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Episcopalians Elect 1st Openly Gay Bishop
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Topic: Episcopalians Elect 1st Openly Gay Bishop (Read 6052 times)
Jr. Member
Posts: 97
Jesus is Our Bridge Over Troubled Waters
Episcopalians Elect 1st Openly Gay Bishop
June 08, 2003, 06:06:26 PM »
Excerpt from today's Press Enterprise (Sunday)
In defiance of longstanding Christian tradition, the Diocese of New Hampshire on Saturday elected the first openly gay bishop (the Reverend V. Gene Robinson) in the history of the Episcopalian Church USA.
However, his election still must be radified by a two-thirds vote at the triennial General Convention of the ECUSA when it meets in Minneapolis in July.
It also stated that he had been married for 17 years and had children. He tearfully told his (now former) wife in 1990 that he was gay.
He now LIVES with a companion who is a New Hampshire state employee.
A breakthrough for Gay Rights or a rebellion against God's created order?
Personally, I tend to agree with the latter. What say yee?
In my not so humble opinion, I would at least had hoped the Reverend would have remained celibate in order to retain at least some dignity.
It also stated that during the last two decades the 2.1 million-member ECUSA has become increasingly tolerant of gay clergy and same sex unions. Most of the 38-nation Angelican Communion (which includes the Church of England) disapproves, however.
Hey! I disapprove too! What about you?
P.S. Symphony, didn't get a chance yet to read "The Noose", but will ASAP. However, if it gets any tighter we'll all choke!
Last Edit: June 08, 2003, 06:10:03 PM by Alfie
God Bless the Beasts and the Children
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Re:Episcopalians Elect 1st Openly Gay Bishop
Reply #1 on:
June 08, 2003, 07:30:11 PM »
Yep, Alfie, I posted one article about it elsewhere under "Noose".
Even if it is voted out by the national or international one, it's indicative of a definite trend, I think. They'll be back. That's the whole point: They'll keep coming back, from here on out. In case anyone has noticed, they've been continuing to "come back" for some years now, with increasing frequency, and an increasing "hohum" response from people generally--including many churches, to our shame and discredit.
If nothing else, the "thrill of the chase". It still presents a new "taboo" to be now overcome and conquered. Young men and women participating in this, many for just the sheer sport of a new obstacle to be broken down and conquered, hardly realize what they are toying with(sorry, no pun intended). The older ones know better, as with this minister--he knows better than this--married, with children?? And a trained minister of the Gospel?? Are you kidding me.
A definite sign of the times. And you are of a "small mind", if you do not agree with them. Capt. von Trapp, in the Sound of Music, to Maria:
"To join them would be unthinkable; to refuse them, fatal."
Don't think that they aren't here to destroy the Christians--and everyone else too, including even, ultimately, themselves--the nature of..."the beast"...
...in all of its earthly "glory"...
The earth on a trajectory of self-destruct.
Re:Episcopalians Elect 1st Openly Gay Bishop
Reply #2 on:
June 09, 2003, 02:59:32 AM »
The argument I hear a lot from "gay Christians" is that 'Jesus forgives sins' Yes, that's true, but we must "repent" of our sins, not make a "lifestyle" out of them.
None of us will ever be sinless, some of us will struggle with the same sins throughout our lives, but we must use all our strength to turn away from sin. Homosexual Christians make no effort at all to turn away from their sin, they embrace it, and make statements like, 'Jesus is all about love...and we honestly love each other, so Jesus will accept us' WRONG!
I love many people, that doesn't mean it's ok to have sex with them all. Homosexuality is a sin, it's clearly outlined in the bible as sin.
A big problem today is that political correctness has made us all morons. We accept anything for fear of being labeled "intolerant" I don't hate anyone, I certainly don't hate homosexuals. I have a gay friend, I treat him the exact same way I treat anyone else. I believe homosexuals should enjoy every civil right the rest of us enjoy, but don't expect to get into Heaven, and don't expect me to lie to you and say it's aright in God's eyes, because it's clearly not.
I say the same thing to my single friends who have unmarried sex with multiple female partners whenever they can. Some are not Christians, and so they could care less, but a few are Christians, and I have warned them that God does not accept that, and they should not expect to get into Heaven either.
God does not force anyone to conform, we all have free will to do as we please. Don't moan and cry that it's God's fault when you end up walking yourself into a giant lake of fire. We have all be warned.
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A KJV bible believing Christian
Re:Episcopalians Elect 1st Openly Gay Bishop
Reply #3 on:
June 10, 2003, 03:17:13 AM »
The only real "shocker" about this article is that he is OPENLY gay. It's quite apparent that there have been gay priests, ministers and the like. Look at the RCC and all the cases of homopedophilia.
I care ver little about being PC and only about being JC (Jesus Correct)
My sister is gay and I love her but I have no tolerance or acceptance of her lifestyle and she knows it. My mother sent her some scriptures from me (directly from me would seem preachy or something, whatever) and even she replied to my mother "I see why Jason isn't/won't be ok with my lifestyle."
Just keep preaching the Truth of God's Word, and pray. We can't honestly do much more than that. It seems as ifthe days of Noah draw closer by the minute.
God bless,
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Posts: 3117
I'm a llama!
Re:Episcopalians Elect 1st Openly Gay Bishop
Reply #4 on:
June 10, 2003, 03:51:07 AM »
Not meaning to gild the lily, but slhunley(b4 the Crash) just e-mailed me this yesterday,
If you glance through the seminar agenda or itinerary there, you'll see just how determined it all is.
Even so, bronzesnake, I appreciate all of your statements. It's not a very happy experience having the friends into the fornication thing. And Saved4, having one in your family. Yep, she saw thru your mother's veiled attempt.
For me I'm slowly realizing that this too, here, that is, homosexuality, is probably put here as a challenge to test me, or to ask what do I really believe. I've had some discourse with gays, and it can be a real training ground forcing one to consider carefully what it is I or we really believe. In their dtermination to justify their behaviour, some of them have very carefully thought through your every "argument."
Which points up the ultimate reality, that our faith doesn't even really consist in "argument".
And also how to "love" the gay, too, without all the extra baggage and can of worms that that in itself implies.
Obviously, it's all definitely incredibly evil, though--even just fornication is such.
But it doesn't appear that way.
Re:Episcopalians Elect 1st Openly Gay Bishop
Reply #5 on:
June 10, 2003, 10:36:56 AM »
You know what the sad reality of all this "homosexuals in the church" is? Besides the fact that homosexuality is a sin?
It's homosexuals pushing their agenda's on every front available. They claim (and rightly so in most cases) that they have been victims of physical and emotional abuse. So throughout the past twenty or so years they have put forward a consorted effort to fight for their rights. The problem here is that they want to put their rights ahead of our rights as Christians. Their is a bill coming up before the House in Ottawa Canada shortly that proposes an amendment to an existing bill.
BILL C-250
An Act to amend the Criminal Code (hate propaganda)
Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows:
1. Subsection 318(4) of the Criminal Code is replaced by the following:
Definition of ``identifiable group''
(4) In this section, ``identifiable group'' means any section of the public distinguished by colour, race, religion, ethnic origin or
sexual orientation
I have underlined the proposed addition.
There is a very real possibility that it could become a criminal offence to read any biblical reference or preach on homosexuality in Canada if this amendment passes.
So here we have millions of Christians rights being shoved aside to accommodate homosexuals rights.
I honestly believe that many "Christian" homosexual activists are not Christians at all. I believe it's part of an in your face strategy that has been adopted and has proved to be very effective in our politically correct society.
In Toronto each year there is a huge Gay Pride parade where thousands of homosexuals prance down the street with dental floss underwear, while simulating sexual acts. There was a court case where one gay man was charged with public nudity because all he had on was a pair of socks. The case was thrown out because under the law, he was not completely nude! H-e-l-l-o!!! How could the law actually convict a homosexual in this case...what? and be labeled "homophobic"?
Militant homosexuals won't be happy until the entire world is completely gay and having public homosexual sex.
Moderates want their rights to supercede all other established rights such as freedom of religion.
Just try this crap with Muslims and see what happens.
Gold Member
Posts: 3117
I'm a llama!
Re:Episcopalians Elect 1st Openly Gay Bishop
Reply #6 on:
June 10, 2003, 11:52:40 PM »
Yes, I agree. It's deadly stuff. And their appetite will only lead them down the road you predict there. The passage in Gen 19 says young and old, "...to the last man".
To me the whole gay thing highlights many or maybe even all of the New Testament principles, that is, that the essence of our life in Him is only exactly that--our life and security is in Jesus, the Person.
I think the gay thing is bringing that home to us, seriously, graphically. The gay agenda really is just one more facet of the overall agenda to destroy God's elect (us!!). That is all it is about.
Sure, they see it as "only" sex, etc.
We must be walking in Jesus.
Jr. Member
Posts: 97
Jesus is Our Bridge Over Troubled Waters
Re:Episcopalians Elect 1st Openly Gay Bishop
Reply #7 on:
June 11, 2003, 12:41:47 AM »
Couldn't agree more.
Just received a mailing from the Traditional Values Coalition. They made such an accurate statement when they said: "The truth is, anti-Christian bigotry is the only form of bigotry that considered acceptable in America today."
In reading the other threads by you guys, it's not just America that is having this problem; it's the entire world.
There is a war on Christianity, and it's getting more blatant every day. May God help us and bless us as Christians.
God Bless the Beasts and the Children
for they are truly the Innocents, and
the Sweetest of Spirits.
Re:Episcopalians Elect 1st Openly Gay Bishop
Reply #8 on:
June 11, 2003, 12:58:31 AM »
Quote from: Alfie on June 11, 2003, 12:41:47 AM
Couldn't agree more.
Just received a mailing from the Traditional Values Coalition. They made such an accurate statement when they said: "The truth is, anti-Christian bigotry is the only form of bigotry that considered acceptable in America today."
In reading the other threads by you guys, it's not just America that is having this problem; it's the entire world.
There is a war on Christianity, and it's getting more blatant every day. May God help us and bless us as Christians.
That is absolutely an accurate statement Alfie.
On the other hand, it goes to further our conviction that Christianity is the true Word of God. Why is it that only Christians and Jews are being openly and boldly attacked? Because we are the one true threat to satan and his children.
Rom 8:31
What shall we then say to these things? If God [be] for us, who [can be] against us?
Jr. Member
Posts: 97
Jesus is Our Bridge Over Troubled Waters
Re:Episcopalians Elect 1st Openly Gay Bishop
Reply #9 on:
June 11, 2003, 01:24:37 AM »
Yes, Bronzesnake-
Christians are being persecuted (and I don't consider myself as being paranoid about this). And, it is because Christianity is the True Word of God.
God Bless the Beasts and the Children
for they are truly the Innocents, and
the Sweetest of Spirits.
Gold Member
Posts: 3117
I'm a llama!
Re:Episcopalians Elect 1st Openly Gay Bishop
Reply #10 on:
June 11, 2003, 08:48:02 AM »
Well, just this morning, Canada's "first gay marriage", on the news.
Re:Episcopalians Elect 1st Openly Gay Bishop
Reply #11 on:
June 11, 2003, 10:59:11 AM »
Quote from: Symphony on June 11, 2003, 08:48:02 AM
Well, just this morning, Canada's "first gay marriage", on the news.
Yup, our spineless government here in Ontario is in deep political trouble for dismantling our healthcare and sucking millions out of education, so now, with an election looming they are too afraid to take a stand.
Alberta's premiere, Ralf Klein, says, if they try that crap in his province he will use the "not withstanding" clause and immediately kill it whether people like it or not.
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Posts: 3117
I'm a llama!
Re:Episcopalians Elect 1st Openly Gay Bishop
Reply #12 on:
July 23, 2003, 09:13:10 AM »
That last post June 11. Today month and half later:
Just this morning, reports that Bishop Smith of Missouri's Episcopal coming out in support of the New Hampshire ordination of an openly gay bishop(above)...
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