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Theology / General Theology / Re: Beware of the gospel according to Oprah and Dr. Sculler
on: February 23, 2008, 06:50:54 AM
The choice was his of course. I am not offended. I posted it as a warning of what appears to be a false cult spring up lead by two popular people in America, because of their financial base and backing it is likely to lead many to damination.
While stronger Christians and those who take our warning seriously, there will be many Christians who have failed to check what comes over the pulpit with the Bible actually says who will be lead a stray.
No, I am not offended.
Fellowship / You name it!! / Martin Luther King on Labour
on: February 08, 2008, 08:46:46 AM
"You are reminding, not only Memphis, but you are reminding the nation that it is a crime for people to live in this rich nation and receive starvation wages." Martin Luther King Jr.
Fellowship / You name it!! / Good Question
on: January 20, 2008, 05:26:49 PM
"One can practice like an instrument a religion...but when we do what we do in the name of Christ...are we practicing a " religion" or are we living out for all to see Our Faith"? Esteban Henderson Salvation Army Forum Sept 2007
Fellowship / You name it!! / George and The Peanut
on: January 05, 2008, 07:36:56 AM
", 'God, tell me the mystery of the universe.' But God answered, 'that knowledge is for me alone.' So I said, Then God said, 'Well, George, that's more nearly your size.'"[/color]George Washington Carver
Fellowship / You name it!! / What A Strange World!
on: December 25, 2007, 07:41:58 AM
"What a strange world we live in these days. On T.V. we hear people complain and decry the use of the name of Christ and the word "Christmas", yet we see people putting up Christmas lights and buying presents in November! Merchants get rich but dare not speak the word "Christmas". Much of our nation and the world loves the Christmas season but scorns and rejects the Christ! Christian are shunned, persecuted, even killed for speaking the name of Christ. Yet, God waits in patience, not willing that any should perish but rather be saved and come to the knowledge of the Truth!"
Rev. Leon Friend
Fellowship / Parenting / All I want For Christmas
on: December 07, 2007, 12:13:25 AM
Last fall a friend of mine retired after 25 years of service with the city’s work’s department. By Christmas the novelty of being job-free had began to wear off. Time was becoming a little heavy on his hands. About the same time a local department store advertised for a man to play Santa Claus, so Bob applied for the position and was hired.
Each time the gate to Santa’s throne opened, the children came bustling into the area. They were all excited. Their smiling faces expressed their anticipation. Many had a long list of toys, books and clothes which they hoped would be under the tree on Christmas morn. Bob loved children and he was at his height of glory in his new position.
The little folks waited for Santa to lift them to his knee and then sat proudly and reverently looking into his face. The older children leaned quietly against his knees while he slipped an arm around their shoulders. Bouncing the younger ones a time or two on his knee, Santa would quietly asked, "What is your name?"
"Paulita Maxwell " or "Mary-Lou Brown" or other names slipped easily from the lips of the little girls. The boys rhymed off "Jimmy" or "Freddy", all the while their bright eyes twinkling joyfully from their freckled faces.
"How is school?" Santa enquired.
"Fine," most replied.
"What is your teacher’s name?" Santa continued to make conversation.
"Miss Lee" came some of the shy answers.
"Have you been good this year?"
Big eyes beamed even brighter and their chest swelled a bit as they answered, "Yes, Santa."
"Well," Santa shifted them on his knee. "Now for the big question." He spoke slowly. "What would you like for Christmas?"
Many of the children requested Teddy Bears, electric trains, computers, computer games and on and on the list grew. The store manager had told Santa that he was merely to listen to the children but never to promise anything. Santa fulfilled his orders to a "T" as he talked to each little hopeful.
He got a chuckle the other day, when a six year old climbed to his knee. She settled herself triumphantly and breathlessly greeted him with, "You know Santa, Christmas is not about you. Its about the baby Jesus."
Bob was enjoying his new position when the first child stunned him with, "All I want for Christmas is for Daddy and Mummy to stop fighting."
Others followed with pleading eyes, "could you please bring my Daddy home. He has been gone for such a long time. He and Mummy got into a fight and Daddy left us."
Still with others it was "Make Mom’s new boyfriend leave our house so Daddy can come home.. I miss him."
Bob and I sipped a cup of Java on a coffee break and he opened his heart to me about "my kids" as he referred to them. When he came to the children from the broken homes his eyes welled up with tears. "These are not isolated cases." Bob’s hand dashed across his eyes . "They come more often than I care to remember. Each time a child makes that request I fine myself fighting back the tears. How do you answer them?"
He looked across his coffee mug at me, and continued. "Len, I can’t really tell you the number of times I have heard those requests, but I have gotten to the point that I hear their pleading voices in my sleep and see their small faces as I go for coffee breaks.
"Don’t parents realize what spousal fights, separation and divorce do to the little folks of their home?" He shook his head as tears welled up once more on the lashes of his eyes, "Maybe they just don’t care? Maybe their own interests mean more to them than the kids?
"I’ll tell you Len, each time I hear a child pleading for me or Santa to bring Dad or Mom home, or stop the fighting, it wrenched the heart out of me. What kind of homes are our children growing up in, when parental fighting is the daily fare and separation and divorce is the only answer to a marriage problem? What can we expect of the next generation?"
Bob paused along while before he went on, "I was reading this week that 50% of Canadian marriages will end in either separation or divorce and out of those homes 54% of the children will end their marriages the same way. What does the future hold for a society where marriage is just a passing thing and children don’t have a proper example of love to follow?
"I wish God would grant me the power to answer their requests." His voice trailed off, "just this once."
Written by Len Colp Used by permission.
Fellowship / You name it!! / Something to think about...
on: December 04, 2007, 11:07:16 AM
One of the chief dangers to ourselves in evil-speaking is that we come to under-estimate everybody else, and to esteem ourselves more highly than we ought. We come to look at our own virtues and at other people’s faults, when we ought to look long at their virtues and our own faults."
Commissioner Samuel Logan Brengle D.D. O.F. Heart Talks On Holiness page 100 Published by Salvationist Publishing & Supplies Ltd
Entertainment / Movies / Re: An atheist's 'Narnia' knockoff
on: November 30, 2007, 07:19:30 PM
I fully agree, KC8ZDA that we need to pray for Mr. Pullman's salvation. We need to pray also for the failure at the box office and the store shelves of his movie and his box. They are damaging and will lead others a stray even if he does become a Christian now.
Entertainment / Politics and Political Issues / The Right is loosing its forcus
on: November 28, 2007, 08:02:44 AM
In the contest for the two major 2008 presidential nominations in the United States, some puzzling phenomena emerge.
The pro-abortion, anti-family Democrat candidates are all touting their faith: Hilary Clinton says it’s what sustained her through Bill’s serial infidelities (not her burning ambition); Barak Obama insists he’s a Christian, in spite of his time being educated in a madrassa, and in spite of his support for abortion and same-sex ‘marriage’. All the lesser Democrat wannabees are also lugging Bibles to the podium in their quest for their party’s nomination.
Republic candidates, however, are shunning the “religious right”—and with good reason: their lives don’t show much evidence that Christianity matters to them at all, with two shining exceptions: Alan Keyes, the articulate, passionate pro-lifer who was a Reagan appointee as Cultural Ambassador to the United Nations; and former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee. And both are considered long-shot candidates at best.
The New York Times Sunday Magazine recently had an extensive article on the decline of evangelical influence over the Republican Party, and in that article Gov. Huckabee made some interesting comments that apply in the Canadian context, as well: Huckabee [said] he welcomed a broadening of the evangelical political agenda. “You can’t just say ‘respect life’ exclusively in the gestation period,” he said, repeating a campaign theme.
But the leaders of the Christian conservative movement have not rallied to him. Many say he cannot win because he has not raised enough money... And some Christian conservatives take his “gestation period” line as a slight to their movement.
“They finally have the soldier they have been waiting for, and they shouldn’t send me out into the battlefield without supplies,” Huckabee [said] in exasperation.
He argued that the movement’s leaders would “become irrelevant” if they started putting political viability or low taxes ahead of their principles about abortion and marriage.
“In biblical terms, it is like the salt losing its flavor; it’s sand...” Huckabee said. “I think they are going to have a hard time going out into the pews and saying tax policy is what Jesus is about, that he said, ‘Come unto me all you who are overtaxed and I will give you rest’.”
A few evangelical opinion leaders, such as Dr. James Dobson, have said that if any of the pragmatists—Guiliani, McCain, Romney or Thompson for example—wins the Republican nomination, he will vote for a genuinely pro-life, pro-family third party candidate. For Christians like Dr. Dobson, principles matter much more than perceived “winnability”.
In the end, the example of evangelical leaders like Dr. Dobson—their adherence to principles, not their presumed political ‘cleverness’—is what will mark the path to restoring recognition of the sanctity of life and marriage. For unless Christian votes are taken away from the pragmatists—who, in the end, are willing to throw the babies to the wolves, if it gets the voters—they will never change their policies... and babies will continue to die.
Unless those of us who promote adoption instead of abortion begin to win significant Christian support, the use of taxpayers’ dollars to kill unwanted children, out of sight in tax-funded hospitals, will continue to be viewed as the best “solution” to unanticipated pregnancies. And euthanasia will soon be seen as the “solution” to the “burden” of aging parents.
In the Book of Proverbs, Wisdom cries out, “Those who hate Me love death!” That statement perfectly describes our culture today. And unless those who profess to love Wisdom have the moral gumption to break with the pragmatists, the moral decline of our culture will continue. __________________________________________________________________________ ______ _
Used by permission of Ron Grey Leader of The Christian Heritage Party of Canada
Entertainment / Movies / Re: An atheist's 'Narnia' knockoff
on: November 23, 2007, 01:41:16 PM
I am a little late in making my posting on this subject, for I see Pastor Rogers has beat me to the subject. I had prepared what I am going to post for several chat forums that I'm on and I had planned to add it here as well.
I guess I'll post it anyway, and hope that Pastor Rogers doesn't mind, since some of what I have to say is pretty close to what he has written.
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Let parents and pastors beware of the upcoming attempt of Hollywood to indoctrinate our kids.
The Movie Golden Compass starring Nicole Kidman, Daniel Craig, and Eva Green is advertised to hit theaters on Friday December 7th.
This movie which was constructed on a budget of 205 Million dollars is based on Philip Pullman’s book entitled The Golden Compass. Pullman a confessed atheist has build his repitro of stories on the style of C. S. Lewis’ Narnia, however Pullman seeks to kill the teaching of God in the minds of young readers. His trilogy of books are geared to promote Atheism, while Lewis’ theme was to promote Christianity. While Lewis’ had talking animals in his Narnia, Pullman goes further by having the talking animals, which in reality are demons that communicate with their mortal and Pullman alleges that all humans process.
A couple of the characters listed in the reviews that have come across my desk, and in Pullman’s book are a ex-nun calls "Christianity a convincing mistake". Along with this are two characters portraying Adam and Eve who kill God, who is sometimes referred to by His Hebrew name, of "Yahweh". Castration and female circumcision is discussed as well.
In an effort to pacify the religious opposition, the movie industry tell us that the authors of the movie Golden Compass have watered down the Atheistic doctrine and the idea of killing God, and the mind set of destroying the Christian religion. William Donohue president of the Catholic League is quoted as cautioning, that while the movie is somewhat watered down, it will still encourage children to read the series which "denigrates Christianity" and promotes "atheism for kids". Donohue also warns of Pullman saying that he is "trying to undermine the basis of Christian beliefs".
It was no accident that the Movie Czars have picked December 7th for the movie to hit the theaters in America. This gives time for parents and kids to see the watered down version of Pullmans mildest of his trilogy of books thus making it a must on many kid’s Christmas list. While the movie may be watered down the books still remain a danger as the author attacks our kids through the written page.
Those who are concern about Christianity and the moral issues of our nation and their families should boycott the movie. Even if you think you just want to check it out, please remember that Hollywood, book publishers and educators base the success of any book or movie on the dollars that come into their coppers. What we spend on movies and books measures for Hollywood, books publishers and educators the types of material we want more of. (You alone must decide which side of the fence you are on). However, note that the majority of movies coming out of Hollywood these days are Anti-God, anti Christianity, and anti family. Following this immoral move on the part of Hollywood has become the forerunner of our run away sex epidemic, lawlessness among our youth, the break up of marriages and homes in North American society, and drunkenness on booze and illicit drugs have also become rampant as movies makers and authors thumb their nose at God and Bible. "The Golden Compass" appears to be one more attempt to destroy the morality of our nations.
Prayer / General Discussion / One Small Step
on: November 15, 2007, 03:37:55 PM
"…When each man’s private fancies claim absolute authority in the name of direct, divine inspiration, the step from the Inner Light to the Outer Darkness is a small one."
Christian Doctrine J.S. Whale Cambridge At the University Press page 16
Theology / General Theology / Moral Law doesn't Change
on: November 11, 2007, 09:40:49 PM
" July 24th, 2007, a Friend gave me a copy of the Winnipeg Free Press from February 20th, 1962. I leafed through it with some interest since I was living in Winnipeg at Borrow and Parr Streets in 1962. I noted a question and answer column by Billy Graham, entitled "MY ANSWER" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------QUESTION: In the event of a nuclear attack, if a man’s family were dying and no help was available, would it be wrong for him to put his family out of the way? " G.O. (The world was fearing a nuclear attack by Russia in those days.)
ANSWER: Circumstance do not alter moral law. What is wrong under normal circumstances is wrong under abnormal circumstances. In the Judeo-Christian concept the deliberate taking of another’s life is morally wrong.
When that concept is abandoned "mercy killing" will then be in vogue, just as it is in vogue now in some non-Christian societies. Hitler, having departed from Christian practices, killed many whom he considered a burden on society. This scandal has recently been reopened in Israel. (1962)
Christ’s emphasis was two-fold; the dignity and value of the individual, and his right to act for himself. When these are ignored or abandoned man will sink to a level of conduct lower than he has ever known."
Fellowship / You name it!! / Compromise
on: November 09, 2007, 02:18:38 PM
"Compromise with the world will not make it any better! Compromise with the world always fails. It pulls down the man who proposes it and never raises up anyone else."
Bramwell Booth