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Question: Homosexual marriages are constitutional?
They should be - 2 (5.1%)
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Gays are just like us (normal) - 2 (5.1%)
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Author Topic: Homosexual marriages  (Read 26570 times)
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« Reply #105 on: March 07, 2004, 07:59:26 PM »

Actually, my analogy is not a false one. It is the analogy that the homosexuals are using to try and legalize abberation
Your analogy is a false one in what you were trying to do with it.   It doesn't prove what you were trying to prove.

Yep, comparing homosexual behaviour to what something a person is born with--like skin color--is the height of arrogance, prevarication and wholesale insult.
AFAIK, no-one with half a brain claims that any behaviour is something you are born with.  The claim is that who one is sexually attracted to is something one is born with with.

Homosexual "lifestyle"(how's that?--more like "death style") is no less a deliberate and willing choice, than having sex with animals is--unless now we are saying that too is unavoidable.
If one is born sexually attracted to people of the same sex, then the choice one is left with appears to be sin or celebacy.

Wrong again, Ebia. If one is attracted to the same sex, the choice is sin or celibacy. This is correct. Is that such a bad choice? Likewise, fornication is a sin. If one is attracted to the opposite sex, but isn't married, the choice is still the same - sin or celibacy. And homosexuals cannot fix the problem by "marrying."  Behavior is something you do. Based on how you feel. The homosexual lobby is attempting to base their argument along the lines of civil rights, attempting to align with the civil rights movement of the 60's. This is their idea,not mine. This is not behavior. This is stating one was born a certain way and can't help it so allowances should be made because the proclivity is on equal footing with being normal and how God intended. This is wrong. Even if we use your left hand right hand argument, it still falls apart - people have learned to change that. Not only that, but there is no "fault" between a left hand or a right hand preference.They are equally normal. Not so homosexuality. A more correct analogy if you insist on using body parts would be to compare someone having one head with someone having two. Clearly, only one was God intended.

I intend to ignore your posts from now on. I am only posting to encourage other brothers and sisters in Christ to speak up against homosexuality publically. If you don't choose to do that or are not a Christian, kindly ignore my posts or go over to another forum. Good day.

PS Get behind me, Satan. The Lord rebuke you.

« Last Edit: March 07, 2004, 08:02:57 PM by onestarfisher » Logged
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« Reply #106 on: March 08, 2004, 04:35:07 PM »


And besides, we're giving entirely too much time or focus to the sex thing anyway.

Jesus Himself answered the Sadducees' question saying in heaven there is neither male nor female.

Our male/femaleness is a curse for us, in our fallen state.   We exacerbate that by focussing on it all the time.

I'm not sure that God cares one way or the other whether we marry.  Although the imagery of it is used extensively in Revelation,  the broader issues of life and death, perversion of His statutes, etc., leave the question of whether I ever marry or not in the dust.

The question of whether I marry or not is not very important to God.
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« Reply #107 on: March 09, 2004, 02:24:35 AM »

I pray that the Lord helps you, Ebia, but I won't play your word and head games. I pray the Lord takes the bitterness from your heart and draws you very close to His heart and changes your life.
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« Reply #108 on: March 09, 2004, 10:17:58 AM »

Our male/femaleness is a curse for us, in our fallen state.   We exacerbate that by focussing on it all the time.

I'm not sure that God cares one way or the other whether we marry.
Exactly. He cares if we are sinning. And Paul stated it would be best to remain in whatever situation you find yourself. The homosexuals dilemma is that they cannot marry and make their lust legitimate. No matter how much they try to twist scripture.

I'm also thinking of shock value when I'm out in public. How would people respond if you said you wanted to marry your dog or at least kiss it in public, or their baby, or a small child, if you really bring it down and expand upon their basic intent (the right to flaunt abomination in public), it would shock some people......i think a little street skit would be a good illustration. They would be repulsed by that and then you could make the comparison....just thinking.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2004, 10:19:51 AM by onestarfisher » Logged
« Reply #109 on: March 09, 2004, 10:25:59 AM »

Is it possible to repulse the repulsive?
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« Reply #110 on: March 09, 2004, 02:49:13 PM »

"...using absurdity to illustrate the absurd...?"
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« Reply #111 on: March 09, 2004, 04:08:47 PM »

Is it possible to repulse the repulsive?

Gosh, I would sure hope so, but maybe not!
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« Reply #112 on: March 09, 2004, 04:48:49 PM »

Maybe Reba's question is at the very basis of why God offered up His Son.

How could you beat a rebelling archangel's repulsion, on brute force alone, without becoming "repulsive" yourself?  

So instead, you "win" by instead loving so much, offering up your own Son(and coming back to life--or, that is, "surviving" capital punishment).

So God's method of conquering "repulsion", was to not become repulsive Himself.   Apparently the only way to do that is out of love, offering oneself as a "living sacrifice".  Satan can't accuse offering up your own Son, as a willing sacrifice, as being "repulsive"--if you "give" yourself up to them, how can that be "repulsive"?

I'm also thinking of shock value when I'm out in public. How would people respond if you said you wanted to marry your dog or at least kiss it in public, or their baby, or a small child, if you really bring it down and expand upon their basic intent (the right to flaunt abomination in public), it would shock some people......i think a little street skit would be a good illustration. They would be repulsed by that and then you could make the comparison....just thinking.

I'm wary of using "shock".  

I don't think putting "Homose'y is a sin" on your shirt, is being or using shock.

Saying "God hates fags"--yes, that's appealing to shock.  I don't agree with using that at all--even tho it may be true, in the same way He hates all sin.

Much of it--that is, our "witness", has to do with "how" we do it, I think--the spirit with which we do it.  It's very easy to adopt a contemptuous attitude, or malicious, or vendictive one.  But that's what Jesus came to save us from.

Jesus came to deliver us from all unrighteousness--including our own( Lips Sealed).  

There are no obstacles that can stand against that kind of love.
« Reply #113 on: March 09, 2004, 06:08:16 PM »

Preach on Symp! Smiley
Pastor Bruce
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« Reply #114 on: March 14, 2004, 07:54:41 PM »

RE: Homosexuals - God loves us all and wishes that none would perish .... and with that being said, I will say that it is my belief that when He sees humans acting blatantly sinful, no matter what they are doing, He hurts.  And God has already told us who will NOT be entering into Heaven in REV.21:8.  People have the option of scoffing at, or ignoring, this passage, but no matter how you might want to color it, the truth is always the truth, and it is Jesus Christ.

We must remember that there are christians and then there are CHRISTIANS, the difference is the submission of the entire heart to learn and do, not just sit in a pew.  We cannot sing HOW GREAT THOU ART on Sunday, and then the rest of the week sing HOW GREAT I AM.  And for real Christians who are truly devoted to the Lord in the Bible, we must not hate homosexuals....we must love them enough to do two things....1) lovingly tell them the truth when given the opportunity, and 2) pray for them, and pray for them, etc.  That is what God wants Christians to do.  Love, pray for and witness to.  I think it is impossible for a person who is a real Christian (follower of Christ) to be for anything that Christ is against - period!  Of course, that is just my humble opinion.


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« Reply #115 on: March 14, 2004, 08:08:48 PM »

Ebia, I understand your frustration, and I agree that a sin is a sin is a sin.  But I might also add that liars do not normally stand out and blatantly tell you they are a liar, nor do cheaters, killers, etc.  If it seems that todays' church "picks on" homosexuals, it might be that the homosexuals of today are much more vocal and demanding about their acceptance.

I pray that I am wrong, but it seems that you might be leaning on the side of acceptance of homosexuality rather than describing it as the sin that the Bible says it is.  If that is the case, I would have to wonder how devoted you are to actually taking up your cross and following Jesus daily.  I am not trying to put you down, but I believe that if we call ourselves Americans, we must be "of America", and if we call ourselves Christians, we must be "of Christ", and if we are of Christ, we must be devoted to His principals and dictates.  Please forgive me for going on about this, I didn't mean to lecture, but your last input really hit a negative.  God bless you, Ebia.

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« Reply #116 on: March 15, 2004, 04:28:32 AM »

Apparently, if you want any sort of response from me, you'll have to take it to another forum.  Undecided

"You shall know the truth, the truth shall set you free.

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« Reply #117 on: March 15, 2004, 08:45:52 PM »

Don't mind ebia, Pastor Bruce, she's just being rebellious.   Grin

You hit the nail on the head, PB!   Gays want public mandate for their obvious and gross sin.  I don't know of any other human vices in that category--abortion maybe.  But not all abortions are results of immorality, necessarily.

Homosexuality is a first, in human history.  Not even the Greeks and Romans had an explicit legal code for it, tho they practiced it.

We're actually writing law for it.

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« Reply #118 on: March 15, 2004, 10:41:56 PM »

You hit the nail on the head, PB!  Gays want public mandate for their obvious and gross sin.

Exactly!  They want an accepting and sympathetic audience for their sin!  I will not condemn them (but I will condemn their actions) and I will not judge their hearts – for I am not without sin.  But I can judge actions according to The Lord’s Word, and their actions are wrong.

Can we start calling you ‘Pastor Peanut Brother’?Huh Grin

(OK – you’ve NEVER heard that be before huh?)

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« Reply #119 on: March 16, 2004, 10:07:45 PM »

Re:Homosexual marriages
« Reply #119 on: March 15, 2004, 10:41:56 PM »    

You hit the nail on the head, PB!  Gays want public mandate for their obvious and gross sin.

Exactly!  They want an accepting and sympathetic audience for their sin!  I will not condemn them (but I will condemn their actions) and I will not judge their hearts – for I am not without sin.  But I can judge actions according to The Lord’s Word, and their actions are wrong.

hey i found a subject that i agree with , man its tough living in libral ,boston.  i drive by the state house often were they are outside protesting for" = rights"  its just so upsetting i get sick discussing it. Cry
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