Many use these verses to wrongly place themselves on equal footing to Jesus Christ. In this essence they are the ones that are committing blasphemy. They take a few verses out of context in order to substantiate their claims. To fully understand what Jesus was saying in John 10:34-38 we must examine the rest of John 10 and the full scripture of Psalm 82.
Jesus was answering the charges of blasphemy that was just made against Him. He was comparing this situation to that of the one spoken of in Psalms 82 where God had made certain men Judges, rulers, over others. As such they were also called gods (note: a little 'g' not a big 'G') because they were rulers and judges. Yet these rulers in Psalms were also judging unjustly just those in John 10 were doing. Jesus was chastising them and appropriately so that if they could be called 'gods' then it was not blasphemy for Him to be called God when He had shown them already through His works that He Himself was God ("I and my Father are one.")
These people were not given any special powers or gifts or insight from God nor were they given any special Words from God. This was evident by their 'unjustly' works. Those who use these verses to call themselves god are simply taking a title that is not theirs to begin with and attempting to make themselves out to be more than they are, attempting to elevate themselves over others.
it so true pastor and clear,,,, thanks....