The ecumenical and emergent church movement are being used by Satan to set up the one-world church and government of the Antichrist! Rick Warren's deemphasis on Bible prophecy and meddling in the Middle East peace treaty between Israel and Syria is one example of the emergent, apostate church's involvement in the breaking down of true Bible doctrine to set up one apostate, ecumenical church of Satan! Paul urged Christians to 'speak the truth in love." He urged Christians to rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine! True Bible doctrine, that is! The Roman Catholic Church's involvement and rapprochement with the Protestants, Hindus, Buddhists, and Jewish liberals will bring about the one-world church of the Antichrist! We should pray that Christ's true church will be one, but not for the one-world church of the devil and His liberal, modernistic crowd who deny the deity and divinity of our precious Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ!