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Iran Getting Bold
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Topic: Iran Getting Bold (Read 1732 times)
Iran Getting Bold
August 02, 2005, 12:04:34 PM »
The following is from
The European Union has told Iran not to resume processing yellowcake into uranium hexafluoride gas at its nuclear facility in Isfahan. If you read any news report, you will come away with the impression that the E.U. are only slightly suspicious that Iran is using their yellow death cake to develop nuclear weapons. You would think it's far more probable that Iran is simply in the early stages of developing a nuclear energy power plant. Wrong!
Everyone who doesn't have their heads in a deep dark hole, knows full well that these lunatics are producing weapons grade uranium hexafluoride gas, so they can be ready for when their partners in crime - Russia, China and Syria - inevitably launch their attack on Israel.
Isn't it coincidental that Russia and China are about to partake in joint war games? For what reason you say? The Chinese Defense Ministry says the exercises, which have been dubbed "Peace Mission 2005," are to "deepen Sino-Russian trust" and improve their capability to fight international terrorism. A Chinese official claims the war games will also asist in dealing with Muslim separatists in their respective countries. Muslim seperatists in China?
What kind of double talk is that?
In typical E.U. fashion, they issued a cream puff warning to Iran. The E.U. basically threatened Iran that if they continued to process their death cake, they would give them a stern talking to! What a joke! It makes me wonder if the E.U. isn't secretly in on the scam. Oh, wait a minute. The E.U. is going to be satan's pedestal to world wide domination! Of course they're in on it!
Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman and all round nut case, Hamid Reza Asefi says that his government is resuming uranium processing because the EU failed to meet a deadline Sunday to present new proposals. A claim which the E.U. denies. But being the consummate diplomat, Mr. Asefi says Iran does not want to interrupt its negotiations with the EU
"We shall restart some nuclear activity, but we are ready to continue discussing other issues with the Europeans," he said.
This is proof positive that Iran has no worries at all, and fears no reprisals. After all, Iran's new buddies are practicing up to kick some butt as we read this. Iran also informed the International Atomic Energy Agency that it is removing IAEA seals at the plant so as to restart their cake cooking activity. Oh ya, it really looks like the Iranians are terrified at E.U. reprisals doesn't it?
In an almost comical statement to the media, German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer told reporters in Berlin that the EU wants to continue negotiations.
"We want to keep talking, and we'll submit a proposal," he said. "I just hope Iran hasn't miscalculated." Ya, because if they have, they'll be in for a huge lecture!!
France and Britain, which, along with Germany, are conducting the negotiations with Iran and are trying to work out a deal whereby Iran would permanently end enrichment activities in exchange for security assurances, economic cooperation and a guaranteed fuel supply.
Who said blackmail doesn't pay? I think it's extremely dangerous to offer "treats" in exchange for hollow promises from the likes of Iran and North Korea.
As if this wasn't enough. Iran has accused Kurdish insurgents of attacking border troops.
Iranian officials said fighters from the Kurdish Workers Party have launched strikes on military targets along the border with Turkey. They said the strikes have come amid increased Iranian border security measures.
I'm guessing these Iranian "border troops" were actually insurgents on their way to Iraq to kill innocent civilians and allied troops.
There's more folks!
Syria has been caught transferring Iranian weapons to Hizbullah in Lebanon.
U.S. officials said that within days of Syria's military withdrawal from Lebanon in late April an Iranian shipment of munitions, mortars and anti-tank rockets reached Lebanon. The officials said the shipment was flown by air to Damascus International Airport and taken by truck to Lebanon's Bekaa Valley.
Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, chairman of the House subcommittee on the Middle East and Central Asia, said - "Syria continues to be a foremost supporter and weapons supplier of Hizbullah, a terrorist group active in Lebanon, and throughout the world, that has been targeting and killing Americans and many others since the early 1980s,"
Here we have it ladies and gents. Russia, China, Iran and Syria all working together with France and Germany in the shadows. You can bet that Russia will put a zipper on those loud mouthed Iranian idiots before too long. All their foolish chest beating and frothing at the muzzle has only served to put Christians and the American government on alert. God told us it was coming, and as usual, He is right on the money! Our governments must be watching those Iranian maroons in absolute astonishment and utter disbelief.
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Re:Iran Getting Bold
Reply #1 on:
August 02, 2005, 01:54:07 PM »
I do believe that you are on the mark here.
Iran doesn't care though about flaunting it. After all they have their Allah on their side (so they think).
Joh 9:4 I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.
Re:Iran Getting Bold
Reply #2 on:
August 02, 2005, 03:06:34 PM »
Quote from: Pastor Roger on August 02, 2005, 01:54:07 PM
I do believe that you are on the mark here.
Iran doesn't care though about flaunting it. After all they have their Allah on their side (so they think).
All this strutting around by the Iranians has me stumped. Why now? Why all of a sudden? I know who all the players are, I know them from the news, but I discovered them in the Bible long before they all came together to form their ultra maroon club. I'm still digging to discover what's behind this sudden wave of boldness by Iran, and even the Chinese General from a few weeks ago.
This is all tied together for certain. It's getting very close my friend.
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Re:Iran Getting Bold
Reply #3 on:
August 02, 2005, 07:55:02 PM »
Iran is like China, they don't value human life. If they feel threatened they will attack. Without just cause, life means little, to these people. Remember that islam, is about destruction. Who else would send, children out to bomb others.
Isaiah 66:3
[The acts of the hypocrite's worship are as abominable to God as if they were offered to idols.] He who kills an ox [then] will be as guilty as if he slew and sacrificed a man; he who sacrifices a lamb or a kid, as if he broke a dog's neck and sacrificed him; he who offers a cereal offering, as if he offered swine's blood; he who burns incense [to God], as if he blessed an idol. [Such people] have chosen their own ways, and they delight in their abominations;
Ezekiel 39:11
And in that day, I will give to Gog a place for burial there in Israel, the valley of those who pass through on the east side in front of the [Dead] Sea [the highway between Syria, Petra, and Egypt], and it will delay and stop those who pass through. And there shall they bury Gog and all his multitude, and they shall call it the Valley of Hamon-gog [multitude of Gog].
Daniel 11:44
But rumors from the east and from the north shall alarm and hasten him. And he shall go forth with great fury to destroy and utterly to sweep away many.
Zechariah 8:7
Thus says the Lord of hosts: Behold, I will save My people from the east country and from the west [the country of the going down of the sun].
Loving, my loving Lord.
Isaiah 61:3
To grant [consolation and joy] to those who mourn in Zion--to give them an ornament (a garland or diadem) of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, the garment [expressive] of praise instead of a heavy, burdened, and failing spirit--that they may be called oaks of righteousness [lofty, strong, and magnificent, distinguished for uprightness, justice, and right standing with God], the planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified.
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One Nation Under God
Re:Iran Getting Bold
Reply #4 on:
August 02, 2005, 08:05:08 PM »
Quote from: Bronzesnake on August 02, 2005, 03:06:34 PM
Quote from: Pastor Roger on August 02, 2005, 01:54:07 PM
I do believe that you are on the mark here.
Iran doesn't care though about flaunting it. After all they have their Allah on their side (so they think).
All this strutting around by the Iranians has me stumped. Why now? Why all of a sudden? I know who all the players are, I know them from the news, but I discovered them in the Bible long before they all came together to form their ultra maroon club. I'm still digging to discover what's behind this sudden wave of boldness by Iran, and even the Chinese General from a few weeks ago.
This is all tied together for certain. It's getting very close my friend.
With countries like China and Russia behind them, they feel like they can afford to. They probably have a pact with Bin Laden as well so they feel the U.S. is outnumbered. Personally I would be quite surprised if they did not already have nuclear weapons.
Joh 9:4 I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.
Posts: 47
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Re:Iran Getting Bold
Reply #5 on:
August 09, 2005, 01:15:37 AM »
Hey Bronze,
Interesting stuff!
While I can certainly guess where your disdain for places like Iran and North Korea are comming from, and I'll even give you the benefit of the doubt on China. However, to throw Russia, Germany and France into the mix of places that are comming to get us, seems a little far-fetched to me. I just don't buy the terror links that you have tried to tie to these nations, mostly because I trully beleive that governments have always, and will always act in terms of self-interest. As for Germany and France, it is not in their intrest to secretly bolster a nuclear armed Iran. It just doesn't make any sense. If you insist on being afraid of a group of nations, perhaps it would be best to stick to the usual suspects as opposed to France, who poses no more threat to the U.S. than does Vanuatu. (or are they comming too?)
Bronze, for the most part, my post is in the spirit of good-natured ribbing, so please do not take offense, as none was intended. I would however, very much enjoy a discussion regarding your ideas on the topic, as international relations is something of a hobby for me.
I look forward to hearing form you
Re:Iran Getting Bold
Reply #6 on:
August 09, 2005, 02:45:48 AM »
No offence taken my brother.
I actually do not harbour any disdain for any nation. I simply link the world events to the scriptures.
God says that Russia, the Arabs and the Asians will form an alliance (which they already have) and come together to attack Israel. I threw France and Germany in the mix because of their nefarious dealings with Iraq, pre and post war. You can also add Russia into that mix, so they appear to be working together, at least at present.
Since the break up of the Soviet Union, Arab and Islamic nations including Iran, Iraq and Libya were offering at least six former Soviet Republics, billions of dollars in aid in exchange for advanced Russian weapons and technology. Including tactical nuclear weapons. I trust you know that, for example, Kazakhstan is one of the world's largest nuclear powers - some would suggest they are the third most powerful. They have long-range nuclear missiles.
When the Muslim common market and Islamic league formed, their first order of business was to decide how to help their Muslim brothers defeat their mutual enemy Israel.
The Intelligence Digest from Britain released a report that military authorities in Russia and the C.I.S. concluded a secret treaty with Muslim fundamentalist forces throughout the Middle East to join in a future invasion of Israel. This commitment to the Arabs was in exchange for help in suppressing rebellion in the Muslim Republics of the C.I.S., and for guaranteeing Russian access to Persian Gulf oil.
It's interesting to note that Russia built an enormous T-72 heavy tank factory in Iran to supply their most advanced tank technology to these enemies of Israel. In addition, Iran has also purchased advanced Russian MIG-29 and MIG-30 fighter jets.
Also consider the known fact that Gorby lied through his teeth about the disarmament treaty. Russia is not as wounded as they appear my friend. They have an enormous war machine churning away as we speak.
See if you can get weapons production comparisons from the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency. I have a comparison, but it's from 1985 - 1991. Even back then the ratio is staggering. We disarmed, they not only did not; they continued to build at an alarming pace.
The Communists still rule Russia, don't kid yourself. Putin is the "ex" (wink, wink) KGB head!
Re:Iran Getting Bold
Reply #7 on:
August 09, 2005, 11:06:08 AM »
Agency France-Presse reports: "Russian Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov said that Moscow was creating a nuclear weapon capable of thwarting any defense system in the world, Interfax news agency reported.
'There is not now and will not be any defense from such missiles,' the news agency quoted Ivanov as saying.
It was not immediately clear what type of weapon Ivanov was referring to. He has however said in the past that Russia's future nuclear defenses will be based on the mobile, Topol-M rocket.
Ivanov said also that Russia was now focusing its attention on the Baluva, a sea-based strategic missile model that can be armed with a nuclear warhead.
Russia currently stores most of its heaviest, intercontinental ballistic Topol-M missiles in silos...
Russia has said on repeated occasions that it was developing missiles capable of penetrating the missile defense shield being developed by the United States, whose construction Moscow had furiously opposed.
Analysts have suggested that Russia is developing a missile which can 'zigzag' while in flight and thereby dodge anti-missile defenses..." (In Joel 2:3, Russia moves against Israel as also described in Ezekiel chapters 38 & 39. Joel describes nuclear action when he states: "A fire devoured before them". It will happen in the near future.
Ha'aretz reports: "Ukraine has acknowledged exporting to Iran 12 cruise missiles capable of reaching Israel amid mounting pressure from other countries to explain how the sales occurred, the Financial Times reported. Ukraine also exported six missiles to China.
It quoted Ukraine's prosecutor general Svyatoslav Piskun as saying 18 X-55 cruise missiles, also known as Kh-55s or AS-15s, were exported in 2001, although none was exported with the nuclear warheads they were designed to carry.
The X-55 had a range of 3,000 kilometers (1,864 miles), enough to put Japan within striking range of the Asian continent or to reach Israel from Iran, said the newspaper, adding Piskun's statement was the first confirmation by a government official of the exports.
A spokesman for the prosecutor general's office in Kiev offered no comment on the report, but said: 'A meeting is now going on. Please wait two or three hours.'
The news of the missile exports came less than three months after Ukrainians elected a new Western-leaning president, Viktor Yushchenko, to lead the former Soviet republic.
The United States has long expressed concern that parts of the former Soviet Union's nuclear arsenal could be sold or smuggled to countries that it regards as a potential danger..." ("The day cometh that shall burn as an oven." Malachi 4:1)
Reuters reports: "Israel said that Iran was very close to being able to make a nuclear bomb and urged the United States and Europe to pressure Tehran to abandon a suspected nuclear arms program.
Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom told Reuters an Iranian nuclear bomb would be a 'nightmare' for Israel and other countries.
'In our view, they are very close, they are too close, to having the knowledge to develop this kind of bomb and that's why we should be in a hurry,' Shalom said in an interview on a visit to Mexico.
Pakistan acknowledged for the first time a disgraced Pakistani scientist at the center of a nuclear black market gave Iran centrifuges which can be used to make atomic weapons.
Shalom would not put a date on when Israel thought its bitter foe Iran could have nuclear arms, which he said would be a threat beyond the Middle East because Tehran is developing new long-range missiles.
'The idea that this tyranny of Iran will hold a nuclear bomb is a nightmare not only for us but for the whole world,' he said.
Iran has denied it is seeking atomic weapons and has said its civilian nuclear program is for peaceful power generation.
The United States and Europe launched a coordinated push to get Iran to abandon its suspected nuclear arms program by offering economic incentives as a carrot and possible U.N. action as a stick..." (The Persia of Ezekiel 38:5 changed its name to Iran in 1932. in this text she is involved in the Armageddon campaign against Israel which is fought in "the latter years and latter days." - Ezekiel 38:8,16)
UPI reports: "A nuclear bomb detonated high above the United States could unleash an electromagnetic pulse that would shut down the nation's power grid and, along with it, communications, water supplies and even food transportation.
If the effect is long-lasting enough, it also could trigger a social collapse that could conceivably cause the deaths of millions of people and, temporarily, push the nation back 100 years, a congressional commission told the Senate...
An electromagnetic pulse or EMP occurs when a nuclear explosion emits gamma rays that interact with the surrounding air, shooting off electrons. The electrons scatter wildly, creating a rolling electrical field that can send voltage spikes and surges of current racing through power lines, communications cables and radio towers.
In the best case scenarios examined by the commission, the EMP was little more than an annoyance, disrupting communications, but easily addressed. Still, EMP power spikes, if strong enough, can destroy a wide range of electrical equipment.
In the worst-case scenario - with a large nuclear bomb detonated at an altitude of 250 miles above, say, Omaha, Neb. - an EMP would race across the entire United States at the speed of light, frying in seconds all manner of electrical equipment, including the huge transformers that anchor the nation's electrical power grid.
'This is the (Sept. 11) threat of the future,' Pry told United Press International in an interview.
As the electrical grid collapses, it would take with it the entire infrastructure that depends on it.
'In a matter of hours after an EMP, American cities would be in flames and they would burn down,' Wood said, because there were would be no way to pump the water needed to stop the fires...
Wood and Pry said knowledge of how to use an EMP as a weapon has been widespread for decades and China, Russia, Iran and North Korea all have discussed using EMP against the United States.
They also said the commission was told by Russian military officers that Korea has the technology to develop a Super EMP and probably could do so in a few years. Terrorists, especially if helped by Iran, also could use an EMP weapon.
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