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Theology / Debate / Re:Can psychics really see the past/future?
on: September 28, 2004, 08:24:33 AM
In my opinion, making a living out of being a 'phychic' is pretty much the same as making a living out of being a magician. Allowing hte audience to belive hte unbelieveable even though self-conciously they know its fake.
Fellowship / For Men Only / Re:The Christian View
on: September 23, 2004, 06:36:22 AM
not to be disrespectful, but its not like i don't know anything about Nora, and i also know the difference between a shoot and a work, regradless what she said on Byte This, i know for a fact that Molly is a genuine christian.
Theology / Debate / Re:Meat is Murder
on: September 23, 2004, 06:33:08 AM
I'll stick with God's Word and enjoy that freshly hunted meat grocery store meat! Freshly hunted meat has a better taste. It also doesn't have all the junk added to the meat. dont I know it I do, I have had both. so have I! your not getting it DW, I WANT freshly hunted meat You guys ever considered hunting a human?
Entertainment / Politics and Political Issues / Re:US Elections 2004
on: September 15, 2004, 09:01:47 PM
I'd hate to vote at all, espeically in the american system. In the last election if a voted for Bush it'd make me feel extra guilty for all the innocent people he has killed in Iraq, don't need that burden on my shoulders. But i happen to live in England where our government is even worse, definitly need a lot of trust to vote, and my parents always told me never to trust strangers.
Theology / Debate / Re:Meat is Murder
on: September 15, 2004, 08:58:52 PM
Bambi stew Yummmmmmmy One huge injustice that i have found out, and something that i really don't understand personally is, say someone killed a man and ate him, that person would be jailed for life, in some places sentenced to death. But if he ate any other animal that is deemed socially and globally's a crazy world.
Theology / Debate / Re:Meat is Murder
on: September 13, 2004, 09:30:25 PM
Re:Meat is MurderMeat is Yummy! Would you consider someone who killed and human to eat them right??? It seems the Christians Unite forum is rather anti-vegetarian
Fellowship / For Men Only / Re:The Christian View
on: September 11, 2004, 02:35:45 PM
It's violent and portrays women as objects, whether these women set out to be viewed in such a way or not. Don't get my wrong i am no way trying to have you change your opinion or anything. Your opinion is your own and you are entitled to it. With the women as objects points, i agree with you, i wish it would change, but there Nora Greenwald is no way a conformist to these stereotypes, but unfortunately pretty much every other diva is. On the point of violent sports, come to think of it pretty much every sport is violent to certain extents, and with sports like american football we also see women undermined in a cheerleading form. If you get right down to it, it's not even wrestling at all. As a former wrestler in my youth, these people that I have seen on tv are more of a kind of fighting acrobat. Don't get me wrong, they do possess athletic ability which helps them with various high risk maneuvers. But there's very little wrestling that actually takes place. Now again this is your opinion, based purely on facts though i must disagree. Yes, certain wrestling has turned into all high risk stuff, but the majority of wrestling is not like that at all. Pretty much every 'wrestler' in the WWE is a wrestler. Maybe the nostrgic view would suggest 'wrestlin ain't what it was like back in my day', but to be fair everything evolves, including wrestling. But i appreciate your comments on the thread.
Fellowship / For Men Only / Re:The Christian View
on: September 10, 2004, 01:42:48 PM
I went to the Nora Greenwald site and found nothing there that says she's a Christian. Maybe I wasn't looking in the right place but I found myself being very leery of surfing through the site after I saw some of the links that she has on there. It seemed to be all about her with nothing about Jesus. And that's just a little out of whack.
Please refer to this link
Fellowship / For Men Only / Re:The Christian View
on: September 10, 2004, 01:32:26 PM
I'm sure that many of you view professional wrestling as harmless since, in reality, none of it is real. However, I'd like to point out a couple of things. You'd be suprised how much even landing normally in the ring hurts, plus bouncing off the ring ropes hurt a lot. I wrestle myself, but we try to keep each other as safe as possible everytime we set foot in the ring. Second, it wasn't this way in the early days of the "sport", but today's televised wrestling has turned women into objects, rather than portraying them with the beauty and uniqueness that God designed them with. They are eye candy whose only purpose is to get more men to watch, which obviously increases revenue. They come out scantily clad in outfits with bodies that have been generated by science, not the Father. And they parade themselves around because they know that's what the viewers want. They may as well work in a strip club. Satan's pretty smart, isn't he? Believe me women's portrayal in wrestling is somhing that bothers me aswell, and hopefully over time that will change, there are actually fantastically talent women's wrestler that do actually wrestle on WWE programs, Nora is a perfect example, and it may be noted that she is very much anti-t&a. As far as wrestlers being evangelists or claiming to be Christians let me say this. If the Million Dollar Man (Ted DiBiase) is an evangelist now, does he still promote the sport? If he does, then I question his calling. That just depends totally on what your outlook on wrestling is my friend. Most wrestlers are very religious, i pray that God keeps my safe when i'm in the ring, is that wrong? I went to the Nora Greenwald site and found nothing there that says she's a Christian. Maybe I wasn't looking in the right place but I found myself being very leery of surfing through the site after I saw some of the links that she has on there. It seemed to be all about her with nothing about Jesus. And that's just a little out of whack.
Well you can take my word that Nora is extremely religious, there is not much on her offical site, but if you look on 'facts about nora' you will find some religious references there. "It seemd to be all about her with nothing about Jesus"...well there is religious stuff on there, just for the record Nora Greenwald is a wrestler, not an evangeist thats probably why you see so much stuff about her, it is her official site.
Theology / Debate / Meat is Murder
on: September 10, 2004, 12:45:28 PM
Most of the americans on this forum probably won't have heard of a 80's band called 'The Smiths'. anywayz, there personally one of my favourte bands. They did a song called 'Meat is Murder', i think its a very powerful and correct song, i've been a vegetarian for about 9 years now and anyone else who is a vegetarian on the forum can definately relate to these lyrics, and maybe the meats eaters on hear might be converted you never know. Anywayz here are the lyrics to the song...
Heifer whines could be human cries Closer comes the screaming knife This beautiful creature must die This beautiful creature must die A death for no reason And death for no reason is murder
And the flesh you so fancifully fry Is not succulent, tasty or kind It’s death for no reason And death for no reason is murder
And the calf that you carve with a smile Is murder And the turkey you festively slice Is murder Do you know how animals die ?
Kitchen aromas aren’t very homely It’s not comforting, cheery or kind It’s sizzling blood and the unholy stench Of murder
It’s not natural, normal or kind The flesh you so fancifully fry The meat in your mouth As you savour the flavour Of murder
No, no, no, it’s murder No, no, no, it’s murder Oh ... and who hears when animals cry ?
Theology / Debate / Re:Who should we help?
on: September 03, 2004, 11:43:55 AM
I voted for whoever is the most needing of help.
I don't think trying to covert 'enemies' is really important or right. Christianity is not a dictatorship, i think one of the great things bout life is that you get the choice, i think if everyone was forced to become christian it may be good for society, but wouldn't be so democratic.