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« on: September 01, 2010, 11:58:03 AM »

The Patriot Post Chronicle 9-1-2010
From The Federalist Patriot
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The Foundation

"It should be the highest ambition of every American to extend his views beyond himself, and to bear in mind that his conduct will not only affect himself, his country, and his immediate posterity; but that its influence may be co-extensive with the world, and stamp political happiness or misery on ages yet unborn." --George Washington

The Demo-gogues

Oval Office speech: "Tonight, I am announcing that the American combat mission in Iraq has ended. Operation Iraqi Freedom is over, and the Iraqi people now have lead responsibility for the security of their country. This was my pledge to the American people as a candidate for this office." --Barack Obama, in his Oval Office speech about the war in Iraq using the words "ended" and "over" to describe it instead of "completed" and "won"

"I'm mindful that the Iraq war has been a contentious issue at home. Here, too, it's time to turn the page. This afternoon, I spoke to former President George W. Bush. It's well known that he and I disagreed about the war from its outset. Yet no one can doubt President Bush's support for our troops, or his love of country and commitment to our security. As I've said, there were patriots who supported this war, and patriots who opposed it. And all of us are united in appreciation for our servicemen and women, and our hopes for Iraqis' future." --Obama

That was then: "I am not persuaded that 20,000 additional troops in Iraq is going to solve the sectarian violence there. In fact, I think it will do the reverse." --Obama in 2007, opposing the surge that made last night's speech possible

And now for domestic politics in a speech about national security: "Unfortunately, over the last decade, we've not done what's necessary to shore up the foundations of our own prosperity. We spent a trillion dollars at war, often financed by borrowing from overseas. This, in turn, has short-changed investments in our own people, and contributed to record deficits." --Obama, who certainly knows how to make record deficits

Chutzpah: "We must jumpstart industries that create jobs, and end our dependence on foreign oil." --BO, the guy who placed a moratorium on offshore drilling, which kills jobs and increases dependence on foreign oil

Yeah, right: "I'm not spending a lot of time thinking about a second term." --BO

"I can't spend all of my time with my birth certificate plastered on my forehead." --Barack Obama, taking a shot at the so-called "birthers"

Flip flopper of the year: "I would have voted for [the health care bill]. But I think it can be done better, I really do." --Florida Senate candidate Charlie Crist last Friday

Later that same day: "If I misspoke, I want to be abundantly clear: the health care bill was too big, too expensive, and expanded the role of government far too much. Had I been in the United States Senate at the time, I would have voted against the bill...." --Charlie Crist

Editorial Exegesis

"For now, we have transformed Iraq from a hostile, terrorist-supporting dictatorship destabilizing the region into a ramshackle democracy that is an ally in the war on terror. To get Iraq to this point, in January 2007 President Bush had to order tens of thousands of additional troops into a failing war, in the teeth of gale-force opposition from the political establishment, public opinion, and the balance of the military brass. To capitalize on the opportunity we have bought in Iraq with blood and treasure, President Obama has to do something much easier: resist a strategically witless urge to turn his back on Iraq as being merely the site of 'Bush's war.' The president's Oval Office address wasn't confidence-inducing. Appropriately, he saluted the troops for 'completing every mission they were given in Iraq,' and he promised Iraqis they will 'have a strong partner in the United States.' But he spoke particularly forcefully of removing 100,000 troops from Iraq, closing or transferring hundreds of bases, and moving millions of pieces of equipment out of the country -- indices of ending a war, not necessarily winning it. He talked up the growing capabilities of the Iraqis, but in the spirit of declaring victory -- or, more precisely, the end of combat operations -- and coming home. He exhorted us to 'turn the page,' before arguing that we must honor the troops by uniting around his domestic agenda. In its failure to credit explicitly Bush's surge for turning around the war, the speech was graceless; in its cursory treatment of Iraq, it lacked strategic vision; and in its attempt to hijack the troops for Obama's domestic priorities ('we must tackle ... challenges at home with as much energy and grit, and sense of common purpose, as our men and women in uniform'), it was shameless. Altogether a poor performance." --National Review1


"No one understood better than Stalin that the true object of propaganda is neither to convince nor even to persuade, but to produce a uniform pattern of public utterance in which the first trace of unorthodox thought immediately reveals itself as a jarring dissonance." --British historian Alan Bullock (1914-2004)

"It is discouraging to think how many people are shocked by honesty and how few by deceit." --British playwright Noel Coward (1899-1973)

"Conservatives were brought up to hate deficits, and justifiably so. We've long thought there are two things in Washington that are unbalanced -- the budget and the liberals." --President Ronald Reagan (1911-2004)


"Are you opposed to Obamacare or illegal immigration? You're a racist. Are you opposed to gay marriage? You're a homophobe. Did you oppose Elena Kagan's appointment to the Supreme Court? You're a sexist. After less than two years of complete Democrat control of government, there aren't many Americas progressives haven't accused of some sort of bigotry for simply having an opinion different from theirs. The politics of 'hope' and 'change' have devolved into exactly what those espousing them claimed they would end. Is this really Democrat's plan to win votes in November?" --writer Derek Hunter

"The Democrats are going to get beaten badly in November. Not just because the economy is ailing. And not just because Obama overread his mandate in governing too far left. But because a comeuppance is due the arrogant elites whose undisguised contempt for the great unwashed prevents them from conceding a modicum of serious thought to those who dare oppose them." --columnist Charles Krauthammer

"Those who mocked George W. Bush for openly declaring his faith in God and sharing that he prays to God for strength squawked about the horrors in Bush's allowing his beliefs to influence his governance. Apart from the mockers' misunderstanding of the proper intersection of faith and governance, let me pose another question. Are you more comfortable with a chief executive who, along with the overwhelming majority of Americans, humbly admits to reliance on God or one who projects the impression that he himself is messianic?" --columnist David Limbaugh

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« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2010, 12:00:25 PM »

The Patriot Post Chronicle 9-1-2010
From The Federalist Patriot
Free Email Subscription

"Alan Simpson violated a taboo last week when he likened Social Security to 'a milk cow with 310 million tits.' But contrary to the dictionary-deprived critics who accused him of sexist vulgarity, the former Wyoming senator's transgression had nothing to do with his use of a perfectly acceptable synonym for teat. Simpson's real sin was 'belittling a bedrock program,' as the AARP put it -- i.e., showing insufficient reverence for a sacred cow." --columnist Jacob Sullum

"To those who say 'I paid into Social Security for years and all I want is what I'm entitled to,' I reply, 'You've been robbed -- get over it.' If you want to know who robbed you, it's called Congress. If you're angry about that then go into the voting booth and throw them out. Meanwhile some poor young fry cook at McDonald's is having his wages garnished to support the lifestyle of tennis playing Botox dowagers in Palm Springs. Is this right?" --venture capitalist Bill Frezza


The only thing to fear is ... fear: "Then there's the vitriolic fight against immigrants, undocumented ones and in Arizona just people who happen to look undocumented. And, of course, there's the grand daddy of all prejudice, fear and hatred stoked up against Muslims in this country. Now, it's gotten so bad that a young man stabbed a cabbie in the neck and face Tuesday after finding out that he was Muslim. ... What black person, gay guy or girl, immigrant or Muslim-American in their right mind would vote for the Republican party? They might as well hang a sign around their neck saying I hate myself." --MSNBC host Cenk Uygur

"The Republican method for winning elections is hate. Hate somebody. Anybody will do. We have seen it this year with immigrants and now, Muslims." --MSNBC's Keith Olbermann

On the "Restoring Honor" rally: "The Reverend Al Sharpton, among others, worries that their day and King's legacy has been hijacked." --ABC's Claire Shipman (That's because he's a fool and a fraud who's worried he might lose his phony gig.)

"That [Glenn] Beck is staging his all-about-me event at the very spot where the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his immortal 'I Have a Dream' speech -- and on the 47th anniversary of that historic address -- is obviously intended to be a provocation. There's no need to feel provoked, however; the appropriate response is to ignore him." --Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson, writing a column about Beck that says we should ignore him

When more doesn't work, try even more: "More government support is needed until conditions improve. ... The economic stimulus they pushed through Congress, for all of the fight, was too small. Standing back is not doing the country or [the Democrat] party any good. We believe Americans are ready for hard truths and big ideas." --New York Times editorial

    Editor's Note: We offer our congratulations to Newsbusters2, a blog dedicated to exposing bias in the "mainstream" media, on their fifth anniversary celebration. Newsbusters is a division of the Media Research Center, and we find their work quite useful when compiling the Chronicle.

Newspulper Headlines:

Which Is Why He's Talking About It: "Obama Says He Ignored Beck Rally" --MSNBC.com

We Blame Global Warming: "Culinary Institute Grows World's Hottest Pepper" --Associated Press

Out on a Limb: "Midterm Elections Will Be Referendum on Obama" --Newsweek.com

Answers to Questions Nobody Is Asking: "Why Democrats Will Keep the House" --NationalJournal.com

Everything Seemingly Is Spinning Out of Control: "Bad News: Media Interrupts President's Purchase of Shrimp With Question About Iraq" --HotAir.com

Bottom Story of the Day: "Obama Vacation Back on Course" --Boston Globe

(Thanks to The Wall Street Journal's James Taranto3)

Village Idiots

That's pretty selfish: "We're not giving them this day. This is our day, and we ain't giving it away." --Al Sharpton on the "Restoring Honor" rally at the Lincoln Memorial in DC Saturday, which was held on the 47th anniversary of Martin Luther King's "I have a dream" speech at the same location

No how: "Trouble today? Ain't no trouble today. We wouldn't disgrace this day by allowing you to provoke us." --master provocateur Al Sharpton

Race bait: "We are going to take on the barbarism of war, the decadence of racism, and the scourge of poverty, that the Ku Klux -- I meant to say the Tea Party. You all forgive me, but I -- you have to use them interchangeably." --Rev. Walter Fauntroy, "civil rights" leader and former non-voting representative for DC

Mao's Little Red Playbook: "Unfortunately, there still is a great deal of confusion about what is in [the health care law] and what isn't. ... So, we have a lot of re-education to do." --Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius (Great idea. Maybe they can even set up some camps to help with the "re-education" effort.)

They know what's best for you: "We think a new label is absolutely needed to help consumers make the right decision for their wallets and the environment." --Gina McCarthy, the EPA's assistant administrator for air and radiation, on the EPA's new idea for a letter-grade system for vehicle emissions

Short Cuts

"Putting more and more wolves in charge of guarding the henhouse might characterize the big problems we've now created for ourselves. Government is growing. The private economy is shrinking. Those wielding political power see fewer and fewer problems they believe private citizens can solve on our own. Soon, each one of us will have our own personal guardian bureaucrat. The real difference between us and the hens is that the hens are not paying for the wolves' salaries and benefits." --columnist Star Parker

"Just once, I'd like to see a government official say, 'We blew it, and you know what? If you give us another chance, we'll probably blow it again.' But so far, my hope has not availed." --columnist Steve Chapman

"In other words, [according to Obama's statements] Jesus was an important teacher, a really swell guy, a cool dude, and Obama likes him – a lot. This is to normative Christianity what Cheese Whiz is to French cuisine." --columnist Don Feder

"Who knew that the American public would get accused of bigotry more often after electing an African-American president than before?" --columnist Rich Lowry

(Please pray for our Armed Forces standing in harm's way around the world, and for their families -- especially families of those fallen Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsmen, who granted their lives in defense of American liberty.)


   1. http://www.nationalreview.com/articles/245330/securing-our-interests-and-iraq-s-editors
   2. http://newsbusters.org/
   3. http://online.wsj.com/article/best_of_the_web_today.html

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