THE FOUNDATION: RELIGIOUS LIBERTY“The liberty enjoyed by the people of these states of worshiping Almighty God agreeably to their conscience, is not only among the choicest of their blessings, but also of their rights.” - George Washington
http://PatriotPost.US/fqd/CULTURE“The Christmas season is upon us, which means it’s that special time of year for the American Civil Liberties Union and Americans United for the Separation of Church and State to make sure no wayward city council will allow a whiff of frankincense on government property. They must send out direct-mail fundraising letters asking ‘Help Us Crush a Creche at Christmas!’ The Christmas season is also that time of year when the business world implores us to consider the material as more important than the spiritual, all in the spirit of ‘the holidays.’ So we celebrate the arrival on Christmas Day of iPods and DVDs... Then again, maybe this is precisely the kind of seasonal silliness that causes the Christian faithful to shut out the noise and contemplate the real nativity scene and its eternal promise.” - Brent Bozell
http://PatriotPost.US/opinion/entrylist.asp?source_id=26LIBERTY“As we approach the major holiday across the world that celebrates and worships the birth of Christ and everything that symbolizes, I think something like this needs to be said: Merry Christmas to all of America’s liberals and to every citizen across the land who doesn’t share my view of the world. And Happy Hanukah and, yes, Kwanza too if you go there. If you despise Christmas and you’re way too secular for all of this, then just more power to you... But we are considerably fortunate to live in a country where this fundamental freedom is allowed us all. It is nothing short of a blessing.” - Jeffrey Lord
THE GIPPER“The first Christmas was a time of family joy for Joseph and Mary and the child Jesus. Although they had made a long journey to reach Bethlehem and were lodged in humble surroundings, they knew that the child Mary bore was a gift not to them alone, but to all mankind. The shepherds who gathered around the manger, and the wise men who traveled from the East to honor the King of Kings, knew that the star above Bethlehem was a guide not only for the pilgrims of that day, but for those in every age seeking the peace which passes understanding. An early American hymn sang of the Christ-child that ‘this richest babe comes poor in being, more pearled within than to the seeing.’ More than any gift or toy, ornament or tree, let us resolve that this Christmas shall be, like that first Christmas, a celebration of interior treasures.” - Ronald Reagan
http://Reagan2020.US/HARVARD READS THE PATRIOTHarvard Political Review notes: “The Patriot Post is leading a surprisingly well-organized charge into the world of Internet politics.”
Like you, we are inspired by our patriotic, intellectual and moral obligations to the next generation, to carry forward the mantle of liberty for which so many have already sacrificed so much.
FAMILY“W]en you consider why true poverty exists, you realize it’s not simply a matter of pouring more money into this or that government program. ‘There are two main reasons that American children are poor,’ [Robert Rector of the Heritage Foundation] writes. ‘Their parents don’t work much, and fathers are absent from the home.’ The typical poor family with children is supported by only 16 hours of work per week. If work in this family were raised to 40 hours per week, he says, nearly 75 percent of poor children would be lifted out of official poverty. As for absent fathers: Nearly two out of every three poor children live in single-parent homes. And each year, another 1.5 million children are born out of wedlock. ‘If poor mothers married the fathers of their children, almost three-quarters would immediately be lifted out of poverty,’ Rector writes. But don’t hold your breath waiting for one of the presidential hopefuls to float that solution.” - Rebecca Hagelin