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Entertainment / Politics and Political Issues / Re:One more reason to vote for Bush!!
on: October 03, 2004, 08:28:13 AM
Luke O Said:
And where are the weapons of mass destruction???....yeah funny how politicians are trying to sweep that statement under the carpet Luke, they were obviously moved or destroyed. The whole world knew they were there. Further, Saddam used them, and there are mass graves to prove it. So, why didn't he cooperate with the inspectors or obey the UN resolutions? Several investigations SUGGEST that they were moved into Libya or Syria. Love In Christ, Tom They might of been moved, saying that thought Iraq probably bought them of the US in the first place. Plus let's review both countries the US and Iraq, both countries have weapons of mass destruction, and at the moment i'd say the US are the most unstable with them. Answer me this, Sadaam knew he was going down, so why didn't he fire the weapons of mass destruction at the US or UK then? i mean he'd have nothing to loose would he. The whole UN resoultions thing is stupid, would the US let any other country come into America and have a look at there weapons of mass destruction, i don't think they would, Iraq simply did what the US would do. in my opinion anywayz
Entertainment / Politics and Political Issues / Re:One more reason to vote for Bush!!
on: October 02, 2004, 04:41:59 PM
hahaah she doesn't like i'm guessing she would be proud . Back to the subject, i am by not means advoctating that Sadaam is a good man or anything. But the US and the UK have no evidence that he was to blame for it. You make a reference to Hitler, funny enough thousands and thousands of people rpotested again the war in the UK, but one man ignored it and carried on (of course that one man being Tony Blair) now surely that is also Hitler-esk dictatorship, i see no democracy. On the subject of terrorism, can someone define what that is for me, i define it as terror caused on innocent people, but obviously i must be wrong then, cause if that was the case USA bombing Iraq qould also be terrorism. Come to think of it i can't decifer the difference between Iraq attacking the US(which they might not have done) and the US attacking Iraq. And where are the weapons of mass destruction???....yeah funny how politicians are trying to sweep that statement under the carpet
Entertainment / Animals and Pets / Re:Dogs suck
on: October 01, 2004, 09:26:37 PM
heehe i like both Cat's and Dog's....although Cat's are a lil bit smart for their own good, they out smart me all the time ...but then again that ain't a hard task I have a dog, and he is evil, theres the old saying 'the dog is only as bad as its owner' dog was born a monster!!!
Theology / Debate / Re:Meat is Murder
on: October 01, 2004, 04:39:35 PM
Luke O Said:
I guess it's purely a religious thing then i guess. Depends on your view of the bible. Brother, I would have to respectfully disagree. It has absolutely nothing to do with religion or the Bible, rather a personal choice by you. The Holy Bible is quite blunt and clear that God made many things for the nourishment of our bodies, including animals. There isn't even a hint in the Holy Bible that people shouldn't eat meat. The closest one can get is meat that was considered unclean under the Law for the Jews. Other than that, the teaching of the Holy Bible is the opposite - man may eat meat and give thanks for it. So, being a vegetarian is a personal choice and has absolutely nothing to do with the Holy Bible. It's fine to make that choice, but it isn't fine to hint that the Holy Bible teaches it. Further, there is no hint that man is doing anything wrong by eating meat. So eat meat or don't eat meat, but you would be wrong to suggest that God doesn't want us to eat what he provided for our nourishment. Love In Christ, Tom Ahhhhh right, well that is actually good to know. I was only basing the judgement that it depends on your view of the bible because the rest of the posts seemingly seem to go by whatever the bible says on the issue whether to eat meat or not, i maybe be wrong, that's just the impression i got
Theology / Debate / Re:Meat is Murder
on: October 01, 2004, 10:43:41 AM
Humans are not animals. We were made in the image of God. God said all animals are for us to eat and not to be refused.
It's a scientific fact humans are animals It's a Biblical fact we are not animals. Science books are always having to be changed because they are wrong. The Bible is never wrong and has always been proved to be true. Genesis1:25: And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good. 26: And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. 27: So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. I guess it's purely a religious thing then i guess. Depends on your view of the bible.
Theology / Debate / Re:Meat is Murder
on: October 01, 2004, 07:02:38 AM
Humans are not animals. We were made in the image of God. God said all animals are for us to eat and not to be refused.
It's a scientific fact humans are animals
Entertainment / Sports / Re:football
on: September 30, 2004, 12:40:52 PM
yeah we call american football 'rugby' over here (well they are similar anywayz). And Football in the UK is 'soccer' in the USA. Very confusing i guess
Theology / Debate / Re:Meat is Murder
on: September 30, 2004, 12:37:04 PM
First of all i'd like to like your post was very constructive, and did make some good points, some i disagreed with though, not trying to changed your view, just giving my opinion.... Animals have no responsibility; humans do. Do other animals not gave to shelter, feed and care for their young? Do they not feel sadness, happiness, worry? ... God gave man the authority and dominion over animals...not over each other (God is my authority; He has dominion in my life). Equating meat-eating with the eating of humans makes no sense whatsoever. God's word has never said humans may eat humans.... What an odd argument to use.
Yeah i'm not that religious of a guy, sothis is where our opinion iwll obviously varie. But, surely driving your car, making a fire, etc etc all things that destroy the earth is wrong aswell. I'm sure God wouldn't be too thrilled to see his own creation being destroyed. I don't see the point in this at all....if you don't like meat, don't eat it. But don't tell everybody else it's wrong, when God clearly says it isn't wrong.
This thread is meant for opinions, i'm not dictating to people that they have to stop eating meat, i'm just giving reasons why i think it is wrong. Seen as though the thread is under the categorie 'Debate' i think it is appropriate. Just a general theory, and i'm probably gonna offend people here or summin. But God surely made mistakes in his life, and said things he regretted, maybe he might not be right about humans eating meat. Human's are all about individuality, surely just doing something cause someone else said you should is like a sheep following a herd....just my opinion anywayz, hope i haven't angered anyone.
Theology / Debate / Re:Meat is Murder
on: September 30, 2004, 06:35:24 AM
I think its already been established that eating meat is ok both secularly and in accordance to God. If you just want a logical argument, consider animals eating other animals. Is this considered murder? This is nature and without it, predator eating prey, all the animals in this world could not exist. why would it be right for animals to eat each other but wrong for humans to eat animals? Animals eat other animals becuase they have no alternative, humans have the option, we can live health life styles without eating meat. yes our body won't get certain things that it needs, but meat also provides the body with many unhealth things. About humans being the most advanced creature on this planet, according to scripture God let man rule over all creatures on the earth. Humans are not the most advanced creature persay on biological complexity; we just have higher intelligence and reasoning. We were created in the image of God. Regardless of what the religious view is, and just looking ast the facts, humans being the most intelligent animals is clearly false. Humans may have the larger brain, but we only use 10% resulting in us having a much lower brain capasity than other animals. Lets just look at human behaviour, destroying the planet, killing other humans for no reason, yeha these definately sound like the actionsof the mostintelligent animal on the planet.
Entertainment / Sports / Re:football
on: September 29, 2004, 08:20:48 PM
how the UK and the US are so far apart, its like you guys are speakin a foreign language.
Fellowship / For Men Only / Re:The Christian View
on: September 29, 2004, 08:15:45 PM
Well i live in the UK, so we have countys instead of states over here. I live in Manchester, FSW and FWA.....not much choice really for people who live in the UK. But i will be working in the US in my 2nd year of university which is in a couple of years.
Theology / Debate / Re:Meat is Murder
on: September 29, 2004, 08:12:39 PM
what oh what has beocme of my thread It has been hijacked. Ok now back on track. Okay I am a meat eater, I love meat. The Human teeth are for eating meat. MEAT isn't Murder - Murder is Murder Vegetarians are denying themselves a basic human comfort- eating the charred flesh of others. Who can help but see a cow in a field and think, "flank steak!" Or a fish in a pond and not think "Filet O' Fish" or "whaler"? It is only natural. So who is really the Killer? I believe you should eat whatever you want- when you want it. Why is it OK for the French to eat Horse, but it is ILLEGAL in California? Or how the Chinese who go ga-ga for Cat? Or how about the Koreans and Dogs? You may think of them as pets, but to them, they are Livestock. "Eating a salad kills dozens of living plants. hmmm you make some interesting if not sarcastic points there but i repect your opinion. Pointing something out though, you seem it contradict yourself in your post. You say "murder is murder" but later on you say "I believe you should eat whatever you want- when you want it".....ermmm well what if i woke up one day and wanted to eat a human, surely judging by what you said, it will be ok, yes? Eating salads does kill plants, but not forgeting plants don't have pain receptors or emotions,as animals do. "The Human teeth are for eating meat"..this was one of the things you said that actually made sense, yeah your right humans teeth are design for eating meat, but humans evolve. We are supposed to be the most advanced animal on the planet, then how come we have to kill other animals to survive, i'm sure if there was a more advanced animal killing humans for no reason we would look at things very differently. In my opinion with humans we are NOT the most advanced animal on the planet, how can the most advanced animal on the planet do the only one that is destroying it? anywayz rant over It will be interesting to hear everyone elses thoughts...please try not to be too derogetary, i'm 17 and i'm showing more maturity here
Theology / Debate / Re:Men's Rights and Status Today
on: September 28, 2004, 08:28:37 AM
Its just the trend of the decade i think. The whole 'girl power' movement, stagnateing now though. Women and men should be treated completely even, its as simple as that really. Same with race, not matter what colour someone is it should be 50-50. Although in Britain race is going a bit too far, being accused of being racist is becoming like the olden time salem witch trials WITCH! WITCH!. hheehehe this is probably going off topic now.