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Author Topic: MY JOURNEY INTO THE UNKNOWN  (Read 6304 times)
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« on: September 12, 2010, 09:12:34 PM »

Between March and now I lost a good bit of my memory.  Still having trouble remembering even the simplest things. Not even sure how to use this computer.
Here is my story but God was with me all the time.  PTL!

Woke up one morning and was bleeding profusely.  Was carted off to the hospital but didn't know a thing.  Didn't know my family was all there or that some from the high rise I am in came too.  I was hallucinating very badly.  Big vehicles were driving past me making a lot of noise.  I was screaming for someone to help me but I was just ignored.  I thought I heard some say something about a fire.  I paniced Screamed even louder.

I thought I was still in the hospital but was told I was in a nursing home. Took me a few days to take it all in. Don't even remember being taken there and I asked if there was a fire.  They looked so surprised and said "no".  Later I realized that the big vehicles were our food trucks coming by (in the home) were the food trucks.
Shortly I took the routine for granted. 

As I was getting more co-herent, I was told that the doctor told my family that I was between life and death.  They were quite concerned.  MY daughter Brenda wasn't.  She prayed and told the doctor that if I did die, I knew where I was going. and would be happy.If I didn't she knew God wasn't through with me yet.  Still had much work for me to do. 

Before this happened God let me know that I would be doing more writing---what and when I had no inkling.  Last month I told a new friend about the writing.  She wanted to read some.  I gave her "Angels all around me".  She showed it to
 bi -monthly free newspaper. They accepted it but need to do some editing.  It will be out either this month or next!  They also want me to send more items.

(back track)  Brenda also told me that when teh doctor was getting ready to operate, I was singing to him a song I wrote long ago!

Oh I forgot to mention what I was being operated on.  Colon cancer---polyps under that.  Ovaries had to be removed and I'm not sure of what else.  I don't think he left ianything in me.  More room for the Holy Spirit to live in me.

After all that I feel like a brand new peerson!  No pain but s little inconvenience.

I had the doctors and nurses and everyone laughing!  Laughter is like a good medicine!  PTL!  God healed me.  Had more tests but no sign of any more cancer.

I am almost done but I think I know why God let this happen.  The writing I did before was good because I was always inspired.  Couldn't write anything on my own.  MY big problem was that my ego got in teh way and I felt good because people commented on it and made my head even bigger.
I felt like I was someone for a change.  I had been ignored a lot. 

I don't even have to write another word.  Just post items I wrote on several sites and find new ones.  They are as timely now as they were then.

God let me know in no uncertain terms it is His project---not mine! The fact brought my ego down quite a bit.  NOw I witness to everyone who will listen! 

Believe it or not but I am happier than I was before.  Amazing what God can do to change attitudes and outlooks in our lives.  "It is no secret what God can do.  What He's done for others He'll do for you."  I am always singing.  Even my occupation therapist sang along with me.  God even blessed me with Christian therapists!!!  Isn't God great!

Sorry this was so long.  God bless you.

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« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2010, 11:06:03 PM »

I'm glad to hear that you're better. You will be in my prayers for a complete recovery.

Love In Christ,

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« Reply #2 on: December 19, 2010, 10:59:15 AM »

I don't think he left ianything in me.  More room for the Holy Spirit to live in me.

God let me know in no uncertain terms it is His project---not mine! The fact brought my ego down quite a bit.  NOw I witness to everyone who will listen! 

Believe it or not but I am happier than I was before.  Amazing what God can do to change attitudes and outlooks in our lives.  "It is no secret what God can do.  What He's done for others He'll do for you." 



Let us fight the good fight!
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« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2011, 04:55:07 PM »

I see I went by "thesparrow before! Now it's "livingbyfaith"

I'm in pretty good shape now.  I can't jump over hurdles or anything like that!   lolol  Soon I want to go to "Silver Sneakers"  an exercise group for senior citizens.  My doctor will let them know what I can or can't do.

The Holy Spirit let me know I have to do more posting now.  I was going through all my note books to see what all I did write.  I found one book with "Mini-Sermons" I wrote long time ago when I used an old regular typewriter!  I was a waitress.   I witnessed to one of my customers.  When he was leaving he said "Thanks for the Mini-Sermons. Thus they were born.  Wrote what is needed to get saved. 
A 94 year old Jewish man read them.  I wrote 6 series.  At the end of that I had a place to sign if you accepted Jesus.  His driver told me that he did sign it!!!  PTL!  Shortly. after he died.

Now I believe God wants me to post them again.

Question How do I start a blog so I can put them all on there---with a place to put comments?  The rest of my life is cut out for me.  However long God will let me live.

God bless you.
  Never give up no matter what befalls you.


Hebrews 4:12 "For the Word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword."
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« Reply #4 on: February 18, 2011, 11:34:43 PM »

I see I went by "thesparrow before! Now it's "livingbyfaith"

I'm in pretty good shape now.  I can't jump over hurdles or anything like that!   lolol  Soon I want to go to "Silver Sneakers"  an exercise group for senior citizens.  My doctor will let them know what I can or can't do.

The Holy Spirit let me know I have to do more posting now.  I was going through all my note books to see what all I did write.  I found one book with "Mini-Sermons" I wrote long time ago when I used an old regular typewriter!  I was a waitress.   I witnessed to one of my customers.  When he was leaving he said "Thanks for the Mini-Sermons. Thus they were born.  Wrote what is needed to get saved. 
A 94 year old Jewish man read them.  I wrote 6 series.  At the end of that I had a place to sign if you accepted Jesus.  His driver told me that he did sign it!!!  PTL!  Shortly. after he died.

Now I believe God wants me to post them again.

Question How do I start a blog so I can put them all on there---with a place to put comments?  The rest of my life is cut out for me.  However long God will let me live.

God bless you.
  Never give up no matter what befalls you.

Hello LivingByFaith,

There are many different kinds of blogs, and I really don't know much about them unless they are the kind that you can post to like on the forum. We have many readers here every day, and you are most welcome to make as many posts as you want to here. You would have your choice as to whether others could reply or not where you are posting, and you can post as many places as you like. I honestly think that you would get more readers if you posted them on the forum, but maybe not. I think that I can safely say that you can do just about anything you can think of on the forum. Christians Unite does offer free blogs to users, and you're most welcome to try a blog or any combination of posting on a blog and/or the forum.

The link for free Christians Unite Blogs is:

I've thought about trying one some day, but I'm already comfortable using the forum. I wouldn't be able to tell you much about our blogs on Christians Unite except they are free. I wouldn't know how to format a post on a blog, nor would I really know anything about what is involved. As a contrast, the forum I know about, and I think it's pretty easy to use in a matter of minutes. In other words, I could help you with just about anything on the forum - but not with a blog. I'm sending you my email address in a private message in case you might have questions you don't want to ask on the forum.

I'm very happy to hear that you are doing so well. You will remain in my prayers.

Love In Christ,

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