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Author Topic: New World Order  (Read 1492 times)
« on: July 29, 2005, 03:29:11 AM »

The New World Order

 U.S. president George Bush Sr. mentioned the term "new world order" over two hundred times during his term as president. President Bush Sr. announced to the U.S. congress on September 11, 1991, that he was working to create a new world order.

 What exactly is meant by the term?

 Well, there are people, mostly rich, and definitely influential, who are determined to encompass the governments, and sovereign nations of the world under one giant tent headed by a single government, lead by a world president.

 What's the reason for such a radical exercise?
Just look back at our recent history. -Two world wars with over a hundred million casualties. -Hitler and his Nazis murdered over six million Jews - Stalin, murdered over twenty million of his own people - Poll Pot also murdered millions - the slaughter of millions of African civilians - mass starvation - brutal dictators such as Saddam Hussein- the constant threat of nuclear war - terrorist attacks. All these horrors have convinced many that a united world under one world government is the only hope for a peaceful coexistence of man.

 Governments and think tanks have been inspired to develop strategies for a world government that would unite the planet as it was in the days of Rome.
Two thousand years ago Roman citizens could travel over a thousand miles of well-tended roads in safety, from Spain to Syria. Rome was a huge empire with a single currency and a single language, one set of laws and a solid government, which lasted for centuries. Roman Legions established the peace of Rome over an enormous empire.

Eventually, weak leadership resulted in the political, military and economic disintegration of the Roman Empire in the centuries following Christ.
In A.D. 476, invading armies of Goths and Vandals looted the treasures of Rome, which represented centuries of Roman art and manufacture. Chaos reined for hundreds of years, ushering in the dark ages. Roman civilization was crushed and Europe descended into a deep well of cultural darkens and despair. The only people who maintained the culture, literacy and civilization were the Christians and their church libraries.

Nation states began to emerge and eventually created the national political institutions that govern Europe today. There is a fierce sense of nationalism in these ancient boundaries of the Roman Empire, and any attempt to solidify them into a single political Empire by kings, emperors, popes, and politicians over the centuries, were met with fierce resistance. This is extremely interesting in light of the fact that two and a half thousand years ago, a Jewish prophet named Daniel predicted that no one would succeed in recreating the Roman Empire until the final generation, just prior to the return of Messiah! Charlemagne failed in A.D. 800 - Frederich Barbarossa, Napoleon Bonaparte, Benito Mussolini and Adolph Hitler each tried to recreate the glory days of the Roman Empire and failed.

Role Of The Media

 Today in the media we are constantly hit with a barrage of headlines and newsflashes, which are often accompanied by the most graphic scenes of war, death and famine that the world has ever seen on such as mass scale. For the first time in history, we were able to actually witness live wars! It was just like watching a hockey or baseball game. We could sit in our favorite chair with a soda pop and a huge bag of bbq chips, and watch Saddam's elite forces surrendering en mass. Or do a fly-over only minutes after Saddam's retreating army was annihilated trying to escape out of Kuwait.
 The media put their own spin on it, and all at once public opinion turns from favor to disgust! Imagine what the outcome of WWII may have been if we had have seen the slaughter at beachheads in Normandy? The war could have been dragged on for several more years, or a truce may have been called, and all because of public opinion based on the cruelty and horrors of war, and the slant bestowed upon it by a media with an agenda.

 Today we are constantly put into a state of painful rage, whenever we hear about another child harmed by a pedophile. This will bring on a mass acceptance of micro chipping in order to protect our children, and keep an all seeing all knowing eye on the general population.

 Foreign laws and regulations when hunting down child predators often stymie our authorities. If we had a single world government, these types of situations would be a thing of the past. It goes on and on my friends.
 We are constantly persuaded by our media and politicians about the great advantages of joining super national organizations and reducing our independence, patriotism and loyalty to our own country. Our nation states are blamed for war, famine, poverty, racism etc. One world government is offered as the solution to the many social, economic and environmental problems. I cannot go into any great detail, but I believe my point is made.

 The plan to put together the European Union was organized around a well-planned assault on the sovereignty of the nation states of Europe.
For example, in France an appeal was made to voters of the old provinces of the Roman Empire, such as Provence and Alsace Lorraine, etc against the dictates of the central government of Paris.
Citizens were promised the efficiencies of a central Europe-wide market, local control of culture and language matters, together with the diminishing of the power of the national capitol. This appeal proved irresistible to many Europeans.

to continue...
« Last Edit: July 29, 2005, 03:36:50 AM by Bronzesnake » Logged
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2005, 03:29:36 AM »

World Dictator

I don’t think I have to state the obvious, that it is not the individual Nation State system, which is responsible for all the trouble in the world today, in spite of what the media tells us. The world is a mess because we are sinners. It is only through our independent nation states that we were able to fight off evil dictators bent on world domination such as Hitler. How could we fight against a single world leader? What would we do if a future dictator were to gain control? This man would be in total control of all the militaries of the planet. There would be no outside independent nation to come to the rescue. History shows us that very few nations, if any, ever successfully overcame dictatorship without the outside assistance of another nation.

 The Bible tells us that in the end times, the antichrist will in fact rule the entire world for seven years. Rev 13:7-8

 The great world empire is unfolding before our very eyes my friends.
This accomplishment cannot be realized through war. It is being accomplished by via the I.M.F. and the World Bank.

The Three Phased Plan

 The first phase involved the consolidation of military and political power, and we witnessed the first operation of this marriage during Operation desert Storm, when the military involvement of all the major powers of Europe and the U.S.A. combined to defeat Iraq. This was the first military operation of the New World Order my friends.
 The second phase involves the economic merger of three major regions of the world under agreements such as N.A.F.T.A. – The European Union – and now, C.A.F.T.A.

 The third and final phase will be to bring together these three “superpower” areas into a one-world government.

The Players

C.F.R. (The Council on Foreign Relations

 Established following WWI by elite groups controlling the financial and political life in the U.S. in an attempt to make sure that the future foreign policies of the U.S. followed along with their own private interests.
 They began with some 270 members from political, business and academic communities. Today they number over 2,700 members representing the elite who govern the country behind the scenes.
 Over the years they have commissioned studies and maneuvered themselves into positions in the state department, and built relations with similar minded one-world government groups throughout the world.
 In February of 1950, during his testimony before the U.S. Congress, an international banker named James Warburg, a C.F.R. member, made the following statement. “We shall have world government whether or not you like it – by conquest or consent.”

 The C.F.R. is committed to the elimination of national boundaries and the merging of all nation states into a one-world government.

 The list of major well-known media personal who are members of the C.F.R. is staggering. Many of our favorite newscasters are members of this group.
In fact, there is an interlocking membership of key players involving the Trilateral Commission, the C.F.R., international banks and major corporations, the military, the state department, and the White House. Very few make it to the higher power circles unless they have served on the C.F.R or Trilateral Commission.

 Here’s a sampling of some of the membership.
David Rockefeller – Former Secretary of Sate Alexander Haig - Former Secretary of Sate Henry Kissinger – Former C.I.A. head, William Casey - Former Secretary of Defense Casper Weinberger – Senator Ted Kennedy – Robert McNamara Former President of the World Bank – John F. Kennedy – Richard Nixon – Gerald Ford – Jimmy Carter and George Bush Sr. were all members of the council

The Bilderberg Group

 Here’s another secretive group behind the rush toward a world government.
This group was named after a hotel in Holland where they first met in 1954.

 This group’s purpose was to take care of the European portion of the plan, and to create the European Community. This group also has interlocking membership with the C.F.R., the Trilateral Commission, and a British group known as Chatham House.
 Prince Bernard of the Netherlands, Denis Healy of Britain and Dean Rusk from the U.S. met in that first meeting to co-ordinate the European contribution to their emerging world superstate.

 The Trilateral Commission tends to focus on the financial and political matters, whereas the Bilderbergers are concerned with military and strategic matters that impact on the coming world order.

The World Bank and I.M.F.

 These two organizations, in my opinion are the most powerful people on the planet.
These two organizations are the means by which our friends in the Bilderbergers, the C.F.R. and the Trilateral Commission, are gaining a strong hold on world domination.
  These two institutions force developing countries to follow rules of the new world order.

 These groups use the “carrot” of new loans and the “stick” of approval of debt restructuring to force Third World countries into their assigned positions in the New World Order. Isn’t it interesting that certain “rock stars” have recently unwittingly become pawns in this one world government scheme?  Do we really believe that the governments, who hold the loans over these poverty stricken nations, are having a sudden fit of morality? PLEASE! These rock stars actually believe they have made a difference, they actually think they have forced the governments of the world to become morally conscience! Ha ha! This whole deal has fallen right into the laps of the perpetrators of the new world order. Now the loaners can appear to be restructuring loans, or even forgiving portions of loans, but at what cost? The term “debt for equity” comes to mind.
For example - Throughout Latin America “debt for equity” conversions are being entered into between governments and world bankers. Deeply discounted government bonds are being traded for equity in newly privatized companies that were formerly government owned companies. Swaps are another astonishing example. Millions of acres of South American land and rain forest are traded in return for writing off huge foreign loans.

 So good job Bono and Geldof, you’re assisting the creation of the one world government. These countries will be forgiven of their enormous debts, but they’ll have to give up their independence for the honor!

 This is obviously a topic which would fill volumes to properly explain, but I hope I have exposed some of the major players and their methods.

 The Bible says that there will be a revived Roman Empire. That the antichrist will be the head of this new world order. We can see the pieces falling into place my friends, and so once again, God has told us what would happen thousands of years before it actually occurs, and isn’t it wondrous to be alive today in these end times to witness prophecy unfolding before our very eyes? Isn’t it amazing beyond our ability to describe, just how awesome, and reliable our Heavenly Father truly is?!!

Our God is the awesome God of the Universe and beyond!

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« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2005, 02:27:48 PM »


This is fascinating. I had to copy this one for study and try to digest it a little bit. Thanks.

Love In Christ,

1 Timothy 3:16 ASV  And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness; He who was manifested in the flesh, Justified in the spirit, Seen of angels, Preached among the nations, Believed on in the world, Received up in glory.

« Reply #3 on: July 29, 2005, 02:48:56 PM »


This is fascinating. I had to copy this one for study and try to digest it a little bit. Thanks.

Love In Christ,

1 Timothy 3:16 ASV  And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness; He who was manifested in the flesh, Justified in the spirit, Seen of angels, Preached among the nations, Believed on in the world, Received up in glory.

 Thanks Tom.

I know that very few people would actually want to read through a long post on the new world order, so I tried to keep it as short as possible and still give a  general set of facts as to the mechanisms which are in place.

 I also know there are a few of us who eat this stuff up.
Biblical prophecy is unfolding in front of our very eyes, and I find that very exciting.
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« Reply #4 on: July 29, 2005, 02:50:03 PM »

Amen Bronze. An excellant well-researched, well-written article.

There are many, many different organizations in the world besides those that you mentioned above that are working towards a one world government. They all want it to be their government, their way. Most will not succeed.

The ones to succeed will be those that join together with other groups in order to gain more strength.

Eventually there will be success and you are right it will take the help of an outside independent nation to overcome them. There will be no such thing here on earth for it will be all one nation. There is a nation that will come to our aid though.

The Kingdom of Jesus Christ!


Joh 9:4  I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.
« Reply #5 on: July 29, 2005, 03:33:21 PM »

Amen Bronze. An excellant well-researched, well-written article.

There are many, many different organizations in the world besides those that you mentioned above that are working towards a one world government. They all want it to be their government, their way. Most will not succeed.

The ones to succeed will be those that join together with other groups in order to gain more strength.

Eventually there will be success and you are right it will take the help of an outside independent nation to overcome them. There will be no such thing here on earth for it will be all one nation. There is a nation that will come to our aid though.

The Kingdom of Jesus Christ!

 Thanks my brother.

 You are right, there are many pokers in the fire, and it would take volumes to expose them all.

 I agree, there is one kingdom which will save us.

The Kingdom of Jesus Christ!
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