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on: July 04, 2004, 06:42:03 PM
So, if we can make our own choices, then why in the heck are we not all perfect? You have it backwards. It is precisely BECAUSE we can still make our choices, that we often make the wrong choices, and also sin repeatedly. If according to your theory, men had no free will, then God would make all the choices, and every choice would be perfect. It is because of the freedom of our wills that we have constant exhortations in Scripture to "MORTIFY THE FLESH" and "WALK ACCORDING TO THE SPIRIT".
on: July 04, 2004, 06:36:38 PM
Sower, SO WHEN WE SUBJECT OUR WILLS TO GOD'S WILL, WE IN FACT RELINQUISH OUR PRIVILEGE [NOT RIGHT] TO EXERCISE OUR WILLS INDEPENDENTLY OF GOD'S WILL. THIS IS TRUE FREEDOM. Theologically this could not happen. It is true we subject our wills to Gods. A better word would probably by align with Gods. But man is never lost into God's will. We don't lose our essence of nature when we exercise our will. It is in fact indepentent of God's will. It is our responsibility to align it and keep it there. That is what we will account for in the end. That is true freedom. We don't relinquish anything. Our wills are neither a privilege nor a right. In this case we could not, even if we wanted to. It is our created nature, the essence of man, It is part of our created image of God. Sojourner: You're just rambling without taking the time to digest what was posted. "Our wills are neither a privilege nor a right". You seem to forget that to be created in God's image and likeness is indeed a privilege. Ask any other creature, if you can communicate with them. You have misunderstood the import of what I said altogether. "Theologically this could not happen". Really? Where do you get this? What were the first word's our of the mouth of Saul the persecutor of the Church? "Lord, WHAT WILT THOU HAVE ME TO DO?" (Acts 9:6). That's exactly what I'm talking about. From doing his own will as Saul, we see Paul doing Christ's will within days of his conversion. This has nothing to do with losing our essential natures, and everything to do with loving God above ourselves.
Theology / Apologetics / Re:Is It Right?
on: July 04, 2004, 01:35:29 AM
I'm pretty suspicious of the NIV You have every reason to be. The interesting thing is that the translators of the NIV have revealed their agenda in their Preface. They claim it is an "eclectic" text and their choice of readings is according to the "sound principles of textual criticism" [which in fact were proven to be very unsound by men such as Burgon, Scrivener, Hoskier, Hills, and many others]. It is simply a cover-up for the corrupt Westcott-Hort/Nestle-Aland Text. They they also tell us that they have used some of the most corrupt documents as supplementary to their foundation -- including the writings of heretics. Further, the NIV is based upon the translation principle of "dynamic equivalence", which means the translators have paraphrased the Bible, and a careful comparison with the KJV will show how they have not only tampered with the text but actually perverted certain truths to mean the opposite of what they really are. Let's take just one example -- Romans 8:28. KJV -- "... All things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose". This teaches us that because God is sovereign, He makes all things "work together for good" to those who love Him and are called according to His purpose [the redeemed]. NIV -- "... in all things God works for the good of those who love him". This teaches us that God becomes the worker, instead of the one who makes all things work together for good through His divine power and sovereignty. First of all, THOSE ARE NOT THE WORDS IN THE TEXT. Secondly, THAT IS NOT THE TRUTH THAT IS BEING TAUGHT. Thirdly, since God allows afflictions and tribulations to come into the lives of His saints [and that is the reason for this verse being there] GOD IS NOT WORKING FOR THE GOOD IN ALL THINGS. Rather, He is making all things -- good and bad -- "work together for good". There is a difference. So we see how the NIV changes the truths of the Bible.
Theology / Prophecy - Current Events / Re:ALLAH IS NOT GOD...
on: July 04, 2004, 12:47:16 AM
ebia... The above is all true, but the vast majority is in agreement with non-Christian and pre-Christian Jews, so unless you are prepared to claim that David worshiped a different God, then you can't claim Muslims do on this basis. That is a truly foolish argument ebia. Ebia is simply trying to pick a fight for the sake of doing so. So you're right. Her arguments are foolish, and her attitude leaves much to be desired. Ebia, I could show you chapter and verse in the Koran to back up everything stated, but won't waste my time trying to convince you. Those with discernment know the truth.
on: July 04, 2004, 12:37:27 AM
Just because you decide to obey God doesn't mean you have to relinquish your right to free will. Ted: While I agree with much of what you are saying, the will of man is not so much a "right" as it is (1) a capability to make moral choices, (2) and the responsibility to make the right choices. In democracies we have what are known as "rights" and also corresponding "responsibilities". However, in a theocracy -- the Kingdom of God -- we have "gifts" of grace and "responsibilities". Therein lies a world of difference. So "free will" is not a right, since rights can be demanded, and nothing can be demanded from God. Man's "free will" [as commonly stated, but not actually found in Scripture other than for "freewill offerings"] is a GIFT, but it carries a huge responsibility: 1. The responsibility for all men now to repent according to God's commandment (Acts 17:30) and believe the Gospel, and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. 2. The responsibility for all Christians to make their own wills subject to God's will, just as the Man Christ Jesus did --"Father, not my will but thine be done" (Lk. 22:42). 3. The responsibility for all Christians to pray and to work so that God's Kingdom be established on this earth and God's will be done on earth as it is in Heaven (Mt. 6:10). SO WHEN WE SUBJECT OUR WILLS TO GOD'S WILL, WE IN FACT RELINQUISH OUR PRIVILEGE [NOT RIGHT] TO EXERCISE OUR WILLS INDEPENDENTLY OF GOD'S WILL. THIS IS TRUE FREEDOM.
Theology / Bible Study / Re:Marriage: What does Paul really teach?
on: July 02, 2004, 08:44:04 PM
Thanks for your post Sower. I have a hard time believing that anyone would disagree with this post. I mean, it is right out of the Bible! God breathed. Inspired by the Holy Spirit! Some people just seem to pick and choose what they want to believe. Whatever works for them. I think Paul's message is pretty clear however. Like a recent poster said 'It's not rocket science'. Thanks for the encouragement, Aiki. I trust the Lord will help others through it.
Theology / Prophecy - Current Events / Re:ALLAH IS NOT GOD...
on: July 02, 2004, 06:12:17 AM
I don't believe that the god that Islam worships is the same God Christians worship. The differences are too pronounced. Christians worship Jesus Christ as God. If you believe the Islam god is the same - show me the similarities. It goes far beyond that. The "god" of Islam has taken the revealation of the God of the Bible and turned it on it's head. The Koran makes Ishmael the child of promise, not Isaac. It also makes Mohammed the final "Prophet", not Christ. It also denies the Gospel truth that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that He was buried, and rose again the third day according to the Scriptures. According to the Koran, God cannot have a Son, therefore the New Testament is declared to be false. All the OT truths are also falsified. Lest we forget, the angel "Gabriel" is said to have appeared to Mohammed to bring down the revelation of the Koran, and establish it as God's final word to mankind. The false prophet Joseph Smith also clamied that "Gabriel" came to to him with the new revelation of the book of Mormon, to add to the Bible which seemingly can now inadequate. Why should we not therefore conclude that Satan came as a false "angel of light", claiming to be Gabriel, in order to controvert the Word of God through Mohammed and Smith? Scripture says that "in these last days God has spoken unto us by His Son" (Heb. 1:1-3) who is the brightness of God's glory and the express image of His person. The last book in the Bible is "the Revelation of Jesus Christ" (Rev. 1:1) and the apostle John sealed that book as the end of all revelation (Rev. 22:18,19). These truths are trampled on by the Koran. IN LIGHT OF ALL THIS, CHRISTIANS SHOULD CLEARLY UNDERSTAND THAT THE GOD OF ISLAM IS SATAN, WHO REJECTS BOTH THE FATHER AND THE SON. HE ALSO WISHES TO SEE EVERY JEW EXTERMINATED. ISLAM IS A RELIGION DIRECTLY OPPOSED TO CHRIST AND THE GOSPEL. THIS IS ANTICHRIST. LET'S MAKE NO MISTAKE.
Theology / Debate / Re:Women in leadership roles....
on: July 01, 2004, 12:42:54 AM
I do have strong opinions about whether or not all those scriptures that tell women to "sit down and shut up and do as your told" scriptures may have been misinterpreted and possibly taken out of context. Candice: Why don't you just finish the thought by surmising that those verses aren't really Scripture, but were simply added by male chauvinists who wanted to put women in their place? You posted a lot of verbiage, but you could just as easily have made one statement and that would have sufficed: "I don't believe the Bible". Otherwise it would not be "I do have strong opinions" but instead "What saith the LORD?" For those who want the Truth, read the Bible and BELIEVE IT, whether it suits your opinions or not. It is God's Word.
Theology / General Theology / Re:Questions (and yes, they're valid)
on: June 29, 2004, 09:07:49 PM
1) Why do children die? And I want a REAL answer to that one. Children are human. All humans die, some sooner and some later. Humans die because death became a part of humanity since Adam's disobedience. 2) Why don't animals go to heaven? Any heaven without animals would surely be hell for me, and I can't understand why creatures with such pure souls would not be allowed to go to heaven. Only humans were made in "the image and likeness of God". Therefore those who are in union with Christ through the new birth can enter into Heaven. 3) I've been looking through some things, and I came across something confusing. In Acts 26:23, it is said that Jesus would be the first to come back from the dead. However, this has been done before - Jesus brought Lazarus back to life. Elisha and God also did the same thing. I think I might be missing some piece here - help? Those who were resurrected such as Lazarus, may have eventually died. Christ is unique. He raised Himself, God the Father raised Him up, and God the Holy Spirit also raised Him from the dead. He rose to die no more since He is Lord. 4) Why is the Old Testament no longer relevant? Why do we get to pick and choose what parts are relevant? We need to be clear on this. While the Law of Moses, or Old Covenant is no longer applicable, having been replaced by what is far better -- the New Covenant, the Old Testament as Scripture IS VERY RELEVANT and is inextricably woven with the New. The Bible is one unified whole, with the New Covenant being the ultimate covenant. 5) Why is it necessary to try and convert people to Christianity, when God already knows who will convert and who won't? Christ has commanded that the Gospel be preached to "every creature". There must also be a response from sinners who hear the Gospel: "He that BELIEVETH and is baptized shall be saved. But he that BELIEVETH NOT shall be damned" (Mk. 16:16). While God knows all things, that does not mean that sinners do not need to "obey the Gospel". 6) If God loved us, why did he give us free will? To test our love for Him. When we freely love God in response to His love, it is the love that He looks for in humans. 7) Why does Satan exist? Why does evil exist? (I want a REAL answer to this one, too!) Satan was originally the most beautiful angel in Heaven, Lucifer. He too had a free will, and he chose to love himself over God [just as Adam did]. Because of his own pride he rebelled against his Creator. This was sinful and evil. Then Satan caused other angels and human beings to also rebel against God. Therefore evil exits in the universe. Why do terrible things happen to good people and not to others? Does God dislike these people? When calamities come upon God's people, it is to prove or test their faith and love. It is also a mark of God's favour, in that those who pass the test receive greater eternal rewards than those who do not suffer.
Theology / Apologetics / Re:The Teaching of Self-Esteem
on: June 27, 2004, 05:36:16 PM
is self-esteem bad? I agree that narcissism is bad. But is having a true firm belief that you are good, and that you deserve whatever you earn is a bad thing? Without self esteem, where would we be?
For Christians, there must be a proper balance between knowing and acknowledging that we owe everything to God, and that we belong to Him, and there is no intrinsic good in us, and at the same time rejoicing in what we are in Christ -- sons of God, heirs of God, friends and brethren of God, kings and priests before God. These are tremendous privileges accompanied by tremendous responsibilities. Because God has blessed His children so richly, we must be careful to humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God and walk in humility and love. At the same time, we must be careful to remember that God lives within us, and we are indeed sons of God and heirs of God. Without this balance, Satan will gain the advantage over us.
Theology / Bible Study / Re:The coming of God's Kingdom
on: June 24, 2004, 08:52:39 AM
Co -regent? Jesus Christ co- regent? Has man elevated himself to be co-regent with GOD? No. Man has not elevated himself, but the Lord has, by His infinite grace, made all believers "friends" and "brothers", as well as "kings" and "priests", "heirs of God, and JOINT-HEIRS with Christ". David will be "co-regent" [the word is not important, it is the idea] in the sense that he will reign over Israel under Christ. No one can be equal with the King of Glory, the King of kings and the Lord of lords. But God, in His grace and kindness, gives His children the privilege to be "heirs of God" and "JOINT-HEIRS" with Christ. It is in that sense that David is "co-regent". So let's not start misinterpreting or misunderstanding God's grace.
Theology / Bible Study / Re:The coming of God's Kingdom
on: June 23, 2004, 11:45:55 PM
This persecution is not God's wrath, I believe. But we are going to have to wait to see. Those who talk about "pre-wrath" and "post-wrath" don't really understand God's wrath. When God sends "strong delusion" on this earth after the Rapture of the saints and the removal of the Holy Spirit's restraint on Satan, that is indeed an expresion of God's wrath. The fiery judgments that follow the setting up of the Abomination of Desolation is a FURTHER expression of God's wrath. So in reality, the entire 70th "week" of Daniel -- the 7-year "tribulation period" -- is altogether an expression of God's wrath against sin, evil and the rejection of the Gospel and His beloved Son: "...because they RECEIVED NOT the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And FOR THIS CAUSE God shall send them STRONG DELUSION, that they should believe a lie: THAT THEY ALL MIGHT BE DAMNED who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness" (2 Thess.2:11,12). Christians today are playing word games with very serious and sombre spiritual realites and truths -- pre-trib, mid-trib, post-trib. Those are just games to avoid the awful truths revealed by God. The truth is that men and women are heading towards Hell, and Christians are playing word games!
Theology / Bible Study / Re:The coming of God's Kingdom
on: June 23, 2004, 11:31:38 PM
In your opinion was Jesus born King? Absolutely. Christ was born King of the Jews. Since they rejected Him, He will now come as King of kings and Lord of lords. But He will also be King of Israel, and David will be His co-regent on earth. There shall be a future Millenial Kingdom, followed by Christ's eternal rule on this redeemed earth -- the New Heavens and the New Earth will see Christ as King of kings and Lord of lords. All the nations on this earth will pay homage to Him eternally. Christians will "live and reign" with Him eternally. The details have not been revealed.
Theology / Bible Study / Re:The coming of God's Kingdom
on: June 23, 2004, 11:21:06 PM
If the kingdom of God is yet to come then why did Paul and John write as though they were already in the kingdom?
If the kingdom is yet to come then what is Christ King over when He is refered to as such? There are two aspects to the Kingdom of God revealed in the NT: 1 . "The Kingdom of God is within you" Referring to those who have been born again and have therefore entered into the kingdom of God, since every believer is immediately declared righteous, placed in God's family, made an heir of God and a joint-heir with Christ, and also made a king-priest unto God. Thus believers are already within an invisible Kingdom, since "my kingdom is not of this world". But Christ is presently King in Heaven, seated at the right hand of the Father. 2. "Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven"As long as Satan and his demonic hosts have power and freedom in the first and second heavens and on this earth, and as long as evil men have power and freedom on this earth, Christ's kingdom on earth remains in abeyance. When He returns the second time "with power and great glory" and with His saints, He will "make His enemies His footstool" and in reality establish His kingdom on this earth. That is yet future, and almost the entire book of Revelation must be fulfilled for that to happen.
Theology / Bible Study / Re:The coming of God's Kingdom
on: June 23, 2004, 01:03:37 AM
Christians will be raptured. The question is when, in regards to the tribulation hour. We can learn from what happened to Noah and to Lot as to when Christians will be raptured. Noah entered into the ark BEFORE the flood began, and Lot departed from Sodom BEFORE the fiery judgements were poured out. In order to bring about the great tribulation, the Man of Sin -- the Antichrist -- must appear and taken control of this earth. As long as the Church and the Holy Spirit are on this earth, Satan and the Beast as restrained from taking full control. Therefore the Church will be "taken up" or "caught up" just before, or very shortly before the Man of Sin begins his reign (2 Thess. 2:1-12). The "Great Tribulation" will only begin 3 1/2 years after the Beast has taken control of this earth. It is when the Antichrist set's up his image in the Temple of Jerusalem [which will be rebuilt in the near future] and blasphemes God that the worst judgments come upon this earth. After 3 1/2 years of the Great Tribulation, the Lord Jesus Christ will return with His saints to establish His kingdom on this earth.