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America - a new Roman Empire?
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Topic: America - a new Roman Empire? (Read 6028 times)
America - a new Roman Empire?
September 18, 2005, 02:22:02 AM »
Daniel describes a ‘Little Horn’ (Daniel 7:24) emerging AFTER the ten horns. The term ‘little’ here corresponds to age – e.g. the smaller horns of a young bull or younger nation from where the Antichrist will arise from. The United States or Little Horn (Daniel 7:
soon grows to become ‘more stout’ (stronger) than the other 10 – to become a global superpower.
There are 10 NATO European allies (excluding Turkey) geographically from the old Roman Empire.
were uprooted from North America during the foundation and expansion of the United States –
England, France and Spain
(Daniel 7:
‘I considered the horns, and behold,
there came up among them another little horn
(the United States),
before whom there were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots
: (England, France and Spain) and behold, in this horn were eyes like the eyes of man (Antichrist – the man), and a mouth speaking great things’ Daniel 7:8.
See The Final World Empire at
The new Roman Order or New World Order is led by
Washington D.C.
(the political, military and economic power and seat of the Antichrist) and
(the spiritual power and seat of the False Prophet or Mystery Babylon).
The 10 kings are described as iron and clay - partly weak and strong and they are typified by disputes among themselves. Such is the situation within NATO - yet they always end up supporting the US. Even Germany and France have still sent troops to Afghanistan and training personnel to Iraq.
The Antichrist arising from the EU has been taught by many false prophecy teachers for many years and is only partly correct. The US goes AWOL during the end times despite it's status as sole superpower.
There is a spiritual reality behind this - as Lucifer desparately tries to hide the identity of both the Antichrist (the man) and the beast (the nation). There's a lot at stake here.
Remember the US remains the most formidable economic and military power since the Roman Empire and is becoming increasingly a totalitarian police state at home. It has come in the name of Christ and as the friend of Israel to deceive Christians and Jews alike. Additionally the Mark of the Beast - the Microchip implant - has been patented by a US company (Applied Digital Solutions) and approved by the FDA.
The overwhelming evidence suggests that the US has become the final world empire. Please read some of the articles located at
God bless
Last Edit: September 18, 2005, 02:29:01 AM by Dawn
Re:America - a new Roman Empire?
Reply #1 on:
September 18, 2005, 02:41:52 AM »
Quote from: DreamWeaver on September 18, 2005, 02:29:12 AM
Dawn you should have run a search on this. There are a bunch of thread, on this subject.
I thank the Lord for that - I pray that many more Christians will have their eyes opened. The evidence and fulfillment of prophecy is overwhelming now.
God bless
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Re:America - a new Roman Empire?
Reply #2 on:
September 18, 2005, 02:46:45 AM »
Here we go again............
Dawn you should have run a search on this. There are a bunch of thread, on this subject.
Though it is built on seven hills, there would be no reason to accuse Rio de Janeiro of spiritual fornication. It makes no claim of having a special relationship with God. And though Jerusalem has that relationship, it cannot be the woman riding on the beast, for it is not built on seven hills. Nor does it meet the other criteria by which this woman is to be identified.
Against only one other city in history could a charge of fornication be leveled. That city is Rome, and more specifically Vatican City.
She claims to have been the worldwide headquarters of Christianity since its beginning and maintains that claim to this day.
Her pope enthroned in Rome claims to be the exclusive representative of God, the vicar of Christ. Rome is the headquarters of the Roman Catholic Church, and in that too she is unique.
The United States today isn't almost identical to another great worldwide empire that existed. It most certainly is, but of the British Empire, not the Roman Empire. If one carefully studies the history of the British empire at its peak, it is amazingly similar, in fact, identical, to the present-day United States of America at its superpower phase; the same philosophy, the same economic and military imperialism, and the same well-intentioned, honest belief that "what we think is good for us is good for the world too whether the world likes or wants it or not."
It's no coincidence that President George W. Bush. Who I believe God installed as US President for the end-time purpose of bringing those
"scared of Bush" independent European nations rapidly together for their prophesied final union of the superpower Roman Empire, one of the most fiercely independent men that has ever held the office of President of the United States, doesn't have a statue of Caesar in the Oval Office
(as would be expected if the USA was the "new Rome"), but he does have one of the late British Prime Minister Winston Churchill (whose mother was an American). Mr. Bush has said that the very-English (not very Roman) Churchill (who was Britain's Prime Minister during the Second World War) "reminds me of a Texan."
The Roman Empire never operated in the American way. And, as happened repeatedly through history (long before the USA was even just a twinkle in King George's eye, so to speak) the actual Roman Empire, the "Holy Roman Empire" as it was called later, was the nemesis of Britain e.g. the Spanish Armada that was sent to re-take Britain for Rome in 1588, the King James Bible of 1611 that was deliberately produced in defiance of Rome.
New Rome, the real Rome, which will be based in Rome (that's what Roman Empire means) and Berlin, again will be the very formidable opponent of the USA in the end time - which is not theory or conjecture. At this moment, the population, the economic output, and the military power (unlike Afghanistan or Iraq, the EU has an air force - no more unopposed "turkey shoots" of ground forces; war with the EU will be an unavoidable clash of titans, not a titan stomping a succession of carefully-chosen military midgets while avoiding conflicts with heavily-armed, on land and in the air, far more threatening to national security enemies like North Korea) of the European Union is at least equal to the US. All that's missing is the final act of union (of which Britain will not be a member - see the Fact Finder question below), which is now happening day by day right before your eyes.
Religious freedom, the separation of Church and State, is one of the pillars of the US Constitution; the New Rome will be just the opposite. As has been the case for centuries, the Papacy is now involved in the writing of the new EU Constitution. Roman Catholicism is already the official state religion of much of Europe, and the "New Rome."
The Roman Empire will get much of its military and religious power from Satan, who can, for example, fry electronics on anything from a laptop computer used by a battlefield officer to the guidance system of a cruise missile. And through false miracles, he will cause millions of people to be even more religiously deceived than they already are, getting them to turn on their own country out of fear that their salvation is at stake.
Revelation 13:2,4
"the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority ... And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?"
Revelation 13:13-14
"And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men, And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast"
That is reality, based upon the whole of history, and the whole of prophecy that looks to the
Scriptures alone for Truth
Many people today, from regular folks, to some historians who should better, to some students of Prophecy the ones who ignore world history are speculating that the United States of America is the "New Rome," meaning another revival of the ancient Roman Empire it isn't.
Rome Is Rome.
Edited to add; How can a country, as Rome be anything else but Rome
Resting in the hands, of Jesus.
2 Kings 12:9 But Jehoiada the priest took a chest, and bored a hole in the lid of it, and set it beside the altar, on the right side as one cometh into the house of the LORD: and the priests that kept the door put therein all the money that was brought into the house of the LORD.
Last Edit: September 19, 2005, 12:50:06 AM by DreamWeaver
Re:America - a new Roman Empire?
Reply #3 on:
September 18, 2005, 03:22:33 AM »
Rome is the city of seven hills and the seat of the False Prophet. But the New Rome is led by Washington D.C. (seat of the Antichrist). There are 2 beasts in Revelation 13.
America is an exact type of Rome - a revived Roman Empire
Hail Bush: A new Roman empire
Jonathan Freedland - The Guardian
September 20 2002
They came, they saw, they conquered. Now the United States dominates the world. With the rise of the New Age Roman empire, Jonathan Freedland asks how long before the fall?
The word of the hour is empire. As the United States marches to war, no other label quite seems to capture the scope of American power or the scale of its ambition
. "Sole superpower" is accurate enough, but seems oddly modest. "Hyperpower" might appeal to the French; "hegemon" is favoured by academics. But empire is the big one, the gorilla of geopolitical designations - and suddenly the US is bearing its name...
But is the comparison apt? Are the Americans the new Romans?
The most obvious similarity is overwhelming military strength. Rome was the superpower of its day, boasting an army with the best training, biggest budgets and finest equipment the world had seen. No-one else came close. The US is just as dominant - its defence budget will soon be bigger than the military spending of the next nine countries combined, allowing it to deploy forces almost anywhere on the planet at lightning speed. Throw in its technological lead, and the US emerges as a power without rival.
There is a big difference, of course. Apart from the odd Puerto Rico or Guam, the US does not have formal colonies, the way the Romans did. There are no American consuls or viceroys directly ruling faraway lands.
But that difference between ancient Rome and modern Washington may be less significant than it looks. After all, America has done plenty of conquering and colonising. For some historians, the founding of America and its 19th-century push westward were no less an exercise in empire building than Rome's drive to take charge of the Mediterranean. While Julius Caesar took on the Gauls - bragging that he had slaughtered a million of them - American pioneers battled the Cherokee, the Iroquois and the Sioux.
"From the time the first settlers arrived in Virginia from England and started moving westward, this was an imperial nation, a conquering nation," says Paul Kennedy, author of The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers.
More to the point, the US has military bases, or base rights, in some 40 countries - giving it the same global muscle it would enjoy if it ruled those countries directly
. According to Chalmers Johnson, author of Blowback: The Costs and Consequences of American Empire, these US military bases are today's version of the imperial colonies of old. Washington may refer to them as "forward deployment", says Johnson, but colonies are what they are. On this definition, there is almost no place outside America's reach.
So the US may be more Roman than we realise, with garrisons in every corner of the globe. But there the similarities only begin.
For the US approach to empire looks quintessentially Roman. It's as if the Romans bequeathed a blueprint for how imperial business should be done - and today's Americans follow it religiously
Lesson one in the Roman handbook for imperial success would be a realisation that it is not enough to have great military strength: the rest of the world must know that strength - and fear it. The Romans used the propaganda technique of their time - gladiatorial games in the Colosseum - to show the world how hard they were. Today 24-hour news coverage of US military operations, including video footage of smart bombs scoring direct hits, or Hollywood shoot-'em-ups at the multiplex serve the same function. Both tell the world: this empire is too tough to beat.
The US has learned a second lesson from Rome, realising the centrality of technology. For the Romans, it was those famously straight roads, enabling the empire to move troops or supplies at awesome speeds - rates that would not be surpassed for well over a thousand years. It was a perfect example of how one imperial strength tends to feed another: an innovation in engineering, originally designed for military use, went on to boost Rome commercially.
Today those highways find their counterpart in the information superhighway: the Internet also began as a military tool, devised by the US Defence Department, and now stands at the heart of American commerce. In the process, it is making English the Latin of its day - a language spoken across the globe. The US is proving what the Romans already knew: that once an empire is a world leader in one sphere, it soon dominates in every other.
But it is not just specific tips that the US seems to have picked up from its ancient forebears. Rather, it is the fundamental approach to empire that echoes so loudly. Rome understood that, if it was to last, a world power needed to practise both hard imperialism, the business of winning wars and invading lands, and soft imperialism, the cultural and political tricks that worked not to win power but to keep it.
So Rome's greatest conquests came not at the end of a spear, but through its power to seduce conquered peoples. As Tacitus observed in Britain, the natives seemed to like togas, baths and central heating - never realising that these were the symbols of their "enslavement".
Today the US offers the people of the world a similarly coherent cultural package, a cluster of goodies that remain reassuringly uniform. It's not togas or gladiatorial games today, but Starbucks, Coca-Cola, McDonald's and Disney, all paid for in the contemporary equivalent of Roman coinage, the global hard currency of the 21st century: the dollar.
When the process works, you don't even have to resort to direct force; it is possible to rule by remote control, using friendly client states. This is a favourite technique for the contemporary US - no need for colonies when you have the Shah in Iran or Pinochet in Chile to do the job for you - but the Romans got there first. They ruled by proxy whenever they could. The English know all about it.
One of the most loyal of client kings, Togidubnus, ruled in the southern England of the first century AD.
Togidubnus did not let his masters down. When Boadicea led her uprising against the Roman occupation in AD60, she made great advances in Colchester, St Albans and London - but not Sussex. Historians now think that was because Togidubnus kept the native Britons under him in line. Just as Hosni Mubarak and Pervez Musharraf have kept the lid on anti-American feeling in Egypt and Pakistan, Togidubnus did the job for Rome nearly two millennia ago.
Not that it always worked. Rebellions against the empire were a permanent fixture, with barbarians constantly pressing at the borders. Some accounts suggest that the rebels were not always fundamentally anti-Roman; they merely wanted to share in the privileges and affluence of Roman life. If that has a familiar ring, consider this: several of the enemies who rose up against Rome are thought to have been men previously nurtured by the empire to serve as pliant allies. Need one mention former US protege Saddam Hussein or one-time CIA trainee Osama bin Laden?
Rome even had its own 9/11 moment. In the 80s BC, Hellenistic king Mithridates called on his followers to kill all Roman citizens in their midst, naming a specific day for the slaughter.
They heeded the call and killed 80,000 Romans in local communities across Greece. "The Romans were incredibly shocked by this," says the ancient historian Jeremy Paterson, of Newcastle University, England. "It's a little bit like the statements in so many of the American newspapers since September 11: 'Why are we hated so much?"'...
The Guardian
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Re:America - a new Roman Empire?
Reply #4 on:
September 19, 2005, 01:18:10 AM »
Quote from: Dawn on September 18, 2005, 03:22:33 AM
Rome is the city of seven hills and the seat of the False Prophet. But the New Rome is led by Washington D.C. (seat of the Antichrist). There are 2 beasts in Revelation 13.
America is an exact type of Rome - a revived Roman Empire
There is only one problem with your article, America is not mentioned in the Bible. When the Bible was written, America was a
-known country. When the Bible says, something, as Magog, Persia. New Rome, the real Rome, which will be based in Rome. Not in America, Australia, Japan, or Israel, but Rome.
Also you may want to watch what papers, you read. There are lie out there, and the Guardian is one of them. Take for example;
The Guardian had not, as it claimed, exposed a story of "Tory sleaze", but had
printed a concocted tale in an increasingly feverish effort to oust the Conservatives from power
. This is a story of corruption and cover-up within the British Press. The culprits thought that they had got away with it. Now they hope they can rely on the British media to protect them for as long as possible.
The Guardian newspaper and its lawyers conspired in a conscienceless cover-up in league with the volatile owner of Harrods store, and father of Dodi, Mohamed Al Fayed. The Guardian had enacted its conspiracy to escape redress.
The Guardian succeeded in deceiving the British nation into believing evidence-less corruption allegations levelled against a Government Minister, hanging as they did on the word of a man
whom The Guardian itself had castigated as a serial liar four years earlier, is testament to that newspaper's influence over the British media and, through the British media, British society itself.
The Guardian's smearing of
The Observer's
editors and journalists.
The list can go on, and on. You can't trust just one, you have to research alot, to find the truth, Dawn. The truth is there, if you can see it. You don't want to fall under the conspericy of the bad news. I do believe that you can see, the lies, if you look.
Resting in the arms, of Jesus.
Psalm 103:4
Who redeemeth thy life from destruction; who crowneth thee with lovingkindness and tender mercies;
Re:America - a new Roman Empire?
Reply #5 on:
September 19, 2005, 07:51:55 AM »
You had argued that the Roman Empire never operated in the American way. On the contrary the parallels are uncanny. The Guardian article highlights a number of parallels and anybody who has studied Roman history alongside the Scriptures will come to the same conclusion.
America is not explicitly mentioned by its modern name in the Scriptures - neither is Microchip Implants (Verichip), European Union, the People's Republic of China and atomic weapons. But we are told that from the fourth beast (old Roman Empire) arises 10 horns (10 modern European nations) and AFTER them a little horn (or younger nation) grows to become more stout (or stronger) than the 10 - a global superpower with a resemblance of the Old Rome.
God bless
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Re:America - a new Roman Empire?
Reply #6 on:
September 20, 2005, 01:27:49 AM »
So you are saying that, America is the seat of the False Prophet. You have also stated that, America is the anti-chirst. America can not be both. This is one of the problems of the The Guardian, they lie. Take a look at this..
Resist the new Rome
More garbage, Osama bin Laden
My message is to urge jihad to repulse the grand plots hatched against our nation
, such as the occupation of Baghdad, under the guise of the search for weapons of mass destruction, and the fierce attempt to destroy the jihad in beloved Palestine by employing the trick of the road map and the Geneva peace initiative.
Osama bin Laden, is from Saudi Arabia, not Iraq.
Right there should tell you something. That is unless you aren't a Christian. But I believe you are a Christian. The islamic faith hates Christians. They have made that plane as day.
Now post something other then the garbage of The Guardian, or conspiracy doctrines, and I'll discuss it with you. Till then .....
May you learn the truth.
Matthew 12:10
And, behold, there was a man which had his hand withered. And they asked him, saying, Is it lawful to heal on the sabbath days? that they might accuse him.
Re:America - a new Roman Empire?
Reply #7 on:
September 20, 2005, 05:38:50 AM »
Nice try - attempting to equate any Christian or newspaper that sees America as the New Rome with the Muslims. Typical George W. Bush rhetoric and blind nationalism here.
Next time try reading my threads more carefully - I state quite clearly that Rome is the seat of the False Prophet.
Yes the Islamic faith hates Christianity and I am well aware of its history of persecution against Christians. But I am also aware that Freemasonry also wants the complete destruction of Christianity and is bringing about a New World Order before your eyes.
And beloved President George W. Bush is a member of the satanic secret society of Skull and Bones - and that's no conspiracy theory my friend - its a fact. So embrace the horror and prepare yourself for both a totalitarian police state (Patriot Act etc) and Armageddon in the Mid-East.
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Re:America - a new Roman Empire?
Reply #8 on:
September 20, 2005, 10:59:46 AM »
I have heard of this conspiracy about President Bush being a member Skull and Bones. I have yet to see any so-called "proof". The only thing that anyone has been able to show me is a bunch of unsubstantiated web sites that are full of conspiracy baloney and then call it "fact". Why is this ..... because they have no facts, all they have are unsubstantiated theories that they use to muck up the minds of Christians and all this for political reasons under the guise of being spiritual.
I am not speaking from "blind nationalism". It is quite clearly stated in the Bible which countries go against Israel in Armegeddon and the U.S. is not one of them.
It is also clear that you are quite confused listening to the doctrines of men instead of the Bible. I strongly suggest that you steer away from all those theories and go to the Bible by itself and really study it with a lot of fervent prayer.
Last Edit: September 20, 2005, 11:01:24 AM by Pastor Roger
Joh 9:4 I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.
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Re:America - a new Roman Empire?
Reply #9 on:
September 20, 2005, 12:33:19 PM »
Quote from: Dawn on September 20, 2005, 05:38:50 AM
Typical George W. Bush rhetoric and blind nationalism here.
No, I really don't care who, New Rome is. Thats because I won't be here.
I look at facts, from the Bible. Not the facts of man.
Resting in the hands, of Jesus.
Romans 9:11
For the children being not yet born, neither having done any good or evil, that the purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works, but of him that calleth;
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Re:America - a new Roman Empire?
Reply #10 on:
September 20, 2005, 12:57:13 PM »
AMEN TO THAT DW, too many people are concerned about the little things that really don't make a difference, and they can't change anyway, especially if they are part of God's plan. I am just thankful, I won't be around so I don''t care either.
PS 91:2 I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in Him will I trust
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Re:America - a new Roman Empire?
Reply #11 on:
September 20, 2005, 01:40:13 PM »
This is nothing against any of our Christian Catholic's here.
On December 13, 2000, the official Vatican newspaper, L’Osservatore Romano, under the heading,
"All are called to build God’s kingdom"
, published the Pope’s words from his General Audience of December 6th. The Pontiff declared,
"Those who have chosen the way of the Gospel Beatitudes and live as ‘the poor in spirit’, detached from material goods, in order to raise up the lowly of the earth from the dust of their humiliation, will enter the kingdom of God….Those who lovingly bear the sufferings of life will enter the kingdom…All the just of the earth, including those who do not know Christ and his Church, who, under the influence of grace, seek God with a sincere heart, are thus called to build the kingdom of God by working with the Lord, who is its first and decisive builder."
These beguiling words are false. Each expression suggests salvation in a way that is alien to Scripture. It is not by choosing "the way of the Gospel Beatitudes" that one enters the kingdom of God, but rather faith in ‘The Way’, Jesus Christ and in His finished work on the Cross; "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house." It is not by "lovingly bear[ing] the sufferings of life" that we enter into the kingdom, but by Christ "bearing" our sins and "suffering" in our stead. It is nonsense to imply that a man who does not know Christ can be a part of the kingdom of God. I am the Good Shepherd and know My sheep, and am known of mine (John 10:14). The papal pronouncement can only be understood in the light of the Pontiff’s continued plans for World Government. His presupposition is that the kingdom of God already exists in the Roman Catholic Church. This is consistent with the new Catechism, "…The (Roman Catholic) Church is the seed and beginning of this kingdom. Its keys are entrusted to Peter."
Centuries of patient aspiration, plotting, planning, and political subterfuge have come at last to fruition, for the European Union (EU) appears to be the prototype for the Vatican plans for World Government. As one studies the official words of a previous Pope on "Effective World Authority’’ and is cognizant of what has already happened in the EU, one wonders just how close are we to a World Criminal Code, World Prosecutor, and the regular branding of biblical churches as ‘sects’. What is happening in Europe was outlined in the UK’s Sunday Telegraph, October 20, 2000,
"The Blair government is preparing to transfer huge swathes of power to Brussels at the December Nice summit. It has signaled its intention to give up the veto in many of the areas where it remains; to accept a written constitution for the European Union (known as the Charter of Fundamental Rights); to approve further steps towards a European army and police force; and even to allow the European Union to set up its own criminal code, with a European Prosecutor."
Since 1973 the European Common Market had by plan and purpose become the European Community (EC). The EC further evolved into the European Union. Now the EU is expanding its collective presence by proposing a European army, police force, criminal code, and Prosecutor. In 1998, Torquil Dick-Erikson of the Critical European Group (CEG), a group of academics and students interested in scrutinizing the EU, wrote:
‘Corpus Juris’ is a plan prepared by the EU commission (XXth DG) at the request of the European Parliament, to tackle fraud against the EU budget. It will set up a European Public Prosecutor, on the continental inquisitorial model, who will have over-riding jurisdiction throughout Europe, to instruct national judges to issue arrest warrants against suspects, have these held in custody for indefinite periods pending investigation (or transported to other countries in Europe) with no obligation to produce prosecution evidence and no right to a public hearing during this time."
"The cases are then to be tried by special courts, consisting of professional judges and ‘excluding simple jurors and lay magistrates’. They will be empowered to hand down sentences of up to seven years."
"It is the expressed intention of the EU Commission, and the President of the EU Parliament Don Gil Robles, for this system to be an ‘embryo European criminal code’, later to be extended to all kinds of crime. On November 8th and 9th, 1998, there was an Inter-Parliamentary Conference in Strasbourg, where the Corpus Juris project was put forward for informal consideration. Fourteen member states expressed general agreement with the idea."
It is disconcerting to note that the EU is considering legislation that seems to resemble historic Roman Catholic Church judicial practice. Absent is ‘due process’; gone are the Miranda Rights. Is this coincidence? Or is history repeating itself? In centuries past, the Church of Rome always employed government henchmen to hold, even bind, her people together. She has always desired, and for much of her history has had, secular prosecutors and an inquisitorial system to apply her penalties against what she considered heresy. One must ask what is the ultimate purpose of the Papacy in European and international affairs and just what is the structure of the Papacy that would give it international political power to achieve those goals.
"The Sovereign Pontiff John Paul II" sees himself as the one capable of (if not ordained to) bringing in World Government. Through his new Catechism he declares,
"It is the role of the state to defend and promote the common good of civil society. The common good of the whole human family calls for an organization of society on the international level."
And from his perspective, the "common good of civil society" is Roman Catholicism, embraced by the rank and file; defended and enforced by civil authorities; subject to the will of the Holy See. The Pontiff’s goal for ecumenism plots towards world government in political, economic, and social life. This is the way his predecessors on the Pontifical Throne also expressed themselves. For example, Pope Paul VI in his 1967 encyclical on the topic of "The Progress of Peoples" in an entire section titled "Toward an Effective World Authority’’ proclaimed,
"This international collaboration on a worldwide scale requires institutions that will prepare, coordinate, and direct it until finally there is established an order of justice which is universally recognized….Who does not see the necessity of thus establishing progressively a world authority, capable of acting effectively in the juridical and political sectors?"
Who indeed! Upon hearing this statement we must cast a backwards glance at the witness of history; for what has ever been the purpose of the juridical and political sectors in the eyes of Rome but to function as a secular sword, wielded at her behest! For when she was Mistress of the world, then and only then was there to her mind a "healthy socialization."
The Roman Catholic Church deals with nations under the title of "The Holy See". On her web page, while commenting on the "The Permanent Observer Mission of the Holy See to the United Nations", she states,
Cont, next post.
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Re:America - a new Roman Empire?
Reply #12 on:
September 20, 2005, 01:41:35 PM »
"The term Holy See stands for the central authority of the Church, which transcends, even if it includes, the tiny sovereign State of Vatican City. Thus, the Holy See represents a world wide community and not only the citizens of Vatican City."
Distinctly, therefore, she defines herself simultaneously as "the Holy See" and "the central authority". She then sets the jurisdiction of this "central authority" to swallow up the " world wide community". We would be deluded were we to imagine that only Roman Catholics are included within this realm, for Rome’s own dogmas teach that all humanity falls under papal sufferance. Exactly how ‘magnanimous’ and ‘beneficent’ such "authority" intends to be is a foregone conclusion. In a concise, intense, insightful official law, the same RCC authority declares, "The First See is judged by no one." No accountability, only tyranny: such has ever been Rome’s stamp upon the pages of history. The Pope’s mission is also clearly declared in his official pronouncements. He defines the Church as, "the Church which is a ‘sacrament or sign and instrument...of the unity of the whole human race." No doubt, to be unwilling to submit to "central authority" would be a heinous crime offending the "conscience of the human family," and disrupting the "the unity of the whole human race."
The Roman Catholic Church imposes her rigorous religious rules on men and upon their consciences. In that domain she claims that her Pope is infallible, and no one can judge him. The baptized Catholic must give loyal submission of the will and intellect to his teachings, even when these teachings are not claimed to be infallible. Thus she decrees, "This loyal submission of the will and intellect must be given, in a special way, to the authentic teaching authority of the Roman Pontiff, even when he does not speak ex cathedra..." The Roman Catholic Church enforces authority over 814,779 women who are her nuns, 57,813 men whom she calls religious brothers, and 404,626 men whom she calls her priests. For the nuns the vow of obedience, alien to Biblical thought, compels submissiveness. Her Canon Law #601 teaches, "The evangelical counsel of obedience, undertaken in a spirit of faith and love in the following of Christ who was obedient even unto death requires a submission of the will to legitimate superiors, who stand in the place of God when they command according to the proper constitutions."
Obedience to the Lord Jesus Christ as commanded in the Bible is twisted in the Catholic world into obedience to one’s local superior "who stands in the place of God." Each local superior is accountable in the chain of command to his immediate overseer, an upward progression that ends ultimately at the Pope. The RCC goes so far as to declare, "Religious can be coerced by penalties by the local ordinary [the Bishop] in all matters in which they are subject to him." (Canon 1320)
Such dictates as these run contrary to the Lord’s command to His servants:
Matt 23:8
" be not ye called Rabbi: for one is your Master, even Christ; and all ye are brethren."
1 Peter 5:5
"be ye subject one to another"
Galatians 5:1
"Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage."
In truth, the Papacy cannot point to a New Testament model for its hierarchical structure. It also runs contrary to Federal and State law that no foreign power can coerce U. S. citizens.
The Holy Spirit, foreseeing all these things, as the Guide and Comforter of the true church has graciously provided a divine answer for the dangerous, ubiquitous, reviving Holy Roman Empire. In the Bible, the Spirit of God has portrayed the Church of Rome as wonderful in the eyes of the unsaved world, but deplorable as apostate. For the believers, He has broken her magic spells, He has lifted her mask, and has written in large letters her title for all to read: MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT. The true believer must compare everything to the Word of the Infinite, All Holy, Unchangeable, All-Powerful, All-Knowing, and All-Wise God. When confronted with the behemoth of Rome, the confidence believers have in the Lord is similar to that of David as he weighed the might of Goliath against the True God. "Thou comest to me with a sword, and with a spear, and with a shield: but I come to thee in the name of the LORD of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom thou hast defied." It is the Lord’s task to consume the wicked with His power. "And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming." In the meantime, multitudes are saved from her, "with fear, pulling them out of the fire.... " This gracious deliverance is by the Gospel word of truth. The Lord Christ Jesus, the Exalted Head of the Church, and His Sovereign Spirit give comfort and victory, for "The gospel is the power of God unto salvation." (Romans 1:16).
Now, the European Union is establishing judicial organizations that will serve the will and whim of the Roman Catholic Pontiff. With American President Clinton deliberately surrendering American sovereignty to the United Nations and to the World Court, how long before the power of Rome will extend to the 50 States of the America?
Resting in the hands, of Jesus.
Habakkuk 2:1
I will stand upon my watch, and set me upon the tower, and will watch to see what he will say unto me, and what I shall answer when I am reproved.
Re:America - a new Roman Empire?
Reply #13 on:
September 21, 2005, 06:33:14 AM »
Quote from: Pastor Roger on September 20, 2005, 10:59:46 AM
I have heard of this conspiracy about President Bush being a member Skull and Bones. I have yet to see any so-called "proof". The only thing that anyone has been able to show me is a bunch of unsubstantiated web sites that are full of conspiracy baloney and then call it "fact". Why is this ..... because they have no facts, all they have are unsubstantiated theories that they use to muck up the minds of Christians and all this for political reasons under the guise of being spiritual.
In his 1999 campaign autobiography, A Charge to Keep, George W. Bush mentions his membership of the occult group Skull and Bones: "
My senior year I joined Skull and Bones, a secret society
, so secret I can't say anything more. It was a chance to make fourteen new friends" p.47.
He also admitted it in a Time magazine interview
TIME: …Did you have any qualms, say, about joining an elite secret club like Bones?
No qualms at all. I was honored
Re:America - a new Roman Empire?
Reply #14 on:
September 21, 2005, 06:45:39 AM »
The Error of Pre-millennial Doctrine
Last Edit: September 21, 2005, 06:48:07 AM by Dawn
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