Question: |
Which of the following best describes your views?
I'm a 4 point Calvinict...just can't accept limited atonement |
0 (0%) |
I'm an Arminian all the way! |
0 (0%) |
All 5 points are true! Hurrah for TULIP! |
2 (22.2%) |
I agree with some of Calvinism's point |
1 (11.1%) |
I agree with some Arminianism's points |
0 (0%) |
Me likes a combination of Calvinism and Arminianism |
2 (22.2%) |
Neither...both are wrong! |
1 (11.1%) |
I have no idea what you're talking about... |
3 (33.3%) |
Total Voters: 8 |
Pages: [1] 2
Topic: Calvinism/Arminianism (Read 7540 times)