He showed me a fork in the road one day
And said my child you choose the way.
One leads to Heaven, the other to Hell
But what lies before you I will not foretell.
The pathway to Hell is an easy road
But your heart will always be empty and cold.
It will lead you on to the darkest night
Because in Hell there is no light.
For the pathway to Heaven you will need to be strong
Fighting temptation to do that which is wrong.
It will lead you on to life anew
That is the promise God has made to you.
So choose the right path and I値l be your guide
Daily I値l always be by your side.
The road will be rocky and the hills will be steep
But I will help you your faith to keep.
Sometimes you値l stumble or may even fall
But on the Lord`s name is all you need call.
I will help to lighten your load
And keep you on the Heavenly road.
Day or night I値l always be there
And keep you safe with loving care.
I will be with you until your last breath
That my child is what痴 known as death.
Then I値l raise you up and give you new life,
No more pain and no more strife.
Eternal life you will receive
Because in me you did believe.