How time flies! Two years ago I wrote "A testing period" I was genuinely surprised at what I wrote. I said that I was pretty healthy and didn't really know how others really hurt. My healings were emotionally, mentally and spiritually.
All necessary.
Then I went through a slump period for 2 years and quit writing altogether. Maybe did do one once in awhile. I lost interest in everything. I couldn't concentrate and hardly remember anything. My son thought I was getting alsheimer and thought I should be put in a home.
All I wantd to do was sleep. Last December I finally mentioned this to my doctor. I had taken lipitor and weighed 250. But it was water weigth. I couldn't eat. I was blown up all over like a balloon. I lost my appetite and barely at a bite at one time.
First I had a blood test checking for anemia and thyroid. Both were fine. Then a sleep study was ordered. It is strange but when I read over the above article I mentioned apnea but didn't know what it was but a friend had it.
I had the test. I quit breathing 88 times in one hour. The man who tested me said I was almost into a deep depression. I couldn't use the masks because I have claustrophobia. I pulled all the wires out and the plug.
I have been on oxygen (just when I sleep) since December 2007.
I am gettin g my life back and even better. MY mind is working better. MY brain wasn't getting oxygen nor my heart.
Couple weeks later I had a slight heart attack. NO pain but much dizziness. I had been a pretty independent person. I thought I could do everything myself. God let me lose control when I was in teh hospital. Now I understand better what others are going through. And can have much more compassion.
Another thing I mentioned was having blood behind my eye and a hole in my macular. A hole in the retina too. I forgot about that.
Last visit with teh eye doctor he told me teh same thing and had me tested to see if there was any blood behind it.
Thank God no. I'm doing fine now with a few meds and exercises.
I have to go now but I will be back. God is letting me visit all my old sites and getting reacquainted with old friends.
He is letting me see just what all He has gotten me through. It all renews my faith. PTL! God bless you all. love you.
God is a great and amazing God. and He loves you and me .