Well, I have a few things to talk about. First of all, Cody was NOT given any promotion like they said they would give him. The Company is really bad about that. They promise a promotion, and they say "Nah, nevermind." They treat people like crap. I Thought about calling Cody up "Yeah, as someone who has lost a promised promotion, I thought I'd let you know I'll feal ya, bro"
But I didn't.
Anyways, I also found a new job. I have friend who work for this company, and they treat their people well. I'm starting out at 7 an hour, giving me a 1.35 raise
My company gets hired by stores to do inventory. So, I'm pretty happy. This job should do me good, untill I get my Paramedics and go off to the Fire Academy.
Thanks for the prayers, guys! Looks like God knows what he is doing, after all.