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Author Topic: Whats the last movie you watched??  (Read 73610 times)
« Reply #30 on: March 14, 2007, 09:01:36 PM »

I watched The passion of the Christ today
I was crying and thinking, why? I deserve that punishment. I also didn't want him to suffer, but he did it for me and everyone. Of course I already knew why but it is so different when seeing it.
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« Reply #31 on: March 14, 2007, 09:17:43 PM »

It is a wondrous act of love. Praise God for loving us enough even though we are not worthy of it.


Joh 9:4  I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.
« Reply #32 on: March 14, 2007, 09:37:24 PM »

It is a wondrous act of love. Praise God for loving us enough even though we are not worthy of it.

Amen Roger
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« Reply #33 on: March 14, 2007, 09:48:59 PM »

Hello Brother David,

The barbarism and pain of a crucifixion really can't be reproduced in film. Any attempt falls far short of an actual crucifixion, so we can really only imagine how bad it was. We do have a doctor's description of some of the things a person crucified would go through in the "Apologetics" area, and it's gruesome.

Brother, you've already stated one of the most important facts about the crucifixion of JESUS CHRIST. It was solely for us, and HE took our place for the punishment we deserve. JESUS CHRIST went willingly to the CROSS because no power in the universe has power over HIM. HE was the ONLY AND PERFECT SACRIFICE that could set us free from the curse of sin and death.

The Old Testament foretold of HIS Coming, but HIS Own didn't accept HIM when the prophecy was fulfilled. He performed many miracles and gave the Jews the signs and wonders they require for belief, but most of them still rejected HIM. In fact, HE was and is the anointed King Of Israel. HE will claim HIS earthly throne at HIS appointed time. In the meantime, HE is also the KING OF KINGS of a Heavenly Kingdom. I give thanks every day that I'm already a part of HIS Heavenly Kingdom. It's also most wonderful to know that the HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD lives in the hearts of every Christian. HE will never leave or forsake us. We are never alone and belong to HIM for eternity. We will all go home to be with HIM soon, as this life is very short. Our real citizenship is in Heaven, and our HOPE is ETERNAL. HE will also give us a glorified body like HIS one day, and it will be free of pain and disease forever.

Brother David, we have every reason to rejoice and give thanks every day of even this short life. Thanks be unto GOD for HIS unspeakable GIFT, JESUS CHRIST, our LORD and Saviour forever!

Love In Christ,

Proverbs 3:19-20 NASB  The LORD by wisdom founded the earth, By understanding He established the heavens.  By His knowledge the deeps were broken up And the skies drip with dew.

Matthew 17:5 NASB  While he was still speaking, a bright cloud overshadowed them, and behold, a voice out of the cloud said, "This is My beloved Son, with whom I am well-pleased; listen to Him!"

Colossians 3:15-16 NASB  Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body; and be thankful. Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you, with all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with thankfulness in your hearts to God.

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« Reply #34 on: March 20, 2007, 09:59:13 AM »

I just watched Ball Of Fire with Gary Cooper and Barbara Stanwyck. I may be young, but I loveee those old Black & White movies!! Plus, Gary Cooper was such a cutie![/font][/color]

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« Reply #35 on: March 20, 2007, 09:51:59 PM »

It's funny, I simply can't remember the last movie I saw.  Maybe I'm having a "junior" moment.  Grin

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« Reply #36 on: March 24, 2007, 12:22:38 AM »

I just watched Ball Of Fire with Gary Cooper and Barbara Stanwyck. I may be young, but I loveee those old Black & White movies!! Plus, Gary Cooper was such a cutie![/font][/color]


Hello NateyCakes,

I really like the old movies also, but not because of the cute leading men.   Grin

The old stuff is clean and entertaining. There was a time when the quality of the acting, the scripts, and the direction made the movie popular - AND it was and is G-Rated. These days, it appears that they add all of the R-Rated stuff in to sell the movie because they suffer from lack of talent. This is at least true from my perspective.

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« Reply #37 on: March 26, 2007, 01:14:08 AM »

BEP I agree completely.
There are some great actors and such out there today do not get me wrong.  But when they do their best job it rarely gets noticed. 

I love the technology in the event of sci-fi or similar movies.  I prefer the old fashion stunts but every now and then special effects are good for something actiony.

But all in all there is nothing like the good ole early days of the silver screen.

Brother Jerry

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I am unlike most fathers.  What I would like my children to have more of is crowns to lay at Jesus feet.
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« Reply #38 on: March 26, 2007, 08:22:52 AM »

I watched the Nativity Story this weekend, there were quite a few things that I don't think were in line with the Bible. But as my husband says "It's entertainment, after all it wasn't produced by a Christian."

I guess if anyone watches it that they should always remember that if it isn't in line with the Bible it's just as my husband says entertainment

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« Reply #39 on: March 27, 2007, 01:53:18 PM »

Blackeyedpeas, I couldn't have said it better. I absolutely agree. My niece always picks on me and says Im too old fashioned at this age, but the movies they present now, I wouldn't watch for a million dollars. Seems like every movie made now has to consist of the following: A ridiculous amount of vulgarity, even though it doesn't make any sense when it said, you can only hear the "F" word so many times before it gets tiresome {in which case by the first use of it, I'm usually done w/ the movie}, Lots of unnecessary violence and gruesome. Seems like movies now are seeing who can get the bloodiest for shock value. Yes, I want to pay $8.50 at a theatre to see some guys ankle chopped off and zoom in how the person is hacking through the bones and veins- Erg. No thanks. Then don't forget, the "big" thing now in movies is the Blasphemous attention to God or Christianity or Jesus. Using the Lords name in vein, using churches and Bibles as a way to promote their perversion, Satan is always glorified and you have some "Christian" who is made to look like the "crazed" one while the more demonic the scenes are the better the attention it grabs.

Sorry, not into any of. For me, that sort of stuff has been played out, done a million times. Never impresses me and I can think of 7,458 other things then insult my intelligence to watch that rubbish for 2 hours. While some may say Black & Whites are out of date, etc. @ least they had a point to them. The dialogue was classic at best. One liners were everywhere. The leading men & women really caught your eye and there is something to be said about the innocence of those movies that today’s movies, no matter how hard they try cannot capture.

Having said all this, this isn't to say EVERY SINGLE movie is bad, but the majority coming out of Hollywood is putrid. There really is nothing original and I understand why Hollywood does it and don't you think for a second the enemy doesn't love this stuff revealed. He uses it to his advantage especially for the young.

Ok...enough rambling. I'm off to watch another movie. Love it: Harvey with Jimmy Stewart and his talking/invisible Pooka!

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« Reply #40 on: March 29, 2007, 10:04:47 AM »

I just watched "Saints and Soldiers". A very touching story about 5 men that survived the Malmedy massacre during World War 2. One of the characters I think is a Mormon but they don't actually say so. The only reference is that he doesn't drink coffee or smoke. But he does read a little black book in the shape of a Holy Bible and he prays. The story is very touching and moving. And it's based on history. I'm a history buff so I like that kind of thing.

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« Reply #41 on: May 02, 2007, 10:32:29 AM »

The last movie I watched was Disney's Mulan....with my kids. Smiley We watch a lot of cartoons here- I like the old Warner Bros.Smiley

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« Reply #42 on: May 02, 2007, 03:53:03 PM »

The last movie for me is, Mystery Alaska.

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« Reply #43 on: December 06, 2007, 02:17:22 PM »

Seeing thats it's been a while since..............

The last movie I watched, is ending right now. "Cars"

Even if your not race fans you really don't have to be to get on the road with this one. Not just for kids. Kids will like the cute characters, and bright colors, adults will like it simply because it's just plain entertaining without having to dumb down to appeal to kids. You'll find yourself wanting to find the next twisty backroad to get to your next destination.

Owen's good, Newman is classic, if a little flat, I applaud him for just plain staying active and leaving his house!, but it's really Larry the Cable Guy's movie (who I'm not a fan of) appreciation for that one and "tow-mater" is a multi-layered pun. Not only on the fact that he's a tow truck, but also his "they call me tater salad" bit. Overall, highly entertaining, just try not to speed too much on the way home.

Hey I don't have NASCAR right now, and like my racing...............


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« Reply #44 on: December 09, 2007, 07:39:27 PM »

Hello Dreamweaver,

Brother, my wife and I have been to the movie theater twice in about the last 3 years, and "Cars" was one visit with the grandkids. YES - this was a fun and clean movie for the entire family. I can't remember the name now, but the other movie we saw was also with the grandkids, and it was also animated. It looks like Hollywood might learn a lesson with movies like this for families. They were sold out for just about every showing. The other movie was about a fish. It was also fun, but I enjoyed "Cars" more.

I'll echo what someone else said and say that I still watch the old cartoons from time to time on TV. When I can find them, I also like the Three Stooges, Abbott and Costello, Laurel and Hardy, The Little Rascals, and a few other really old programs.

Ref. the movies, I just go to the movies with the grandkids, and they have to be clean family fare. In Oklahoma terms, "Cars" was a HOOT!   Grin

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