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Prophecy series II Europe and the Antichrist.
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Topic: Prophecy series II Europe and the Antichrist. (Read 27148 times)
2nd Timothy
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Re:Prophecy series II Europe and the Antichrist.
Reply #15 on:
November 20, 2004, 11:04:31 PM »
Out of curiosity, I went to Alta Vista's free translation site and keyed in the 2000 cover of the German Der Spiegel magazine I sent in the last e-mail. Here's what it returned.
"Good morning Europe, like the old continent the economic energy, which tackles (attacks) the USA."
Competing with the US economy for global dominance? That stands to reason!
Just another fun little fact!
(edit to add, this was from an e-mail I had shared with my family)
Last Edit: November 20, 2004, 11:08:02 PM by 2nd Timothy
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Re:Prophecy series II Europe and the Antichrist.
Reply #16 on:
November 20, 2004, 11:20:13 PM »
A life-size statue depicting Prince Charles saving the world wearing nothing but a loincloth and a pair of wings is to be erected in a remote Amazonian town. Leaders in Palmas, the capital of Tocatins state on the edge of the Brazilian rainforest, are so impressed by the heir to the throne’s environmental activism that they have decided to place the bronze figure in the main square of the town. That in its self is harmless.
Prince Charles has agreed to allow a four-meter (13.1 Feet for us Americans) high bronze statue to be erected in the middle of Brazil's Amazon rainforest depicting him as "saviour" of the world in a loincloth with arms outstretched and suspended by giant wings.The statue is a tribute from the people of Tocantins State, the remote Amazon region. It was the region's affinity with Prince Charles' eco-friendly campaigning that inspired local sculptor Mauricio Bentes.
The statue showed him hovering over a sea of humanity, casting a benign look downwards with his arms in open embrace. "It is Prince Charles saving the world," said Tocantins' governor, The prince said he was "amazed" and "deeply touched".
While the muscular physique of the statue, complete with bulging pectorals, may not immediately shout Prince Charles, the facial features are unmistakable, even if he has a full head of hair and small, pinned back ears.
At its feet is an untidy mass of human bodies, one drinking from a bottle of wine, which is said to represent the world in a mess which the Prince is busy saving.
Now I don't think it is possible for Prince Charles to be the Beast, but stranger things have happened.
I was doing research on the Beast tonight and this came up. Normally I would dismiss this but, I kept coming back to it. I started getting heavy of heart, since I know Prince Charles wants to do good. I don't know why, but since I started this post I have had a lighting of my heart.
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Re:Prophecy series II Europe and the Antichrist.
Reply #17 on:
November 20, 2004, 11:26:33 PM »
The EU is definitely becoming a world power of clay (diversity) and iron (power) with striking similarities to the fourth kingdom or fourth beast of Daniel’s prophecies. A world power of so many ethnic groups and representing so many states could easily become a very influential leader at the United Nations and the world. It’s possible that the U.N. is a beginning for this world government that will eventually be ruled by a revived Roman Empire and the Antichrist.
There are, however, other views on these prophesies that can be considered. Some think that the fourth kingdom is the revived Roman Empire (ten kings are the 10 nation military alliance of the EU) and the U.N. is the 4th beast (10 horns being the 10 bio-regions the UN has established for the globe). Only time will tell which is the case.
If the EU is the revived Roman Empire that will bring about the rise of Antichrist, then it is important to look at the religious symbolism of the EU. After all, riding on the beast’s back will be the harlot that represents a global pagan religious system that will unite the world and play a part in the persecution of the tribulation saints (Rev. 17).
The EU flag has a circle of 12 stars on a blue background. These stars were inspired by the halo of 12 stars appearing around the Madonna as depicted in Catholic pictures of her. Leon Marchal, former secretary general of the Council of Europe, confirmed that the stars are representative of "the woman of the Apocalypse". He expounded, "it’s wonderful that we have gotten back to the introit of the new Mass of the Assumption. It’s the corona stellarum duodecim of the woman of the Apocalypse". He is referencing the woman in Revelation 12 who appears with a crown of 12 stars. The Bible uses this symbolism to represent Israel, however the Catholic Church has always claimed that she represents the Virgin Mary, "the mother of God". A leaflet titled "Building Europe Together" states that "The European flag is a shared flag, blue with 12 gold stars symbolizing completeness. The number will remain 12 no matter how many countries there are in the European Union."
The anthem of the EU "Ode to Joy" also contains religious symbolism. "Ode to Joy" is the prelude to the last movement of Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony, which has religious implications. EU publications state that the anthem really is an "ode to freedom, community, and peace", however the lyrics, by Friedrich von Schiller, are actually about the entering of the shrine of a pagan goddess and the uniting of all men in brotherhood, by the power of magic.
Further evidence of a religious side to the European Union is a poster that was issued by the EU, showing the tower of Babel. The poster carried the slogan "Many tongues, one voice." As if the celebration of the pagan tower that led God to confuse the languages of a defiant people (Genesis 11) isn’t enough, a crane in the background was shown rebuilding the tower. Now, once again, a rebellious people are rebuilding mystery Babylon. In a parliament building in Strasbourg, France, you will find an enormous replica of the unfinished tower of Babel that the secular press has named "Eurobabel".
If that religious symbolism seems too obscure to be that significant, perhaps a snapshot of Revelation 17 will peak your interest in the religious symbolism of the EU. Revelation 17 depicts a great harlot riding on a beast. The beast in Revelation 17 represents the world government and the great harlot is a global religion that will ride in on its back. This harlot riding a beast was used when Britain issued a stamp to commemorate the first EU parliament election in 1979. It is now the official picture of the EU, and is painted on the dome of the parliament building in Brussels. It is also pictured on the same building that holds the "Eurobabel".
The EU constitution has also raised the ire of protestant leaders by banning the mention of Christianity as part of Europe’s cultural heritage, while at the same time, including references to the civilizations of Greece and Rome, and the philosophical heritage of the Enlightenment. EU government representatives excused this revisionist view of history by claiming any mention of Christian values would upset the Muslim population of the EU.
As you can see, the stage is being set for the emergence of a global political system(the EU and the UN), a global economic system(the Euro and WTO), and a global religious system (the interfaith movement). The EU would seem to fulfill many of the prophesies of the fourth kingdom that is to come, from which will arise the Antichrist of the end-times. Only time will tell, but as we are encouraged in the Bible to be aware of the signs, we should all be looking up. We may soon be with our Lord.
Post #11
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Re:Prophecy series II Europe and the Antichrist.
Reply #18 on:
November 20, 2004, 11:45:46 PM »
Excellant posts 2nd Timothy and DreamWeaver,
I am always looking up and anxiously waiting. I am also anxiously waiting to see what else comes up on this thread.
Joh 9:4 I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.
2nd Timothy
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Re:Prophecy series II Europe and the Antichrist.
Reply #19 on:
November 20, 2004, 11:45:50 PM »
Sounds like we are seeing very similar things DW. I'm still not completely clear on the UN's role in all this. I do know that NATO is pretty much all the WEU members, and Mr. Solana has a seat there also. I suppose either the UN or Nato could be relevant to Rev 13:1 where it talks about the ten crowns on the ten horns. I don't think its full grown (or in its final form) yet, but it seems to be getting organized enough to where we can see vaguely where its going.
Enslaved in service to Christ
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Re:Prophecy series II Europe and the Antichrist.
Reply #20 on:
November 21, 2004, 12:18:31 AM »
Since I can't find the other thread...........
Is The Roman Empire Revived?
January 1, 1993 member states of the European Economic Community (EEC) became members of the European Union (E.U.), an organization designed to ultimately create a European super-state or “United States of Europe.” Since 1993, steps have been taken to establish a central European government composed of a parliamentary and judicial system. All that currently remains is the creation of a permanent executive branch of government and other logistical details to cater to the demands of individual member states.
Many prophecy teachers believe that the European Union may be the organization or political bloc from whence the antimessiah will arise. Is it? We must consider the possibilities before us including the prophetic parameters surrounding the final world empire as well as some intriguing factors surrounding the European Union.
“In the first year of Belshazzar king of Babylon Daniel saw a dream and visions in his mind as he lay on his bed; then he wrote the dream down and related the following summary of it. Daniel said, ‘I was looking in my vision by night, and behold, the four winds of heaven were stirring up the great sea. And four great beasts were coming up from the sea, different from one another. The first was like a lion and had the wings of an eagle. I kept looking until its wings were plucked, and it was lifted up from the ground and made to stand on two feet like a man; a human mind also was given to it’” [/b]Daniel 7:1-4[/b].
“After this I kept looking, and behold, another one, like a leopard, which had on its back four wings of a bird; the beast also had four heads, and dominion was given to it”
Daniel 7:6
“After this I kept looking in the night visions, and behold, a fourth beast, dreadful and terrifying and extremely strong; and it had large iron teeth. It devoured and crushed and trampled down the remainder with its feet; and it was different from all the beasts that were before it, and it had ten horns. While I was contemplating the horns, behold, another horn, a little one, came up among them, and three of the first horns were pulled out by the roots before it; and behold, this horn possessed eyes like the eyes of a man and a mouth uttering great boasts”
Daniel 7:7-8
It is believed among many pre-millennialists, that this beast has not yet arisen, as the “little horn” [/b]Daniel 7:8[/b], KJV who arises from this beast “uttering great boasts” has not yet arrived, who most of the same will agree is the antimessiah/antichrist. In
Daniel 7:23
, we are told by God that “The fourth beast will be a fourth kingdom on the earth, which will be different from all the other kingdoms and will devour the whole earth and tread it down and crush it.” We believe that this may imply that the fourth kingdom and the fourth beast are separate entities and may later merge at some time in the future.
“Then I desired to know the exact meaning of the fourth beast, which was different from all the others, exceedingly dreadful, with its teeth of iron and its claws of bronze, and which devoured, crushed and trampled down the remainder with its feet, and the meaning of the ten horns that were on its head and the other horn which came up, and before which three of them fell, namely, that horn which had eyes and a mouth uttering great boasts and which was larger in appearance than its associates. I kept looking, and that horn was waging war with the saints and overpowering them until the Ancient of Days came and judgment was passed in favor of the saints of the Highest One, and the time arrived when the saints took possession of the kingdom. Thus he said: ‘The fourth beast will be a fourth kingdom on the earth, which will be different from all the other kingdoms and will devour the whole earth and tread it down and crush it. As for the ten horns, out of this kingdom ten kings will arise; and another will arise after them, and he will be different from the previous ones and will subdue three kings’”
Daniel 7:19-24
Daniel 7:24
tells us that the fourth beast will be composed of “ten horns,” presumably ruled by “ten kings” or leaders. The verse ends with telling us that “another will arise after them, and he will be different from the previous ones and will subdue three kings.” This has commonly been interpreted to be a direct reference to the antimessiah/antichrist and the belief that he will subdue or dismiss three leaders who may not approve of his leadership or authority. Revelation 13:1 gives us some further clues:
“And he stood on the sand of the seashore. And I saw a beast ascending out of the sea, having ten horns and seven heads, and upon its horns were ten diadems, and upon its heads were blasphemous names”
Revelation 13:1
It is commonly held that the fourth kingdom is a revived Roman Empire, possibly today’s European Union.
Daniel 9:26
clearly tells us that the antimessiah will be descended from the people who destroy Jerusalem, the Romans
“Then after the sixty-two weeks the Messiah will be cut off and have nothing, and the people of the prince who is to come will destroy the city and the sanctuary. And its end will come with a flood; even to the end there will be war; desolations are determined.”
What if the fourth beast is a different entity than the fourth kingdom? According to
Revelation 13:1
, the beast will rise up out of the sea, perhaps symbolic of the nations or the world, with seven heads and ten horns. Could this mean that the fourth kingdom that has ten horns of which three are subdued
Daniel 7:24
control the ten-horned fourth beast?
If the European Union is the fourth kingdom of which three kings (or leaders) are subdued, leaving seven heads, then is it feasible that the ten horns represent another world power or organization? If so, then should we believe it to be the United Nations? Notably, the U.N. has divided the world into ten bio-zone regions. Also consider the possibility of what happens if the European Union continues on its course towards a super-state. Is it possible that it may become the prominent state in the U.N.?
Revelation 13:4-5
“And they worshipped the Dragon, because he gave his authority to the beast; and they worshipped the beast, saying, ‘Who is like the beast, and who has the power to wage war with him?’ And there was given to him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and authority to exercise for forty-two months.”
At the moment, the European Union has no definite leader. Every six months, the presidency of the European Council rotates between each member state. However, due to the launch of the new Euro currency, some political analysts have projected that only E.U. members that embrace the new monetary system will be granted the six-month presidency. Presently, only twelve member states compose the Euro-zone, exceeding the “ten” requirement. But the European Union is still a developing world entity and it is hard to tell how it will evolved in the coming decade.
Perhaps the European Union will evolve to eventually being led by a council or tribunal of ten, of which three leaders are subdued
Daniel 7:24
? If this is the case, then could the antimessiah who has with him seven heads (European leaders?) and ten horns (United Nations world regions?), allow those seven leaders, presumably Europeans, to rule with him for forty-two months
Revelation 13:4
during their six-month terms? Six multiplied by seven does equal forty-two! We must consider this possibility before us.
As we know now, the European Union has now a definite leader.
Yes I just added this part.
The orginonal post was like 6 posts. I tried to shorten it up. I hope it still makes sense.
Last Edit: November 21, 2004, 12:38:53 AM by DreamWeaver
2nd Timothy
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Re:Prophecy series II Europe and the Antichrist.
Reply #21 on:
November 21, 2004, 01:09:51 AM »
Very interesting read! The whole corruption thing about the UN in the news as of late is also very intriguing. No question the UN is corrupt to the core. I just wonder with all thats happening if they will continue being a force in the world.
I used to wonder about Zec 5:3-11 and if that had anything to do with the UN. Recent events even make it a bit more interesting with the references to thieves. If they somehow are forced to go into Iraq (land of Shinar) by two nations (the two storks) due to the food for oil corruption scandal, I think we could peg Zec 5 to current news. This is another one I am not sure about, but it is interesting to ponder.
Grace and Peace!
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Re:Prophecy series II Europe and the Antichrist.
Reply #22 on:
November 21, 2004, 10:43:12 AM »
Quote from: 2nd Timothy on November 21, 2004, 01:09:51 AM
Very interesting read! The whole corruption thing about the UN in the news as of late is also very intriguing. No question the UN is corrupt to the core. I just wonder with all thats happening if they will continue being a force in the world.
I used to wonder about Zec 5:3-11 and if that had anything to do with the UN. Recent events even make it a bit more interesting with the references to thieves. If they somehow are forced to go into Iraq (land of Shinar) by two nations (the two storks) due to the food for oil corruption scandal, I think we could peg Zec 5 to current news. This is another one I am not sure about, but it is interesting to ponder.
Grace and Peace!
Zec 5:3-11, I think nails it down, to the UN. I thought and prayed over this last night. Sure looks as if the thieves have been pegged.
2nd Timothy
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Re:Prophecy series II Europe and the Antichrist.
Reply #23 on:
November 21, 2004, 10:53:55 AM »
Hal Lindsey has made mention of this passage in regards to the UN. I'm still not completely sure, but it seems very possible. I guess we will know if the UN relocates to babylon...lol. How ironic would that be?
Grace and Peace!
Enslaved in service to Christ
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Re:Prophecy series II Europe and the Antichrist.
Reply #24 on:
November 21, 2004, 10:58:28 AM »
Quote from: 2nd Timothy on November 21, 2004, 10:53:55 AM
Hal Lindsey has made mention of this passage in regards to the UN. I'm still not completely sure, but it seems very possible. I guess we will know if the UN relocates to babylon...lol. How ironic would that be?
Grace and Peace!
Well we will know, and we won't know. We will have lifted off (the Rapture) by then.
2nd Timothy
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Re:Prophecy series II Europe and the Antichrist.
Reply #25 on:
November 21, 2004, 11:05:46 AM »
Today wouldn't be soon enough DW!
Enslaved in service to Christ
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Re:Prophecy series II Europe and the Antichrist.
Reply #26 on:
November 21, 2004, 09:31:18 PM »
Quote from: 2nd Timothy on November 21, 2004, 11:05:46 AM
Today wouldn't be soon enough DW!
I happen to agree, it would be a nice day to fly.
2nd Timothy
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Re:Prophecy series II Europe and the Antichrist.
Reply #27 on:
November 21, 2004, 10:06:15 PM »
Just read Jack Kinsella's latest article. much of it mirrors almost exactly what I said in the original post. I think its fair to say He agrees with me....lol Also some talk about the UN.
read entire article here :
The United States is the UN's largest cash cow. Although the US vote is no more important in the UN General Assembly than that of Micronesia, US tax dollars funneled into the United Nation accounts make up one-third of the UN's operating budget for global peace-keeping efforts.
And US contributions account for 25% of the UN's annual budget. There are 191 countries in the UN. America contributes one dollar for every three dollars contributed to the UN -- by the other 190 countries combined!
Since 1945, congressional records indicate that the United States has given $30 billion to the corrupt organization as it pursues a futile enterprise and undermines the sovereignty of the United States.
The United Nations does not need to be reformed or improved to correct its flaws.
It's very nature demands it remain diametrically opposed to the American system of government. It must consistently seek to increase its power and control at the expense of sovereign nations like the United States.
Consequently, the only viable solution is an American withdrawal from the United Nations altogether.
A US withdrawal from the UN would mean its end. And America's history vis a vis efforts at global government like the failed League of Nations and failing United Nations make it extremely unlikely that America would participate in any meaningful way with any global replacement.
But, for the other 190 countries of the world, the UN -- or something like it, is essential.
The World Health Organization, World Bank, UN Development Program, UN Environment programs, Economic Commissions, UN Agriculture programs, the International Atomic Energy Agency, the World Court, International Monetary Fund, World Trade Organization, UNICEF -- all these programs are interdependent elements residing under the UN's global umbrella.
The collapse of the UN would mean these organizations, committees and programs would have to seek a new sponsor. The World Bank, for example, or the World Trade Organization or the International Monetary Fund -- they aren't simply going to disappear.
But a 'new' replacement UN is unlikely. It would take too long and the world is already too globally interdependent to operate for long without these organizations.
There is only one logical candidate to pick up the pieces left behind by an imploding United Nations -- especially in a world dominated by a non-aligned United States.
Europe already has the infrastructure in place to absorb the functions and functionaries of the existing United Nations.
And Old Europe has made no secret of its intention to stand as a counter-balance to US supremacy on the world stage. Jacques Chirac is fond of describing America's supremacy as 'unipolar' and has dedicated himself to a global effort aimed at balancing the scales.
The European Union is, in fact, the ONLY viable alternative to the United Nations, and, thanks to its predictable opposition to all things American, would enjoy almost unanimous global support for its assumption of the role.
The only nations likely to have serious objections to subordinating itself to the EU similarly to the way they did the UN would be the United States and Israel.
When Hal Lindsey wrote the Late Great Planet Earth in 1969, he noted that something would have to happen to reduce or remove both Soviet and UN global influence, since Bible prophecy assigns that role in the last days to a revived form of the Roman Empire.
A bit more than a decade ago, the United States and the Soviet Union were the world's two superpowers. Europe unification was yet an unfulfilled dream.
Today, the Soviets are gone. US global power and influence is at its lowest point since the end of World War II. Europe is not only united, it is expanding its influence beyond its current borders.
The ten-nation Western European Union met in Rome in 1992 to create subordinate tiers of membership. Since then the WEU has expanded to include six Associate Member States, five Observer States, and seven 'Associate Partner' states.
All are members of the Greater European Community, but the ten-nation WEU is where the power resides. The WEU became responsible for Europe's Defense and Security establishment following the failure of the European Defense Community Treaty torpedoed by France in 1954.
On November 20, 1999, Javier Solana, who is the High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy of the EU, was also appointed Secretary-General of the WEU.
The EU and WEU were supposed to have merged in 2000, however, as of 2004 the WEU is however still alive and much European military planning takes place within its constituent cells.
Indeed, New York University's book, "Defending Europe", paints the situation as a "revival of WEU" rather than its absorption into the greater EU.
From a purely secular geopolitical perspective, then, we find the following: The UN's Oil For Food Scandal threatens US participation in the UN.
A US pullout would threaten the UN's very existence.
The EU is in place to pick up the pieces. Its political power resides with Brussels, while its security and military deterrent is entrusted to the ten Full Members of the WEU.
The most powerful states within the WEU are France and Germany, both of whom are dedicated to replacing the US with a WEU-sponsored European superstate overseen by its Ten Full Members.
Taken together with the EU's efforts to insinuate itself into the Arab-Israeli peace process, one finds every single element inherent to the prophet Daniel's outline of the seven-year reign of the antichrist during the Tribulation Period -- already either in place, or about to fall into place.
" . . .and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined." (Daniel 9:26)
The 'people of the prince who shall come' were the Roman Legions, who, in AD 70, destroyed the 'city and the sanctuary' (Jerusalem and the Temple).
Daniel's coming 'prince' is the antichrist. Daniel says that, after coming to power as the 'prince' of a revived Roman Empire, he will come up with a solution for the Arab-Israeli conflict that leaves Israel in at least part possession of the Temple Mount.
Both the WEU and the Greater European Union are currently under the control of the same maximum leader -- at this point in time, Javier Solana of Spain.
Revived Rome is in place and eagerly lobbying for a chance to play the role Daniel outlined for it 2500 years ago. Israel is in place, after 2500 years of occupation and exile.
The Arab Israeli conflict provides the backdrop for the seven year covenant Daniel said would be confirmed by the antichrist.
Astonishingly, even a prototype of the covenant is also in place. The Oslo Agreement remains an 'unconfirmed' [failed] seven-year agreement aimed at peace between the parties.
And if recent history is any indication, any agreement made between Israel and the Islamic world is unlikely to last more than the 3 1/2 years predicted by Daniel before collapsing.
Jerusalem is indeed the 'burdensome stone' the Prophet Zechariah predicted it would be in the last days.
The prophet said that 'all those who burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.' (Zechariah 12:3)
America 'burdened itself' by taking Israel's side in the conflict over Jerusalem and the Holy Land. The rest of the world has openly sided against Israel.
More UN resolutions have been passed condemning Israel since its rebirth in 1948 than against the rest of the global community combined.
Since September 2001, thousands of Americans have been killed in a war with Islamic terrorists. The cause of that war, according to our terrorist enemies, is America's support for Israel.
The global realignment of nations coincided with the implementation of the Oslo Peace Accords in 1993 and in the intervening decade, has deteriorated to the point that America and Israel now stand alone against an increasingly polarized global community.
At the heart of issue is the question of possession of Jerusalem.
How much more clear can it be? Bible prophecy has proved itself, in this generation alone, to be 100% accurate, down to the tiniest details.
There is no rational reason why the Bible's outline for the last days will not continue to unfold before our eyes with the same accuracy and attention to detail in the days ahead as it has until now.
We are living in the last days. We are the watchmen on the wall, assigned to give the warning to a lost and dying world.
Jesus is coming! And He is coming soon!
May God give us the courage to boldly proclaim His soon return.
And may God bless our efforts to lead as many as possible to Him -- while there is still time.
Enslaved in service to Christ
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Re:Prophecy series II Europe and the Antichrist.
Reply #28 on:
November 21, 2004, 11:42:44 PM »
What is the UN, It's an attempt by man to bring peace and unity to the earth by means of a world organization, Please note we said it was an attempt by man, because God was left out to begin with. God's word plainly says, "But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived."
II Tim. 3:13
. "For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom,"
Matt. 24:7
. These conditions will characterize the age at the time of the appearance of the world power known to Bible scholars as the beast of Revelation 13 and Daniel 7:7.
Please note the following remarkable similarities of the UN to this last form of Gentile world power. The beast of Rev. and Dan., that will exercise such great power over the earth at the time of the return of Christ, will be on the world scene without men being aware of it. To begin with this great power will appear as the very thing the world needs to solve its difficult problems. Instead of appearing as a monstrous power to destroy and made desolate, it will appear as the Saviour of a bewildered world that is looking for a way out.
Daniel 8:25
says the beast will "by peace destroy many."
This last Gentile world power will be Satan's masterpiece for deception. Many Bible scholars have taught the people to look for a revival of the old Roman Empire. Some are looking for some power such as Russia to take over by brute military force. Russia, it's true will be a part of this power, Ezekiel 38, and will play a leading role; but so will the whole Gentile world of organized nations. There will come a showdown and we find that 10 nations who will be of one mind are going to give their strength and power to the beast.
Rev. 17:12-13
God knows that non-spiritual students of the world would try to figure these things out without revelation from the Holy Spirit. It's true, His real anointed are going to see the truth as the prophecies unfold. Jesus would never said, "When ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the door," unless He intended for someone to understand. The truth is, it won't be the great theological minds that the religious world is looking to.
Isaiah 29:13-14
. "Wherefore the Lord said, Forasmuch as this people draw near with their mouth, and with their lips do honor me, but have removed their heart far from me, and their fear toward me is taught by the precept of men; therefore, behold, I will proceed to do a marvelous work among this people, even a marvelous work and a wonder; for the wisdom of their wise men shall perish, and the understanding of their prudent men shall be hid." In contrast to this God's word says,
II Cor. 1:26-29
, "For ye see your calling, brethren, how not many wise men after the flesh not many mighty, not many noble, are called; but God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty; and the base things of the world, and things which are despised, hath God chosen, yea and things which are not, to bring to naught things that are; that no flesh should glory in his presence."
Because of these facts the world as a whole (including the religious world) will not recognize the beast or world power that brings in the great tribulation upon the world. Jesus said in
Luke 21:35
, "For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth." A snare is a clever trap that catches its prey when it least expects it, Paul also gives the same warning in
I Thess. 5:2-3
, "For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape." Think of it, as a thief in the night. The thief comes while you are sleeping soundly; takes your valuables and is gone. This thing is going to take place in just such a manner. In fact everyone will be saying, "Now we are going to have peace and safety. Friend, did you ever stop to realize that the whole purpose of the UN is to bring peace and safety to the world.
Remember also that
Daniel 8:25
says the beast will by "peace destroy many." Under the guise of being an organization whose purpose is to bring peace to the earth, the UN now has 80 nations of the world as its members and supporters. Remember also that
Rev. 13:7
says, "and power was given him over all kindreds and tongues, and nations." Isn't it a strange coincidence that the UN has under its wings practically all kindreds and tongues, and nations.
According to
Dan. 8:24, Rev. 13:7, and 17:13
, the beast derives his power from other sources. Now that is exactly the case of the UN. It is entirely dependent upon its member nations to give it power. Only as they support it and stand back of its decisions can it assert itself.
According to
Dan. 2:40-43
the beast, or kingdom, as it is called by Daniel, will be clay and iron, typifying dictatorship and democracy causing division and weakness. Isn't that exactly what has taken place between the Western powers representing democracy and Russia and her followers representing dictatorship. Also notice
Dan. 2:43
, which says, "they shall mingle themselves with the seed of man; but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay." How true this is of the UN which is made up of 80 different nations. If this isn't also characteristic of the confusion and disunity that has prevailed in the UN, then I don't know anything.
In the beginning the beast doesn't have power to enforce its decisions. We find 10 of the nations who are of one mind getting together and giving their power and strength to the beast.
Rev. 17:12-13
. At this very moment while this article is being written, the leading nations of the UN are considering ways and means to give the UN power to enforce its decisions. The UN has its flag, its army, and is just waiting for the big powers to say, "I'll give you my power and strength." (Such as the Security council, which has 10 members.)
Rev. 17:3
, we find the woman, the great whore, riding upon the beast. This simply means that the woman (the apostate church) will be sustained and supported by the beast (the last Gentile world power).
Strange as it may seem but yet fulfilling the scriptures, the present Pope has spoken very highly of the UN and commended it for its role in world affairs
. And if the UN continues to grow in power and influence (we believe it will) the whole apostate church world including Rome and her daughters will be only too glad to ride upon the back of the UN.
Rev. 13:3, 17:8
, we notice that the whole world wondered after the beast. Isn't that exactly what is taking place today! The eyes of the world are upon the UN. You cannot pick up a newspaper that does not carry the news regarding the development in the UN. Also if the UN gets the Power to enforce its decisions the world will be saying, "Who can make war against the UN?"
Rev. 13:4
Rev. 13:3
Rev. 17:8
, we see that the beast had a deadly wound that was healed or it was and is not, and yet is. This means that this beast, or last world power, came into being, then died, and then revived again. Of all the amazing similarities between the beast and the UN this is the one that should convince the most skeptical. LOok and realize that the same spirit that conceived the League of Nations after World War I is responsible for the United Nations of today. The League of Nations died because it did not have the support of its member nations to carry out and enforce its decisions. The League of Nations was a man-made, satan-conceived, plan to bring unity and peace to the earth without following the plan of the Prince of Peace, the Lord Jesus Christ. It died, but its deadly wound has been healed and today it's called the United Nations. It has the same spirit and the same purpose. Remember former President Herbert Hoover said, "the United Nations Charter follows every major pattern of the league of Nations."
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Re:Prophecy series II Europe and the Antichrist.
Reply #29 on:
November 22, 2004, 05:43:27 PM »
In 2000, the 10-nation alliance made themselves the official military wing of the EU and Mr.Solana was given emergency powers. Well, guess what? This all took place under EU recommendation 666!
Read recommendation 666 here :
Hair raising stuff indeed! Not that this is the mark of the beast, but it is extremely currious.
2nd Timothy,
Thanks for the great post and the links. This has the makings of an excellent Bible study. Coincidence - I don't think so! There are far too many other signs to dismiss current events. We know beyond any doubt that all Bible Prophecy will be fulfilled to the letter. It makes me question more when a man with the power of Solana remains quietly in the background. That would seem to be right until the appointed time arrives.
I know that it's completely correct to say that we are at least seeing a preview of the end times. However, I really think that it's more than that. It makes me happy to think that our Lord and Saviour may come for us soon. The world is literally a powder keg, ready to blow. For me, this gives me a greater sense of urgency in sharing the GOOD NEWS of the Gospel of God's Grace. It should also be a time of prayer, Bible Study, and reaching out to everyone we can about how to be Saved and accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour.
It will be a glorious day, one of great joy, praise, and worship.
Love In Christ,
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