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1  Entertainment / Sports / Superbowl... on: December 21, 2004, 08:33:28 AM

Merry Christmas
2  Theology / Bible Study / Christ Our Anchor on: December 21, 2004, 08:30:07 AM
GRACE WALK - Weekly Devotional

Christ Our Anchor

A few years ago Melanie and I were sailing alone when we came to a small island where we wanted to spend the night. Normally we would pick up a mooring ball, where we would tie off our boat to secure it for the night. These mooring balls are set in concrete which are securely anchored at the bottom of the ocean. When a boat is tied off to one of them, nothing can move it.

It was late enough in the day that we couldn’t find a mooring ball because too many other boats had arrived ahead of us. Because of the hour I was hesitant to start out for another place to spend the night, so we decided to set anchor where we were. In the few years we had been sailing, we hadn’t gained confidence that we were able to successfully set the anchor so that it would hold firmly. We had been taught how to do so when we took our certification classes, but still lacked confidence.

My fears caused me to imagine what would happen if the anchor pulled loose during the middle of the night. We could drift and bump into other boats around us. I wasn’t worried so much about doing damage to ours or another boat as much as I didn’t want to look like I didn’t know what I was doing (which wasn’t totally without truth). Another possibility was that we might drift from where we were to the water’s edge and find ourselves on the nearby reef.

We set the anchor. Then for awhile I sat in one spot on deck, lining up a point on the boat with an object on land to make sure that we weren’t drifting. Everything appeared to be okay, but I still wasn’t easy about it. We took our dinghy ashore to have dinner, but throughout the whole meal I kept watching our boat to make sure she was still in the same place.

That night when we went below to sleep, I jerked awake almost every time I felt any movement on the boat that seemed unusual. I even got up and went up on deck four or five times during the night and checked the anchor to make sure it was still secure. It was a long night with brief moments of sleep.

When the sun came up the next day, I checked the anchor again. It hadn’t moved at all. Everything had been fine. My fears and apprehension had been unfounded.

I thought about that experience later and began to see how much that experience reflected my attitude in life at times. There we were, in a beautiful Carribean setting, but I didn’t really enjoy it that evening or night. I can’t even remember what I ate at the restaurant where we had dinner. I don’t remember the sunset that evening. I didn’t enjoy the gentle sway of the boat in the water, rocking me to sleep. I was too worried, focused on what might happen if the anchor didn’t hold.

Hebrews 6:19 teaches that our hope in Christ is an “anchor for the soul” to those who believe in Him. Despite that promise, there have been times in my life when I couldn’t fully enjoy being where God had put me because of fears – fears of drifting out of His will, fears about dangers I thought I could see on the horizon, fears about looking like I didn’t know what I was doing. Fear robs us of the joy of the journey known as “the Christian life.” It causes us to believe that our own safety is up to us, not God. It will make us act like we are the ones who must be in control.

Jesus Christ is the anchor of your soul. Don’t needlessly fret about the details of life. You belong to God and there is nothing that can force you to crash on the rocks. You are secure because He is secure. Trust Christ in every circumstance. Then relax. Enjoy the sunset. Savor the flavor of life. Rest, knowing that “in every high and stormy gale, my anchor holds within the veil.”

Steve McVey is the President of Grace Walk Ministries, a discipleship ministry located in Atlanta, GA. If you have been sent this devotional by a friend and want to know more about Grace Walk Ministries, visit our web site at www.gracewalk.org.

This devotional may be duplicated if printed with no changes in its entirety and with the following acknowledgment: “Copyright, 2004,used by permission. Steve McVey, Grace Walk Ministries, www.gracewalk.org
3  Theology / Bible Study / WHO'S IN COMMAND HERE? on: December 21, 2004, 06:19:33 AM
Daily Inspirational

[size=]WHO'S IN COMMAND HERE?[/size]

Scripture Reading:  Rom 16:25-27; Ps  33:6-9

The story is told about General Wainwright who was taken as a prisoner of war by the Japanese after the famous Bataan March in the Philippines in 1942.  For the remainder of the war he barely existed in a concentration camp in Manchuria.  But one day an Allied airplane flew into the camp, and an American officer delivered something to the Japanese officers  in charged of the camp.  It was the electric news that Japan had surrendered to the Allies.  This news was relayed to the suf-fering General.  By and By came a Japanese prision officer to order the General to his  tasks and to harass him.  But the weakened but victorious man turned to his tormentor and said.  "I am in command here now!"  

So is God!  But God never had to win the right of being "Commander-in-Chief!"  He always was, He always shall be, and He always is in command.  Did you note this in these two passages we suggest you read? "He commanded, and it stood fast"--the material creation.  The blessed "revelation of the mystery" resulted from "the command-ment of the everlasting God."  God is in command--in all things, even though to our limited and sin-stunted considerations it doesn't look like it!

This is where the subject of the Sovereignity of God comes in.  What do we mean by this term, "The sovereignity  of  God?" We reply with Dr. A.W. Tozer in his excellent book, The Knowledge of the Holy, "God's Sovereignity is the attribute by which He rules His entire creation, and to be sovereign, God must be all-knowing, all powerful, and absolutely free."  This is to further admit that God is the Almighty,  the  Possessor  of all  power  in heaven and earth, the "Governor among the nations"  (Psa. 22:28), the "only Potentate, the King of kings and Lord of lords" (1 Tim 6:15.)  He is in command!

But the question is:  "Is God in command of my life?"  This you must answer soberly for yourself.  He may be, that is, if you're truly saved and yielded to Him up to the light He has given you in His Word.  He may seem not to be if you're not save, or even if you are but out of His will.  Yet He has a way to gently bring you to Himself and to bring your will into harmony with His.

Pastor Paul Hume

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Daily Inspirational

Grace And The Truth

E-Mail GracentheTruth@aol.com

2 Tim 2:15  Study to show thyself approved unto God, a  workman  that needeth  not  to  be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
4  Theology / Bible Study / WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT GOD? on: December 21, 2004, 05:54:46 AM
Daily Inspirational


Scripture Reading:  I Chron. 29:10-13;  Rom 9:5b

    What do you think about God?  Is He "the man upstairs?"  Is He "the good Lord?"  Is He the One who is so high and so holy that no one can approach Him except through sev-eral mediators--Mary, the saints, and the priest?  "Were we able to extract from any man a complete answer to the question,'What comes into your mind when you think about God?'  we might predict with certainty the spiritual future of that man."  (A.Z. Tozer)

    Who rules and regulates the affairs on this earth today--God, the Devil, or man?  This also is an important question because it re-lates vitally to what we think about God.  If either Satan is in control or man is in control, then it is obvious that God isn't God at all.  The atheist or humanist or agnostic might admit that man as well as the laws of nature are in control.  But what about those who say they are Christians?  Many, many think that while God is God, and that He "sitteth in the heavens" and is basically running things, they also think that He is in a great degree, a frustrated Deity.  So many are rejecting Christ today, so many heathen have never heard the Gospel, wickedness is so rampant, and the forces of Antichrist are more and more mili-tant, and the world is in such a terrible mess--how can it be that God is in complete control, and that He is working all things after the counsel of His own will?  (Eph. 1:11)

    What a problem this is --indeed!  Yet when we peruse the blessed "Word of truth," we are given the proper perspective:  we see all things through the sovereighty of "the living God," Who is "exalted as Head above all"--"God over all, blessed forever."  Yes, every man has a will, and everyone is morally responsible.  no man is a mere puppet.  Yet god is God, and we must reverently bow with the inspired Psalmist and say, "But our God is in the heavens:  He hath done whatsoever He hath pleased" (115:3).  

            "O God, how wonderful Thou art
            Thy majesty how bright!
            How beautiful Thy mercy-seat
            In depths of burning light!"
 (Fredrick W. Faber, 1849

2 Tim 2:15  Study to show thyself approved unto God, a  workman  that needeth  not  to  be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

5  Fellowship / What are you doing? / Sharing Christ at Christmas! on: December 21, 2004, 05:31:23 AM

God's plan for your life is one of

Freedom, Hope and Peace.

He doesn't want you struggling

with burdens you were never meant

to bear.
6  Theology / Bible Study / FEAR FELL ON THEM ALL on: December 21, 2004, 05:20:38 AM
Daily Inspirational


Scripture Reading:  Acts 19:17

FEAR friend or foe?  Fear can prepare us for flight or fight.  Fear can paralyze us.  Fear can keep us from the thing that would harm us. Fear of God can deliver us from future judgment when we believe His Word.

In this passage, God is working special miracles by the hands of Paul, and diseased and demon-possessed people were delivered.  Some Jews, sons of the High priest there, decided if Paul could exorcise demons, they could too!  They commanded a demon in one of the possessed people to obey them by the power of "Jesus whom Paul preacheth."  The evil spirit made reply by saying, "Jesus I know, and Paul I know, but who are ye?"  At that point, one demon possessed man over-powered the seven Jewish preachers, and they fled for their lives, naked and wounded, minus their clothes!!  This passage shows the seven Jewish sons of the High Priest being overpowered by one demon.  Is this a sequel to chapter 13 where the Jew is blinded and the Gentile sees the light?  In chapter 13 the Jew is blinded and in Chapter 19 he is over-powered by a demon.

Well might fear grip the whole area!  This was the hand of God displaying His change in program.  Fear of the unknown is perhaps the most gripping and paralyzing fear.  When the demon was able to overpower the Jews, little wonder that fear was the result.  Those who understood what was happening did not allow fear to paralyze them.  Verses 18 to 20 show the blessed results of this incident.  Many believed and the Word of God grew and multiplied.  This parallels Acts 5:11 to 14.


Should this devotional be a blessing to you, maybe you have a friend or family member that would like to start receiving the daily word. You may forward this to them, by copy and paste method,  and they can use the below link to subscribe. We love to meet new people

Daily Inspirational

Grace And The Truth

E-Mail GracentheTruth@aol.com

2 Tim 2:15  Study to show thyself approved unto God, a  workman  that needeth  not  to  be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
7  Theology / Bible Study / THE APOSTLES GO TO COURT on: December 21, 2004, 05:17:25 AM
Daily Inspirational


Scripture Reading:  Acts 4:5-22

Rightly dividing the Word of truth consists of both contrasts and similarities.  Just as God never changes, so do many of the principles of the relationships between God and His own.  God demands different areas and man-ners of service from different generations of believers.  But  one  constant  factor  has always prevailed regarding faithful devotion and commitment on the part of the servants of God.  That factor is the price of faithful-ness.

This is, to the unbeliever, totally incongruous and paradoxical.  And so it might seem to the child of God---if it were not for his complete acceptance of the instructions of God's holy Word.  

The apostles performed God's expressed will as received.  Having done so, they stood firmly against objectors and defectors.  Even when civil and/or religious leadership is the defiant force, the will of God must be upheld above any or all other authority.  Standing before the Sanhedrin, Peter and John were commanded "not to speak at all nor teach in the name of Jesus."  They unhesitatingly answered, "Whether it be right in the sight of God to hearken unto you more than unto God, judge ye.  For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard."

God has not assigned to you and me as am-bassadors of the ministry of reconciliation the same mission as that of the apostles.  But we are given this parallel declaration:  "Unto you it is given in the behalf of Christ, not only to believe on Him but also to suffer for His sake" (Philippians 1:29).


Should this devotional be a blessing to you, maybe you have a friend or family member that would like to start receiving the daily word. You may forward this to them, by copy and paste method,  and they can use the below link to subscribe. We love to meet new people

Daily Inspirational

Grace And The Truth

E-Mail GracentheTruth@aol.com

2 Tim 2:15  Study to show thyself approved unto God, a  workman  that needeth  not  to  be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
8  Theology / Bible Study / LAST DAY INSTRUCTIONS on: December 21, 2004, 05:04:55 AM
Daily Inspirational


Scripture Reading:  11 Timothy 2:1-16

As members of the Church which is the Body of Christ, we are uniquely qualified and equip-ped for our responsibilities as proclaimers of the gospel of the grace of God. "(Christ) gave  Himself for us, that He might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto Himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works (Titus 2:14).  But we are not left to our own devices as to how we are to perform good works.  We are instructed to"speak the things which become sound doctrine" (Titus 2:1).

The Apostle Paul defines our spiritual heri-tage of separation unto service by his in-structions to Timothy.  "The things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also.  Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ."  To endure hardness as good sol-diers of Jesus Christ we are to follow the Apostle's instruction to "Put on the whole armour of God...Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth...And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, WHICH IS THE WORD OF GOD" (Eph. 6:11, 14, 17).

And how are we to wield the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God?  BY RIGHTLY DIVIDING THE WORD OF TRUTH!  We are blessed with possession of the completed Word of God.  "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness" (2 Timothy 3:16).  But the proper dispensing of scriptural truths depends altogether upon strict adherence to RIGHTLY DIVIDING THE WORD OF TRUTH.


Should this devotional be a blessing to you, maybe you have a friend or family member that would like to start receiving the daily word. You may forward this to them, by copy and paste method,  and they can use the below link to subscribe. We love to meet new people

Daily Inspirational

Grace And The Truth

E-Mail GracentheTruth@aol.com

2 Tim 2:15  Study to show thyself approved unto God, a  workman  that needeth  not  to  be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
9  Prayer / General Discussion / Thought For Today on: December 21, 2004, 04:58:38 AM
Grace & Peace from God the Father and Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Has it dawned on you that another year in our Lord is coming to a close? It seems that it went by all to quick.Well as we are huddled around with our love ones during this Holiday Season can you just share the true meaning on why Christ was born and that He came to die!!! The greatest gift that you can give is to share how that
1Co 15:3
For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;
1Co 15:4
And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:
If you truly love them you will share this with them.
If the Lord allows us to tarry another year lets not wait on this time again to let them know the Gospel of Christ..Too see one past from death to Life is also wonderful.

Until that Day comes just keep,
Tit 2:13
Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;

In Christ Jesus

Brother Love Smiley
10  Theology / Bible Study / DOES GOD INTERVENE IN THE AFFAIRS OF MEN TODAY? on: December 21, 2004, 04:49:21 AM
Two Minutes With The Bible



There is a teaching these days, that the Lord does not answer the prayers of His saints; that He is not interested, nor does He care about His people today, nor what they do. Since this age of grace is a timeless, signless age, it is argued that God does not intervene in the affairs of men today.

It is, of course, quite true that as far as tongues, signs, and
miracles are concerned God has laid aside the Faith Healer in favor of dispensing "grace" through "faith" in this dispensation. But to say that God does not intervene today is in grave error.

The Apostle Paul, and those who have followed his ministry down through the centuries, would tell you that God is very much alive today, and that He is still on His throne.

God is looking for "faithful" men and women to equip for the ministry (ICor.4:1,2). Men whose one desire is to know the truth, and to make it known. Men who will not be drawn away by false doctrine, but who will point the saved, and unsaved alike, to the Scriptures, and the heavenly ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ as revealed in the Pauline epistles.

"And to make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the world hath been hid in God, who created all things by Jesus Christ" (Eph.3:9).

But this error, that the Lord has set the age of grace in motion, only to take His hand away, allowing us to drift without any moorings (Heb.6:19), is unthinkable of God.

THAT THE CONVERSION OF SAUL OF TARSUS was an unexpected event in history as far as prophecy was concerned is obvious (Acts 9:1-6). It certainly took Paul by surprise. And the devil has not yet gotten over the shock of it. But what is most important about Paul’s encounter with Christ is the fact that for 2000 years now, the Gospel of Grace has shined brightly in this dark world. In short, this is the greatest intervention of God into the affairs of men to date, when He physically appeared to Saul of Tarsus on the road to Damascus (Acts 22:6-11). A surprise of grace that even the Prophets had not predicted (Col.1:26).

Beloved, God intervenes in the affairs of men every time a sinner trusts Christ as his Saviour. Every time the Gospel is preached God intervenes to "edify" His saints; to save men and women, boys and girls, from sin’s degradation—from a Christless eternity, and conform lives to the image of His Son (Rom.8:29; 12:1,2; Eph.1:18; Phil.3:10). And, by faith alone, to delivers us from this present evil world-system (Gal.1:4). Question: Are you ready for the next event in God’s "mysterious" program, the "catching away" of His Church?

"And to wait for His Son from heaven, whom He raised from the dead, even Jesus, [who] delivers us from the wrath to come" (IThes.1:10).

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Two Minutes With The Bible By Pastor Stam

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Berean Bible Society
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Email: berean@execpc.com

2 Tim 2:15  Study to show thyself approved unto God, a  workman  that needeth  not  to  be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
11  Theology / Bible Study / "DOUBTING THOMAS" on: December 21, 2004, 04:46:23 AM
Two Minutes With The Bible



"Except I shall see in His hands the print of the nails, and put my finger into the print of the nails, and thrust my hand into His side, I will not believe" (John 20:25).

A lot of people today are like "doubting Thomas", they just won’t believe. You hand them a gospel tract, with a pleasant word of testimony, and they turn a deaf ear, rejecting the only blessed Saviour, Jesus Christ:


But Thomas gave himself an "out". He wanted to see the evidence of Christ’s resurrection. Melancholy, yes, Thomas was melancholy, but death is very permanent, and except for the miracle working Christ some 2000 years ago NO ONE comes back from the dead. Even though Thomas witnessed his Lord raise Lazarus from the dead he was skeptical about Christ’s resurrection. That the Invincible One had been overcome and conquered by death was the thought upon the minds of them all. Thomas, and all the apostles, those disciples too, together with the Jews, and the Gentiles, SAW that Christ was dead. And Thomas was not with the other disciples when, on the third day, our Lord Jesus Christ arose from the dead.

Now "after eight days" had passed the Lord appeared again to His disciples, and fortunately Thomas was with them this time or he may never have seen the Lord, and Christ said unto them:

"Peace be unto you" (John 20:26).

The Record of Scripture indicates that Thomas had spoken the words of John 20:25 in unbelief. Our Lord’s sudden presence with them was the surprise of his life. It was Thomas’ time to see the Lord, and to his utter delight, he heard Him say:

"Reach hither thy finger, and behold My hands; and reach hither thy hand, and thrust it into My side: and be not faithless, but believing" (Ver.27).

"And Thomas answered and said unto Him, MY LORD AND MY GOD" (Ver.28).

There was no doubt in his mind now that Jesus Christ had risen from the dead, nor were any of the others doubtful about the mighty power of God to save.

"Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen Me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed" (John 20:24-29).

Those who find the most for which to criticize "Thomas", when presented with the evidence, and the truth of God’s Word "rightly divided", often find it convenient to reject "The Light" (IICor.4:6), and cling to old errors.

My friend, this is where you and I come in, and the Apostle of the Gentiles, for in Paul’s Epistle to the Romans, he writes of our resurrected Christ:



Subscribe at:
Two Minutes With The Bible By Pastor Stam

Mailing Address:
Berean Bible Society
N112 W17761 Mequon Road
P.O. Box 756
Germantown, WI 53022

Web Site:
Gospel Books, Materials, & Free Mailings

Email: berean@execpc.com

2 Tim 2:15  Study to show thyself approved unto God, a  workman  that needeth  not  to  be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
12  Theology / Bible Study / "ENTERING INTO HIS REST" on: December 21, 2004, 04:41:02 AM
Two Minutes With The Bible



"GOD rested the seventh day from all His works" (Heb.4:4), a reference to the six days of creation as recorded in Genesis 1:1-2:2, and an exhortation that you cease your works and REST in the power of Almighty God.

But Moses himself, through unbelief, failed to enter, and rest, in the land of promise (Heb.4:6; Nu.20:7-13; Deut.34:1-8).

Since he had already "smitten" the rock once (Ex.17:1-7), the Lord now instructed him to "speak" (Nu.20:Cool to the rock, for the "Rock" smitten once typifies Christ’s death on Calvary (ICor.10:4; Heb.10:10-14). A "word" humbly "spoken" in the wilderness (Ex.17:1-7) would bring forth the water of life freely, but Moses "smote the rock", not once, but "twice" (Nu.20:11). His anger with Israel, "ye rebels", revealed his unbelief also, for Christ was not to be "smitten twice" (Nu.20:Cool. Nevertheless in John 4:14 we see the "water" that Christ gives is a "well of water springing up into everlasting life".

Under the leadership of Moses and Joshua, it is apparent that though Israel entered Canaan, they failed to enter His rest.

"And they to whom it was first preached entered not in because of unbelief" (Heb.4:6).

Even David and his valiant men could not bring Israel into His rest because of unbelief (Heb.4:7).

"For if [Joshua] had given them rest, then would he not afterward have spoken of another day" (4:Cool.

From David unto Christ, Israel would not enter into His rest,
"although the works were finished from the foundation of the world" (Heb.4:3; Rev.13:Cool, a reference to the "forbearance" of God as Paul declares in Romans 3:25,26.

"Jesus", Hebrews 4:8 in our KJV, refers not only to Joshua, but He whom Joshua typified, our Lord Jesus Christ. Under His Divine Leadership Israel rejected the Millennial Rest of His glorious reign (Luke 19:14). See also Romans 10:3,4.

But there remains "a rest" to all those who will place their faith and trust in our "Great High Priest...JESUS the Son of God" (Heb.4:14-16).


Again in Romans, Abraham is God’s great example of faith:

"For if Abraham were justified by works, he hath whereof to glory; BUT NOT BEFORE GOD.
"For what saith the Scripture? Abraham believed God, and...HIS FAITH IS COUNTED FOR RIGHTEOUSNESS" (Rom.4:2-8).

Isn’t it about time that you also ceased from your so-called "good works". Trust the Lord Jesus Christ alone as your Saviour for salvation, and His finished work on Calvary’s cross, and enter into His rest, by grace through faith?


Subscribe at:
Two Minutes With The Bible By Pastor Stam

Mailing Address:
Berean Bible Society
N112 W17761 Mequon Road
P.O. Box 756
Germantown, WI 53022

Web Site:
Gospel Books, Materials, & Free Mailings

Email: berean@execpc.com

2 Tim 2:15  Study to show thyself approved unto God, a  workman  that needeth  not  to  be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
13  Theology / Bible Study / ETERNAL LIFE, THE GIFT OF GOD on: December 21, 2004, 04:38:17 AM
Two Minutes With The Bible



Suppose I knew of a financial benefactor who was giving away one million dollars to every one that personally contacted him. I told my parents about this, and they collected their million; my sisters collected theirs, after I told them of course; and my brothers-in-law all received their generous portions. Of course I told my wife, and every one in her family, about it. All our relatives, friends, and many, many strangers contacted this gracious benefactor as per instructions, and received their million dollars.

But I never told you!

What would you think about my actions in this matter, if I had not told you about this wonderful gift? Would you not have a right to be very angry with me and wonder why you were left out?

Now please do not think that I am angry with any one, for such thinking could not be farther from the truth. No, not at all.

This is an illustration of what God seeks to convey to a lost and dying world. Only it’s not a mere million dollars, nor is it billions of dollars, that we are discussing here. It is a portrait of the love of Christ:

"But God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us" (Rom.5:Cool.

The Lord does not promise earthly wealth, but He has promised "eternal life" to all who will believe on His Son, worth more than all the money in all the world:


Yes, my dear friend, I trust that you also can now see how important, how really important, this gift is that God wants to give you!

The Apostle Peter describes the gift of God as more valuable than the precious metals that men covet after.

"Forasmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, AS SILVER AND GOLD, from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers;

"But with THE PRECIOUS BLOOD OF CHRIST, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot" (IPet.1:18,19).

The Bible clearly teaches that we are all "sinners" (Rom.3:23), lost and dying, and in desperate need of the "Saviour" (Tit.1:4). Jesus Christ, of course, is our only Saviour. There is no other Saviour for mankind. If you miss Him, you will have missed everything! This is why the Apostle Paul declared that salvation can only be obtained by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ:

"For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
"Not of works, lest any man should boast" (Eph.2:8,9).

"Neither by the blood of goats and calves, but BY HIS OWN BLOOD He entered in once into the Holy Place, HAVING OBTAINED ETERNAL REDEMPTION FOR US" (Heb.9:12).

This is also why the Apostle Paul exhorts us to trust Christ as our Saviour:


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Two Minutes With The Bible By Pastor Stam

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14  Theology / Bible Study / THE WORKS OF THE FLESH vs. THE FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT on: December 21, 2004, 04:35:55 AM
Two Minutes With The Bible



Adultery heads the list of the works of the flesh in Galatians
5:19-21, with fornication and uncleanness following second and third in succession. There is a world of sinners out there, unrestrained with unbridled lusts, to which the Lord sends His ambassadors with "the message of reconciliation" (IICor.5:14-21).

"Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these: Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revel-lings, and such like..."

It was adultery that ruined King David, for when it came time for the king to go to war, he was on his rooftop:

"And it came to pass in an eveningtide, that David arose from off his bed, and walked upon the roof of the king’s house: and from the roof he saw a woman washing herself; and the woman was very beautiful to look upon" (IISam.11:2).

Did the Lord have this in mind when He said: "Whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart" (Matt.5:28)? It is truly "from within, out of the heart of man, [that] proceed evil thoughts"; and "adulteries" are at the top of this list in Mark 7:21-23 also.

Again, in Romans Six, the Apostle Paul speaks of the works of the flesh as unfruitful and leading to death: "What fruit had ye then in those things whereof ye are now ashamed? for the end of those things is death" (Rom.6:21). In Colossians, we read that these works of the flesh originate from within, and pointing to the Christ of Calvary’s cross, Paul says: "And you, that were sometime alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, YET NOW HATH HE RECONCILED IN THE BODY OF HIS FLESH THROUGH DEATH, to present you holy and unblameable and unreproveable in His sight" (Col.1:21,22).

Consequently, there is real "joy and peace in believing" (Rom.15:13) as God’s grace saves and transforms lives so that Christ may be seen, and not the works of the flesh.

"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering,
gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance; against such there is no law" (Gal. 5:22,23).

It is only right that there are laws against the works of the flesh, but how could there be laws against the fruit of the Spirit? A striking contrast indeed!

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Two Minutes With The Bible By Pastor Stam

Mailing Address:
Berean Bible Society
N112 W17761 Mequon Road
P.O. Box 756
Germantown, WI 53022

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Gospel Books, Materials, & Free Mailings

Email: berean@execpc.com

2 Tim 2:15  Study to show thyself approved unto God, a  workman  that needeth  not  to  be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
15  Theology / Bible Study / Cling to Jesus on: December 21, 2004, 04:21:29 AM
GRACE WALK - Weekly Devotional

Cling to Jesus

When you have a serious decision to make and aren’t sure which option to choose, cling to Jesus. When you go to church every week, but don’t seem to get anything out of it at all, cling to Jesus. When your bills are coming in faster than your paychecks do, cling to Jesus. When your children make decisions that contradict everything you’ve taught them their whole lives, cling to Jesus. When the doctor gives the diagnosis you most feared to hear, cling to Jesus. When you aren’t sure which church is teaching truth and which is teaching error, cling to Jesus. When grace is a subject you believe, but wonder how to move it from your head to your experience, cling to Jesus. When your heart has grown cold and you haven’t felt God’s presence in a very long time, cling to Jesus. When a friend betrays you in a way you never would have expected, cling to Jesus.

Cling to Jesus. He will guide you through His Spirit. He will nurture you by His love. He will provide for you through His generosity. He will comfort you through His tender compassion. He will heal you by His stripes. He will reveal truth to you through His Word. He will transform you by His power. He will touch you by His presence. He will sustain you by His faithfulness.

Cling to Jesus. He holds you in His arms at this very moment and will never let you go. You have been bought with a price and will display the glory of His grace throughout eternity. Cling to Jesus and know this for sure – He will eternally cling to you.

Steve McVey is the President of Grace Walk Ministries, a discipleship ministry located in Atlanta, GA. If you have been sent this devotional by a friend and want to know more about Grace Walk Ministries, visit our web site at www.gracewalk.org.

This devotional may be duplicated if printed with no changes in its entirety and with the following acknowledgment: “Copyright, 2004,used by permission. Steve McVey, Grace Walk Ministries, www.gracewalk.org

2 Tim 2:15  Study to show thyself approved unto God, a  workman  that needeth  not  to  be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
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