no problem I just think you might be confusing mr 5020 with me occasionally.
Mr.5020 sorta answers for you sometimes but i will read closer
I'm not real into eschotology much at all really. I don't find it "pertinent" in doing my first and foremost duty. Witnessing to the lost, and as many other things as I can do. That's why I don't get all heated about it.
Agreed spreading the gospel is foremost.
If ever there was someone who would be ANTI Christ or against, opposed, not with christ, that would be satan. Do you really think the "spirit" of anti-christ is anything other than satan? I don't know where you are coming from on this. There are many "words" people use that are not "in the bible" but mean the same thing, or some up a thought better.
I have been trying to explain ‘where i am coming from’ but i am not good with words. On ‘spirit of antichrist’ i think we agree.
Trinity is not in scripture once and only cults seem to be against it. Are you against the use of the word trinity? I find it nothing more than semantics, but that's just me.
Going back to creation the scripts say ‘us’. All through scripture we see three’s . Abe saw 3 (Gen 18:2) As did John (1John 5:7)
So this beast that will be worshipped is obviously not some physical monster but a person. This person will embody all that is the devil or satan, or even "that old serpent the devil". This person will be "the" anti-christ.
This person will be "a" anti-christ
You don't have to agree with me. That's fine, just stop using the I don't see that in scripture. To some of us it couldn't be more obvious.
Would you stop using “ I don't see that in scripture” about something that was on your heart? I surly hope not
To me it's just liike when I read "let us make man...." I didn't get all crazy and think there was some sort of grand group of people saying that. I knew it was the "trinity" Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, three persons yet one. I also don't go off talking about when it says replenish the earth meaning there was a creation before. There is no word "plenish" so I find that thought ridiculous but again, that's just me.
We agree
It really doesn't matter to me when the LORD is coming back. He said he'd e back, and gave no time for a good reason. If we knew we may slack until the time where upon us. It's just human nature to do so. We've been given a charge and we need to fulfill it. Anything less would be foolishness. I feel sorry for the people that get all caught up in it.
Saved we really agree here. I too feel sorry, so i tend to belabor the points. So much junk has been written and sold that is not scriptural it makes me crazy.
Thanks for taking the time to explain yourself.