say a special prayer for them tonight."

The doctor said, "Good idea. And I'm going to contact my
ophthalmologist buddy and see if there's anything he can do for them."

The engineer said, "Why can't these guys play at night?"

 ;D ;D ;D

Title: BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on May 11, 2003, 11:16:23 AM

Understanding Engineers - Take Four

There was an engineer who had an exceptional gift for fixing all things mechanical. After serving his company loyally for over 30 years, he happily retired. Several years later the company contacted him regarding a seemingly impossible problem they were having with one of their multimillion dollar machines. They had tried everything and everyone else to get the machine to work but to no avail.

In desperation, they called on the retired engineer who had solved so many of their problems in the past. The engineer reluctantly took the challenge. He spent a day studying the huge machine. Finally, at the end of the day, he marked a small "x" in chalk on a particular component of the machine and said, "This is where your problem is." The part was replaced and the machine worked perfectly again. The company received a bill for $50,000 from the engineer for his service. They demanded an itemized accounting of his charges.

The engineer responded briefly: One chalk mark $1; Knowing where to put it $49,999. It was paid in full and the engineer retired again in peace.  ;D ;D ;D

Title: BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on May 11, 2003, 11:17:56 AM
Understanding Engineers - Take Five

What is the difference between Mechanical Engineers and Civil
Mechanical Engineers build weapons. Civil Engineers build targets.  ;D ;D ;D

Title: BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on May 11, 2003, 11:21:14 AM
Understanding Engineers - Take Six

Three engineering students were gathered together discussing the possible designers of the human body. One said, "It was a mechanical engineer. Just look at all the joints." Another said, "No, it was an electrical engineer. The nervous system has many thousands of electrical connections."

The last said, "Actually it was a civil engineer. Who else would
run a toxic waste pipeline through a recreational area?"  ;D ;D

Title: BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on May 11, 2003, 11:22:38 AM
Understanding Engineers - Take Seven

"Normal people ... believe that if it ain't broke, don't fix it.
Engineers believe that if it ain't broke, it doesn't have enough
features yet."  ;D ;D ;D

Title: BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on May 11, 2003, 11:25:30 AM
Understanding Engineers - Take Eight

An architect, an artist and an engineer were discussing whether it was better to spend time with the wife or a mistress. The architect said he enjoyed time with his wife, building a solid foundation for an enduring relationship. The artist said he enjoyed time with his mistress, because of the passion and mystery he found there.
The engineer said, "I like both." "Both?" they asked.
Engineer: "Yeah. If you have a wife and a mistress, they will each assume you are spending time with the other woman, and you can go to the lab and get some work done."
 ;D ;D ;D

Title: BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on May 11, 2003, 11:28:50 AM

Understanding Engineers - Take Nine

An engineer was crossing a road one day when a frog called out to him and said, "If you kiss me, I'll turn into a beautiful princess." He bent over, picked up the frog and put it in his pocket. The frog spoke up again and said, "If you kiss me and turn me back into a beautiful princess, I will stay with you for one week." The engineer took the frog out of his pocket, smiled at it and returned it to the pocket.

The frog then cried out, "If you kiss me and turn me back into a princess, I'll stay with you and do ANYTHING you want." Again the engineer took the frog out, smiled at it and put it back into his pocket. Finally, the frog asked, "What is the matter? I've told you I'm a beautiful princess, that I'll stay with you for a week and do anything you want. Why won't you kiss me?"

The engineer said, "Look I'm an engineer. I don't have time for a girlfriend, but a talking frog, now that's cool."  ;D ;D ;D

Title: BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on May 11, 2003, 11:37:04 AM
French Taste

A lion in the zoo was lying in the sun licking its butt when a
visitor turned to the zookeeper and said, "That's a docile old thing isnt it ?

"No way," said the zoo keeper, "it's the most ferocious beast in
the zoo.

Why just an hour ago it dragged a Frenchman into the cage and completely devoured him."

"Hardly seems possible" said the astonished visitor, "but why is
it lying there licking its butt?'

"The poor thing is trying to get the taste out of its mouth."

 ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on May 15, 2003, 01:50:23 PM

** The tiny red string on the Band-Aid wrapper that never works.
** There are always one or two ice cubes that won't pop out of the tray.
** You have to try on a pair of sunglasses with that stupid little plastic tag in the middle of them.
** The person behind you in the supermarket runs his cart into the back of your ankle.
** The elevator stops on every floor and nobody gets on.
** There's always a car riding your tail when you're slowing down to find an address.
** You open a can of soup and the lid falls in.
** There's a dog in the neighborhood that barks at EVERYTHING!
** You can never put anything back in a box the way it came.
** Three hours and three meetings after lunch you look in the mirror and discover a piece of parsley stuck to your front tooth.
** You drink from a soda can into which someone has extinguished a cigarette.
** You slice your tongue licking an envelope.
** Your tire gauge lets out half the air while you're trying to get a reading.
** A station comes in brilliantly when you're standing near the radio but buzzes, drifts and spits every time you move away.
** You wash a garment with a tissue in the pocket and your entire laundry comes out covered with lint.
** The car behind you blasts its horn because you let a pedestrian finish crossing.
** A piece of foil candy wrapper makes electrical contact with your filling.
** You set the alarm on your digital clock for 7 PM instead of 7 am.
** You rub on hand cream and can't turn the bathroom doorknob to get out.
** Your glasses slide off your ears when you perspire.
** You can't look up the correct spelling of a word in the dictionary because you don't know how to spell it.
** You have to inform five different sales people in the same store that you're just browsing.

Title: 20 Responses to Telemarketers
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on May 15, 2003, 02:21:23 PM
20 Responses to Telemarketers

1. If they want to loan you money, tell them you just filed for
bankruptcy and you could sure use some money.

2. If they start out with, "How are you today?" say, "I'm so
glad you asked, because no one these days seems to care, and I have all these problems. My arthritis is acting up, my eyelashes are sore, my dog just died . . . "

3. If they say they're John Doe from XYZ Company, ask them to spell their name. Then ask them to spell the company name. Then ask them where it is located, how long it has been in business, how many people work there, how they got into this line of work if they are married, how many kids they have, etc. Continue asking them personal questions or questions about their company for as long as necessary.

4. This works great if you are male. Telemarketer: "Hi, my name is Judy and I'm with XYZ Company. " You: Wait for a second and with a real husky voice ask, "What are you wearing?"

5. Cry out in surprise, "Judy? Is that you? Oh my God! Judy, how have you been?" Hopefully, this will give Judy a few brief
moments of terror as she tries to figure out where she could
know you from.

6. Say "No" over and over. Be sure to vary the sound of each
one, and keep a rhythmic tempo, even as they are trying to
speak. This is most fun if you can do it until they hang up.

7. If MCI calls trying to get you to sign up for the Family and
Friends Plan, reply, in as sinister a voice as you can, "I don't
have any friends, would you be my friend?"

8. If the company cleans rugs, respond: "Can you get out blood? Can you get out goat blood? How about human blood?"

9. After the Telemarketer gives his or her spiel, ask him or her
to marry you. When they get all flustered, tell them that you
can't just give your credit card number to a complete stranger.

10. Tell the Telemarketer that you work for the same company, and they can't sell to employees.

11. Answer the phone. As soon as you realize it is a
Telemarketer, set the receiver down, scream, "Oh my God!" and then hang up.

12. Tell the Telemarketer you are busy at the moment and ask
him/her if he/she will give you his/her home phone number so you can call him/her back. When the Telemarketer explains that telemarketers cannot give out their home numbers say, "I guess you don't want anyone bothering you at home, right?" The Telemarketer will agree and you say, "Me either!" Hang up.

13. Ask them to repeat everything they say, several times.

14. Tell them it is dinner time, but ask if they would please
hold. Put them on your speaker phone while you continue to eat at your leisure. Smack your food loudly and continue with your dinner conversation.

15. Tell the Telemarketer you are on "home incarceration" and
ask if they could bring you some beer.

16. Ask them to fax the information to you, and make up a number.

17. Tell the Telemarketer, "Okay, I'll listen to you. But I
should probably tell you, I'm not wearing any clothes."

18. Insist that the caller is really your buddy Leon, playing a
joke. "Come on, Leon, cut it out! Seriously, Leon, how's your

19. Tell them you are hard of hearing and that they need to
speak up . . . louder . . . louder . . .

20. Tell them to talk very slowly, because you want to write
every word down.

NOTICE: The above have all been tested and approved for use on telemarketers. No animals were harmed in the testing.  ;D    

Title: NEW Diet Rules
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on May 17, 2003, 07:00:42 AM

Q: I've heard that cardiovascular exercise can prolong life. Is this true?

A: Your heart is only good for so many beats, and that's it ....don't waste them on exercise. Everything wears out eventually. Speeding up your heart will not make you live longer; that's like saying you can extend the life of your car by driving it faster. Want to live longer? Take a nap.

Q: Should I cut down on meat and eat more fruits and vegetables?

A: You must grasp logistical efficiencies. What does a cow eat? Hay and corn. And what are these? Vegetables. So a steak is nothing more than an efficient mechanism of delivering vegetables to your system. Need grain? Eat chicken. Beef is also a good source of field grass (green leafy vegetable). And a pork chop can give you 100% of your recommended daily allowance of vegetable products.

Q: Is beer or wine bad for me?

A: Look, it goes to the earlier point about fruits and vegetables. As we all know, scientists divide everything in the world into three categories: animal, mineral, and vegetable. We all know that beer and wine are not animal, and they are not on the periodic table of elements, so that only leaves one thing, right? My advice: Have a burger and a beer and enjoy your liquid vegetables.

Q: How can I calculate my body/fat ratio?

A: Well, if you have a body, and you have body fat, your ratio is one to one. If you have two bodies, your ratio is two to one, etc.

Q: What are some of the advantages of participating a regular exercise program?

A: Can't think of a single one, sorry. My philosophy is: No Pain...Good.

Q: Aren't fried foods bad for you?

A: You're not listening. Foods are fried these days in vegetable oil. In fact, they're permeated in it. How could getting more vegetables be bad for you?

Q: What's the secret to healthy eating?

A: Thicker gravy.

Q: Will sit-ups help prevent me from getting a little soft around the middle?

A: Definitely not! When you exercise a muscle, it gets bigger. You should only be doing sit-ups if you want a bigger stomach.

Q: Is chocolate bad for me?

A: Are you crazy? HELLO ...... Cocoa beans ... another vegetable!!! It's the best feel good food around!

Well, I hope this has cleared up any misconceptions you may have had about food and diets. Have a cookie... flour is a veggie!  ;D

Post by: Ambassador4Christ on May 18, 2003, 07:36:41 AM

"Cash, check or charge?" I asked, after folding items the woman wished to purchase. As she fumbled for her wallet I noticed a remote control for a television set in her purse. "So, do you always carry your TV remote?" I asked. "No," she replied, "but my husband refused to come shopping with me, so I figured this was the most evil thing I could do to him legally."

Title: The Top FORTY Things You Will NEVER Hear A Southern Man Say
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on May 18, 2003, 07:41:40 AM
The Top FORTY Things You Will NEVER Hear A Southern Man Say:

40. Oh I just couldn't, she's only sixteen.

39. I'll take Shakespeare for 1000, Alex.

38. Duct tape won't fix that.

37. Honey, I think we should sell the pickup and buy a family sedan.

36. Come to think of it, I'll have a Heineken.

35. We don't keep firearms in this house.

34. Has anybody seen the sideburns trimmer?

33. You can't feed that to the dog.

32. I thought Graceland was tacky.

31. No kids in the back of the pickup, it's just not safe.

30. Wrestling's fake.

29. Honey, did you mail that donation to Greenpeace?

28. We're vegetarians.

27. Do you think my gut is too big?

26. I'll have grapefruit and grapes instead of biscuits and gravy.

25. Honey, we don't need another dog.

24. Who gives a damn who won the Civil War?

23. Give me the small bag of pork rinds.

22. Too many deer heads detract from the decor.

21. Spittin is such a nasty habit.

20. I just couldn't find a thing at Walmart today.

19. Trim the fat off that steak.

18. Cappuccino tastes better than espresso.

17. The tires on that truck are too big.

16. I'll have the arugula and radicchio salad.

15. I've got it all on the C: drive.

14. Unsweetened tea tastes better.

13. Would you like your fish poached or broiled?

12. My fiancee, Bobbie Jo, is registered at Tiffany's.

11. I've got two cases of Zima for the Super Bowl.

10. Little Debbie snack cakes have too many fat  grams.

9. Checkmate.

8. She's too young to be wearing a bikini.

7. Does the salad bar have bean sprouts?

6. Hey, here's an episode of "Hee Haw" that we haven't seen.

5. I don't have a favorite college team.

4. Be sure to bring my salad dressing on the side.

3. You All.

2. Those shorts ought to be a little longer, Darla.

And, Number ONE is...........................

1. Nope, no more for me. I'm drivin tonight  ;D

Post by: Ambassador4Christ on May 18, 2003, 08:07:48 AM
Two elderly ladies meet at the launderette after not seeing one another for some time. After inquiring about each other's health one asked how the other's husband was doing. "Oh! Bruce died last week. He went out to the garden to dig up a cabbage for dinner, had a heart attack and dropped down dead, right there in the middle of the vegetable patch!" "Oh dear! I'm very sorry," replied her friend. "What did you do?" "Opened a can of peas instead!"
 ;D ;D

Title: YOUR Driver's License on the Internet
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on May 19, 2003, 03:30:34 PM
I just saw this. Now you can see anyone's Driver's License on the Internet -including your own! I just searched for mine and there it was...picture and all!

Maybe we should start up a petition or something protesting this. What do you think?

Go to the website and check it out. It's unbelievable!!! Just enter your name, City and state to see if yours is on file.

After your license comes on the screen, click the box marked "Please Remove"  

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Symphony on May 19, 2003, 08:10:51 PM

HAHAHA.  Very funny, Ambassador.

Title: Female President?
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on May 20, 2003, 12:59:10 PM
Female President?

Hillary Clinton goes to a primary school to talk about the world.
After her talk she offers question time. One little boy puts up his hand, and the Senator asks him what his name is.


"And what is your question, Billy?"

"I have three questions.  First - whatever happened to your medical health care plan;  second - why would you run for President after your husband shamed the office; and third - whatever happened to all those things you took when you left the White House?"

Just then the bell rings for recess.  Hillary Clinton informs the
kiddies that they will continue after recess.

When they resume Hillary says, "Okay where were we?  Oh, that's right its question time. Who has a question?"

A different little boy puts his hand up;  Hillary points him out and asks him what his name is.


"And what is your question, Steve?"

"I have five questions.  First - whatever happened to your medical health care plan;  second - why would you run for President after your husband shamed the office; third - whatever happened to all those things you took when you left the White House; fourth - why did the bell go 20 minutes early; and fifth - what happened to Billy?" ;D ;D ;D

Post by: Ambassador4Christ on May 22, 2003, 04:14:34 PM

The Lone Ranger and Tonto are camping in the desert, set
up their tent, and are asleep. Some hours later, The Lone Ranger wakes his faithful friend. "Tonto, look up at the sky and tell me what you see."

Tonto replies, "Me see millions of stars."

"What does that tell you?" ask The Lone Ranger.

Tonto ponders for a minute.

"Astronomically speaking, it tells me that there are millions of
galaxies and potentially billions of planets.

Astrologically, it tells me that Saturn is in Leo. Time wise, it
appears to be approximately a quarter past three. Theologically, it's evident the Lord is all powerful and we are small and insignificant. Meteorologically, it seems we will have a beautiful day tomorrow. What it tell you,

Kemo Sabi?"

The Lone Ranger is silent for a moment, then speaks.

"Tonto, you Dumb Ass, someone has stolen our tent."  ;D ;D ;D

Title: Organist
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on May 23, 2003, 11:46:18 AM
The minister was preoccupied with thoughts of how he was going to, after the worship service, ask the congregation to come up with more money than they were expecting for repairs to the church building. Therefore, he was annoyed to find that the regular organist was sick and a substitute had been brought in at the last minute.

The substitute wanted to know what to play. "Here's a copy of the service," he said impatiently. "But you'll have to think of something to play after I make the announcement about the finances." During the service, the minister paused and said, "Brothers and Sisters, we are in great difficulty; the roof repairs cost twice as much as we expected, and we need $4,000 more. Any of you who can pledge $100 or more, please stand up."

At that moment, the substitute organist played "The Star-Spangled Banner."

And that is how the substitute became the regular organist!
 ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Symphony on May 23, 2003, 05:40:15 PM
Amb, I heard the one 'bout the Lone Ranger, 'cept it was Sherlock Holmes and Watson, under the tent.  Hehe.  Good joke.

A lot of yours are good, Amb.  Thanks.  I take it you're a mechanical engineer?  Unemployed(hehe)??  Sorry, couldn't resist.

Here's a lawyer joke(hehe):

A hugh corporation needs an executive to runs its hugh new account it just won.  Three guys apply for the job, an engineer, an economist, and a lawyer.

Human Resources asks the engineer in.  "Sir," says HR, "if you can answer the question to this problem, you've got the job".  He reads off the question.  The engineer stokes his pocket protector(hehe--couldn't resist) for a moment.  Suddenly, he whips out his calculator, punches in hugh amounts of data, and reads back the answer, "Um, according to the hyperbole of the hypotenuse squared over the millionth root of blah, blah, blah..."  HR says, "okay, good, we'll let you know."

Next in HR reads the same question.  The economist stares throughtfully out the window.  Whips out his calculator, then says, "Yep.  According to the supply quotient vs. demand, depending on the cube of the root squared, blah blah blah, ..."  "Okay," says HR, "we'll call you.   Thank you."

Then in comes the lawyer.  HR reads the same question.  Lawyer stares at HR for a moment, jumps up, runs to the windows, yanks down the shades, slams the door shut, rushes back to his chair, sits down, looks HR in the eye and whiispers very quietly, "What would you like the answer to be?"

Post by: Ambassador4Christ on May 23, 2003, 07:51:48 PM
Thanks Symphony, and I liked the joke  ;D

(Passing requires 4 correct answers)
1) How long did the Hundred Years War last?
2) Which country makes Panama hats?
3) From which animal do we get catgut?
4) In which month do Russians celebrate the October Revolution?
5) What is a camel's hair brus h made of?
6) The Canary Islands in the Pacific are named after what animal?
7) What was King George VI's first name?
8) What color is a purple finch?
9) Where are Chinese gooseberries from?
10) What is the color of the black box in a commercial airplane?All done?
Check your answers below!
1) How long did the Hundred Years War last?
*116 years
2) Which country makes Panama hats?
3) From which animal do we get cat gut?
*Sheep and Horses
4) In which month do Russians celebrate the October Revolution?
5) What is a camel's hair brush made of?
*Squirrel fur
6) The Canary Islands in the Pacific are named after what animal?
7) What was King George VI's first name?
8) What color is a purple finch?
*Crims on
9) Where are Chinese gooseberries from?
*New Zealand
10) What is the color of the black box in a commercial airplane?
*Orange, of course.
What do you mean you failed? ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Symphony on May 23, 2003, 10:50:10 PM

Yep, good point, Amb.  I failed mostly.   I "thought" catgut was from pig intestines, wasn't sure.  But I missed most of them.

Title: BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on May 24, 2003, 07:30:41 PM

Yep, good point, Amb.  I failed mostly.   I "thought" catgut was from pig intestines, wasn't sure.  But I missed most of them.

Same here Bro  ;D

Title: Three Little Pigs
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on May 25, 2003, 05:06:39 PM

Three Little Pigs went out to dinner one night. The waiter comes and takes their drink order. "I would like a Sprite," said the first little piggy. "I would like a Coke," said the second little piggy. "I want water, lots and lots of water," said the third little piggy. The drinks are brought out and the waiter takes their orders for dinner. "I want a nice big steak," said the first piggy. "I would like the salad plate," said the second piggy. "I want water, lots and lots of water," said the third little piggy. The meals were brought out and a while later the waiter approached the table and asked if the piggies would like any dessert. "I want a banana split," said the first piggy. "I want a root beer float," said the second piggy. "I want water, lots and lots of water," exclaimed the third little piggy. "Pardon me for asking," said the waiter to the third little piggy, "but why have you only ordered water all evening?"

You're gonna LOVE me for this....

The third piggy says - "Well, somebody has to go 'Wee, wee, wee, all the way home!" ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re:YOUR Driver's License on the Internet
Post by: nChrist on May 26, 2003, 07:08:16 AM
I just saw this. Now you can see anyone's Driver's License on the Internet -including your own! I just searched for mine and there it was...picture and all!

Maybe we should start up a petition or something protesting this. What do you think?

Oklahoma Howdy to Ambassador4Christ,

I do wish to protest. They put your picture on my license.  ;D

In Christ.

Title: Magic Elevator
Post by: nChrist on May 26, 2003, 07:16:17 AM
Oklahoma Howdy to All,

Subject: Magic Elevator

An Amish boy and his father were visiting a mall. They were amazed by almost everything they saw, but especially by two shiny, silver walls that could move apart and then slide back together again. The boy asked, "What is this, Father?"

The father (never having seen an elevator) responded, "Son, I have never seen anything like this in my life, I don't know what it is."

While the boy and his father were watching with amazement, a fat old lady in a wheel chair rolled up to the moving walls and pressed a button.

The walls opened and the lady rolled between them into a small room. The walls closed and the boy and his father watched the small circular numbers above the walls light up sequentially.

They continued to watch until it reached the last number and then the numbers began to light in the reverse order.

Finally the walls opened up again and a gorgeous, voluptuous 24-year-old blonde woman stepped out.

The father, not taking his eyes off the young woman, said quietly to his son,

"Go get your mother.

Title: Quotes About Saddam
Post by: nChrist on May 26, 2003, 07:22:28 AM
"The military said we'll be able to confirm Saddam is dead with DNA testing. Apparently we have an sample of his DNA. So Monica Lewinsky is working for the CIA?" —Jay Leno

"We have defeated Saddam Hussein and Iraq. The good news is Iraq is ours, and the bad news is Iraq is ours." —David Letterman

"There are reports that Saddam has been spotted in central Baghdad. Parts of him were also spotted in northern Baghdad, eastern Baghdad and western Baghdad." —Jay Leno

"It does not look good for Saddam Hussein and his sons. Yesterday we bombed the restaurant where they were eating and today I went on the Internet and they were selling pieces of Uday and Qusay on eBay." —Jay Leno

"The big debate right now is if Saddam is alive or dead. He's dead, then he's alive, then dead, then alive. It's just confusing. Today they showed videotape, and Saddam was speaking at his own funeral." —David Letterman

"There are now reports that Saddam Hussein was injured in the initial U.S. bombing and he’s now receiving medical care in an underground bunker. In fact, he asked his doctors if he was going to live and they told him, "Oh yeah, absolutely, you’ll live – until the Americans get here ... then you’re screwed." —Jay Leno

"Saddam Hussein in his interview with Dan Rather said he would rather die than leave his country in exile. Finally, something we can agree on, he'd rather die and we'd rather kill him." —Jay Leno

"Saddam Hussein has told his people that U.S. troops will commit suicide when they get to the gates of Baghdad. That's when you know you have a bad army, when your only hope for victory is that the enemy's troops kill themselves." —Jay Leno

"A lot of folks are still demanding more evidence before they actually consider Iraq a threat. For example, France wants more evidence. And you know I'm thinking, the last time France wanted more evidence they rolled right through Paris with the German flag." —David Letterman

"In California, 50 women protested the impending war with Iraq by lying on the ground naked and spelling out the word peace. Right idea, wrong president." —Jay Leno

"U.N. weapons inspectors found empty chemical warheads in Iraq. So, the question everyone is asking now is how did Sean Penn miss this?" —Jay Leno

"They are trying to get that crazy guy Saddam Hussein into exile. So far, the only offer he has is two weeks on Sean Penn's couch." —David Letterman

"More coming out about Saddam Hussein. We now know he takes Viagra and he has as many as six mistresses. No wonder Congress is reluctant to take action against this guy — he's one of their own." —Jay Leno

"Experts say that Iraq may have nuclear weapons. That's bad news — they may have a nuclear bomb. Now the good news is that they have to drop it with a camel." —David Letterman

"Some Democrats say the estimated $60 billion dollar cost of a war with Iraq could be better spent at home. When he heard that, President Bush agreed and announced plans to bomb Ohio." —Jay Leno

"Saddam Hussein has invited members from the U.S. Congress to visit Iraq. Man how stupid is Hussein? If you think Bush had incentive to bomb Iraq before, imagine if Congress was over there." —Jay Leno

"The Canadian government continues to say they will not help us if we go to war with Iraq. However, the prime minister of Canada said he'd like to help, but he's pretty sure that last time he checked, Canada had no army." —Conan O'Brien

"Germany is now saying that they won’t go along with an invasion of Iraq. However, they did say they would go along if the invasion included Poland, France and Belgium." —Jay Leno

"Yesterday, Saddam Hussein got 100 percent of the vote. Well, that's according to Saddam's campaign manager, Jeb Hussein." —Jay Leno

Title: YOUR Driver's License on the Internet
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on May 26, 2003, 12:56:57 PM
I just saw this. Now you can see anyone's Driver's License on the Internet -including your own! I just searched for mine and there it was...picture and all!

Maybe we should start up a petition or something protesting this. What do you think?

Oklahoma Howdy to Ambassador4Christ,

I do wish to protest. They put your picture on my license.  ;D

In Christ.


Title: Quotes About Saddam
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on May 26, 2003, 01:01:01 PM
"The military said we'll be able to confirm Saddam is dead with DNA testing. Apparently we have an sample of his DNA. So Monica Lewinsky is working for the CIA?" —Jay Leno

"We have defeated Saddam Hussein and Iraq. The good news is Iraq is ours, and the bad news is Iraq is ours." —David Letterman

"There are reports that Saddam has been spotted in central Baghdad. Parts of him were also spotted in northern Baghdad, eastern Baghdad and western Baghdad." —Jay Leno

"It does not look good for Saddam Hussein and his sons. Yesterday we bombed the restaurant where they were eating and today I went on the Internet and they were selling pieces of Uday and Qusay on eBay." —Jay Leno

"The big debate right now is if Saddam is alive or dead. He's dead, then he's alive, then dead, then alive. It's just confusing. Today they showed videotape, and Saddam was speaking at his own funeral." —David Letterman

"There are now reports that Saddam Hussein was injured in the initial U.S. bombing and he’s now receiving medical care in an underground bunker. In fact, he asked his doctors if he was going to live and they told him, "Oh yeah, absolutely, you’ll live – until the Americans get here ... then you’re screwed." —Jay Leno

"Saddam Hussein in his interview with Dan Rather said he would rather die than leave his country in exile. Finally, something we can agree on, he'd rather die and we'd rather kill him." —Jay Leno

"Saddam Hussein has told his people that U.S. troops will commit suicide when they get to the gates of Baghdad. That's when you know you have a bad army, when your only hope for victory is that the enemy's troops kill themselves." —Jay Leno

"A lot of folks are still demanding more evidence before they actually consider Iraq a threat. For example, France wants more evidence. And you know I'm thinking, the last time France wanted more evidence they rolled right through Paris with the German flag." —David Letterman

"In California, 50 women protested the impending war with Iraq by lying on the ground naked and spelling out the word peace. Right idea, wrong president." —Jay Leno

"U.N. weapons inspectors found empty chemical warheads in Iraq. So, the question everyone is asking now is how did Sean Penn miss this?" —Jay Leno

"They are trying to get that crazy guy Saddam Hussein into exile. So far, the only offer he has is two weeks on Sean Penn's couch." —David Letterman

"More coming out about Saddam Hussein. We now know he takes Viagra and he has as many as six mistresses. No wonder Congress is reluctant to take action against this guy — he's one of their own." —Jay Leno

"Experts say that Iraq may have nuclear weapons. That's bad news — they may have a nuclear bomb. Now the good news is that they have to drop it with a camel." —David Letterman

"Some Democrats say the estimated $60 billion dollar cost of a war with Iraq could be better spent at home. When he heard that, President Bush agreed and announced plans to bomb Ohio." —Jay Leno

"Saddam Hussein has invited members from the U.S. Congress to visit Iraq. Man how stupid is Hussein? If you think Bush had incentive to bomb Iraq before, imagine if Congress was over there." —Jay Leno

"The Canadian government continues to say they will not help us if we go to war with Iraq. However, the prime minister of Canada said he'd like to help, but he's pretty sure that last time he checked, Canada had no army." —Conan O'Brien

"Germany is now saying that they won’t go along with an invasion of Iraq. However, they did say they would go along if the invasion included Poland, France and Belgium." —Jay Leno

"Yesterday, Saddam Hussein got 100 percent of the vote. Well, that's according to Saddam's campaign manager, Jeb Hussein." —Jay Leno

GRRRRRRRRRREAT Post BEP  ;D Thanks Bro, I will pass this one on...

Title: A Priest and a Rabbi
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on May 26, 2003, 01:26:35 PM
A Priest and a Rabbi are sitting next to each other on an airplane.

After a while, the Priest turns to the Rabbi and asks, "Is it still
a requirement of your faith that you not eat pork?"

The Rabbi responds, "Yes, that is still one of our beliefs."

The Priest then asks, "Have you ever eaten pork?"

To which the Rabbi replies, "Yes, on one occasion I did succumb to temptation and tasted a ham sandwich."

The Priest nodded in understanding and went on with his reading.

A while later, the Rabbi spoke up and asked the Priest, "Father, is it still a requirement of your church that you remain celibate?"

The Priest replied, "Yes, that is still very much a part of our

The Rabbi then asked him, "Father, have you ever fallen to the
temptations of the flesh?"

The Priest replied, "Yes, Rabbi, on one occasion I was weak and broke with my faith."

The Rabbi nodded understandingly. He was silent for about five
minutes and then said, "Beats the hell out of a ham sandwich, doesn't it?"  ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Symphony on May 27, 2003, 08:08:29 AM

(*IoGU*csJcjrfhS9ek9e9*CjkfcAkayIkCZihD51f*R8O5BAm0Avsd6qbhIi3IxfY7WdrEMTLPZUx5KJ5!c1lUwFGHiPU/dmouse.gif?dc=4675415696451725403)that's sorta crude, Amb.  On a family website, should we be saying hell, suck, etc.?

Sorry, prudish Symphony here.

But speaking of airplanes, Do you know how to hush the obnoxious passenger sitting next to you?

Just tell him you're a born again insurance salesman.

(drum roll, cymbal crash)

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Corpus on May 27, 2003, 11:33:07 AM
Back to the bull...

Two bulls, one young and the other old were standing on top of a hill when they saw a herd of cows make their way to the base. The young bull began pawing the ground in excitement. He turned to the older bull and exclaimed, "let's run down and get us one!"

The older bull took his time to survey the scene, then calmly he took a step forward and without looking at the younger bull, spoke. "No...let's walk down and get them all."

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Corpus on May 27, 2003, 11:36:59 AM
A man, who smelled like a distillery, flopped down on a subway seat next to a priest. The man's tie was stained, his face was plastered with red lipstick, and a half-empty bottle of gin was sticking out of his torn coat pocket. He opened his newspaper and began reading.

After a few minutes the disheveled man turned to the priest and said, "Say, Father, what causes arthritis?"

"Mister, it's caused by loose living, being with cheap wicked women, too much alcohol, and a contempt for your fellow man."

"Well, I'll be hanged," the drunk muttered, returning to his paper.

The priest, thinking about what he had said, nudged the man and apologized. "I'm very sorry, I didn't mean to come on so strong.

How long have you had arthritis?"

"I don't have it, Father. I was just reading that the Pope does."

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Corpus on May 27, 2003, 11:38:01 AM
Three churches - Baptist, Methodist, and Presbyterian - worked together to sponsor a community-wide revival. After the revival had concluded, the three pastors were discussing the results with one another. The Methodist minister said, "The revival worked out great for us! We gained 4 new families." The Baptist preacher said, "We did better than that! We gained 6 new families." The Presbyterian pastor said, "Well, we did even better than that! We got rid of our 10 biggest trouble makers!"

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Corpus on May 27, 2003, 11:38:44 AM
QUESTION: How many New Agers does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

ANSWER: We choose not to make a statement either in favor of or against the need for a light bulb. However, if in your own journey you have found that light bulbs work for you, we rejoice in your discovery. You are invited to write a poem or compose a modern dance about your personal relationship with your light bulb, and present it next month at our annual light bulb Sunday service, in which we will explore a number of light bulb traditions, including incandescent, fluorescent, three-way, long-life and tinted, all of which are equally valid paths to luminescence.

Title: BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on May 27, 2003, 02:51:57 PM

(*IoGU*csJcjrfhS9ek9e9*CjkfcAkayIkCZihD51f*R8O5BAm0Avsd6qbhIi3IxfY7WdrEMTLPZUx5KJ5!c1lUwFGHiPU/dmouse.gif?dc=4675415696451725403)that's sorta crude, Amb.  On a family website, should we be saying hell, suck, etc.?

Sorry, prudish Symphony here.

But speaking of airplanes, Do you know how to hush the obnoxious passenger sitting next to you?

Just tell him you're a born again insurance salesman.

(drum roll, cymbal crash)

OK Bro I will try to clean up the jokes Bro, thanks  ;D


I liked your joke  ;D

Title: BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on May 27, 2003, 02:55:24 PM
A man, who smelled like a distillery, flopped down on a subway seat next to a priest. The man's tie was stained, his face was plastered with red lipstick, and a half-empty bottle of gin was sticking out of his torn coat pocket. He opened his newspaper and began reading.

After a few minutes the disheveled man turned to the priest and said, "Say, Father, what causes arthritis?"

"Mister, it's caused by loose living, being with cheap wicked women, too much alcohol, and a contempt for your fellow man."

"Well, I'll be hanged," the drunk muttered, returning to his paper.

The priest, thinking about what he had said, nudged the man and apologized. "I'm very sorry, I didn't mean to come on so strong.

How long have you had arthritis?"

"I don't have it, Father. I was just reading that the Pope does."

Corpus, you get  ;D ;D ;D For the Bull joke  ;D

And you get  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D for this one LOL  ;D

Title: Two Parrots
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on May 27, 2003, 03:25:54 PM
Two Parrots

A lady goes to her priest one day and tells him,
"Father, I have problem. I have two female parrots, but
they only know how to say one thing."

What do they say?" the priest inquired.

They say, "Hi, we're hookers! Do you want to have
some fun?"

"That's obscene!" the priest replied! But I may have a
solution to your problem. I have two male talking
parrots, which I have taught to pray and read the Bible.
Bring your two parrots over to my house, and we'll put
them in the cage with Francis and Peter. My parrots can
teach your parrots to praise and worship, and your
parrots are sure to stop saying . . . that phrase . . . in
no time."

"Thank you," the woman responded, "this may very well
be the solution."

The next day, she brought her female parrots to the
priest's house. As he ushered her in, she saw that his
two male parrots were inside their cage holding rosary
beads and praying. Impressed, she walked over and
placed her parrots in with them. After a few minutes,
the female parrots cried out in unison:

"Hi, we're hookers! Do you want to have some fun?"

There was stunned silence. Shocked, one male parrot
looked over at the other male parrot and exclaimed,

"Put the beads away, Frank. Our prayers have been
answered!"  ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Forrest on May 27, 2003, 11:28:01 PM
> > > >The Japanese eat very little fat and suffer fewer heart attacks than
> > > >the British or Americans. On the other hand, the French eat a lot of
> > > fat
> > > >and also suffer fewer heart attacks than the British or Americans. The
> > > >Japanese drink very little red wine and suffer fewer heart attacks than
> > > the
> > > >British or Americans. The Italians drink excessive amounts of red wine
> > > and
> > > >also suffer fewer heart attacks than the British or Americans.
> > > Conclusion:
> > > >Eat & drink what you like. It's speaking English that kills you

Title: BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on May 28, 2003, 04:54:55 PM
> > > >The Japanese eat very little fat and suffer fewer heart attacks than
> > > >the British or Americans. On the other hand, the French eat a lot of
> > > fat
> > > >and also suffer fewer heart attacks than the British or Americans. The
> > > >Japanese drink very little red wine and suffer fewer heart attacks than
> > > the
> > > >British or Americans. The Italians drink excessive amounts of red wine
> > > and
> > > >also suffer fewer heart attacks than the British or Americans.
> > > Conclusion:
> > > >Eat & drink what you like. It's speaking English that kills you


Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Symphony on May 28, 2003, 08:38:13 PM
Two world renowned scientists from Poland and Czechloslovakia wanted to study the famous Grizzly bear of Yellowstone Nat'l Park.

Nope, said the park rangers.  Too dangerous.

Please said the scientists.

NOpe, said the park rangers.  

PUH-LEEZE!!?? said the two scientist.

Well, okay, said the rangers, but you have to take these cell phones here and we want you checking back in with us every morning, got it?

Okay, said the scientists.

So they fly over from Europe, meet the rangers at Yellowstone, and begin their long trek back into the Park wilds, in search of Grizzly.

First day, they check back in.  Okay.
Second day, okay.
Third day, silence.
Fourth day, nothing.  Rangers say, That's it, we better go.  So they follow out into the wilds.

Pretty soon, there's a trail, and torn clothes, blood, etc.  And there, off in the distance, they just glimpse a male Grizzly lumbering off into the forest.  Then they spot a female, much closer.  Better shoot it, says one ranger.  Bang!!  

The rangers run over to the female bear.  "Better cut'her open, see what's inside."  "Okay", says another.  And there inside, was the Polish scientist.

Ugh, says the ranger.  That means....THE CZECH IS IN THE MALE!!

(hehe, SORRY!  Just can't help it.)(!d5JG3iXlkQISdYKB8mQMYtDN2C7Q4Y3WduCwgrcTEXiFUrzC1YfIW7KruY7pxKnOgalFjCYRpKIPqODLDYVWAMwJZfXayP1IY9HsHNk/bear-doing-summersault.gif?dc=4675414557557999483)

Title: BULL :)
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on May 29, 2003, 01:01:53 PM

Thanks Bro  ;D

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Symphony on May 29, 2003, 07:49:53 PM


Title: BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on June 10, 2003, 11:11:04 AM
Borrow money from pessimists - they don't expect it back  ;D

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Symphony on June 10, 2003, 09:05:36 PM

hehe, that's a funny one, Amb4.  

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Corpus on June 11, 2003, 03:18:36 PM
Why I Never Wash

(1) I was forced to as a child;

(2) People who wash are hypocrites they think they are cleaner than every body else;

(3) There are so many different kinds of soap, I can't decide which one is best;

(4) I used to wash, but I got bored and stopped;

(5) I wash only on special occasions, like Christmas and Easter;

(6) None of my friends wash;

(7) I'll start washing when I get older and dirtier.

(8) I can t spare the time;

(9) The bathrooms is never warm enough in winter or cool enough in summer and

(10) People who make soap are only after your money..........

Title: BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on June 11, 2003, 07:38:07 PM
Why I Never Wash

(1) I was forced to as a child;

(2) People who wash are hypocrites they think they are cleaner than every body else;

(3) There are so many different kinds of soap, I can't decide which one is best;

(4) I used to wash, but I got bored and stopped;

(5) I wash only on special occasions, like Christmas and Easter;

(6) None of my friends wash;

(7) I'll start washing when I get older and dirtier.

(8) I can t spare the time;

(9) The bathrooms is never warm enough in winter or cool enough in summer and

(10) People who make soap are only after your money..........

PU  ;D ;D ;D

Title: BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on June 11, 2003, 07:41:43 PM
99% of lawyers give the rest a bad name. ;D

Post by: Ambassador4Christ on June 13, 2003, 08:04:33 PM

Did you know it's not right for a woman to make coffee?

Yup, it's in the Bible!

It says.............


Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on June 13, 2003, 08:07:48 PM
Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car. ;D ;D

Title: BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on June 13, 2003, 08:09:43 PM
Eat well, stay fit, die anyway. ;D ;D

Title: BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on June 13, 2003, 08:13:11 PM
A man was telling his neighbor, "I just bought a new hearing aid. It cost me four thousand dollars, but it's state of the art. It's perfect."
"Really," answered the neighbor. "What kind is it?"
"Twelve thirty."  ;D ;D

Title: BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on June 13, 2003, 08:16:31 PM
An elderly gent was invited to his old friend's home for dinner one evening. He was impressed by the way his buddy preceded every request to his wife with endearing terms -Honey, My Love, Darling, Sweetheart, Pumpkin, etc.
 The couple had been married almost 70 years and, clearly, they were still very much in love.
 While the wife was in the kitchen, the man leaned over and said to his host, "I think it's wonderful that, after all these years, you
still call your wife those loving pet names."
 The old man hung his head. "I have to tell you the truth," he said, "I forgot her name about 10 years ago."  ;D ;D ;D

Title: BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on June 13, 2003, 08:21:12 PM
An honest seven-year-old admitted calmly to her parents that Billy Brown had kissed her after class. "How did that happen?" gasped her mother.
"It wasn't easy," admitted the young lady, "but three girls helped me catch him." ;D ;D

Title: BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on June 13, 2003, 08:23:30 PM
One day a little girl was sitting and watching her mother do the dishes at the kitchen sink. She suddenly noticed that her mother has several strands of white hair sticking out in contrast on her brunette head.
She looked at her mother and inquisitively asked, "Why are some of your hairs white, Mom?" Her mother replied, "Well, every time that you do something wrong and make me cry or unhappy, one of my hairs turns white."
The little girl thought about this revelation for a while and then said, "Momma, how come ALL of grandma's hairs are white?"  ;D ;D ;D

Title: BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on June 13, 2003, 08:25:07 PM
A three-year-old went with his dad to see a litter of kittens. On returning home, he breathlessly informed his mother that there were two boy kittens and two girl kittens. "How did you know?" his mother asked.
"Daddy picked them up and looked underneath," he replied. "I think it's printed on the bottom." ;D ;D

Title: BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on June 13, 2003, 08:27:00 PM
The children had all been photographed, and the teacher was trying to persuade them each to buy a copy of the group picture. "Just think how nice it will be to look at it when you are all grownup and say, 'There's Jennifer; she's a lawyer,' or 'That's Michael. He's a doctor.'"
A small voice at the back of the room rang out, "And there's the teacher. She's dead." ;D ;D ;D

Title: BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on June 14, 2003, 07:56:46 AM

An elderly woman and her little grandson, whose face was
sprinkled with bright freckles, spent the day at the zoo.
Lots of children were waiting  in line to get their cheeks
painted by a local artist who was decorating them with tiger paws.
You've got so many freckles, there's no place to paint!" a girl in the line said to the little fella. Embarrassed, the little boy
dropped his head.
His grandmother knelt down next to him. "I love your freckles. When I was a little girl I always wanted freckles," she said, while tracing Her finger across the child's cheek. "Freckles are beautiful!"
The boy looked up, "Really?"
"Of course," said the grandmother. "Why, just name me one thing that's prettier than freckles."
The little boy thought for a moment, peered intensely into his
grandma's face, and softly whispered, "Wrinkles."  ;D

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: TigerLily on June 14, 2003, 07:59:51 AM
awwww, now that was just plain sweet.. ;D

Hi ya  A4C.. long time no see.. still at it i see,! ;)
Lya TL

Title: BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on June 14, 2003, 08:02:05 AM

Hillary Clinton was out jogging one morning along the parkway when she tripped, fell over the bridge railing and landed in the creek below. Before the Secret Service guys could get to her, 3 kids who were fishing pulled her out of the water. She was so grateful she offered the kids whatever they wanted.

The first kid says, "I want to go to Disneyland." Hillary says, "No problem, I'll take you there on my special senator's airplane"

The second kid says, "I want a new pair of Nike Air Jordan's." Hillary says, "I'll get them for you and even have Michael sign them!!"

The third kid says, "I want a motorized wheelchair with a built in TV and stereo headset!"

Hillary is a little perplexed by this and says, "But you don't look like you're handicapped."

The kid says, "I will be after my dad finds out I saved you  from drowning!!!" ;D ;D

Title: BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on June 14, 2003, 08:06:22 AM
awwww, now that was just plain sweet.. ;D

Hi ya  A4C.. long time no see.. still at it i see,! ;)
Lya TL

Hi Sister, how have you been? Your countdown is "30" plus 15 days  ;D

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: TigerLily on June 14, 2003, 08:28:50 AM
hi ya,, LOL 30+15.. hehe, yes it is and thanks for remembering.. ;D
I'm doing ok, awas gone for a bit due  to some stuff, but im glad to be back! :)

Lya TL

Post by: Ambassador4Christ on June 14, 2003, 10:47:48 AM

A brunette, redhead, and a blonde went to a fitness spa for some fun and relaxation.
After a stimulating healthy lunch, all three decided to visit the
ladies room and found a strange-looking woman sitting at the entrance who said, "Welcome to the ladies room. Be sure to check out our newest feature: a mirror which, if you look into it and say something truthful, you will be                        
rewarded with a wish.

But, be warned, for if you say something false, you will be sucked into the mirror to live in a void of nothingness for all eternity!"
The three women quickly entered and upon finding the mirror, the brunette said, "I think I'm the most beautiful of us three," and in an instant she was surrounded by a pile of money.
The redhead stepped up and said, "I think I'm the most talented of us three," and she suddenly found the keys to a brand new Lexus in her hands.
Excited over the possibility of having a wish come true, the blonde looked into the mirror and said, "I think..." and was promptly sucked into the mirror.  ;D ;D ;D

Title: BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on June 14, 2003, 11:02:53 AM
hi ya,, LOL 30+15.. hehe, yes it is and thanks for remembering.. ;D
I'm doing ok, awas gone for a bit due  to some stuff, but im glad to be back! :)

Lya TL

May there always be work for your hands to do;
May your purse always hold a coin or two;
May the sun always shine on your windowpane;
May a rainbow be certain to follow each rain;
May the hand of a friend always be near you;
May God fill your heart with gladness to cheer you.  ;D

Title: BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on June 14, 2003, 11:12:03 AM
Two elderly ladies had been friends for many decades. Over the years they had shared all kinds of activities and adventures. Lately, their activities had been limited to meeting a few times a week to play cards. One day they
were playing cards when one looked at the other and said, "Now don't get mad at me.....I know we've been friends for a long time.....but I just can't think of your name! I've thought and thought, but I can't remember it.
Please tell me what your name is. Her friend glared at her. For at least three minutes she just stared and glared at her. Finally she said, "How soon do you need to know?  ;D ;D

Post by: Ambassador4Christ on June 14, 2003, 11:19:42 AM

These simple little questions are harder than you think; it just shows you how little we pay attention to the common place things of life. Put your thinking caps on. Mind teasers of COMMON KNOWLEDGE - No cheating, no looking around,  and no using anything on or in your desk or computer. Can you beat 18?? (The average is 7) Write down your answers and check answers (on the bottom) AFTER completing all the questions.




1. On a standard traffic light, is the green on the top or bottom?
2. How many states are there? (Don't laugh, some people don't know)
3. In which hand is the Statue of Liberty's torch?
4. What six colors are on the classic Campbell's soup label?
5. What two letters don't appear on the telephone dial? (No cheating!)
6. What two numbers on the telephone dial don't have letters by them?
7. When you walk does your left arm swing w/your right or left leg?
8. How many matches are in a standard pack?
9. On the United States flag, is the top stripe red or white?
10. What is the lowest number on the FM dial?
11. Which way does water go down the drain, counter or clockwise?
12. Which way does a "no smoking" sign's slash run?
13. How many channels on a VHF TV dial?
14. Which side of a women's blouse are the buttons on?
15. On a NY license plate, is New York on the top or bottom?
16. Which way do fans rotate?
17. Whose face is on a dime?
18. How many sides does a stop sign have?
19. Do books have even-numbered pages on the right or left side?
20. How many lug nuts are on a standard car wheel?
21. How many sides are there on a standard pencil?
22. Sleepy, Happy, Sneezy, Grumpy, Dopey, Doc. Who's missing?
23. How many hot dog buns are in a standard package?
25. On which playing card is the card maker's trademark?
26. On which side of a venetian blind is the cord that adjusts the opening between the slats?
27. On the back of a $1 bill, what is in the center?
28. There are 12 buttons on a touch tone phone. What 2 symbols bear no digits?
29. How many curves are there in the standard paper clip?
30. Does a merry-go-round turn counter or clockwise?






Scroll down.........








1. Bottom
2. 50 (please tell me you got this one!)
3. Right
4. Blue, red, white, yellow, black, & gold
5. Q, Z
6. 1, 0
7. Right
8. 20
9. Red
10. 88
11. Counter (north of the equator)
12. Towards bottom right
13. 12 (no #1)
14. Left
15. Top
16. Clockwise as you look at it
17. Roosevelt
18. 8
19. Left
20. 5
21. 6
22. Bashful
23. 8
24. Did you notice there wasn't one?
25. Ace of spades
26. Left
27. ONE
28. * and #
29. 3
30. Counter


Title: BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on June 14, 2003, 11:24:24 AM
This blonde decides one day that she is sick and tired of all these blond jokes and how all blondes are perceived as stupid, so she decides to show her husband that blondes really are smart.  While her husband is off at work  she decides that she is going to paint a couple of rooms in
the house.
The next day, right after her husband leaves for work, she gets down to the task at hand.  Her husband arrives home at 5:30 and smells the distinctive smell of paint.  He walks into the living room and finds his wife lying on the floor in a pool of sweat.  He notices that she is wearing a ski jacket and a fur
coat at the same time.  He goes over and asks her if she is OK.  She replies, "Yes."
He asks what she is doing.  She replies that she wanted to prove to him that not all blonde women are dumb and she wanted to do it by painting the house.
He then asks her why she has a ski jacket over her fur coat.
She replies that she was reading the directions on the paint can and they said...

I love this one...


Post by: Ambassador4Christ on June 14, 2003, 11:30:51 AM
WARNING: Exposure to the Son may prevent burning.  ;D

Post by: Ambassador4Christ on June 14, 2003, 11:32:37 AM
Suffering from truth decay? Brush up on your Bible.  ;D

Title: Give satan...
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on June 14, 2003, 11:34:34 AM
Give Satan an inch & he'll be a ruler. ;D

Title: READ The "BIBLE"...
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on June 14, 2003, 11:39:38 AM
Read the Bible -- It will scare the hell out of you. ;D

Post by: Ambassador4Christ on June 14, 2003, 11:46:45 AM

Two women met for the first time since graduating from high school.  One asked the other, "You were  always so organized in school,  Did you manage to live a well planned life?  "  

" yes,"  said her friend. "My first marriage was to a millionaire; my  second marriage was to an actor; my
third marriage was to a preacher; and now I'm  married to an undertaker."
Her friend asked, "What do those  marriages have to do with a well planned life?"  

"One for the money, two for the  show, three to get ready, and four to go."

Title: Plan ahead...
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on June 19, 2003, 01:47:15 PM
Plan ahead -- It wasn't raining when Noah built the ark. ;D

Title: Wedding...
Post by: Brother Love on June 20, 2003, 06:34:58 AM
Attending a wedding for the first time, a little girl whispered to her mother, "Why is the bride dressed in white?" "Because white is the color of  happiness, and today is the happiest day of her life."

The child thought about this for a moment, then said, "So why is the groom wearing black?"  :)

Brother Love  :)

Title: Wedding...
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on June 20, 2003, 04:41:10 PM
Attending a wedding for the first time, a little girl whispered to her mother, "Why is the bride dressed in white?" "Because white is the color of  happiness, and today is the happiest day of her life."

The child thought about this for a moment, then said, "So why is the groom wearing black?"  :)

Brother Love  :)

LOL Thanks Bro  ;D

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on June 21, 2003, 10:01:22 PM
A little girl became restless as the preacher's sermon dragged on and on.
Finally, she leaned over to her mother and hispered, "Mommy, if we give him the money now, will he let us go?" ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on June 22, 2003, 08:20:28 AM
Three boys are in the schoolyard bragging about their fathers. The first boy says, "My Dad scribbles a few words on a piece of paper, he calls it a poem, they give him $50."

The second boy says, "That's nothing. My Dad scribbles
a few words on a piece of paper, he calls it a song, they give him $100."

The  third boy says, "I got you both beat. My Dad scribbles a few words on a piece of paper, he calls it a sermon. And it takes eight people to collect all the money!"  ;D ;D ;D

Title: Pedestrians AND Catholics
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on June 22, 2003, 02:07:27 PM
 pedestrians AND Catholics  

The traffic light wasn't working on the corner of Broadway and 72nd Street, so the blonde stood with a large crowd of people waiting to cross.  A cop was directing traffic.  Finally, the cop blew his whistle, motioned to the crowd, and shouted, "Okay, pedestrians!"

The swelling throng surged across Broadway -- all except the blonde, who stayed on the corner.

When the walkers were safely on the other side of the street, the cop moved the cross-traffic through the intersection.

Half a minute later, he stopped the cars on Broadway and sent the 72nd Street traffic into motion.  Again, he got around to the blonde's corner, where by this time she had again been joined by a crowd of people.  Tweeeeeeeet!  "Okay, pedestrians!"

The crowd crossed the street, but again the blonde stayed put.

She looked at her watch and tapped her foot as if she was in a hurry to get somewhere, but never budged from the sidewalk.  The cop ran the traffic through seven more cycles, each time blowing his whistle and then yelling "Okay, pedestrians!"  The blonde never moved.

Finally, after the cop yelled "Okay, pedestrians!" for the eighth time, the blonde shouted across traffic, "Yo!  Officer!  Isn't it about time you let the Catholics cross?" ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: TigerLily on June 22, 2003, 04:15:54 PM
LOL good one A4C

marriage<- means to a 6 yr old LOL> MARRIAGE BUT NO BABIES!

A six-year-old boy told his father he wanted to
marry the
little girl across the street.

The father being modern and well-schooled in
handling children,
hid his smile behind his hand. "That's a serious
step," he said.
"Have you thought it out completely?"

"Sure," his Young son answered. "We can spend one
week in my
room and the next in hers. It's right across the
street, so I can run
home if I get lonely in the night."

"How about transportation?" the father asked.

"I have my wagon, and we both have our tricycles,"
the little boy
answered. The boy had an answer to every question
the father

Finally, in exasperation, the man asked, "What about
babies? When
you're married, you're liable to have babies, you

"We've thought about that, too," the little boy
replied. "We're not
going to have babies. Every time she lays an egg,
I'm going to step
on it!"
 ;) ;D

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Symphony on June 22, 2003, 11:15:34 PM


Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Forrest on June 23, 2003, 02:40:48 AM

I was having trouble with my computer.  So I called Rick the computer guy,
to come over.  Rick clicked a couple of buttons and solved the problem.  He
gave me a bill for a minimum service call.  As he was walking away, I called
after him, "So, what was wrong?"

He replied, "It was an ID ten T error."

I didn't want to appear stupid, but nonetheless inquired: "An ID ten T
error? What's that ... in case I need to fix it again?"

The computer guy grinned.... "Haven't you ever heard of an ID ten T error

"No," I replied.

"Write it down," he said, "and I think you'll figure it out."

So I wrote it out ...... I D 1 0 T


Title: Re: Pedestrians AND Catholics
Post by: Brother Love on June 23, 2003, 04:18:59 AM
pedestrians AND Catholics  

The traffic light wasn't working on the corner of Broadway and 72nd Street, so the blonde stood with a large crowd of people waiting to cross.  A cop was directing traffic.  Finally, the cop blew his whistle, motioned to the crowd, and shouted, "Okay, pedestrians!"

The swelling throng surged across Broadway -- all except the blonde, who stayed on the corner.

When the walkers were safely on the other side of the street, the cop moved the cross-traffic through the intersection.

Half a minute later, he stopped the cars on Broadway and sent the 72nd Street traffic into motion.  Again, he got around to the blonde's corner, where by this time she had again been joined by a crowd of people.  Tweeeeeeeet!  "Okay, pedestrians!"

The crowd crossed the street, but again the blonde stayed put.

She looked at her watch and tapped her foot as if she was in a hurry to get somewhere, but never budged from the sidewalk.  The cop ran the traffic through seven more cycles, each time blowing his whistle and then yelling "Okay, pedestrians!"  The blonde never moved.

Finally, after the cop yelled "Okay, pedestrians!" for the eighth time, the blonde shouted across traffic, "Yo!  Officer!  Isn't it about time you let the Catholics cross?" ;D ;D ;D


Brother Love :)

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Brother Love on June 23, 2003, 04:20:27 AM
LOL good one A4C

marriage<- means to a 6 yr old LOL> MARRIAGE BUT NO BABIES!

A six-year-old boy told his father he wanted to
marry the
little girl across the street.

The father being modern and well-schooled in
handling children,
hid his smile behind his hand. "That's a serious
step," he said.
"Have you thought it out completely?"

"Sure," his Young son answered. "We can spend one
week in my
room and the next in hers. It's right across the
street, so I can run
home if I get lonely in the night."

"How about transportation?" the father asked.

"I have my wagon, and we both have our tricycles,"
the little boy
answered. The boy had an answer to every question
the father

Finally, in exasperation, the man asked, "What about
babies? When
you're married, you're liable to have babies, you

"We've thought about that, too," the little boy
replied. "We're not
going to have babies. Every time she lays an egg,
I'm going to step
on it!"
 ;) ;D


Brother Love :)

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Brother Love on June 23, 2003, 04:22:48 AM

I was having trouble with my computer.  So I called Rick the computer guy,
to come over.  Rick clicked a couple of buttons and solved the problem.  He
gave me a bill for a minimum service call.  As he was walking away, I called
after him, "So, what was wrong?"

He replied, "It was an ID ten T error."

I didn't want to appear stupid, but nonetheless inquired: "An ID ten T
error? What's that ... in case I need to fix it again?"

The computer guy grinned.... "Haven't you ever heard of an ID ten T error

"No," I replied.

"Write it down," he said, "and I think you'll figure it out."

So I wrote it out ...... I D 1 0 T



Brother Love :)

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Brother Love on June 23, 2003, 04:25:42 AM
  An atheist professor was teaching a college class and he told
  the class that he was going to prove that there was not a God. He said,
  "God if You are real, then I want You to knock me off this platform.
  I'll give you 15 minutes!"
  Ten minutes went by. He kept taunting God, saying, "Here I am
  God, I'm still waiting" He got down to the last couple of minutes and a
  BIG 240 pound football player happened to walk by the door and heard
  what the professor said.
  The football player walked in the class room and in the last
  minute, he walked up, hit the professor full force, and sent him flying
  off the platform. The professor got up, obviously shaken and said, ...
  "Where did you come from , And why did you do that?"   The football player replied, " God was busy; He sent me!"

  A smile goes a long way towards happiness  

Brother Love :)

Title: BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on June 23, 2003, 01:51:24 PM
  An atheist professor was teaching a college class and he told
  the class that he was going to prove that there was not a God. He said,
  "God if You are real, then I want You to knock me off this platform.
  I'll give you 15 minutes!"
  Ten minutes went by. He kept taunting God, saying, "Here I am
  God, I'm still waiting" He got down to the last couple of minutes and a
  BIG 240 pound football player happened to walk by the door and heard
  what the professor said.
  The football player walked in the class room and in the last
  minute, he walked up, hit the professor full force, and sent him flying
  off the platform. The professor got up, obviously shaken and said, ...
  "Where did you come from , And why did you do that?"   The football player replied, " God was busy; He sent me!"

  A smile goes a long way towards happiness  

Brother Love :)

Good One Bro  ;D

Title: BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on June 23, 2003, 01:53:38 PM
LOL good one A4C

marriage<- means to a 6 yr old LOL> MARRIAGE BUT NO BABIES!

A six-year-old boy told his father he wanted to
marry the
little girl across the street.

The father being modern and well-schooled in
handling children,
hid his smile behind his hand. "That's a serious
step," he said.
"Have you thought it out completely?"

"Sure," his Young son answered. "We can spend one
week in my
room and the next in hers. It's right across the
street, so I can run
home if I get lonely in the night."

"How about transportation?" the father asked.

"I have my wagon, and we both have our tricycles,"
the little boy
answered. The boy had an answer to every question
the father

Finally, in exasperation, the man asked, "What about
babies? When
you're married, you're liable to have babies, you

"We've thought about that, too," the little boy
replied. "We're not
going to have babies. Every time she lays an egg,
I'm going to step
on it!"
 ;) ;D

LOL Sister

"We've thought about that, too," the little boy replied. "We're not going to have babies. Every time she lays an egg, I'm going to step on it!"  ;D ;D ;D

Title: BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on June 23, 2003, 01:55:15 PM

I was having trouble with my computer.  So I called Rick the computer guy,
to come over.  Rick clicked a couple of buttons and solved the problem.  He
gave me a bill for a minimum service call.  As he was walking away, I called
after him, "So, what was wrong?"

He replied, "It was an ID ten T error."

I didn't want to appear stupid, but nonetheless inquired: "An ID ten T
error? What's that ... in case I need to fix it again?"

The computer guy grinned.... "Haven't you ever heard of an ID ten T error

"No," I replied.

"Write it down," he said, "and I think you'll figure it out."

So I wrote it out ...... I D 1 0 T


Sounds like me  ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Forrest on June 24, 2003, 12:07:39 AM
> > > Grandma's on the net again,
> > > The kitchen's not her home.
> > > She used to make us cherry pies, and
> > > Call us on the phone.
> > >
> > >
> > > She would talk to us for hours;
> > > Now she leaves us all alone.
> > > We want to talk to Grandma, but
> > > Can't get her on the phone!
> > >
> > >
> > > We miss her homemade biscuits, and
> > > I'll make this little bet;
> > > If you want to contact Grandma,
> > > You'll have to surf the net.
> > >
> > >
> > > Grandma's surfing now you know,
> > > She's surfing on the net.
> > > We've been calling her all morning, and
> > > We haven't got her yet.
> > >
> > >
> > > She's on the e-mail network,
> > > With her 'lectronic friends.
> > > If you want to talk to Grandma,
> > > Make sure that you hit 'send'.
> > >
> > >
> > > She never surfed at Malibu,
> > > Or caught a wave at Waikiki.
> > > She's never seen a surfboard:
> > > To her, Hang Ten's a water ski.
> > >
> > >
> > > She's never met a beach-bum-
> > > Noon Doggie's just a pup.
> > > But when she heads for her computer,
> > > You know the surf is up!
> > >
> > >
> > > Grandma's getting older and
> > > Her eyes are growing dim.
> > > Her random access memory,
> > > Is half of what it's been.
> > >
> > >
> > > When Saint Peter comes to call someday,
> > > She'll say, "I can't go yet".
> > > He'll have to wait for Grandma,
> > > Cuz she's surfing on the net!
> > >
> > >
> > > Written by another ol' Grandma

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Brother Love on June 24, 2003, 06:33:45 AM
 An elderly woman died last month. Having never married, she requested no male pallbearers. In her handwritten instructions for her memorial service, she wrote, "They wouldn't take me out while I was alive, I don't want them to take me out when I'm dead.

Brother Love :)

Title: Pillsbury Doughboy Dead at 71
Post by: Brother Love on June 24, 2003, 06:45:40 AM
It is with heavy heart that I must pass on the following news. Please join me in remembering a great Icon of the Entertainment community.
  The Pillsbury Doughboy died yesterday of a yeast infection and complications from repeated pokes in the belly. He was 71.  Doughboy was buried in a lightly greased coffin. Dozens of celebrities turned out to pay their respects, including Mrs.Butterworth,  Hungry Jack, the California Raisins, Betty Crocker, The Hostess Twinkies, and Captain Crunch. The grave site was piled high with flours.  Aunt Jemima delivered the eulogy and lovingly described Doughboy as a man who never knew how much he was kneaded.
  Doughboy rose quickly in show business, but his later life was filled with turnovers. He was not considered a very smart cookie,  wasting much of his dough on half-baked schemes. Despite being a little flaky at times, he still, as a crusty old man, and was considered  to be a roll model for millions. Doughboy is survived by his wife, Play Dough, Two children, John Dough and Jane Dough,  plus they had one in the oven. He is also survived by his elderly father, Pop Tart. The funeral was held at 3:50 for about 20 minutes.

Brother Love :)

Title: Fair and unbalanced?
Post by: Brother Love on June 25, 2003, 06:24:24 AM
Fair and unbalanced?

 Dan Rather, Jesse Jackson, Cokie Roberts from
National Public Radio, and an Israeli soldier were
hiking through the African jungle one day when they were
captured by cannibals. They were tied up, led to the
village and brought before the chief.

  The chief said, "I am familiar with your western
custom of granting the condemned a last wish. Before
we kill and eat you, do you have any last requests?"

  Dan Rather said, "Well, I'm a Texan; so I'd like
one last bowlful of hot, spicy chili." The chief
nodded to an underling, who left and returned with
the chili. Rather ate it all and said, "Now I can
die content."

  Jesse Jackson said, "You know, the thing in this
life I am proudest of is my work on behalf of the
poor and oppressed. So before I go, I want to sing
"We Shall Overcome" one last time."

  The chief said, "Go right ahead, we're listening."

  Jackson sang the song, and then said, "Now I can
die in peace."

  Cokie Roberts said, "I'm a reporter to the end. I
want to take out my tape recorder and describe the
scene here and what's about to happen.  Maybe
someday someone will hear it and know that I was on
the job til the end."

  The chief directed an aide to hand over the tape
recorder, and Roberts dictated some comments. She
then said, "Now I can die happy."

    The chief turned and said, "And now, Mr. Israeli
soldier, what is your final wish?"

  "Kick me in the butt." said the Israeli.

  "What?" said the chief. "Will you mock us in your
last hour?"

  "No, I'm not kidding. I want you to kick me in the
butt." insisted the Israeli.

   So the chief untied the soldier, shoved him into
the open, and kicked him in the butt. The Israeli
went sprawling, but rolled to his knees, pulled a
9mm pistol from his waistband, and shot the chief
dead. In the resulting confusion, he leapt to his
knapsack, pulled out his Uzi, and sprayed the
cannibals with gunfire. In a flash, the cannibals
were dead or fleeing for their lives.

   As the Israeli was untying the others, they asked
him, "Why didn't you just shoot them? Why did you
ask them to kick you in the butt?"

   "What!?" said the Israeli, "And have you 'fair and balanced'
reporters call ME the aggressor again?!?"

Brother Love :)

Title: BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on June 25, 2003, 01:17:27 PM
An elderly woman died last month. Having never married, she requested no male pallbearers. In her handwritten instructions for her memorial service, she wrote, "They wouldn't take me out while I was alive, I don't want them to take me out when I'm dead.

Brother Love :)


Title: Fair and unbalanced?
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on June 25, 2003, 01:18:59 PM
Fair and unbalanced?

 Dan Rather, Jesse Jackson, Cokie Roberts from
National Public Radio, and an Israeli soldier were
hiking through the African jungle one day when they were
captured by cannibals. They were tied up, led to the
village and brought before the chief.

  The chief said, "I am familiar with your western
custom of granting the condemned a last wish. Before
we kill and eat you, do you have any last requests?"

  Dan Rather said, "Well, I'm a Texan; so I'd like
one last bowlful of hot, spicy chili." The chief
nodded to an underling, who left and returned with
the chili. Rather ate it all and said, "Now I can
die content."

  Jesse Jackson said, "You know, the thing in this
life I am proudest of is my work on behalf of the
poor and oppressed. So before I go, I want to sing
"We Shall Overcome" one last time."

  The chief said, "Go right ahead, we're listening."

  Jackson sang the song, and then said, "Now I can
die in peace."

  Cokie Roberts said, "I'm a reporter to the end. I
want to take out my tape recorder and describe the
scene here and what's about to happen.  Maybe
someday someone will hear it and know that I was on
the job til the end."

  The chief directed an aide to hand over the tape
recorder, and Roberts dictated some comments. She
then said, "Now I can die happy."

    The chief turned and said, "And now, Mr. Israeli
soldier, what is your final wish?"

  "Kick me in the butt." said the Israeli.

  "What?" said the chief. "Will you mock us in your
last hour?"

  "No, I'm not kidding. I want you to kick me in the
butt." insisted the Israeli.

   So the chief untied the soldier, shoved him into
the open, and kicked him in the butt. The Israeli
went sprawling, but rolled to his knees, pulled a
9mm pistol from his waistband, and shot the chief
dead. In the resulting confusion, he leapt to his
knapsack, pulled out his Uzi, and sprayed the
cannibals with gunfire. In a flash, the cannibals
were dead or fleeing for their lives.

   As the Israeli was untying the others, they asked
him, "Why didn't you just shoot them? Why did you
ask them to kick you in the butt?"

   "What!?" said the Israeli, "And have you 'fair and balanced'
reporters call ME the aggressor again?!?"

Brother Love :)

Funny, but also true  ;D

Title: Pillsbury Doughboy Dead at 71
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on June 25, 2003, 01:20:16 PM
It is with heavy heart that I must pass on the following news. Please join me in remembering a great Icon of the Entertainment community.
  The Pillsbury Doughboy died yesterday of a yeast infection and complications from repeated pokes in the belly. He was 71.  Doughboy was buried in a lightly greased coffin. Dozens of celebrities turned out to pay their respects, including Mrs.Butterworth,  Hungry Jack, the California Raisins, Betty Crocker, The Hostess Twinkies, and Captain Crunch. The grave site was piled high with flours.  Aunt Jemima delivered the eulogy and lovingly described Doughboy as a man who never knew how much he was kneaded.
  Doughboy rose quickly in show business, but his later life was filled with turnovers. He was not considered a very smart cookie,  wasting much of his dough on half-baked schemes. Despite being a little flaky at times, he still, as a crusty old man, and was considered  to be a roll model for millions. Doughboy is survived by his wife, Play Dough, Two children, John Dough and Jane Dough,  plus they had one in the oven. He is also survived by his elderly father, Pop Tart. The funeral was held at 3:50 for about 20 minutes.

Brother Love :)

You Grt  ;D ;D ;D ;D LOL

Title: What is Wrong With Sam?
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on June 25, 2003, 01:24:30 PM
What is Wrong With Sam?

A man lay sprawled across three entire seats in the posh
theater.  When the usher came by and noticed this, he
whispered to the man, "Sorry, sir, but you're only
allowed one seat."
The man groaned but didn't budge.  The usher became
"Sir, if you don't get up from there I'm going to have
to call the manager."
Again, the man just groaned, which infuriated the usher
who turned and marched briskly back up the aisle in
search of his manager.   In a few moments, both the
usher and the manager returned and stood over the man.

Together the two of them tried repeatedly to move him, but
with no success.  Finally, they summoned the police.
The cop surveyed the situation briefly then asked, "All
right buddy, what's your name?"
"Sam," the man moaned.
"Where ya from, Sam?"
With pain in his voice Sam replied, "The balcony." ;D ;D

Title: Re:What is Wrong With Sam?
Post by: Brother Love on June 26, 2003, 04:20:18 AM
What is Wrong With Sam?

A man lay sprawled across three entire seats in the posh
theater.  When the usher came by and noticed this, he
whispered to the man, "Sorry, sir, but you're only
allowed one seat."
The man groaned but didn't budge.  The usher became
"Sir, if you don't get up from there I'm going to have
to call the manager."
Again, the man just groaned, which infuriated the usher
who turned and marched briskly back up the aisle in
search of his manager.   In a few moments, both the
usher and the manager returned and stood over the man.

Together the two of them tried repeatedly to move him, but
with no success.  Finally, they summoned the police.
The cop surveyed the situation briefly then asked, "All
right buddy, what's your name?"
"Sam," the man moaned.
"Where ya from, Sam?"
With pain in his voice Sam replied, "The balcony." ;D ;D

LOL "The balcony."

Brother Love :)

Title: The Portrait
Post by: Brother Love on June 26, 2003, 04:27:23 AM
The wealthy wife of a very successful businessman went to the portrait artist for her first sitting. The portrait, a gift for her husband. She explained to the artist what she wanted, "You should paint me like I am. These little wrinkles, you put them on your canvas. The lines under my eyes, the flab on my arms, the turn in my nose, and the mole on my cheek, they all stay....BUT on my hands you put lots of rings with big diamonds and emeralds and bright jewels. Around my neck you put chains of gold and diamonds. Do you understand?" The artist looked at her in earnest and asked why she should want such detail of real life in her physical appearance, but adorn herself with the phony jewelry. She replied, "When I die my husband will re-marry. The new wife, she should go crazy looking for the jewels."

Brother Love :)

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Brother Love on June 27, 2003, 06:27:45 AM
 At Sunday School they were teaching how God created everything, including human beings. Little Johnny seemed especially intent when they told him how > Eve was created out of one of Adam's ribs. Later in the week his  mother
noticed him lying down as though he were ill, and said, "Johnny,  what is the matter?" Little Johnny responded, "I have pain in my side. I think I'm
going to have a wife."

Brother Love :)

Title: The Portrait
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on June 27, 2003, 02:19:50 PM
The wealthy wife of a very successful businessman went to the portrait artist for her first sitting. The portrait, a gift for her husband. She explained to the artist what she wanted, "You should paint me like I am. These little wrinkles, you put them on your canvas. The lines under my eyes, the flab on my arms, the turn in my nose, and the mole on my cheek, they all stay....BUT on my hands you put lots of rings with big diamonds and emeralds and bright jewels. Around my neck you put chains of gold and diamonds. Do you understand?" The artist looked at her in earnest and asked why she should want such detail of real life in her physical appearance, but adorn herself with the phony jewelry. She replied, "When I die my husband will re-marry. The new wife, she should go crazy looking for the jewels."

Brother Love :)


Title: Roe vs. Wade
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on June 27, 2003, 05:44:47 PM
A young man was sitting in class when the professor asked him if he knew what the Roe vs. Wade decision was. He sat quietly, pondering this very profound question. Finally, after giving it a lot of thought, he sighed  and said, "I think this was the decision George Washington made prior to crossing the Delaware." ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on June 27, 2003, 06:41:23 PM
A blonde was speeding in a 35 mile per hour zone when a local police Cruiser pulled her over and walked up to the car. The police officer also happened to be a blonde and she asked for the blonde's driver's license. The driver searched frantically in her purse for a while and finally said to the blonde policewoman, "What does a driver's license look like?"

Irritated, the blonde cop said "You dummy, it's got your picture on it!"

The blonde driver frantically searched her purse again and found a small rectangular mirror down at the bottom. She held it up to her face and said,"Aha! This must be my driver's license" and handed it to the blonde policewoman.

The blonde cop looked in the mirror, handed it back to the driver and said,"You're free to go. And, if I had known you were a police officer too, we could have avoided all this hassle." ;D ;D ;D

Title: BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on June 28, 2003, 01:32:47 PM
A husband read an article to his wife about  how many words women use a day ...30,000 to a man's 15,000. The wife replied, "The reason has to be because a woman has to say everything twice. The husband then turned to his wife and
asked, "What?" ;D ;D ;D

Title: BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on June 28, 2003, 02:32:50 PM
A police recruit was asked during the exam, "What would you do if you had to arrest your own mother?" He said, "Call for backup." ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Symphony on June 28, 2003, 11:37:15 PM


Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Brother Love on June 30, 2003, 04:24:42 AM
A husband read an article to his wife about  how many words women use a day ...30,000 to a man's 15,000. The wife replied, "The reason has to be because a woman has to say everything twice. The husband then turned to his wife and
asked, "What?" ;D ;D ;D


Brother Love :)

Title: Sunday School Teacher
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on June 30, 2003, 01:40:48 PM
A Sunday school teacher asked the children just before she dismissed them to go to church, "And why is it necessary to be quiet in church?" Annie replied, "Because people are sleeping." ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re:Sunday School Teacher
Post by: Brother Love on July 01, 2003, 05:18:32 AM
A Sunday school teacher asked the children just before she dismissed them to go to church, "And why is it necessary to be quiet in church?" Annie replied, "Because people are sleeping." ;D ;D ;D


Brother Love :)

Title: Christian one-liners
Post by: Forrest on July 01, 2003, 09:36:05 PM
-Some people are kind, polite, and sweet-spirited-until you try to sit in their pews.
-Many folks want to serve God, but only as advisers.
-It is easier to preach ten sermons than it is to live one.
-The good Lord didn't create anything without a purpose, but mosquitoes come close.
-When you get to your wit's end, you'll find God lives there.
-People are funny, they want the front of the bus, the middle of the road, and the back of the church.
-Opportunity may knock once, but temptation bangs on your front door forever.
-Quit griping about your church; if it was perfect, you couldn't belong.
-The phrase that is guaranteed to wake up an audience: "And in conclusion."
-If the church wants a better preacher, it only needs to pray for the one it has.
-God Himself does not propose to judge a man until he is dead. So why should you?
-To make a long story short, don't tell it.
-Some minds are like concrete, thoroughly mixed up and permanently set.
-Peace starts with a smile.
-I don't know why some people change churches; what difference does it make which one you stay home from?
-A lot of church members who are singing "Standing on the Promises" are just sitting on the premises.
-We were called to be witnesses, not lawyers or judges.
-Outside of traffic, there is nothing that holds this country back as much as committees.
-Coincidence is when God chooses to remain anonymous.
-Don't put a question mark where God put a period.
-Don't wait for 6 strong men to take you to church.
-Forbidden fruits create many jams.
-God doesn't call the qualified, He qualifies the called.
-God grades on the cross, not the curve.
-God promises a safe landing, not a calm passage.
-He who angers you, controls you!
-Prayer: Don't give God instructions - just report for duty!
-The task ahead of us is never as great as the Power behind us.
-The Will of God will never take you to where the Grace of God will not protect you.
-We don't change the message, the message changes us.
-You can tell how big a person is by what it takes to discourage him.
-The best mathematical equation I have ever seen: 1 cross + 3 nails = 4 given.
"Father, bless this person in whatever it is that You know he or she may be needing this day!"

Title: Re:Christian one-liners
Post by: Brother Love on July 02, 2003, 05:28:24 AM
-Some people are kind, polite, and sweet-spirited-until you try to sit in their pews.
-Many folks want to serve God, but only as advisers.
-It is easier to preach ten sermons than it is to live one.
-The good Lord didn't create anything without a purpose, but mosquitoes come close.
-When you get to your wit's end, you'll find God lives there.
-People are funny, they want the front of the bus, the middle of the road, and the back of the church.
-Opportunity may knock once, but temptation bangs on your front door forever.
-Quit griping about your church; if it was perfect, you couldn't belong.
-The phrase that is guaranteed to wake up an audience: "And in conclusion."
-If the church wants a better preacher, it only needs to pray for the one it has.
-God Himself does not propose to judge a man until he is dead. So why should you?
-To make a long story short, don't tell it.
-Some minds are like concrete, thoroughly mixed up and permanently set.
-Peace starts with a smile.
-I don't know why some people change churches; what difference does it make which one you stay home from?
-A lot of church members who are singing "Standing on the Promises" are just sitting on the premises.
-We were called to be witnesses, not lawyers or judges.
-Outside of traffic, there is nothing that holds this country back as much as committees.
-Coincidence is when God chooses to remain anonymous.
-Don't put a question mark where God put a period.
-Don't wait for 6 strong men to take you to church.
-Forbidden fruits create many jams.
-God doesn't call the qualified, He qualifies the called.
-God grades on the cross, not the curve.
-God promises a safe landing, not a calm passage.
-He who angers you, controls you!
-Prayer: Don't give God instructions - just report for duty!
-The task ahead of us is never as great as the Power behind us.
-The Will of God will never take you to where the Grace of God will not protect you.
-We don't change the message, the message changes us.
-You can tell how big a person is by what it takes to discourage him.
-The best mathematical equation I have ever seen: 1 cross + 3 nails = 4 given.
"Father, bless this person in whatever it is that You know he or she may be needing this day!"

Thanks Forrest, I like them all

Brother Love :)

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: nChrist on July 02, 2003, 05:59:53 AM
Oklahoma Howdy to Forrest,

AMEN! Thanks, I think we all need to post these on the refrigerator and read them before each meal.

In Christ.

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Brother Love on July 02, 2003, 06:20:58 AM
Oklahoma Howdy to Forrest,

AMEN! Thanks, I think we all need to post these on the refrigerator and read them before each meal.

In Christ.

Good idea Brother

Brother Love :)

Title: Moral Dilemma
Post by: Brother Love on July 07, 2003, 06:00:26 AM
Moral Dilemma

You are driving along in your car on a wild, stormy night, when you  pass by a bus stop, and you see three people waiting for the bus:

 1.  An old lady who looks as if she is about to die.

 2.  An old friend who once saved your life.

 3.  The perfect partner you have been dreaming about.

 Which one would you choose to offer a ride to, knowing that there  could only be one passenger in your car?

 Think before you continue reading...

 This is a moral/ethical dilemma that was once actually used as part  of a job application.

 You could pick up the old lady, because she is going to die, and  thus you should save her first; Or you could take the old friend  because he once saved your life, and this would be the perfect  chance to pay him back.  However, you may never be able to find  your perfect mate again.

 The candidate who was hired (out of 200 applicates) had no trouble  coming up with his answer.  He simply answered: "I would give the car  keys to my old friend and let him take the lady to the hospital.

 I would stay behind and wait for the bus with the partner of my  dreams."  Sometimes, we gain more if we are able to give up our stubborn thought limitations.  

Brother Love :)

Title: More BULL
Post by: Brother Love on July 07, 2003, 06:10:32 AM
A blonde goes into a restaurant and notices there's a "peel and win" sticker on her coffee cup. So she peels it off and starts screaming, "I've won a motorhome! I've won a motorhome!"

The waitress says, "That's impossible. The biggest prize is a free lunch."

But the blonde keeps on screaming, "I've won a motorhome! I've won a motorhome!"

Finally, the manager comes over and says, "Ma'am, I'm sorry, but you're mistaken. You couldn't have possibly won a motorhome because we didn't have that as a prize!"

The blonde says, "No, it's not a mistake. I've won a motorhome!"   And she hands the ticket to the manager and HE reads Scroll down


"W I N -  A - B A G E L"

Title: More BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on July 07, 2003, 03:08:53 PM
A blonde goes into a restaurant and notices there's a "peel and win" sticker on her coffee cup. So she peels it off and starts screaming, "I've won a motorhome! I've won a motorhome!"

The waitress says, "That's impossible. The biggest prize is a free lunch."

But the blonde keeps on screaming, "I've won a motorhome! I've won a motorhome!"

Finally, the manager comes over and says, "Ma'am, I'm sorry, but you're mistaken. You couldn't have possibly won a motorhome because we didn't have that as a prize!"

The blonde says, "No, it's not a mistake. I've won a motorhome!"   And she hands the ticket to the manager and HE reads Scroll down


"W I N -  A - B A G E L"

Brother Love You Get  ;D ;D ;D


Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Forrest on July 11, 2003, 12:44:14 AM

Dear diary:
April 30th:
Florida is fantastic! Just got here and love it already. Now this  is a state
that knows how to live!! Beautiful sunny days and warm balmy
What  a  place! Watched the sunset from a park lying on a blanket. It was
beautiful.  I've finally found my home. I love it here.

May 14th:
Really heating up. Got to 89 today. Not a problem, I live in an
air-conditioned home and drive an air-conditioned car. What a
pleasure to  see  the sun every
day like this. I'm turning into a real sun worshipper.

June 5th:
Had the backyard landscaped with tropical plants today. Lots of
palms and  rocks. What a breeze to maintain. No more mowing for me. NO MORE
SHOVELING SNOW EITHER! Another scorcher today, but I love it here.

July 1st:
The temperature hasn't been below 90 all week, not even at night.
Where are  those ocean breezes we heard about, still seems hot.
Getting used  to  it will take a while, I guess. I sure miss my LP collection,
though. I'll have to remember not to leave anything made out of plastic in my
Got  one of  those fuzzy steering wheel covers, cheaper than the burn
ointment for  my  hands.  I always wondered what burnt flesh smelled like.

July 15th:
Fell asleep by the pool. (Got 3rd degree burns over 60% of my body.)
Missed two days of work, what a dumb thing to do. I learned my lesson
though: got  to  respect the ol' sun in a climate like this.

July 20th:
I miss our cat, Tabby. He snuck into the car when I left this
morning. By  the  time I got out to the car for lunch, he'd swollen up to
the size of shopping  bag and just as I opened the door he exploded all
over $2,000 worth of  leather  upholstery. I told the kids he ran away.
The car now smells like  Kibble and  poop. No more pets in this heat!

July 25th:
Ocean breezes, my foot. Hot is hot!! The home air conditioner is on
the  fritz  and AC repairman charged $200 just to drive by and tell me he
needed to order parts. Only hope for a break in the heat would be
a  hurricane.

July 30th:
Been sleeping outside by the pool for three nights now. Swatting
the swamp  mosquitoes that are as big as B-52's. $1,500 in darn
house payments  and we can't even go inside. Why did I ever come here
Aug 4th:
100 degrees. Finally got the air conditioner fixed today. It cost
$500 and  gets the temperature down to about 90. The electric bill is almost
as  much as the house payment. And two old lady drivers almost ran me
off  the road. I hate this state.

Aug 8th:
If another wise jerk cracks, "Hot enough for you today?" I'm going
to tear  his head off. Damn heat! By the time I get to work, the radiator is
boiling over, my clothes are soaking wet, and I smell like roasted

Aug 10th:
The weather report might as well be a damn recording: Hot and  sunny.
It's  been too hot for two #@*& months and the weatherman says it might
really  warm up  next week. And whoever came up with the statement,
"it may be hot, but at  least you don't have to shovel it" should die from heat
exhaustion. Doesn't it ever rain in this God-forsaken place??

Aug 14th:
Welcome to Hell!!! Temperature got to 102 today. Forgot to crack  the
window  and blew the windshield out of the Lincoln. The installer came to
fix it and said, "Hot enough for you today?". My wife had to spend
the $1,500  house payment to bail me out of jail.

Aug 30th:
Worst day of the summer. I'm not leaving the house. The monsoon
rains  finally  came and all they did is to make it muggier than hell and drove
the damned roaches out of the ground. I wasn't aware they could  fly!
The  Lincoln is now floating somewhere in the Caribbean with its new
$500  windshield.
That does it, we're moving back to  Ohio where all you have to
worry about  is  getting mugged.

I hope this state breaks in half and floats to Cuba.

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Forrest on July 11, 2003, 12:52:50 AM
these stories were checked on "TruthorFiction" and it says they are true.


Many years  ago, Al Capone virtually owned Chicago. Capone wasn't famous
for anything heroic. His exploits were anything but  praise-worthy.
He was, however, notorious for enmeshing  the windy city in everything
from bootlegged booze and  prostitution to murder.

Capone had a lawyer in Chicago nicknamed "Easy  Eddie." He was his lawyer
for a good reason. Eddie was very good! In  fact, Eddie's skill at
legal maneuvering kept Big Al out of jail  for a long time. To show
his appreciation, Capone paid him very well. Not  only was the money big,
but Eddie got special dividends. For  instance, he and his family
a fenced-in mansion with live-in help and all of the conveniences of the
day. The estate was so  large that it filled an entire Chicago City
Yes, Eddie lived the high life of the Chicago mob and gave little

consideration to  the atrocity that went on around him. Eddie did have
soft spot, however. He had a son that he loved dearly. Eddie saw to  it
his young son had the best of everything: clothes, cars, and  a good

Nothing was withheld. Price was no object. And, despite his involvement
with organized crime, Eddie even tried to teach him right from wrong.
Yes, Eddie tried to teach his son to rise above his own sordid life.
wanted his son to be a better man than he was.  Yet, with all his wealth
and influence, there were two things he couldn't give his son;
two things that Eddie sacrificed to the Capone mob that he couldn't pass
on to his beloved son: a good name and a good example.

One day, Easy Eddie reached a difficult decision. Offering his son a good
name was far more important than all the riches he could lavish on him.
Easy Eddie wanted to rectify all the wrong he had done. He decided he

would go to the authorities and tell the truth about Al  "Scarface"
Capone; he would try to clean up his tarnished name and offer his son
some semblance of integrity. But to do this, he would have to testify
against The Mob, and he knew that the cost would be great.  But more
than anything, he wanted to be an example to his son. He  wanted to do
his best to make restoration and, hopefully, have a  good name to leave
his son. So, he testified.

Within the year, Easy Eddie's life ended in a blaze of gunfire on a
Chicago Street.  But in his eyes, he had given his son the greatest gift
had to offer, at the greatest price he would ever pay.
* * * * *


World War II produced many heroes.  One such man was Lieutenant Commander
Butch O'Hare. He was a fighter pilot assigned to the aircraft carrier
Lexington in the South Pacific. One day his entire squadron was sent
on a mission. After he was airborne, he looked at his fuel gauge and

realized that someone had forgotten to top off his fuel tank. He would
not have enough fuel to complete his mission and get back to his ship.

His flight leader told him to return to the carrier. Reluctantly, he
out of formation and headed back to the fleet.

As he was returning to the mother ship he saw something that turned
his blood cold. A squadron of Japanese aircraft were speeding their
way toward the American fleet. The American fighters were gone on a
sortie, and the fleet was all but defenseless. He couldn't reach his
squadron and bring them back in time to save the fleet. Nor could he
warn the fleet of the approaching danger. There was only one thing to do.
He must somehow divert them from the fleet. Laying aside all thoughts of
personal safety, he dove into the formation of Japanese planes.

Wing-mounted 50 calibers blazed as he charged in, attacking one
surprised enemy plane and then another. Butch wove in and out of the

now broken formation and fired at as many planes as possible until all
his ammunition was finally spent.

Undaunted, he continued the assault. He dove at the planes, trying to
clip off a wing or tail in hopes of damaging as many enemy planes as
possible and rendering them unfit to fly. He was desperate to do anything
he could to keep them from reaching the American ships. Finally, the
exasperated Japanese squadron took off in another direction. Deeply
relieved, Butch O'Hare and his tattered fighter limped back to the

Upon  arrival he reported in and related the event surrounding  his
The film from the gun-camera mounted on his plane told the tale. It
the extent of Butch's daring attempt to protect his fleet. He had in fact
destroyed five  enemy aircraft. This took place on February 20, 1942, and
for that action Butch became the Navy's first Ace of W.W.II, and the
Naval Aviator to win the Congressional Medal of  Honor.

A year later Butch was killed in aerial combat at the age of 29.
His home town would not allow the memory of this WW II hero to fade, and
today, O'Hare Airport in Chicago is named in tribute to the courage of
great man. So the next time  you find yourself at O'Hare International,
some thought to  visiting Butch's memorial displaying his statue and his
Medal of Honor. It's located between Terminals 1  and  2.
* * * * *

Butch O'Hare was Easy Eddie's son.

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Brother Love on July 11, 2003, 05:58:35 AM

Dear diary:
April 30th:
Florida is fantastic! Just got here and love it already. Now this  is a state
that knows how to live!! Beautiful sunny days and warm balmy
What  a  place! Watched the sunset from a park lying on a blanket. It was
beautiful.  I've finally found my home. I love it here.

May 14th:
Really heating up. Got to 89 today. Not a problem, I live in an
air-conditioned home and drive an air-conditioned car. What a
pleasure to  see  the sun every
day like this. I'm turning into a real sun worshipper.

June 5th:
Had the backyard landscaped with tropical plants today. Lots of
palms and  rocks. What a breeze to maintain. No more mowing for me. NO MORE
SHOVELING SNOW EITHER! Another scorcher today, but I love it here.

July 1st:
The temperature hasn't been below 90 all week, not even at night.
Where are  those ocean breezes we heard about, still seems hot.
Getting used  to  it will take a while, I guess. I sure miss my LP collection,
though. I'll have to remember not to leave anything made out of plastic in my
Got  one of  those fuzzy steering wheel covers, cheaper than the burn
ointment for  my  hands.  I always wondered what burnt flesh smelled like.

July 15th:
Fell asleep by the pool. (Got 3rd degree burns over 60% of my body.)
Missed two days of work, what a dumb thing to do. I learned my lesson
though: got  to  respect the ol' sun in a climate like this.

July 20th:
I miss our cat, Tabby. He snuck into the car when I left this
morning. By  the  time I got out to the car for lunch, he'd swollen up to
the size of shopping  bag and just as I opened the door he exploded all
over $2,000 worth of  leather  upholstery. I told the kids he ran away.
The car now smells like  Kibble and  poop. No more pets in this heat!

July 25th:
Ocean breezes, my foot. Hot is hot!! The home air conditioner is on
the  fritz  and AC repairman charged $200 just to drive by and tell me he
needed to order parts. Only hope for a break in the heat would be
a  hurricane.

July 30th:
Been sleeping outside by the pool for three nights now. Swatting
the swamp  mosquitoes that are as big as B-52's. $1,500 in darn
house payments  and we can't even go inside. Why did I ever come here
Aug 4th:
100 degrees. Finally got the air conditioner fixed today. It cost
$500 and  gets the temperature down to about 90. The electric bill is almost
as  much as the house payment. And two old lady drivers almost ran me
off  the road. I hate this state.

Aug 8th:
If another wise jerk cracks, "Hot enough for you today?" I'm going
to tear  his head off. Damn heat! By the time I get to work, the radiator is
boiling over, my clothes are soaking wet, and I smell like roasted

Aug 10th:
The weather report might as well be a damn recording: Hot and  sunny.
It's  been too hot for two #@*& months and the weatherman says it might
really  warm up  next week. And whoever came up with the statement,
"it may be hot, but at  least you don't have to shovel it" should die from heat
exhaustion. Doesn't it ever rain in this God-forsaken place??

Aug 14th:
Welcome to Hell!!! Temperature got to 102 today. Forgot to crack  the
window  and blew the windshield out of the Lincoln. The installer came to
fix it and said, "Hot enough for you today?". My wife had to spend
the $1,500  house payment to bail me out of jail.

Aug 30th:
Worst day of the summer. I'm not leaving the house. The monsoon
rains  finally  came and all they did is to make it muggier than hell and drove
the damned roaches out of the ground. I wasn't aware they could  fly!
The  Lincoln is now floating somewhere in the Caribbean with its new
$500  windshield.
That does it, we're moving back to  Ohio where all you have to
worry about  is  getting mugged.

I hope this state breaks in half and floats to Cuba.

Thats some real Bull, I LOVE Florida, I HATE "SNOW" dead trees, grass etc, etc

Brother Love :)

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Brother Love on July 11, 2003, 06:03:56 AM
these stories were checked on "TruthorFiction" and it says they are true.


Many years  ago, Al Capone virtually owned Chicago. Capone wasn't famous
for anything heroic. His exploits were anything but  praise-worthy.
He was, however, notorious for enmeshing  the windy city in everything
from bootlegged booze and  prostitution to murder.

Capone had a lawyer in Chicago nicknamed "Easy  Eddie." He was his lawyer
for a good reason. Eddie was very good! In  fact, Eddie's skill at
legal maneuvering kept Big Al out of jail  for a long time. To show
his appreciation, Capone paid him very well. Not  only was the money big,
but Eddie got special dividends. For  instance, he and his family
a fenced-in mansion with live-in help and all of the conveniences of the
day. The estate was so  large that it filled an entire Chicago City
Yes, Eddie lived the high life of the Chicago mob and gave little

consideration to  the atrocity that went on around him. Eddie did have
soft spot, however. He had a son that he loved dearly. Eddie saw to  it
his young son had the best of everything: clothes, cars, and  a good

Nothing was withheld. Price was no object. And, despite his involvement
with organized crime, Eddie even tried to teach him right from wrong.
Yes, Eddie tried to teach his son to rise above his own sordid life.
wanted his son to be a better man than he was.  Yet, with all his wealth
and influence, there were two things he couldn't give his son;
two things that Eddie sacrificed to the Capone mob that he couldn't pass
on to his beloved son: a good name and a good example.

One day, Easy Eddie reached a difficult decision. Offering his son a good
name was far more important than all the riches he could lavish on him.
Easy Eddie wanted to rectify all the wrong he had done. He decided he

would go to the authorities and tell the truth about Al  "Scarface"
Capone; he would try to clean up his tarnished name and offer his son
some semblance of integrity. But to do this, he would have to testify
against The Mob, and he knew that the cost would be great.  But more
than anything, he wanted to be an example to his son. He  wanted to do
his best to make restoration and, hopefully, have a  good name to leave
his son. So, he testified.

Within the year, Easy Eddie's life ended in a blaze of gunfire on a
Chicago Street.  But in his eyes, he had given his son the greatest gift
had to offer, at the greatest price he would ever pay.
* * * * *


World War II produced many heroes.  One such man was Lieutenant Commander
Butch O'Hare. He was a fighter pilot assigned to the aircraft carrier
Lexington in the South Pacific. One day his entire squadron was sent
on a mission. After he was airborne, he looked at his fuel gauge and

realized that someone had forgotten to top off his fuel tank. He would
not have enough fuel to complete his mission and get back to his ship.

His flight leader told him to return to the carrier. Reluctantly, he
out of formation and headed back to the fleet.

As he was returning to the mother ship he saw something that turned
his blood cold. A squadron of Japanese aircraft were speeding their
way toward the American fleet. The American fighters were gone on a
sortie, and the fleet was all but defenseless. He couldn't reach his
squadron and bring them back in time to save the fleet. Nor could he
warn the fleet of the approaching danger. There was only one thing to do.
He must somehow divert them from the fleet. Laying aside all thoughts of
personal safety, he dove into the formation of Japanese planes.

Wing-mounted 50 calibers blazed as he charged in, attacking one
surprised enemy plane and then another. Butch wove in and out of the

now broken formation and fired at as many planes as possible until all
his ammunition was finally spent.

Undaunted, he continued the assault. He dove at the planes, trying to
clip off a wing or tail in hopes of damaging as many enemy planes as
possible and rendering them unfit to fly. He was desperate to do anything
he could to keep them from reaching the American ships. Finally, the
exasperated Japanese squadron took off in another direction. Deeply
relieved, Butch O'Hare and his tattered fighter limped back to the

Upon  arrival he reported in and related the event surrounding  his
The film from the gun-camera mounted on his plane told the tale. It
the extent of Butch's daring attempt to protect his fleet. He had in fact
destroyed five  enemy aircraft. This took place on February 20, 1942, and
for that action Butch became the Navy's first Ace of W.W.II, and the
Naval Aviator to win the Congressional Medal of  Honor.

A year later Butch was killed in aerial combat at the age of 29.
His home town would not allow the memory of this WW II hero to fade, and
today, O'Hare Airport in Chicago is named in tribute to the courage of
great man. So the next time  you find yourself at O'Hare International,
some thought to  visiting Butch's memorial displaying his statue and his
Medal of Honor. It's located between Terminals 1  and  2.
* * * * *

Butch O'Hare was Easy Eddie's son.

Thanks Forrest, thats a keeper

Brother Love :)

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Forrest on July 12, 2003, 12:00:39 AM
A big city lawyer was called in on a case between a farmer and a large
railroad company. The
farmer noticed that his prize cow was missing from the field through
which the railroad passed.
He filed suit against the railroad company for the value of the cow. The
case was to be tried
before the justice of the peace in the back room of the general store.
The attorney immediately
cornered the farmer and tried to get him to settle out of court.
The lawyer did his best selling job, keeping the conversation moving and
not letting the farmer
get much of a word in. The farmer finally agreed to take half of what he
was claiming to settle
the case. After the farmer signed the release and took the check, the
young lawyer couldn't help
but gloat a little over his success. He said to the farmer, "You know, I
hate to tell you this,
but I put one over on you in there. I couldn't have won the case. The
engineer was asleep and
the fireman was in the caboose when the train went through your farm
that morning. I didn't have
one witness to put on the stand."
The old farmer replied, "Well, I'll tell you, young feller, I was a
little worried about winning
that case myself. That durned cow came home this morning!"  

Title: BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on July 13, 2003, 08:35:28 AM
A big city lawyer was called in on a case between a farmer and a large
railroad company. The
farmer noticed that his prize cow was missing from the field through
which the railroad passed.
He filed suit against the railroad company for the value of the cow. The
case was to be tried
before the justice of the peace in the back room of the general store.
The attorney immediately
cornered the farmer and tried to get him to settle out of court.
The lawyer did his best selling job, keeping the conversation moving and
not letting the farmer
get much of a word in. The farmer finally agreed to take half of what he
was claiming to settle
the case. After the farmer signed the release and took the check, the
young lawyer couldn't help
but gloat a little over his success. He said to the farmer, "You know, I
hate to tell you this,
but I put one over on you in there. I couldn't have won the case. The
engineer was asleep and
the fireman was in the caboose when the train went through your farm
that morning. I didn't have
one witness to put on the stand."
The old farmer replied, "Well, I'll tell you, young feller, I was a
little worried about winning
that case myself. That durned cow came home this morning!"  

Another good one Forrest, thanks Bro  ;D

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Brother Love on July 14, 2003, 04:31:14 AM

Brother Love :)

Title: The Weakest Link
Post by: Brother Love on July 18, 2003, 04:48:20 AM
The weakest link

Are you the weakest link? Below are four (4) questions. You have to answer them
instantly. You can't take your time, answer all of them immediately.

OK? Let's find out just how clever you really are


GO!!! (scroll down)

First Question:
You are participating in a race. You overtake the second person.What position
are you in?

Answer: If you answered that you are first, then you are absolutely wrong! If
you overtake the second person and you take his place, you are second!

Try not to mess up in the next question. To answer the second question, don't
take as much time as you took for the first question.

Second Question: If you overtake the last person, then you are...?

Answer: If you answered that you are second to last, then you are wrong again.
Tell me, how can YOU overtake the LAST person?!

You're not very good at this are you?

Third Question: Very tricky math! Note: This must be done in your head only.
Do NOT use paper and pencil or a calculator. Try it.

Take 1000 and add 40 to it. Now add another 1000. Now add 30. Add another 1000.
Now add 20. Now add another 1000. Now add 10. What is the total?

Scroll down for answer..

Did you get 5000? The correct answer is actually 4100.  Don't believe it? Check
with your calculator!

Today is definitely not your day. Maybe you will get the last question right?

Mary's father has five daughters: 1. Nana, 2. Nene, 3. Nini, 4. Nono.

What is the name of the fifth daughter?

Answer: Nunu? NO! Of course not. Her name is Mary. Read the question again


Brother Love :)

Title: The Weakest Link
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on July 18, 2003, 05:53:30 PM
The weakest link

Are you the weakest link? Below are four (4) questions. You have to answer them
instantly. You can't take your time, answer all of them immediately.

OK? Let's find out just how clever you really are


GO!!! (scroll down)

First Question:
You are participating in a race. You overtake the second person.What position
are you in?

Answer: If you answered that you are first, then you are absolutely wrong! If
you overtake the second person and you take his place, you are second!

Try not to mess up in the next question. To answer the second question, don't
take as much time as you took for the first question.

Second Question: If you overtake the last person, then you are...?

Answer: If you answered that you are second to last, then you are wrong again.
Tell me, how can YOU overtake the LAST person?!

You're not very good at this are you?

Third Question: Very tricky math! Note: This must be done in your head only.
Do NOT use paper and pencil or a calculator. Try it.

Take 1000 and add 40 to it. Now add another 1000. Now add 30. Add another 1000.
Now add 20. Now add another 1000. Now add 10. What is the total?

Scroll down for answer..

Did you get 5000? The correct answer is actually 4100.  Don't believe it? Check
with your calculator!

Today is definitely not your day. Maybe you will get the last question right?

Mary's father has five daughters: 1. Nana, 2. Nene, 3. Nini, 4. Nono.

What is the name of the fifth daughter?

Answer: Nunu? NO! Of course not. Her name is Mary. Read the question again


Brother Love :)

I like it, I like it

Thanks Brother Love

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: TigerLily on July 19, 2003, 11:03:24 PM
George Phillips of Meridian Mississippi was going up to bed when his wife  told him that he'd left the light on in the garden shed, which she could see  from the bedroom window.
 George opened the back door to go turn off the light but saw that there  were  people in the shed stealing things. He phoned the police, who asked"Is someone in your house?" and he said "no." Then they said that all patrols  were busy, and that he should simply lock his door and an officer would be along when available. George said, "Okay," hung up, counted to 30,and  phoned the police again. "Hello I just called you a few seconds ago because  there were people in my shed. Well, you don't have to worry about them  because I've just shot them all." Then he hung up.
  Within five minutes three police cars, an Armed Response unit, and an  ambulance showed up at the Phillips residence. Of course, the police caught the burglars red-handed. One of the Policemen said to George: "I thought you  said that you'd shot them!"
George said, "I thought you said there was nobody available!"

ROFL.. thought this was so funny!!
Lya's TL

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: TigerLily on July 19, 2003, 11:10:41 PM
A blonde girl enters a store that sells curtains. She tells the
- I would like to buy a pink curtain in the size of my computer screen.
The surprised salesman replies: - But, madam, computers do not have curtains....
And the blonde said:

- Helloooo.... I've got Windows!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ROFl.. ok no offence to blondes, i to am a um well streaked blonde lol and this was sent to me by a blonde haha.. but oh goodness this one i think was the best blonde joke i have read up till now..!!!
lya.. TL

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Symphony on July 19, 2003, 11:57:31 PM

some good ones, tigerlilly.

Title: BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on July 20, 2003, 09:16:35 AM
You get  ;D ;D ;D ;D tigerlily LOL I liked both of them ;D

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: nChrist on July 22, 2003, 06:56:47 AM
Oklahoma Howdy To All,

By the way, if you use the short form of Oklahoman like Will Rogers did, it's "Okie".  :D

Hilarious Signs:

On a plumber's truck: "We repair what your husband fixed."

On the trucks of a local plumbing company in NE Pennsylvania: "Don't sleep with a drip. Call your plumber."

Pizza shop slogan: "7 days without pizza makes one weak."

Outside a muffler shop: "No appointment necessary. We hear you coming."

In a veterinarian's waiting room: "Be back in 5 minutes. Sit! Stay!"

Door of a plastic surgeon's office: "We can help you pick your nose!"

On an electrician's truck: "Let us remove your shorts."

In a non-smoking area: "If we see smoke, we will assume you are on fire and take appropriate action."

On a maternity room door: "Push. Push. Push."

At an optometrist's office: "If you don't see what you're looking for, you've come to the right place."

In the front yard of a funeral home: "Drive carefully. We'll wait."

Title: Re:The Weakest Link
Post by: nChrist on July 22, 2003, 07:01:44 AM
The weakest link

Are you the weakest link? Below are four (4) questions. You have to answer them
instantly. You can't take your time, answer all of them immediately.

Oklahoma Howdy to Brother Love,

I made a ZERO, so I must be the weakest link.

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: nChrist on July 22, 2003, 07:04:40 AM
Life Saver:

A blonde is working as a lifeguard at a swimming pool when a girl begins to drown, screaming "lifesaver! lifesaver!"

The blonde thinks for a moment, and then asks "cherry or grape?"


Title: Re:BULL
Post by: nChrist on July 22, 2003, 07:09:43 AM
Let's face it -- English is a crazy language.

There is no egg in eggplant nor ham in hamburger; neither apple nor pine in pineapple.

English muffins weren't invented in England or French fries in France. Sweetmeats are candies while sweetbreads, which aren't sweet, are meat.

We take English for granted. But if we explore its paradoxes, we find that quicksand can work slowly, boxing rings are square and a guinea pig is neither from Guinea nor is it a pig.

And why is it that writers write but fingers don't fing, grocers don't grocer and hammers don't ham? If the plural of tooth is teeth, why isn't the plural of booth beeth? One goose, 2 geese. So one moose, 2 meese? One index, 2 indices?

Doesn't it seem crazy that you can make amends but not one amend, that you comb through annals of history but not a single annal?

If you have a bunch of odds and ends and get rid of all but one of them, what do you call it?

If teachers taught, why didn't preacher praught? If a vegetarian eats vegetables, what does a humanitarian eat? If you wrote a letter, perhaps you bote your tongue?

In what language do people recite at a play and play at a recital? Ship by truck and send cargo by ship? Have noses that run and feet that smell? Park on driveways and drive on parkways?

How can a slim chance and a fat chance be the same, while a wise man and wise guy are opposites? How can overlook and oversee be opposites, while quite a lot and quite a few are alike?

Have you noticed that we talk about certain things only when they are absent?

Have you ever seen a horseful carriage or a strapful gown? Met a sung hero or experienced requited love? Have you ever run into someone who was combobulated, gruntled, ruly or peccable? And
where are all those people who ARE spring chickens or who would ACTUALLY hurt a fly?

You have to marvel at the unique lunacy of a language in which your house can burn up as it burns down, in which you fill in a form by filling it out and in which an alarm clock goes off by going on.

English was invented by people, not computers, and it reflects the creativity of the human race (which, of course, isn't a race at all). That is why, when the stars are out, they are visible, but when the lights are out, they are invisible.

And why, when I wind up my watch, I start it, but when I wind up this essay, I end it.

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: nChrist on July 22, 2003, 07:13:14 AM

A conclusion is the place where you got tired of thinking.

Experience is something you don't get until just after you need it.

Never do card tricks for the group you play poker with.

Success always occurs in private, and failure in full view.

The severity of the itch is proportional to the reach.

To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism; to steal from many is research.

To succeed in politics, it is often necessary to rise above your principles.

The problem with the gene pool is that there is no lifeguard.

A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory.

Plan to be spontaneous tomorrow.

How many of you believe in telekinesis? Raise my hands....

Attempt to get a new car for your'll be a great trade!

I'd kill for a Nobel Peace Prize.

Everybody repeat after me...."We are all individuals."

Death to all fanatics!

Don't be sexist; broads hate that!

Eagles may soar, but weasels aren't sucked in jet engines.

Borrow money from pessimists....they don't expect it back.

Half the people you know are below average.

99 percent of lawyers give the rest a bad name.

If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving definitely isn't for you.

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: nChrist on July 22, 2003, 07:16:21 AM

I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman, "Where's the self-help section?" She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.

What if there were no hypothetical questions?

If a deaf person swears, does his mother wash his hands with soap?

If someone with multiple personalities threatens to kill himself, is it considered a hostage situation?

Is there another word for synonym?

Where do forest rangers go to "get away from it all?"

What do you do when you see an endangered animal eating an endangered plant?

Why do they lock gas station bathrooms? Are they afraid someone will clean them?

If the police arrest a mime, do they tell him he has the right to remain silent?

Why do they put Braille on the drive-through bank machines?

How do they get deer to cross the road only at those yellow road signs?

What was the best thing before sliced bread?

What is one nice thing about egotists? They don't talk about other people.

If one synchronized swimmer drowns, do the rest drown too?

Why is it called tourist season if we can't shoot at them?

Can an atheist get insurance against acts of God?

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Brother Love on July 22, 2003, 07:16:56 AM
blackeyedpeas, all of them get  :) :) :) :)

I Love You Brother

Brother Love :)

Title: BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on July 24, 2003, 02:14:14 PM
"Doc, I can't stop singing 'The Green, Green Grass
of Home.'"
"That sounds like the Tom Jones syndrome."
"Is it common?"
"It's not unusual."
 ;D ;D ;D

Title: BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on July 24, 2003, 02:42:26 PM
A man takes his Rottweiler to the vet and says,
"My dog's cross-eyed, is there anything you can do for
him?" "Well," says the vet, "let's have a look at him"
So he picks the dog up and examines his eyes, then
checks his teeth.
Finally, he says I'm going to have to put him down."
"Why?, Because he's cross-eyed?"
"No, because he's really heavy"  ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Brother Love on July 25, 2003, 05:34:34 AM
"Doc, I can't stop singing 'The Green, Green Grass
of Home.'"
"That sounds like the Tom Jones syndrome."
"Is it common?"
"It's not unusual."
 ;D ;D ;D


Brother Love :)

Title: BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on July 25, 2003, 06:48:21 PM
"Doc, I can't stop singing 'The Green, Green Grass
of Home.'"
"That sounds like the Tom Jones syndrome."
"Is it common?"
"It's not unusual."
 ;D ;D ;D


Brother Love :)


Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on July 27, 2003, 05:42:02 PM
British courtesy

An American tourist in London found himself needing to take a leak something terrible. After a long search he just couldn't find any public bathroom to relieve himself. So he went down one of the side streets to take care of business. Just as he was unzipping, a London police officer showed up.

"Look here, old chap, what are you doing?" the officer asked.

"I'm sorry," the American replied, but I really gotta take a leak."

"You can't do that here," the officer told him. "Look, follow me."

The police officer led him to a beautiful garden with lots of grass, pretty flowers, and manicured hedges. "Here," said the policeman, "whiz away."

The American tourist shrugged, turned, unzipped, and started
gotcha6  on the flowers. "Ahhh," he said in relief. Then turning
toward the  officer, he said, "This is very nice of you.
Is this British courtesy?"
"No," retorted the policeman. "It's the French Embassy."

 ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: nChrist on July 28, 2003, 09:55:49 PM
I was thinking:

I was thinking about how the status symbols of today is those cell phones that everyone has clipped on. I can't afford one so I'm wearing my garage door opener.

I was thinking that women should put pictures of missing husbands on beer cans!

I was thinking about old age and decided that it is when you still have something on the ball but you are just too tired to bounce it.

I thought about making a movie for folks my age and call it "Pumping Rust"

You know when people see a cat's litter box, they always say, "Oh, have you got a cat?" Just once I wanted to say, "No, it's for company!"

Employment application blanks always ask who is to be notified in case of an emergency. I think you should write . . . A Good Doctor!

I was thinking about how people seem to read the Bible a whole lot more as they get older then it dawned on me . . . they were cramming for their finals.

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Forrest on July 28, 2003, 11:39:34 PM
I was thinking:

I was thinking about how the status symbols of today is those cell phones that everyone has clipped on. I can't afford one so I'm wearing my garage door opener.

I was thinking that women should put pictures of missing husbands on beer cans!

I was thinking about old age and decided that it is when you still have something on the ball but you are just too tired to bounce it.

I thought about making a movie for folks my age and call it "Pumping Rust"

You know when people see a cat's litter box, they always say, "Oh, have you got a cat?" Just once I wanted to say, "No, it's for company!"

Employment application blanks always ask who is to be notified in case of an emergency. I think you should write . . . A Good Doctor!

I was thinking about how people seem to read the Bible a whole lot more as they get older then it dawned on me . . . they were cramming for their finals.

  The thing is eventho the BIBLE has the answers most don't belive, even with the answer right before their eyes.

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: nChrist on July 29, 2003, 02:45:54 AM
  The thing is eventho the BIBLE has the answers most don't belive, even with the answer right before their eyes.

My Aunt sent me this. Bless her sweet heart; all of the answers she needs are in the Holy Bible. I'm still learning, and I never cease to be amazed that I can get something new from the same portion of Scripture, regardless of how many times I read it. I am learning that all of the answers I need are in the WORD.

In Christ.

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Forrest on July 29, 2003, 01:00:20 PM
  We all are constintly learning from GODS Word every day.

Title: BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on July 29, 2003, 05:10:08 PM
  The thing is eventho the BIBLE has the answers most don't belive, even with the answer right before their eyes.

My Aunt sent me this. Bless her sweet heart; all of the answers she needs are in the Holy Bible. I'm still learning, and I never cease to be amazed that I can get something new from the same portion of Scripture, regardless of how many times I read it. I am learning that all of the answers I need are in the WORD.

In Christ.


Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Forrest on July 30, 2003, 08:10:37 PM
New billboards are getting attention in parts of the U.S. Some reported
seeing one or two messages, but the newspaper listed all of them. Here's
a list of all variations of the "God Speaks" billboards. The billboards
are a simple black background with white text. No fine print or
sponsoring organization is included. These are awesome ... enjoy.
Tell the kids I love them.
Let's meet at my house Sunday
before the game.
C'mon over and bring the kids.
What part of "Thou Shalt Not..."
didn't you understand?
We need to talk.
Keep using my name in vain,
I'll make rush hour longer.
Loved the wedding,
invite me to the marriage.
That "Love Thy Neighbor" thing...
I meant it.
I love you and you
and you and you and...
Will the road you're on
get you to my place?
Follow me.
Big bang theory,
you've got to be kidding.
My way is the highway.
Need directions?
You think it's hot here?
Have you read my #1 best seller?
There will be a test.
Do you have any idea
where you're going?
(And my personal favorite...)
Don't make me come down there.

Title: Thanks Forrest
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on August 02, 2003, 04:59:11 PM
Thanks Forrest, another good one  ;D

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: TigerLily on August 02, 2003, 05:42:28 PM
There was once a man and woman who had been married for more than 60
years. They had shared everything. They had talked about everything.

They had kept no secrets from each other except that the little old
woman had a shoe box in the top of her closet that she had cautioned her
husband never to

open or ask her about.

For all of these years, he had never thought about the box, but one day
the little old woman got very sick and the doctor said she would not

In trying to sort out their affairs, the little old man took down the
shoe box and took it to his wife's bedside. She agreed that it was time
that he should know what was in the box.

When he opened it, he found two crocheted doilies and a stack of money
totaling $25,000. He asked her about the contents.

"When we were to be married," she said, "my grandmother told me the
secret of a happy marriage was to never argue. She told me that if I
ever got

angry with you, I should just keep quiet and crochet a doily."

The little old man was so moved, he had to fight back tears. Only two
precious doilies were in the box. She had only been angry with him two
times in all those years of living and loving. He almost burst with


"Honey," he said, "that explains the doilies, but what about all of this
money? Where did it come from?"

"Oh," she said, "that's the money I made from selling the doilies."

 ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: TigerLily on August 02, 2003, 05:56:41 PM


Now I lay me down to sleep.
I pray the Lord my shape to keep.
Please no wrinkles, please no bags
And please lift my butt before it sags.
Please no age spots, please no gray-
And, as for my belly, please take it away.
Please keep me healthy, please keep me young-
And, thank you Dear Lord for all that you've done!

Inside every older person is a younger person
wondering what in the world happened.

Ain't it the truth

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: TigerLily on August 02, 2003, 05:59:38 PM
Heres one that enuff to make you feel like gagging ROFL..
Enjoy.... ;) ;D ;D

My son Zachary, 4, came screaming out of the bathroom to tell me he'd dropped his toothbrush in the toilet. So I fished it out and threw it in the garbage.
Zachary stood there thinking for a moment, then ran to my bathroom and came out with my toothbrush.
He held it up and said with a charming little smile. "We better throw this one out too then, 'cause it fell in the toilet a few days ago.

Title: BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on August 03, 2003, 08:35:34 AM
There was once a man and woman who had been married for more than 60
years. They had shared everything. They had talked about everything.

They had kept no secrets from each other except that the little old
woman had a shoe box in the top of her closet that she had cautioned her
husband never to

open or ask her about.

For all of these years, he had never thought about the box, but one day
the little old woman got very sick and the doctor said she would not

In trying to sort out their affairs, the little old man took down the
shoe box and took it to his wife's bedside. She agreed that it was time
that he should know what was in the box.

When he opened it, he found two crocheted doilies and a stack of money
totaling $25,000. He asked her about the contents.

"When we were to be married," she said, "my grandmother told me the
secret of a happy marriage was to never argue. She told me that if I
ever got

angry with you, I should just keep quiet and crochet a doily."

The little old man was so moved, he had to fight back tears. Only two
precious doilies were in the box. She had only been angry with him two
times in all those years of living and loving. He almost burst with


"Honey," he said, "that explains the doilies, but what about all of this
money? Where did it come from?"

"Oh," she said, "that's the money I made from selling the doilies."

 ;D ;D ;D

LOL ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Forrest on August 03, 2003, 08:18:03 PM
A blonde calls Delta Airlines and asks, "Can you tell me how long  it'll take to fly from San Francisco to New York City?" The agent replies, "Just a minute..." "Thank you," the blonde says, and hangs up.
Two Mexican detectives were investigating the murder of Juan  Gonzalez. "How was he killed?" asked one detective. "With a golf gun," the other detective replied. "A golf gun?! What is a golf gun?" "I don't know. But it sure made a hole in Juan."
The investigation of Martha Stewart continues. Her recipe for  chicken casserole is quite efficient. First you boil the chicken in water.  And then you dump the stock.
This guy has been sitting in a bar all night, staring at a blonde wearing the tightest pants he's ever seen. Finally his curiosity gets the  best of him, so he walks over and asks, "How do you get into those pants?" The young woman looks him over and replies, "Well, you could start  by buying me a drink."
Moe: "My wife got me to believe in religion." Joe: "Really?" Moe: "Yeah. Until I married her I didn't believe in hell."
A man is recovering from surgery when a nurse asks him how he is feeling. "I'm O.K. but I didn't like the four-letter-word the doctor used in surgery," he answered. "What did he say," asked the nurse. "OOPS!"
While shopping for vacation clothes, my husband and I passed a  display of bathing suits. It had been at least ten years and twenty pounds  since I had even considered buying a bathing suit, so I sought my husband's advice. "What do you think?" I asked. "Should I get a bikini or an all-in-one?" "Better get a bikini," he replied. "You'd never get it  all in one."
Grandpa was driving with his 9 year old grand-daughter and beeped  the horn by mistake. She turned and looked at him for an explanation. He said, "I did that by accident." She replied, "I know that, Grandpa." He replied, "How did you know?" She said, "Because you didn't say a dirty word afterwards!"

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Forrest on August 03, 2003, 08:20:03 PM
Actual Employee Evaluations

The following was taken from actual employee evaluations:

1. Since my last report, this employee has reached rock bottom and shows
signs of starting to dig.

2. His men would follow him anywhere, but only out of morbid curiosity.

3. I would not allow this man to breed.

4. This associate is really not so much of a has-been, but more of a
definitely won't be.

5. Works well when under constant supervision and cornered like a rat in
a trap.

6. When he opens his mouth, it seems that this is only to change
whichever foot was previously in there.

7. He would be out of his depth in a parking lot puddle.

8. This man has delusions of adequacy.

9. He sets low personal standards and then consistently fails to achieve

10. This employee should go far -- the sooner he starts, the better.

11. This employee is depriving a village somewhere of an idiot.

12. Not the sharpest knife in the drawer.

13. Got into the gene pool while the lifeguard wasn't looking.

14. A room temperature I.Q.

15. Got a full six-pack, but is missing the plastic thingy that holds it

16. A gross ignoramus -- 144 times worse than an ordinary ignoramus.

17. A photographic memory but with the lens cover glued on.

18. A prime candidate for natural deselection.

19. Bright as Alaska in December.

20. One-celled organisms outscore him in I.Q. tests.

21. Donated his brain to science before he was quite finished using it.

22. Fell out of his family tree.

23. The gates are down, the lights are flashing, but the trains isn't

24. This man has two brains; one is lost and the other is out looking
for it.

25. He's so dense,light bends around him.

26. If brains were taxed, he would get a rebate.

27. Any dumber and he would have to be watered twice a week.

28. If you gave him a penny for his thoughts, you would get change back.

29. If you stand close enough to him, you can hear the ocean.

30. It's hard to believe that he beat out 1,000,000 other sperm.

31. One neuron short of a synapse.

32. Some drink from the fountain of knowledge, he gargled.

33. Was left on the Tilt-A-Whirl a bit too long as a baby.

34. Not the brightest bulb in the chandelier.

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Forrest on August 03, 2003, 08:22:04 PM
Subject: Men's Rule's

We always hear "the rules" from the female side.
Now here are the rules from the male side.
These are our rules!
Please note. . .these are all numbered "1" ON PURPOSE!

1. Learn to work the toilet seat. You're a big girl. If it's
up, put it down. You can handle it. We need it up, you need it
down. You don't hear us complaining about you leaving it down.

1. Sunday = sports. It's like the full moon. Let it be.

1. Crying is blackmail.

1. Ask for what you want. Let us be clear on this one. Subtle
hints do not work! Strong hints do not work! Obvious hints
do not work! Just say it!

1. Yes and No are perfectly acceptable answers to almost every question.

1. Come to us with a problem only if you want help solving it.
That's what we do. Sympathy is what your girlfriends are for.

1. A headache that lasts for 17 months is a problem. See a doctor.

1. Anything we said 6 months ago is inadmissible in an argument.
In fact, all comments become null and void after 7 days.

1. If you won't dress like the Victoria's Secret girls, don't
expect us to act like soap opera guys.

1. If you think you're fat, you probably are. Don't ask us.

1. If something we said can be interpreted two ways, and one of
the ways makes you sad or angry, we meant the other one.

1. You can either ask us to do something or tell us how you want it
done. Not both. If you already know best how to do it, just do it

1. Whenever possible, please say whatever you have to say during commercials.

1. Christopher Columbus did not need directions, and neither do we.

1. ALL men see in only 16 colors, like Windows default settings.
Peach, for example, is a fruit, not a color. Pumpkin is also a fruit.
We have no idea what mauve is.

1. If it itches, it will be scratched. We do that.

1. If we ask what is wrong and you say "nothing," we will act
like nothing's wrong. We know it's not true, but it is just not
worth the hassle.

1. If you ask a question you don't want an answer to, expect an
answer you don't want to hear.

1. Don't ask us what we're thinking about unless you are prepared
to discuss such topics as baseball, the shotgun formation, or
monster trucks.

1. You have enough clothes.

1. You have too many shoes.

1. I AM in shape. Round is a shape.

1. Thank you for reading this; Yes, I know, I have to sleep on
the couch tonight, but did you know men really don't mind that?
It's like camping.  

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Forrest on August 03, 2003, 08:24:51 PM
And you thought YOU knew everything...
>Mosquito repellents don't repel. They hide you. The spray blocks the
>mosquito's sensors so they don't know you're there.
>Dentists have recommended that a toothbrush be kept at least 6 feet away from
>a toilet to avoid airborne particles resulting from the flush.
>The liquid inside young coconuts can be used as substitute for blood plasma.
>No piece of paper can be folded in half more than 7 times.
>Donkeys kill more people annually than plane crashes.  
>You burn more calories sleeping than you do watching television.
>Oak trees do not produce acorns until they are fifty years of age or older.
>The first product to have a bar code was Wrigley's gum.
>The king of hearts is the only king without a mustache.
>A Boeing 747s wingspan is longer than the Wright brother's first flight.
>American Airlines saved $40,000 in 1987 by eliminating 1 olive from each
>salad served in first-class.
>Venus is the only planet that rotates clockwise.
>Apples, not caffeine, are more efficient at waking you up in the morning.
>The plastic things on the end of shoelaces are called aglets.
>Most dust particles in your house are made from dead skin.
>The first owner of the Marlboro Company died of lung cancer.
>Michael Jordan makes more money from Nike annually than all of the Nike
>factory workers in Malaysia combined.
>Marilyn Monroe had six toes.
>All US Presidents have worn glasses. Some just didn't like being seen wearing
>them in public.
>Walt Disney was afraid of mice.
>Pearls melt in vinegar.
>Thirty-five percent of the people who use personal ads for dating are already
>The three most valuable brand names on earth: Marlboro, Coca-Cola, and
>Budweiser, in that order.
>It is possible to lead a cow upstairs...but not downstairs.
>A duck's quack doesn't echo, and no one knows why.
>The reason firehouses have circular stairways is from the days when the
>engines were pulled by horses. The horses were stabled on the ground floor and
>figured out how to walk up straight staircases.
>Richard Millhouse Nixon was the first USpresident whose name contains all the
>letters from the word "criminal." The second was William Jefferson Clinton.
>Turtles can breathe through their butts.
>Butterflies taste with their feet.
>In 10 minutes, a hurricane releases more energy than all of the world's
>nuclear weapons combined.
>On average, 100 people choke to death on ball-point pens every year.
>On average people fear spiders more than death.
>Ninety percent of New York City cabbies are recently arrived immigrants.
>Elephants are the only animals that can't jump.
>Only one person in two billion will live to be 116 or older.
>Women blink nearly twice as much as men.
>It's physically impossible for you to lick your elbow.
>The Main Library at Indiana University sinks over an inch every year because
>when it was built, engineers failed to take into account the weight of all the
>books that would occupy the building.
>A snail can sleep for three years.
>No word in the English language rhymes with "MONTH."
>Average life span of a major league baseball: 7 pitches.
>Our eyes are always the same size from birth, but our nose and ears never
>stop growing. SCARY!!!
>The electric chair was invented by a dentist.
>All polar bears are left handed.
>In ancient Egypt, priests plucked EVERY hair from their bodies, including
>their eyebrows and eyelashes.
>An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain.
>TYPEWRITER is the longest word that can be made using the letters only on one
>row of the keyboard.
>Go," is the shortest complete sentence in the English language.
>If Barbie were life-size, her measurements would be 39-23-33. She would stand
>seven feet, two inches tall. Barbie's full name is Barbara Millicent Roberts.
>A crocodile cannot stick its tongue out.
>The cigarette lighter was invented before the match.
>Americans on average eat 18 acres of pizza every day.
>Almost everyone who reads this email will try to lick their elbow.
>Don't forget to pass these weird facts on to everyone you know.  They will
>get a kick out of it.
>As I learn the innermost secrets of the people around me, they reward me in
>many ways keep me quiet.

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Brother Love on August 04, 2003, 04:30:38 AM


Now I lay me down to sleep.
I pray the Lord my shape to keep.
Please no wrinkles, please no bags
And please lift my butt before it sags.
Please no age spots, please no gray-
And, as for my belly, please take it away.
Please keep me healthy, please keep me young-
And, thank you Dear Lord for all that you've done!

Inside every older person is a younger person
wondering what in the world happened.

Ain't it the truth

Ain't it the truth  :)

Brother Love :)

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Brother Love on August 04, 2003, 06:40:59 AM
Heres one that enuff to make you feel like gagging ROFL..
Enjoy.... ;) ;D ;D

My son Zachary, 4, came screaming out of the bathroom to tell me he'd dropped his toothbrush in the toilet. So I fished it out and threw it in the garbage.
Zachary stood there thinking for a moment, then ran to my bathroom and came out with my toothbrush.
He held it up and said with a charming little smile. "We better throw this one out too then, 'cause it fell in the toilet a few days ago.


Brother Love :)

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Brother Love on August 04, 2003, 06:45:39 AM

"OOPS!"  I enjoyed them all

Brother Love :)

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Forrest on August 04, 2003, 08:27:34 PM
I signed up for an exercise class and was told to wear loose-fitting
   clothing. If I HAD any loose-fitting clothing, I wouldn't have signed up
   in the first place!  

2. When I was young we used to go "skinny dipping", now I just "chunky dunk".  

3. The early bird still has to eat worms.  

4. The worst thing about accidents in the kitchen is eating them.  

5. Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell
   the difference.  

6. Wouldn't it be nice if whenever we messed up our life we could
   simply press 'Ctrl Alt Delete' and start all over?  

7. Stress is when you wake up screaming and then you realize you haven't
   fallen asleep yet.  

8. My husband says I never listen to him. At least I think that's what
   he said.  

9. Just remember... if the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off.  

10. Why is it that our children can't read a Bible in school, but they
     can in prison?  

11. If raising children was going to be easy, it never would have
     started with something called labor!  

12. Brain cells come and brain cells go, but fat cells live forever

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Forrest on August 04, 2003, 08:35:47 PM

A basketball in my hands is worth about $19.
A basketball in Michael Jordan's hands is worth about $33 million.
It depends whose hands it's in.
A baseball in my hands is worth about $6.
A baseball in Mark McGuire's hands is worth $19 million.
It depends on whose hands it's in.
A tennis racket is useless in my hands.
A tennis racket in Venus Williams' hands is a championship winning.
It depends whose hands it's in.
A rod in my hands will keep away a wild animal.
A rod in Moses' hands will part the mighty sea.
It depends whose hands it's in.
A sling shot in my hands is a kid's toy
A sling shot in David's hand is a mighty weapon.
It depends whose hands it's in.
Two fish and 5 loaves of bread in my hands is a couple of fish sandwiches.
Two fish and 5 loaves of bread in God's hands will feed thousands.
It depends whose hands it's in.
Nails in my hands might produce a birdhouse.
Nails in Jesus Christ's hands will
produce salvation for the entire world.
It depends whose hands it's in.
As you see now it depends whose hands it's in.
So put your concerns, your worries, your fears, your hopes, your dreams, your families and your relationships in God's hands because...
It depends whose hands it's in.

This message is now in your hands.
What will YOU do with it?

It Depends on Who's Hands it's in!!

Title: BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on August 05, 2003, 01:46:30 PM
I signed up for an exercise class and was told to wear loose-fitting
   clothing. If I HAD any loose-fitting clothing, I wouldn't have signed up
   in the first place!  

2. When I was young we used to go "skinny dipping", now I just "chunky dunk".  

3. The early bird still has to eat worms.  

4. The worst thing about accidents in the kitchen is eating them.  

5. Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell
   the difference.  

6. Wouldn't it be nice if whenever we messed up our life we could
   simply press 'Ctrl Alt Delete' and start all over?  

7. Stress is when you wake up screaming and then you realize you haven't
   fallen asleep yet.  

8. My husband says I never listen to him. At least I think that's what
   he said.  

9. Just remember... if the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off.  

10. Why is it that our children can't read a Bible in school, but they
     can in prison?  

11. If raising children was going to be easy, it never would have
     started with something called labor!  

12. Brain cells come and brain cells go, but fat cells live forever

Good Stuff, thanks Bro ;D

Title: BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on August 05, 2003, 05:42:53 PM

Attention to detail...
   Jennifer, a young blonde, was working part time at an electronics store in receiving.
   The boss told her to order part number 669 from the factory. Knowing this was her chance to show the boss what a good worker she was, she carefully & quickly placed the order.
   A week later when the order arrived she noticed that someone had sent part number 699 instead. Furious at the factory's incompetence, Jennifer promptly sent the part back along with a letter giving them a piece of her mind.
   Three days later, she received the same box back with a note containing five words, "Jennifer, turn the box over."
 ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on August 05, 2003, 05:45:48 PM

A Day on the Bus

A woman got on a bus holding a baby. The busdriver said:
"That's the ugliest baby I've ever seen." In a huff,
the woman slammed her fare into the fare box and took
an aisle seat near the rear of the bus.

The man seated next to her sensed that she was agitated
and asked her what was wrong.

"The bus driver insulted me." she fumed.

The man sympathized and said: "Why, he's a public servant
and shouldn't say things to insult passengers."

You're right." She said. "I think I'll go back up there
and give him a piece of my mind."

"That's a good idea." the man said. "Here, let me hold
your monkey."
 ;D ;D ;D

Title: BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on August 05, 2003, 05:48:20 PM
Managing to pull himself onto the bus early one morning, the drunk stumbled over passengers, knocked over bags and briefcases, and finally fell into a seat beside a prim old woman. He slumped over her, and she pushed him back. “Mister,” she said indignantly. “I hate to say it, but you are going straight to hell!”
Startled, the drunk leapt to his feet. “ I’m on the wrong bus!”

Title: BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on August 05, 2003, 05:51:29 PM
Did you hear about the three ministers who were talking about
their common problem with bats in the belfry of the church?

The first: "I shot at them with a shotgun; but it only spoiled
the woodwork."

The second: "I tried a more humane approach, netting them and releasing them 100 Km away. But they beat me back to the church!"

The third (who was looking pretty smug): "I caught them, and
baptized and confirmed each one. I haven't seen them since."

 ;D ;D ;D

Title: Words of Wisdom...
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on August 05, 2003, 05:54:17 PM
A hug is a great gift, one size fits all. It can be given for
any occasion and it's easy to exchange.

Title: BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on August 05, 2003, 05:55:36 PM
Bumper Stickers...
National Atheist's Day April 1  ;D

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Forrest on August 05, 2003, 08:50:08 PM
Subject: FW: It is the year 2003 and Noah lives in the United States

 It is the year 2003 and Noah lives in the United States
   The Lord speaks to Noah and says: "In one year I am going
to make it rain and cover the whole earth with water until all is destroyed. But I want you to save the righteous people and two of every kind of living thing on the earth.

    Therefore, I am commanding you to build an Ark." In a flash of lightning, God delivered the specifications for an Ark. Fearful and trembling, Noah took the plans and agreed to
 build the Ark.

     "Remember," said the Lord, "You must complete the Ark and bring everything aboard in one year."

        Exactly one year later, a fierce storm cloud covered the earth and all the seas of the earth went into a tumult. The Lord saw Noah sitting in his front yard weeping. "Noah." He shouted, "Where is the Ark?" "Lord please forgive
me!" cried Noah. "I did my best but there were big problems.

          First, I had to get a permit for construction and your plans did not comply with the codes. I had to hire an engineering firm and redraw the plans.

           Then I got into a fight with OSHA over whether or not the Ark needed a fire sprinkler system and floatation devices.

              Then my neighbor objected, claiming I was violating zoning ordinances by building the Ark in my front yard, so I had to get a variance from the city planning commission.I had problems getting enough wood for the Ark, because there
was a ban on cutting trees to protect the Spotted Owl. I finally convinced the U.S.Forest Service that I needed the wood to save the owls. However, the Fish and Wildlife Service won't let me catch any owls. So, no owls.

             The carpenters formed a union and went out on strike. I had to negotiate a settlement with the National Labor Union. Now I have 16 carpenters on the Ark, but still no owls.

           When I started rounding up the other animals, I got sued by an animal rights group. They objected to me only taking two of each kind aboard. Just when I got the suit dismissed,the EPA notified me that I could not complete the Ark without filing an environmental impact statement on your proposed flood. They didn't take very kindly to the idea that they had no jurisdiction over the conduct of the Creator of the universe.

              Then the Army Corps of Engineer demanded a map of the proposed new flood plain. I sent them a globe. Right now, I am tryingto resolve a complaint filed with the Equal EmploymentOpportunity Commission that I am practicing discrimination by not taking godless, unbelieving people aboard!

              The IRS has seized all my assets, claiming that I'm building the Ark in preparation to flee the country to avoid paying taxes. I just got a notice from the State that I owe some kind of user tax and failed to register the Ark as a recreational water craft." Finally the ACLU got the courts to issue an injunction against further construction of the Ark, saying that since God is flooding the earth, it is a religious event and therefore unconstitutional. I really don't think I can finish the Ark for another 5 or 6 years!" Noah wailed.

         The sky began to clear, the sun began to shine and the seasbegan to calm. A rainbow arched across the sky. Noah looked up hopefully. "You mean you are not going to destroy the earth, Lord?"
                "No," said the Lord says, "The government already has!"

Title: BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on August 06, 2003, 05:33:08 PM
Subject: FW: It is the year 2003 and Noah lives in the United States

 It is the year 2003 and Noah lives in the United States
   The Lord speaks to Noah and says: "In one year I am going
to make it rain and cover the whole earth with water until all is destroyed. But I want you to save the righteous people and two of every kind of living thing on the earth.

    Therefore, I am commanding you to build an Ark." In a flash of lightning, God delivered the specifications for an Ark. Fearful and trembling, Noah took the plans and agreed to
 build the Ark.

     "Remember," said the Lord, "You must complete the Ark and bring everything aboard in one year."

        Exactly one year later, a fierce storm cloud covered the earth and all the seas of the earth went into a tumult. The Lord saw Noah sitting in his front yard weeping. "Noah." He shouted, "Where is the Ark?" "Lord please forgive
me!" cried Noah. "I did my best but there were big problems.

          First, I had to get a permit for construction and your plans did not comply with the codes. I had to hire an engineering firm and redraw the plans.

           Then I got into a fight with OSHA over whether or not the Ark needed a fire sprinkler system and floatation devices.

              Then my neighbor objected, claiming I was violating zoning ordinances by building the Ark in my front yard, so I had to get a variance from the city planning commission.I had problems getting enough wood for the Ark, because there
was a ban on cutting trees to protect the Spotted Owl. I finally convinced the U.S.Forest Service that I needed the wood to save the owls. However, the Fish and Wildlife Service won't let me catch any owls. So, no owls.

             The carpenters formed a union and went out on strike. I had to negotiate a settlement with the National Labor Union. Now I have 16 carpenters on the Ark, but still no owls.

           When I started rounding up the other animals, I got sued by an animal rights group. They objected to me only taking two of each kind aboard. Just when I got the suit dismissed,the EPA notified me that I could not complete the Ark without filing an environmental impact statement on your proposed flood. They didn't take very kindly to the idea that they had no jurisdiction over the conduct of the Creator of the universe.

              Then the Army Corps of Engineer demanded a map of the proposed new flood plain. I sent them a globe. Right now, I am tryingto resolve a complaint filed with the Equal EmploymentOpportunity Commission that I am practicing discrimination by not taking godless, unbelieving people aboard!

              The IRS has seized all my assets, claiming that I'm building the Ark in preparation to flee the country to avoid paying taxes. I just got a notice from the State that I owe some kind of user tax and failed to register the Ark as a recreational water craft." Finally the ACLU got the courts to issue an injunction against further construction of the Ark, saying that since God is flooding the earth, it is a religious event and therefore unconstitutional. I really don't think I can finish the Ark for another 5 or 6 years!" Noah wailed.

         The sky began to clear, the sun began to shine and the seasbegan to calm. A rainbow arched across the sky. Noah looked up hopefully. "You mean you are not going to destroy the earth, Lord?"
                "No," said the Lord says, "The government already has!"

Oldie but goldie Thanks again Forrest  ;D

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Brother Love on August 07, 2003, 06:07:26 AM
Managing to pull himself onto the bus early one morning, the drunk stumbled over passengers, knocked over bags and briefcases, and finally fell into a seat beside a prim old woman. He slumped over her, and she pushed him back. “Mister,” she said indignantly. “I hate to say it, but you are going straight to hell!”
Startled, the drunk leapt to his feet. “ I’m on the wrong bus!”

LOL :)

Brother Love :)

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Forrest on August 13, 2003, 04:49:55 AM
the only diff. I would make is the 10 dollars for Oil, I think we should clean the oil drums fill with Grain and send back even swap. if they don't like that, let them starve then we would have oil free.  Gene

> > >"Never a truer word was spoken in jest."
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >   Robin Williams' plan...(Hard to argue with this logic!)
> > >   I see a lot of people yelling for peace but I have not heard of a
> > plan
> > >   for peace. So, here's one plan:
> > >
> > >   1) The US will apologize to the world for our "interference" in
> > their
> > >   affairs, past &present. We will promise never to "interfere" again.
> > >   2) We will withdraw our troops from all over the world, starting
> > with
> > >   Germany, South Korea and the Philippines. They don't want us there.
> > We
> > >   would station troops at our borders. No more sneaking through holes
> > in
> > >   the fence.
> > >
> > >   3) All illegal aliens have 90 days to get their affairs together and
> > >   leave. We'll give them a free trip home. After 90 days the remainder
> > >   will be gathered up and deported immediately,regardless of who or
> > where
> > >they are. France would welcome them.
> > >
> > >   4) All future visitors will be thoroughly checked and limited to 90
> > day
> > >visits unless given a special permit. No one from a terrorist nation
> > would
> > >   be allowed in. If you don't like it there, change it yourself. Don't
> >
> > >hide  here. Asylum would not ever be available to anyone. We don't need
> > any
> > >   more cab drivers.
> > >   5) No "students" over age 21. The older ones are the bombers. If
> > they
> > >don't attend classes, they get a "D" and it's back home, baby.
> > >
> > >   6) The US will make a strong effort to become self sufficient energy
> >
> > >wise. This will include developing non polluting sources of energy but
> > >   will require a temporary drilling of oil in the Alaskan wilderness.
> > The
> > >   caribou will have to cope for a while.
> > >
> > >   7) Offer Saudi Arabia and other oil producing countries $10 a barrel
> > for
> > >   their oil. If they don't like it, we go someplace else.
> > >
> > >   8) If there is a famine or other natural catastrophe in the world,
> > we
> > >   will not "interfere". They can pray to Allah or whomever, for seeds,
> >
> > >rain, cement or whatever they need. Besides, most of what we give them
> > gets
> > >   "lost" or is taken by their army. The people who need it most get
> > very
> > >   little, anyway.
> > >
> > >   9) Ship the UN Headquarters to an island some place. We don't need
> > the
> > >   spies and fair weather friends here. Besides, it would make a good
> > >   homeless shelter or lockup for illegal aliens.
> > >   10) Use the buildings as replacement for the twin towers.
> > >
> > >   11) All Americans must go to charm and beauty school. That way, no
> > one
> > >   can call us "Ugly Americans" any longer.
> > >
> > >   12) Now, ain't that a winner of a plan.
> > >
> > >   13) "The Statue of Liberty is no longer saying 'Give me your poor,
> > your
> > >   tired, your huddled masses.' She's got a baseball bat and she's
> > yelling,
> > >   'You want a piece of me?'

Title: BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on August 13, 2003, 01:33:44 PM
 :) Thanks Forrest

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Brother Love on August 14, 2003, 04:11:45 AM
Did you hear about the three ministers who were talking about
their common problem with bats in the belfry of the church?

The first: "I shot at them with a shotgun; but it only spoiled
the woodwork."

The second: "I tried a more humane approach, netting them and releasing them 100 Km away. But they beat me back to the church!"

The third (who was looking pretty smug): "I caught them, and
baptized and confirmed each one. I haven't seen them since."

 ;D ;D ;D

Right On, LOL

Brother Love :)

Title: Dear Tide:
Post by: Brother Love on August 14, 2003, 05:35:10 AM
Who ever said women don't enjoy doing laundry?

Dear Tide:

I'm writing to say what an excellent product you have. I've used it since the beginning of married life, when my mom told me it was the best. In fact, about a month ago, I spilled some red wine on my new white blouse.

My husband started to berate me about my drinking problem. One thing led to another and I ended up with a lot of his blood on my white blouse as well. I tried to get the stain out using a bargain detergent, but it just wouldn't come out.

After a quick trip out, I stopped and got a bottle of liquid Tide with bleach alternative, and all of the stains came out! They came out so well, in fact, that the DNA tests were negative! I thank you, once again, for a great product.

Well, gotta go. I have to write a letter to the Hefty bag people.

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: nChrist on August 14, 2003, 10:13:10 AM
Oklahoma Howdy to Brother Love,

ROFL - I needed that.  ;D


Title: BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on August 14, 2003, 02:16:08 PM
Oklahoma Howdy to Brother Love,

ROFL - I needed that.  ;D



Title: A Frenchman, an Englishman and a Redneck
Post by: Brother Love on August 15, 2003, 04:54:56 AM
A Frenchman, an Englishman and a Redneck are captured by a fierce tribe of Indians.The chief walks up to them and says, "I have bad news and good news.The bad news is you will all die, and we will use your skin to make canoes. The good news is you can choose the way you die."

The Frenchman says, "I take ze poison." When given the poison, the Frenchman shouts, "Viva la France!" and drinks it down.

The Englishman says, "A pistol for m! e." When given the pistol, the Englishman puts the gun to his head and shouts, God save the queen!" and shoots himself in the head.

The Redneck asks for a fork. Puzzled, the chief hands the Redneck a fork, and he begins stabbing himself all over his body, his stomach, his sides, his chest ... everywhere.

As the blood from the redneck begins gushing out all over, the chief is appalled and screams, "What are you doing?"

The Redneck looks at the chief and says, "So much for your canoe, Bubba!"

Brother Love :)

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: nChrist on August 15, 2003, 06:10:30 AM
Oklahoma Howdy to Brother Love,

ROFL - Laughter is good medicine to start another day.

 ;D  Thanks Brother!

In Christ.

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Brother Love on August 15, 2003, 06:21:27 AM
Oklahoma Howdy to Brother Love,

ROFL - Laughter is good medicine to start another day.

 ;D  Thanks Brother!

In Christ.

Ame Bro

Brother Love :)

Title: Laughter is good medicine to start another day
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on August 15, 2003, 07:45:52 PM
Oklahoma Howdy to Brother Love,

ROFL - Laughter is good medicine to start another day.

 ;D  Thanks Brother!

In Christ.


Title: Blonde Cookbook
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on August 15, 2003, 07:55:33 PM
Blonde Cookbook

It's fun to cook for Bob. Today I made angel food
cake. The recipe said beat 12 eggs separately. The
neighbors were nice enough to loan me some extra

Bob wanted fruit salad for supper. The recipe said
serve without dressing. So I didn't dress. What a
surprise when Bob brought a friend home for supper.

A good day for rice. The recipe said wash thoroughly
before steaming the rice. It seemed kinda of silly but
I took a bath. I can't say it improved the rice any.

Today Bob asked for salad again. I tried a new recipe.
It said prepare ingredients, then toss on a bed of
lettuce one hour before serving. Which is what led up
to Bob asking me why I was rolling around in the

I found an easy recipe for cookies. It said put all
ingredients in bowl and beat it. There must have
been something wrong with this recipe. When I got
back, everything was the same as when I left.

Bob did the shopping today and brought home a
chicken. He asked me to dress it for Sunday (oh boy).
For some reason Bob keeps counting to ten.

Bob's folks came to dinner. I wanted to serve roast.
All I could find was hamburger. Suddenly I had a flash
of genius. I put the hamburger in the oven and set the
controls for roast. It still came out hamburger, much
to my disappointment.

This has been a very exciting week. I am eager for
tomorrow to come so I can try out a new recipe on
Bob. If we could just get a bigger oven, I would like to
surprise him with Chocolate Moose.


Post by: Ambassador4Christ on August 16, 2003, 11:50:06 AM

A woman was trying hard to get the ketchup to
come out of the bottle.  During her struggle the
phone rang so she asked her 4-year-old daughter
to answer the phone. "It's the minister, Mommy,"
the child said to her mother..........Then she added,
"Mommy can't come to the phone to talk to you
right now.   She's hitting the bottle."  ;D

Title: BIBLE
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on August 16, 2003, 11:52:35 AM

A little boy opened the big family bible. He was
fascinated as he fingered through the old pages.
Suddenly, something fell out of the Bible. He
picked up the object and looked at it.  What he
saw was an old leaf that had been pressed in
between the pages. "Mama, look what I found",
the boy called out.

" What have you got there, dear?"  

With astonishment in the young boy's voice,
he answered, "I think it's Adam's underwear!"
 ;D ;D ;D

Title: God is Like...
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on August 16, 2003, 10:39:54 PM
God is Like...

A fifth grade teacher in a Christian school asked her class to look at TV commercials and see if they could use them in some way to communicate ideas about God. Here are some of the results:

He works miracles.

He's got a better idea.

He's the real thing.

He cares enough to send His very best.

He gets the stains out that others leave behind.

He brings good things to life.

He has everything.

Try Him, you'll like Him.

You can't see him, but you know He's there.

He's ready when you are.

You're in good hands with Him.

VO-5 Hair Spray
He holds through all kinds of weather.

Aren't you glad you have Him?
Don't you wish everybody did?

Neither rain, nor snow, nor sleet, nor ice will keep Him from His appointed destination.


Post by: Brother Love on August 18, 2003, 05:44:58 AM

A woman was trying hard to get the ketchup to
come out of the bottle.  During her struggle the
phone rang so she asked her 4-year-old daughter
to answer the phone. "It's the minister, Mommy,"
the child said to her mother..........Then she added,
"Mommy can't come to the phone to talk to you
right now.   She's hitting the bottle."  ;D


Brother Love :)

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Brother Love on August 18, 2003, 05:45:47 AM

On the first day of school, a first-grader handed
his teacher a note from his mother.  The note read,
"The opinions expressed by this child are not
necessarily those of his parents."

Brother Love :)

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Saved_4ever on August 18, 2003, 05:58:39 AM

On the first day of school, a first-grader handed
his teacher a note from his mother.  The note read,
"The opinions expressed by this child are not
necessarily those of his parents."

Brother Love :)


Title: Re:A Frenchman, an Englishman and a Redneck
Post by: Saved_4ever on August 18, 2003, 06:34:48 AM
A Frenchman, an Englishman and a Redneck are captured by a fierce tribe of Indians.The chief walks up to them and says, "I have bad news and good news.The bad news is you will all die, and we will use your skin to make canoes. The good news is you can choose the way you die."

The Frenchman says, "I take ze poison." When given the poison, the Frenchman shouts, "Viva la France!" and drinks it down.

The Englishman says, "A pistol for m! e." When given the pistol, the Englishman puts the gun to his head and shouts, God save the queen!" and shoots himself in the head.

The Redneck asks for a fork. Puzzled, the chief hands the Redneck a fork, and he begins stabbing himself all over his body, his stomach, his sides, his chest ... everywhere.

As the blood from the redneck begins gushing out all over, the chief is appalled and screams, "What are you doing?"

The Redneck looks at the chief and says, "So much for your canoe, Bubba!"

Brother Love :)

HEHEHEHE  ;D  That's soooooo wrong.

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Symphony on August 18, 2003, 09:14:44 PM

Yeah, that ketchup one is good too.
A woman was trying hard to get the ketchup to
come out of the bottle.  During her struggle the
phone rang so she asked her 4-year-old daughter
to answer the phone. "It's the minister, Mommy,"
the child said to her mother..........Then she added,
"Mommy can't come to the phone to talk to you
right now.  She's hitting the bottle."  


Reminds me of that old Doris Day movie, knock at front door, salesman, shown down to basement to try to interest Day in marketing her delicious ho-made ketchup.  Meanwhile, phone rings, Day's little boy answers, it''s James Garner, Day's husband, calling from work.  "May I speak with Mommy?".  Son says, "Shes down in the basement with a man right now".


Title: Cagey Cajun
Post by: Brother Love on August 19, 2003, 04:39:55 AM
Cagey Cajun
A Cajun was stopped by a game warden in Southern Louisiana recently with two ice chests of fish, leaving a bayou  well known for its fishing.
The game warden asked the man, "Do you have a license to catch those fish?"
"Naw, ma fren, I ain't got none of dem, no. Dese here are my pet fish."
"Pet fish?"
"Ya. Avery night I take dese here fish down to de bayou and let dem swim 'round for a while. Den I whistle and dey  jump rat back inta dis here ice chest and I take dem home."
"That's a bunch of hooey! Fish can't do that!"
The Cajun looked at the game warden for a moment and then said, "It's de >truth ma' fren. I'll show you. It really  works."
"Okay, I've GOT to see this!"
The Cajun poured the fish into the bayou and stood and waited.
After several minutes, the game warden turned to him and said, "Well?"
"Well, what?" Said the Cajun.
"When are you going to call them back?"
"Call who back?"
"The FISH!"
"What fish?"


Title: Headlines for 2043
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on August 19, 2003, 03:26:53 PM
~~Headlines for 2043~~

Ozone created by electric cars now killing millions in the seventh largest country in the world, California.

White minorities still trying to have English
recognized as the California's third language.

Spotted Owl plague threatens northwestern
United States crops &livestock.

Baby conceived naturally....
Scientists stumped.

Authentic year 2000 "Chad" sells at Sotheby's for $1.6 million.

Castro finally dies at age 112; Cuban cigars can now be imported legally, but President Chelsea Clinton has banned all smoking.

George Z. Bush says he will run for President in 2044.

Postal Service raises price of first class stamp to $17.89 and reduces mail delivery to Wednesday only.

35 year study: diet and exercise is the key to weight loss.

Massachusetts executes last remaining conservative.

Supreme Court rules punishment of criminals violates their civil rights.

Upcoming NFL draft likely to focus on use of mutants.

Average height of NBA players now nine feet, seven inches.

Microsoft announces it has perfected its newest version of Windows so it crashes BEFORE installation is completed.

New federal law requires that all nail clippers, screwdrivers, fly swatters, and rolled up newspapers must be registered by January 2046.

Congress authorizes direct deposit of illegal political contributions to campaign accounts.

Title: Cagey Cajun
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on August 19, 2003, 03:28:26 PM
Cagey Cajun
A Cajun was stopped by a game warden in Southern Louisiana recently with two ice chests of fish, leaving a bayou  well known for its fishing.
The game warden asked the man, "Do you have a license to catch those fish?"
"Naw, ma fren, I ain't got none of dem, no. Dese here are my pet fish."
"Pet fish?"
"Ya. Avery night I take dese here fish down to de bayou and let dem swim 'round for a while. Den I whistle and dey  jump rat back inta dis here ice chest and I take dem home."
"That's a bunch of hooey! Fish can't do that!"
The Cajun looked at the game warden for a moment and then said, "It's de >truth ma' fren. I'll show you. It really  works."
"Okay, I've GOT to see this!"
The Cajun poured the fish into the bayou and stood and waited.
After several minutes, the game warden turned to him and said, "Well?"
"Well, what?" Said the Cajun.
"When are you going to call them back?"
"Call who back?"
"The FISH!"
"What fish?"


This one makes my top 10 Brother ;D LOL

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: nChrist on August 19, 2003, 09:01:17 PM
Oklahoma Howdy,

"Cagey Cajun" and "Year 2043" - Thanks brothers, I needed a laugh.

ROFL and couldn't get up.  ;D

In Christ,

Title: The Shepherd
Post by: Brother Love on August 20, 2003, 04:13:33 AM
The Shepherd  

 A shepherd was herding his flock in a remote pasture when suddenly a brand-new BMW advanced out of a dust cloud towards him.
  The driver, a young man in a Broni suit, Gucci shoes, Ray Ban sunglasses and YSL tie, leans out the window and asks the shepherd: "If I tell you exactly how many sheep you have in your flock, will you give me one?"
  The shepherd looks at the man, obviously a yuppie, then looks at his peacefully grazing flock and calmly answers: "Sure. Why not?"

  The yuppie parks his car, whips out his Dell notebook computer, connects it to his AT&T cell phone, surfs to a NASA page on the Internet, where he calls up a GPS satellite navigation system to get an exact fix on his location which he then feeds to another NASA satellite that scans the area in an ultra-high-resolution photo. Then the young man opens the digital photo in Adobe Photoshop and exports it to an image processing facility in Hamburg, Germany. Within seconds, he receives an email on his Palm Pilot that the image has been processed and the data stored. He then accesses a MS-SQL database through an ODBC connected Excel spreadsheet with hundreds of complex formulas. He uploads all of this data via an email on his Blackberry and, after a few minutes, receives a response.
  Finally, he prints out a full-color, 150-page report on his hi-tech, miniaturized HP LaserJet printer and finally turns to the shepherd and says: "You have exactly 1586 sheep."

  "That's right. Well, I guess you can take one of my sheep." says the shepherd.
  He watches the young man select one of the animals and looks on amused as the young man stuffs it into the trunk of his car. Then the shepherd says  to the young man:
  "Hey, if I can tell you exactly what your business is, will you give me  back my sheep?" The young man thinks about it for a second and then  says, "Okay, why not?"

  "You're a consultant." says the shepherd. "Wow! That's correct," says the  yuppie, "but how did you guess that?" "No guessing required." answered the  shepherd. "You showed up here even though nobody called you; you want  to get paid for an answer I already knew; to a question I never asked; and  you don't know crap about my business... Now give me back my dog!!

Brother Love :)

Post by: Ambassador4Christ on August 20, 2003, 02:51:39 PM

A little boy got lost at the YWCA and found himself
in the women's locker room.  When he was spotted,
the room burst into shrieks, with ladies grabbing
towels and running for cover. The little boy watched
in amazement and then asked, "What's the matter
haven't you ever seen a little boy before?"  ;D ;D ;D

Post by: Ambassador4Christ on August 20, 2003, 02:53:21 PM
While taking a routine vandalism report at an
elementary school, I was interrupted by a little
girl about 6 years old. Looking up and down
at my uniform, she asked, "Are you a cop?"

"Yes," I answered and continued writing the report.

"My mother said if I ever needed help I should ask
the police.  Is that right?"

"Yes, that's right," I told her.

"Well, then," she said as she extended her foot
toward me, "would you please tie my shoe?"

Title: Snappy Answer
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on August 20, 2003, 03:06:55 PM
Snappy Answer

The cop got out of his car and the kid who was stopped  for speeding rolled down his window. "I've been waiting for you all day," the cop said. The kid replied, "Yeah, well I got here as fast as I could."
When the cop finally stopped laughing, he sent the kid on his way without a ticket. ;D ;D

Title: Re:Snappy Answer
Post by: Brother Love on August 21, 2003, 04:26:44 AM
Snappy Answer

The cop got out of his car and the kid who was stopped  for speeding rolled down his window. "I've been waiting for you all day," the cop said. The kid replied, "Yeah, well I got here as fast as I could."
When the cop finally stopped laughing, he sent the kid on his way without a ticket. ;D ;D


Brother Love :)

Title: Snappy Answer
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on August 21, 2003, 01:30:15 PM
Snappy Answer

A truck driver was driving along on the freeway. A sign
comes up that reads "low bridge ahead." Before he knows it the bridge is right ahead of him and he gets stuck under the bridge. Cars are backed up for miles. Finally, a police car comes up. The cop gets out of his car and walks around to the truck driver, puts his hands on his hips and says,
"Got stuck, huh?" The truck driver says, "No, I was delivering this bridge and ran out of gas."  ;D ;D ;D

Title: BULL
Post by: Brother Love on August 22, 2003, 04:36:40 AM
A group of seniors were sitting around talking about all their ailments.  

"My arms have gotten so weak I can hardly lift this cup of
coffee,"  said one.

"Yes, I know," said another. "My cataracts are so bad; I can't even see my coffee."

"I couldn't even mark an "X" at election time, my hands are so crippled," volunteered a third.

"What? Speak up! What? I can't hear you!"

"I can't turn my head because of the arthritis in my neck,"said a  fourth, to which several nodded weakly in agreement.

"My blood pressure pills make me so dizzy!" exclaimed another.

"I forget where I am, and where I'm going," said another.

"I guess that's the price we pay for getting old," winced an old  man as he slowly shook his head.

The others just nodded in agreement.

"Well, count your Blessings," said a woman cheerfully "and thank  God we  can all still drive"


Title: BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on August 22, 2003, 02:17:08 PM
A group of seniors were sitting around talking about all their ailments.  

"My arms have gotten so weak I can hardly lift this cup of
coffee,"  said one.

"Yes, I know," said another. "My cataracts are so bad; I can't even see my coffee."

"I couldn't even mark an "X" at election time, my hands are so crippled," volunteered a third.

"What? Speak up! What? I can't hear you!"

"I can't turn my head because of the arthritis in my neck,"said a  fourth, to which several nodded weakly in agreement.

"My blood pressure pills make me so dizzy!" exclaimed another.

"I forget where I am, and where I'm going," said another.

"I guess that's the price we pay for getting old," winced an old  man as he slowly shook his head.

The others just nodded in agreement.

"Well, count your Blessings," said a woman cheerfully "and thank  God we  can all still drive"


How true LOL ;D

Title: Six retired Floridians...
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on August 22, 2003, 02:19:13 PM
Six retired Floridians were playing poker in the condo clubhouse when Meyerwitz loses $500 on a single hand, clutches his chest and drops dead at the table. Showing respect for their fallen comrade, the other five Continue playing standing up. Finkelstein looks around and asks, "So, who's gonna' tell the wife?" They draw straws. Goldberg picks the short one. They tell him to be discreet, be gentle, don't make a bad situation any worse.
"Discreet? I'm the most discreet mensch you will ever meet. Discretion is my middle name, leave it to me." Goldberg goes over to the Meyerwitz apartment, knocks on the  door.
The wife answers and asks what he wants. Goldberg declares, "Your husband just  lost $500, and is afraid to come home." "TELL HIM HE SHOULD DROP DEAD!" she yells.
"I'll go tell him," says Goldberg. ;D ;D ;D

Title: Senior Moment.
Post by: Symphony on August 22, 2003, 03:38:41 PM

Hehe, that's perfect, Amb4.  That's a good one.

Here's one:  

   Mabel and Marge, goin' to town in the ole' jalopy, barely see up over the dashboard.

   They're goin along, come to the first red traffic light---ziiiiip, Mabel zooms right on through!   Marge is alarmed, says to herself, wow, next time I'M driving.

   Goin' along, come to the next red light---ziiiiip, Mabel zooms right on through!!  Marge is terrified, Mabel DEFINITELY not know what she's doing.

   Goin' along, come to the next red light---ziiip, Mable zooms--"MABEL!  WHAT'RE YOU DOING??!!  YOU JUST DROVE THROUGH THREE, THREERED LIGHTS"---"OHHH, MARGE, I THOUGHT YOU WERE DRIVING!!"


Title: BBQ
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on August 22, 2003, 07:02:33 PM

Definition of Barbecuing.  It's the only type of cooking a "real" man will do. When a man volunteers to do the 'BBQ' the following chain of events are put into motion:
1) The woman goes to the store.
2) The woman fixes the salad, vegetables, and dessert.
3) The woman prepares the meat for cooking, places it on a tray along with the necessary cooking utensils, and takes it to the man, who is lounging beside the grill, ice tea in hand.
4) The man places the meat on the grill.
5) The woman goes inside to set the table and check the vegetables..
6) The woman comes out to tell the man that the meat is burning.
7) The man takes the meat off the grill and hands it to the woman.
8) The woman prepares the plates and brings them to the table.
9) After eating, the woman clears the table and does the dishes.
10) Everyone praises man and thanks him for his cooking efforts.
11) The man asks the woman how she enjoyed "her night off."  And, upon seeing her annoyed reaction, concludes that there's just no pleasing some women. ;D ;D ;D

Title: School
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on August 22, 2003, 07:10:06 PM

A little girl had just finished her first week of school.
"I'm just wasting  my time," she said to her mother.
"I can't read, I can't write and they won't let me talk!"
 ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re:Senior Moment.
Post by: Brother Love on August 25, 2003, 04:20:04 AM

Hehe, that's perfect, Amb4.  That's a good one.

Here's one:  

   Mabel and Marge, goin' to town in the ole' jalopy, barely see up over the dashboard.

   They're goin along, come to the first red traffic light---ziiiiip, Mabel zooms right on through!   Marge is alarmed, says to herself, wow, next time I'M driving.

   Goin' along, come to the next red light---ziiiiip, Mabel zooms right on through!!  Marge is terrified, Mabel DEFINITELY not know what she's doing.

   Goin' along, come to the next red light---ziiip, Mable zooms--"MABEL!  WHAT'RE YOU DOING??!!  YOU JUST DROVE THROUGH THREE, THREERED LIGHTS"---"OHHH, MARGE, I THOUGHT YOU WERE DRIVING!!"


Good one :)

Brother Love :)

Title: Re:BBQ
Post by: Brother Love on August 25, 2003, 04:21:29 AM

Definition of Barbecuing.  It's the only type of cooking a "real" man will do. When a man volunteers to do the 'BBQ' the following chain of events are put into motion:
1) The woman goes to the store.
2) The woman fixes the salad, vegetables, and dessert.
3) The woman prepares the meat for cooking, places it on a tray along with the necessary cooking utensils, and takes it to the man, who is lounging beside the grill, ice tea in hand.
4) The man places the meat on the grill.
5) The woman goes inside to set the table and check the vegetables..
6) The woman comes out to tell the man that the meat is burning.
7) The man takes the meat off the grill and hands it to the woman.
8) The woman prepares the plates and brings them to the table.
9) After eating, the woman clears the table and does the dishes.
10) Everyone praises man and thanks him for his cooking efforts.
11) The man asks the woman how she enjoyed "her night off."  And, upon seeing her annoyed reaction, concludes that there's just no pleasing some women. ;D ;D ;D

Sounds like John the Baptist :)

Brother Love :)

P.S. Good joke Bro :)

Title: .
Post by: RK on August 25, 2003, 06:23:53 AM
A man went to his doctor and said, "doctor, I think I'm a moth."
The doctor looked up and said, "you don't want me, you want to see the psychiatrist."
"I know I do," said the man.
"Well, his office is just down the corridor from here - right next door."
"I know it is."
"Well," says the exasperated doctor, "why did you come in here then?!"
"Your light was on!"


Title: Re:.
Post by: Brother Love on August 25, 2003, 06:26:33 AM
A man went to his doctor and said, "doctor, I think I'm a moth."
The doctor looked up and said, "you don't want me, you want to see the psychiatrist."
"I know I do," said the man.
"Well, his office is just down the corridor from here - right next door."
"I know it is."
"Well," says the exasperated doctor, "why did you come in here then?!"
"Your light was on!"


LOL :)

Brother Love :)

Title: BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on August 25, 2003, 02:58:35 PM

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on August 25, 2003, 03:16:15 PM
 A highway patrolman pulled alongside a speeding car on the
freeway. Glancing at the car, he was astounded to see that
the blonde behind the wheel was knitting! Realizing that she
was oblivious to his flashing lights and siren, the trooper
cranked down his window, turned on his bullhorn and yelled,
"PULL OVER!" "NO!" the blonde yelled back, "IT'S A SCARF!"

 ;D ;D ;D

Post by: Ambassador4Christ on August 25, 2003, 03:23:42 PM

A Russian, an American, and a Blonde were talking one day.
The Russian said, 'we were the first in space!" The American
said, "We were the first on the moon!" The Blonde said, "So
what? We're going to be the first on the sun!" The Russian
and the American looked at each other and shook their heads.
"You can't land on the sun, you idiot! You'll burn up!" said
the Russian. To which the Blonde replied, "We're not stupid,
you know. We're going at night!" ;D ;D ;D

Post by: Ambassador4Christ on August 25, 2003, 03:36:10 PM

There was a blonde woman who was having financial troubles so she decided to kidnap a child and demand a ransom. She went to a local park, grabbed a little boy, took him behind a tree and wrote this note: "I have kidnapped your child. Leave
$10,000 in a plain brown bag behind the big oak tree in the
park tomorrow at 7A.M. Signed, The Blonde" She pinned the
note inside the little boy's jacket and told him to go
straight home. The next morning, she returned to the park to
find the $10,000 in a brown bag behind the big oak tree, just
as she had instructed. Inside the bag was the following
note.... "Here is your money. I cannot believe that one
blonde would do this to another!" ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Symphony on August 27, 2003, 04:16:50 PM

Did you hear about the three blondes they found frozen to death at the Drive-In Theatre?

They went to see, "Closed for the Winter".


Title: Re:BULL
Post by: nChrist on August 28, 2003, 12:27:49 AM
 ;D  LOL - All good ones, but I don't know about mine below:

#1 Groaner:
An agitated patient was stomping around the psychiatrist's office, running his hands through his hair, almost in tears.

"Doctor, my memory's gone. Gone! I can't remember my wife's name. Can't remember my children's names. Can't remember what kind of car I drive. Can't remember where I work. It was all I could do to find my way here!?!"

"Calm down sir! How long have you been like this?"

"Like what?"

#2 Groaner:
An Italian, an Irishman and a Chinese fellow are hired at a construction site.

The foreman points to a huge pile of sand and says to the Italian guy, "You're in charge of sweeping." To the Irishman he says "You're in charge of shovelling." To the Chinese guy, "You're in charge of supplies."

He then says "Now, I have to leave for a little while. I expect you guys to make a dent in that there pile."

So the foreman goes away for a couple hours, but when he returns the pile of sand is untouched.

He says to the Italian: "Why didn't you sweep any of it!?" The Italian replies in a heavy accent, "I no gotta broom, an' you tella me dat de Chinese'a guy supposa bringa da supplies, but he disappear and I no finda him."

Then the foreman turns to the Irishman and asks why he didn't shovel. The Irishman replies in his heavy brogue, "Aye, ye did lad, but I counna get meself a shovel. Ye left the Chinese guy in charge of supplies, but I counna fin' him."

The foreman is really angry now, and storms off toward the pile of sand looking for the Chinese guy.

Just then, the Chinese guy springs out from behind the pile of sand and yells...


Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Forrest on August 28, 2003, 01:48:58 AM
A woman went to the doctor's office. Where she was seen by one of the new doctors, but after about 4 minutes in the examination room, she burst out, screaming as she ran down the hall. An older doctor stopped her and asked what the problem was, and she told him her story. After listening, he had her sit down and relax in another room. The older doctor marched down the hallway to the back where the first doctor was and demanded, "What's the matter with you? Mrs. Terry is 63 years old, she has four grown children and seven grandchildren, and you told her she was pregnant?"

The new doctor continued to write on his clipboard and without looking up said, "Does she still have the hiccups?"

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Forrest on August 28, 2003, 01:51:36 AM
A very successful lawyer parked his brand new Lexus in front of the office,

ready to show it off to his colleagues.  As he got out, a truck came along,

too close to the curb, and completely tore off the driver's door of the Lexus.

The attorney immediately grabbed his cell phone, dialed 911, and it wasn't

more than 5 minutes before a policeman pulled up.  Before the cop had a

chance to ask any questions, the lawyer started screaming hysterically.  His

Lexus, which he had just picked up the day before, was now completely

ruined and would never be the same, no matter how the body shop tried to

make it new again.

After the lawyer finally wound down from his rant, the cop shook his head in

disgust and disbelief.  "I can't believe how materialistic you lawyers are," he

said.  "You are so focused on your possessions that you neglect the most

important things in life."

"How can you say such a thing?" asked the lawyer.  The cop replied, "Don't

you even realize that your left arm is missing?  It must have got ripped off

when the truck hit you!!!"

"Oh My God!" screamed the lawyer. "My Rolex is gone!!

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Forrest on August 28, 2003, 10:52:23 PM
 Buzzard, Bat & the Bumblebee
> If you put a buzzard in a pen that is 6 feet by 8 feet and is entirely
> at the top, the bird, in spite of its ability to fly, will be an absolute
> prisoner. The reason is that a buzzard always begins a flight from the
> ground with a run of 10 to 12 feet. Without space to run, as is its habit,
> it will not even attempt to fly, but will remain a prisoner for life in a
> small jail with no top.
> The ordinary bat that flies around at night, a remarkably nimble creature
> the air, cannot take off from a level place. If it is placed on the floor
> flat ground, all it can do is shuffle about helplessly and, no doubt,
> painfully, until it reaches some slight elevation from which it can throw
> itself into the air. Then, at once, it takes off like a flash.
> A bumblebee, if dropped into an open tumbler, will be there until it dies,
> unless it is taken out. It never sees the means of escape at the top, but
> persists in trying to find some way out through the sides near the bottom.
> It will seek a way where none exists, until it completely destroys itself.
> In many ways, there are lots of people like the buzzard, the bat, and the
> bumblebee. They are struggling about with all their problems and
> frustrations, not ever realizing that the answer is right there "Above"
> them.

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Brother Love on August 29, 2003, 06:11:17 AM
I enjoyed them all  :) LOL

Brother Love :)

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Coyote on August 29, 2003, 09:58:12 AM
HA HA HA HA HA took me awhile to read all of this thread but man I really enjoyed some good clean funnies. thanx Brothers and Sisters for all the laughter my wife and I had while reading this. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: atheist!
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on August 30, 2003, 07:45:55 AM
A young lady came home from a date and her mother could see she had been crying. "What's wrong dear?" asked the mother.

"Oh Mom!" said the girl "My boyfriend asked me to marry him tonight!"

"What's the matter dear, don't you love him?" asked the mother.

"I do love him" said the girl... "But tonight he told me that he's an atheist! He doesn't even believe there is a hell mom!!!"

The mother just smiled and said "You marry him anyway ... between the two of us we'll show him just how wrong he is!"

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Symphony on August 30, 2003, 10:21:27 AM

  hehe.  ;D

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: nChrist on August 30, 2003, 11:02:44 AM
HA HA HA HA HA took me awhile to read all of this thread but man I really enjoyed some good clean funnies. thanx Brothers and Sisters for all the laughter my wife and I had while reading this. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Oklahoma Howdy to Coyote,

Stay tuned here often and you'll see new ones all the time, including some groaners from me.   :D I'm glad that you and your wife are enjoying Christians Unite.

In Christ,

Title: BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on August 30, 2003, 08:53:58 PM
Everyone has a photographic memory.  Some don't have film.

Title: BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on August 30, 2003, 09:03:23 PM
Latest survey shows that 3 out of 4 people make up 75% of the world population.  ;D

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Brother Love on September 01, 2003, 04:07:29 AM
Latest survey shows that 3 out of 4 people make up 75% of the world population.  ;D



Brother Love :)

Title: BULL
Post by: Brother Love on September 03, 2003, 04:26:37 AM
A lady walks into the welfare office, trailed by 15 kids...

WOW," the social worker exclaims, "Are they ALL YOURS???"

"Yes, they're all mine," the tired momma sighs, having heard that question a thousand times before.

Well," says the social worker, "then you must be here to sign up. I'll need all their names.

"This one is my oldest--he's Leroy." "OK, and who's next?" "Well, this one's Leroy, also."

The social worker raises an eyebrow but continues. One by one, through the oldest four, all boys, all named Leroy. Then she is introduced to the eldest girl, also named Leroy!

All right...I'm seeing a pattern here...Are they ALL named Leroy?" Well, yes--it's actually really convenient. When it's time for dinner, I just yell 'Leroy!' and they all come running. And if I need to stop the kid who's running into the street, I just yell 'Leroy' and the kid, whoever he is, stops in his tracks. It's the smart est idea I ever had, naming them all Leroy."

The social worker thinks this over for a bit, then wrinkles her forehead and says tentatively, "But what if you just want ONE kid to come, and not the whole bunch?"

Ah, that's easy," said the mother "Then I call them by their last names."  :)

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on September 03, 2003, 01:26:03 PM
Brother LOL on your Leroy joke ;D

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: nChrist on September 03, 2003, 03:43:34 PM
 ;D  All good ones - Now for my groaners:

1. How Do You Catch a Unique Rabbit?
Unique Up On It.

2. How Do You Catch a Tame Rabbit?
Tame Way, Unique Up On It.

3. How Do Crazy People Go Through The Forest?
They Take The Psycho Path

4. What Do Eskimos Get From Sitting On The Ice too Long?

5. What Do You Call a Boomerang That Doesn't work?
A Stick.

6. What Do You Call Cheese That Isn't Yours?
Nacho Cheese.

7. What Do You Call Santa's Helpers?
Subordinate Clauses.

8. What Do You Call Four Bullfighters In Quicksand?
Quatro Sinko.

9. What Do You Get From a Pampered Cow?
Spoiled Milk.

10. What Do You Get When You Cross a Snowman With a Vampire?

11. What Lies At The Bottom Of The Ocean And Twitches?
A Nervous Wreck.

12. Where Do You Find a Dog With No Legs?
Right Where You Left Him.

13. Why Do Gorillas Have Big Nostrils?
Because They Have Big Fingers.

14. Why Don't Blind People Like To Sky Dive?
Because It Scares The Dog.

15. What Kind Of Coffee Was Served On The Titanic?

16. Why Did Pilgrims' Pants Always Fall Down?
Because They Wore Their Belt Buckle On Their Hat.

17. What's The Difference Between a Bad Golfer And a Bad Skydiver?
A Bad Golfer Goes Whack, Heck!
A Bad Skydiver Goes Heck! Whack.

18. How Are a Texas Tornado And a Tennessee Divorce The Same?
Somebody's Gonna Lose A Trailer


Title: BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on September 03, 2003, 05:58:40 PM
;D  All good ones - Now for my groaners:

1. How Do You Catch a Unique Rabbit?
Unique Up On It.

2. How Do You Catch a Tame Rabbit?
Tame Way, Unique Up On It.

3. How Do Crazy People Go Through The Forest?
They Take The Psycho Path

4. What Do Eskimos Get From Sitting On The Ice too Long?

5. What Do You Call a Boomerang That Doesn't work?
A Stick.

6. What Do You Call Cheese That Isn't Yours?
Nacho Cheese.

7. What Do You Call Santa's Helpers?
Subordinate Clauses.

8. What Do You Call Four Bullfighters In Quicksand?
Quatro Sinko.

9. What Do You Get From a Pampered Cow?
Spoiled Milk.

10. What Do You Get When You Cross a Snowman With a Vampire?

11. What Lies At The Bottom Of The Ocean And Twitches?
A Nervous Wreck.

12. Where Do You Find a Dog With No Legs?
Right Where You Left Him.

13. Why Do Gorillas Have Big Nostrils?
Because They Have Big Fingers.

14. Why Don't Blind People Like To Sky Dive?
Because It Scares The Dog.

15. What Kind Of Coffee Was Served On The Titanic?

16. Why Did Pilgrims' Pants Always Fall Down?
Because They Wore Their Belt Buckle On Their Hat.

17. What's The Difference Between a Bad Golfer And a Bad Skydiver?
A Bad Golfer Goes Whack, Heck!
A Bad Skydiver Goes Heck! Whack.

18. How Are a Texas Tornado And a Tennessee Divorce The Same?
Somebody's Gonna Lose A Trailer


You get  ;D ;D ;D ;D


Title: BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on September 05, 2003, 09:03:58 AM
A hip young man goes out and buys the best car available: a brand new Ferrari 550. It is also the most expensive car in the world, and it costs him $500,000. He takes it out for a spin and stops for a red light.
An old man on a moped (about 75 years old) pulls up next to him. The old man looks over at the sleek, shiny car and asks, "What kind of car ya' got there, sonny?"
The young man replies, "A Ferrari 550. It cost half a million dollars !
"That's a lot of money, "says the old man. "Why does it cost so much?"
"Because this car can do up to 320 miles an hour!" states the young dude proudly.
The moped driver asks, "Mind if I take a look inside?" "No problem," replies the owner.
So the old man pokes his head in the window and looks around. Then sitting back on his moped, the old man says, "That's a pretty nice car, all right... but I'll stick with my moped!"
Just then the light changes so the guy decides to show the old man just what his car can do. He floors it, and within 30 seconds the speedometer reads 160 mph .
Suddenly, he notices a dot in his rear view mirror. It seems to be getting closer!  He slows down to see what it could be and suddenly, whhhoooossshhh!
Something whips by him, going much faster!!!!
"What on earth could be going faster than my Ferrari?!" the young man asks himself. He floors the accelerator and takes the Ferrari up to 250 mph.
Then, up ahead, he sees that it's the old man on the moped.
Amazed that the moped could pass his Ferrari he gives it some more gas and passes the moped at 275 mph. Whoooooosh! He's feeling pretty good until he looks in his mirror and sees the old man gaining on him again.
Astounded by the speed of this old guy he floors the gas pedal and takes
the Ferrari all the way up to 320 mph.
Not ten seconds later he sees the moped bearing down on him again. The Ferrari is flat out and there's nothing he can do.
Suddenly the moped plows into the back of his Ferrari, demolishing the rear.
The young man jumps out, and unbelievably, the old man is still alive !!!
He runs up to the mangled old man and says, "Oh my God! Is there anything I can do for you?"
The old man whispers with his dying breath, "Unhook my suspenders from your side-view mirror."

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Forrest on September 05, 2003, 10:29:10 AM
     Subject: watch out's a blonde joke
> >
> >
> > >
> > >
> > > A girl was visiting her blond friend who had acquired two new dogs,
> > > asked her what their names were.
> > > The blonde responded by saying that one was named Rolex and one was
> named
> > > Timex.
> > > Her friend said, "Whoever heard of someone naming dogs like that?"
> > > "HelOOOooo," answered the blond. "They're watch dogs!"
 ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Forrest on September 05, 2003, 10:39:17 AM
How old is Grandma?
> Stay with this -- the answer is at the end -- it will blow you away.
> One evening, a grandson was talking to his grandmother about current
> The grandson asked his grandmother what she thought about the shootings
> schools, the computer age, and just things in general.
> The Grandma replied, "Well, let me think a minute, I was born before
> television, penicillin, polio shots, frozen foods, Xerox, contact lenses,
> Frisbees and the pill. There was no radar, credit cards, laser beams, or
> ball-point pens.
> Man had not invented pantyhose, air conditioners, dishwashers, clothes
> dryers, and the clothes were hung out to dry in the fresh air. Man had
> yet walked on the moon.
> Your Grandfather and I got married first-and then lived together. Every
> family had a father and a mother. Until I was 25, I called every man
> than I, 'Sir'- and after I turned 25, I still called policemen "Sir." We
> were before gay-rights, computer-dating, dual careers, daycare centers,
> group therapy.. The Ten Commandments, good judgment, and common sense
> governed our lives. We were taught to know the difference between right
> wrong and to stand up and take responsibility for our actions. Serving
> country was a privilege living in this country was a bigger privilege.
> thought fast food was what people ate during Lent. Having a meaningful
> relationship meant getting along with your cousins. Draft dodgers were
> people who closed their front doors when the evening breeze started.
> Time-sharing meant time the family spent together in the evenings and
> weekends-not purchasing condominiums. We never heard of FM radios, tape
> decks, CDs, electric typewriters, yogurt, or guys wearing earrings. We
> listened to the Big Bands, Jack Benny, and the President's speeches on
> radios. In addition, I do not ever remember any kid blowing his brains
> listening to Tommy Dorsey. If you saw anything with 'Made in Japan' on
> it was junk.
> The term 'making out' referred to how you did on your school exam. Pizza
> Hut, McDonald's, and instant coffee were unheard of. We had 5 & 10-cent
> stores where you could actually buy things for 5 and 10 cents. Ice-cream
> cones, phone calls, rides on a streetcar, and a Pepsi were all a nickel.
> if you did not want to splurge, you could spend your nickel on enough
> to mail 1 letter and 2 postcards.
> You could buy a new Chevy Coupe for $600 but who could afford one? Too
> because gas was 11 cents a gallon. In my day, "grass" was mowed, "coke"
> a cold drink, "pot" was something your mother cooked in, and "rock music"
> was your grandmother's lullaby."Aids" were helpers in the Principal's
> office, "chip" meant a piece of wood, "hardware" was found in a hardware
> store, and software" was not even a word. And we were the last generation
> actually believe that a lady needed a husband to have a baby.
> No wonder people call us "old and confused" and say there is a generation
> gap . And how old do you think I am ???.
> Read on to see -- pretty scary if you think about it and pretty sad at
> same time.
> This Woman would be only 58 years old!
> "An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last."
> Prime Minister Winston Churchill

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Forrest on September 05, 2003, 10:47:43 AM
Senior Exercise Program

The Doctor told me I should start anexercise program. Not wanting to harm this old body I've devised the following:



Beat around the bush

Jump to conclusions

Climb the walls

Wade through the morning paper



Drag my heels

Push my luck

Make mountains out of mole hills

Hit the nail on the head



Bend over backwards

Jump on the Band Wagon

Run around in circles



Advise the President on how to run the country

Toot my own horn

Pull out all the stops

Add fuel to the fire



Open a can of worms

Put my foot in my mouth

Start the ball rolling

Go over the edge.



Pick up the pieces.

Whew! What a workout

Title: BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on September 05, 2003, 04:14:59 PM
    Subject: watch out's a blonde joke
A girl was visiting her blond friend who had acquired two new dogs, and asked her what their names were.

The blonde responded by saying that one was named Rolex and one was named Timex.

Her friend said, "Whoever heard of someone naming dogs like that?"

"HelOOOooo," answered the blond. "They're watch dogs!"
 ;D ;D ;D

Forresst you also get  ;D ;D ;D ;D LOL

Title: Success and Computers
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on September 06, 2003, 04:35:18 PM
Success and Computers
An unemployed man is desperate to support his family of a wife and three kids. He applies for a janitor's job at a large firm and easily passes an aptitude test.
The human resources manager tells him, "You will be hired at minimum wage of $5.15 an hour. Let me have your e-mail address so that we can get you in the loop. Our system will automatically e-mail you all the forms and advise you when to start and where to report on your first day."
Taken back, the man protests that he is poor and has neither a computer nor an e-mail address.
To this the manager replies, "You must understand that to a company like ours that means that you virtually do not exist. Without an e-mail address you can hardly expect to be employed by a high-tech firm. Good day."
Stunned, the man leaves. Not knowing where to turn and having $10 in his wallet, he walks past a farmers' market and sees a stand selling 25lb crates of beautiful red tomatoes. He buys a crate, carries it to a busy corner and displays the tomatoes. In less than 2 hours he sells all the tomatoes and makes 100% profit. Repeating the process several times
more that day,he ends up with almost $100 and arrives home that night with several bags of groceries for his family.
During the night he decides to repeat the tomato business the next day.
By the end of the week he is getting up early every day and working into the night.
He multiplies his profits quickly. Early in the second week he
acquires a cart to transport several boxes of tomatoes at a time, but before a month is up he sells the cart to buy a broken-down pickup truck.
At the end of a year he owns three old trucks. His two sons have left their neighborhood gangs to help him with the tomato business, his wife is buying the tomatoes, and his daughter is taking night courses at the community college so she can keep books for him.
By the end of the second year he has a dozen very nice used trucks and employs fifteen previously unemployed people, all selling tomatoes.
He continues to work hard.
Time passes and at the end of the fifth year he owns a fleet of nice trucks and a warehouse that his wife supervises, plus two tomato farms that the boys manage. The tomato company's payroll has put hundreds of homeless and jobless people to work. His daughter reports that the business grossed a million dollars.
Planning for the future, he decides to buy some life insurance.
Consulting with an insurance adviser, he picks an insurance plan to fit his new circumstances. Then the adviser asks him for his e-mail address in order to send the final documents electronically.
When the man replies that he doesn't have time to mess with a computer and has no e-mail address, the insurance man is stunned,
"What, you don't have e-mail? No computer? No Internet? Just think where you would be today if you'd had all of that five years ago!"
"Ha!" snorts the man. "If I'd had e-mail five years ago I would be sweeping floors at Microsoft and making $5.15 an hour."
Which brings us to the moral:
Since you got this story by e-mail, you're probably closer to being a janitor than a millionaire.
Sadly, I received it also.  ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re:Success and Computers
Post by: Brother Love on September 08, 2003, 04:32:12 AM

Success and Computers
An unemployed man is desperate to support his family of a wife and three kids. He applies for a janitor's job at a large firm and easily passes an aptitude test.
The human resources manager tells him, "You will be hired at minimum wage of $5.15 an hour. Let me have your e-mail address so that we can get you in the loop. Our system will automatically e-mail you all the forms and advise you when to start and where to report on your first day."
Taken back, the man protests that he is poor and has neither a computer nor an e-mail address.
To this the manager replies, "You must understand that to a company like ours that means that you virtually do not exist. Without an e-mail address you can hardly expect to be employed by a high-tech firm. Good day."
Stunned, the man leaves. Not knowing where to turn and having $10 in his wallet, he walks past a farmers' market and sees a stand selling 25lb crates of beautiful red tomatoes. He buys a crate, carries it to a busy corner and displays the tomatoes. In less than 2 hours he sells all the tomatoes and makes 100% profit. Repeating the process several times
more that day,he ends up with almost $100 and arrives home that night with several bags of groceries for his family.
During the night he decides to repeat the tomato business the next day.
By the end of the week he is getting up early every day and working into the night.
He multiplies his profits quickly. Early in the second week he
acquires a cart to transport several boxes of tomatoes at a time, but before a month is up he sells the cart to buy a broken-down pickup truck.
At the end of a year he owns three old trucks. His two sons have left their neighborhood gangs to help him with the tomato business, his wife is buying the tomatoes, and his daughter is taking night courses at the community college so she can keep books for him.
By the end of the second year he has a dozen very nice used trucks and employs fifteen previously unemployed people, all selling tomatoes.
He continues to work hard.
Time passes and at the end of the fifth year he owns a fleet of nice trucks and a warehouse that his wife supervises, plus two tomato farms that the boys manage. The tomato company's payroll has put hundreds of homeless and jobless people to work. His daughter reports that the business grossed a million dollars.
Planning for the future, he decides to buy some life insurance.
Consulting with an insurance adviser, he picks an insurance plan to fit his new circumstances. Then the adviser asks him for his e-mail address in order to send the final documents electronically.
When the man replies that he doesn't have time to mess with a computer and has no e-mail address, the insurance man is stunned,
"What, you don't have e-mail? No computer? No Internet? Just think where you would be today if you'd had all of that five years ago!"
"Ha!" snorts the man. "If I'd had e-mail five years ago I would be sweeping floors at Microsoft and making $5.15 an hour."
Which brings us to the moral:
Since you got this story by e-mail, you're probably closer to being a janitor than a millionaire.
Sadly, I received it also.  ;D ;D ;D

Right On!


Brother Love :)

Title: BULL
Post by: Brother Love on September 09, 2003, 05:13:31 AM
A little child in church for the first time watched as the ushers passed the offering plates. When they neared the pew where he sat, the youngster piped up so that everyone could hear: "Don't pay for me Daddy, I'm under five."

Brother Love :)

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Saved_4ever on September 09, 2003, 05:38:34 AM
This one is deffinately for the boys but I have found it to be true.

How do you tell the difference between a male piece of equipment and female one?

If you can fix the problem like the Fonz it's a male piece of equipment.

If you try to fix it like the Fonz and it gets worse, it's a female piece of equipment.


Title: BULL
Post by: Brother Love on September 09, 2003, 05:43:07 AM
This one is deffinately for the boys but I have found it to be true.

How do you tell the difference between a male piece of equipment and female one?

If you can fix the problem like the Fonz it's a male piece of equipment.

If you try to fix it like the Fonz and it gets worse, it's a female piece of equipment.


How True, LOL

Brother Love :)

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: nChrist on September 09, 2003, 08:43:48 AM
 ;D  All good ones - Here's my groaner:

Recommended Short Books:

A Guide to Arab Democracies

A Journey through the Mind of Dennis Rodman

Amelia Earhart's Guide to the Pacific Ocean

Different Ways to Spell "Bob"

Dr. Kevorkian's Collection of Motivational Speeches


Ethiopian Tips on World Domination

Everything Men Know About Women

Bob Dole: The Wild Years

Mike Tyson's Guide to Dating Etiquette

One Hundred and One Spotted Owl Recipes by the EPA

Popular Lawyers

In Christ,

Title: BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on September 09, 2003, 03:12:04 PM
Thanks for all the laughs Brothers ;D

After a church service on Sunday morning, a young boy suddenly announced to his mother, "Mom, I've decided to become a minister when I grow up." "That's okay with us, but what made you decide that?" "Well," said the little boy, "I have to go to church on Sunday anyway, and I figure it will be more fun to stand up and yell, than to sit and listen."

Title: Christian Home...
Post by: Brother Love on September 10, 2003, 04:44:01 AM
After the christening of his baby brother in church, little Johnny sobbed all the way home in the back seat of the car. His father asked him three times what was wrong. Finally, the boy replied, "That priest said he wanted us brought up in a Christian home, and I want to stay with you guys!"

Brother Love :)

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Early57 on September 10, 2003, 09:19:44 AM
This is a question that has gone unanswered for centuries......but,  now  we know.
If you put a woman on a pedestal and try to protect her from the rat're a male chauvinist.
If you stay home and do're a pansy.
If you work too hard...there's never any time for her.
If you don't work're a good-for-nothing bum.
If she has a boring repetitive job with low pay...this is exploitation.
If you have a boring repetitive job with low should get off your lazy behind and find something better.
If you get a promotion ahead of her.....that is favoritism.
If she gets a promotion ahead of's equal opportunity.
If you mention how nice she's sexual harassment.
If you keep's male indifference.
If you're a wimp.
If you don''re an insensitive Boy
If you make a decision without consulting're a  chauvinist.
If she makes a decision without consulting you......she's a liberated woman.
If you ask her to do something she doesn't enjoy....... that's domination.
If SHE asks's a favor.
If you appreciate the female form and frilly're a pervert.
If you don''re gay.
If you like a woman to shave her legs and keep in're sexist.
If you don''re unromantic.
If you try to keep yourself in're vain.
If you don''re a slob.
If you buy her're after something.
If you don''re not thoughtful.
If you're proud of your're full of yourself.
If're not ambitious.
If she has a headache............she's tired.
If you have a don't love her anymore.
If you want it too're oversexed.
If you don't..........there must be someone else.

So why do Men die first?

Men die first because they WANT TO

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Saved_4ever on September 10, 2003, 01:33:48 PM
Men die first because they WANT TO


 ;D ;D ;D

Title: BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on September 10, 2003, 01:36:52 PM
Men die first because they WANT TO


 ;D ;D ;D


Title: The Sunday School Teacher asks...
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on September 10, 2003, 04:39:43 PM

The Sunday School Teacher asks, "Now, Johnny, tell me frankly do you say prayers before eating?" "No sir," little Johnny replies, "I don't have to. My Mom is a good cook."

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Symphony on September 10, 2003, 05:47:28 PM

Person(take your pick), to spouse:   "Honey, have we really been married 25 years?  Or does it just SEEM like 25 years??"


Title: BULL
Post by: Brother Love on September 11, 2003, 06:27:18 AM
Pastor Dave Charlton tells us, "After a worship service at First Baptist Church in Newcastle, Kentucky, a mother with a fidgety seven-year old boy told me how she finally got her son to sit still and be quiet. About halfway through the sermon, she leaned over and whispered, 'If you don't be quiet, Pastor Charlton is going to lose his place and will have to start his sermon all over again!” It worked.  :)

Brother Love :)

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Coyote on September 11, 2003, 09:34:09 AM
Pastor Dave Charlton tells us, "After a worship service at First Baptist Church in Newcastle, Kentucky, a mother with a fidgety seven-year old boy told me how she finally got her son to sit still and be quiet. About halfway through the sermon, she leaned over and whispered, 'If you don't be quiet, Pastor Charlton is going to lose his place and will have to start his sermon all over again!” It worked.  :)

Brother Love :)

HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA I'm gonna ry that with my daughter Sunday...  ;D

Title: "God's getting better at it, isn't he?"
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on September 11, 2003, 01:45:55 PM
This is the best one ... A little girl was sitting on her grandfather's lap as he read her a bedtime story. From time to time, she would take her eyes off the book and reach up to touch his wrinkled cheek. She was alternately stroking her own cheek, then his again. Finally she spoke up, "Grandpa, did God make you?" "Yes, sweetheart," he answered, "God made me a long time ago." "Oh," she paused, "Grandpa, did God make me too?" "Yes, indeed, honey," he said, "God made you just a little while ago." Feeling their respective faces again, she observed, "God's getting better at it, isn't he?"

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: TigerLily on September 11, 2003, 05:44:28 PM
  A man escaped jail by digging a hole from his jail cell to the outside world. When finally his work was done, he emerged in the middle of a preschool playground. "I'm free, I'm free!" he shouted. "So what," said a little girl. "I'm four."    

  A man went to the doctor to look at a dog bite. The doctor did some tests and came back a few minuets later and said "I'm sorry to inform you that you have rabies."
The man quickly pulled out a pen and pad of paper and started writing. Thinking he was making out his will, the doctor said "There is no reason to make out a will. Rabies is treatable these days. You're not going to die from it."
The man looked at him and said "Oh, I'm not making out a will. I'm making a list of the people I want to bite."  

 ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Symphony on September 11, 2003, 11:57:06 PM

"I'm free, I'm free!"  LOL.  Good one, tiger.  thanks!...


Title: BULL
Post by: Brother Love on September 12, 2003, 06:44:19 AM
 A man escaped jail by digging a hole from his jail cell to the outside world. When finally his work was done, he emerged in the middle of a preschool playground. "I'm free, I'm free!" he shouted. "So what," said a little girl. "I'm four."    

  A man went to the doctor to look at a dog bite. The doctor did some tests and came back a few minuets later and said "I'm sorry to inform you that you have rabies."
The man quickly pulled out a pen and pad of paper and started writing. Thinking he was making out his will, the doctor said "There is no reason to make out a will. Rabies is treatable these days. You're not going to die from it."
The man looked at him and said "Oh, I'm not making out a will. I'm making a list of the people I want to bite."  

 ;D ;D ;D

Good stuff LOL

Brother Love :)

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: nChrist on September 12, 2003, 10:15:25 PM
 ;D  Good ones Tiger - Now, for my groaner:

Divert Your Course

This is the transcript of an ACTUAL radio conversation of a US naval ship with Canadian authorities off the coast of Newfoundland inOctober,1995.

Americans: Please divert your course 15 degrees to the North to avoid a collision.

Canadians: Recommend you divert YOUR course 15 degrees to the South to avoid a collision.

Americans: This is the Captain of a US Navy ship. I say again, divert YOUR course.

Canadians: No. I say again, you divert YOUR course.


Canadians: We are a lighthouse. Your call

Title: Greenhorns and Boats
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on September 13, 2003, 06:26:15 PM
Good one BEP  ;D

Greenhorns and Boats

Last summer, down on Lake Isabella, located in the high desert, an hour east of Bakersfleld, California, a woman, new to boating, was having a problem. No matter how hard she tried, she just couldn't get her brand new 22-ft. Bay liner to perform. It wouldn't get on a plane at all, and it was very sluggish in almost every maneuver, no matter how much power she applied. After about an hour of trying to make it go, she putted over to a nearby marina. Maybe they could tell her what was wrong. A thorough topside check revealed everything was in perfect working order. The engine ran fine, the outdrive went up and down, the prop was the correct size and pitch. So one of the marina guys jumped in the water to check underneath the boat. He came up choking on water, he was laughing so hard. (REMEMBER, this is TRUE). Under the boat, still strapped securely in place, was the trailer.


Title: Riding on a Bus
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on September 13, 2003, 06:34:48 PM
Riding on a Bus

A commuter was reading a newspaper article about life-expectancy statistics. Turning to the man beside her, she asked, "Do you know that every time I breathe, someone dies?"

"That's interesting," he answered. "Have you ever tried mouthwash?" ;D ;D

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: IrishAngel on September 13, 2003, 06:49:00 PM

ambassador you truly need halp!  :P

Title: BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on September 13, 2003, 07:07:31 PM

ambassador you truly need halp!  :P

Thats what my wife and three sons say ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: IrishAngel on September 14, 2003, 06:02:17 AM
oh...a wife...that changes everything...

you`ll be fine   ;)

Title: BULL
Post by: Brother Love on September 15, 2003, 06:20:44 AM
oh...a wife...that changes everything...

you`ll be fine   ;)

LOL :)

Brother Love :)

Title: BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on September 15, 2003, 05:02:36 PM
oh...a wife...that changes everything...

you`ll be fine   ;)

Sister like I tell my wife, Eve ate Adam out of house and home
 ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: nChrist on September 19, 2003, 01:26:30 AM
Time for one of my groaners:

The Lawn Mower:

A preacher was making his rounds to his parishioners on a bicycle, when he came upon a little boy trying to sell a lawn mower. "How much do you want for the mower?" asked the preacher. "I just want enough money to go out and buy me a bicycle," said the little boy.

After a moment of consideration, the preacher asked, "Will you take my bike in trade for it?"

The little boy asked if he could try it out first, and, after riding the bike around a little while, said, "Mister, you've got yourself a deal."

The preacher took the mower and began to try to crank it. He pulled on the rope a few times with no response from the mower. The preacher called the little boy over and said, "I can't get this mower to start."

The little boy said, "That's because you have to cuss at it to get it started."

The preacher said, "I'm a minister, and I can't cuss. It's been so long since I've been saved that I don't even remember how to cuss."

The little boy looked at him happily and said, "Just keep pulling on that rope. It'll come back to ya."    ;D

Title: BULL
Post by: Brother Love on September 19, 2003, 04:50:23 AM
Time for one of my groaners:

The Lawn Mower:

A preacher was making his rounds to his parishioners on a bicycle, when he came upon a little boy trying to sell a lawn mower. "How much do you want for the mower?" asked the preacher. "I just want enough money to go out and buy me a bicycle," said the little boy.

After a moment of consideration, the preacher asked, "Will you take my bike in trade for it?"

The little boy asked if he could try it out first, and, after riding the bike around a little while, said, "Mister, you've got yourself a deal."

The preacher took the mower and began to try to crank it. He pulled on the rope a few times with no response from the mower. The preacher called the little boy over and said, "I can't get this mower to start."

The little boy said, "That's because you have to cuss at it to get it started."

The preacher said, "I'm a minister, and I can't cuss. It's been so long since I've been saved that I don't even remember how to cuss."

The little boy looked at him happily and said, "Just keep pulling on that rope. It'll come back to ya."    ;D

 :) :) :) :)

Brother Love :)

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Forrest on September 28, 2003, 09:46:40 PM
1. I see your point, but I still think you're full of sh...

2. I don't know what your problem is, but I'll bet it's hard to

3. How about never? Is never good for you?

4. I see you've set aside this special time to humiliate yourself in

5. I'm really easy to get along with once you people learn to see it my

6. I'll try being nicer if you'll try being smarter.

7. I'm out of my mind, but feel free to leave a message..

8. I don't work here. I'm a consultant.

9. It sounds like English, but I can't understand a word you're saying.

10. Ahhh...I see the screw-up fairy has visited us again...

11. I like you. You remind me of when I was young and stupid.

12. You are validating my inherent mistrust of strangers.

13. I have plenty of talent and vision. I just don't give a damn.

14. I'm already visualizing the duct tape over your mouth.

15. I will always cherish the initial misconceptions I had about you.

16. Thank you. We're all refreshed and challenged by your unique point
of view.

17. The fact that no one understands you doesn't mean you're an artist.

18. Any connection between your reality and mine is purely

19. What am I? Flypaper for freaks!?

20. I'm not being rude. You're just insignificant.

21. It's a thankless job, but I've got a lot of Karma to burn off.

22. Yes, I am an agent of Satan, but my duties are largely ceremonial.

23. And your crybaby whiny-butt opinion would be...?

24. Do I look like a people person?

25. This isn't an office. It's Hell with fluorescent lighting.

26. I started out with nothing & still have most of it left.

27. Sarcasm is just one more service we offer.

28. If I throw a stick, will you leave?

29. Errors have been made. Others will be blamed.

30. Whatever kind of look you were going for, you missed.

31. I'm trying to imagine you with a personality.

32. A cubicle is just a padded cell without a door.

33. Can I trade this job for what's behind door #1?

34. Too many freaks, not enough circuses.

35. Nice perfume. Must you marinate in it?

36. Chaos, panic, & disorder -- my work here is done.

37. How do I set a laser printer to stun?

38. I thought I wanted a career, turns out I just wanted pay checks

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Forrest on September 28, 2003, 09:55:18 PM
Subject: Goldfish funeral - fwd from Kep.

Little Nancy was in the garden filling in a hole when her neighbor
peered over the fence. Interested in what the cheeky-faced youngster was
doing.  He politely asked, "What are you up to there, Nancy?"

"My goldfish died," replied Nancy tearfully, without looking up, "and
I've just buried him."

The neighbor was concerned, "That's an awfully big hole for a goldfish,
isn't it?"

Nancy patted down the last heap of earth then replied, "That's because
he's inside your cat."

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Forrest on September 28, 2003, 09:58:33 PM
Subject: In a perfect world.....
> Once upon a time, a perfect man and a perfect woman met. After a perfect
courtship, they had a perfect wedding. Their life together was, of course,
> One snowy, stormy Christmas Eve, this perfect couple was driving their
perfect car along a winding road, when they noticed someone at the side of
he road in distress. Being the perfect couple, they stopped to help. There
stood Santa Claus with a huge bundle of toys. Not wanting to disappoint any
children on the eve of Christmas, the perfect couple loaded Santa and his
toys into their vehicle. Soon they were driving along delivering the toys.
> Unfortunately, the driving conditions deteriorated and the perfect couple
and Santa Claus had an accident. Only one of them survived the accident.
> Question: Who was the survivor?
> (Scroll down for the answer. Trust me, it's worth it)
> Answer: The perfect woman survived. She's the only one who really existed
in the first place. Everyone knows there is no Santa Claus and there is no
such thing as a perfect man.
> **** Women stop reading here, this is the end of the joke.
> **** Men keep scrolling.
> So, if there is no perfect man and no Santa Claus, the woman must have
been driving. This explains why there was a car accident.
> **** Men keep scrolling
> If you're a woman and you're still reading, this illustrates another
point: Women never listen.

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Forrest on September 28, 2003, 10:04:56 PM
Before the 2001 inauguration of George Bush, he was invited to a get
acquainted tour of the White House. After drinking several glasses of
iced tea, he asked Bill Clinton if he could use his personal bathroom.

When he entered Clinton's private bathroom, he was astonished to see a
solid gold urinal.

That afternoon, George told his wife, Laura, about the urinal. "Just
think," he said, "when I am President, I could have a gold urinal, too. But I
couldn't be that self-indulgent!"

Later, when Laura had lunch with Hillary at her tour of the White House,
she told Hillary how impressed George had been at his discovery Of Bill's
gold urinal.

Hillary just smiled and nodded, but later that evening when Bill and
Hillary were getting ready for bed, Hillary said to Bill, "By the way, I found
out who peed in your saxophone."

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: nChrist on September 29, 2003, 02:57:28 AM
 ;D  ;D

Great ones Brother Forrest!

Now, for my groaner:

The atheist and the bear:

An atheist was walking through a beautiful forest area, admiring the wonders produced by random evolutionary processes - the lovely trees, the sparkling brooks, the interesting wildlife.....

Suddenly, an enormous, savage Grizzly Bear roared out of the bushes, and rising up began to reach out claws and teeth to devour the atheist. Although he ran as hard as he could, the bear ran faster and the, the tired atheist tripped over a root! Enormous, powerful, enraged, the mighty bear towered over his prostrate body, his claws raised to rend and tear...

"Oh! My God! " exclaimed the atheist. Suddenly, time froze, a complete silence descended on the scene. The bear stood silent and motionless as a carved statue. A mighty voice spoke to the atheist out of a blinding light:


The atheist responded, reasonably enough, "I admit it would be hypocritical to ask you to save me, but would it be unreasonable to use your power to set aside natural law to turn the BEAR into a Christian? "

"DONE" intoned the mighty voice from the light. Suddenly, the light fades, time resumed, the forest came alive again and the BEAR resumed its life. Slowly, the menacing claw came down, and the enormous fore-arms folded themselves into an attitude of devout, claws-together prayer. The bear sank to a kneeling position on its hind legs, and respectfully intoned: "FATHER, FOR THE FOOD I AM ABOUT TO RECEIVE, I TRULY THANK YOU."

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: nChrist on September 29, 2003, 03:05:21 AM
Funny and sad at the same time............


Our (mis)Concept of Patriarchal Authority, who, it can be said, inhabits the metaphysical sphere, privileged be your signifier.

May your social structure achieve dominance.

May the enactment of your desire be manifested throughout the physical-metaphysical dichotomy.

Empower us this day with the means of material production, And refuse to enforce sanctions against our behavior which some see as subversions of a moral perspective, just as we refuse to marginalize the moral perspectives of others who have exerted their individuality.

Don't lead us into situations that some would (mis)understand as detrimental to the full expression of our humanness, but liberate us from the concept of "evil."

For yours is the hegemony, and the dominance, and perceived mystification within the entire continuum of the Western concept of linear time.

Agender neutral

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Forrest on September 29, 2003, 08:00:46 PM
       A couple of good ones BEP.

        Eight Words with two Meanings
> .
> 1. THINGY (thing-ee) n. Female......Any part under a car's hood.
> Male..........The strap fastener on a woman's bra.
> 2. VULNERABLE (vul-ne-ra-bel) adj. Female......Fully opening up one's
> self emotionally to another. Male..........Playing football without a cup.
> 3. COMMUNICATION (ko-myoo-ni-kay-shon) n. Female......The open sharing
> of thoughts and feelings with one's partner. Male...........Leaving a note
> before taking off on a fishing trip with the boys.
> 4. COMMITMENT (ko-mit-ment) n. Female.......A desire to get married and
> raise a family. Male...........Trying not to hit on other women while out
> with this one.
> 5. ENTERTAINMENT (en-ter-tayn-ment) n. Female......A good movie,
> concert, play or book. Male..........Anything that can be done while
> drinking beer.
> 6. FLATULENCE (flach-u-lens) n. Female......An Embarrassing byproduct of
> indigestion. Male...........A source of entertainment, self-expression,
> bonding.
> 7. MAKING LOVE (may-king luv) n. Female......The greatest expression of
> intimacy a couple can achieve. Male...........Call it whatever you want
> just as long as we do it.
> 8. REMOTE CONTROL (ri-moht kon-trohl) n. Female.......A device for
> changing from one TV channel to another. Male...........A device for
> scanning through all 375 channels every 5 minutes.

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Forrest on September 29, 2003, 08:11:21 PM
Seen on T-Shirts

1) My husband and I divorced over religious differences.

He thought he was God and I didn't!

2) I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it.

3) I work hard because millions on welfare depend on me!

4) Some people are alive only because it's illegal to kill them.

5) I used to have a handle on life, but it broke.

6) Don't take life too seriously, you won't get out alive.

7) You're just jealous because the voices only talk to me.

8) Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder.

9) Earth is the insane asylum for the universe.

10) Quoting one is plagiarism. Quoting many is research.

11) I'm not a complete idiot, some parts are missing.

12) Out of my mind. Back in five minutes.

15) God must love stupid people, he made so many.

16) The gene pool could use a little chlorine.

17) It IS as BAD as you think, and they ARE out to get you.

18) I took an IQ test and the results were negative.

19) Consciousness: that annoying time between naps.

20) Ever stop to think, and forget to start again?

24) Frankly, Scallop, I Don't Give a Clam (seen on Cape Cod)

26) Wrinkled Was Not One of the Things I Wanted to Be When I Grew Up

27) Procrastinate Now

28) Rehab Is for Quitters

29) My Dog Can Lick Anyone

32) Finally 21, and Legally Able To Do Everything I've Been Doing Since 15

33) West Virginia: One million people and 15 last names

34) FAILURE IS NOT AN OPTION. It comes bundled with the software.


37) A journey of a thousand miles begins with a cash advance

38) STUPIDITY IS NOT A HANDICAP. Park elsewhere!

40) They call it PMS because Mad Cow Disease was already taken

41) He who dies with the most toys is nonetheless dead


Cops have nothing to go on.

44) FOR SALE - Iraqi rifle. Never fired. Dropped once.


46) A PICTURE IS WORTH A 1000 WORDS, but it uses up a 1000 times the memory.

47) The Meek shall inherit the earth, after we're through with it.

48) Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.

49) HAM AND EGGS - A day's work for a chicken, a lifetime commitment for a pig.

50) WELCOME TO TENNESSEE - Set your watch back 20 years.

51) The trouble with life is there's no background music.

52) The original "point and click interface" was a Smith & Wesson.

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Forrest on September 29, 2003, 08:13:10 PM
After a woman gave birth to her baby, the Doctor stood solemnly beside her
bed. "There is something I must tell you about your baby."

" What's wrong?" the alarmed mother asked.

"Your baby is a hermaphrodite."

"What's that?"

"It means your baby has both male and female parts."

"Oh my God, that's wonderful!", the mother said. "You mean it has a gotcha10
and a brain?"

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: admin on September 29, 2003, 10:48:02 PM
That's just a hoax Forrest. Be careful what you post. As much as we all wish it were true, it's not. See this page.


Title: Re:BULL
Post by: nChrist on September 30, 2003, 01:53:37 PM

The God billboards that are catching the eyes of drivers in the Dallas area are financed by a non-religious organization, according to the Smith Agency, that created them. The award-winning campaign first ran in Florida, where it was financed by an individual. The following are all of the God slogans created for the campaign:

1. Let's meet at my house Sunday before the game. -- God

2. C'mon over and bring the kids. -- God

3. What part of "Thou Shalt Not..." didn't you understand? -- God

4. We need to talk. -- God

5. Keep using my name in vain, I'll make rush hour longer. -- God

6. Loved the wedding, invite me to the marriage. -- God

7. That "Love Thy Neighbor" thing ... I meant it. -- God

8. I love you, I love you, I love you. -- God

9. Will the road you're on get you to my place? -- God

10. Follow me. -- God

11. Big Bang Theory? You've got to be kidding. -- God

12. My way is the highway. -- God

13. Need directions? -- God

14. You think it's hot here? -- God

15. Tell the kids I love them. -- God

16. Need a marriage counselor? I'm available. -- God

17. Have you read my #1 best seller? There will be a test. -- God

18. Do you have any idea where you're going? -- God

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Forrest on September 30, 2003, 07:47:11 PM
That's just a hoax Forrest. Be careful what you post. As much as we all wish it were true, it's not. See this page.


    Thanks BEP. I did get it in a E-Mail, will delete.

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: nChrist on September 30, 2003, 08:08:17 PM
That's just a hoax Forrest. Be careful what you post. As much as we all wish it were true, it's not. See this page.


    Thanks BEP. I did get it in a E-Mail, will delete.

Oklahoma Howdy to Forrest,

Brother, I get a ton of stuff in Email also. The post about it being a hoax was from ADMIN, not me. When I read your post about the Eagle, I was thinking the same thing you did.

In Christ,

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Corpus on October 01, 2003, 04:48:37 PM
A priest and pastor from the local churches are
standing by the side of the road pounding a sign into the ground that reads:
"The End is Near! Turn yourself around now before
it's too late!"

"Leave us alone you religious nuts!" yelled a
driver as he sped by. From around the curve they heard screeching tires and a big splash.

The pastor turns to the priest and asks, "Do you
think the sign should just say 'Bridge Out'?"

Title: Across America DRIVING TEST
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on October 02, 2003, 05:46:20 PM
Across America DRIVING TEST  ;D

Title: BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on October 04, 2003, 03:27:49 PM

These are 5th and 6th graders answers on tests. The following excerpts are actual answers given on history tests and in Sunday school quizzes by children between fifth and 6th grade ages. They were collected over a period of three years by two teachers. Read carefully for grammar, misplaced modifiers,
enough misinformation to satisfy Donald Rumsfeld and, of course, spelling!
Ancient Egypt was old. It was inhabited by gypsies and mummies who all wrote in hydralics. They lived in the Sarah Dessert. The climate of the Sarah is such that all the inhabitants have to live elsewhere.
Moses led the Hebrew slaves to the Red Sea where they made unleavened bread, which is bread made without any ingredients. Moses went up on Mount  Cyanide to get the ten commandos. He died before he ever reached Canada  but the commandos made it.
Solomon had three hundred wives and seven hundred porcupines. He was a actual hysterical figure as well as being in the bible. It sounds like he was sort of busy too.
The Greeks were a highly sculptured people, and without them we wouldn't have history. The Greeks also had myths. A myth is a young female moth.
Socrates was a famous old Greek teacher who went around giving people advice.  They killed him. He later died from an overdose of wedlock which is apparently poisonous. After his death, his career suffered a dramatic decline.
In the first Olympic games, Greeks ran races, jumped, hurled biscuits, and threw the java. The gamess were messier then than they show on TV noow.
Julius Caesar extinguished himself on the battlefields of Gaul. The Ides of March murdered him because they thought he was going to be made king. Dying, he gasped out: "Same to you, Brutus."
Joan of Arc was burnt to a steak and was canonized by Bernard Shaw for reasons I don't really understand. The English and French still have problems.
Queen Elizabeth was the "Virgin Queen," As a queen she was a success.  When she exposed herself before her troops they all shouted "hurrah!" and that was the end of the fighting for a long while.
It was an age of great inventions and discoveries. Gutenberg invented removable type and the Bible. Another important invention was the circulation of blood.
Sir Walter Raleigh is a historical figure because he invented cigarettes and started smoking.  
Sir Francis Drake circumcised the world with a 100 foot clipper which was very dangerous to all his men.
The greatest writer of the Renaissance was William  Shakespeare. He was born in the year 1564, supposedly on his birthday. He never made such money and is famous only because of his plays. He wrote tragedies, comedies, and
hysterectomies, all in Islamic pentameter.
Writing at the same time as Shakespeare was Miguel Cervantes. He wrote Donkey Hote. The next great author was John Milton. Milton wrote Paradise Lost.  Since then no one ever found it.
Delegates from the original 13 states formed the Contented Congress.  Thomas Jefferson, a Virgin, and Benjamin Franklin were two singers of the Declaration of Independence. Franklin discovered electricity by rubbing two cats backward and also declared, "A horse divided against itself cannot stand." He was
a naturalist for sure. Franklin died in 1790 and is still dead.
Johann Bach wrote a great many musical compositions and had a large number of children. In between he practiced on an old spinster which he kept up in his attic. Bach died from 1750 to the present. Bach was the most famous composer in the world and so was Handel. Handel was half German, half Italian, and half English. He was very large.
Beethoven wrote music even though he was deaf. He was so deaf that he wrote loud music and became the father of rock and roll. He took long walks in the forest even when everyone was calling for him. Beethoven expired in 1827 and later died for this.
The nineteenth century was a time of a great many thoughts and inventions.  People stopped reproducing by hand and started reproducing by machine. The invention of the steamboat caused a network of rivers to spring up.
Louis Pasteur discovered a cure for rabbits but I don't know why.
Charles Darwin was a naturalist. He wrote the Organ of the Species. It was very long people got upset about it and had trials to see if it was really true. He sort of said God's days were not just 24 hours but without watches who knew anyhow? I don't get it.
Madman Curie discovered radio. She was the first woman to do what she did.  Other women have become scientists since her but they didn't get to find radios because they were already taken.  
Karl Marx was one of the Marx Brothers. The other three were in the movies.  Karl made speeches and started revolutions. Someone in the family had to have a job, I guess.

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Paul2 on October 04, 2003, 06:41:28 PM

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: nChrist on October 04, 2003, 11:51:48 PM
 ;D   ;D   ;D  Good ones!

For Tibby,

Sleepwalking Nun:
What do you call a sleepwalking nun?


A Roamin' Catholic.



Title: Re:BULL
Post by: nChrist on October 06, 2003, 05:35:57 PM
Funeral Service:

A funeral service is being held for a woman who has just passed away. At the end of the service the pall bearers are carrying the casket out when they accidentally bump into a wall, jarring the casket. They hear a faint moan. They open the casket and find that the woman is actually alive.

She lives for ten more years, and then dies. A ceremony is again held at the same place, and at the end of the ceremony the pall bearers are again carrying out the casket.

As they are walking, the husband cries out,
"watch out for the wall!''

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Forrest on October 06, 2003, 07:23:35 PM
Everyone seems to be wondering why Muslin terrorists are so quick to
commit suicide..............let's see now.......

No Jesus
No Wal-Mart
No television
No cheerleaders
No baseball
No football
No basketball
No hockey
No golf
No tailgate parties
No M & D
No pork BBQ
No hot dogs
No burgers
No lobster
No shellfish, or even frozen fish sticks
No gumbo

More than one wife.

Rags for clothes and towels for hats
Constant wailing from the guy next-door because he's sick and there are no
Constant wailing from the guy in the tower
No chocolate chip cookies
No Christmas
No Disney World
No Las Vegas

You can't shave
Your wives can't shave
You can't shower to wash off the smell of donkey cooked over burning camel

The women have to wear baggy dresses and veils at all times
Someone else picks your bride
She smells just like your donkey, but your donkey has a better

Then they tell you that when you die it all gets better!!
I mean, really, IS THERE A MYSTERY HERE!!??  :D

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: nChrist on October 06, 2003, 11:52:33 PM
 ;D   ;D  Good one Brother Forrest,

Now, my groaner - The Bill:

Walking up to a department store's fabric counter, the pretty girl said, "I would like to buy this material for a new dress. How much does it cost?" "Only one kiss per yard," replied the male clerk with a smirk. "That's fine," said the girl. "I'll take ten yards." With expectation and anticipation written all over his face, the clerk quickly measured out the cloth, wrapped it up, then teasingly held it out. The girl snapped up the package, pointed to the old geezer standing beside her, and smiled, "Grandpa will pay the bill."

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Forrest on October 07, 2003, 01:30:24 AM

Title: BULL
Post by: Brother Love on October 08, 2003, 05:52:58 AM
Everyone seems to be wondering why Muslin terrorists are so quick to
commit suicide..............let's see now.......

No Jesus
No Wal-Mart
No television
No cheerleaders
No baseball
No football
No basketball
No hockey
No golf
No tailgate parties
No M & D
No pork BBQ
No hot dogs
No burgers
No lobster
No shellfish, or even frozen fish sticks
No gumbo

More than one wife.

Rags for clothes and towels for hats
Constant wailing from the guy next-door because he's sick and there are no
Constant wailing from the guy in the tower
No chocolate chip cookies
No Christmas
No Disney World
No Las Vegas

You can't shave
Your wives can't shave
You can't shower to wash off the smell of donkey cooked over burning camel

The women have to wear baggy dresses and veils at all times
Someone else picks your bride
She smells just like your donkey, but your donkey has a better

Then they tell you that when you die it all gets better!!
I mean, really, IS THERE A MYSTERY HERE!!??  :D

LOL :) And its true also :)

Brother Love :)

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Forrest on October 08, 2003, 10:43:17 AM
A six year old goes to the hospital with his grandma to visit his grandpa.  
When they get to the hospital, he runs ahead of his grandma and bursts into his grampa's room.  "Grampa, Grampa," he says excitedly, "as soon as grandma comes into the room, make a noise like a frog!"  

"What?" said his grandpa.  

"Make a noise like a frog because grandma said that as soon as you croak, we're going to Disneyland!!!"

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: nChrist on October 08, 2003, 12:27:35 PM
 ;D   ;D

ROFL - Good one Brother Forrest.   ;D

I'll have to remember not to make noises like a frog.   ;D

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on October 08, 2003, 01:24:50 PM
Forrest you get  ;D ;D ;D ;D


Title: Re:BULL
Post by: nChrist on October 08, 2003, 02:44:11 PM
 ;D  Now - For My Groaner:

A little girl asked her mother, "Can I go outside and play with
the boys?"

Her mother replied, "No, you can't play with the boys, they're
too rough."

The little girl thought about it for a few moments and asked,
"If I can find a smooth one, can I play with him?"

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: nChrist on October 09, 2003, 10:48:07 PM
Children and Humor - True?


On the first day of school, a first-grader handed his teacher a note from his mother. The note read, "The opinions expressed by this child are not necessarily those of his parents."


A woman was trying hard to get the ketchup to come out of the jar. During her struggle the phone rang so she asked her 4-year-old daughter to answer the phone. "It's the minister, Mommy," the child said to her mother. Then she added, "Mommy can't come to the phone to talk to you right now. She's hitting the bottle."

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: nChrist on October 09, 2003, 10:52:26 PM
Children and Humor - True?


While taking a routine vandalism report at an elementary school, I was interrupted by a little girl about 6 years old. Looking up and down at my uniform, she asked, "Are you a cop?" "Yes," I answered and continued writing the report. "My mother said if I ever needed help I should ask the police. Is that right?" "Yes, that's right," I told her. "Well, then," she said as she extended her foot toward me, "would you please tie my shoe?"


It was the end of the day when I parked my police van in front of the station. As I gathered my equipment, my K-9 partner, Jake, was barking, and I saw a little boy staring in at me. "Is that a dog you got back there?" he asked. "It sure is," I replied. Puzzled, the boy looked at me and then towards the back of the van. Finally he said, "What'd he do?"

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Brother Love on October 10, 2003, 06:09:06 AM
;D  Now - For My Groaner:

A little girl asked her mother, "Can I go outside and play with
the boys?"

Her mother replied, "No, you can't play with the boys, they're
too rough."

The little girl thought about it for a few moments and asked,
"If I can find a smooth one, can I play with him?"

rough  :)

Brother Love :)

Title: Super bowl Seat
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on October 11, 2003, 02:09:31 PM
Super bowl Seat

A guy named Bob receives a free ticket to the Super Bowl
from his company. Unfortunately, when Bob arrives at the stadium he realizes the seat is in the last row in the corner of the stadium he's closer to the Goodyear blimp than the field.
About halfway through the first quarter, Bob notices an
empty seat 10 rows off the field, right on the 50 yard line. He
decides to take a chance and makes his way through the stadium and around the security guards to the empty seat. As he sits down, he asks the gentleman sitting next to him, "Excuse me, is anyone sitting here?" The man says no.
Now, very excited to be in such a great seat for the game,
Bob again inquires of the man next to him, "This is incredible! Who in their right mind would have a seat like this at the SuperBowl and not use it?"
The man replies, "Well, actually, the seat belongs to me, I
was supposed to come with my wife, but she passed away. This is the first Super Bowl we haven't been together at since we got married in 1967."
"Well, that's really sad," says Bob, "but still, couldn't
you find someone to take the seat? A relative or close friend?"
"No," the man replies, "they're all at the funeral."

 ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: nChrist on October 11, 2003, 05:53:22 PM
Oklahoma Howdy to Ambassador4Christ,

ROFL - Super Bowl -  ;D   ;D

In Christ,

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: nChrist on October 13, 2003, 02:16:25 AM
Martha Stewart's Holiday Calendar:
December 1 Blanch carcass from Thanksgiving turkey. Apply gold leaf, turn upside down and use as a sleigh to hold Christmas Cards.
December 2 Have Mormon Tabernacle Choir record outgoing
Christmas message for answering machine.
December 3 Using candlewick and handgilded miniature pine
cones, fashion cat-o-nine-tails. Flog Gardener.
December 4 Repaint Sistine Chapel ceiling in ecru, with mocha
December 5 Grind lenses for new eyeglasses.
December 6 Fax family Christmas newsletter to Pulitzer
committee for consideration.
December 7 Debug Windows '98
December 10 Align carpets to adjust for curvature of Earth.
December 11 Lay Faberge egg.
December 12 Take Dog apart. Disinfect. Reassemble.
December 13 Collect dentures. They make excellent pastry
cutters, particularly for decorative pie crusts.
December 14 Install plumbing in gingerbread house.
December 15 Replace air in mini-van tires with Glade "holiday
scents" in case tires are shot out at mall.
December 17 Blow glass Christmas tree ornaments. Cut tree in
December 19 Adjust legs of chairs so each Christmas dinner
guest will be same height when sitting at his or her assigned
December 20 Dip sheep and cows in egg whites and roll in
confectioner's sugar to add a festive sparkle to the pasture.
December 21 Drain city reservoir; refill with mulled cider,
orange slices and cinnamon sticks.
December 22 Float votive candles in toilet tank.
December 23 Seed clouds for white Christmas.
December 24 Do my annual good deed. Go to several stores. Be seen engaged in last minute Christmas shopping, thus making many people feel less inadequate than they really are.
December 25 Bear son.  Swaddle.  Scent manger with homemade potpourri.
December 26 Organize spice racks by genus and phylum.
December 27 Build snowman in exact likeness of God.
December 28 Say it is good.  Rest for five minutes.
December 29 Dig up sand from quarry and make new chips for my four computers.
December 30 Float wicks in 4000 dishes of oil, place on lawn,
and spell out Happy New Year as a greeting to my friends on the MIR space station.
December 31 New Year's Eve! Give staff their resolutions. Call
one friend in each time zone of the world as the calendar
January 1 Stay out of jail.

Title: BULL
Post by: Brother Love on October 13, 2003, 04:48:48 AM
Two Jewish sisters-in-law (Ruth and Golda) meet on the street.  Ruth says to Golda, "Such news I got for you, Golda!  My Irving is finally getting married.  He tells me he is engaged to this wonderful Jewish girl, but he thinks the poor darling may have some strange illness called herpes.
  After offering congratulations, Golda says to Ruth, "So, Ruthie, do you have any idea what is this herpes, and can our Irving catch it?"
  Ruth answers, "God forbid!  But his Papa and I are just so happy to hear about his engagement.  You know how we've all worried about him.  It's past time he's settled with a nice girl.  As far as the herpes goes, who knows?
  "Well," Golda says, "I have a very fine medical dictionary, you know, Ruthie.  I'll just run home right now and look it up and call you."
  So, Golda goes home, looks it up, and calls Ruth excitedly, "Ruth!  Ruth!   Thank goodness, I found it.  Not to worry, Ruthie!  It says herpes is a disease of the gentiles.

Title: Pastor Was Not Benny Hinn
Post by: Brother Love on October 13, 2003, 05:00:39 AM
A woman called her pastor. "We just won $100 million in the lottery!" she exclaimed. "But I'm afraid to tell my husband. He has a weak heart and I'm afraid he may have a heart attack. Pastor, would you be able to tell him for me?" she asked.
The clergyman thought that perhaps he could, so he came right over and sat down with the man. "What would you do," he began, "if you were to win $500,000 in the lottery?"
"My wife could quit her job and I could work less and relax more," the man said.

"What would you do if you were to win one million dollars in the lottery?" the pastor asked.
"If I were to win that much we could both retire," the man said. "Life would be good."
The pastor forged on. "Well, what would you do if you were to win five  million dollars?"
"We could do anything we wanted!" he exclaimed. "We could travel, live anywhere in the world and enjoy a life we never dreamed we could  live!"
Finally the clergyman got to it. "Tell me...what would you do if you won ten million dollars in the lottery?"
"Ten million dollars? Why, if I ever won that much, Pastor, I'd give  half of it to you and the church!"
The pastor had a heart attack

Brother Love :)

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Tibby on October 13, 2003, 06:20:55 PM

Title: BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on October 14, 2003, 02:56:55 PM
Two blondes suddenly got into bird hunting and were eager to try it out for themselves. They had read that a birddog is a great and useful accessory in bird hunting, so they decided to go to the pet shop and buy one. They asked for a well-trained birddog, and got one. The two blondes immediately went to the woods to try it out. The dog didn't work. No matter how hard they tried, it just didn't follow their commands. They became really frustrated and one of the blondes said to her companion, “Okay, we'll give him one more try. We'll throw him in the air one more time and if he doesn't fly, we're taking him back to the store!”
 ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: nChrist on October 14, 2003, 10:38:42 PM

Q. How many women with PMS does it take to screw in a light bulb?

A. One. ONE!!!!!! And do you know WHY it only takes ONE? Because no one else in this house knows HOW to change a light bulb. They don't even know the bulb is BURNED OUT. They would sit in this house in the dark for THREE DAYS before they figured it OUT. And once they figured it out they wouldn't be able to find the light bulbs despite the fact that they've been in the SAME CUPBOARD for the past SEVENTEEN YEARS. But if they did, by some miracle, find the light bulbs, TWO DAYS LATER the chair that they dragged from two rooms over to stand on to change the STUPID light bulb would STILL BE IN THE SAME SPOT!!!!!!! AND UNDERNEATH IT WOULD BE THE CRUMPLED WRAPPER THE STUPID LIGHT BULBS CAME IN. WHY??? BECAUSE NO ONE IN THIS HOUSE EVER CARRIES OUT THE GARBAGE!!!! IT'S A WONDER WE HAVEN'T ALL SUFFOCATED FROM THE PILES OF GARBAGE THAT ARE 12 FEET DEEP THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE HOUSE. THE HOUSE!! THE HOUSE!!! IT WOULD TAKE AN ARMY TO CLEAN THIS........


Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Forrest on October 15, 2003, 11:06:04 PM
A little ol! d Jewish grandmother gives directions to her grown grandson who
is coming to visit with his wife:
"You come to the front door of the apartment complex. I am in apartment
14B. There is a big panel at the door. With your elbow push button 14B. I
will buzz you in. Come inside, the elevator is on the right. Get in, and
with your elbow hit 14. When you get out, my apartment is at the end of the
hall on the left. With your elbow, hit my doorbell."

"Grandma, that sounds easy, but why am I hitting all those buttons with

"What? You're coming empty handed?"

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Forrest on October 15, 2003, 11:10:47 PM
      What a difference thirty years makes!


1972: Long hair
2002: Longing for hair

1972: The perfect high
2002: The perfect high yield mutual fund

1972: KEG
2002: EKG

1972: Acid rock
2002: Acid reflux

1972: Moving to California because it's cool
2002: Moving to California because it's warm

1972: Growing pot
2002: Growing pot belly

1972: Trying to look like Marlon Brando or Liz Taylor
2002: Trying NOT to look! like Marlon Brando or Liz Taylor

1972: Seeds and stems
2002: Roughage

1972: Killer weed
2002: Weed killer

1972: Hoping for a BMW
2002: Hoping for a BM

1972: The Grateful Dead
2002: Dr. Kevorkian

1972: Going to a new, hip joint
2002: Receiving a new hip joint

1972: Rolling Stones
2002: Kidney Stones

1972: Being called into the principal's office
2002: Calling the principal's office

1972: Screw the system
2002: Upgrade the system

1972: Disco
2002: Costco

1972: Parents begging you to get your hair cut
2002: Children begging you to get their heads shaved

1972: Passing the drivers' test
2002: Passing the vision test

1972: Whatever
2002: Depends

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: nChrist on October 15, 2003, 11:52:02 PM
What a difference thirty years makes!

 ;D   ;D  Brother Forrest - ROFL   ;D   ;D

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: nChrist on October 17, 2003, 05:07:33 PM
The pregnant woman:

A three year old walked over to a pregnant lady while waiting with his mother in the doctors office.

He inquisitively ask the lady, "Why is your stomach so big?"
She replied, "I'm having a baby."

With big eyes, he asked, "Is the baby in your stomach?"
She said, "He sure is."

Then the little boy, with a puzzled look, asked, "Is it a good baby?"
She said, "Oh, yes. It's a real good baby."

With an even more surprised and shocked look, he asked...
"Then why did you eat him?"

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: nChrist on October 17, 2003, 05:10:14 PM

As I was trying to pack for vacation, my 3-year-old daughter was having a wonderful time playing on the bed. At one point, she said, "Mom, look at this," and stuck out two of her fingers.

Trying to keep her entertained, I reached out and stuck her fingers in my mouth and said, "Mommy is gonna eat your fingers!" pretending to eat them before I rushed out of the room again.

When I returned, my daughter was standing on the bed staring at her fingers with a devastated look on her face and tears down her face.

I said, "What's wrong honey?"

Sad and broken up she looked at me and said -
"Mommy, where's my booger?

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: nChrist on October 17, 2003, 05:12:54 PM
Questions that have Confused humankind!!:

Who was the first person to look at a cow and say, "I think I'll
squeeze these dangly things here, and drink whatever comes out?"

Who was the first person to say "See that chicken there....I'm gonna eat the next thing that comes outta it's rear."

Why is there a light in the fridge and not in the freezer?

If Jimmy cracks corn and no one cares, why is there a song about him?

Can a hearse carrying a corpse drive in the carpool lane?

What do you call male ballerinas?

If Wile E. Coyote had enough money to buy all that Acme stuff, why
didn't he just buy dinner?

If corn oil is made from corn, and vegetable oil is made from
vegetables, then what is baby oil made from?

Isn't Disney World just a people trap operated by a mouse?

Why do the Alphabet song and Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star have the
same tune?

Do illiterate people get the full effect of Alphabet Soup?

Title: BULL
Post by: Brother Love on October 20, 2003, 05:14:11 AM

How come wrong numbers are never busy?
Do people in Australia call the rest of the world "up over"?
Does that screwdriver belong to Philip?
Does killing time damage eternity?
Why doesn't Tarzan have a beard?
Why is it called lipstick if you can still move your lips?
Why is it that night falls but day breaks?
Why is the third hand on the watch called a second hand?
Why is it that when you're driving and looking for an address, you turn down the volume on the radio?
Why is lemon juice made with artificial flavor, and dishwashing liquid made with real lemons?
Are part-time bandleaders semi-conductors?
Can you buy an entire chess set in a pawn shop?
Daylight savings time - why are they saving it and where do they keep it?
Did Noah keep his bees in archives?
Do jellyfish get gas from eating jellybeans?
Do pilots take crash-courses?
Do stars clean themselves with meteor showers?
Do you think that when they asked George Washington for ID that he just whipped out a quarter? [NOTE: Geo.  Washington's picture is on a quarter]
Have you ever imagined a world with no hypothetical situations?
Have you ever seen a toad on a toadstool?
How can there be self-help "groups"?
How do you get off a non-stop flight?
How do you write zero in Roman numerals?
How many weeks are there in a light year?
If a jogger runs at the speed of sound, can he still hear his Walkman?
If athletes get athlete's foot, do astronauts get mistletoe?
If Barbie's so popular, why do you have to buy all her friends?
If blind people wear dark glasses, why don't deaf people wear earmuffs?
If cats and dogs didn't have fur would we still pet them?
If peanut butter cookies are made from peanut butter, then what are Girl Scout cookies made out of?
If space is a vacuum, who changes the bags?
If swimming is good for your shape, then why do the whales look the way they do?
If tin whistles are made out of tin, what do they make fog horns out of?
If white wine goes with fish, do white grapes go with sushi?
If you can't drink and drive, why do bars have parking lots?
If you jog backwards, will you gain weight?
If you take an Oriental person and spin him around several times, does he become disoriented?
Why do the signs that say "Slow Children" have a picture of a running child?
Why do they call it "chili" if it's hot?
Why do we sing "Take me out to the ball game, when we are already there?
Why is the time of day with the slowest traffic called rush hour?

Brother Love :)

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: nChrist on October 20, 2003, 06:12:10 AM
 ;D   ;D  Thanks Brother Love!. I needed those laughs this morning.

In Christ,

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Forrest on October 23, 2003, 02:24:14 PM
> Whoever came up with this one must have had some divine guidance, I
was impressed!
> Although things are not perfect
> Because of trial or pain
> Continue in thanksgiving
> Do not begin to blame
> Even when the times are hard
> Fierce winds are bound to blow
> God is forever able
> Hold on to what you know
> Imagine life without His love
> Joy would cease to be
> Keep thanking Him for all the things
> Love imparts to thee
> Move out of "Camp Complaining"
> No weapon that is known
> On earth can yield the power
> Praise can do alone
> Quit looking at the future
> Redeem the time at hand
> Start every day with worship
> To "thank" is a command
> Until we see Him coming
> Victorious in the sky
> We'll run the race with gratitude
> Xalting God most high
> Yes, there'll be good times and yes some will be bad, but...
> Zion waits in glory...where none are ever sad!

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Forrest on October 23, 2003, 02:58:47 PM
>God said, "Go down into that valley." And Adam said, "What's a
>and God explained it to him.
>Then God said, "Cross the river" And Adam said "What's a river?" and
>explained it to him.
>And then God said, "Go over the hill." And Adam said, "What's a
>and God explained it to him.
>Then God told Adam, "On the other side of the hill, you will find a
>and Adam said, "What's a cave?" and God explained that to him.
>"In the cave you will find a woman." And Adam said, "What's a
>So God explained that to him, and said, "I want you to reproduce."
>And Adam said, "How do I do that?" So God explained it to him.
>So off went Adam, down into the valley, across the river, and over the
>hill, and into the cave, and found the woman. ... and in about five
>he was back.
>God said angrily, "What is it now?" And Adam said, "What's a headache?"

Title: BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on October 23, 2003, 03:03:56 PM
>God said angrily, "What is it now?" And Adam said, "What's a headache?"


LOL ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Forrest on October 23, 2003, 03:03:59 PM
 Blonde Suicide

A blonde hurried into the emergency room late one night, with the tip of
her little finger blown off. "How did this happen?", the doctor asked her.

"Well," the blonde replied, "I was depressed, and I was trying to
commit suicide!" The doctor scratched his head. "What? You
tried to commit suicide by shooting your FINGER off??"

"No, silly!" the blonde sighed. "First, I put the gun to my chest.
Then I thought, boy, I just paid $5,000 for these breast
implants, I'm not going to shoot myself in the chest."

"Then I put the gun in my mouth. But I thought, huh, I just
paid $2,500 to get my teeth straightened, no way, I'm not
shooting myself in the mouth." "So then?" asked the doctor.

"Well, then I put the gun to my ear, and I thought, gee,
this is going to make an awful loud noise! So I put my
finger in the other ear before I pulled the trigger."

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Forrest on October 23, 2003, 03:07:06 PM
Todays English Lesson

   We'll begin with a box, and the plural is boxes;
   but the plural of ox became oxen not oxes.

   One fowl is a goose, but two are called geese,
   yet the plural of moose should never be meese.

   You may find a lone mouse or a nest full of mice;
   yet the plural of house is houses, not hice.

   If the plural of man is always called men,
   why shouldn't the plural of pan be called pen?

   If I spoke of my foot and show you my feet,
   and I give you a boot, would a pair be called beet?

   If one is a tooth and a whole set are teeth,
   why shouldn't the plural of booth be called beeth?

   Then one may be that, and three would be those,
   yet Hat in the plural would never be hose,
   and the plural of cat is cats, not cose.

   We speak of a brother and also of brethren,
   but though we say mother, we never say methren.

   Then the masculine pronouns are he, his and him,
   but imagine the feminine, she, shis and shim.

 Some reasons to be grateful if you grew up speaking  English:

  1) The bandage was wound around the wound.

   2) The farm was used to produce produce.

   3) The dump was so full that it had to refuse more refuse.

   4) We must polish the Polish furniture.

   5) He could lead if he would get the lead out.

   6) The soldier decided to desert his dessert in the desert.

   7) Since there is no time like the present, he thought it was time to
 present the

   8) At the Army base, a bass was painted on the head of a bass drum.

   9) When shot at, the dove dove into the bushes.

  10) I did not object to the object.

  11) The insurance was invalid for the invalid.

  12) There was a row among the oarsmen about how to row.

  13) They were too close to the door to close it.

  14) The buck does funny things when the does are present.

  15) A seamstress and a sewer fell down into a sewer line.

  16) To help with planting, the farmer taught his sow to sow.

  17) The wind was too strong to wind the sail.

  18) After a number of Novocain injections, my jaw got number.

  19) Upon seeing the tear in the painting I shed a tear.

  20) I had to subject the subject to a series of tests.

  21) How can I intimate this to my most intimate friend?

  22) I spent last evening evening out a pile of dirt.

 Screwy pronunciations can mess up your mind! For example...

 If you have a rough cough, climbing can be tough when going through the
bough on a tree!

 Let's face it - English is a crazy language.

 There is no egg in eggplant  nor ham in hamburger;
 neither apple nor pine in pineapple.

 English muffins weren't invented in England.

 We take English for granted.  But if we explore its paradoxes, we find
that quicksand can work slowly, boxing Rings are square and a guinea pig is
neither from Guinea nor is it a pig.

And why is it that writers write but fingers don't fing, grocers don't
groce and hammers don't ham?

 Doesn't it seem crazy that you can make amends but not one amend?

 If you have a bunch of odds and ends and get rid of all but one of them,
what do you call it?

 If teachers taught, why didn't preachers praught?

 If vegetarians eats vegetables, what do humanitarians eat?

 Sometimes I think all the folks who grew up speaking English should be
 committed to an asylum for the verbally insane.

 In what language do people recite at a play and play at a recital?

 Ship by truck and send cargo by ship?

 Have noses that run and feet that smell?

 How can a slim chance and a fat chance be the same,
 while a wise man and a wise guy are opposites?

 You have to marvel at the unique lunacy of a language in which your house
 can burn up as it burns down, in which you fill in a form by filling it out
 and in which an alarm goes off by going on.

    If Dad is Pop, how's come Mom isn't Mop?

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Forrest on October 23, 2003, 03:09:51 PM
>Ya' hear me now?
>An elderly gentleman of 85 feared his wife was
>getting hard of hearing. So one day he called her
>doctor to make an appointment to have her hearing
>checked. The Doctor made an appointment for a hearing
>test in two weeks, and meanwhile there's a simple
>informal test the husband could do to give the doctor
>some idea of the state of her problem.
>"Here's what you do," said the doctor, "start out
>about 40 feet away from her, and in a normal
>conversational speaking tone see if she hears you. If
>not, go to 30 feet, then 20 feet, and so on until you
>get a response."
>That evening, the wife is in the kitchen cooking
>dinner, and he's in the living room. He says to
>himself, "I'm about 40 feet away, let's see what happens."
>Then in a normal tone he asks, 'Honey, what's for supper?"
>No response.
>So the husband moved to the other end of the room,
>about 30 feet from his wife and repeats, "Honey, what's for supper?"
>Still no response.
>Next he moves into the dining room where he is about
>20 feet from his wife and asks, "Honey, what's for supper?"
>Again he gets no response so he walks up to the kitchen door, only 10 feet
>"Honey, what's for supper?"
>Again there is no response, so he walks right up behind her.
>"Honey, what's for supper?"
>(I just love this!)
>"Dang  it Earl, for the fourth time, CHICKEN!"

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Forrest on October 23, 2003, 03:21:45 PM
 Who reads US Newspapers
> > > > If you want to understand how the U.S. works, try this:
> > > >
> > > > 1. "The Wall Street Journal" is read by the people who run the
> country.
> > > >
> > > > 2. "The Washington Post" is read by people who think they run the
> > > > country.
> > > >
> > > > 3. "The New York Times" is read by people who think they should run
> the
> > > > country, and who are very good at crosswords.
> > > >
> > > > 4. "USA Today" is read by people who think they ought to run the
> country
> > > > but don't really understand "The Washington Post." They do, however,
> > > > like their statistics shown in pie charts.
> > > >
> > > > 5. "The Los Angeles Times" is read by people who wouldn't mind
> > > > the country, if they could spare the time, and if they didn't have
> > > > leave LA to do it.
> > > >
> > > > 6. "The Boston Globe" is read by people whose parents used to run
> > > > country and they did a far superior job of it, thank you very much.
> > > >
> > > > 7. "The New York Daily News" is read by people who aren't too sure
> who's
> > > > running the country, and don't really care as long as they can get a
> > > > seat on the train.
> > > >
> > > > 8. "The New York Post" is read by people who don't care who's
> > > > the country, as long as they do something really scandalous,
> preferably
> > > > while intoxicated.
> > > >
> > > > 9. "The San Francisco Chronicle" is read by people who aren't sure
> there
> > > > is a country or that anyone is running it; but whoever it is, they
> > > > oppose all that they stand for. There are occasional exceptions if
> > > > leaders are handicapped minority feminist atheist dwarfs, who also
> > > > happen to be illegal aliens from ANY country or galaxy as long as
> > > > are Democrats.
> > > >
> > > > 10. "The Miami Herald" is read by people who are running another
> country
> > > > but need the baseball scores.
> > > >
> > > > 11. "The National Enquirer" is read by people trapped in line at the
> > > > grocery store.

Title: BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on October 23, 2003, 03:36:09 PM
Blonde Suicide

A blonde hurried into the emergency room late one night, with the tip of
her little finger blown off. "How did this happen?", the doctor asked her.

"Well," the blonde replied, "I was depressed, and I was trying to
commit suicide!" The doctor scratched his head. "What? You
tried to commit suicide by shooting your FINGER off??"

"No, silly!" the blonde sighed. "First, I put the gun to my chest.
Then I thought, boy, I just paid $5,000 for these breast
implants, I'm not going to shoot myself in the chest."

"Then I put the gun in my mouth. But I thought, huh, I just
paid $2,500 to get my teeth straightened, no way, I'm not
shooting myself in the mouth." "So then?" asked the doctor.

"Well, then I put the gun to my ear, and I thought, gee,
this is going to make an awful loud noise! So I put my
finger in the other ear before I pulled the trigger."


Now that was a GRRRRRRRRREAT one ;D

Title: BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on October 28, 2003, 04:30:19 PM

Just in case you ever got the two mixed up. This should make things a bit clearer.

IN spend the majority of your time in an 8 X 10 cell.
AT spend the majority of your time in a 6 X 8 cubicle.

IN get three free meals a day.
AT only get a break for one meal and you pay for it.

IN get time off for good behaviour.
AT get more work for good behaviour.

IN PRISON...the guard locks and unlocks all the doors for you.
AT must carry around a security card and open all the doors for yourself.

IN can watch TV and play games.
AT get fired for watching TV and playing games.

IN get your own toilet.
AT have to share with some idiot who pees on the seat.

IN PRISON...they allow your family and friends to visit.
AT can't even speak to your family.

IN PRISON...all expenses are paid by the taxpayers with no work required.
AT get to pay all the expenses to go to work and then they deduct taxes from your salary to pay for prisoners.

IN spend most of your life inside bars wanting to get out.
AT spend most of your time wanting to get out and go inside

IN must deal with sadistic wardens.
AT WORK...they are called managers.

Now, get back to work!    

Title: The Difference Between Liberals, Conservatives and Texans
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on October 31, 2003, 08:26:27 PM
The Difference Between Liberals, Conservatives and Texans

Question: You're walking down a deserted street with your wife and two small children. Suddenly, a dangerous looking man with a huge knife comes around the corner, locks eyes with you, screams obscenities, raises the knife, and charges. You are carrying a Sig P220 and you are an expert shot. You have mere seconds before he reaches you and your family. What do you do?

Liberal Answer:

Well, that's not enough information to answer the question! Does the man look poor or oppressed? Have I ever done anything to him that would inspire him to attack? Could we run away? What does my wife think? What about the kids?
Could I possibly swing the gun like a club and knock the knife out of his hand?
What does the law say about this situation? Does the Sig have an appropriate safety built into it? Why am I carrying a loaded gun and what kind of message does this send to society and my children? Is it possible he'd be happy with
just killing me? Does he definitely want to kill me or would he just be content to wound me? If I were to grab his knees and hold on, could my family get away while he was stabbing me? This is all so confusing! I need to debate this with some friends for a few days to try to come to a conclusion.


Conservative Answer:



Texan's Answer:

BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! click... (sounds of reloading).

Wife: "Sweetheart, he looks like he's still moving, what do you kids think?"

Son: "Mom's right Dad, I saw it too..."


Daughter: "Nice group, Daddy! Were those the Winchester Silver Tips?"

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: nChrist on November 01, 2003, 07:29:36 PM
Oklahoma Howdy to Ambassador4Christ,

 ;D  - Good one, but Texans are too liberal.   ;D

Title: BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on November 05, 2003, 01:02:00 PM
Two Iraqis meet in Florida. One starts to greet the other in Arabic, the language of their native country.

The other Iraqi waves him away contemptuously and says,
"We're in America now. Speak Spanish!

Title: BULL
Post by: Brother Love on November 06, 2003, 05:44:01 AM
Two Iraqis meet in Florida. One starts to greet the other in Arabic, the language of their native country.

The other Iraqi waves him away contemptuously and says,
"We're in America now. Speak Spanish!

Boy is that true LOL

Brother Love :)

Title: BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on November 06, 2003, 01:25:39 PM
Two old ladies were sitting on a park bench outside the local town hall where a flower show was in progress.   One leaned over and said, "Life is so boring. We never have any fun anymore. For $5.00, I'd take my clothes off and streak through that stupid flower show!" "You're on!" said the old lady, holding up a $5.00 bill. As fast as she could, the first little old lady fumbled her way out of her clothes and, completely naked,   streaked through the front door of the flower show. Waiting outside, her friend soon heard a huge commotion inside the hall,followed by loud applause.

The naked lady burst out through the door surrounded by a cheering crowd. "What happened?" asked her waiting friend. "I won 1 st prize as Best Dried Arrangement

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Forrest on November 06, 2003, 05:43:55 PM
Subject: Fw: Thanksgiving


One day a father of a very wealthy family took his son on a trip to the

>country with the firm purpose of showing his son how poor people live.

>They spent a couple of days and nights on the farm of what would be

>considered a very poor family. On their return from their trip, the father

>asked his son, "How was the trip?"

>"It was great, Dad."


>"Did you see how poor people live?" the father asked.


>"Oh yeah," said the son.


>"So, tell me, what did you learn from the trip?" asked the father.


>The son answered, "I saw that we have one dog and they had four. We have a

>pool that reaches to the middle of our garden and they have a creek that

>has no end. We have imported lanterns in our garden and they have the

>stars at night. Our patio reaches to the front yard and they have the

>whole horizon. We have a small piece of land to live on and they have

>fields that go beyond our sight. We have servants who serve us, but they

>serve others. We buy our food, but they grow theirs. We have walls around

>our property to protect us, they have friends to protect them."


>The boy's father was speechless.


>Then his son added, "Thanks, Dad, for showing me how poor we are."


>Isn't perspective a wonderful thing? Makes you wonder what would happen if

>we all gave thanks for everything we have, instead of worrying about what

>we don't have. Appreciate every single thing you have, every single day --

>one day at a time.

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Forrest on November 06, 2003, 05:46:47 PM
Of all the friends I've ever met,
You're the one I won't forget.
And if I die
Before you do
I'll go to heaven
And wait for you
I'll give the angels
Back their wings
And risk the loss
Of everything
Just to prove
My friendship is true
I'm thankful to have
Family and Friends like you!

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Forrest on November 06, 2003, 05:53:54 PM
Subject: Fashion Dos and Don't For Older Adults

Fashion Dos and Don't For Older Adults
Despite what you may have seen on the street lately, the following combinations DO NOT go together!
A nose ring and bifocals
Spiked hair and bald spots
A pierced tongue and dentures
Miniskirts and support hose
Ankle bracelets and corn pads
A belly button ring and a gall bladder surgery scar
Unbuttoned disco shirts and a heart monitor
Midriff shirts and a midriff bulge
Bikinis and liver spots
Short shorts and varicose veins
Inline skates and a walker  

Old age sure ain't for sissies!

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Forrest on November 06, 2003, 06:15:37 PM

 A person who has stopped growing at both ends and is now growing in the

 A place where women curl up and dye.

 Someone who is fed up with people.

 The only animals you eat before they are born and after they are dead.

 A body that keeps minutes and wastes hours.

 Mud with the juice squeezed out.

 Someone who is usually me-deep in conversation.

 A person who will never tell a lie if the truth will do more damage.

 Cold Storage.

 Cutting money in half without damaging the paper.

 An insect that makes you like flies better.

 Grape with a sunburn.

 Something you tell to one person at a time.

 A bunch of bones with the person scraped off.

 The pain that drives you to extraction.

 One of the greatest labor saving devices of today.

 An honest opinion openly expressed.

 Something other people have. I have character lines.

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Forrest on November 07, 2003, 12:57:28 AM
> >
> >       True  Story - JacksonvilleP. D .
> >
> >                          Now this one I like.................!!
> >
> >                   A man  goes to a party and has too much to drink. His
> >                   friends plead with him to let  them take him home. He
> >                           says no -- he only lives a mile away.
> >
> >                  About  five blocks from the party, the police pull him
> >                  over for weaving and ask him  to get out of the car and
> >                    walk the line. Just as he starts, the police  radio
> >                  blares out notice of a robbery taking place in a house
> >                                    just a block  away.
> >
> >                    The police tell the party animal to stay put, they
> >                   will be right  back and they hop a fence and run down
> >                                the street to the robbery.
> >
> >                   The  guy waits and waits and finally decides to drive
> >                                           home.
> >
> >                   When he gets  there, he tells his wife he is going to
> >                     that he has the flu and has been in bed all  day.
> >
> >                  A few hours later the police knock on the door. They
> >                   ask if Mr. Joe is there and his wife says yes. They
> >                  ask to see him and she replies that  he is in bed with
> >                             the flu and has been so all day.
> >
> >                 The police have his  driver's license. They ask to see
> >                   his car and she asks why. They insist on  seeing his
> >                    car, so she takes them to the garage. She opens the
> >                   door. There  sitting in the garage is the police car,
> >                           with all its lights still  flashing.
> >
> >                      True story, told by the driver at his first  AA
> >                                         meeting.

Title: BULL
Post by: Brother Love on November 07, 2003, 04:14:59 AM
> >
> >       True  Story - JacksonvilleP. D .
> >
> >                          Now this one I like.................!!
> >
> >                   A man  goes to a party and has too much to drink. His
> >                   friends plead with him to let  them take him home. He
> >                           says no -- he only lives a mile away.
> >
> >                  About  five blocks from the party, the police pull him
> >                  over for weaving and ask him  to get out of the car and
> >                    walk the line. Just as he starts, the police  radio
> >                  blares out notice of a robbery taking place in a house
> >                                    just a block  away.
> >
> >                    The police tell the party animal to stay put, they
> >                   will be right  back and they hop a fence and run down
> >                                the street to the robbery.
> >
> >                   The  guy waits and waits and finally decides to drive
> >                                           home.
> >
> >                   When he gets  there, he tells his wife he is going to
> >                     that he has the flu and has been in bed all  day.
> >
> >                  A few hours later the police knock on the door. They
> >                   ask if Mr. Joe is there and his wife says yes. They
> >                  ask to see him and she replies that  he is in bed with
> >                             the flu and has been so all day.
> >
> >                 The police have his  driver's license. They ask to see
> >                   his car and she asks why. They insist on  seeing his
> >                    car, so she takes them to the garage. She opens the
> >                   door. There  sitting in the garage is the police car,
> >                           with all its lights still  flashing.
> >
> >                      True story, told by the driver at his first  AA
> >                                         meeting.

LOL :)

Brother Love :)

Title: BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on November 09, 2003, 07:35:19 AM

        1)    You believe in Santa Claus.
        2)    You don't believe in Santa Claus.
        3)    You are Santa Claus.
        4)    You look like Santa Claus.


Title: Re:BULL
Post by: nChrist on November 09, 2003, 06:56:13 PM
Oklahoma Howdy to Ambassador4Christ & Forrest,

 ;D   ;D  Thanks Brothers, I needed that laugh!

In Christ,

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Forrest on November 16, 2003, 12:40:44 AM

YEAR OF 1903: - - - This ought to boggle your mind, I know it did mine!
The year is 1903, one hundred years ago ... what a difference a century

Here are the US statistics for 1903:

The average life expectancy in the US was forty-seven (47).

Only 14 Percent of the homes in the US had a bathtub.

Only 8 percent of the homes had a telephone.

A three-minute call from Denver to New York City cost eleven dollars.

There were only 8,000 cars in the US and only 144 miles of paved roads.

The maximum speed limit in most cities was 10 mph.

Alabama, Mississippi, Iowa, and Tennessee were each more heavily
populated than California. With a mere 1..4 million residents, California
was only the 21st most populous state in the Union.

The average US worker made between $200 and $400 per year..

A competent accountant could expect to earn $2000 per year, a dentist
$2,500 per year, a veterinarian between $1,500 and $4,000.

More than 95 percent of all births in the US took place at home.

Sugar cost four cents a pound. Eggs were fourteen cents a dozen.  Coffee
cost fifteen cents a pound.

Most women only washed their hair once a month and used borax or egg
yolks for shampoo.

Canada passed a law prohibiting poor people from entering the country
for any reason.

The five leading causes of death in the US were:
1. Pneumonia and influenza
2. Tuberculosis
3. Diarrhea
4. Heart disease
5. Stroke

The American flag had 45 stars. Arizona, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Hawaii
and Alaska hadn't been admitted to the Union yet.

The population of Las Vegas, Nevada was 30.

Canned beer, and iced tea hadn't been invented.

There were no Mother's Day or Father's Day.

One in ten US adults couldn't read or write.

Only 6 percent of all Americans had graduated from high school.

Marijuana, heroin, and morphine were all available over the counter at
corner drug stores. According to one pharmacist, "Heroin clears the
complexion, gives buoyancy to the mind, regulates the stomach and the
bowels, and is, in fact, a perfect guardian of health."

Eighteen percent of households in the US had at least one full-time
servant or domestic.

There were only about 230 reported murders in the entire US.

Everything has changed.. Including the way we think...

Can you imagine 3003? :-\

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Forrest on November 16, 2003, 12:42:51 AM
Attending a wedding for the first time, a little girl whispered to
her mother, "Why is the bride dressed in white?"

    "Because white is the color of happiness, and today is the happiest
day of her life."

    The child thought about this for a moment, then said, "So why is the
groom wearing black?"

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Forrest on November 16, 2003, 01:34:13 AM
Q. What does HMO stand for?

A. This is actually a variation of the phrase, "HEY MOE." Its roots go
back to a concept pioneered by Moe of the Three Stooges, who discovered
that a patient could be made to forget about the pain in his foot if he
was poked hard enough in the eyes.


Q. I just joined an HMO. How difficult will it be to choose the doctor I

A.. Just slightly more difficult than choosing your parents. Your
insurer will provide you with a book listing all the doctors in the plan.
These doctors basically fall into two categories -- those who are no
longer accepting new patients, and those who will see you but are no
longer participating in the plan. But don't worry, the remaining doctor
who is still in the plan and accepting new patients has an office just a
half-day's drive away and has a diploma from a Third World Country.


Q. Do all diagnostic procedures require pre-certification?

A. No. Only those you need.


Q. Can I get coverage for my preexisting conditions?

A. Certainly, as long as they don't require any treatment.


Q. What happens if I want to try alternative forms of medicine?

A. You'll need to find alternative forms of payment.


Q. My pharmacy plan only covers generic drugs, but I need the name brand.

I tried the Generic Medication, but it gave me a stomach ache.. What
should I do?

A. Poke yourself in the eye.


Q. What if I'm away from home and I get sick?

A. You really shouldn't do that.


Q. I think I need to see a specialist, but my doctor insists he can
handle my problem. Can a general practitioner really perform a heart
transplant right in his office?

A. Hard to say, but considering that all you're risking is the $15
CO-payment, there's no harm in giving him a shot at it.

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Forrest on November 16, 2003, 01:39:20 AM
 Subject: Headlines in the year 2025


 Ozone created by electric cars now killing millions in the seventh largest country in the world, California.

 White minorities still trying to have English recognized as California's third language.

 Spotted Owl plague threatens northwestern United States crops and livestock.

 Baby conceived naturally.... The National Organization of Women (NOW) want the father prosecuted for committing a lewd act upon a woman.

 Last remaining Fundamentalist Muslim dies in the American Territory of the Middle East (formerly known as Iran, Afghanistan, Syria, and Lebanon).

 Iraq still closed off; physicists estimate it will take at least ten more years before radioactivity decreases to safe levels.

 Castro finally dies at age 112; Cuban cigars can now be imported legally, but President Chelsea Clinton has banned all smoking.

 George Z. Bush says he will run for President in 2026.

 Postal Service raises price of first class stamp to $17.89 and reduces mail delivery to Wednesday only.

Six billion dollar, 35 year study completed: The finding: Diet and exercise is the key to weight control.

 Massachusetts celebrates the passing of the last remaining conservative.

 Supreme Court rules punishment of criminals violates their civil rights.

 Upcoming NFL draft likely to focus on use of mutants.

 Average height of NBA players now nine feet, seven inches.

 New federal law requires that all nail clippers, screwdrivers, fly swatters, and rolled up newspapers must be registered by January 2026.

 Congress authorizes direct deposit of illegal political contributions to campaign accounts.

 Capitol Hill intern indicted for refusing to have sex with congressman.

 IRS sets minimum tax rate at 75%.

 Average price of a single-family home in Southern California is $2,500,000, and a three- bedroom apartment now rents for $8,000 a month.

 Celebrating Christmas now officially a felony as it offends too many people.

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Forrest on November 16, 2003, 01:47:08 AM
 You Might be From Chicago If.....
> You Might Be From Chicago if  
> The "living room" is called the "front room."
> You don't pronounce the "s" at the end of Illinois. You become irate
> people who do.
> You measure distance in minutes (especially "from the city"). And you
> everything is pretty much 1/2 hour away.
> You have no problem spelling or pronouncing "Des Plaines."
> You go to visit friends or family down south and laugh when they
> about the traffic.
> You understand that no person from Chicago can be a Cub fan AND a
White Sox
> fan.
> It's "Kitty corner" not "Katty corner".
> You know the difference between The Loop and Downtown
> You eat your pizza in squares, not triangles, and you never refer to
it as
> "pie"
> You own celery salt
> You understand that the primary is the official local election.
> You have drunk green beer on St. Paddy's Day
> Stores don't have sacks, they have bags.
> You end your sentences with an unnecessary preposition. Example:
"Where's my
> coat at?" or "If you go to the mall I wanna go with."
> Your idea of a great tenderloin is when the meat is twice as big as
the bun,
> "everything" is on it and a slice of dill pickle is on the side.
> You carry jumper cables in your car.
> You drink "pop."
> Y ou understand that I-290, I-90, I-94, and I-294 are all different
> You know the names of the interstates: Stevenson, Kennedy, Eisenhower,
> Ryan, and the Edens. But you call the interstates "expressways."
> You refer to anything South of I-80 as "Southern or Central Illinois."
> You refer to Lake Michigan as "The Lake."
> You refer to Chicago as "The City."
> "The Super Bowl" refers to one specific game in January 1986.
> You have two favorite football teams: The Bears, and anyone who beats
> Packers.
> You buy "The Trib" and not the Tribune.
> You know that despite being on the lake, there is no such place as the
> Waterfront
> You think 45 degrees is gr eat weather to wash your car.
> You picnic or ride your bike in the "forest preserve."
> You cried when Bozo was canceled on WGN.
> You know what goes on a Chicago style hot dog.
> You know what Chicago Style Pizza REALLY is.
> You know why they call Chicago "The Windy City."
> You understand what "lake-effect" means.
> You know the difference between Amtrak and Metra, and know which
> they end up at.
> You have ridden the "L."
>&n bsp;
> You think your next-door neighbor is a cousin to Tony Soprano.
> You can distinguish between the following area codes: 847, 630, 773,
> 312, & 815.
> You have at some time in your life, used your furni ture or a friend's
> to guard your parking spot in winter.
> You respond to the question "Where are you from" with a "side."
> "West Side," "South Side" or "NorthSide."
> You know the phone number to Empire Carpet!

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Forrest on November 16, 2003, 02:02:43 AM
US Attorney General John Ashcroft was visiting an elementary school.
After 15 minutes of speaking he says, "I will now answer any questions you have."  
Bobby stands up and says: "I have four questions":
1. How did Bush win the election with fewer votes than Gore?
2. Why haven't you caught Osama bin Laden?
3. Why are you using the American Patriot Act to limit civil liberties?
4. Where are the weapons of mass destruction in Iraq?

Just then the bell goes off and the kids rushed out to play.
Upon returning, Mr. Ashcroft said: "I am sorry we were interrupted. I will answer any questions you have." A little girl called Julie stands up and says: "I have six questions":
1. How did Bush win the election with fewer votes than Gore?
2. Why haven't you caught Osama bin Laden?
3. Why are you using the American Patriot Act to limit civil liberties?
4. Where are the weapons of mass destruction in Iraq?
5. Why did the bell ring twenty minutes early?
6. Where is Bobby?

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Symphony on November 17, 2003, 09:42:34 PM

Um, Forrest, thank you.

But, um, when I heard that joke before, it was with Hillary Clinton


Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Forrest on November 18, 2003, 02:56:12 AM
Subject: A Doctor's Exam

> > This was so darned cute, couldn't let it go by.....
> >                            
> >
> > Thought I'd let my doctor check me,
> > 'Cause I didn't feel quite right. . .
> > All those aches and pains annoyed me
> > And I couldn't sleep last night.                        
> > He could find no real disorder
> > But he wouldn't let it rest.
> > What with Medicare and Blue Cross,
> > We would do a couple tests.                        
> > To the hospital he sent me
> > Though I didn't feel that bad.
> > He arranged for them to give me
> > Every test that could be had.                          
> > I was fluoroscoped and cystoscoped,
> > My aging frame displayed.
> > Stripped, on an ice cold table,
> > While my gizzards were x-rayed.                          
> > I was checked for worms and parasites,
> > For fungus and the crud,
> > While they pierced me with long needles
> > Taking samples of my blood.                            
> > Doctors came to check me over,
> > Probed and pushed and poked around,
> > And to make sure I was living
> > They then wired me for sound.                            
> > They have finally concluded,
> > Their results have filled a page.
> > What I have will someday kill me;
> > My affliction is OLD AGE

Title: BULL
Post by: Brother Love on November 18, 2003, 06:05:12 AM

Um, Forrest, thank you.

But, um, when I heard that joke before, it was with Hillary Clinton


Same here :)

Brother Love :)

Title: BULL
Post by: Brother Love on November 18, 2003, 06:07:53 AM
Subject: Headlines in the year 2025


 Ozone created by electric cars now killing millions in the seventh largest country in the world, California.

 White minorities still trying to have English recognized as California's third language.

 Spotted Owl plague threatens northwestern United States crops and livestock.

 Baby conceived naturally.... The National Organization of Women (NOW) want the father prosecuted for committing a lewd act upon a woman.

 Last remaining Fundamentalist Muslim dies in the American Territory of the Middle East (formerly known as Iran, Afghanistan, Syria, and Lebanon).

 Iraq still closed off; physicists estimate it will take at least ten more years before radioactivity decreases to safe levels.

 Castro finally dies at age 112; Cuban cigars can now be imported legally, but President Chelsea Clinton has banned all smoking.

 George Z. Bush says he will run for President in 2026.

 Postal Service raises price of first class stamp to $17.89 and reduces mail delivery to Wednesday only.

Six billion dollar, 35 year study completed: The finding: Diet and exercise is the key to weight control.

 Massachusetts celebrates the passing of the last remaining conservative.

 Supreme Court rules punishment of criminals violates their civil rights.

 Upcoming NFL draft likely to focus on use of mutants.

 Average height of NBA players now nine feet, seven inches.

 New federal law requires that all nail clippers, screwdrivers, fly swatters, and rolled up newspapers must be registered by January 2026.

 Congress authorizes direct deposit of illegal political contributions to campaign accounts.

 Capitol Hill intern indicted for refusing to have sex with congressman.

 IRS sets minimum tax rate at 75%.

 Average price of a single-family home in Southern California is $2,500,000, and a three- bedroom apartment now rents for $8,000 a month.

 Celebrating Christmas now officially a felony as it offends too many people.

How True

Brother Love :)

Title: BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on November 19, 2003, 05:05:02 PM
When I was young we used to go "skinny dipping," now I just "chunkydunk." ;D


Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Brother Love on November 20, 2003, 05:51:15 AM
A4C  :)

Once you're in heaven, do you get stuck wearing the clothes you were buried in for eternity?

Brother Love :)

Title: BULL
Post by: Brother Love on November 21, 2003, 07:08:52 AM
Why is it that people say they "slept like a baby" when babies wakeup like every two hours?

Brother Love :)

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: nChrist on November 21, 2003, 09:43:04 AM
Why is it that people say they "slept like a baby" when babies wakeup like every two hours?

Brother Love :)

Oklahoma Howdy to Brother Love,

Brother, bring me my food, buy me toys, and take care of me, and I won't care.   ;D  By the way, I tasted some modern baby formula recently, and it is awful.  YUK!

In Christ,

Title: Men vs. Women
Post by: Tibby on November 21, 2003, 04:44:05 PM
I have found biblical truth that men will get to heaven before women. 30 minutes before, to be exact. This is inarguable biblical proof:

Revelation 8:1 “When he opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about half an hour.“


Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Symphony on November 21, 2003, 04:48:14 PM

Tibby, you are a sight!!!

Title: Re:Men vs. Women
Post by: Brother Love on November 22, 2003, 05:40:41 AM
I have found biblical truth that men will get to heaven before women. 30 minutes before, to be exact. This is inarguable biblical proof:

Revelation 8:1 “When he opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about half an hour.“


Oh man, B-A-D  :)

Brother Love :)

Title: BULL
Post by: Brother Love on November 22, 2003, 06:01:48 AM
Why do people pay to go up tall buildings and then put money in binoculars to look at things on the ground? :)

Brother Love :)

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Forrest on November 23, 2003, 03:15:09 PM
This week, our phones went dead and I had to contact the Telephone
repair people. They promised to be out between 8:00 AM and 7:00 PM. When
I asked if they could give me a smaller time window, the pleasant
gentleman asked, "Would you like us to call you before we come?" I
replied that I didn't see how he would be able to do that since our
phones weren't working. He also requested that we report future outages
by email. (Does your email work without a telephone line?).
I was signing the receipt for my credit card purchase when the clerk
noticed I had never signed my name on the back of the credit card. She
informed me that she could not complete the transaction unless the card
was signed. When I asked why, she explained that it was necessary to
compare the signature I had just signed on the receipt. So I signed the
credit card in front of her. She carefully compared the signature to the
one I had just signed on the receipt. As luck would have it, they
I live in a semi-rural area. We recently had a new neighbor call the
local township administrative office to request the removal of the Deer
Crossing sign on our road. The reason: too many deer were being hit by
cars and she didn't want them to cross there anymore. I could swear I've
recently been with some of these people...
My daughter went to a local Taco Bell and ordered a taco. She asked the
person behind the counter for "minimal lettuce." He said he was sorry,
but they only had iceberg.
I was at the airport, checking in at the gate when an airport employee
asked, "Has anyone put anything in your baggage without your knowledge?"
To which I replied, "If it was without my knowledge, how would I know?"
She smiled knowingly and nodded!, "That's why we ask."
The stoplight on the corner buzzes when it's safe to cross the street. I
was crossing with a coworker of mine when she asked if I knew what the
buzzer was for. I explained that it signals blind people when the light
is red. Appalled, she responded, "What on earth are blind people doing
At a good-bye luncheon for an old and dear coworker who is leaving the
company due to "downsizing," our manager commented cheerfully, "This is
fun. We should do this more often." Not a word was spoken. We all just
looked at each other with that deer-in-the-headlights stare.
I work with an individual who plugged her power strip back into itself
and for the life of her couldn't understand why her system would not
turn on.
When my wife and I arrived at an automobile dealership to pick up our
car, we were told the keys had been locked in it. We went to the service
department and found a mechanic working feverishly to unlock the
driver's side door. As I watched from the passenger side, I
instinctively tried the door handle and discovered that it was unlocked.
"Hey," I announced to the technician, "it's open!" To which he replied,
"I know - I already got that side."
Now don't you feel better?

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Willowbirch on November 24, 2003, 07:33:40 AM

Just in case you ever got the two mixed up. This should make things a bit clearer.

IN spend the majority of your time in an 8 X 10 cell.
AT spend the majority of your time in a 6 X 8 cubicle.

IN get three free meals a day.
AT only get a break for one meal and you pay for it.

IN get time off for good behaviour.
AT get more work for good behaviour.

IN PRISON...the guard locks and unlocks all the doors for you.
AT must carry around a security card and open all the doors for yourself.

IN can watch TV and play games.
AT get fired for watching TV and playing games.

IN get your own toilet.
AT have to share with some idiot who pees on the seat.

IN PRISON...they allow your family and friends to visit.
AT can't even speak to your family.

IN PRISON...all expenses are paid by the taxpayers with no work required.
AT get to pay all the expenses to go to work and then they deduct taxes from your salary to pay for prisoners.

IN spend most of your life inside bars wanting to get out.
AT spend most of your time wanting to get out and go inside

IN must deal with sadistic wardens.
AT WORK...they are called managers.

Now, get back to work!    
I think I'll go commit a crime...just a little one, of course...anybody got some whiskey and car keys?

Title: Little Johnny
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on November 26, 2003, 04:27:01 PM
Little Johnny was attending his first day of school. The teacher advised the class to start the day with the pledge of allegiance, and instructed them to put their right hands over their hearts and repeat after him. He looked around the room as he started the recitation, "I pledge allegiance to the flag...  "When his eyes fell upon Little Johnny, he noticed his hand over the right cheek of his buttocks. "Little Johnny, I will not continue until you put your hand over your heart."
Little Johnny replied, "It is over my heart." After several attempts to get Little Johnny to put his hand over his heart, the teacher asked, "Why do you think that is your heart?" "Because every time my Grandma comes to visit, she picks me up, pats me here, and says, 'bless your little heart,' and my Grandma wouldn't lie!"

Title: BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on November 29, 2003, 09:47:57 AM
The Bear

An atheist was taking a walk through the woods.
What majestic trees!
What powerful rivers!
What beautiful animals!" he said to himself.
As he was walking alongside the river he heard a rustling in the bushes behind him.
He turned to look. He saw a 7 foot grizzly charge towards him. He ran as fast as he could up the path. He looked over his shoulder and saw that the bear was closing in on him.
He looked over his shoulder again, and the bear was even closer.
He tripped and fell on the ground. He rolled over to pick himself up but saw the bear right on top of him, reaching for him with his left paw and raising his right paw to strike him.
At that instant the Atheist cried out: "Oh my God!...
" Time stopped.
The bear froze.
The forest was silent.
As a bright light shone upon the man, a voice came out of the sky:
"You deny my existence for all of these years, teach others I don't exist, and even credit creation to a cosmic accident. Do you expect me to help you out of this predicament?
Am I to count you as a believer?"
The atheist looked directly into the light, "It would be hypocritical of me to suddenly ask You to treat me as a Christian now, but perhaps could you make the BEAR a Christian?"
"Very well," said the voice.
The light went out. The sounds of the forest resumed.
And then the bear dropped his right paw, brought both paws together and bowed his head and spoke:
"Lord, bless this food, which I am about to receive from thy bounty through Christ our Lord Amen."  
 ;D ;D ;D

Title: BULL
Post by: Brother Love on December 01, 2003, 04:39:00 AM
The Bear

An atheist was taking a walk through the woods.
What majestic trees!
What powerful rivers!
What beautiful animals!" he said to himself.
As he was walking alongside the river he heard a rustling in the bushes behind him.
He turned to look. He saw a 7 foot grizzly charge towards him. He ran as fast as he could up the path. He looked over his shoulder and saw that the bear was closing in on him.
He looked over his shoulder again, and the bear was even closer.
He tripped and fell on the ground. He rolled over to pick himself up but saw the bear right on top of him, reaching for him with his left paw and raising his right paw to strike him.
At that instant the Atheist cried out: "Oh my God!...
" Time stopped.
The bear froze.
The forest was silent.
As a bright light shone upon the man, a voice came out of the sky:
"You deny my existence for all of these years, teach others I don't exist, and even credit creation to a cosmic accident. Do you expect me to help you out of this predicament?
Am I to count you as a believer?"
The atheist looked directly into the light, "It would be hypocritical of me to suddenly ask You to treat me as a Christian now, but perhaps could you make the BEAR a Christian?"
"Very well," said the voice.
The light went out. The sounds of the forest resumed.
And then the bear dropped his right paw, brought both paws together and bowed his head and spoke:
"Lord, bless this food, which I am about to receive from thy bounty through Christ our Lord Amen."  
 ;D ;D ;D

I L-O-V-E It

Brother Love :)

Title: Bad Food
Post by: Brother Love on December 04, 2003, 09:39:43 AM
Bad Food

A Doctor was addressing a large audience on Nutrition and said:

"The material we put into our stomachs is enough to have killed most of us sitting here, years ago."
Red meat is awful.
Sugar rots our teeth and causes Diabetes.
Soft drinks corrode our stomach lining.
Spicy dishes give us heartburn.
Many vegetables give us terrible gas pains.
Undercooked eggs permit e-coli to thrive.
Milk is impossible for adults to digest.
Chinese food is loaded with MSG.  
High fat diets can be disastrous and few of us realize the long-term harm caused by the germs and chemicals in our drinking water.  

But, there is one thing that is the most dangerous of all and we all have eaten or will eat it. Can anyone here tell me what food it is that causes the most grief and suffering for years after eating it?"

After several seconds of silence, a 75-year-old man in the front row raised his hand and answered, "Wedding Cake?"

Brother Love :)

Title: Bad Food
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on December 07, 2003, 09:38:54 AM
Bad Food

A Doctor was addressing a large audience on Nutrition and said:

"The material we put into our stomachs is enough to have killed most of us sitting here, years ago."
Red meat is awful.
Sugar rots our teeth and causes Diabetes.
Soft drinks corrode our stomach lining.
Spicy dishes give us heartburn.
Many vegetables give us terrible gas pains.
Undercooked eggs permit e-coli to thrive.
Milk is impossible for adults to digest.
Chinese food is loaded with MSG.  
High fat diets can be disastrous and few of us realize the long-term harm caused by the germs and chemicals in our drinking water.  

But, there is one thing that is the most dangerous of all and we all have eaten or will eat it. Can anyone here tell me what food it is that causes the most grief and suffering for years after eating it?"

After several seconds of silence, a 75-year-old man in the front row raised his hand and answered, "Wedding Cake?"

Brother Love :)

Good one Bro ;D

Title: TOP IDIOTS OF 2003
Post by: Forrest on December 10, 2003, 01:49:02 AM
> > > Subject: TOP IDIOTS OF 2003
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > >I am a medical student currently doing a rotation in
> > > at
> > > >the
> > > > > > >poison control center. Today, this woman called in very upset
> > > because
> > > > > > >she caught her little daughter eating ants. I quickly
> > > her
> > > >that
> > > > > > >the ants are not harmful and there would be no need to bring
> > > her
> > > > > > >daughter into the hospital. She calmed down and at the end of
> > > the
> > > > > > >conversation happened to mention that she gave her daughter
> > > some ant
> > > > > > >poison to eat in order to kill the ants. I told her that she
> > > better
> > > > > > >bring her daughter into the Emergency room right away. Here's
> > > your
> > > >sign,
> > > > > > >lady. Wear it with pride.
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > >Number Two Idiot of 2003
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > >Early this year, some Boeing employees on the airfield
> > > to
> > > >steal
> > > > > > >a life raft from one of the 747s. They were successful in
> > > getting it
> > > >out
> > > > > > >of the plane and home. Shortly after they took it for a float
> > > on the
> > > > > > >river, they noticed a Coast Guard helicopter coming towards
> > > them. It
> > > > > > >turned out that the chopper was homing in on the emergency
> > > locator
> > > > > > >beacon that activated when the raft was inflated. They are no
> > > longer
> > > > > > >employed at Boeing. Here's your sign, guys. Don't get it wet;
> > > the
> > > >paint
> > > > > > >might run.
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > >Number Three Idiot of 2003
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > >A man, wanting to rob a downtown Bank of America, walked into
> > > the
> > > >Branch
> > > > > > >and wrote "this iz a stikkup. Put all your muny in this bag."
> > > While
> > > > > > >standing in line, waiting to give his note to the teller, he
> > > began to
> > > > > > >worry that someone had seen him write the note and might call
> > > the
> > > >police
> > > > > > >before he reached the teller's window. So he left the Bank of
> > > America
> > > > > > >and crossed the street to the Wells Fargo Bank. After
waiting a
> > > few
> > > > > > >minutes in line, he handed his note to the Wells Fargo
> > > She
> > > >read
> > > > > > >it and, surmising from his spelling errors that he wasn't the
> > > >brightest
> > > > > > >light in the harbor, told him that she could not accept his
> > > stickup
> > > >note
> > > > > > >because it was written on a Bank of America deposit slip and
> > > that he
> > > > > > >would either have to fill out a Wells Fargo deposit slip or
> > > back
> > > >to
> > > > > > >Bank of America. Looking somewhat defeated, the man said,
> > > and
> > > >left.
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > >He was arrested a few minutes later, as he was waiting in
> > > back
> > > >at
> > > > > > >Bank of America. Don't bother with this guy's sign. He
> > > probably
> > > > > > >couldn't read it anyway.
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > >Number Four Idiot of 2003
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > >A motorist was unknowingly caught in an automated speed trap
> > > that
> > > > > > >measured his speed using radar and photographed his car. He
> > > later
> > > > > > >received in the mail a ticket for $40 and a photo of his car.
> > > Instead
> > > >of
> > > > > > >payment, he sent the police department a photograph of $40.
> > > Several
> > > >days
> > > > > > >later, he received a letter from the police that contained
> > > another
> > > > > > >picture, this time of handcuffs. He immediately mailed in his
> > > $40.
> > > > > > >Another sign (though this guy might be onto something worth
> > > thinking
> > > > > > >about)!
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > >Number Five Idiot of 2003
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > >A guy walked into a little corner store with a shotgun and
> > > demanded
> > > >all
> > > > > > >of the cash from the cash drawer. After the cashier put the
> > > cash in a
> > > > > > >bag, the robber saw a bottle of Scotch that he wanted behind
> > > the
> > > >counter
> > > > > > >on the shelf. He told the cashier to put it in the bag as
> > > but
> > > >the
> > > > > > >cashier refused and said,"Because I don't believe you are
> > > >21."The
> > > > > > >robber said he was, but the clerkstill refused to give it to
> > > him
> > > >because
> > > > > > >he didn't believe him. At this point,the robber took his
> > > driver's
> > > > > > >license out of his wallet and gave it to the clerk. The clerk
> > > looked
> > > >it
> > > > > > >over and agreed that the man was in fact over 21 and he put
> > >
> > > >Scotch
> > > > > > >in the bag. The robber then ran from the store with his loot.
> > > The
> > > > > > >cashier promptly called the police and gave the name and
> > > address of
> > > >the
> > > > > > >robber that he got off the license. They arrested the robber
> > > two
> > > >hours
> > > > > > >later. This guy definitely needs a sign.
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > >Idiot Number Six of 2003
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > >A pair of Michigan robbers entered a record shop nervously
> > > waving
> > > > > > >revolvers. The first one shouted, "Nobody move!" When his
> > > partner
> > > > > > >moved, the startled first bandit shot him. This guy doesn't
> > > need a
> > > >sign;
> > > > > > >he probably figured it out himself.
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > >Idiot Number Seven of 2003
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > >Arkansas: Seems this guy wanted some beer pretty badly. He
> > > decided
> > > >that
> > > > > > >he'd just throw a cinder block through a liquor store window,
> > > grab
> > > >some
> > > > > > >booze, and run. So he lifted the cinder block and heaved it
> > > over his
> > > > > > >head at the window. The cinder block bounced back and hit the
> > > >would-be
> > > > > > >thief on the head, knocking him unconscious. It seems the
> > > liquor
> > > >store
> > > > > > >window was made of Plexiglas. The whole event was caught on
> > > >videotape.
> > > > > > >Oh, that smarts. Give him his sign!

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Forrest on December 10, 2003, 02:58:11 AM

1. If you're too open-minded, your brains will fall out.

2. Don't worry about what people think; they don't do it very often.

3. Going to a church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car..

4. It isn't the jeans that make your butt look fat.

5. Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity.

6. My idea of housework is to sweep the room with a glance.

7. Not one shred of evidence supports the notion that life is serious.

8. It is easier to get forgiveness than permission.

9. For every action, there is an equal and opposite government program.

10. If you look like your passport picture, you probably need the trip.

11. Bills travel through the mail at twice the speed of checks.

12. A conscience is what hurts when all your other parts feel good.

13. Eat well, stay fit, die anyway. (Just remember how lucky you were to get a free trip around the sun.)

14. Men are from earth. Women are from earth. Deal with it.

15. No man has ever been shot while doing the dishes.

16. A balanced diet is a cookie in each hand.

17. Middle age is when broadness of the mind and narrowness of the waist change places.

18. Opportunities always look bigger going than coming.

19. Junk is something you've kept for years and throw away three weeks before you need it.

20. There is always one more imbecile than you counted on.

Title: Blimp story
Post by: Forrest on December 10, 2003, 10:55:56 AM
Last week while travelling I stopped at a Zany Brainy store and saw that they had a blimp for sale. It's called Airship Earth, and it's a great big balloon with a map of the Earth on it, and two propellors hanging from the bottom. You blow up the balloon with helium put batteries in it, and you have a radio controll indoor blimp.
I'd seen these things for sale in Sharper Image catalogs for $60-$75. At Zany Brainy it was on clearance for $15. What a deal!
Last night my wife was playing tennis and it was just my daughter and I at home. I bought a small helium tank from a party store, and last night we put the blimp together.
Let me tell you, it's quite a blimp. It's huge. The balloon has like a 3 ft diameter.
We blew it up with the tank attacched the gondola with the propellors, and put in batteries.
Then we balanced the blimp for neutral bouyancy with this putty that came with it, so it hangs in the air by itself neither rising nor falling.
It was easy and fun, and then I blew up another balloon and made Mickey Mouse helium voices for my daughter.
My three year old girl loved it. We flew the blimp all over the house, terrorized the dog, attacked the fish tank, and the controls were so easy my daughter could fly.
Let's face it, blimps are fun.
Alas, the fun had to end and my daughter had to go to sleep. I left the blimp floating in my office downstairs, my wife came home, and we went to bed, and slept the sleep of the righteous.
At this point it is important to know that my house has central heating. I have it configured to blow hot air out on the ground floor and take it in at the second floor to take advantage of the fact that heat rises.
The blimp which was up until this moment a fun toy here embarked on a career of evil. Using the artificial convection of my central heating, the blimp stealthily departed my office. It moved silently through the living and drifted to the staircase. Gliding wraithlike over the staircase it then entered the bedroom where my wife and I lay sleeping peacefully.
Running silently, and gliding six feet or so above the ground on invisible and tiny air currects it approached the bed.
In spite of it's noiseless passage, or perhaps because of it, I awoke. That doesn't really say it properly. Let me try again.
I awoke, the way you awake at 2:00 AM when your sleeping senses suddenly tell you without reason that the forces of evil on converging on you.
That still doesn't do it. Let me try one more time.
I awoke the way you awake when you suddenly know that there is a large levitating sinister presence hovering towards you with menacing intent through the maligant darkness.
Now sometimes I do wake up in the middle of the night thinking that there are large sinister and menacing things floating out of the darkness to do me and mine evil. Usually I open my eyes, look and listen carefully, decide it was a false alarm, and go back to sleep.
So, the fact that I awoke in such a manner was not all that unusual.
On this occasion I awoke to the sense that there was a large menacing presence approaching me silently out of the gloom, so I opened my eyes, and there it was! A LARGE SILENT MENACING PRESENCE WAS APPROACHING ME OUT OF THE GLOOM, AND IT COULD FLY!!!
Somewhere in the control room of my mind a fat little dwarf in a security outfit was paging through a Penthouse while smoking a cigar with his feet up on the table, watching the security monitors of my brain with his peripheral vision. Suddenly he saw the LARGE SILENT SINSITER MENACING FLOATING PRESENCE coming at me, and he pulled every panic switch and hit every alarm that my body has. A full decade's allotment of adrenaline was dumped into my bloodstream all at once. My metabolism went from "restful sleep mode" to FIGHT FOR YOUR LIFE OR DIE!!!! mode" in a nanosecond. My heart went from twenty something beats per minute to about 240 even faster.
I always knew this was going to happen. I always knew that skepticism and science were mere psychological decorations and vanities. Deep in our alligator brains we all know that the world is just chock full of evil and monsters and sinister forces aligned against us, and it is only a matter of time until they show up. Evolution know this, too. It knows what to do when the silent terror comes at you from out of the dark.
When 50 million years worth of evolutionary survival instinct hits you all at once flat in the gut at 200 mph it is not a pleasant sensation.
Without volition I screamed my battle cry (which is indistinguishable to the sound a little girl makes when you drop a spider down her dress (not that I'd know what that sounds like,) and lept out of bed in my underwear.
I struck the approaching menace with all my strength and almost fell over at the total lack of resistance that a helium balloon offers when you punch the living gotcha2 out of it with all the stength that sudden middle of the night terror produces.
It's trajectory took it straight into the ceiling fan which whipped it about the room at terrifying velocity.
Seeking a weapon, I ripped the alarm clock out of its plug and hurled it at the now High Velocity Menacing presence (breaking the clock and putting a nice hole in the wall.)
Somehow at this moment I suddenly realized that I was fighting the blimp, and not a monster. It might have been funny if I didn't truly and actually feel like I was having a legitimate heart-attack.
On quivering legs I went to the bathroom and literally gagged into the toilet while shaking uncontrollably with the shock of the reaction I'd had.
Unbeleivably, both my wife and daughter had completely slept through the incident. When I decided that I wasn't having a heart attack after all I went back into the bedroom and found the blimp which had somehow survived the incident.
I took it to the walk in closet and released it inside where it floated around with the air currents released from the vents in there. I closed the door, this sealing it in, and went back to bed. About 500 years later I fell asleep.
At about 7 am my wife awoke. She had been playing tennis and wasn't aware that we have assembled the blimp the previous evening, and that is was now floating around the the walk-in closet that she approached.
The dyndamic between the existing air currents of the closet and the suction caused by opening the door was just enough to give the blimp the appearance of an Evil Sinister Menace flying straight towards her.
This time the blimp did not survive the encounter, nor almost, did I, as I had to explain to my very angry spouse what motivated me to hide an evil lurking presence in the closet for her to find at 7 am.
I can order replacement balloons on the internet but I don't think I will.
Some blimps are better off dead.

Title: BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on December 10, 2003, 04:31:43 PM
Going to a church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car..

 I have said this one for atleast 20 years ;D

Title: Polish sausage
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on December 11, 2003, 03:10:16 PM
 A guy goes into a store and tells the clerk, "I'd  like some Polish sausage."

The clerk looks at him and says, "Are you Polish?"

The guy, clearly offended, says, "Well, yes I am.  But let me ask you something. If I had asked for Italian sausage would you ask me if I was Italian? Or if I had asked for bratwurst, would you ask me if I was German? Or if I asked for a kosher hot dog would you ask me if I was Jewish? Or if I had asked for a taco would you ask if I was Mexican?

Would ya, huh? Would ya?"

The clerk says, "Well, no."

"And if I asked for some Irish whiskey, would you ask if I was Irish?"

"Well, I probably wouldn't."

With deep self-righteous indignation, the guy says, "Well, all right then, why did you ask me if I'm Polish just because I ask for Polish sausage?"

The clerk replies, "Because this is Home Depot ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: nChrist on December 13, 2003, 04:07:45 AM
Oklahoma Howdy to Ambassador4Christ,

Polish sausage -  ;D  LOL - Where do you get all of the good jokes? I still get quite a few by email, but most of them are old.

In Christ,

Title: BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on December 13, 2003, 10:12:51 PM
Oklahoma Howdy to Ambassador4Christ,

Polish sausage -  ;D  LOL - Where do you get all of the good jokes? I still get quite a few by email, but most of them are old.

In Christ,

99% are from e-mails Bro ;D

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Symphony on December 14, 2003, 07:29:02 AM

Or if I asked for a kosher hot dog would you ask me if I was Jewish?

Is there really such a thing as a kosher hotdog?


That's like *diet* coke.

Or *fat-free* pizza.  ???

The whole point of drinking a coke was precisely becuase it IS sweet--and fizzy--, and becuase it IS bad for you.  That's why we drink it(once in a while).

And the whole point of eating a hotdog is becuase it IS pork.
(er, or rather, pork "parts"(hehe--who knows WHAT that means ;D)).


Title: Eleven people
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on December 15, 2003, 09:44:37 AM
Eleven people were hanging on a rope under a helicopter, ten men and one woman. The rope was not strong enough to carry them all, so they decided that one had to leave, because otherwise they were all going to fall.
They weren't able to name that person, until the woman gave a very touching speech. She said that she would voluntarily let go of the rope, because, as a woman, she was used to giving up everything for her husband and kids, or for men in general, and was used to always making sacrifices with little in return.
As soon as she finished her speech, all the men started clapping their hands.......

Title: Daddy's Gonna Eat Your Fingers
Post by: Brother Love on December 19, 2003, 06:38:44 AM
This one is for all of you who either:
a) have kids
b) had kids who have now grown
c) was a kid
d) know a kid!
Daddy's Gonna Eat Your Fingers

As I was trying to pack for a business trip, my 3-year-old daughter was having a wonderful time playing on the bed.
At one point, she said, "Dad, look at this," and stuck out two of her fingers. Trying to keep her entertained, I reached out and stuck her fingers in my mouth and said, "Daddy's gonna eat your fingers!" pretending to eat them before I rushed out of the room again.
When I returned, my daughter was standing on the bed staring at her fingers with a devastated look on her face. I said, "What's wrong honey?" She replied, "What happened to my booger?"  :)

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Forrest on December 19, 2003, 12:07:16 PM
Becky and Sally Ann were doing some carpenter work on a house. Becky
who was nailing down house siding, would reach into her nail pouch, pull
out a nail and either toss it over her shoulder or nail it in.

Sally Ann, figuring this was worth looking into, asked, "Why are
you throwing those nails away?"

Becky explained, "When I pull a nail out of my pouch, about half of
them have the head on the wrong end and I throw them away."

Sally Ann got completely upset and yelled, "You moron! Those nails
aren't defective! They're for the other side of the house!."


 ;D ;D ;D

Post by: The Crusader on December 29, 2003, 06:18:54 AM
 A man was walking down the street when he was accosted by particularly dirty and shabby-looking homeless man who asked him for couple of dollars for dinner. The man took out his wallet, extracted two dollars and asked,
 "If I gave you this money, will you buy some beer with it instead?"
 "No, I had to stop drinking years ago," the homeless man replied.
 "Will you use it to buy lottery tickets instead of buying food?" the man asked.
 "No, I don't gamble" the homeless man said. "I need everything I can get just to stay alive."
 "Will you spend the money on fish bait instead of food?" the man asked.
 "Are you NUTS!" replied the homeless man. "I haven't fished in 20 years!"
 "Will you use the money to buy a ticket to the Chiefs game?" the man asked.
 "Are you crazy?" the homeless man replied. "I wouldn't pay to see folks beat upon other folks. I have seen enough of that on the streets."
 "Well," said the man, "I'm not going to give you the two dollars. Instead, I'm going to take you home for a terrific dinner cooked by my wife."
 The homeless man was astounded. "Won't your wife be furious with you  for doing that? I know I'm dirty, and I probably smell pretty bad."
 The man replied, "Hey, man, that's okay! I just want her to see what a man looks like who's given up beer, ball games, gambling, and fishing."

The Crusader

Title: BULL
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on January 02, 2004, 06:25:14 PM
A plane is on its way to Melbourne when a blonde in
Economy Class gets up and moves to the First Class section and sits down. The flight attendant watches her do this and asks to see her ticket. She then tells the blonde passenger
that she paid for Economy and that she will have to go and sit in the back.
The blonde replies "I'm blonde, I'm beautiful, I'm going to Melbourne and I'm staying right here!" The flight attendant goes into the cockpit and tells the pilot and co-pilot that there is some blonde bimbo sitting in First Class that belongs in Economy and won't move back to her seat. The co-pilot goes back to the blonde and tries to explain that because
she only paid for Economy she is only entitled to an economy place and she will have to leave and return to her original seat. The blonde replies, "I'm blonde, I'm beautiful, I'm going to Melbourne and I' m staying right here!"
Exasperated the co-pilot tells the pilot that it was no use and that he probably should have the police waiting when they land to arrest this blonde woman that won't listen to reason. The pilot says, "You say she's blonde?
I'll handle this, I'm married to a blonde, and I speak blonde!" He goes back to the blonde, whispers in her ear, and she says "Oh, I'm sorry  I had no idea," gets up and moves back to her seat in the economy section.

The flight attendant and co-pilot are amazed and asked
him what he said to  make her move without any fuss.
The Pilot replied "I told her First Class isn't going to Melbourne
 ;D ;D ;D

Title: BULL - Consider this.......
Post by: The Crusader on January 03, 2004, 05:46:05 AM
Consider this.......

An elderly man knows he will die soon and that thought does not upset him as much as knowing that he cannot take with him all of his many accumulated worldly goods. So he has a long talk with God and they strike a bargain. He will be allowed to bring with him to heaven one suitcase containing anything he wishes. After much pondering the old man decides that he will take gold with him because surely that is valued anywhere. When the man dies he is met by St. Peter who tells him he is not allowed to enter heaven with his belongings and the old man explains that God said he could arrive with one suitcase- the contents of his choosing. After checking with God and determining that this is so, the gentleman is admitted to heaven. After several days St. Peter's curiosity gets the best of him and he approaches the man and asks what he has brought with him to heaven that is so valuable and may be look in the suitcase. The old man says certainly and St. Peter opens the suitcase, looks inside and exclaims "PAVEMENT, YOU BROUGHT PAVEMENT"?

Title: What is Globalization?
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on January 08, 2004, 05:03:47 PM
What is Globalization?

QUESTION: What is the truest definition of Globalization?

ANSWER: Princess Diana's death  

QUESTION: How come?

ANSWER: An English princess

with an Egyptian boyfriend

crashes in a French tunnel,

driving a German car

 with a Dutch engine,  

driven by a Belgian who was drunk  

on Scottish whiskey,  

followed closely by Italian Paparazzi,  

on Japanese motorcycles,  

treated by an American doctor,

using Brazilian medicines!

And this is sent to you from an American,  

using Bill Gates' technology,  

and you're probably reading this on one of the IBM clones,

that use Taiwanese-made chips,

and a Korean-made monitor,

assembled by Bangladeshi workers

in a Singapore plant,  

transported by lorries driven by Indians,  

hijacked by Indonesians,  

unloaded by Sicilian longshoremen,

trucked by Mexican illegals,

and finally sold to you.  

That, my friend is Globalization

Title: Re:What is Globalization?
Post by: The Crusader on January 23, 2004, 06:07:15 AM
What is Globalization?

QUESTION: What is the truest definition of Globalization?

ANSWER: Princess Diana's death  

QUESTION: How come?

ANSWER: An English princess

with an Egyptian boyfriend

crashes in a French tunnel,

driving a German car

 with a Dutch engine,  

driven by a Belgian who was drunk  

on Scottish whiskey,  

followed closely by Italian Paparazzi,  

on Japanese motorcycles,  

treated by an American doctor,

using Brazilian medicines!

And this is sent to you from an American,  

using Bill Gates' technology,  

and you're probably reading this on one of the IBM clones,

that use Taiwanese-made chips,

and a Korean-made monitor,

assembled by Bangladeshi workers

in a Singapore plant,  

transported by lorries driven by Indians,  

hijacked by Indonesians,  

unloaded by Sicilian longshoremen,

trucked by Mexican illegals,

and finally sold to you.  

That, my friend is Globalization

That is true Globalization :)

Your friend and brother

The Crusader

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Warrior For Christ on April 10, 2004, 01:51:49 PM
As income tax time approaches,
did you ever notice:
When you put the two words
"The" and "IRS" together
it spells "THEIRS"?  ;D

5 more days :)

Post by: Brother Love on April 26, 2004, 06:22:46 AM
Once upon a time, long, long ago there was a Presidential
election that was too close to call. Neither the Republican    
presidential candidate nor the Democratic presidential      
candidate had enough votes to win the election.
Therefore, it was decided that there should be an ice fishing
contest between the two candidates to determine the final      
There was much talk about ballot recounting, court challenges,
etc., but a week-long ice fishing competition seemed the      
(manly) way to settle things.
The candidate who catches the most fish at the end of the week
wins. After a lot of back and forth discussion, it was decided      
that the contest would take place on a remotest and coldest
lake in Wisconsin.
There were to be no observers present and both men were    
to be sent out separately on this remote lake and return daily      
with their catch for counting and verification.
At the end of the first day, George W. returns to the headquarters    
and he has 10 fish. Soon, Kerry, who has answers to everything, but no
plan,  returns and has zero fish.
Well, everyone assumes he is just having another bad hair    
day or something and hopefully, he will catch up the next    
day. At the end of the 2nd day George W. comes in with 20      
fish and Kerry comes in again with none.
That evening, Bill Clinton gets together secretly with Kerry and
says, "I think George W. is a lowlife cheatin' son-of-a-gun.
I want you to go out tomorrow and don't even bother with fishing.
Just spy on him and see if he is cheating in any way.
The next night (after George W.comes back with 50 fish), Clinton
says to Kerry, "Well, what about it, is George W. cheatin'?"
"He sure is, John, he's cutting holes in the ice!"

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Warrior For Christ on April 27, 2004, 12:56:50 PM
Country Wisdom

The Ten Commandments display was removed from the Alabama Supreme Court  building. There was a good reason for the move. You can't post Thou Shalt Not Steal, Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery and Thou Shall Not Lie in a building full of lawyers and Politicians without creating a hostile work environment.

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Forrest on May 26, 2004, 01:54:15 PM
> >God and Adam
> > >
> > >
> > >       God said, "Adam, I want you to do something for me."
> > >
> > >       Adam said, "Gladly, Lord, what do You want me to do?"
> > >
> > >       God said, "Go down into that valley."
> > >
> > >       Adam said, "What's a valley?"
> > >
> > >       God explained it to him.
> > >
> > >       Then God said, "Cross the river."
> > >
> > >       Adam said, "What's a river?"
> > >
> > >       God explained that to him, and then said, "Go over to the
> >hill......"
> >
> > >
> > >       Adam said, "What is a hill?"
> > >
> > >       So, God explained to Adam what a hill was.
> > >
> > >       He told Adam, "On the other side of the hill you will find a
> > >
> > >       Adam said, "What's a cave?"
> > >
> > >       After God explained, he said, "In the cave you will find a
> > >
> > >       Adam said, "What's a woman?"
> > >
> > >       So God explained that to him, too.
> > >
> > >       Then, God said, "I want you to reproduce."
> > >
> > >       Adam said, "How do I do that?"
> > >
> > >       God first said (under his breath), "Geez....."
> > >
> > >       And then, just like everything else, God explained that to
> >as
> >well.
> > >
> > >       So, Adam goes down into the valley, across the river,
> > >       and over the hill, into the cave, and finds the woman.
> > >
> > >       Then, in about five minutes, he was back.
> > >
> > >       God, his patience wearing thin, said angrily, "What is it now?"
> > >
> > >       And Adam said,
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > >
> > >
> > >       "What's a headache"?

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Forrest on May 26, 2004, 01:56:21 PM
Semper Fidelis!

As President Bush gets off the helicopter in front of the White House, he
> carrying a baby pig under each arm.
> The Marine guard snaps to attention, salutes and says:  "Nice pigs, sir".
> The President replies:  "These are not pigs, these are authentic Texan
> Razorback hogs.  I got one for vice-president Cheney and I got one for
> defense secretary Rumsfeld".
> The Marine again snaps to attention, salutes and says:  "Nice trade, sir".

Post by: Forrest on June 18, 2004, 07:30:08 PM

 This is too funny - I still have tears in my eyes!

A new priest at his first mass was so nervous he could hardly speak.


After mass he asked the monsignor how he had done.


The monsignor replied, " When I am worried about getting nervous on the pulpit, I put a glass of vodka next to the water glass.  If I start to get nervous, I take a sip."


So next Sunday he took the monsignor's advice.

At the beginning of the sermon, he got nervous and took a drink.


He proceeded to talk up a storm.


Upon his return to his office after the mass, he found the following note on the door:

1)   Sip the vodka, don't gulp.

2) There are 10 commandments, not 12.

3) There are 12 disciples, not 10.

4) Jesus was consecrated, not constipated.

5) Jacob wagered his donkey, he did not bet his ass.

6) We do not refer to Jesus Christ as the late J.C.

7) The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost are not referred to as Daddy, Junior and the spook.

8 ) David slew Goliath, he did not kick the  sh*t out of him.

9) When David was hit by a rock and was knocked off his donkey, don't say he was stoned off his ass.

10)We do not refer to the cross as the "Big T."

11)When Jesus broke the bread at the last supper he said, "Take this and eat it for it is my body."  He did not say, " Eat me."

12)The Virgin Mary is not called " Mary with the Cherry.

13)The recommended grace before a meal is not: Rub-A-Dub-Dub thanks for the grub, Yeah God.

14)Next Sunday there will be a taffy-pulling contest at ST. Peter's not a peter-pulling contest at St. Taffy's.

The Origination of this letter is unknown.

Title: some cute ones
Post by: Forrest on June 18, 2004, 07:43:46 PM
 A distraught senior citizen phoned her doctor's office. "Is it true,"
 she wanted to know, "that the medication you prescribed has to be taken for
 the rest of my life?"
 "Yes, I'm afraid so," the doctor told her.
 There was a moment of silence before the senior lady replied, "I'm
 wondering, then, just how serious is my condition. This prescription is marked
 Geriatric humor

 An older Jewish gentleman was on the operating table awaiting surgery
 and he insisted that his son, a renowned surgeon, perform the operation. As
 he was about to get the anesthesia he asked to speak to his son. "Yes, Dad,
 what is it?" "Don't be nervous, son; do your best and just remember, if it
 doesn't go well, if something happens to me ... your mother is going to come
and live with you and your wife...."
 Aging: Eventually you will reach a point when you stop lying about your age
and start bragging about it.
 The older we get, the fewer things seem worth waiting in line for
 Some people try to turn back their odometers. Not me, I want people to
 know "why" I look this way. I've traveled a long way and some of the roads
weren't paved.
 How old would you be if you didn't know how old you are?
 When you are dissatisfied and would like to go back to youth,
 think of Algebra.
 You know you are getting old when everything either dries up or leaks.
 I don't know how I got over the hill without getting to the top
 One of the many things no one tells you about aging is that it is such a nice
change from being young.
 Ah, being young is beautiful, but being old is comfortable.
 Old age is when former classmates are so gray and wrinkled and bald, they
don't recognize you.
 If you don't learn to laugh at trouble, you won't have anything to laugh at
when you are old.
 First you forget names, then you forget faces. Then you forget to pull
 up your zipper. It's worse when you forget to pull it down.
 Long ago when men cursed and beat the ground with sticks, it was called
witchcraft.. Today, it's called golf
 Two women met for the first time since graduating from high school. One asked
the other, "You were always so organized in school,
 Did you manage to live a well planned life? "
 " Yes," said her friend. "My first marriage was
 to a millionaire; my second marriage was to an actor; my third marriage was to
a preacher; and now I'm married to an undertaker." Her friend asked,
 "What do those marriages have to do with a well planned life?" "One for the
money, two for the show, three to get ready, and four to go."

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: JudgeNot on June 18, 2004, 10:57:28 PM

Lord Jesus - forgive me for laughing so hard.  I promise you, Jesus, it is the 'Adam' in me; not The Spirit.


Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Forrest on June 27, 2004, 06:56:27 PM
Yep, I recognize every one of these! !!   lol
I LOVE being Southern!
Only a Southerner knows the difference between a hissy fit and a conniption
fit, and that you don't "HAVE" them, you "PITCH" them.
Only a Southerner knows how many fish, collard greens, turnip greens, peas,
beans, etc., make up "a mess."
Only a Southerner can show or point out to you the general direction of
Only a Southerner knows exactly how long "directly" is -- as in: "Going to
town, be back directly."
Even Southern babies know that "Gimme some sugar" is not a request for the
white, granular sweet substance that sits in a pretty little bowl in the
middle of the table.
All Southerners know exactly when "by and by" is. They might! not use the
term, but they know the concept well.
Only a Southerner knows instinctively that the best gesture of solace for a
neighbor who's got trouble ! is a plate of hot fried chicken and a big
bowl of
cold potato salad. If the neighbor's trouble is a real crisis, they also
know to add a large banana puddin!
Only Southerners grow up knowing the difference between "right near" and "a
right far piece." They also know that "just down the road" can be 1 mile or
Only a Southerner, both knows and understands, the difference between a
redneck, a good ol' boy, and po' white trash.
No true Southerner would ever assume that the car with the flashing turn
signal is actually going to make a turn.
A Southerner knows that "fixin" can be used as a noun, a verb, or an
Only Southerners make friends while standing in lines. ! We don't do
"queues," we do "lines"; and when we're "in line," we talk to everybody!
Put 100 Southerners in a room and half of them will discover they're
related, even if only by marriage.
Southerner! s know grits come from corn and how to eat them.
Every Southerner knows tomatoes with eggs, bacon, grits, and coffee are
perfectly wonderful; that red eye gravy is also a breakfast food; and that
fried green tomatoes are not a breakfast food.
Only true Southerners say "sweet tea" and "sweet milk." Sweet tea indicates
the need for sugar and lots of it -- we do not like our tea unsweetened.
"Sweet milk" means you don't want buttermilk.
And a true Southerner knows you don't scream obscenities at little old
ladies who drive 30 MPH on the freeway. You just say, "Bless her heart" and
go your own way.
To those of you who're still a little embarrassed by your Southernness: Take
two tent revivals and a dose of sausage gravy and call me in the morning.
Bless your heart!
And for those that are not from the South but have lived here for a long
time, ya'll need a sign to hang on ya'lls front porch that reads! "I aint
from the South but I got here as fast as I could."

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: nChrist on June 28, 2004, 04:17:01 PM
Oklahoma Howdy to Forrest,

 ;D   ;D   ;D  Brother, I'm a Southerner. Thanks for those laughs - I needed them.

Love In Christ,

Title: BULL
Post by: Brother Love on June 30, 2004, 04:30:00 AM
At a Towing company:
"We don't charge an arm and a leg. We want tows."

Title: BULL
Post by: Brother Love on October 05, 2004, 05:51:32 AM
Enjoyed SIPPING VODKA thanks forrest :)

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Shylynne on October 29, 2004, 07:54:09 AM
Country Wisdom

The Ten Commandments display was removed from the Alabama Supreme Court  building. There was a good reason for the move. You can't post Thou Shalt Not Steal, Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery and Thou Shall Not Lie in a building full of lawyers and Politicians without creating a hostile work environment.

Thank God for country boys!  ;D

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: sincereheart on November 04, 2004, 10:04:40 AM
Working people frequently ask retired people what they do to make their days interesting.

I went to the store the other day. I was only in there for about 5 minutes. When I came out there was a city cop writing out a parking ticket. I went up to him and said, "Come on, buddy, how about giving a senior a break?" He ignored me and continued writing the ticket. I called him a name. He glared at me and started writing another ticket for having worn tires. So I called him a worse name. He finished the second ticket and put it on the windshield with the first. Then he started writing a third ticket. This went on for about 20 minutes. The more I abused him the more tickets he wrote. I didn't care.

My car was parked around the corner and this one had an "Elect John Kerry" bumper sticker on it.

I try to have a little fun each day now that I'm retired. It's important at our age.

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: nChrist on November 04, 2004, 12:14:44 PM

Thanks for that laugh Sister!!!!   ;D   ;D   ;D

Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Philippians 4:13 on November 05, 2004, 01:27:03 AM
That was hilarious, sincereheart. I almost wanna try that out now so I know it works.


Title: BULL
Post by: Brother Love on November 09, 2004, 05:37:30 AM
Working people frequently ask retired people what they do to make their days interesting.

I went to the store the other day. I was only in there for about 5 minutes. When I came out there was a city cop writing out a parking ticket. I went up to him and said, "Come on, buddy, how about giving a senior a break?" He ignored me and continued writing the ticket. I called him a name. He glared at me and started writing another ticket for having worn tires. So I called him a worse name. He finished the second ticket and put it on the windshield with the first. Then he started writing a third ticket. This went on for about 20 minutes. The more I abused him the more tickets he wrote. I didn't care.

My car was parked around the corner and this one had an "Elect John Kerry" bumper sticker on it.

I try to have a little fun each day now that I'm retired. It's important at our age.

Like I said before I LOVE IT


Isn’t today a good day...

By placing our faith in Christ’s shed blood and nothing else, we can have eternal life.  Isn’t today a good day to place your faith in Christ?  There will never be a better time.  In fact, there is no guarantee of another day. Trust Christ today.  


Title: Re:BULL
Post by: Saved_4ever on November 09, 2004, 06:17:25 AM
Working people frequently ask retired people what they do to make their days interesting.

I went to the store the other day. I was only in there for about 5 minutes. When I came out there was a city cop writing out a parking ticket. I went up to him and said, "Come on, buddy, how about giving a senior a break?" He ignored me and continued writing the ticket. I called him a name. He glared at me and started writing another ticket for having worn tires. So I called him a worse name. He finished the second ticket and put it on the windshield with the first. Then he started writing a third ticket. This went on for about 20 minutes. The more I abused him the more tickets he wrote. I didn't care.

My car was parked around the corner and this one had an "Elect John Kerry" bumper sticker on it.

I try to have a little fun each day now that I'm retired. It's important at our age.

That's pretty darn funny.  I'm surprised this thread is still going.