Hello, Brethren in Christ.
I know it's been a while since I've been on the forums, but I'm okay. I have something I'd like to discuss with everyone, and it is this: I am currently enrolled in a technical college, and am about to complete my second degree in a technological field. I recently wrote a post entitled "ministry" in another section where I described how God was dealing with me about pastoring. It now seems that God may be dealing with me about leaving this technical college before I finish my second degree, in order to more fully use me in His work. If that's what God wants, I'll gladly do it. Would any of you that are preachers or pastors (or even if you're not a minister) please reply to this post and advise me as much as you are able to? I WILL do what God wants, but I want to be sure of what He wants first. Thanks to any and all who are able to help me in this important matter.