I am not sure what you are looking for. I suppose you may have several reasons for wanting an on-line course of study.
If you are just looking for a more advanced Bible study course, there are excellent resources available on the internet. Try
http://www.blueletterbible.org/index.html There are other websites if you do a search. Most on-line Bible studies are not very advanced. You might also find some Bible study books at Christian bookstores.
If you are looking to be an ordained minister or want to work as a pastor, contact your church. They will refer you to a Bible college that can offer correspondence courses. (some Bible colleges do require a church to recommend their students) If you are in hosptial, jail or living in Antarctica, well that might be a good reason for wanting to do everything over the net. You will have to do some practical courses and some internships as well to become accreditted and get a diploma. If money or transportation is the problem, your congregation or church organization might have some funding/scholarship available.
It might just be too big a step to come right out and say "I want to be a minister". You might like to take a few courses first and study the Bible before going to your church and asking for sponsorship. Most Christians do study the Bible on their own. Buy a good study Bible, the best you can afford. A concordance is very important (such as Strong's) and a Bible dictionary and maps. Then pick a book, pray and start reading.