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Theology / Apologetics / Re:Woman Preachers
on: November 26, 2003, 11:14:04 AM
I have the gift of leadership and have served in that capacity throughout the years in various churches. I was challenged about women as leaders in one of these settings which began an earnest study on this through the Bible and through research. Unlike Petro would have you believe, while there are extremists in each camp (as you have witnessed) there are many more who have given this subject the insight and Biblical research it deserves with meaningful and Biblical basis. I have read on both "camps" of extremes and the many variations in between that various Christians believe the Scriptures reveal. I would be glad to share that information with you and allow you to discern this for yourself if you like.
Theology / Apologetics / Re:Woman Preachers
on: November 26, 2003, 09:37:48 AM
Gee, Petro, why couldnt I see that .....that since I believe that Scripture shows God annointing women as pastors as well as men, and in fact that the Bible shows women are equal to men in all aspects of being in Christ, whether "role" wise or spiritual -wise, that I must also desire for homosexuality to be "OK" with God. That would be also the belief and mindset of all the resources and biblical egaltarians.... and not just a sweeping broadbased generalization with no credibility or basis to it...... Your position would have to be right, wouldnt it? You have learned this and have a few Scriptures to hold up as basis wouldnt you? This couldnt be anything like the "social" or "humanitarian" view that some held about slavery. That those who held tightly to Scripture citing verses that "clearly showed" slavery was the will of God , that men were "blessed" by God to own slaves and well, those slaves were also just darned blessed to be able to have a Christian slaveowner who would "take care" and "provide" for them because well that is the way God deemed it to was through much bloodshed and lost lives that somehow another look was taken at Scripture and even though it was held to be the truth for so long, they came to realize that their interpretation was, well, wrong. The Scriptures were all still the same, but how they were viewed was not.
So, that gives me great understanding when someone like you "sets me straight" by giving those profound remarks you make, especially in the means that you do so and knowing that you know so well that you have the "truth" you dont even have to look any further.
Theology / Apologetics / Re:Woman Preachers
on: November 25, 2003, 08:58:49 PM
As much as you would like to see this as a "politically correct" movement, those who embrace the egaltarian position also hold Scripture as high authority and believe that it is championing the realities that have always been part of God's Word and plan.
Theology / Apologetics / Re:The Bible
on: November 25, 2003, 11:10:58 AM
I think that is a very good question Jabez. I guess my question back to you is, does it matter? If it is what we need to know, then that is all we need, if it is everything then it is still what we need to
I do know that the Scriptures are liken to a love letter written by God to us. In them His very nature, plan and purpose for humankind is revealed. We believe it to be a completed work. It is truly amazing to see how God works through and with His creations.....How much He loves us and wants only the best for us. Even as we rebel, He is faithful and just.
Through those pages, God continually takes us deeper into a relationship with Him. We can read the same passage and gain different insights as the Holy Spirit reveals to our own lives. We only understand in part--God moves us toward perfection. There are those who know the Bible backwards and forwards, and yet, still do not "know" God, those who claim that they know the "truth" and can give chapter and verse to "prove" their point, however, it doesnt necessarily make it so. The people of God, individually and as a church over the centuries, are being transformed as we learn more and more.
Theology / Apologetics / Re:Why?
on: November 25, 2003, 10:56:57 AM
This is a great uplifting post angie.
I knew all about God all my life, however, there came a time when I grew weary of trying to drive my own life (mostly against a wall or into the ground) and realized I needed help. Even though I was "successful" by our world's standards, I was lacking miserably. I desired, really desired to know God because previously He was just a distant, judging being. When God moved into my heart--and showed me just how much He loved me and moved in such a way that there is no doubt He not only exists but REIGNS SUPREME!! Awesome God.
Theology / Apologetics / Re:Woman Preachers
on: November 25, 2003, 10:40:49 AM
women preachers? Of course.
We are colored by our cultural and traditional interpretations. God calls and uses and gifts those as He chooses.
Entertainment / Books / Re:Great Book," Purpose Driven Life", by Rick Warren
on: October 07, 2003, 04:56:22 PM
We are going to do the 40 Days of Purpose Campaign beginning in February. There is one going on this fall, and then one again in Feb and one in May.
The entire church reads the Purpose Driven Life book together, as well as the entire church is onboard with everything focusing on this. It is a church wide revitalization of personal, small group, church and beyond.....
Fellowship / Just For Women / Re:Please help me out
on: October 04, 2003, 11:56:17 AM
Dont expect him to change. Love him where he is at.
Verses such as the one quoted from 1Peter were written to the culture of that particular time. Women were subordinate to men in literally every aspect of their lives. Even though now women were free in Christ in every way, by rebelling against what was expected of them was not in line with what God wanted. Our main goal as a Christian is to win others over to Him and to live our lives as examples of love. It doesnt mean "going along" or "giving in" but it does mean seeing your husband saved or not through the eyes of Christ and treating him with the love and compassion that Christ has for us. You will and cannot change him, but God certainly can. The more you grow in Christ the more he will hopefully desire to want the kind of joy and peace you have found in Him.
Fellowship / Just For Women / Re:Please help me out
on: September 30, 2003, 08:46:59 PM
Get involved in a Christian small group that can give you the support you need. You need to surround yourself with others who will pray with you and for you and your family. It will also help you to be patient and loving toward your husband and lead him toward Christ.
If he is being abusive verbally or physically then you may need professional counseling. I was saved before my husband, and he was angry toward me at times about the faith. He now tells the story that he couldnt stand the peace and joy I had in Christ. He is now a Christian as well (we were both raised Catholic).
Theology / General Theology / Re:Born again Christians vs. "Christians"
on: September 11, 2003, 04:30:00 PM
God chose us. Humankind. He chose to bring a Savior so that all could find salvation. He calls to everyone. The Savior is available for everyone. Anyone who believes and accepts his offer will be saved. It isnt just for a limited few. It is available to all. Not all will respond. We all are born to sin. It is our nature. None of us desires what is right. We desire what would benefit ourselves. It is only when we come to the realization that we on our own power can do nothing, is when we can desire a better way. Some seek out other things, but those who turn to God, and are truly seeking Him, He will reveal Himself.
Theology / General Theology / Re:Born again Christians vs. "Christians"
on: September 11, 2003, 02:21:55 PM
Then Heidi and Left, you saying that God has already chosen those who will be saved. There is nothing we can do for we are born to be saved or to go to hell. God has appointed and anointed, and the rest are just putting in time.
Theology / Apologetics / Re:JONAH
on: September 11, 2003, 02:17:46 PM
Actually, it doesnt matter whether Jonah died inside the whale or did not. The phrase "going down to sheol" was seen as a poetic metaphor for literally being buried at sea. This fishs' belly would be his literal grave unless God rescued him. God could have preserved Jonah alive, or could have let Jonah die and then be brought back to life in that fish.
In Matthew 12:40-41, Jesus talks about the sign of Jonah, comparing Jonah's three days and three nights in the belly of the fish to the time he would be in the earth. Just as with John the Baptist, one much greater than Jonah is Jesus.
Theology / General Theology / Re:Born again Christians vs. "Christians"
on: September 10, 2003, 02:56:53 PM
I am really not sure what point you are attempting to make here. Jesus saves us. Nothing we can do can earn that. All we must do is accept and believe. We are not saved before we do that. God makes the gift of salvation available to all, however, we have the ability to accept or reject this offer. If we accept by faith through God's grace we are saved.
Theology / General Theology / Re:Born again Christians vs. "Christians"
on: September 10, 2003, 01:38:26 PM
God seeks out all to become His children. We have free will to choose to accept His invitation or not. God foreknows who will answer, but it is our decision.
When we make that decision and turn our lives over to Christ we then die to self and live for Christ. It is no longer we who live, but Christ lives in us. He lives in us through the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit seals us to eternity. We then begin a process of sanctification, becoming more and more Christlike as we grow in Him. We are saved by grace through faith. Faith is believing and trusting in Jesus Christ. When we reach out in faith to accept the gift of salvation it is all we have to do.
Theology / General Theology / Re:Born again Christians vs. "Christians"
on: September 10, 2003, 11:48:20 AM
PS I forgot to add about salvation.....The Bible gives no indication that John the Baptist was saved while in the womb. If infants are saved, especially in the womb, then there really isnt a need for a savior is there?