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Author Topic: THE DISPENSATIONS  (Read 20380 times)
Brother Love
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« Reply #15 on: March 19, 2004, 06:11:00 AM »

This is one of the best studies I have ever read on this subject. Amen Bro Smiley

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« Reply #16 on: July 05, 2004, 03:50:46 PM »

Can you Answer?

1.When did the gifts of the Holy Spirit cease?

2. When did Paul cease to be bound for the hope of Israel
and become the prisoner of the Lord for us Gentiles?

3. When was the Mystery, which had been hid in God from the ages and generations, first preached by Paul?

4. When did Paul cease to preach to speak "none other things" and begin giving a message about which Moses and the prophets knew nothing?

5. When did Paul cease to look for the "rapture" and become resigned to die?

6. When did the preaching of the gospel cease to be to Israel first?

7. When did more than one baptism cease to be required and "the one baptism" become God's order?

8. When did "signs following" cease to accompany water

9. What is the boundary line between when Paul advised widows NOT to marry, and when he advised the younger widows to marry?

10. When did the preaching of the Kingdom of heaven cease and that of the church of the Mystery begin?

11. When did both Jew and Gentile cease to be blessed thru faithful
Abraham and begin to be blessed through Christ only?

12. When was the last time Israel became LO-AMMI (not MY people)?

13. When did believing Israel cease to be a chosen nation, a royal priesthood, and a holy nation?

14. When did Paul lose his power of healing?

15. Why is it that in the last seven epistles of Paul, Ephesians, Philipians, Colossians, 1 & 2 Timothy, Philemon,and Titus; there is no mention of:

- The City
- The words "come" or "coming"
- Abraham
- Tree or trees
- Wild Olive Tree
- Graft or grafted

Acts 28:28 is the key to all these answers.


For when we were yet without strength, in due time CHRIST DIED FOR THE UNGODLY"
(Romans 5:6).

"And you, being dead in your sins... hath He quickened together with him, HAVING FORGIVEN YOU ALL TRESPASSES"
(Colossians 2:13).

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« Reply #17 on: July 07, 2004, 01:37:22 PM »


By H. I. Brown

In a message I gave on Astronomy and the Bible I mentioned Serius, the brightest star. It is blue with flashing red rays like darts of fire. At the close a young girl said in great excitement, "I've seen that! But my mother and sister say I am crazy; they do not see what I see." She was not crazy: She had the better eyesight!

I hope this guy knows more about scriptures than he does about Astronomy as he has this all wrong.

He not only spelled the name of the star wrong but
Sirius is a bright white double-star, not a blue one as he claims and it doesn't have red darts coming off of it.  The little girl we can excuse for being crazy the author we cannot.

But don't take my word for it, check it yourself.


Sirius[sir´Eus] Pronunciation Key, or Dog Star, brightest star in the sky. It is located in the constellation Canis Major (1992 position R.A. 6h44.8m, Dec. -16°42´); its Bayer designation is Alpha Canis Majoris. Sirius [Gr.,=scorching], having an apparent magnitude of -1.45, is exceeded in brightness only by the sun, the moon, and Venus and by Mars and Jupiter at their maximum brightness. A white, main-sequence star of spectral class A1 V, Sirius is about twice the size of the sun and about 20 times as luminous. It is also one of the nearest stars, lying at a distance of 8.7 light-years, so that it has been studied extensively. From an analysis of its motions, F. W. Bessel concluded (1844) that it had an unseen companion, which was later (1862) confirmed by observation. The companion, Sirius B, is a white-dwarf star and has also been the object of considerable study because it is the first white dwarf whose spectrum was found to exhibit a gravitational red shift as predicted by the general theory of relativity.

Matt 5:11  Blessed are ye when they shall revile you, and persecute you, and speak all that is evil against you, untruly, for my sake:
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« Reply #18 on: July 08, 2004, 05:39:58 AM »

michael_legna, you will ever be learning, but never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. (2 Peter 3:18)



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« Reply #19 on: July 08, 2004, 10:05:00 AM »

michael_legna, you will ever be learning, but never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. (2 Peter 3:18)


Not from that guy I surely won't, not at least until he gets his facts right.

Matt 5:11  Blessed are ye when they shall revile you, and persecute you, and speak all that is evil against you, untruly, for my sake:
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« Reply #20 on: July 09, 2004, 04:48:44 PM »


There is a problem with his use of the word apostasy in this context. Not good.

OTOH....I remembered taking a picture one time (a looooong time ago), and dug around to find it. Here 'tis.  Taken in '53, using an old Hasselblad with a 2' long telephoto mounted on a tripod. Of course, it shows the typical distortion and coloration applied by our atmosphere....kinda like what the naked eye might tend to perceive.

Looks kinda spiky, bluish and a little pink on the edges.

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« Reply #21 on: July 11, 2004, 12:04:06 AM »


Those who desire to share the truths found in the ministry of the Apostle Paul, should always be on the alert, to be vigilant and using wise insight. We must focus our presentation clearly. Someone has said that many in the world have made a decision to reject our message of Christ. The reason for this may be a poor presentation as to who Jesus Christ really is. In other words, they may NOT have rejected Christ; they have really rejected a poor dispensational presentation of the Lord Jesus Christ. Say it isn't so, but may be it is true? If it might be true, what needs to be changed? How do we refocus? Let's discuss a few considerations that might be of value in witnessing.
As we deal with truth for today, never make an issue sound as if a choice must be made between Jesus versus Paul. This is a loser. There is a story about a minister who was attempting to show how Paul's ministry fits into the Bible as part of God's progressive revelation. His mistake was to appeal to those listening, that they must make a decision between the teachings of Jesus and the later, progressively unfolded truth that Paul was given to bring to light. A believer in the audience took his family and left the church.
Most people will do the same. But, what could have been done to change the final decision from rejection to reception? There needs to be a proper perspective. Who is Paul, anyhow? Is he an apostle? Yes! But let us remember what kind of an apostle Paul claimed to be. He represented Jesus Christ. He was an apostle of Jesus Christ. Paul was a servant. But he was a servant of Jesus Christ.
Here we begin to focus in on the real issue. In explaining Dispensational truth, we want to present the Lord Jesus Christ as the mover, maker and shaker of all that happens in this world today. Let's illustrate.
Remember when Jesus first sent his disciples on a preaching mission? Cf. Matthew 10:1-15 and Luke 9:1-6 They are told where to go, with what message and what preparation and/or provisions are needed. They were to have a tough faith. They were told to leave most everything behind. They were to leave with an empty wallet. There was to be no suitcases. There was to be no change of clothes. This almost sounds like the wilderness journey out of Egypt. God will provide. But at the end of our Lord's ministry, he changes all those former guidelines. Cf. Luke 22: 35-38. He asked them if they had lacked anything when he had sent them out before. They had lacked nothing. But now he charges them to carry the wallet (with something in it) a bag, shoes, a garment and a sword (not to be used to kill). The point to be made is that the Lord made the changes.
Consider this: There are many publishers of Bibles, who make a point of stating that certain Bibles are Red Letter Editions. We are all familiar with this emphasis. They are referring to the words of the Lord Jesus as being in red print for easy identification. These red-letter words are found in the four Gospels, Acts and Revelation. But, there is also a false emphasis not recognized by most undiscerning buyers. That false emphasis is that these words in red are much more important than any other part of the Bible.
We are dealing with sincere efforts by publishers to do a service to purchasers. But it acts as a boomerang, rather than a good buy. Why? There are several reasons. With a perception that these red letters are more valuable than all the black letters, the Bible is now read on a tilt. This is not a normal method for reading and studying the Bible. There is more harm than help given. Readers and students become color prejudiced.
There are many places in the Gospel records where Jesus speaks. John 3:34 says that the one God sent speaketh the words of God. The emphasis of the Lord Jesus as found primarily in John's Gospel portrays all of His words as coming from the Father.
"My doctrine (word, teaching) is not mine, but his that sent me" 7:17 "He that is of God heareth God's words…" 8:47 "He that rejecteth me, and receiveth not my words, hath one that judgeth him: the word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day. For I have not spoken of myself: but the Father, who sent me, he gave me a com- mandment, what I should say, and what I should speak. …………………… whatsoever I speak, therefore, even as the Father said unto me, so I speak". John 12:48-50 "He that loveth me not keepeth not my sayings; and the word which ye hear is not mine, but the Father's, who sent me." 14:24 "For I have given unto them the words which thou gavest me;….." 17:8
The Lord states also that his work and the will he performed were not his, but the Father's. cf. John 4:34; 5:30; 5:36, 38-39; 9:3-4; 10:32, 37 What we have here are the statements of the Lord, that his will, work and words are in a real sense NOT HIS, but are the Father's. Our conclusion : All the words of the Lord Jesus as found in the Gospels should not be in red, but black.
Furthermore, all the words of Paul in his epistles should be the ones in red. Why ? Because Paul states that his message is second hand. They are really not his. He was given everything he taught from the Lord Jesus. Cf. Gal. 1:11-12; I Tim. 6:3; I Thess. 4:15; I Cor. 11:23; I Cor. 15:3.
Our approach, then, to teaching the truth, rightly handling the word of God is to keep a balanced presentation of the Lord Jesus Christ. Our emphasis is on the Lord Jesus Christ and what he is doing today. It is not so much as to what Paul teaches, preaches and proclaims as it is what the Lord Jesus Christ is teaching, preaching and proclaiming through His loyal Apostle, slave and minister, PAUL.

The words are the same. The message is the same. But the method is not to contrast Jesus and Paul. There is a contrast, but it is between the words and teaching of the Lord Jesus when he was on earth and the teachings of the same Lord Jesus who gives further truth and revelation from his place in glory, after the cross, after his resurrection and after his ascension.

Jerry Sterchi

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« Reply #22 on: July 31, 2004, 06:16:35 AM »

Part I
From the commentary of  "THESSALONIANS" by Pastor C.R. Stam

Chapter II - II Thessalonians 2:1-3



"Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ,and by our gathering together unto Him,

"That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, norby word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand. 47

"Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not comeexcept there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the

son of perdition." II Thes. 2:1-3


The Apostle's appeal to the Thessalonian saints not to be "shaken," or “troubled," or "deceived. . . by any means," is based upon the truth of the Rapture.

It was “by" or on the basis of “the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and48 our gathering together unto Him," that he begged them not to falter.

This was their "blessed hope," and he besought them not to let any man take it from them either “by spirit" (i.e., the supposed gift of prophecy), or “by word" (i.e., argument) or “by letter as from us”49 (Ver. 2).

Of all the strong evidences in the Thessalonian epistles that the rapture of believers to be with Christ will precede the Tribulation, the opening verses of II Thes. 2 are certainly the strongest.


One Bible teacher has declared that "there is not one verse of Scripture which explicitly affirms the rapture of the Church before the Tribulation.50

But why need there be? There is "not one verse of Scripture which explicitly affirms" that our Lord was baptized before His temptation by the devil, or that He was crowned with thorns before He was crucified, or that baptism with water is no longer included in God's program for believers, or that God is a Trinity. Yet there is abundant Scriptural proof for all these, and the brother referred to above accepts them all as the truth of the Word of God.

Some time ago one of the author's "post-trib." friends wrote to him:

"The great tribulation is not pleasant to anticipate -- this is a fact (Dan. 12:1; Matt. 24:21,22). But in the light of [a series of Scripture passages] I know by God's grace and strength I can endure the greatest torture or the most gruesome death. Perhaps, brother, I will be called upon one day to prove my word. God only knows. I can rest only in Him (II Tim. 1:7). Paul went through much, as did many first-century Christians. To those individuals, tortured and killed, the pain they suffered could not be any worse than the saints will suffer as individuals in the great tribulation. Praise God for our great and glorious hope, I Tim. 1:1."

How sad this is in view of the following three facts:

1. Paul, in speaking of the Rapture never says one word to prepare the saints for the horrors of the Tribulation. We may be certain that he would have done so if they were to endure its terrors before being caught up to be with Christ.

2. Our Lord, in speaking to His "kingdom" followers did say much to them about the coming Tribulation, but not one word about their being "caught up" to meet Him in the air.

3. Thus, the rapture of believers to be with Christ, is distinctively the hope of the Body of Christ, for which Paul repeatedly urges us to be "looking" and "waiting," encouraging one another in the anticipation of this “blessed hope" (Tit. 2:13).

But wait! There is indeed one blessed passage of Scripture which "explicitly affirms" that the Rapture will precede the Tribulation. It is II Thes. 2:3.

Our respect and admiration for the King James Version grows more profound each year. We believe that KJV stands head and shoulders above all other English ranslations, and perhaps above all other translations in any language. It is in the truest sense a faithful translation. Also, we believe that God has graciousl preserved the Greek Scriptures for us in Textus Receptus, the Received Text of the New Testament, rightly called the Majority Text, the text upon which KJV is substantially based.

Yet here is a case where the KJV translators departed from Textus Receptus, for TR does not contain the words "a falling away" in II Thes. 2:3, but the words "the departure," Gr., hee apostasia. Thus the verse actually reads:

"Let no man deceive you by any means; for that day shall not come except the departure come first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition."

There is abundant evidence for this rendering, as we shall now proceed to prove.


Continued in PART II

God Bless
« Last Edit: July 31, 2004, 06:25:22 AM by BigD » Logged
« Reply #23 on: July 31, 2004, 06:22:30 AM »


From the commentary on "THESSALONIANS" by Pastor C.R. Stam.


First, our English word apostasy, is not an exact equivalent of the Greek apostasia. The English word apostasy means rebellion, or revolt, against a faith once embraced, but the Greek apostasia means departure, nothing more. Actually the Greek noun apostasia occurs only once more in the New Testament, namely in Acts 21:21, where Paul is informed of the report that he has taught "all the Jews which are among the Gentiles to forsake Moses."

We suggest that even here the word "depart" would be a closer synonym to the rendering "forsake" than would the word "apostatize." To forsake is not exactly to revolt or rebel against, and this is what our English word apostasy means. Furthermore, in this case we are told that it was reported that Paul urged these Jews to "forsake," or "depart from" Moses, and surely Paul did not urge them to any revolt against Moses or his writings. He merely pointed out that now, by grace, they were free from the Law, that the Law had been fulfilled for them by Christ.

In any case, the Record does not say that Paul had taught the Jews who lived among the Gentiles to "forsake" Moses. It says only that the Jews in Judaea had been "informed" that this was the case. This rumor was probably an exaggeration of what he actually had done in teaching that the Law had now been fulfilled by Christ and that believers are delivered from its curse (Gal. 3:13).

But while the noun apostasia occurs only twice in the New Testament, the root verb from which the noun is derived occurs 15 times, and its meaning is easy to determine. We refer to the verb aphisteemi. So that there may be no mistake, we present here a list of every New Testament use of this verb.

Luke 2:37: "departed not from the temple."

Luke 4:13: "the devil…departed from Him."

Luke 8:13: "in time of temptation fall away."

Luke 13:27: "Depart from Me, all ye workers of iniquity."

Acts 5:37: "drew away much people after him."

Acts 5:38: "refrain from these men."

Acts 12:10: "the angel departed from him."

Acts 15:38: "who departed from them from Pamphilia."

Acts 19:9: "he departed from them."

Acts 22:29: "they departed from him."

II Cor. 12:8:"I besought the Lord... that it might depart from me."

I Tim. 4: 1: "some shall depart from the faith."

I Tim. 6:5: "from such withdraw thyself."

II Tim. 2:19: "depart from iniquity."

Heb. 3:12: "in departing from the living God."  

First, the reader should observe carefully that in 11 out of these 15 occurrences the verb in question is rendered depart, departed, or departing, while in the other

four close synonyms are used.

Further, only three out of the 15 are concerned with departure from the truth. And in all three it is clearly stated that the departure is "from the faith" (I Tim. 4:1), "from the living God" (Heb. 3:12), and from that which was "for a while believed" (Luke 8:13), leaving the meaning of the verb aphisteemi itself simply depart -- nothing more -- in all 15 occurrences.

In Luke 4:13 we read that the devil “departed' from Christ. In Acts 12:10 an angel "departs" from Peter. In Acts 15:38 we read that a man had "departed" from Paul and Barnabas. In II Cor. 12:8 we read of Paul's thrice-repeated prayer that a thorn might "depart," or be removed, from his flesh. And so with all the others. Indeed, in two of the 15 cases above the very opposite of apostasy or departure from the truth is involved. In I Tim. 6:5 Timothy is told to depart ("withdraw thyself") from men who are "destitute of the truth," while in II Tim. 2:19 all who "name the name of Christ" are exhorted to "depart from iniquity." Surely these were not instructions to apostatize.

Thus, bear it well in mind, aphisteemi, the root verb of the Greek apostasia, means to depart -- nothing more. Later on we will discuss the particular "departure" referred to in II Thes. 2:3, but first the rendering "a falling away," as compared with "the departure," must be further discussed.



Kenneth S. Wuest, in his preface to II Thessalonians, says in part: "If apostasia and aphisteemi meant what our word ‘apostasy' and ‘apostatize' mean, why did Paul, when using aphisteemi in I Timothy 4:1, feel the need of adding the qualifying phrase, ‘from the faith' to complete the meaning of aphisteemi in that instance of its use? .... The word apostasia, therefore, in its original and pure meaning, unadulterated by the addition of other ideas imposed upon it by the contexts in which it has been used, means “a departure.'"

In explaining why the King James Version failed to retain the rendering "a departure," which they found in the five versions which preceded KJV, Mr. Wuest points out a technical mistake contained in all six versions. Says Mr. Wuest:

"The fatal mistake the translators made 51was in failing to take into consideration the definite article before the word apostasia ... "(Ibid). The article here denotes previous reference, for this wording clearly implies that they already know about it.

The meaning of Paul's words in II Thes. 2:3, then, is that before the Tribulation can come, the "man of sin" must be revealed, and before this can happen "the departure" must come "first."


No "falling away" or "apostasy" had been previously mentioned in either epistle, but in the whole of I Thessalonians and also of II Thessalonians up to this point, the Apostle's very theme had been the rapture of the members of the Body of Christ. Thus here in II Thes. 2:3 he must be referring to "the departure" of the Church to be with Christ. This falls naturally into place with the whole context, for why should Paul exhort these believers not to be "shaken" or "troubled," merely because the apostasy must precede the Tribulation? This would be no comfort. Further, how could they recognize "the" apostasy, much less "a" falling away when it came? The fact is that apostasy is raging now, in our day; it has been throughout the Church's history. Indeed, it began in the days of Paul himself, and he wrote to Timothy, instructing him what to do about it. Thus “a falling away" could be no definite guidepost to the Thessalonian believers. But if, as we have contended, the beginning of the Tribulation awaits the rapture of the members of the Body of Christ, then the very fact that the Thessalonian saints were still on earth was in itself positive proof that the day of the Lord had not yet come.


1. The word apostasia and its root verb aphisteemi, do not, used by themselves, mean “apostasy" and “apostatize." They mean “departure" and “depart," nothing more.

2. II Thes. 2:3 states in the Greek, that the day of the Lord will not come “except the departure come first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition."

3. The term “the departure," with the definite article, denotes previous reference.

4. Paul had written to the Thessalonians in his previous letter about the departure of the members of Christ's Body from this earth (I Thes. 4:16,17) and had even disassociated this from the prophesied “day of the Lord" with the use of the word, “But" in I Thes. 5:1. He had also referred to this “departure" in the phrase ”our gathering together unto Him," in II Thes. 2:1. Indeed, this was the basis for his appeal to the Thessalonians not to be “shaken" or “troubled" by those who would lead them to believe that “the day of the Lord" had already begun. Also, he had “told" them about “these things" while he was yet with them (II Thes. 2:5).

5. “The man of sin" must also be manifested before the “day of the Lord" can come (II Thes. 2:3,4)52 and he cannot be manifested until “the departure" takes place “first."

6. Thus, in addition to many clear proofs that the rapture of the Body will precede the Tribulation we also have a passage which “explicitly affirms" this.




God Bless.

Live Well, Laugh Often and Love the Lord!
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« Reply #24 on: July 31, 2004, 08:30:05 PM »

Big D, Ambassador4Christ, and Brother Love...Great to see your posts! I am an Acts 9/mid-Acts dispy. Always good to meet others who know the Word rightly divided. Makes all the difference doesn't it?!!!

Some words in Ambassador4Christ's posts that give me a chuckle...all truth just good wording!

You are a Dispensationalist if you believe salvation is by grace completely apart from any works; if you believe the Nation Israel did not accept their Messiah; if you believe salvation is offered to Gentiles and Jews; if you believe it is all right to have some coins in your pocket, an extra pair of shoes, and another garment; and if you believe each man is to provide for his own household, instead of "all things common."

How many people do not realize this part of the kingdom gospel! This was for Israel. But knowing what dispensation we are in...clears this up.  We should still be doing this if we see no difference.

here was another part:

At Israel's rejection of the Offer, that Kingdom was postponed, delayed. However, as those words seem to imply imperfect planning (of which God is not guilty), I cast about in my mind for a better word. And I thought: the Kingdom is being held up like "in a trust" at a bank until certain conditions are met, and Israel cannot have it until then-finally, Oh! "put in escrow"-that is the word I want. At Israel's "fall," the prophecy clock stopped, and Israel became in the same class as the Gentile nations, alienated from God.

I like the style of this writer...

And the truth he brings out. At Israel's fall Israel became in the same class as those Gentiles nations ALIENATED FROM GOD.

Keep up the great posts you guys...I love reading them...get out the truth, so all men may see the Mystery and the message Paul brought to us, the Body of Christ.

Oh to know Paul's message...
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« Reply #25 on: July 31, 2004, 09:57:38 PM »

Thanks BigD and Berean, you both have made my day. Smiley

"Grace & Peace"

Brother Love Smiley


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« Reply #26 on: July 31, 2004, 11:15:20 PM »

Thanks BigD and Berean, you both have made my day. Smiley

"Grace & Peace"

Brother Love Smiley


Brother Love..I have been reading your posts for some

Good to see Big D here with his very imfomative posts. More people are needed like this man! Hope to see more of him.

I was here a few months ago...I will be back now more often.

God bless!
Brother Love
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« Reply #27 on: August 06, 2004, 06:14:12 AM »

Thanks BigD and Berean, you both have made my day. Smiley

"Grace & Peace"

Brother Love Smiley


Brother Love..I have been reading your posts for some

Good to see Big D here with his very imfomative posts. More people are needed like this man! Hope to see more of him.

I was here a few months ago...I will be back now more often.

God bless!

Berean_ Please stay with us Smiley I LOVE You Man Grin

Please Check Out and add some web-sites and studies




Your friend and brother

Brother Love Smiley


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« Reply #28 on: August 07, 2004, 10:47:30 PM »

Thanks BigD and Berean, you both have made my day. Smiley

"Grace & Peace"

Brother Love Smiley


Brother Love..I have been reading your posts for some

Good to see Big D here with his very imfomative posts. More people are needed like this man! Hope to see more of him.

I was here a few months ago...I will be back now more often.

God bless!

Berean_ Please stay with us Smiley I LOVE You Man Grin

Please Check Out and add some web-sites and studies




Your friend and brother

Brother Love Smiley


Thanks for directing me to the thread! I got caught up in the study on baptism...great!

I have a lot of Stam's and Sadler's books...everyone should  Cheesy  Have you ever read any of Joel Finck's books?

Great reading your posts and so many others here.  Thanks!
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« Reply #29 on: August 13, 2004, 06:45:08 PM »

QUOTE Berean_ : Thanks for directing me to the thread! I got caught up in the study on baptism...great!

Your welcome Bro Smiley

I have a lot of Stam's and Sadler's books...everyone should

I agree Bro Smiley
   Have you ever read any of Joel Finck's books?

YES!!! and he has a web-page

Great reading your posts and so many others here.  Thanks!



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