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Theology => Bible Study => Topic started by: Ambassador4Christ on March 13, 2004, 05:11:05 PM

Post by: Ambassador4Christ on March 13, 2004, 05:11:05 PM

By H. I. Brown



Most of my life has been spent taking the Gospel of Grace to a people who contest every point and who find many supposed contradictions. The Dispensational study of the Bible answers those supposed contradictions.

At the same time a part of life has been spent in meeting others who believed the Bible yet were going through deep mental and spiritual suffering because they did not understand the absolute need of noting the distinctions between the Dispensation of The Law and the Dispensation of Grace, and in addition, noting that there was a Period of the Announcement of the Kingdom to Israel and a Period of the Offer of the Kingdom to Israel and that there will be in the future a Period of The Tribulation. They were trying to apply to their lives, or someone else was trying to apply to them, laws and teachings that are not for the present Dispensation of Grace, jumbling all together as if there were no dispensations. Thus, disrepute has been brought upon the Word of God. The more one studies the Dispensations, the more one sees the wonderful precision and accuracy of Scripture and the heart is enlivened to worship and appreciate the Lord more. I trust your heart will so respond.

The Dispensations are the foundation for all Bible study. They are like the multiplication tables, when once learned, you use them daily. And without them one is greatly handicapped, to say the least.

The following studies (notes of lessons I have given to Bible Classes from time to time) have been printed by request. A need was felt to have an elementary foundational study and, shall I say, "simple" so it may be grasped by anyone who will sincerely study it. It is like a "beginner's book." Also brevity has been striven for-perhaps it is like a bird's eye view of the subject. I have tried also to cover answers to questions that came up as the material was taught or discussed with friends.

May this series serve to banish confusion and to whet your appetite, give you a "bon appetit," for further study and may you have ever increasing joy in the Word and great usefulness in being able to teach others.

In a message I gave on Astronomy and the Bible I mentioned Serius, the brightest star. It is blue with flashing red rays like darts of fire. At the close a young girl said in great excitement, "I've seen that! But my mother and sister say I am crazy; they do not see what I see." She was not crazy: She had the better eyesight! There is so much to see in the study of the Scriptures, but all Believers have the "eyesight" and may open their eyes to behold the great beauty. May you permit the eyes of your understanding ever to be enlightened, Ephesians 1:15-23.


Post by: Ambassador4Christ on March 13, 2004, 05:12:22 PM

 KEY VERSE: "Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of Truth," (2 Timothy 2:15, KJV)

WHAT TO DO? Study. WHY STUDY? To show yourself approved unto God. A workman that needeth not to be ashamed. HOW STUDY? By rightly dividing the Word of Truth.

DEFINITION: A Dispensation (or division of Scripture) is God making known (dispensing) what His will is for a particular, specific period of time, that is, God makes some offer to certain people. The test is do the people accept or reject that offer or revelation of His will. (See Scofield Reference Bible, Pg. 5, old edition.)

You are a Dispensationalist if you believe salvation is by grace completely apart from any works; if you believe the Nation Israel did not accept their Messiah; if you believe salvation is offered to Gentiles and Jews; if you believe it is all right to have some coins in your pocket, an extra pair of shoes, and another garment; and if you believe each man is to provide for his own household, instead of "all things common." Once these points are established in the mind, there are many fine details that, when thought upon, fall into their proper place to the clarifying of the mind and satisfying of the soul and the banishment of confusion and uncertainty-and also to the giving of certainty of purpose and actions.

A knowledge of the Dispensations: (1) Saves from the feeling that Scripture contradicts itself-many confusing passages will become clear to you. (2) Enables you to be able to properly and correctly apply Scripture. (3) Helps to give a grasp of the message for this Dispensation of Grace. (4) Helps you to realize what the Lord's purpose is for this Dispensation of Grace. (5) Knowing His purpose you can live and serve according to His purpose. (6) Guards you from doctrinal errors: for example, errors regarding healings, Israel, disarming (turn swords into plowshares, when does that apply? what dispensation?). (7) Shows where we are in the history of the world. (8) Guards you from fears, false hopes, and hopelessness.

One aim of these studies is to give you a principle so that you will be able to rightly apply any passage of Scripture. You will learn to:

(1) Always note the time element. When was the passage spoken? (2) Note the context, that is, is it speaking of the Dispensation of the Law, or Dispensation of Grace, or Millennium, or Period of the Announcement of the Kingdom, or Period of the Offer of the Kingdom, or the Period of the Tribulation? (3) Note to WHOM or about whom it is spoken. Israel? Everyone? Believers? (4) Note what does it actually say?

If any say you are taking away some of the Bible-on the contrary! It is as though you go up to the attic and find some very old letters. They were not addressed to you, but you read them eagerly, and the information in them helps you to piece together some family puzzles. Also lessons may be learned from those past failures and successes of the people to whom the letters were addressed. But you are ever so conscious the instructions in the letters were not written to YOU. So the laws and teachings given to those who lived in other Dispensations are not to us in the present Dispensation of Grace.

Most of the confusion about Scripture comes from trying to put yourself, or having someone else try to put you, under the Dispensation of The Law, in the Period of the Announcement of the Kingdom to Israel, or Period of the Offer of the Kingdom to Israel, or Period of the Tribulation. Therefore, this study deals largely with guarding against that, and the contrasting of those times with the present much more glorious Dispensation of Grace.

Of course, certain facts are the same in every dispensation. For instance, God's character does not change. But His offers, revelations of His will, were and are limited to certain periods of time and to certain people.

"Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever," (Hebrews 13:8). The Greek indicates He is "the same Person." He does not always work the same way. The Bible opens up when it is realized that in God's instructions to mankind there is progress and change and then a final declaration. For instance: In Genesis 1:29 man was told to eat every herb bearing seed and the fruit of trees yielding seed. In Gen. 9:3, he could also eat animals, and later in Leviticus 11, only certain animals. But still later, he may eat anything, I Tim. 4:4, 5. (Note "may"-if there is something that is not helpful to you personally, of course avoid it). No one could obey all of these at the same time, and such is not intended. Of course, the last, the final declaration is for our dispensation.

In each Dispensation: (1) there was a definite new revelation from God, a new offer made. (2) Natural man failed. (3) There was judgment. (4) But there was a remnant (some individuals who did accept the offer).

Dispensation 1 was a law to Adam.

Dispensation 2 was a law to Adam and family. Dispensation 3 was a law to Noah and family. Dispensation 4 was a law to Abraham and family.

Dispensation 5 was THE LAW to the Nation Israel.

Then came the brief period of the Announcement of the Kingdom to Israel, "Israel's day," and the brief period of the Offer of the Kingdom to Israel, Israel's crisis. Both of these periods were still in the Law Dispensation.

Dispensation 6 is the Dispensation of Grace in which salvation is offered to all and the basis of possessing salvation is by believing, depending only upon, the Saviour. This is the Dispensation in which we live. It began with the revelations to Paul. It may end at any moment.

Then there will be the brief period of The Tribulation, "the time of Jacob's trouble," the 70th "seven" of Daniel's prophecy.

Dispensation 7 is the Millennium and the 8th Dispensation will be the perfect Kingdom.

While it is felt the first four dispensations require little explanation, I hope you will note for: Dispensation 1, that it began with Adam and the responsibility was not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Adam and Eve disobeyed and the judgment was the expulsion from the garden of Eden.

Dispensation 2 began outside the garden. They were to bring an offering for sin. The failure eventually was world-wide corruption necessitating the universal flood.

Dispensation 3 began with Noah and his family on the cleansed earth. The responsibility was to replenish the earth. Instead the people tried to build a tower to Heaven. The judgment: God confused their tongues and scattered the people.

Dispensation 4 began with Abraham who was promised that from him would come a nation. They were to keep separate from idol worshippers. But all the family went down to Egypt. The judgment was slavery.

Notice what God dispensed in each dispensation; what was the revelation of His will--it was something different in each dispensation.


Post by: Ambassador4Christ on March 13, 2004, 05:13:35 PM

In the Dispensation of The Law, the commandments were given with an elaborate system of continual and special sacrifices, with the priesthood and the Tabernacle (first an altar, later Temple). There were special garments for the priesthood, special food restrictions, directions for healings, ceremonial sprinklings, washings. There were detailed laws, for instance, if anyone picked up sticks on the Sabbath to light a fire, he was to be slain (Exodus 35:2,3).

TO WHOM WAS THE LAW GIVEN? To the people taken out of Egypt, the Nation Israel (Exodus 20:2,22; Romans 9:4).

WHAT DID THE LAW REQUIRE? The Law required perfection.

"Cursed is he that continueth not in all things to DO them" (Deuteronomy 27:26). Note "do,"-not as thousands of Jews have told me they were "trying to do," even as also thousands of Gentiles have admitted their failure at the same time they wanted to claim salvation by the Law (Galatians 3:10).

WHAT WAS THE PURPOSE OF THE LAW? "That every mouth may be stopped," for by The Law is the knowledge of sin (Romans 3:19,20). The intent of the Law was to reveal sin and bring people, not to self-hope, but to the place of utter self despair. When read thoughtfully, the Law stops all boasting of human goodness.

Some Jewish people have a replica of the Commandments over their door, and I've told them there is no hope of Life in that for the Law says: "You are a sinner." As a mirror reveals the dirt but cannot cleanse; as a thermometer reveals the high temperature but cannot cure, so the Law reveals sin but cannot cleanse or cure.

The Law could not give Life or make righteous (Galatians 3:21). The Law did not produce nearness to God (Exodus 20:18). The Law was a "yoke of bondage" (Acts 15:10; Galatians 5:1). The Law was only like a shadow, it could make no one perfect (Hebrews 7:19; 10:1).

But there was a second purpose for The Law. It was to be a "schoolmaster" to Israel to point to Christ who justifies by faith (Galatians 3:24,25). A "schoolmaster" in Bible days was a servant who conducted the child to the teacher. "Oh, you mean like a school bus," exclaimed a child to whom I was explaining this. He had the idea. The Greek word is like a "guardian."

The term, "The Law," as used here, is The Law given through Moses and as a means of merit with God. It, of course, does not mean the laws of a country, nor the law in the conscience-that is, all know lying, stealing, murder, etc., are wrong. By The Law, we mean The Law as a covenant given to Israel, and for Israel, and for a specific period of time.




Post by: Ambassador4Christ on March 13, 2004, 05:14:43 PM


This brief period began with the announcement by John the Baptist, "The Kingdom is at hand," (Matthew 3:2). On beginning His earthly ministry, the Lord repeated the announcement, "The Kingdom is at hand" (Matthew 4:17). And when He sent His disciples, He told them to give the announcement, "The Kingdom is at hand" (Matthew 10:7). "At hand" meant it was approaching, drawing nigh, near.

This Kingdom was predicted by the prophets to Israel throughout the Old Testament. It was to be an earthly Kingdom, the Kingdom of Heaven on earth, the rule of Heaven over the earth.

The announcement was restricted to Israel-the disciples were told to go only to Israel, Matthew 10:5,6. The Lord came only to Israel (Matthew 15:24).

The teachings of this period of the Announcement of the Kingdom agreed with the announcement; they were the laws of that Kingdom. The "Sermon on the Mount" (Matthew 5-7), went precisely with the Announcement. Note the repeated thought, "Moses said. . . but I say. . ." (Matthew 5:20-45). The Prophet of whom Moses spoke was now in the midst of Israel, and though still within the Law Dispensation, He brought a new era: it was the Law Intensified. For instance, see Matthew 5:27,28. (Incidentally, these laws further point up the impossibility of a salvation by Law for when it is seen the standard is the thoughts [Matthew 5:28], it is very plain all have disobeyed all.)

These laws centered in the Temple (Matthew 5:23,24) where they were to bring sacrifices. The healed leper must show himself to the priest and offer a sacrifice (Matthew 8:4). And they were to obey those who sat in Moses' seat, the scribes and Pharisees (Matthew 23:2,3).

If any smite them, they were to turn the other cheek to be smitten too; if any sue them and "take away thy coat, let him have thy cloak also." And "give to him that asketh thee and from him that would borrow of thee, turn not thou away" (Matthew 5:39-42). "If thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out . . . if thy right hand offend thee, cut it off" (Matthew 5:29,30). They were not to lay up treasures on earth, Matthew 6:19. They were not to think about what they would eat or wear tomorrow, Matthew 6:31. They were to seek the Kingdom and to pray for it to come (Matthew 6:33; 6:10).

The Disciples were to cleanse lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons, not to take money for their journey nor to take an extra coat or shoes (Matthew 10).

If you read these without trying to "devotionalise"--explain them away--you will say, "those are impossible laws." And right you are! The reason they could be possible for that specific period was that the Lord, Himself, was there with His disciples. So, for instance, they needed no money because He could provide coins from a fish's mouth or could multiply the loaves and fishes for food. You see the teaching went precisely with the period. The teaching was (1) to the Nation Israel only. (2) When they had the Temple. And (3) when the Messiah was there with them.

This announcement period was Israel's Day, a time during which the Nation Israel could prepare to receive the Kingdom. The preparation was that Israel must repent and be baptized for the remission of sins. The baptism was absolutely necessary for the forgiveness of sins (a law ordinance imposed). God's plan for the Kingdom was a whole nation of priests (Exodus 19:6; 30:19-21; Num. 8:5-7, 21), hence the ceremonial sprinkling of all Israel was demanded. But what did the Nation Israel do? First, John, the forerunner, was murdered, and second, they crucified the King (Luke 23:18-23).


Post by: Ambassador4Christ on March 13, 2004, 05:16:04 PM

On the cross the Lord prayed, "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do" (Luke 23:34). They had not known that the One they were crucifying was "The Lord of Glory." Though Grace as a Dispensation had not yet come, God acted in Grace to Israel; the prayer was answered and God's program for Israel continued. After the Lord's death, resurrection and ascension, Peter made the offer of the Kingdom to "ye men of Israel." The offer was on the basis of Israel's national repentance (Acts 3:12-21) (times of refreshing-the return of Messiah right then if the Nation Israel would repent). That offer was the climax toward which all the 2000 years of Old Testament promises had moved. It was, therefore, the great crisis period for Israel.

Some characteristics of that period were: (1) the offer was to Israel only. (2) The Temple was still the center for the Apostles (Acts 2:46; 3:1). (3) They had been given spiritual power, i.e., capability, by the Holy Spirit, for the special service they had in that crisis period. (4) Their orders were to be found in Matthew 28:19, 20; Mark 16: 15-18; Luke 24:47,48; John 20:21-23 and Acts 1:8. They began at Jerusalem, taught and practiced the Law; they healed, raised the dead, spoke in other languages, and they remitted sins. And (5) they spoke with boldness for they, "the little flock," had been promised the Kingdom and that they would sit on 12 thrones judging Israel. Peter knew he was going to displace the Sanhedrin! He didn't know when. (6) The Believers practiced the laws of the Kingdom. They sold all and had "all things common." Since all were miraculously filled by the Spirit, they had beautiful harmony, a foretaste of the Kingdom. Things were going according to schedule for the period of the Offer of the Kingdom to Israel.

There was everything to authenticate the Offer to Israel. But what did the Nation Israel do with the Offer? The Nation jailed the Apostles, and finalized their rejection of the Offer by murdering Stephen, Acts 7. They then continued deeper into apostasy even to the worship of Herod (Acts 12:22, shades of anti-Christ).

Present at Stephen's murder was a young man named Saul (Acts 7:58). Acts 9, the record of Saul's conversion, is a pivot chapter of the Bible marking a great change. (1) The miraculous signs gradually faded out. (2) Israel's prominence diminished and the Gentiles came into the picture. (3) Peter, the Apostle to the Jews, is not mentioned after Chapter 15, and instead Paul speaks. (4) The message changed. Instead of be baptized to receive the forgiveness of sins (Acts 2:38), we hear an entirely new message: all that believe on the Lord are forgiven (Acts 13:38,39). (5) Gentiles and Jews are offered salvation by believing only on the Lord. (6) After the climax of Israel's fall, the transition to the Grace Dispensation was gradual.

From the foretaste of the Kingdom in the early chapters of Acts, we see that after Paul's conversion the balance of Acts is a transition, a "bridge," leading to the new Dispensation. How the book opens up when read with that in mind! But what about the earthly Kingdom that seemed to be beginning? At Israel's rejection of the Offer, that Kingdom was postponed, delayed. However, as those words seem to imply imperfect planning (of which God is not guilty), I cast about in my mind for a better word. And I thought: the Kingdom is being held up like "in a trust" at a bank until certain conditions are met, and Israel cannot have it until then-finally, Oh! "put in escrow"-that is the word I want. At Israel's "fall," the prophecy clock stopped, and Israel became in the same class as the Gentile nations, alienated from God.




Post by: Ambassador4Christ on March 13, 2004, 05:17:24 PM

The Grace Dispensation is the one in which we live. "If you have heard of the dispensation of the Grace of God. . ." (Ephesians 3:2). Though this Grace Dispensation is now 1900 years old, still today, so many seem not to have heard! If you should go to 10,000 doors and ask if they had heard, how many would tell you, "yes"?

What is God's offer for this Grace Dispensation? The offer is individual salvation on the sole basis of depending upon the Lord Jesus Christ, His work, not yours! Please read Romans 4:5 several times and think: what does it say? "To him that worketh not but believeth on HIM that justifies the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness." (Justified means given a righteous standing.) Justification and reconciliation for the alienated, for the ungodly. is offered free, no works involved, nothing to pay or to do (2 Corinthians 5:19, 20). That is the AMAZING GRACE OF GOD!

How many hundreds of people I've talked to who said, "Oh, if only I could know if I've done enough (works, charities, rituals, etc.)." Of course you have not; no one has; it's not that way at all; Heaven is not up for trade! It is by GRACE only.

If any say, you make it too simple, or it's not that easy, I reply: when you add law-keeping, you make it too hard, in fact, you make it utterly impossible! For the Lord is not receiving any on the basis of human works in this Dispensation. If any think some works or rituals are involved for them to do for salvation or to keep salvation, they are trusting in works and not in the Lord Jesus Christ only, and so they are still lost. Any who trust in works, that is, think that salvation is by some human work or partly by some human works or goodnesses, are under the curse (Galatians 3:10).

Salvation is not part law and part grace, not part your works and part Christ's. Works and grace, being opposites, are not to be mixed (Romans 11:6). For by Grace are you saved by believing (Ephesians 2:8,9), not by works of righteousness which we do (Titus 3:5). There are 147 other Scripture passages that teach salvation by believing only.

Grace is the only hope for the guilty. Grace is the gift for beggars-for those who recognize themselves condemned by the Law. Some say spiritually bankrupt, but bankrupt implies you once had something; so it is even more the realization-not only I have nothing, but I never had a thing to merit God's acceptance. Have you so realized yourself?

Though Grace is free, it is not "cheap." It cost all the Lord suffered to make salvation possible for you. Those who think they should be accepted by their works or partly by their works are insulting the work the Lord did, for they are saying it was not enough, not sufficient. God saves by Grace because He is satisfied that the work on the cross was sufficient, and by it every claim against you has been paid. Why aren't you, likewise, satisfied with a salvation by Grace?

The saved person of this Dispensation is one who, seeing himself as a sinner, has believed on the Lord for salvation and who, because of having believed, knows: I have believed on the Lord and I know I am thereby saved.

Since salvation is by Grace, it is completely secure (John 3:16; Romans 8:35-39). How life may be lived after one is saved is given in another chapter. Works pleasing to the Lord are possible after one is saved, the works flowing from the salvation already possessed (but it is not doing works to try to attain to salvation-there is a whole world of difference).

The Law was given to Israel; the Announcement and the Offer of the Kingdom were to Israel. In the Dispensation of Grace, to WHOM is the offer made? The offer of salvation by GRACE is open to all, Gentiles and Jews. In this Dispensation, there is no difference for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God (Romans 3:22,23). At Israel's fall the Nation became in the same class as the Gentile nations, that is, alienated from God. If a Jew is saved, it is by depending on the Lord's death on the cross for him. If a Gentile Is saved, it is by the same way. The responsibility to believe is personal; the offer today is to individuals. No one has a priority. There is equal opportunity for Gentiles and for Jews to be saved.

In the previous 2000 years before the Grace Dispensation began, the only way a Gentile could come to the Lord was on the "skirt" (Zech. 8:23)--we would say "coattail"--of a Jew, that is by becoming a proselyte to the Hebrew religion. Also previous to the Dispensation of Grace, some work was required as well as faith for salvation. For instance, Abel and Noah did the required works (see Hebrews 11:4,7, for explanation of the Genesis record). Under the Law Dispensation, it was obvious works were required constantly. And in the periods of the Announcement and the Offer of the Kingdom, there were works to do including a law ritual. So the Dispensation of Grace was a complete change from anything that had gone before. As the Law Dispensation with its continual sacrifices, "do or be cut off," was entirely different from what was offered before it, so the Grace Dispensation is entirely different from what went before-no works at all for salvation.

"The only chapter I'll be interested in is the one on Grace for that's what I need," a friend said on hearing of the prospects of this book. So say we all. However, Grace is appreciated the more as we see mankind's complete failure under all the other dispensations. The unique jewel of Grace shines all the brighter against the background of mankind's failure under the other offers God made previous to the offer of Grace. It is serious error when the offers of other Dispensations are preached in this Dispensation of Grace. Some may preach good things but if salvation by Grace is omitted, it is the "fatal omission." By inspiration, Paul wrote that even though an angel from Heaven preach any other gospel unto you than that which he, Paul, preached, let him be accursed (Galatians 1:8; 2 Corinthians 11:14,15).

The Grace Dispensation was not prophesied. ("What if" Israel had accepted that bona fide offer by Peter? The prophesied tribulation could have come and passed swiftly and be followed immediately by the Millennium. The Gentiles would have been blessed, hear of salvation, through Israel, rather than now apart from Israel.)

The Grace Dispensation was "hidden." It was a "sacred secret," a mystery made known to Paul by revelations (Ephesians 3:2-5; Colossians 1:24-26; Galatians 1:1,11,12 and 2:2,7,9). The word mystery (secret) means God "kept His mouth closed" about this until He revealed it to Paul. Paul (Saul) who had been the leader against the Messianic church, was saved in Acts 9. Then by abundant revelations from the Lord in glory he was made the leader of the new Dispensation (Romans 11:13). Salvation by Grace alone was not proclaimed until Paul made it known. Paul did not learn about Grace from the 12 Apostles. They learned from him, and later Peter told people to grow in the thing Paul taught-Grace. "Grow in Grace" (2 Peter 3:18).

At Israel's rejection of King and Kingdom, what a hopeless predicament the whole world was in! For since Israel was God's witness to the " world, how could anyone come to God now that Israel would be set aside as the Gentiles had been?-What utter darkness the whole world would have been plunged into-except that then God revealed the "sacred secret" of the heretofore hidden Dispensation of Grace.


Post by: Ambassador4Christ on March 13, 2004, 05:18:27 PM

The Dispensation of Grace will be brought to a sudden end by the Lord's coming in the air, the Rapture. The word "rapture" is the English form of a Latin word in the Latin Vulgate (translation from Greek into Latin about 400 A.D.). The Greek word means lift up, catch up, catch away, pluck up, or pull up. In the English it is translated "caught up."

"For the Lord Himself shall descend from Heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord." (1 Thessalonians 4:16,17)

"Behold, I show you a mystery ("a sacred secret"); We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed. In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump; for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory. O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?" (1 Corinthians 15:51-55)

WHO will be caught up? All from this Dispensation of Grace who have depended on the Lord for salvation. Like a magnet, He will pick up all who have believed on Him. In the twinkling of an eye, every believer will be bodily transported upward to meet the Lord in the air.

While awaiting our departure upward, we are ambassadors and soldiers in the opportunity of holding forth the message of the Gospel of Grace (2 Corinthians 5:20; Ephesians 6:10-18). Also meantime, the Lord is working in believers with a purpose to transform us to be like Christ (Romans 12:1,2). At the instant of the Rapture, that work will be miraculously completed (Romans 8:29; Philippians 1:6). The old sinful nature will be left behind, never to be a grief to us again.

That departure is the next event in God's program. It may be at any moment, for there are no prophecies to be fulfilled before that event. No "signs" are to be looked for; instead, we serve, wait, look, and long for the Lord Himself (Philippians 3:20,21; 1 Thessalonians 1:9,10). We are "looking for that blessed hope and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ" (Titus 2:13).

Some think of the "Lord's coming" as a reference to the death of the believer. But at the Lord's return, the bodies of believers will come OUT of the graves. O death, where is thy sting? - for living believers will be translated, escaping death, cheating death of its sting. O grave, where is thy victory? - for the bodies of believers who have died will escape from the graves, cheating the grave.

As the looking for the Lord fills our hearts with delightful anticipation and expectation now, how much more will the reality bring inexpressible and unending joy!

Always note the sharp contrast in references to the Lord's coming for believers with the references to His return to set up His earthly Kingdom. Another contrast is that the rewards to be given after the Rapture concern work done, whereas salvation and being caught up are by Grace only, no works are involved.


Post by: Ambassador4Christ on March 13, 2004, 05:19:47 PM

(a) Salvation is a present possession and by grace through faith.

(b) Rewards are future and on the basis of service.

(a) The judgment of works, only for Believers.

(b) The great white throne judgment, only for unsaved and 1000 years later.

(a) The Lord's coming in the air, The Rapture (1 Thessalonians 4:16,17).

(b) The Lord's return to the earth, The Revelation (Zech. 14:4).

 (a) Believers of this Grace Dispensation are ambassadors in alien territory, and before God's declaration of war (The Tribulation), we will "be flown out," i.e., depart, disappear upward-Homeward bound! The Greek word, "apostasia," was translated in 2 Thessalonians 2:3, "falling away," which most think of as apostasy. But the word in itself does not mean departure from truth; it means merely a departure. Liddell and Scott Lexicon gives as one meaning, "disappearance." It is the same word as is used in II Cor. 12:8- Paul asked the Lord that the thorn in the flesh might depart, be removed, disappear. And also as in 2 Timothy 2:19--"Let everyone that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity."

(b) Only after the 1 Thessalonians 4:16,17 "departure" or "disappearance" will the Antichrist be revealed, and only then will God resume dealings with the Nation Israel.

(a) At the Rapture the Dispensation of Grace ends. (Unsaved: do not delay for Now, NOW, NOW is the day of salvation [2 Corinthians 6:2]. Be in time!)

(b) And in a second after the Rapture, the Israel prophecy clock starts again.

It is important to distinguish between the Lord's return for the Rapture and the Lord's return to reign, The Revelation. There have been books and preaching regarding various signs, wars, inventions, etc., and claims made that these indicated it was time for the Rapture. Perhaps it is because of disappointments in those date settings that talk of the Rapture does not seem to be heard at present as much as a few years ago.

Date setting is not proper in our dispensation for ours is a timeless and signless dispensation. The Tribulation period will be entirely different, and in it perhaps even the year of The Revelation may be known, for again the world will be in a period of signs and fulfilled prophecy. Meantime, The Rapture is indeed our Blessed Hope (Titus 2:13).

One day many years ago as a mother and small son walked along the street, the wind lifted her hat and took it tumbling away. She turned to retrieve it. The boy, not having seen what had happened and suddenly finding himself all alone, thought surely the Lord had come. One evening several years ago a neighbor child (whom we had told about the Rapture) came to our door. He was so excited he could scarcely explain himself.

"Oh, you are still here! I thought the Lord had come-look at the sky!" We stepped outside the door and looked. The whole eastern sky was aflame-he had seen something burst! (The unusual sight was caused by an experimental weather balloon from Wallops Island.)

After a few days at a ranch in the West, where we've been privileged to go, books, papers, camera, hiking boots might be dropped when unpacked or where taken off-all seems clutter. But suddenly about Thursday, things are all quickly put in their proper places. Why? Oh. it is getting toward the weekend and the owner may come. Likewise, spiritually we are enabled to put so many things in proper perspective knowing that our "Owner' may be on the way. Joyful anticipation!


Post by: Ambassador4Christ on March 13, 2004, 05:22:03 PM

Satan, the god of this world (2 Corinthians 4:4; Ephesians 2:2), manipulates nations, rulers and finances. Through the news media, TV, schools, apostate churches, and the money situation, he is grooming and conditioning the world to welcome his masterpiece of deception, the Anti-Christ. Most of the world is totally unsuspecting of this mind control and financial manoeuvring. Perhaps Satan is also grooming the Anti-Christ, he who will "come in his own name" (John 5:43). But, of course, the Antichrist will not be revealed until Believers have departed upward (2 Thessalonians 2:3).

In the Tribulation there will be "the Beast out of the sea," the political power ruling from Rome, the head of the revived Roman Empire (encompassing all nations, Revelation 13:7), and "the Beast out of the earth," the Antichrist, a Jew, ruling from Jerusalem. Antichrist, also called the "false prophet," will be the real world ruler of the Tribulation period. He will sit in the temple "setting himself forth as God," (2 Thessalonians 2:4, Am. 1900 tr.). There will be a "one church" and "one world" of complete controls. This is the obvious goal of certain forces. The first part of the Tribulation will be an imitation millennium. They (not we) will be saying "peace and safety" (1 Thessalonians 5:3).

The Nation Israel will again be in prominence for the Tribulation "is the time of Jacob's trouble," (Jeremiah 30:7; Matthew 24:21; Daniel 12:1). The Tribulation is the last "seven" (7 years of Daniel's prophecy of seventy sevens. The word for week in Hebrew is seven. It is clearer to translate it seven.) At Israel's rejection of the Kingdom, the prophecy clock stopped (like a "stop watch"). It will start ticking again when the Tribulation opens.

"I will go and return to My place TILL they acknowledge their offence and seek My face; in their affliction they will seek Me early." (Hosea 5:15)

"I will pour upon the house of David and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem the Spirit of grace and supplications, and they shall look upon Me whom they have pierced and they shall mourn. . . in that day there shall be a fountain opened to the house of David and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem for sin and for uncleanness." (Zech. 12:10-14 and 13:1)

The question was asked: since the Tribulation opens with only lost people on the earth, how do they ever hear the message of God's Word?

(1) The Written Word will still be in existence (Antichrist will not be able to destroy every copy so quickly). (2) There will be the two special witnesses of Revelation 11:3-12.

All 12 tribes were in the land when the Saviour came; all 12 heard the preaching of Peter that the One they had crucified had arisen. And in the Tribulation, 12,000 from each of the 12 tribes of Israel will be among those who will look to the Lord and they will be the evangelists of the Tribulation period, (Revelation 7:4). They will preach "the Gospel of the Kingdom in all the world for a witness unto all nations." (Matthew 24:14). They are "the Lord's brethren" of Matthew 25:40 (but this is not a proper title for the unbelieving Jews today).

In the Tribulation, entirely different conditions will prevail than in this dispensation. For instance, there will again be a Sabbath (Matthew 24:20). It is the Nation Israel being dealt with as a Nation. The earthly Kingdom is the hope, verse 14. (Compare that with the hope of Believers in the Dispensation of Grace. The Kingdom disciples' prayer, "Give us this day our daily bread,'" and the most desperate cry, "Thy Kingdom come," will fit for the awful conditions in the Tribulation.

"What will you do?" The question came as we were talking of the Tribulation and that no one will be able to buy or sell without the mark of the Antichrist in hand or on forehead (Revelation 13:16,17). "I will not be down here then for every saved person will have mysteriously departed upward before the Tribulation opens," was the joyful answer.

In the Tribulation God's present restraint over the world will be lifted, and at the end His judgments will fall. God's wrath will finally come upon the world which has spurned His Son and His offer of salvation by Grace.

The Gentiles and Israel rejected the Lord (Acts. 4:27).

"We got rid of him 1900 years ago," Jews have told me; and the Gentiles stand in pulpits and try to get rid of Him out of people's minds, denying His deity, sinlessness, resurrection, return, His Word, and His Grace. But God has been silent; deserved wrath has been stored up, held back, all during the age of Grace (Romans 2:5).

When His wrath descends, it will be indescribable wrath, well deserved. Gentiles and Jews will rush to the dens in the mountains to try to find a hiding place from that wrath (Revelation 6:15-17) but in vain.

The nations gather at Armageddon against the Lord (Psalm 2). They will be dealt with swiftly by the Lord's coming, called "The Revelation" (Revelation 19:11-21).

Note these contrasts between the "Rapture" and "The Revelation":

At the Rapture, the Lord comes FOR His saints, Believers of this Grace Dispensation.

At the Revelation, He comes WITH His "shining ones," angelic hosts (Jude 14).

At the Rapture, the Lord comes in the air.

At the Revelation, the Lord comes to the earth.

The Rapture may be a secret from the world.

At the Revelation, "every eye shall see Him" (Revelation 1:7).

Before the Rapture, no "`signs" are mentioned.

Before the Revelation, many "signs," including complete darkness over the earth (Matthew 24:29: Mark 13:14: Luke 21:25-28). "Signs" always have to do with Israel.

The Rapture may be at any moment. It is imminent, impending.

The Revelation is not now imminent for it will be preceded by the Rapture and the Tribulation period.

At the Rapture, the Lord comes to take UP from the earth the Believers of the Grace Dispensation.

At the Revelation, the Lord returns to set up His reign ON the earth (The Kingdom of Heaven. the rule of Heaven over the earth--Zech. 14:4; Acts 1:11 ).


Post by: Ambassador4Christ on March 13, 2004, 05:24:43 PM

The Millennium will be the one thousand year reign of the Lord Jesus Christ over the earth, Revelation 20:6. It will be the promised earthly Kingdom, the Kingdom of Heaven on earth, the rule of Heaven over the earth--the "times of refreshing" offered in Acts 3:19-21.

Who goes into the Millennium? The Millennium will open with only saved people left on the earth. They will be (1) the Remnant of Israel who looked to the Lord in the Tribulation, 12,000 from each Tribe, plus others and (2) the people of Matthew 25:34 (those who hearkened to the message of the Remnant of Israel and so very naturally treated the messengers well). These are to be "left" on the earth for the Millennium. Those who did not receive the message will be "taken" for judgment (Matthew 25:41 and 24:40,41). There will also be the resurrected believers from past Dispensations (Dispensation of Grace excepted).

The conditions on earth will be very different from now because: (1 ) Satan will be bound, Revelation 20:2. (2) The rightful and righteous King will be ruling over all. (3) There will be peace, because the Prince of Peace will be in charge of affairs. (4) Even in animals there will be a change, Isa. 11:6-9, and in nature (Isaiah 55:12,13). (5) Everyone will have his own vine and fig tree, Micah 4:4; everyone will work; poverty and fear will be banished. (6) "The earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea" (Hab. 2:14).

The Millennium will not be a Kingdom won by Israel striving in unbelief to possess the land, as we see them doing today. It will be a Kingdom not to an Israel who yet rejects the Chief Cornerstone, but to an entirely changed Israel, the Remnant which will have turned to the Lord in the Tribulation and who will welcome the Lord's rule over them, no longer "a disobedient and gainsaying (answering back) people," (Romans 10:21).

To those who object to God's giving a place to Israel in the Millennium: let them consider that it will be to a regenerated Israel. And consider too: were you, a Gentile, of any use to God before you were saved? No, rather you may have even hindered God's working. So with Israel, once of no use and hindering, but when regenerated, they become His servants, a kingdom of priests.

The Lord Himself will be in prominence. He will be vindicated of all the evil that has ever been spoken against Him. What a relief! The first time He came, He was spat upon. But at His second coming to rule, no spittle will mar His face. And we who have stood with Him and for Him against the ungodly speeches against Him (Jude 15) will also be vindicated.

The Millennium is a Kingdom on earth. Contrast this with the sphere of Believers from the Dispensation of Grace who will have been transported by the Rapture. Our Home will be in Heaven-much higher and much better even than an earthly Kingdom of Peace.

At the close of the Millennium, Satan is loosed for a season so the many people born on earth during the Millennium may be tested. Some side with Satan, but Satan is quickly sent to his final doom in the Lake of Fire (Revelation 20:10).

Then will follow the great white throne judgment to which all unsaved of all the ages come (Revelation 20:11-15).

After that there will be the never-ending perfect Kingdom (Revelation 21:4).

Post by: Petro on March 16, 2004, 12:33:11 AM
posted by A4C at reply #7
a) Believers of this Grace Dispensation are ambassadors in alien territory, and before God's declaration of war (The Tribulation), we will "be flown out," i.e., depart, disappear upward-Homeward bound! The Greek word, "apostasia," was translated in 2 Thessalonians 2:3, "falling away," which most think of as apostasy.

Mr Brown, here has inserted the rapture into a passage of scripture which clearly is teaching an apostasy from the truth, which in the end reveals the son of perdition the man of Sin.

Even the order of it is confused, the apostasy, happens after the rapture he says, and then claims the rapture is the apostasy..............???????

This is a terrible butchering of the Greek definition of the word "APOSTASIA" the Greek word translated into Englisgh "falling away"- is defined as #646 "apostasia"  as a departure or , defection from truth, fallen away, forsake, - does not mean departure as this indiviudal wants to mean, at all.

But the word in itself does not mean departure from truth; it means merely a departure.

This is clearly FALSE
...apostasia specifically means to depart from the truth...

Liddell and Scott Lexicon gives as one meaning, "disappearance." It is the same word as is used in II Cor. 12:8- Paul asked the Lord that the thorn in the flesh might depart, be removed, disappear. And also as in 2 Timothy 2:19--"Let everyone that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity."

Both of these verses contain the translated word depart  #868 aphistemi to; to remove, instigate to  revolt, desist, to desert, depart draw, (fall) away, refrain, withdraw self, but notice how the same word aphistemi  depart is used in the following verse;  

1 Tim 4
1  Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart#868 [aphistemi[/i] from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;
2  Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;

This is the same falling away spoken of by the Apostel Paul at 2 Th 2:3

Jesus used this same word at;

Lk 13
27  But he shall say, I tell you, I know you not whence ye are; depart from me, all ye workers of iniquity.

This is the second time, that the passage at 2 Th 2:3, has been used to try to prove that the falling away in this passage of scriptures means or is refering to a rapture, when clearly the word depart at 1 Tim 4 states what they are departing from "from the faith", this is apostasy

(b) Only after the 1 Thessalonians 4:16,17 "departure" or "disappearance" will the Antichrist be revealed, and only then will God resume dealings with the Nation Israel.

The anti christ is the cause of the Apostasy, (falling away from the truth, because of his decption), this is how he is revealed.

According to Mr. Brown here, there is NO DEPARTING from the faith then in the latter days.

YET, If the church and the Holy Spirit are removed from the earth, before the apostasy occurs, and there are no longer any believers left on the earth, nor the one that restrains evil.

What will the remaining apostates fall away from, seeing that they are already APOSTASIAS??

If the rapture already occurred, and these fall away, is this guy, saying they will be taken up also??

This explanantion make no sense at all.  Simply because it is FALSE.

It is a poor attempt at shoring up a Pre Trib Rapture...........

And a poor one indeed....!



Post by: The Crusader on March 16, 2004, 03:58:38 AM
I have no problem at all with the above study, thanks for posting Ambassador. AMEN

Post by: Petro on March 16, 2004, 11:49:36 AM
Well it is not surprising that those who believe in a Pre Tribulation Rapture would ignore obvious difficulties created by the interpretatation of the word apostasia to mean departure, because only by twisting its definition can they continue hoping in something that is not clearly taught in the scriptures.

Only by ignoring the glaring inconsistencies made by this camp can one, conclude apostasia means, to depart which refers to the rapture of the church.

Assuming, for the sake of argument, that APOSTASIA refers to a departure, namely a pretrib rapture, then it seems we are faced with at least two insurmountable difficulties.

First, is the matter of double-talk.

Paul would then be saying, concerning the coming of the Lord and our gathering together unto Him, a clear reference to His  Second Coming, (vs 1), that day will not come except the rapture (apostasia-departure) come first. Huh..........?

This doesn't make sense.

A second and fatal problem for pretribbers is this: they still have the problem of the revelation of the Man of Lawlessness which must take place before the coming of the Lord and our gathering together unto Him (vs 1).

But, pre-tribulationists say the Man of Lawlessness is not revealed until after the rapture and in the middle of the tribulation period.

All of this, of course, is assuming your interpretation of APOSTASIA as a reference to the rapture.

Even most pre-tribulationists reject that interpretation these days.

It is probably best taken as a religion falling away, or a departure from the faith, as in the latter days according to 1 Tim 4:1.

I think people who belong to a certain camp, just simply agree for the sake of agreeing, without spending time, working through the inconsistencies.

Whatever happened to "Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth."

Can anyone who agrees with these interpretations, address these inconsistencies, instead of simply agreeing with them??

The Bible teachers clearly, at 2 Th 2:1-8; The Day of the Lord will come after there is a "falling away" (departure) from the truth (1 Tim 4:1),and the man of sin be revealed (vs 3).



Post by: Shylynne on March 16, 2004, 01:08:06 PM
Even most pre-tribulationists reject that interpretation these days

You got that right.. people are starting to read the scriptures
for themselves. My son was caught up in this belief till i gave him the scripture...LET NO MAN DECEIVE YOU! that the day of the lord is at hand. And as far as the great falling away it may even be caused by this LIE. Hmm.. even the children of Israel seen great wonders before they where taken out of Egypt.  

God bless

Post by: AJ on March 16, 2004, 02:46:04 PM
I see what your trying to say Ambassador you see a secret rapture before the day of the lord. Well i see one too, but its not imminent...i see the man child of rev 12 as some sort of rapture and the woman in the wilderness as being protected from the Antichrist with wings of a great eagle. Anyway my belief on the rapture is that we will only know these things as they come to pass. Thats why i dont like to teach them as this is how its going to be.

Now carry on ;D its a good study

And my god bless you

Post by: Brother Love on March 19, 2004, 06:11:00 AM
This is one of the best studies I have ever read on this subject. Amen Bro :)

Title: Can you Answer? / THE DISPENSATIONS
Post by: His Messenger on July 05, 2004, 03:50:46 PM
Can you Answer?

1.When did the gifts of the Holy Spirit cease?

2. When did Paul cease to be bound for the hope of Israel
and become the prisoner of the Lord for us Gentiles?

3. When was the Mystery, which had been hid in God from the ages and generations, first preached by Paul?

4. When did Paul cease to preach to speak "none other things" and begin giving a message about which Moses and the prophets knew nothing?

5. When did Paul cease to look for the "rapture" and become resigned to die?

6. When did the preaching of the gospel cease to be to Israel first?

7. When did more than one baptism cease to be required and "the one baptism" become God's order?

8. When did "signs following" cease to accompany water

9. What is the boundary line between when Paul advised widows NOT to marry, and when he advised the younger widows to marry?

10. When did the preaching of the Kingdom of heaven cease and that of the church of the Mystery begin?

11. When did both Jew and Gentile cease to be blessed thru faithful
Abraham and begin to be blessed through Christ only?

12. When was the last time Israel became LO-AMMI (not MY people)?

13. When did believing Israel cease to be a chosen nation, a royal priesthood, and a holy nation?

14. When did Paul lose his power of healing?

15. Why is it that in the last seven epistles of Paul, Ephesians, Philipians, Colossians, 1 & 2 Timothy, Philemon,and Titus; there is no mention of:

- The City
- The words "come" or "coming"
- Abraham
- Tree or trees
- Wild Olive Tree
- Graft or grafted

Acts 28:28 is the key to all these answers.

Post by: michael_legna on July 07, 2004, 01:37:22 PM


By H. I. Brown

In a message I gave on Astronomy and the Bible I mentioned Serius, the brightest star. It is blue with flashing red rays like darts of fire. At the close a young girl said in great excitement, "I've seen that! But my mother and sister say I am crazy; they do not see what I see." She was not crazy: She had the better eyesight!

I hope this guy knows more about scriptures than he does about Astronomy as he has this all wrong.

He not only spelled the name of the star wrong but
Sirius is a bright white double-star, not a blue one as he claims and it doesn't have red darts coming off of it.  The little girl we can excuse for being crazy the author we cannot.

But don't take my word for it, check it yourself.

Sirius[sir´Eus] Pronunciation Key, or Dog Star, brightest star in the sky. It is located in the constellation Canis Major (1992 position R.A. 6h44.8m, Dec. -16°42´); its Bayer designation is Alpha Canis Majoris. Sirius [Gr.,=scorching], having an apparent magnitude of -1.45, is exceeded in brightness only by the sun, the moon, and Venus and by Mars and Jupiter at their maximum brightness. A white, main-sequence star of spectral class A1 V, Sirius is about twice the size of the sun and about 20 times as luminous. It is also one of the nearest stars, lying at a distance of 8.7 light-years, so that it has been studied extensively. From an analysis of its motions, F. W. Bessel concluded (1844) that it had an unseen companion, which was later (1862) confirmed by observation. The companion, Sirius B, is a white-dwarf star and has also been the object of considerable study because it is the first white dwarf whose spectrum was found to exhibit a gravitational red shift as predicted by the general theory of relativity.

Post by: Brother Love on July 08, 2004, 05:39:58 AM

michael_legna, you will ever be learning, but never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. (2 Peter 3:18)


Post by: michael_legna on July 08, 2004, 10:05:00 AM

michael_legna, you will ever be learning, but never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. (2 Peter 3:18)


Not from that guy I surely won't, not at least until he gets his facts right.

Post by: Evangelist on July 09, 2004, 04:48:44 PM

There is a problem with his use of the word apostasy in this context. Not good.

OTOH....I remembered taking a picture one time (a looooong time ago), and dug around to find it. Here 'tis.  Taken in '53, using an old Hasselblad with a 2' long telephoto mounted on a tripod. Of course, it shows the typical distortion and coloration applied by our atmosphere....kinda like what the naked eye might tend to perceive.
 Sirius (

Looks kinda spiky, bluish and a little pink on the edges.

Post by: Brother Love on July 11, 2004, 12:04:06 AM

Those who desire to share the truths found in the ministry of the Apostle Paul, should always be on the alert, to be vigilant and using wise insight. We must focus our presentation clearly. Someone has said that many in the world have made a decision to reject our message of Christ. The reason for this may be a poor presentation as to who Jesus Christ really is. In other words, they may NOT have rejected Christ; they have really rejected a poor dispensational presentation of the Lord Jesus Christ. Say it isn't so, but may be it is true? If it might be true, what needs to be changed? How do we refocus? Let's discuss a few considerations that might be of value in witnessing.
As we deal with truth for today, never make an issue sound as if a choice must be made between Jesus versus Paul. This is a loser. There is a story about a minister who was attempting to show how Paul's ministry fits into the Bible as part of God's progressive revelation. His mistake was to appeal to those listening, that they must make a decision between the teachings of Jesus and the later, progressively unfolded truth that Paul was given to bring to light. A believer in the audience took his family and left the church.
Most people will do the same. But, what could have been done to change the final decision from rejection to reception? There needs to be a proper perspective. Who is Paul, anyhow? Is he an apostle? Yes! But let us remember what kind of an apostle Paul claimed to be. He represented Jesus Christ. He was an apostle of Jesus Christ. Paul was a servant. But he was a servant of Jesus Christ.
Here we begin to focus in on the real issue. In explaining Dispensational truth, we want to present the Lord Jesus Christ as the mover, maker and shaker of all that happens in this world today. Let's illustrate.
Remember when Jesus first sent his disciples on a preaching mission? Cf. Matthew 10:1-15 and Luke 9:1-6 They are told where to go, with what message and what preparation and/or provisions are needed. They were to have a tough faith. They were told to leave most everything behind. They were to leave with an empty wallet. There was to be no suitcases. There was to be no change of clothes. This almost sounds like the wilderness journey out of Egypt. God will provide. But at the end of our Lord's ministry, he changes all those former guidelines. Cf. Luke 22: 35-38. He asked them if they had lacked anything when he had sent them out before. They had lacked nothing. But now he charges them to carry the wallet (with something in it) a bag, shoes, a garment and a sword (not to be used to kill). The point to be made is that the Lord made the changes.
Consider this: There are many publishers of Bibles, who make a point of stating that certain Bibles are Red Letter Editions. We are all familiar with this emphasis. They are referring to the words of the Lord Jesus as being in red print for easy identification. These red-letter words are found in the four Gospels, Acts and Revelation. But, there is also a false emphasis not recognized by most undiscerning buyers. That false emphasis is that these words in red are much more important than any other part of the Bible.
We are dealing with sincere efforts by publishers to do a service to purchasers. But it acts as a boomerang, rather than a good buy. Why? There are several reasons. With a perception that these red letters are more valuable than all the black letters, the Bible is now read on a tilt. This is not a normal method for reading and studying the Bible. There is more harm than help given. Readers and students become color prejudiced.
There are many places in the Gospel records where Jesus speaks. John 3:34 says that the one God sent speaketh the words of God. The emphasis of the Lord Jesus as found primarily in John's Gospel portrays all of His words as coming from the Father.
"My doctrine (word, teaching) is not mine, but his that sent me" 7:17 "He that is of God heareth God's words…" 8:47 "He that rejecteth me, and receiveth not my words, hath one that judgeth him: the word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day. For I have not spoken of myself: but the Father, who sent me, he gave me a com- mandment, what I should say, and what I should speak. …………………… whatsoever I speak, therefore, even as the Father said unto me, so I speak". John 12:48-50 "He that loveth me not keepeth not my sayings; and the word which ye hear is not mine, but the Father's, who sent me." 14:24 "For I have given unto them the words which thou gavest me;….." 17:8
The Lord states also that his work and the will he performed were not his, but the Father's. cf. John 4:34; 5:30; 5:36, 38-39; 9:3-4; 10:32, 37 What we have here are the statements of the Lord, that his will, work and words are in a real sense NOT HIS, but are the Father's. Our conclusion : All the words of the Lord Jesus as found in the Gospels should not be in red, but black.
Furthermore, all the words of Paul in his epistles should be the ones in red. Why ? Because Paul states that his message is second hand. They are really not his. He was given everything he taught from the Lord Jesus. Cf. Gal. 1:11-12; I Tim. 6:3; I Thess. 4:15; I Cor. 11:23; I Cor. 15:3.
Our approach, then, to teaching the truth, rightly handling the word of God is to keep a balanced presentation of the Lord Jesus Christ. Our emphasis is on the Lord Jesus Christ and what he is doing today. It is not so much as to what Paul teaches, preaches and proclaims as it is what the Lord Jesus Christ is teaching, preaching and proclaiming through His loyal Apostle, slave and minister, PAUL.

The words are the same. The message is the same. But the method is not to contrast Jesus and Paul. There is a contrast, but it is between the words and teaching of the Lord Jesus when he was on earth and the teachings of the same Lord Jesus who gives further truth and revelation from his place in glory, after the cross, after his resurrection and after his ascension.

Jerry Sterchi

Post by: BigD on July 31, 2004, 06:16:35 AM
Part I
From the commentary of  "THESSALONIANS" by Pastor C.R. Stam

Chapter II - II Thessalonians 2:1-3



"Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ,and by our gathering together unto Him,

"That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, norby word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand. 47

"Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not comeexcept there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the

son of perdition." II Thes. 2:1-3


The Apostle's appeal to the Thessalonian saints not to be "shaken," or “troubled," or "deceived. . . by any means," is based upon the truth of the Rapture.

It was “by" or on the basis of “the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and48 our gathering together unto Him," that he begged them not to falter.

This was their "blessed hope," and he besought them not to let any man take it from them either “by spirit" (i.e., the supposed gift of prophecy), or “by word" (i.e., argument) or “by letter as from us”49 (Ver. 2).

Of all the strong evidences in the Thessalonian epistles that the rapture of believers to be with Christ will precede the Tribulation, the opening verses of II Thes. 2 are certainly the strongest.


One Bible teacher has declared that "there is not one verse of Scripture which explicitly affirms the rapture of the Church before the Tribulation.50

But why need there be? There is "not one verse of Scripture which explicitly affirms" that our Lord was baptized before His temptation by the devil, or that He was crowned with thorns before He was crucified, or that baptism with water is no longer included in God's program for believers, or that God is a Trinity. Yet there is abundant Scriptural proof for all these, and the brother referred to above accepts them all as the truth of the Word of God.

Some time ago one of the author's "post-trib." friends wrote to him:

"The great tribulation is not pleasant to anticipate -- this is a fact (Dan. 12:1; Matt. 24:21,22). But in the light of [a series of Scripture passages] I know by God's grace and strength I can endure the greatest torture or the most gruesome death. Perhaps, brother, I will be called upon one day to prove my word. God only knows. I can rest only in Him (II Tim. 1:7). Paul went through much, as did many first-century Christians. To those individuals, tortured and killed, the pain they suffered could not be any worse than the saints will suffer as individuals in the great tribulation. Praise God for our great and glorious hope, I Tim. 1:1."

How sad this is in view of the following three facts:

1. Paul, in speaking of the Rapture never says one word to prepare the saints for the horrors of the Tribulation. We may be certain that he would have done so if they were to endure its terrors before being caught up to be with Christ.

2. Our Lord, in speaking to His "kingdom" followers did say much to them about the coming Tribulation, but not one word about their being "caught up" to meet Him in the air.

3. Thus, the rapture of believers to be with Christ, is distinctively the hope of the Body of Christ, for which Paul repeatedly urges us to be "looking" and "waiting," encouraging one another in the anticipation of this “blessed hope" (Tit. 2:13).

But wait! There is indeed one blessed passage of Scripture which "explicitly affirms" that the Rapture will precede the Tribulation. It is II Thes. 2:3.

Our respect and admiration for the King James Version grows more profound each year. We believe that KJV stands head and shoulders above all other English ranslations, and perhaps above all other translations in any language. It is in the truest sense a faithful translation. Also, we believe that God has graciousl preserved the Greek Scriptures for us in Textus Receptus, the Received Text of the New Testament, rightly called the Majority Text, the text upon which KJV is substantially based.

Yet here is a case where the KJV translators departed from Textus Receptus, for TR does not contain the words "a falling away" in II Thes. 2:3, but the words "the departure," Gr., hee apostasia. Thus the verse actually reads:

"Let no man deceive you by any means; for that day shall not come except the departure come first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition."

There is abundant evidence for this rendering, as we shall now proceed to prove.


Continued in PART II

God Bless

Post by: BigD on July 31, 2004, 06:22:30 AM

From the commentary on "THESSALONIANS" by Pastor C.R. Stam.


First, our English word apostasy, is not an exact equivalent of the Greek apostasia. The English word apostasy means rebellion, or revolt, against a faith once embraced, but the Greek apostasia means departure, nothing more. Actually the Greek noun apostasia occurs only once more in the New Testament, namely in Acts 21:21, where Paul is informed of the report that he has taught "all the Jews which are among the Gentiles to forsake Moses."

We suggest that even here the word "depart" would be a closer synonym to the rendering "forsake" than would the word "apostatize." To forsake is not exactly to revolt or rebel against, and this is what our English word apostasy means. Furthermore, in this case we are told that it was reported that Paul urged these Jews to "forsake," or "depart from" Moses, and surely Paul did not urge them to any revolt against Moses or his writings. He merely pointed out that now, by grace, they were free from the Law, that the Law had been fulfilled for them by Christ.

In any case, the Record does not say that Paul had taught the Jews who lived among the Gentiles to "forsake" Moses. It says only that the Jews in Judaea had been "informed" that this was the case. This rumor was probably an exaggeration of what he actually had done in teaching that the Law had now been fulfilled by Christ and that believers are delivered from its curse (Gal. 3:13).

But while the noun apostasia occurs only twice in the New Testament, the root verb from which the noun is derived occurs 15 times, and its meaning is easy to determine. We refer to the verb aphisteemi. So that there may be no mistake, we present here a list of every New Testament use of this verb.

Luke 2:37: "departed not from the temple."

Luke 4:13: "the devil…departed from Him."

Luke 8:13: "in time of temptation fall away."

Luke 13:27: "Depart from Me, all ye workers of iniquity."

Acts 5:37: "drew away much people after him."

Acts 5:38: "refrain from these men."

Acts 12:10: "the angel departed from him."

Acts 15:38: "who departed from them from Pamphilia."

Acts 19:9: "he departed from them."

Acts 22:29: "they departed from him."

II Cor. 12:8:"I besought the Lord... that it might depart from me."

I Tim. 4: 1: "some shall depart from the faith."

I Tim. 6:5: "from such withdraw thyself."

II Tim. 2:19: "depart from iniquity."

Heb. 3:12: "in departing from the living God."  

First, the reader should observe carefully that in 11 out of these 15 occurrences the verb in question is rendered depart, departed, or departing, while in the other

four close synonyms are used.

Further, only three out of the 15 are concerned with departure from the truth. And in all three it is clearly stated that the departure is "from the faith" (I Tim. 4:1), "from the living God" (Heb. 3:12), and from that which was "for a while believed" (Luke 8:13), leaving the meaning of the verb aphisteemi itself simply depart -- nothing more -- in all 15 occurrences.

In Luke 4:13 we read that the devil “departed' from Christ. In Acts 12:10 an angel "departs" from Peter. In Acts 15:38 we read that a man had "departed" from Paul and Barnabas. In II Cor. 12:8 we read of Paul's thrice-repeated prayer that a thorn might "depart," or be removed, from his flesh. And so with all the others. Indeed, in two of the 15 cases above the very opposite of apostasy or departure from the truth is involved. In I Tim. 6:5 Timothy is told to depart ("withdraw thyself") from men who are "destitute of the truth," while in II Tim. 2:19 all who "name the name of Christ" are exhorted to "depart from iniquity." Surely these were not instructions to apostatize.

Thus, bear it well in mind, aphisteemi, the root verb of the Greek apostasia, means to depart -- nothing more. Later on we will discuss the particular "departure" referred to in II Thes. 2:3, but first the rendering "a falling away," as compared with "the departure," must be further discussed.



Kenneth S. Wuest, in his preface to II Thessalonians, says in part: "If apostasia and aphisteemi meant what our word ‘apostasy' and ‘apostatize' mean, why did Paul, when using aphisteemi in I Timothy 4:1, feel the need of adding the qualifying phrase, ‘from the faith' to complete the meaning of aphisteemi in that instance of its use? .... The word apostasia, therefore, in its original and pure meaning, unadulterated by the addition of other ideas imposed upon it by the contexts in which it has been used, means “a departure.'"

In explaining why the King James Version failed to retain the rendering "a departure," which they found in the five versions which preceded KJV, Mr. Wuest points out a technical mistake contained in all six versions. Says Mr. Wuest:

"The fatal mistake the translators made 51was in failing to take into consideration the definite article before the word apostasia ... "(Ibid). The article here denotes previous reference, for this wording clearly implies that they already know about it.

The meaning of Paul's words in II Thes. 2:3, then, is that before the Tribulation can come, the "man of sin" must be revealed, and before this can happen "the departure" must come "first."


No "falling away" or "apostasy" had been previously mentioned in either epistle, but in the whole of I Thessalonians and also of II Thessalonians up to this point, the Apostle's very theme had been the rapture of the members of the Body of Christ. Thus here in II Thes. 2:3 he must be referring to "the departure" of the Church to be with Christ. This falls naturally into place with the whole context, for why should Paul exhort these believers not to be "shaken" or "troubled," merely because the apostasy must precede the Tribulation? This would be no comfort. Further, how could they recognize "the" apostasy, much less "a" falling away when it came? The fact is that apostasy is raging now, in our day; it has been throughout the Church's history. Indeed, it began in the days of Paul himself, and he wrote to Timothy, instructing him what to do about it. Thus “a falling away" could be no definite guidepost to the Thessalonian believers. But if, as we have contended, the beginning of the Tribulation awaits the rapture of the members of the Body of Christ, then the very fact that the Thessalonian saints were still on earth was in itself positive proof that the day of the Lord had not yet come.


1. The word apostasia and its root verb aphisteemi, do not, used by themselves, mean “apostasy" and “apostatize." They mean “departure" and “depart," nothing more.

2. II Thes. 2:3 states in the Greek, that the day of the Lord will not come “except the departure come first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition."

3. The term “the departure," with the definite article, denotes previous reference.

4. Paul had written to the Thessalonians in his previous letter about the departure of the members of Christ's Body from this earth (I Thes. 4:16,17) and had even disassociated this from the prophesied “day of the Lord" with the use of the word, “But" in I Thes. 5:1. He had also referred to this “departure" in the phrase ”our gathering together unto Him," in II Thes. 2:1. Indeed, this was the basis for his appeal to the Thessalonians not to be “shaken" or “troubled" by those who would lead them to believe that “the day of the Lord" had already begun. Also, he had “told" them about “these things" while he was yet with them (II Thes. 2:5).

5. “The man of sin" must also be manifested before the “day of the Lord" can come (II Thes. 2:3,4)52 and he cannot be manifested until “the departure" takes place “first."

6. Thus, in addition to many clear proofs that the rapture of the Body will precede the Tribulation we also have a passage which “explicitly affirms" this.




God Bless.

Live Well, Laugh Often and Love the Lord!

Post by: Berean_ on July 31, 2004, 08:30:05 PM
Big D, Ambassador4Christ, and Brother Love...Great to see your posts! I am an Acts 9/mid-Acts dispy. Always good to meet others who know the Word rightly divided. Makes all the difference doesn't it?!!!

Some words in Ambassador4Christ's posts that give me a chuckle...all truth just good wording!

You are a Dispensationalist if you believe salvation is by grace completely apart from any works; if you believe the Nation Israel did not accept their Messiah; if you believe salvation is offered to Gentiles and Jews; if you believe it is all right to have some coins in your pocket, an extra pair of shoes, and another garment; and if you believe each man is to provide for his own household, instead of "all things common."

How many people do not realize this part of the kingdom gospel! This was for Israel. But knowing what dispensation we are in...clears this up.  We should still be doing this if we see no difference.

here was another part:

At Israel's rejection of the Offer, that Kingdom was postponed, delayed. However, as those words seem to imply imperfect planning (of which God is not guilty), I cast about in my mind for a better word. And I thought: the Kingdom is being held up like "in a trust" at a bank until certain conditions are met, and Israel cannot have it until then-finally, Oh! "put in escrow"-that is the word I want. At Israel's "fall," the prophecy clock stopped, and Israel became in the same class as the Gentile nations, alienated from God.

I like the style of this writer...

And the truth he brings out. At Israel's fall Israel became in the same class as those Gentiles nations ALIENATED FROM GOD.

Keep up the great posts you guys...I love reading them...get out the truth, so all men may see the Mystery and the message Paul brought to us, the Body of Christ.

Oh to know Paul's message...

Post by: Brother Love on July 31, 2004, 09:57:38 PM
Thanks BigD and Berean, you both have made my day. :)

"Grace & Peace"

Brother Love :)


Post by: Berean_ on July 31, 2004, 11:15:20 PM
Thanks BigD and Berean, you both have made my day. :)

"Grace & Peace"

Brother Love :)


Brother Love..I have been reading your posts for some

Good to see Big D here with his very imfomative posts. More people are needed like this man! Hope to see more of him.

I was here a few months ago...I will be back now more often.

God bless!

Post by: Brother Love on August 06, 2004, 06:14:12 AM
Thanks BigD and Berean, you both have made my day. :)

"Grace & Peace"

Brother Love :)


Brother Love..I have been reading your posts for some

Good to see Big D here with his very imfomative posts. More people are needed like this man! Hope to see more of him.

I was here a few months ago...I will be back now more often.

God bless!

Berean_ Please stay with us :) I LOVE You Man ;D

Please Check Out and add some web-sites and studies

MY FAVORITE WEB-SITES AND STUDIES;action=display;threadid=1563;start=0


Your friend and brother

Brother Love :)


Post by: Berean_ on August 07, 2004, 10:47:30 PM
Thanks BigD and Berean, you both have made my day. :)

"Grace & Peace"

Brother Love :)


Brother Love..I have been reading your posts for some

Good to see Big D here with his very imfomative posts. More people are needed like this man! Hope to see more of him.

I was here a few months ago...I will be back now more often.

God bless!

Berean_ Please stay with us :) I LOVE You Man ;D

Please Check Out and add some web-sites and studies

MY FAVORITE WEB-SITES AND STUDIES;action=display;threadid=1563;start=0


Your friend and brother

Brother Love :)


Thanks for directing me to the thread! I got caught up in the study on baptism...great!

I have a lot of Stam's and Sadler's books...everyone should  :D  Have you ever read any of Joel Finck's books?

Great reading your posts and so many others here.  Thanks!

Post by: Brother Love on August 13, 2004, 06:45:08 PM
QUOTE Berean_ : Thanks for directing me to the thread! I got caught up in the study on baptism...great!

Your welcome Bro :)

I have a lot of Stam's and Sadler's books...everyone should

I agree Bro :)
   Have you ever read any of Joel Finck's books?

YES!!! and he has a web-page

Great reading your posts and so many others here.  Thanks!



Post by: Brother Love on August 20, 2004, 04:28:02 PM
