Can anyone explain to me why Georges W. Bush Jr, who claims to be a Christian, is so much for the death penalty ? If I understand the New Testament rightly, this attitude is in total contradiction with the teachings of Jesus.
Well, not total conrtradiction. Matt 5:18 "For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled."
The Law implied here is what was given to Israel, not only the ten commandments (Jews call them the eleven commandments - the first one is actually two commands) but the 600+ others, designed to help the nation function properly. When Jesus says that all these commands can be carried out by simply loving God with our whole selves and loving our neighbor, He was putting the rest of the law in a nutshell, not disposing of it, and He has never disposed of justice (including a death penalty) - since He is coming to judge!
I don't believe that individuals should take it on themselves to dispense capital punishment, taking the law into their own hands. That isn't their place.
But certainly it is not wrong to seek protection and recompense from the proper authorities; God has set governments over us for that purpose, and a king or a president has God-given requirements that differ from those of the "little people".
If a shepherd didn't drive away or kill the predators that attacked his flock, he would be irresponsible.