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« Reply #390 on: July 30, 2008, 11:55:31 AM »

Little known of Obama's Social Security plan
Jim Brown - OneNewsNow - 7/30/2008 8:00:00 AM

An economic policy expert says Barack Obama needs to start divulging more details of his Social Security plan.

Key details remain missing from Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama's Social Security plan, including questions such as what the tax rate might be, what types of income would be taxed, and how the taxpayer's benefit would be affected. Last month he called for a Social Security payroll tax on incomes above $250,000 a year.
Carrie Lukas, vice president for policy and economics at the Independent Women's Forum (IWF), says since Obama does not want to turn Social Security into a savings-based program and realizes the alternative solutions to solving the problem are not politically popular, he is remaining mostly silent on the issue. Lukas says all that is known of Obama's plan is that he sees tax increases as the primary way to solve the Social Security funding problem.
"Tax increases aren't enough to solve the problem," Lukas contends. "Even if you were to entirely eliminate the Social Security cap on wages, on the amount of taxes people pay, it wouldn't entirely erase the Social Security gap. So he's going to need to think about something else, too."
The mainstream media, according to Lukas, appears to content to let Obama get away with not talking about specific policy issues. She believes Obama needs to keep in mind that Social Security has always been an earned benefit, not a welfare program.
"This idea of just lifting the cap or...forcing higher earners to pay incredibly higher taxes in Social Security without increasing benefits is a radical change in Social Security," Lukas adds. "And again, the unfortunate thing is that it wouldn't even entirely erase Social Security's funding problem."
Presumptive Republican presidential nominee John McCain recently called the current system for funding Social Security "an absolute disgrace" and said, "It's got to be fixed."



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« Reply #391 on: July 30, 2008, 12:03:02 PM »

This time the Religious Right is right
Sandy Rios - Guest Columnist - 7/23/2008 10:00:00 AM

"For Obama, faith is not simply political garb, something a focus group told him he ought to try. Instead, religion to him is transforming, lifelong, and real." That's a quote from The Faith of Barack Obama, published by Thomas Nelson, the world's largest Christian publisher, scheduled to be released in early August by author Stephen Mansfield, an evangelical Christian biographer of New York Times bestseller, The Faith of George Bush.

Highly respected Catholic professor at Pepperdine School of Law, Douglas Kmiec is also effusive in his support of Obama: "Obama said he earnestly wants to 'discourage' the practice (of abortion) despite the distortions of some who think if they affix the 'pro-abortion-won't overturn-Roe-label' to the senator, pro-lifers like myself won't give him the time of day. Sorry, good friends, not this year," he wrote in the Chicago Tribune.
Kmiec was reporting on a recent meeting with Obama that included Franklin Graham, Bishop T.D. Jakes and about 30 other religious leaders. Late in 2006, Obama had stood on the stage of Rick Warren's influential Saddleback Church, declaring his faith in the context of fighting HIV/AIDS, gladly taking on the mantle of implied endorsement.
Soon the Obama campaign will begin appearing on Christian radio and Internet outlets, and they'll be hosting thousands of "American Values House Parties," where attendees will discuss Obama and religion.
Yes, indeed. The Barack Obama campaign has a wonderful plan for your life...especially if you are an Evangelical. And he has plenty of help to expedite the plan.
But one stubborn Evangelical is calling out the charade: Dr. James Dobson, respected founder of Focus on the Family and unquestionably the current leader of the "Religious Right." "I think he's deliberately distorting the traditional understanding of the Bible to fit his own worldview, his own confused theology," Dobson declared on a recent broadcast.
So, who's right? Is Barack Obama deliberately distorting the Bible and Christian theology as a means to a political end or is he, in fact, a man of great faith?
Stephen Mansfield wrote, "Young evangelicals are saying, 'Look, I'm pro-life but I'm looking at a guy who's first of all black' — and they love that; two, who's a Christian; and three, who believes faith should bear on public policy."
But at a 2006 "Call to Renewal" conference, Barack himself said, "If God's spoken, then His followers are expected to live up to God's edicts regardless of the consequences. To base one's own life on such uncompromising commitment may be sublime, but to base our policymaking on such commitments would be a dangerous thing." Translated: First, faith should not bear on public policy. Secondly, Barack Obama will not be seeking what he calls "sublime."
Kmiec insists Obama, "earnestly wants to 'discourage' the practice" of abortion." Then how come Obama has a 100 percent voting record supporting it? — has opposed any and all restrictions on it? — and has NARAL and Planned Parenthood fairly salivating at the thought of his election?
Dobson, on the other hand, claims Obama distorts scripture. In a recent policy speech, Obama boasted that he drew his willingness to champion the homosexual agenda from the Sermon on the Mount, not on some passage in the "obscure" book of Romans. I wonder if he noticed that part of Jesus' sermon that said to look at a woman with lust was the same as committing adultery. Did he glean from that passage that to look on another man would somehow be okay? When he mocked the relevance of passages in Leviticus and Deuteronomy, I wondered if he'd read the passage in the Sermon on the Mount where Jesus said, "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets (which includes Leviticus and Deuteronomy). I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them" (Matt. 5:17).
At the 2006 conference, he also chided his audience, "Let's read our Bibles now. Folks haven't been reading their Bibles." He surely didn't have himself in mind, did he? His devotion to scripture must mean he knew about that "obscure" book of Romans — that formative epistle written to the early persecuted church in Rome that transformed Martin Luther and catalyzed the Protestant Reformation and has been the bedrock of orthodox Christian theology for centuries. That obscure book? The one that warns, "The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness...." — and goes on to speak very directly on sexual morality: "Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another....Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion" (Romans 1: 18, 24, 26-27).
This passage would probably be Exhibit A of why Obama thinks to base policymaking on such "uncompromising commitments" would be "a dangerous thing." How would one face homosexual activists with such unflinching certainty?
"For Obama, faith is not simply political garb, something a focus group told him he ought to try. Instead, religion to him is transforming, lifelong, and real," declared Mansfield. The exception, apparently, is when that faith interferes with the reigning public policy orthodoxy on abortion and homosexual rights.
There are other moral reasons to support Obama, argues Douglas Kmiec. Feeding the poor is one of them. "He intends to ask government and non-governmental entities — and you and me — to do our part." But what Professor Kmiec may not know is that Obama really hasn't been doing his part. According to Obama's released tax returns, from 2001-2004 he gave less than one percent of his income to charity.
"He's dragging biblical understanding through the gutter," Dobson declared passionately. And he's right.
With great bravado and eloquent phrasing, Obama twists and turns every phrase so effectively that while championing a radical moral agenda, he feigns strong Christian faith. While boasting concern for the poor, with his own wealth he looks the other way.
A man of deep Christian faith? Not by the definition of the Jesus he claims to serve and the Bible he quotes so frequently.
Thank God for Dr. Dobson's boldness on this one. This time the "Religious Right" is right!



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« Reply #392 on: July 30, 2008, 12:29:28 PM »

"He's dragging biblical understanding through the gutter," Dobson declared passionately. And he's right.
With great bravado and eloquent phrasing, Obama twists and turns every phrase so effectively that while championing a radical moral agenda, he feigns strong Christian faith. While boasting concern for the poor, with his own wealth he looks the other way.
A man of deep Christian faith? Not by the definition of the Jesus he claims to serve and the Bible he quotes so frequently.
Thank God for Dr. Dobson's boldness on this one. This time the "Religious Right" is right!



I think this article was great. As an individual, I can't think of any terms for Obama but con-man. He has taken so many positions over such a short period of time that he now thinks nothing about changing positions daily or more often. He's pretty and gives good speeches, BUT WHO AND WHAT IS HE? I don't have a clue.

By the way, I just sent you an email that has some information you might be interested in. You might also want to check your profile under your name. YEAH!

Love In Christ,

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ways that amaze you. If you're His child you're not the victim of
circumstances. Your future is not in the hands of people, it's in the
hands of God. And what He owns, He takes care of! -- Bob Gass

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« Reply #393 on: July 30, 2008, 12:34:27 PM »

Obama: I’m a Symbol of ‘America’s Best Traditions’

Jonathan Weisman is reporting on his “The Trail” blog that presumptuous Democratic nominee Barack Obama told House Democrats that he believes himself to be the symbol of all that is good in America. It appears that he is beginning to believe the over-the-top hype that he really is the Obamessiah for America. So, will this little Washington Post blog post make waves in the media? Will Barack’s increasingly out-of-control ego become the talk of the day?

Weisman reports that candidate Obama met in a closed door meeting with House Democrats and he let loose with a “real zinger,” as Weisman put it. He told the rapt audience of House members that his candidacy was the moment “the world is waiting for” — as if the whole world clamored for his presence? He went even further than that proving that he may be losing touch with reality and believing his own surreal campaign rhetoric.

“I have become a symbol of the possibility of America returning to our best traditions,” he said.

Wow, the arrogance in that. The hubris, the astounding hubris of it all is overwhelming to anyone that knows even a tiny bit of human history. This is the sort of thing if said by a Republican would be hung around that candidate’s neck like a mill stone. The epithet of “arrogant” would be the tail pinned forever to him and would appear in every single news story. Should a Republican bespeak of himself in such terms, he’d be branded the next Hitler leading us all to ruin.

Why Obama gets a pass for this sort of messianic rhetoric is amazing to me. It also amazes me that his string pullers are allowing him to speak like this. He is building himself up so high that he cannot possibly maintain this level of acclaimed perfection of purpose and spirit. If he wins in November, when the inevitable compromises and missteps begin to occur, and his high flung rhetoric begins to ring hollow, he will assuredly fall far faster and much farther than any common politician. Certainly his reputation as the new messiah will not be able to stand the tarnishing of real life and his mind-numbed fans will awake from their stupor and find themsleves livid at his failures?

Measured by his impossible campaign rhetoric, meteoric rise without being vetted by his fans, and his utterly empty experience, Barack Obama promises to be the biggest failure in our history. And surely his candidacy will drive cynicism to ever greater heights.

Let’s hope that small reports like Weisman’s start to get through to people and cracks begin to appear in Obama’s current teflon coating. But so far, he has been allowed to get away with massive amounts of arrogance in rhetoric and campaign posters. The media has thus far either ignored, made excuses for, or merely joked about this style of campaign he has been running — a style that is only getting more pronounced as the weeks roll on.

Many of you will recall when George W. Bush said that Jesus was his role model. You’ll recall how the media nearly went apoplectic over his use of a religious figure and he’s been called a “zealot” ever since. Well, here we have a candidate who thinks he himself is that religious figure and the media hasn’t even noticed.

If this doesn’t show how they are in the tank for Obama, it’s hard to find a better reason.

He is sounding so very much like the false, self-proclaimed messiahs and prophets that are warned about in the Bible.


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« Reply #394 on: July 30, 2008, 01:27:02 PM »

Obama tied to Iraqi government fraud?
Hundreds of millions in deals with candidate's associates

Posted: July 30, 2008
1:00 am Eastern

JERUSALEM – Sen. Barack Obama's office engaged in six months of negotiations with a company controlled by convicted criminal Tony Rezko to lobby the U.S. government to push through a nixed $50 million contact to train Iraqi security personnel at a site in Chicago.

The contract was awarded to Rezko's company while Aiham Alsammarae, a long-time, close Rezko friend and a contributor to Obama's campaign, served as Iraq's U.S.-appointed electricity minister, the senator's office confirms.

Rezko was a major Obama fundraiser and associate for two decades.

Alsammarae also awarded another Rezko-controlled operation as part of a $150 million contract to construct a 250-megawatt electricity plant in Iraq.

Alsammarae later was arrested by Iraqi authorities for bilking the coalition government out of some $650 million. He was sprung from prison under questionable circumstances in 2006 and escaped from Iraq, where he is still wanted for questioning with regard to major financial crimes.

The information raises questions into the nature of Obama's relationship with multiple deals made by Iraq's Electricity Ministry while Alsammarae was in charge. Obama has ties to Alsammarae and to the recipients of several of the massive contracts Alsammarae handed out.

While he was the electric czar of Iraq for the Coalition Provisional Authority from mid-2003 until mid-2005, Alsammarae granted the $50 million contract to train Iraqis to guard electrical plants to Companion Security, a start-up reportedly controlled by Rezko, his partner Daniel Mahru and a front man, Daniel Frawley, a former Chicago policeman. Frawley has multiple civil court judgments against him for his alleged failure to pay millions in outstanding bills.
The plan was to fly about 150 Iraqis to a site in Illinois for security training, which reportedly would include the use of AK-47 machine guns.

Obama's office did not reply to repeated WND requests for comment. A working number could not be found for Frawley.

Alsammarae did not return WND calls left on his cell phone and at his voicemail at his KCI Consultants firm in Chicago.

The contract with Rezko's group was signed April 18, 2005, one month before Alsammarae left his governmental post.

But Iraq's new electricity minister aborted the deal, complaining the Companion contract was too expensive, according to a U.S. embassy official in Baghdad who spoke earlier this year to the Chicago Sun-Times.

In the spring of 2006, Frawley and his company reportedly reached out to Chicago politicians, including Obama and Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich, to bring pressure to revive the deal, arguing the business would be good for the state.

Blagojevich's office and Illinois Homeland Security reportedly helped by offering an Army depot in Savanna in western Illinois as a site for Companion to conduct the Iraqi training.

Frawley then reportedly reached out to Obama, who in 2006 was a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, engaging in six months of dialogue petitioning the Illinois senator to write a letter introducing the Rezko-connected Companion company to senior Iraqi officials. Frawley met with Seamus Ahern, who runs Obama's Moline, Ill., office.

But Obama, who has denied doing political favors for Rezko, later claimed he did not known Rezko was involved with Companion.

Obama's office declined to help about the same time Rezko was indicted on charges of fraud.

Obama's spokesman Ben LaBolt said, "The Senate staff had two meetings, one conference call and sporadically e-mailed with representatives of Companion Security about their request for Sen. Obama to write a letter introducing the company to senior officials in the Iraqi government."

LaBolt said Obama declined to help in the Companion deal, because "that is not the kind of action Sen. Obama usually takes for individual companies, and our staff concluded on that basis to decline the requested assistance."

LaBolt claimed Obama was not aware of Rezko's connections to the security firm.

LaBolt did not explain how Frawley could have survived the routine vetting of a petitioner by the U.S. Senate office staff when it was a matter of public record that his company was controlled by Rezko.

The nixed Iraqi government deal opens questions into the nature of Obama's relationship with agreements made by various associates with Iraq's Electricity Ministry while Alsammarae was in charge. Obama has ties to both Alsammarae and to the recipients of several of the massive contracts he handed out.

Alsammarae, a dual Iraqi-U.S. citizen, arrived in U.S. in 1976 and currently lives in Chicago and travels frequently to Amman, Jordan, where he maintains a residence despite still being wanted in Iraq.

Alsammarae has described himself as a close friend to Rezko, a former top confidante and fundraiser for Obama. Alsammarae and Rezko had been friends for nearly 30 years, since the two were classmates at the Illinois Institute of Technology.

WND reported Alsammarae posted more than one-third of Rezko's jail bond earlier this year, putting up as surety his $1.9 million Chicago home and two other properties.

Alsammarae contributed the maximum allowable donation of $2,300 to Obama's campaign, sending money six times in January, February and March. Obama donated the funds to charity in April, only after Alsammarae posted bond for Rezko.

As electricity minister, Alsammarae not only granted a Rezko firm the $50 million security training contract but also approved a contract with another Rezko company, Rezmar, to construct a 250-megawatt plant in the Kurdistani city of Chamchamal. That contract was granted to both Rezmar and the London-based General Mediterranean Holdings, which is headed by British billionaire Nadhmi Auchi, who was also involved in a large real estate deal in Chicago with Rezko and others around Obama.

Auchi, a former Baathist who left Iraq in 1979, was convicted in 2003 in a French court of corruption in an oil deal that stretched back to the Saddam Hussein regime. Auchi denies the charges.

Auchi could not be reached for comment

In another connection to Obama, when Alsammarae was jailed in Iraq in 2006, his Chicago-based family reportedly contacted Obama's U.S. Senate office for information. Obama's office passed a written request to the State Department about Alsammarae Oct. 16, 2006, and received a reply from the U.S. consul in Iraq about a week later. The reply was forwarded by Obama's staff to Alsammarae's daughter.

It wasn't immediately clear how Alsammarae landed his electricity ministry job. He was an outspoken critic of the U.S. military campaign in Iraq and publicly has supported Hussein.

In August 2000, Alsammarae, a board member of the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, appeared in Washington alongside celebrities such as Martin Sheen and British politician George Galloway at a demonstration against U.N. sanctions on Saddam's regime.

Even as late as last month, Alsammarae delivered a press conference stating he hoped the insurgency in Iraq "would continue [against U.S. occupation] and avenges the Iraqi people."

American political insiders suggest Alsammarae received major insider help in securing his U.S.-brokered Iraqi government position. Unconfirmed reports point to Alsammarae's previous Baathist background as being a factor in his elevated status in post-Saddam Iraq.

Alammarae was accused in a federal filing during the Rezko federal corruption trial of being the recipient of a $1 million bribe from Rezko to deliver the original Companion deal. No charges have yet been filed, though the accuser is Daniel Mahru, the former partner in the Companion deal.

Alsammarae was the only cabinet-level Iraqi official to be convicted and jailed for misusing money during his time in office. In April, Alsammarae made an appearance on CBS's "60 Minutes" to defend his troubled conduct in Iraq and in the U.S.

An Interpol warrant for his arrest, issued in 2007 at the request of Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki's government, was taken down after Alsammarae was forgiven for some parts of his conduct by an Iraqi legislative initiative, according to Arabic-language Iraqi criminal court documents obtained by WND and translated into English. Alsammarae has been warned by the Maliki government not to return to Iraq. Other charges are still pending, and Alsammarae has been warned by the Maliki government not to return to Iraq.


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« Reply #395 on: July 31, 2008, 10:37:47 AM »

Obama energy policy: 'Inflate your tires'
Candidate claims oil savings would equal new production plans

If you think there isn't urgency to getting Congress to drop its bans on offshore drilling and development of the ANWR oil reserves, listen to what Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama had to say in Missouri yesterday.

"There are things you can do individually, though, to save energy," Obama said. "Making sure your tires are properly inflated – simple thing. But we could save all the oil that they're talking about getting off drilling – if everybody was just inflating their tires? And getting regular tune-ups? You'd actually save just as much!"

That's his energy plan? Inflate your tires? Get more tune-ups?

WND Editor Joseph Farah, organizer of a campaign to step up the pressure on Congress to drop its moratorium on offshore drilling and reverse its decisions to ban exploration for oil in Alaska's ANWR reserves before adjournment at the end of September, says Obama's apparent naiveté illustrates why the country has no time to waste.

"My goodness, it's time to educate America's so-called leaders about the law of supply and demand," he says. "I don't care if they really understand it. But let's make sure Congress acts before it's too late. Energy prices are robbing our country of jobs, seriously hurting real Americans' ability to make ends meet, driving up prices for every other product and service imaginable. This is no time to be talking about tire pressure. Let's put some pressure on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid."

The campaign is picking up steam.

Democratic leaders in Congress have been promoting compromise legislation that opens up new territory for drilling – even while avoiding the critical offshore ban and the ANWR restrictions.

Reid has proposed a plan to open new areas for oil exploration – outraging senior members of his own caucus. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, ever aware of the way average Americans are being squeezed at the gas pump and through rising inflation due to higher energy prices, is supporting the plan.

While the proposal is drawing shrieks from those Democrats occupying safe seats in the House and Senate, it shows how vulnerable congressional Democrats might be to an uprising from voters in November.

But that plan is too little, too late, says Farah.

"It will be a shame if Americans don't hold Congress' feet to the fire before members quietly adjourn for the year," Farah says. "This is an election year and the Democratic majority is clearly out of step with the will of the people on this issue. But the people's will must be expressed clearly and forcefully."

Oil has doubled in price over the past year, triggering inflation and pinching U.S. consumers who are dealing with a depressed housing market, job uncertainty and soaring food costs.

Farah is calling on Americans to flood Congress with e-mails, phone calls, letters and text messages demanding action that can lead the country in the direction of energy independence.

"Right now, that means lifting the moratorium," he says. "That's the first step. If we can't agree on that as Americans today, then we are in for a long period of national economic decline. If we can't push Congress to do the right thing with even a strong majority of Democrats behind us, then this country is simply no longer a place where the will of the people means anything."

Farah's goal is to force Congress to act in the next two months – before it adjourns for the year.

Farah's plan is simple: "I want to bring Congress to its knees," he says. "I want to melt down their phones. I want to flood their e-mail boxes. I want to hold them as political hostages. The ransom demand is to unleash the free market to begin exploring and pumping domestic crude oil and getting it to market as fast as possible. We've got two months days to make our voices heard. Let's make history by bringing this recalcitrant body of elitists into compliance with the will of the people and the rule of law."

After eagerly waiting for someone else to take the lead on demanding action of Congress, Farah came to the conclusion no one else was going to do it.

Farah says it's a national emergency and needs to be treated as such.

"I hope radio talk show hosts across the country will embrace this bipartisan, non-partisan movement," he says. "There is no question in my mind this is what the American people want. Now it's just time for them to impose their will on their elected representatives who, in their chauffeured limousines and taxpayer-supported travel, are hopelessly out of touch with their constituents, with people who are finding it difficult to make ends meet."

Farah says he is convinced Congress will act only if the people steamroll members into action. He points to the way the Dubai port deal and so-called "comprehensive immigration reform" were killed by popular uprisings in recent years.

"We can make this happen, again," he says. "But this time, we won't just be stopping something bad from happening. We will be doing something that is very good for the country – something that will improve the lives of all of us, something that will improve national security, something vital for the future of the nation."

Congress is set to adjourn at the end of September and will take most of August off for recess.

"I'm going to do everything in my power to push Congress into action in the next two months days," Farah says. "I know I can't do it by myself. But I know if the American people get mobilized nothing can stop them. You have to let members of Congress know you are serious. You have to persuade them and their staffs they are not returning to Washington next year if they fail to act in America's interest before they leave town."

Before then, you can reach members of the House and members of the U.S. Senate by calling 202-224-3121. The official House website contains web pages for all members and includes e-mail addresses for most. The official Senate website also contains web pages for all members and includes email address for some.

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« Reply #396 on: July 31, 2008, 10:46:10 AM »

Comments like that and he has the gall to think that he is the intelligent one, the chosen one.  Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

His science on this is just as bad if not worse than Gorebal Warming.

I'm really beginning to think he is on something that he needs to get away from and quick.


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« Reply #397 on: July 31, 2008, 01:03:30 PM »

Comments like that and he has the gall to think that he is the intelligent one, the chosen one.  Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

His science on this is just as bad if not worse than Gorebal Warming.

I'm really beginning to think he is on something that he needs to get away from and quick.

His should've been titled: "Audacity of a Dope". 

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« Reply #398 on: July 31, 2008, 04:54:31 PM »

Comments like that and he has the gall to think that he is the intelligent one, the chosen one.  Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

Brother you might be on something there. The chosen one, to lead the Unites States into destruction??

His science on this is just as bad if not worse than Gorebal Warming.


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« Reply #399 on: August 01, 2008, 10:19:05 AM »

Posted: August 01, 2008
12:40 am Eastern
© 2008 WorldNetDaily

Sen. Barack Obama with Raila Odinga
Barack Obama directly intervened in last December's presidential election in Kenya, supporting fellow Luo tribesman Raila Odinga's candidacy, despite an agreement Odinga signed to back radical Muslims, according to an explosive new book written by WND senior staff reporter Jerome R. Corsi.

In "The Obama Nation: Leftist Politics and the Cult of Personality," Corsi footnotes and discusses two television news videos that fully document his charges.

The first video shows Obama's direct involvement in Kenyan politics to support Odinga, and the second video shows a press conference held by the Muslims who signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Odinga.

"There is nothing on the record to indicate Obama ever withdrew his support from Odinga," Corsi told WND, "even after Odinga signed the agreement with the Muslims in Kenya."

Corsi said that to the contrary, Obama "appears even today to be a direct and active supporter of Odinga, as Odinga himself frequently boasts."

Obama visited Kenya in 2006, while President Kibaki was locked in the election contest against Odinga.

The Kibaki administration objected that Odinga was using Obama's visit to win votes. Obama's repeated public appearances with Odinga and the senator's almost daily criticism of the Kibaki government added to the administration's objections.

A report by Chicago's WBBM-TV news team, which covered Obama in Kenya, shows Obama in Kenya making statements critical of the Kibaki government.

Two separate video segments in the news broadcast document that Obama spoke at the offices of Kenya's oldest newspaper, the Standard, where he accused the Kibaki government of suppressing freedom of speech, and at the University of Nairobi, where he accused the administration of corruption.

The WBBM broadcast noted that criticizing the Kenyan government was "something [Obama] has done almost every day since he arrived in Kenya last week."

The news report also showed repeated clips of Odinga accompanying Obama at various speaking appearances in Kenya, so much so that the news broadcaster commented in the background that Odinga "has been at Obama's elbow here fairly often."

The WBBM news team also interviewed on camera Kenyan government spokesman Alfred Mutua, who accused Obama of meddling inappropriately in Kenyan presidential politics.

Mutua said politely but pointedly that "I think Odinga has to look at critically where he is receiving his advice from. Just because somebody wants to run for president, and he is using Senator Obama as his stooge, as his puppet, to be able to get where he wants to get."

Odinga's agreement with Muslim leaders

Although Odinga professes to be an Anglican Christian, concerns even today continue to circulate that he intends to pursue an undeclared radical Islamic political agenda.

The concerns grew, especially among Kenya's Christian leaders, as rumors circulated prior to the December 2007 presidential election that Odinga had signed a secret agreement with radical Muslim leaders.

Finally, a Memorandum of Understanding, or MOU, which Odinga had signed with radical Muslims was posted on the website of the Evangelical Alliance of Kenya, a national Christian religious organization established in 1975.

What appears documented by Kenyan newspaper and television news reports is that Odinga, representing the Orange Democratic Movement, or ODM, and Sheik Abdullah Abdi, the chairman of the National Muslim Leaders Forum, or NAMLEF, signed an agreement Aug. 29, 2007.

The second news video shows a press conference held during the Kenyan election campaign and broadcast in Kenya by Nairobi-based NTV.

The NTV news report shows Sheik Abdullah Abdi, the chairman of NAMLEF, discussing the MOU point-by-point.

The NTV report ends by showing the three-page MOU clearly enough for the document to be recognized.

"For their own separate reasons, Odinga and Sheik Abdullah Abdi joined forces," Corsi wrote. "Sheik Abdullah Abdi agreed to swing Islamic voters to Odinga in Kenya and Odinga agreed to support Islam should he become president."

Corsi continued, "By endorsing Raila Odinga during his 2006 visit to Kenya, Obama positioned himself to be seen by Kenyans as an important U.S. senator who was joining forces with his Luo tribal kinsman. This positioning further sided Obama with Raila Odinga as he ran against President Mwai Kibaki in the December 2007 presidential election in Kenya."

When Obama decided to support Odinga, Corsi noted, Obama embraced the extreme left wing of Kenyan politics, going back to Raila Odinga's father, Odinga Odinga, known as "Double-O," who was overtly communistic during the presidency of Jomo Kenyatta.

Odinga's current party, the Orange Democratic Party, or ODM, is a leftist-socialist political party that stops short of being openly communist.


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« Reply #400 on: August 01, 2008, 02:30:49 PM »

Obama touts Robin Hood
economic stimulus plan
Strategy: We'll 'take' from rich oil
companies, 'put in pockets' of poor

Sen. Barack Obama announced today an "emergency economic plan" he wants enacted by this fall that would use oil profits to give every "middle-class" American family $1,000.

The full text of the plan is highlighted with subheads that read, "Take a Portion of the Windfall Profits from Big Oil and Put $1,000 in the Pockets of Working Families" and "Forcing big oil companies to take a reasonable share of their record breaking windfall profits and use it to help struggling families with direct relief."

The plan also calls for $50 billion additional spending to bail out states with budget shortfalls, $150 billion per year for developing renewable energy technologies and an additional, permanent tax relief package of $1,000 per year for middle-class families.

According to the plan, oil companies will pay over a five-year period to partly fund the first year's $1,000 "emergency energy rebate check" for couples, a measure the plan calls "a down payment on Obama's long-term plan to provide middle-class families with at least $1,000 per year in permanent tax relief."

The plan does not specify how the Democratic presidential candidate intends to pay for future years' tax relief.

The official announcement states, "Obama simply asks that big oil companies contribute a reasonable share of the windfall profits they receive from high oil prices over the next five years to pay for emergency assistance for families right now."

According to the 2007 joint report of the U.S. Census Bureau and the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2006 there were 58,495,000 people over the age of 15 in the U.S. who might qualify as "middle-class" or "working" individuals, making between $35,000 and $80,000. Multiplying that number by $500 per individual means Obama considers just short of $30 billion "a reasonable share of the windfall profits" for oil companies to pay.

A statement released by Republican presidential candidate John McCain's press corps today cited a list of seven news articles, quotes and reports critical of an oil company profit windfall tax, suggesting such a tax would decrease domestic oil production, punish American businesses while leaving foreign oil companies unscathed and increase the cost of gasoline at the pump.

"The higher taxes that Barack Obama supports are one of the surest ways to kill jobs and exactly the wrong approach to a slowing economy," the statement says. "While American jobs and families suffer from high gas prices, Barack Obama stubbornly opposes additional oil drilling, more nuclear power, and the gas tax relief we need."

Obama's plan states that it intends for families to use the "Obama energy rebate" to offset gas prices or pay for increased heating bills this winter.

"As we help to reduce the burden of rising energy prices," the plan states, "Barack Obama believes it is important not to abandon our commitment to long-term fiscal discipline. That is why he is proposing to offset the cost of his emergency energy rebates over the next five years by enacting a windfall profits tax on big oil companies.

"While oil companies and shareholders need incentives to run well managed businesses that invest in efficiency and innovation, a significant share of the record profits the big oil companies have been making have nothing to do with their management skill. It is the result of changes in the price of oil because of factors like supplies in the Middle East, demand in Asia, and disruptions and distortions in the oil market."

The plan's $50 billion in proposed relief to states and local governments is divided into two initiatives, a $25 billion "State Growth Fund" to help states provide health, education and housing assistance programs and a $25 billion "Jobs and Growth Fund" for building and repairing transportation infrastructure and schools.

Both of the growth funds, according to the plan, are targeted at preventing state job losses.

The plan does not specify how the proposed $150 billion per year for developing renewable energy technologies will be raised or spent.


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« Reply #401 on: August 01, 2008, 07:51:55 PM »

Sen. Barack Obama announced today an "emergency economic plan" he wants enacted by this fall that would use oil profits to give every "middle-class" American family $1,000.

I read the whole article but I have to come back up here to comment.  Does Obama really think that we are that gullible, that with his popularity, hopefully slipping, that he can bribe us for votes?  What does he think we are going to do with a thousand dollars?  Kiss his feet?  I could spend that in a couple of days just getting caught up and maybe a quick trip to the grocery store.
He sounds desparate to me.  And how does he think he can get this enacted by fall?  Is he planning on bypassing the election and moving straight to Monarch?

Mr. Obama I can't even laugh at this one because I'm too quesy at the thought of what a fool you are.

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« Reply #402 on: August 01, 2008, 09:03:03 PM »

I could get 10 times that amount and wouldn't be caught up.


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« Reply #403 on: August 02, 2008, 12:35:51 AM »

How Obama prepped world for the Antichrist

Obama's World Tour was planned as the high point of his campaign, with the candidate retracing the footsteps of great presidents of the past, hobnobbing with world leaders and as one pundit put it, "making the Europeans love us again."

Obama drew huge crowds in Berlin where he addressed them, oddly enough, as "fellow citizens of the world." It was a typically flowery Obama speech, but it hit an unexpectedly sour note when he dramatically intoned:

"People of Berlin – people of the world – this is our moment. This is our time. ... With an eye toward the future, with resolve in our hearts, let us remember this history, and answer our destiny, and remake the world once again."

Pundits on both sides are trying to sort it out. It's a great speech, like I said, if somebody is running for president of the world, but it was too much, even for a compliant and Obama-friendly press corps.

The politically "progressive" newspaper of record, the Washington Post nicknamed Obama the "presumptuous nominee" after his European performance.

The Boston Globe's Boston.com ran a piece in its "Political Intelligence" section called the "Obama Arrogance Watch." David Letterman did one of his signature "Top 10" skits entitled, "Top Ten Signs Obama is Overconfident," leading off with a proposed bill to change Oklahoma to "Oklabama."

The London Sunday Times Online ran a brilliant satire piece called "He ventured forth to bring light into the world."

A sample paragraph: "When he was 12 years old, they found him in the temple in the City of Chicago, arguing the finer points of community organization with the Prophet Jeremiah and the Elders. And the Elders were astonished at what they heard and said among themselves: 'Verily, who is this Child that he opens our hearts and minds to the audacity of hope?'"

Before wrapping up his tour, Obama stopped by to address a gathering of minority journalists in Hawaii, where he once again apologized for what a rotten place America either used to be, or still is. It is hard to tell from his comment, "I personally would want to see our tragic history, or the tragic elements of our history, acknowledged."

(Wouldn't anybody besides me personally like to see somebody in the White House who doesn't think America needs apologizing for?)

Barack has apologized to the French and Germans for Americans who are too ignorant to learn their language before embarking on their once-in-a-lifetime two-week visit abroad.

He's apologized for the simple Midwestern rednecks who, forced to cling to religion and guns to justify their antipathy, just can't help themselves.

There was a time when it was considered unpatriotic to be ashamed of America, but that time is long past. Being proud of America means you are probably a Bush-loving neoconservative, so the only sure way to prevent such misidentification is to apologize for it at every opportunity.

America has never faced so many different crises at the same time in living memory. The war with al-Qaida and Islamic terror, the Iran crisis, Afghanistan, nuclear proliferation, the rising price of oil, the falling dollar, enemy acronyms like OPEC, NAM, OIC, U.N. ... Obama is correct in saying that the world is ready for someone like him – a messiah-like figure, charismatic and glib and seemingly holding all the answers to all the world's questions.

And the Bible says that such a leader will soon make his appearance on the scene. It won't be Barack Obama, but Obama's world tour provided a foretaste of the reception he can expect to receive.

He will probably also stand in some European capital, addressing the people of the world and telling them that he is the one that they have been waiting for. And he can expect as wildly enthusiastic a greeting as Obama got in Berlin.

The Bible calls that leader the Antichrist. And it seems apparent that the world is now ready to make his acquaintance.

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« Reply #404 on: August 02, 2008, 07:48:05 AM »

Brothers and Sisters,

I've been thinking about Obama and what he represents for a long time. My conclusion is really simple, and I'm just going to bluntly say it:  EVIL IS MAGIC, AND IT WORKS QUITE WELL ON EVERYONE BUT REAL CHRISTIANS!

Regardless of what happens in our elections and and other events for this part of the world, Bible Prophecy is going to be fulfilled perfectly. I think that GOD'S Time is near. GOD is going to give many people over to their lusts of the flesh and sin. The devil is going to be turned loose, and great hosts of people are going to be deceived. EVIL WILL WORK QUITE WELL ALL OVER THIS EARTH, AND EVERYONE WHO LOVES EVIL WILL GET MORE THAN THEY CAN STAND! THE END RESULTS OF EVIL WILL BE SEEN AND EXPERIENCED! THE LAST CHANCE FOR REPENTING AND ACCEPTING CHRIST WILL BE GIVEN! MANY WILL ACCEPT CHRIST EVEN UNDER PENALTY OF DEATH. IN FACT, GREAT HOSTS WILL BE MARTYRED FOR ACCEPTING CHRIST, BUT MOST PEOPLE WILL CONTINUE THEIR REJECTION AND GO FORWARD FOR ETERNAL PUNISHMENT! THEY WILL EVEN CURSE GOD DURING THEIR FINAL TIME IN THIS SHORT LIFE! Regardless of what people do, how they vote, or what the majority of people on this earth think - JESUS CHRIST IS GOD - HE WILL PROVIDE FINAL PROOF AT HIS SECOND COMING - EVIL WILL BE CRUSHED AND RESERVED FOR FINAL JUDGMENT AND ETERNAL PUNISHMENT.

In the end, the only thing that will really matter is what GOD HAS ALREADY SAID, PROMISED, AND DONE!

Love In Christ,



2:  Romans 3:23  NASB  for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,

3:  Romans 5:12  NASB  Therefore, just as through one man sin entered into the world, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men, because all sinned--

4:  Romans 6:23  NASB  For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

5:  Romans 1:18  NASB  For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness,

6:  Romans 3:20  NASB  because by the works of the Law no flesh will be justified in His sight; for through the Law comes the knowledge of sin.

7:  Romans 3:27  NASB  Where then is boasting? It is excluded. By what kind of law? Of works? No, but by a law of faith.

8:  Romans 5:8-9  NASB  But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Much more then, having now been justified by His blood, we shall be saved from the wrath of God through Him.

9:  Romans 2:4  NASB  Or do you think lightly of the riches of His kindness and tolerance and patience, not knowing that the kindness of God leads you to repentance?

10:  Romans 3:22  NASB  even the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ for all those who believe; for there is no distinction;

11:  Romans 3:28  NASB  For we maintain that a man is justified by faith apart from works of the Law.

12:  Romans 10:9  NASB  that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved;

13:  Romans 4:21  NASB  and being fully assured that what God had promised, He was able also to perform.

14:  Romans 4:24 NASB  but for our sake also, to whom it will be credited, as those who believe in Him who raised Jesus our Lord from the dead,

15:  Romans 5:1  NASB  Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ,

16:  Romans 10:10  NASB  for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation.


Thanks be unto GOD for HIS unspeakable GIFT!, JESUS CHRIST, our Lord and Saviour forever!

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