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Author Topic: MIND CONTROL  (Read 2949 times)
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« on: January 08, 2006, 09:52:52 PM »


           Mind Control is not a modern day man’s invention.  Everyone, it seems, wants to control our minds.  Someone with a strong mind and a definite set of ideas tries to convince others (especially those with a weaker mind) that his way is the only right way.  It’s even more relevant today.  There are evil-minded people in the world today who try (and often succeed) to control every phase of our lives.  

   They are in the government tearing away at everything that honest God-fearing people would like to keep intact.  They are breaking up the true family function, killing the babies, teaching our children all sorts of lies in the schools. Teach them young and they will never yield to the “old-fashioned way.  They will become the New Agers; fit to belong to the New World Order, one world government and one world church.  Through “fun” games, movies, T.V., books and even schools, they will easily fall into the clutches of the devil’s servants.  

   More and more occult ideas are boldly being implanted in our children’s minds through all the media.  There are more and more T.V. “comedies” and movies about “cute” young witches and vampire slayers; kids with extra ordinary powers.   Our kid’s minds are being snatched away from them.  Parents aren’t even being aware of what is happening to their children.  It’s like a science fiction movie coming to life.  And it’s going to get worse.  It’s preparing the world to accept the anti-christ after God’s people are taken away in the rapture.  Wake up parents and all concerned Christians.  Grab the children and hold tight before it’s too late.  We can be excited and happy to be gone from this sick world but we would like for our children to be among us.

   We think we are in control of our own minds, but are we?  As soon as we are born, beginning with our parents, many others have begun to shape the way we think, whether good or bad.  Take a quick look back on your own young life.  With an open mind, think of those who had a great impact on your present life.  Were their teachings positive or negative?  If negative, how did you ever learn the difference?  What influenced your radical change of thinking?  Or is it still the same as it was then?  Were the teachings godly or ungodly.  You can live a “good” life as seen by worldly eyes but is not necessarily from God.  Were those most predominent in your life sensible or of a ridiculous nature?  

   How did your parents get along with each other?  Was there fighting and arguing all the time so you learned to do the same?  Did you experience love in your home by your parents?  Were you taught the love of God or only about His punishment?  Kids like to repeat swear words or vulgar words they hear.  They don’t know it is wrong until someone tells them.  Would God punish them in their ignorance?  Kids almost all go through that stage, but how you handle it, is how a child learns to think.  Think of your brothers and sisters and playmates.  Your mind picks up on what they were taught. You can get very confused.  My Mom said this but her Mom said that.  Who do you believe?  Your Mom wouldn’t lie or would she?  You may not realize it but you are talking to yourself trying to reason things out.

   You go to school.  What impressions do your teachers give you?  It’s not just their verbal teachings but their own personal attitudes.  It’s not the actual learning of “things” but overall ideas.  My sister is four years younger than I.  We were discussing some things that happened in our child hood.  Even though we “knew” of certain things, we each saw a different view of the same situation.  I don’t exactly remember being told these things but somehow they were impressed in my mind that it was how it happened.  Memory is strange.

     Kids today are taught to say what they think but somehow not to be careful before they speak.  Someone may get hurt.  Do any of you older readers remember “kids should be seen and not heard”?  It went from one extreme to another.

     Does God control your mind or do you let the devil let it run out of control?  Your mind is not really your own.  It belongs to the one whom you allow to control your thinking and actions.  We must have faith in God that He can and will handle all situations no matter how impossible they may seem.  We have to quit thinking so much on our problems.  As “they” say, we make mountains out of molehills.  

   It is really a sin of unbelief to always worry about things that may never happen.  That is the devil’s job to keep our minds in an uproar.  It can even affect our mental and physical health.  If and when we do get a problem, we have to learn to rest in the assurance that God will take care of it if we let Him.

   I Corinthians 2:16 says we have to train our minds to think like Jesus “But we have the mind of Christ.”  
Philippians 4:6-8 “Be careful for nothing but in everything in prayer and supplication with Thanksgiving let your requests be known unto God.  And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Jesus Christ…..”  The rest of it tells you what to think on.  We can still have peace in this crazy mixed up world in spite of what is going on around us.  We can still keep on praying for our children even if they are in the clutches of the devil’s helpers.  God can deliver them safely for us.     Isaiah 26:3  “you will keep in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you.”  Lord, give us the wisdom to fight this mind control battle.

   Many minds, even some Christians, are being controlled by evil forces.  They don’t even believe the Bible is without error.  
       All cults and false teachers use mind control.  The more of God’s precepts that can be forbidden in this country and the world, the more the devil and his workers can control minds. The New Agers are doing their work well.  That is enough for now.  I’ll let it sink in.  May God be allowed to open minds and let them take His own Words for the only truth there is.  

God bless you while you let God control your thinking instead of depraved men and women.


Hebrews 4:12 "For the Word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword."
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« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2006, 09:59:58 PM »

May God be allowed to open minds and let them take His own Words for the only truth there is.  

God bless you while you let God control your thinking instead of depraved men and women.

« Last Edit: January 08, 2006, 10:01:00 PM by DreamWeaver » Logged

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« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2006, 10:05:55 PM »

Amen livingbyfaith. With God in control we cannot go wrong. As I have said before on here, it is our responsibilty to insure that our children are taught in the ways of the Lord. To do so we must first know those ways ourselves.


Joh 9:4  I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.
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