Your story reminds me of a similar experience I had with my daughter this past Thanksgiving. She was playing with all her cousins and the next thing I heard was her head hitting the corner of a wall! Instantly a huge bruised goose-egg bump appeard on her forehead. Fortunately, there are many Christians in my immediate family. One prayed with me immediately while my husband was getting our daughter ready to leave. I told everyone not to worry, but it was getting late anyway so we took her home to keep a close eye on her.
On the way home, she had an ice pack in her hand, but it never made it up to her head! She complained of feeling sick and wanted to go to sleep. I felt myself start to panic..then...I remembered my precious Savior was watching over His children and felt a peace come over me. I thanked Him for the peace and the knowledge of His Word and Love. I reassured her that she would be fine all the way home. We went to the mirror as soon as we got home....and Glory to God there wasn't anything to see! We had to use our hands to feel a tiny bump that remained!
I wish there were more postings of answered prayers....
They are such a blessing!!