California is no place to raise a Christian (or any other) family.
The average price of a house is $400,000.
The new Governator is not a Christian.
Being homosexual is 'almost everything'.
Being anti-Christian is 'almost everything else'.
No one speaks English.
State income taxes are the highest in the nation and growing.
Business is leaving California because they can't afford to do business here - insurance is to high (plus the taxes) so there are no jobs.
Not being nice to a trans-sexual is a hate cirme.
Trees are everything, people are nothing.
If you don't toe the secular-humanist line you are a hate-monger.
Protecting your family against intruders, robbers, rapists or murderers is breaking the intruders, robbers, rapists or murderers civil rights.
However, on the "positive" side (according to the liberal agenda) - homosexuality is encouraged, pornography is encouraged, the Bible is Hate speak, the only good Christian is one who is silent, and you can "do it in the road".
California needs prayers - many, many prayers.
But the weather is nice.
May the Lord Guide you,
JN in CA
PS - thank you for letting me vent.