A few things...
First, my relationship with God is failing. I've managed to turn my back on Him trough several badly thought out decisions, and my faith has diminished over the past few weeks. Stress is building up, and I can't find my Lord anywhere, I've been blinded.
Second, my relationship with my girlfriend is failing. When we started together, we acknowledged that it was by God's love and grace that we were together, and it would be by Him to keep us together. Without His love, we couldn't hold ourselves together by our own love, because it is imperfect. My connection was severed when I let go of God myself, which is what I need prayer for. Her connection was severed by her obsession with dancing. Dancing is her hobby, but she has made it her life. She has put it before God, and began to idolise it. Dancing has become her god, and so she also has turned her back on the Lord.
Please, I need people praying for the barriers that have come up between the Lord and I to be taken down. My girlfriend needs prayers to make the right decision as to what she wants - dancing or Jesus - as the god of her life, and we both need prayers to keep God's love flowing between us to hold our relationship together.
God bless