(Doesn't that verse imply we were spirit before we were 'life'? Or.. does it imply God knew we were going to be born?)
I don't know that it implies the existence of our spirit before we were "life" in the same context and connotation that it means to the Mormon, for example.
But.....since God is omniscient, it would certainly suggest that He knew all about us before we ever attained "personhood" (isn't that a namby-pamby way of saying something?)....or life.
Because of the Mormon conception of pre-existence (and the eastern idea of the same/reincarnation), I'm not really enamored with the idea of being a disembodied spirit floating around "up there" waiting to be put somewhere.
Simply, God knows us before we are conceived.....I would then take that to mean that He knows we are alive by His definition....not the Supreme Courts.