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Fellowship / Just For Women / Re:How much of what you worried before really happened today?
on: June 19, 2004, 08:09:14 AM
I praise you for your optimism. However, I have seen men and women do far too many horrible things to each other to still see things the way you do. Keep at it. See the light. I no longer can. All around me, men and women are filled with darkness and evil. It's in the news. In the office. in the school. in the church. in the bedroom. In the home. in the workplace. in the mind. in the soul. There is no escape. peace.
Fellowship / You name it!! / Re:Exercise regimen
on: June 19, 2004, 08:06:12 AM
I walk all over Boston. From the Back Bay to Cambridge. From Cambridge to MIT to Charlestown. All over the place. On bridges. Over the water. Always on foot. That's my exercise.
Entertainment / Television / Re:What is your favorite TV show?
on: June 17, 2004, 12:32:28 PM
My favorite tv shows.
Forever Knight.
Buffy the vampire slayer.
Static Shock.
StarGate SG 1
Now & Again
Superman : the animated series
Taken (the series)
Children of Dune (Sci Fi miniseries)
Battlestar Galactica (Sci Fi's december 2003 series).
Queer Eye for the Straight Guy
Nero Wolfe
Wolf Lake
Big Wolf on Campus
Round the Twist
Black Stallion
The L Word
The Sopranos
Tru Calling
American Gothic
Prayer / General Discussion / Re: 70 catholic church closeings in boston
on: June 17, 2004, 12:25:21 PM
I am pretty liberal. But some of the things I am seeing in our society are beginning to trouble me. There are a lot of activist movements that are anti-family. I cannot stand those and I think we should watch out for them. Too many "isms" out there. Capitalism, marxism, communism, feminism, all the isms in the world and in history promote one group while putting down the rest. Abandon all "isms" people. They threaten our world.
There is a war against the family. The Church is under attack. The seed of destruction has been planted and from this seed grows a new nightmare. One from which humanity may never awaken.
Theology / Debate / Re:For Sinners Only
on: June 17, 2004, 12:19:58 PM
The Lord has eternity.....we are mortal and thus, we have only know. One lifetime in which to love and live and seek happiness. Each and every single day that we live might be our last. Let's try to enjoy the here and now. There are no guarantees. We have only now. peace.
Theology / Debate / Re:a question for all of you
on: June 17, 2004, 12:16:37 PM
Why do I believe in God ?
Hmm. Hard to say. I look at the men, women and children around me. I look at the madness around me. I see people that are capable of greatness giving into pettiness. I see apathy, corruption, greed, perversion, hatred, indifference, rage and violence. On occasion, I see love, harmony, acceptance, tolerance, friendship and good will toward men and women. The world is always on the brink of destruction.
These days, men and women are fighting each other in the home, in the streets, at the office and in the bedroom as opposed to cooperating with each other like it was meant to be. Something has gone horribly wrong. Yet I see some men and women try to make a difference and sometimes they succeed.
I sense a greater power out there. I dont know exactly what it is or what to call it. I know that it is sentient. I also know that often, it is on the outside looking in.
I choose to call it God.
Theology / Debate / Re:Women in leadership roles....
on: June 17, 2004, 12:11:41 PM
I have no problem with women in leadership roles. I promote gender equality. I dont support mysogyny or misandry. I would not want to work under a tyrant, be it a male or a female. In the home, a partnership of sorts is the best relationship. Mutual respect, understanding, and cooperation is key to a good relationship.
Fellowship / You name it!! / Re:What is Your fondest desire ?
on: June 10, 2004, 01:31:15 PM
Thanks for the advice, Wolfbrother.
Men and women are capable of being mature and thoughtful as well as illogical and confusing. dont assign maturity to one gender and deny it to another. stereotypes suck. I have seen immature yet sober females do things I wouldnt do even under the influence. (not that i drink) and I have seen immature males do things I wouldnt do some stupid things. Men and women have brains and genitals. They can use either for their thought process. It's up to them. Peace.
Fellowship / For Men Only / Re:Together
on: June 09, 2004, 10:19:27 PM
Growing up, I heard the saying : " Aide toi, le ciel t'aideras".
translation : Help yourself and the lord will follow.
I dont claim to know what the Lord wants but He knows you and I and every man, woman and child of the past, present and future are mortal and therefore fallible. He expects an effort from us, not perfection since we are creatures of limited intelligence and ability while He is Infinity. Take comfort in these words, mate. Peace.