I'm prob'ly the youngest person to reply to this....
2nd Chap. of Acts has all their albums on CD at 2ndchapterofacts.com. Matthew also has them on his site, matthewward.com, and Annie may or may not on annieherring.com.
Larry Norman, last I checked (a few months ago) was still around, with a defibrilator, but still around.
I love the "old school" stuff. Crazy. I have portraits of 2nd Chp. and Keith Green and Larry Norman on my walls. I love all the Petra, except that stuff a few years ago that didn't even sound like them. I haven't gotten Jeckyll and Hyde, but it's on my wish list. I also love Phil Keaggy and Ken Medima and JMT and Micheal Card. Though why we call their stuff "old school", I don't know; they're still around....
My dad wants me to hear Isaac Airfreight or however you spell that--anyone know where they can be found?