Hi onebook, whew, that was long. I'm kind of weary here because Christians today are split into Sabbath keeping and Sunday worship, explaining a lot to make the point but I wish to stop. There are so many arguements with regards to these in this forum under a lot of topics, all are sincere and zealous about that, though I really want to continue and learn more, but I'm not a pastor nor a minister nor a teacher. I don't want to judge, takes sides and love less anyone who believes and translates the Bible differently from the other.
These are all the body of Christ. All were baptized in His name. All received the Holy Spirit and are sealed. All believed Jesus Christ sacrificed his sinless life once and for all for our sins. All believed He was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God and He became Flesh and dwelt among us. All are gifted in some areas or another in whatever the Holy Spirit wills.
I'm just any regular guy who attends praise and worship on Sundays and worshipping God in my heart every day and every minute and every step I take and having faith in Him. I share the gospel to my unsaved officemate. Bring back those who fall off the body of Christ. Help people who needs my help. Forgave and made peace with my enemies and make amends with them no matter how much hurt I feel. I ask God immediately for forgiveness for the sins that I've just done. Yes, I still sin. I'm not perfect.
Since I'm new to Bible study, I ask the Holy Spirit to teach me what He taught Paul, Matthew, Luke, etc. I ask the Holy Spirit to increase my faith, wisdom, and knowledge according to what He gave Elijah and Moses. I pray and ask that He may give me a prideless heart and a selfless heart so I can hear God's voice.
Everything I relay upon Jesus Christ. For He is my source of living a life what Christ intended for us to live.
Even before I type anything here, I ask the Holy Spirit to guide me for I lack the knowledge you guys posses and just refering to an online Bible for the verses -
www.bible.com and a Bible I picked up from a Hotel. All I know is, to love God with all my heart, with all my soul, with everything, and to love my neighbor as I love myself.
God freed me from myself. I feel very happy and content with my life now. For I now have a purpose in life and a goal.