There is rampant sexism on tv.
Men are pushed around, ridiculed and loathed as well as openly discriminated against and no one seems to think it is wrong. Don't believe me ? Look at any commercial and you will see a woman acting smart and the man acting like a really dumb person.
I call this Anti-Male Bias.
This is evident in other areas as well. In divorce cases, the woman always gets the kids and the man has to pay for them even when she won't allow him to see them. A woman can falsely accuse her man of assault and cops will arrest him and automatically assume he is guilty.
Women who assault men walk away with a wrist slap. Men who do the same are locked up. Violence Against Women is wrong ? Violence against ANYONE is wrong !!!!! Men and women should have Equal Rights AND Responsibilities. At all times. Not just when it suits them.
There are a lot of resources available for Battered Women. All 1.7 million of them (so they say).
What about Battered Men ?
Some men do get battered by their wives or girlfriends. These men have no one to turn to. The cops and prosecutors will not help them. There are no shelters for Battered Men. The world doesn't believe they exist.
Also, there are more women than men on college campuses.
Boys are not doing well psychologically (lots of anti male bias in the system plus lack of positive MALE role models) or academically so that could explain it. are matters concerning every man or boy and matters that should concern any woman who cares about a male sibling, partner or child.
what are we going to about it ?