The Patriot Post Brief 09-12
From The Federalist Patriot
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____________________________ THE FOUNDATION"The liberties of a people never were, nor ever will be, secure when the transactions of their rulers may be concealed from them." --Patrick Henry
OPINION IN BRIEF"This play within a play is ultimately not about AIG, corporate aircraft, fancy resorts and partying executives, all of which have been denounced by President Obama and members of his administration, along with many fulminating members of the media. While some people rail against 'greed,' some of the less affluent operate according to another of the 'seven deadly sins,' which is envy. I don't care how much money someone else makes. I simply want the opportunity to make the same, or more, should I choose to. ... Who teaches wrong values today? If you don't succeed, it's someone else's fault, not yours. Others who have succeeded owe it to you to make things 'fair.' Instead of attending to ways in which our own lives and circumstances might be improved, too many try to bring others down to their level. That never improves conditions for the ones at the bottom, but it makes them feel better, which is the objective of liberal politicians who want to keep people in sufficient misery so they'll continue to win their votes. It apparently doesn't occur to the miserable that they have a ticket out of their circumstances, if they will only climb aboard the right train." --columnist Cal Thomas
RE: THE LEFT"From what I can tell, the AIG bonuses do stink -- although some are as small as $1,000 and presumably go to people who had no significant part in the credit-default-swap-derivative mania of recent years. But let's assume that they're all gratuitous. Summers was still right. When the federal government, on behalf of taxpayers, opted to essentially nationalize AIG -- we now own 80 percent of the company -- we made a choice to keep it alive. If the firm had gone out of business through bankruptcy -- what the gods wanted in the first place -- there would be no bonuses. But we chose not to do that. Which means those bonuses are just one more toxic debt for which we are on the hook. For good or ill, we chose to defy the natural order. And now we own this monstrous white elephant. ... We should have learned from the government takeover of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac what dangers lie ahead: The rule of law and political manipulation of the economy don't mix well." --National Review editor Jonah Goldberg
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR(To submit or to view reader comments visit our Letters to the Editor page.)
"Mark Alexander asked readers to 'submit descriptive terms to apply to this faux "shocked -- shocked" Demo-diversion.' My entry is: SNOFU -- Situation Normal: Obama 'Fouled' Up. The 'F' in SNOFU can be taken two ways, but I do not wish to be disruptive (although in private conversation, I would go with the alternative)." --Locust, North Carolina
"I enjoyed your list of descriptions of the Left's latest effort to pull one over on what they think are unsuspecting taxpayers. I came up with a couple of my own: Barack Hoaxein Obogus, Obamafeit, Doddception. Thanks for being a beacon in this time of darkness." --Chelsea, Michigan
"One word to describe the Demos' words-versus-deeds? Hope-ocrisy." --Morton, Illinois
"How about Obamunism?" --Beijing, China"I greatly appreciate your work at The Patriot. Your insight and analysis help me to understand some of today's greatest issues. However, I am concerned about one small portion of Mark Alexander's 'SHOCK Theatre' from the Friday Digest - Vol. 09 No. 11. You appear to mock Rep. Barney Frank's speech impediment. In my opinion, there is enough to mock without resorting to such measures. Please continue to help the world with your vigilance." --San Antonio, Texas
Editor's Reply: This whole "shock" protest was so absurd that Alexander framed the whole essay around "sarcasm," something we saw as fitting.
"In Alexander's essay, he mentioned 'San Fran's Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals.' I believe that San Fran's Circus Court of Appeals is the Ninth Circuit." --Sacramento, California
Editor's Reply: Thanks for letting us know. We guess we were just thinking that they have it all upside down, and it just came out upside down! It has been amended on the site.
FAITH AND FAMILY"This month, the indebted U.S. government paid its creditors less than half a percentage point in interest on six-month Treasury notes, which is below the rate of inflation. In other words, we are financing much of our new spending spree with near-free use of someone else's money. Billions of cheap dollars on loans entering the U.S. eventually translate into lower mortgages and car loans; at present, banks are paying little money in interest to cash depositors while collecting 4 to 6 percent in mortgage interest from borrowers. With a spread like that, no wonder banks are starting to show a profit again. Finally, millions of cash-strapped families freed themselves from debt by walking away from mortgage and credit-card loans, and are restarting with less financial burdens. And even most of those who lost home equity and saw the crash of their retirement portfolios are still working. Most from this latter group are still earning income, not cashing in their fallen 401(k)s, and not selling their homes at a loss. It is clear from the last two months that no one in this herky-jerky administration quite knows what is going on in the economy, which has its own self-correcting mechanisms that were already in play without vast new federal spending and borrowing. So before we give more toxic-debt medicine to the recovering patient, let us take a timeout from the massive borrowing, let nature do its work -- and at least do no more harm to generations not yet born." --Hoover Institution historian Victor Davis Hanson
GOVERNMENT"All of Obama's economic policies thus far are designed to drive America into full embrace of socialism. His chief means for this transformation: inflation. He is attempting to inflate the currency through two primary means: intense deficit spending, and pushing up production costs through union subsidization. In order to make these measures politically palatable, he cites FDR as an example of good deficit spending; he cites the credit crunch as an excuse for inflationary monetary policy; and he recommends unionization in order to boost wages. It's a beautiful strategy for purposefully trashing capitalism, all the while blaming capitalism for its own downfall. John Maynard Keynes, the liberal economist who championed government intervention during recessions, recognized Obama's inflationary strategy for what it is: 'Lenin is said to have declared that the best way to destroy the capitalist system was to debauch the currency,' said Keynes. 'Lenin was certainly right. The process engages all the hidden forces of economic law on the side of destruction, and does it in a manner which not one man in a million is able to diagnose.' Obama pursues inflation -- government devaluation of the currency -- with the zeal of the newly converted. His deficit spending will be financed either through higher taxes or through inflation. Obama says he will push higher taxes -- after all, he wants to appease the Chinese, who don't want their U.S. securities paid off with inflated dollars. But covertly, Obama fully intends on inflating the currency to pay of the massive deficit he has shoved through Congress. ... It's the same tried and true policy that created the Great Depression." --columnist Ben Shapiro