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Author Topic: Prophecy series II Europe and the Antichrist.  (Read 27454 times)
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« Reply #45 on: November 25, 2004, 12:14:31 AM »

The EU, Revised Roman empire.
Daniel 2:32-33 "The head of the statue was made of fine gold, its breast and its arms of silver, its belly and its thighs of bronze, its legs of iron, its feet partly of iron and partly of clay."
Daniel 2:40-43 "Then there will be a fourth kingdom as strong as iron; inasmuch as iron crushes and shatters all things, so like iron that breaks in pieces, it will crush and break all these in pieces. And in that you saw the feet and toes, partly of potter's clay and partly of iron, it will be a divided kingdom; but it will have the toughness of iron, and partly of pottery, so some of the kingdom will be strong and part of it will be brittle. And in that you saw the iron mixed with clay, they will combine with one another in the seed of men; but they will not adhere to one another, even as iron does not combine with pottery."

The fourth kingdom of iron is the Roman empire according to Daniel's interpretation of King Nebuchadnezzar's dream. The two legs are the division of the Roman empire into an eastern portion called the Byzantine empire which ended in the 1400's and a western portion based in Rome which ended in the 400's. The nations of Europe since the Roman empire dissolved have never adhered or formed one empire but continue as separate nations, however, the European Union now has 25 Member States. Which is drawing these nations back to one.

II Cor. 1:26-29, "For ye see your calling, brethren, how not many wise men after the flesh not many mighty, not many noble, are called; but God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty; and the base things of the world, and things which are despised, hath God chosen, yea and things which are not, to bring to naught things that are; that no flesh should glory in his presence."

Because of these facts a whole world will not recognize the beast or world power that brings in the great tribulation upon the world. Jesus said in Luke 21:35, "For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth." A snare is a clever trap that catches its prey when it least expects it, Paul also gives the same warning in I Thess. 5:2-3, "For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape." Think of it, as a thief in the night. The thief comes while you are sleeping soundly; takes your valuables and is gone. This thing is going to take place in just such a manner. In fact everyone will be saying, "Now we are going to have peace and safety. Friend, did you ever stop to realize that the whole purpose of the UN is to bring peace and safety to the world.

Resting peacfully in the arms of Jesus.

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« Reply #46 on: November 26, 2004, 04:55:17 AM »

I highly doubt Javier Solana is the anti-christ, but who knows.  I doubt very much we will ever see the resurrection of christ.

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« Reply #47 on: November 26, 2004, 12:07:03 PM »

I doubt very much we will ever see the resurrection of christ.

This part is already history.  Wink   Jesus was ressurected 3 days after his crucifixion.   Probably the most documented life in History.   His blood was shed for all our sin, and His life was raised that we might also have life.

It is pertinant to get that part correct before you can ever hope to understand the rest.  Without Christ, there is simply no point in even speculating on anything future.

Grace and Peace!



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« Reply #48 on: November 27, 2004, 12:20:53 AM »

I doubt very much we will ever see the resurrection of Christ.

This part is already history.  Wink   Jesus was ressurected 3 days after his crucifixion.   Probably the most documented life in History.   His blood was shed for all our sin, and His life was raised that we might also have life.

It is pertinent to get that part correct before you can ever hope to understand the rest.  Without Christ, there is simply no point in even speculating on anything future.

Grace and Peace!

2nd Timothy,


Our Lord and Saviour died for us and arose from the dead on the third day to be our LIVING LORD AND SAVIOUR FOREVER.

HIS SACRIFICE on the Cross for us was the most precious event in the history of mankind. HE is most definitely alive and IS COMING FOR US SOON to take us home to GLORY for eternity.

The Holy Bible gives us many signs to identify THE anti-Christ when the appointed time is here. Again, the key will involve Israel. The whole world will be shocked and amazed that one will finally be able to implement a 7 year peace with Israel. Could that person be Javier Solana? UM??? - Quite possibly so. Maybe yes and maybe no. Regardless, the facts and evidence are mounting that the end of this age draws near.

Love in Christ,

2nd Timothy
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« Reply #49 on: November 30, 2004, 01:09:28 PM »

The deal in this article looks very suspect to me.   Many view ALL of Daniel 9 25-27 as completed.  I personally do not, because it ommits too many other events that did not happen, including the messianic Kingdom reign of Chirst on earth/1000 years of peace spoken of in Revelation, which will follow the 70th week.   The 70th week still lies ahead IMO, and I believe what we are seeing in the following article could very well be the catalist that kick starts it.

EU accord close to completion

Israel is only a word or two away from reaching an agreement that will give it many of the same rights afforded states within the European Union.

"We are close to concluding this chapter in the action plan. It's just a question of one or two words," said EU President Bernard Bot, who is also the Dutch foreign minister.

According to a Foreign Ministry spokesman there is only a small section of text, dealing with weapons of mass destruction in the region, that hasn't been agreed upon.

"It's up to Israel to make one little step and we will make a major step in accommodating the Israelis," Bot said at a two-day Euro-Mediterranean Partnership conference.

The program, known as the European Neighborhood policy, offers free access to goods, services, people and capital to countries outside the European Union in exchange for economic and political reform.   Wink

Other countries slated to attain this status are Moldova, Ukraine, Jordan, Morocco, Tunisia and the Palestinian Authority.

The Netherlands on Monday agreed to outlaw Hizbullah, adding it hoped its EU partners will follow suit.

Bot announced the step at a meeting with Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom.

Shalom welcomed the Dutch move and urged the other EU nations "to place Hizbullah on the European list of terrorist organization." He called Iran-backed Hizbullah "one of the leading forces threatening the effort to bring stability and calm to the Palestinian Authority."

The EU so far has not agreed to this proposal, although Bot has submitted a request that it do so.

Both the EU and Israel spoke of the good relations between them.

"I do not accept the formula that Israel can live without Europe and Europe can live without Israel," said Shalom.

"Israel and Europe share deep-rooted values, the close relationship between us is a strategic asset to both sides," said Shalom.

Still, he said, "I would like to see the Europeans have a more balanced attitude toward the conflict."

Bot said he didn't understand Shalom's statement. "We have been very balanced in our approach," he said.

The EU chief policy adviser on foreign affairs, Javier Solana, said, "we will play a role whether our good friend Shalom likes it or not."

source: Jerusalem Post

I'm still not positive, but its looking more and more realistic to me.

Keep watching!
« Last Edit: November 30, 2004, 01:10:33 PM by 2nd Timothy » Logged


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« Reply #50 on: November 30, 2004, 05:17:07 PM »

2nd Timothy,

Brother, I've read the on line version of the Jerusalem Post several times recently. I find it to be an excellent source of Middle East news from the perspective of Israel.

In following this study and doing my own, it's becoming apparent that the end of this age could be now. You made an excellent point about what little there is yet to fulfill and how quickly the final events could take place.

Brother, we may not be here to finish this study. In the meantime, I'm enjoying this study.

Love In Christ,

Psalms 62:7  In God is my salvation and my glory: the rock of my strength, and my refuge, is in God.

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« Reply #51 on: December 01, 2004, 01:09:02 AM »

 Huh Talk about setting a false trail. Huh

Dec. 1, 2004 1:29
Estonia: EU should be easier on Israel

The EU should behave "more reasonably" in regards to United Nations resolutions on Israel, visiting Estonian Prime Minister Juhan Parts told The Jerusalem Post Tuesday.

Parts, whose country was one of 10 nations that joined the EU in April, said he feels there should be "fewer resolutions dealing with the Palestinian question. I think that the EU can be more critical about those resolutions."

Israel had hoped that the inclusion of the 10 new countries, eight of them from eastern Europe, would lead to a more balanced EU policy toward the Middle East, and less support for anti-Israel resolutions in the UN – a hope diplomatic officials say has not been realized. The 25 EU countries vote as a bloc in the UN.

Parts, 38, who became prime minister in 2003, said these resolutions "don't solve any issues." Parts, who concludes a two-day visit early Wednesday morning, admits that his country of 1.4 million people is not a dominant voice inside the EU on Middle East policy, but added that "the EU is a union of member states, and each member has a voice. If you have [strong] arguments you can be influential in the EU."

Parts said one of the reasons he came to Israel was to be able to increase Estonia's contribution on the Middle East issue – to learn more about the region and develop contacts.

Parts met Tuesday with President Moshe Katsav and Prime Minister Ariel Sharon.

The Estonian leader called on his EU colleagues to place Hizbullah on the EU list of terror organizations, something that has not yet been done.

"The EU can't ever justify or accept terror," he said. "No doubt we need to be 100 percent intolerant of terror and terrorist organizations. I can announce the Estonian position, which is very clear, we are for including Hizbullah on the list of terror organizations, and I hope this decision will be adopted [by the EU] as quickly as possible."

Parts denied that there is an anti-Israel bias in the EU, and pointed to the strong Israeli-EU economic relations as proof. But, he said, he knows there is a lot of criticism in Israel that the EU's polices are not balanced, and said this is something that needs to be examined.

"As a new country we are eager to study and try to support a more balanced EU policy towards the Israeli-Palestinian question," he said.

Asked whether he feels that what US Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld referred to as "Old" and "New" Europe have different perceptions and approaches to Israel, Parts said that "New Europe," made up of countries like Estonia, Poland and Hungary, has had different experiences than those like France, Belgium and Spain – experiences that may draw them closer emotionally toward Israel.

"We have had the experience of fighting for independence, and have suffered from communist terror, and these are experiences that have made us understand other nations fighting for their security and peace, fighting for the very elementary needs of human life," he said.

Estonia's experience with the Soviet Union makes him wary of Russia's current designs, and – after a long pause – he said "yes" when asked whether he is concerned Russia is trying to re-establish control over certain former Soviet areas.

Parts said he is "very concerned" about the situation in Ukraine, and the type of influence the election crisis there could have in the region. "We are for democratic elections and real democracy," he said. "Not only Estonians, but also Europeans and Russians who have declared a democratic direction, must be for fair democratic elections." He refused to venture a guess how he feels the crisis will play itself out.

Parts rejected criticism of his country leveled by Efraim Zuroff, director of the Simon Wiesenthal Center's Jerusalem office, who said Estonia is "dragging its feet" on bringing two Nazi war criminals to trial.

The two are Harri Mannil, a wealthy Estonian now living in Venezuela, who was allegedly part of an Estonian police unit that arrested communists and Jews later killed by the Nazis and Estonian collaborators, and Mikhail Gorshkow, an Estonian who is believed to have participated in the murder of Jews in Belarus, and who was stripped of his naturalized US citizenship and deported to Estonia.

Zuroff said that there were some 4,500 Estonian Jews before the war, of which 3,500 escaped and about 1,000 were killed. Thousands of other Jews, however, were killed in concentration camps on Estonian soil.

Parts said that the Estonian authorities "have done all they can to investigate all the crimes against humanity. At the same time we are a country ruled by law, and it is impossible to judge anyone without necessary evidence. We have big problems getting evidence against them, and possibly against others, from the Russian archives."

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« Reply #52 on: December 01, 2004, 01:13:32 AM »

Nov. 30, 2004 8:39
A tentative effort to foster Jewish-Muslim dialogue begins in Paris

Although French Jews and Muslims have launched an organization to promote dialogue between them, the path to true friendship remains rocky.

An interfaith gathering last month at Paris's City of Sciences and Industry marked the launch of the Jewish-Muslim Friendship Association, a group its founders hope will usher in a new era in relations between France's Jewish and Muslim communities.

The group – whose patrons are to be Simone Weill, president of France's Holocaust Foundation and a former president of the European Parliament, and Lebanon's former ambassador to France, Stetie Salah – has set up a 12-person executive committee, six members from each faith.

The absence of official backing from the French Muslim Council, whose two leading factions – the Federation of French Muslims and the Union of French Islamic Organizations – have touchy relationships with mainstream Jewish groups, put a slight blight on what was widely regarded as a successful and well-attended gathering.

Based on a model that already exists between Jewish and Christian groups, the organization is the brainchild of Rabbi Michel Serfaty, the leader of an Orthodox congregation in Paris and a longtime advocate of interfaith dialogue.

Serfaty, the victim of a racially-motivated attack last year, was able to bring together an impressive list of Jewish and Muslim clerics for the event, including Paris Chief Rabbi David Messas and Dalil Boubakeur, the rector of the city's Grand Mosque.

However, Boubakeur, a moderate known for his close ties with Jewish groups, attended only in his capacity as head of the mosque rather than as an official representative of the council, of which he is president.

Discussions and debates on religious and cultural themes took place throughout the November 21 event, while various local Muslim and Jewish groups welcomed visitors to some 30 stalls dotting the hall, highlighting such varied themes as circumcision rites, wedding ceremonies and philanthropic initiatives.

Speaking to JTA shortly after the rabbis and imams were replaced on the stage by Jewish and Muslim musicians in a concert culminating the event, Serfaty described the gathering as "a great success." "This is the first path toward greater understanding between Muslims and Jews in France," he said.

Many of those attending also expressed hope that the event could be the catalyst for more positive dialogue.

Claudine Frand, an executive member of the Abraham Brotherhood, an interfaith group, said it is a pity that such an initiative had taken so long to come about.

"There's always been dialogue between Jews and Christians and between Christians and Muslims, and there's such a great atmosphere here," she said. "Of course, there's always going to be people who want to pour oil on the fire, but religion can be used as a tool for us all to build solidarity and fraternity." Talk about being lead astray. DW

That spirit of brotherhood was well illustrated at a stall where members of the Jewish and Muslim scout associations were engaged in friendly banter.

Muhammad Rouahbi, a senior chaplain with the French Muslim Scouts, described the event as "an historic day," adding that "we have to build on this to pass this message of tolerance on to the youth who have lost their way."

At the back of the hall, Ben Omar Taif, who heads the French Muslim Council's halal committee in Marseille, was busy chatting away with Daniel Messiha, a kosher food trader from Paris.

Messiha had suggested to Taif that he come up to the capital for the event after the two worked together at a recent ethnic food show. Here, they jokingly exchanged gifts: Taif's official halal listings and Messiha's kashrut guide from the Paris Consistoire, French Jewry's main religious group.

Taif said that food is a good place for dialogue to start because, "When you come together around a table, you don't just eat, you talk, you negotiate."

Many organizations at the event welcomed the opportunity to provide a showcase for positive elements of their respective faiths.

For Roger Cukierman, the president of the CRIF umbrella organization of French Jews, the event showed that "things are moving in the right direction," while the absence of some of the more radical Muslim groups was "just a little argument among factions in the council and shouldn't concern us."

"The fact that the principal organizers are the Paris Mosque and the Consistoire shows that there is a tradition of cooperation in this city," he said.

Serfaty, too, said that "we can only work with those who want to work with us."

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« Reply #53 on: December 01, 2004, 01:17:05 AM »

Nov. 30, 2004 9:56
170 EU officials to monitor Palestinian elections
Some 170 European Union officials will observe the Palestinian elections scheduled for January 9, 2005.

The EU election observers will join a Palestinian team to make sure the elections are 'free and fair,' ITIM reported on Tuesday. All in all, some 6,000 observers will monitor the PA elections, PA chief negotiator Saeb Erekat said.

Registration for the elections ends on Wednesday.

According to Palestinian reports, 1,200,000 Palestinians have registered to vote.

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« Reply #54 on: December 01, 2004, 01:22:58 AM »

EU optimistic for peace in Middle East

Chances for peace in the Middle East appeared promising, the European Union said Monday during talks with Israel and its Arab neighbors, citing a conciliatory attitude by Israelis and Palestinians after the death of Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat.

"There is a chance for a fresh beginning. There was a completely different atmosphere," Benita Ferrero-Waldner, the EU foreign affairs commissioner, said of a Monday night dinner of foreign ministers from the 25 EU nations, Israel and eight of its neighbors.

She said both Israeli Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom and Nabil Shaath, his Palestinian counterpart, showed a "constructive attitude" about moving toward peace.

On Monday, Shalom pledged to help ensure a high turnout and violence-free elections when Palestinians vote for Arafat's successor on January 9.

Shalom, who met with Shaath Monday, said the long-stalled peace process may be resuscitated soon, and described the post-Arafat era as "a great time of opportunity and hope for our region."

EU officials said trouble-free Palestinian elections and a "coordinated" withdrawal by Israel from the Gaza Strip were key to future peace.

The EU has committed 14 million (US $18.5 million) toward election monitoring, while the 25-nation bloc plans to provide Palestinians with 250 million (US $331.18 million) in humanitarian and other aid next year, Ferrero-Waldner said. A debt, that will never be repaided. Making the palestinians a puppet to the EU.  DW

But Dutch Foreign Minister Ben Bot, whose country currently holds the rotating EU presidency, urged caution.

Despite "encouraging signals ... we should be very cautious, going step by step" toward implementing the "road map" peace plan drafted by the United Nations, the United States, the EU and Russia.

The plan, which envisions a Palestinian state alongside Israel, stalled shortly after its launch in June 2003.

Shalom's comments contrasted with the harsh tone that has emanated from Jerusalem in recent years, when Israel discounted Arafat as a credible partner and virtually imprisoned him in his West Bank compound in the last years of his life.

Mahmoud Abbas, the interim Palestinian leader, is the leading candidate to succeed Arafat, and Shalom expressed hope that dialogue will follow the elections. He said the two sides "agreed we have a window of opportunity."

There has been a lull in violence since Arafat's death on November 11. Terrorist groups have signaled to Abbas they would not try to disrupt the run-up to the elections.

Shalom and Bot also said Israel and the EU were close to reaching an accord on a political and economic "partnership agreement" that would provide for an EU role in Middle East peacemaking and a code of conduct on such sensitive issues as human rights and the nonproliferation of weapons of mass destruction.

But the EU and Israel disagree on wording that stresses the importance of diplomacy to resolve regional disputes. Shalom said the EU was "fully aware of the threat" to Israel's security from Iran, which has been flirting with nuclear technology that may eventually give Tehran nuclear weapons.

The Euro-Mediterranean meeting was also an opportunity for Libya - which for years has been cold-shouldered by the EU and the United States who accuse it of sponsoring terrorism - to show it wants to improve ties and join the EU's economic and political Mediterranean outreach program.

Since 1995, the EU has been at pains to increase economic growth and cooperation among countries on the southern and eastern rims of the Mediterranean. It aims to establish a Euro-Mediterranean free trade zone by 2010. I bet the Euro-Mediterranean free trade zone, never happens. I think God will have something to say about that.  DW

The EU's Euro-Mediterranean trade and aid program has funneled 3 billion (US $4 billion) a year into Mediterranean nations since 1995. It plans to soon complete "neighborhood" accords with Morocco, Tunisia, Jordan, Israel, Syria and the Palestinian Authority, providing for economic and political cooperation.

Egypt, Lebanon and Algeria are on a slower track.

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« Reply #55 on: December 01, 2004, 01:36:38 AM »

2nd Timothy,

Brother, I've read the on line version of the Jerusalem Post several times recently. I find it to be an excellent source of Middle East news from the perspective of Israel.

In following this study and doing my own, it's becoming apparent that the end of this age could be now. You made an excellent point about what little there is yet to fulfill and how quickly the final events could take place.

Brother, we may not be here to finish this study. In the meantime, I'm enjoying this study.

Tom I could not agree more.  I am however cautious.  We certainly know from scripture that no man knows the day nor the hour, which I would never speculate on, but its becoming extremely evident the storm clouds are gathering...with haste!   There is nothing left to fulfill IMO for the Christ to return for His bride.   At present, current events could not be more ready for rapid fulfillment of the rest that is written in Daniel and Revelation.

We have 10 nation alliance in WEU, seeking world dominance.
The alliance has a powerful leader overseeing them.  
The world is focused on peace in Israel.
Gog(Magog) is in place. Russia.
The kings from east are in place (2,000,000 man army.)
Technology is available for cashless transactions, and ID via chip implants.
Temple items are prepared and ready for use...just missing a Jewish temple.

If the rapture happened tonight, its not hard to see the stack of dominoes running its course in the items mentioned above.   The pieces are clearly set up...just waiting for God to set it in motion.  

May God put a fire in our hearts to bring in lost souls while there is still time.

Grace and Peace!


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« Reply #56 on: December 01, 2004, 01:50:04 AM »

2nd Timothy,

Brother, I've read the on line version of the Jerusalem Post several times recently. I find it to be an excellent source of Middle East news from the perspective of Israel.

In following this study and doing my own, it's becoming apparent that the end of this age could be now. You made an excellent point about what little there is yet to fulfill and how quickly the final events could take place.

Brother, we may not be here to finish this study. In the meantime, I'm enjoying this study.

Tom I could not agree more.  I am however cautious.  We certainly know from scripture that no man knows the day nor the hour, which I would never speculate on, but its becoming extremely evident the storm clouds are gathering...with haste!   There is nothing left to fulfill IMO for the Christ to return for His bride.   At present, current events could not be more ready for rapid fulfillment of the rest that is written in Daniel and Revelation.

We have 10 nation alliance in WEU, seeking world dominance.
The alliance has a powerful leader overseeing them.  
The world is focused on peace in Israel.
Gog(Magog) is in place. Russia.
The kings from east are in place (2,000,000 man army.)
Technology is available for cashless transactions, and ID via chip implants.
Temple items are prepared and ready for use...just missing a Jewish temple.

If the rapture happened tonight, its not hard to see the stack of dominoes running its course in the items mentioned above.   The pieces are clearly set up...just waiting for God to set it in motion.  

May God put a fire in our hearts to bring in lost souls while there is still time.

Grace and Peace!

Something else, when Roman empire was in Israel. The EU needs Israel to hold the same terriorty as the orginal Roman empire. Russia needs to become a major player again. Which I believe is happening right now.

Resting in the Lords arms, and looking up.

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« Reply #57 on: December 02, 2004, 10:31:41 PM »

tidbit of info, the next ruler (president of the un) will be the 8th! The UN is the wiorld power. What if the next leader becomes the beast thru possession?

Also the rapture debate can be looked at differently, by seeing 2 groups, rather than one, thus the pre trib, mid trib, post trib, confusion goes away....

There is the woman, bearing the manchild, if not seen as mary and Jesus, it could be the bride, among the church (the woman, laodicia)...How? well song of soloman shows the bride in the wilderness leaning upon the beloved (Jesus)...And he takes her back too her Mother (the church) who says "Who is your beloved?"

Also the book of rev is a book of Prophecy...(future events) not past...as in Jesus birth and mary and Israel...Just a thought...
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« Reply #58 on: December 03, 2004, 12:31:29 AM »

December 03, 2004 Kislev 20, 5765

 Moratinos: Barghouti candidacy a mistake    
By Akiva Eldar, Haaretz Correspondent

The European Union will spare no effort to ensure that the disengagement from Gaza takes place within the framework of the road map peace plan and leads to full implementation of this plan, Spanish Foreign Minister Miguel Angel Moratinos told Haaretz on Thursday.
Moratinos, who helped draft the road map in his former capacity as the EU's envoy to the Middle East, was on his first visit to Israel since becoming foreign minister.

Moratinos stressed that he views disengagement as a positive step. But to ensure continuity and stability, he said, it must become part of the road map. Gaza will be the train's first stop, but it must not be the last: The train must keep moving toward the final destination of a Palestinian state, he said.

Moratinos expressed unreserved support for new Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas, saying that Europe is "preparing a red carpet for him" - including economic aid. He urged Israel to help Abbas as well, by removing all closures and checkpoints not essential for security.

Moratinos believes that it would be a mistake for Marwan Barghouti to run against Abbas for the post of Palestinian Authority chairman, but said he expects the Fatah movement, to which both men belong, to persuade Barghouti to drop his candidacy. Moratinos personally urged several members of the Palestinian leadership to do so, he said, telling them that they must ensure that Abbas receives full legitimacy as a leader so that he can persuade the Palestinian public to stop the intifada.

Moratinos also believes that other Arab leaders are trying to build a new, more positive strategy, because they know that they are under the West's scrutiny. For instance, he said, he recently met with Syrian President Bashar Assad, and he believes that the positive messages Assad has sent to Israel are not mere public relations, but rather reflect Assad's understanding of the new international reality created by President George Bush's reelection, problems in Syria's relations with France, and the situation in Iraq. Assad needs Europe, Moratinos said, and he understands that to obtain Europe's help, he needs to demonstrate movement.

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« Reply #59 on: December 03, 2004, 12:54:31 AM »

tidbit of info, the next ruler (president of the un) will be the 8th! The UN is the wiorld power. What if the next leader becomes the beast thru possession?
By the way, it's Secretary-General not president.
For those that don't know who has been S.G. Here is a short bio., on the 7 Secretary-Generals.

Trygve Lie was the United Nations first Secretary-General. In 1946, he was appointed Secretary-General. Lie was known to be an internationalist and this was in his favour when the UN came to appointing its first Secretary-General. Lie resigned from his position in 1953.

Dag Hammerskjöld was the second Secretary-General of the United Nations.  In April 1953, he succeeded Trygve Lie as Secretary-General of the United Nations.  Hammerskjöld was re-elected to this position in 1957.  He was killed in a plane crash near Ndola on the borders of Zambia.

U Thant was the UN's third Secretary-General. He was appointed full Secretary-General in November 1962. U Thant resigned in 1971

The fourth Secretary General Kurt Waldheim was appointed Secretary-General of the United Nations for a five-year term beginning on 1 January 1972.

The fifth Secretary General Javier Perez de Cuellar assumed office as Secretary-General of the United Nations on 1 January 1982. On 10 October 1986, he was appointed for a second term of office, which began on 1 January 1987.

Mr. Boutros Boutros-Ghali became the sixth Secretary-General of the United Nations on 1 January 1992, when he began a five-year term. At the time of his appointment by the General Assembly on 3 December 1991

Kofi Annan  of Ghana is the seventh Secretary-General of the United Nations. The first Secretary-General to be elected from the ranks of United Nations staff, he began his first term on 1 January 1997. On 29 June 2001, acting on a recommendation by the Security Council, the General Assembly appointed him by acclamation to a second term of office, beginning on 1 January 2002 and ending on 31 December 2006.

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