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Topic: EVOLUTION - GUILTY AS CHARGED (Read 113624 times)
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August 10, 2007, 05:04:33 AM »
This is fairly short, and it's excellent reading! I didn't find an easy way to obtain this in any format, but I highly recommend it. The theory of evolution has been completely DEAD for a long time, and this provides proof. In fact, it does much more than just bury the theory of evolution. ENJOY!
By Frederick C. Kubicek
Published 1993
Updated as of July 1998
Dedication & Acknowledgment
Chapter 1 ……More Than Genesis
Chapter II…… I'd Rather Not Talk About It
Chapter III….. Real Science Has Its Say
Chapter IV….. Oops, Sorry About That
Chapter V …... Let's Assume
Chapter VI …. Holy Hydrogen and Hitler
Chapter VII…. Higher Education
Chapter VIII… IQ Test
Chapter IX….. Setting The Record Straight
© Copyright 1993 - Frederick C. Kubicek
All rights reserved. This book is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. This book may not be copied or reprinted for commercial gain or profit. The use of quotations or copying for personal or group study is permitted and encouraged.
All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version ®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Publishing House. All rights reserved
Scriptures marked NEB are taken from the New English Bible.
Take note that the name satan and related names are not capitalized. We chose not to acknowledge Him, even to the point of violating grammatical rules.
It wasn't until after I had rededicated my life to Christ in 1980 that I truly appreciated the precious gift which God had given me in the form of my family. This book is dedicated to them and all that we have been through since that eventful day.
To the Most High God, who is the source of all true knowledge and to the inspiration, integrity, and irrefutability of His Word.
Last Edit: August 10, 2007, 10:46:52 AM by blackeyedpeas
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Reply #1 on:
August 10, 2007, 05:08:47 AM »
In the Beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
Genesis 1:1 KJV
For by Him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by Him, and for Him…
Colossians 1:16 KJV
But without faith it is impossible to please Him; for he that cometh to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.
Hebrews 11:6 KJV
The Bible makes no attempt to prove the existence of God; it assumes it. Our great nation was founded upon Christian principles and values, and its founding fathers were creationists. They knew the plain teaching of the scriptures: God through Jesus Christ created all things.
As a parent, I am responsible to teach this fundamental truth to my four children. As a pastor of a local church, I am responsible to teach my people the Word of God. As a Christian citizen, I am responsible to be informed.
Frederick Kubicek has done me and you a real service. Though a seasoned Bible teacher, I am a layman in the sciences. Much of what he has offered on the subject of evolution is both practical and applicable.
Evolution - Guilty As Charged is a brief, clear and powerful presentation from a Christ-centered, Bible based viewpoint. It will prove to be valuable reading for any concerned parent or pastor as well as classroom material for Christian schools and churches. Well documented and to the point, this volume is an added blessing to any library.
To the author we say thanks. He has offered to us his time, expertise, and most of all, his ability to communicate information that most of us would not otherwise know.
There is hope for America and the world. We must return to the bible and the God of the Bible. He is the Creator and we, the creation; He is the Potter, and we, the clay.
Kelly Varner, Th.B., D.D.
Senior Pastor, Praise Tabernacle
Richlands, North Carolina
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Reply #2 on:
August 10, 2007, 05:10:55 AM »
The rocks of the evolutionary theory have done more to cause believers, both young and old alike, to take their eyes off of Jesus Christ, the Rock of Our Salvation, than has any other single academic pursuit. This book has been written in order to bring into sharper focus the issues presented by both the Theory of Evolution and the Biblical account of Creation.
Anyone who has read any newspaper article, heard any radio program, watched any public television broadcast, or attended any university lecture which purports to deal with this topic has undoubtedly heard one or more of the following propositions set forth:
1) The evidence for the evolutionary theory of the origins of all species is both scientific and irrefutable.
2) There is no truly scientific evidence which would lead any impartial observer to conclude that the theory of special creation has any basis in fact.
3) Science is science, and religion is religion. They are like oil and water: they do not now, nor have they ever mixed well with each other.
4) Any discussion of creationism is, by definition, religious in nature, and should therefore not be allowed in any public school classroom.
5) The theory of evolution and the Genesis account of creation are compatible when viewed through the eyes of reason.
6) There is every reason to believe that God used the method of evolution to 'create' the world and the universe.
7) There is absolutely no relationship between the scientific theory of evolution and the philosophical position which has been labeled by some fundamentalist Christians as 'Secular Humanism.'
Much of the evidence which has been put forth in support of the foregoing positions is examined within the pages of this book. Of equal importance though, is the fact that numerous items which totally disprove each of the above mentioned positions are also presented and analyzed herein.
As this material is presented and investigated, it will become clear to the reader that many proponents of the theory of evolution are totally ignorant of the vast amount of scientific and historic facts which totally disprove their theory. It will also become obvious rather quickly, that a substantial number of evolution's most vocal advocates have been guilty of intentionally withholding from the public, the very evidence which disproves Darwin's theory. In addition, evidence will also be presented which proves that evolutionists have used fraudulent exhibits, eloquently fabricated stories, circular reasoning, and misleading statements in their unending attempts to remove all vestiges of Christianity from not only our public school classrooms, but from the very minds of America's children .
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Reply #3 on:
August 10, 2007, 05:31:26 AM »
Chapter I
More Than Genesis
"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." (Gen. 1:1) What a simple, beautiful, and concise statement that is. I firmly believe that all people who call themselves Christians accept that opening verse of God's Word as being literally true. The difficulty seems to arise among some believers when they get to verse 2 and go on through chapter 2 verse 26.
Every article I have written up to this point has been based upon my understanding that the Bible is the inerrant Word of God. (see Acts 4:25, Jer.1:12, II Pe.1:21, I Thes.2:13, Ps.18:30, Ps.12:6, II Tim.3:16, Ex.9:35, Prov.30:5, Ps.119:89, 152&160, I Pe.1:15, Isaiah 40:8, Ps.33:4, Ps.111:7, Ro.15:4, and Prov.30:6) They have also been based upon a literal interpretation of Biblical words and phrases within the context in which they appear. This book has been written upon these same two assumptions. By no means is it intended to be an all encompassing treatment of the subject of 'creation vs evolution.' It is however intended to address some of the major issues of this topic as presented by both the Bible and what many people maintain is the 'scientific' theory of evolution.
Some Christians, in an attempt to correlate the Scriptural account of creation with what they perceive to be irrefutable proof of the evolutionary theory, discount the first two chapters of Genesis as mere poetry. If in fact these chapters were poetic in nature, then it would not be necessary to apply the literal meaning to the word 'day' found therein. The problem with doing this is that the repetition, parallelism, and meter found in ALL Scriptural poetry is conspicuously absent. More importantly though, any attempt to correlate the two divergent concepts of the origin of man presented by Evolution and Genesis 1 & 2, requires that some very specific statements of Jesus Christ must also be dismissed as either poetic or fictional.
Jesus not only refers to the fact that God created the world, but He specifically states that man was "created...at the beginning of creation..." (Mk.10:6; see also Matt.19:4). This verse does not require us to believe that man was created on the first day, rather that he was created within the confines of the seven day week of creation, and not 4 billion years after the process began. We notice similar vein, in Ro.1:20 (NEB), which clearly implies that someone has been around from the beginning to perceive God's handiwork when it says, "...His everlasting power and Deity have been visible ever since the world began." In order to bring the Biblical account of creation into line with evolution, it would be necessary to rewrite this verse to read, "...His everlasting power and Deity were not visible until about 4 billion years after the world began."
In I Cor.15:45 Paul gives further credence to a literal interpretation of Gen. 1 & 2 because he accepts as reality the fact that the first man was named 'Adam' and not 'Olduvai George-Homo Erectus'. (The later being a rather satirical name given to one of the fossil discoveries of the Leakey family as reported in Newsweek, February 13, 1967, p. 101.) Paul reaffirms his faith in the Genesis account of creation by stating that all the nations on earth camefrom Adam (through Noah), and not from the simultaneous development of the same species at several different locations throughout the world (Acts 17:26). He further states the fact that females did not evolve along with males, but were created by God as described in Gen.2:21-22 (see I Cor.11:9).
Do not be confused by those who claim that Genesis chapters 1 & 2 actually contain 2 separate conflicting accounts of creation. As is so often the case, any perceived conflict is only in the eye of the beholder. Many people choose to see a conflict where none in fact exists. Gen.1:1 - 2:3 provides us with one narration of the events which occurred during the 7 day week of creation. Gen.2:4 - 2:24 contains a separate account of the same period. By no means are these reports conflicting. As is so often the case, any perceived conflict is only in the eye of the beholder.
Just because one statement highlights, or expands upon some portion of an event does not mean that it conflicts with another description which emphasizes other areas. Genesis 1 and 2 do not contain conflicting accounts of creation, but complimentary ones. You need not rely upon my word alone for this either. In Matt.19:4 Jesus specifically refers to Gen.1:27 when He states that God created "male and female". He then refers to Gen. 2:24 as He continues His thoughts in Matt.19:5-6 by telling us that husbands and wives are "one flesh." Needless to say, by quoting from both chapters during His discussion of the single act of creation, it can easily be seen that Jesus saw no conflict.
The point however is still the same. More than just Genesis 1 and 2 must be dismissed if evolution is to be accepted, because the Genesis account of creation is referred to as fact throughout the Bible. Moses specifically restates it in Ex. 31:17 as does Isaiah in Isa. 45:12 & 18, Nehemiah in Neh.9:6, Jeremiah in Jer.27:5, Solomon in Prov.8:29, Zechariah in Zech.12:1, and David in Ps.148:3-5. Genesis 1:16 informs us that God "made the stars",and Amos 5:8 and Job 38:32 and 9:9 even list some of the specific constellations. Genesis 1:10 tells us that God gathered the waters together and called them "seas" and so does Ps.95:5, Ps.78:13, and Rev. 10:6. Genesis 1:24-25 says that the animals, both wild and domestic, were created by God, and Jeremiah 27:5 reaffirms this. As we saw earlier, Jesus left no room for doubt when He said that God created man, but then neither does Gen.5:5, Gen.6:7, and Deut.4:32.
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Reply #4 on:
August 10, 2007, 05:33:08 AM »
Not only do we have those specific verses which say that God did the creating, but we can turn to Col. 1:17, Heb. 1:3, and Jer.33:25 and find that it is His power which sustains the universe and assures us of its continuing existence. (see also Ps.148:6) There are numerous other verses which speak of God's creation. As examples see: II Ki.19:15, I Chron.6:26, Ps.96:5, Ps.115:15, Ps.121:2, Ps.124:8, Ps.134:3, Ps. 46:6, Prov.8:26, Ps.24:1, Ps.119:90, Ps.136:6, Ps.104:4, Job 38:31, Isa.51:13 & 16, John 1:3, Acts 14:15, Acts 17:24, Mk.13:19, Isa.48:13, Col.1:16, Rev.4:11, Amos 4:13, Isa.40:28, Ps.89:11-12, Ps.148:5, Jer.27:5, €Isa.17:7, Prov.20:12, Ps.94:9, Ps.136:9, and Ps.33:6. Throughout Scripture God reminds us that He did the creating and that He did it exactly as He said He did.
Does that then mean that of necessity a literal 24 hour day is referred to in Gen. 1:5,8,13,19,23 & 31? I believe that that is exactly what the Scriptures do show us. These six verses clearly state that with each day there was an 'evening' and a 'morning'. The Hebrew word for morning used therein is boker which means "dawn, as the break of day" (Strong's Concordance #1242). According to Wigram's Hebrew Concordance, which lists every verse in which the Hebrew word is used in the original Hebrew text regardless of how it may have been translated into English, the word boker is used 182 other times in the Old Testament. Every time it is used it is referring to those hours in the early part of the day we customarily think of as 'morning'. How can I now say that the word boker means a literal morning 182 times, but something else the 6 times it is used in Genesis chapter 1?
The Hebrew word for 'evening' used in the above 6 verses of Genesis chapter 1 is erev and means "dusk - eventide" (Strong's Concordance #6153). The other 124 times it is used throughout the Old Testament it refers to those hours at the end of a 24 hour day we usually associated with 'evening.' Again, how can I now give a meaning to the word erev in Genesis 1 other than the literal 'evening' it implies the other 124 times it is used? If each day was in fact a thousand years and had a morning and evening then each of those times would have been about 500 years long. Needless to say, it would have gotten very very hot in the 'morning' and very very cold in the 'evening'. These are not exactly ideal growing conditions for plants which require photosynthesis to survive.
This does not put us in conflict with II Pe. 3:8 which says: "With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years is like a day." In the context, we see that Peter was discussing a topic for which God had given no exact time reference, namely, the coming judgment of mankind. Then as now critics were saying, "Where is this coming He promised? Ever since our Fathers died everything goes on as it has since the beginning of creation." (II Pe.3:4) Peter was answering those skeptics by saying in effect, "Don't make the mistake of thinking that just because it hasn't happened yet, it won't happen." To assume that Peter's statement in verse 8 deals with the fleeting reference made by those skeptics to creation is to violate every concept of both literary criticism and Biblical interpretation. It would make as much sense to say that the Feast of Tabernacles mentioned in Lev.22:24 was to last seven thousand years simply because it was to last for "seven days."
God has given us a specific time frame concerning the topic of creation, and it is found in the word "day" which is the correct interpretation of the Hebrew word yom (#3117 Wigram's Concordance and listed as yom #3117 in Strong's Concordance.) In Gen.1:5,8,13,19,23 & 31 it is used in direct conjunction with a numeral to indicate a specific day. Aan example of this is verse 5, "And there was evening and there was morning - the first day." Throughout the Old Testament the word yom is used 350 additional times in direct conjunction with an ordinal or a numeral. Every single time it is so used, it refers to a literal 24 hour period of time. Where is the justification for now saying that it means something other than that in Gen.1: 5,8,13,19,23 & 31?
Since we know that God usually speaks to us twice concerning major theological issues (Job 33:14 and Gen.41:32) we should expect to find a second reference to creation within the framework of a literal 24-hour period, if in fact that is what God intends for us to believe. Ex. 20:8-11 tells us that God established the Sabbath day for Israel because, "For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but He rested on the seventh..." (see also Ex. 31:7). Here God is speaking to Moses (Ex. 20:1) and He is making a direct correlation between man's 6 literal days (yom) of work and His six literal days (yom) of creation. He is directing man to rest one day (yom) just as He rested one day (yom). Furthermore, we are shown in Ex. 31:18 that God not only spoke these words to Moses, but wrote them Himself on the stone tablets. One additional point to consider while on this topic is that it cannot be said that God's rest on the 7th day lasted a thousand years, or as some would have us believe, is still going on, because as we have already seen in Col.1:17 and Heb.1:3, God is still sustaining the world and holding it together by His power.
There is still another theological concept which deals with the issue of time and which needs to be mentioned here. This is known as the 'Gap Theory', or the 'Restoration Theory.' According to this theory Gen. 1:1 is indeed correct. So is Genesis 1:2. However, its adherents believe that between 4 1/2 and 5 billion years separate the two verses.
Adherents to this position believe that the dinosaurs roamed the earth during this gap period. At some point, an overwhelming cataclysm occurred which may very well have been the result of the rebellion referred to in Ezekiel 28. As a result of this event, God's first creation became desolate. They interpret Gen. 1:2 to read, "Now the earth became formless and empty..." instead of "Now the earth was formless and empty..." In other words they would have us believe that Gen.1:2 through Gen.2:3 is actually the account of God's SECOND creation or recreation of the earth, with the first one having occurred almost 5 billion years earlier. To them, the fossils which the evolutionists refer to, both animal and human, are actually the remains of God's FIRST creation.
There are numerous conservative theologians who reject the theory of evolution, but who hold to this position for other reasons. However, there many other theologians who rely on the gap theory for no other reason than they are under the misguided impression that the evidence which supports the theory of evolution is so overwhelming that it must be true. In effect, they have attempted to reconcile their belief in the Genesis account of creation with the vidence for evolution by relying upon the gap theory.
This all sounds logical, but like the theory of evolution itself, the gap theory requires us to ignore numerous other verses of the Bible if we are going to believe it. It also causes us to give meanings to words which are contrary to those found throughout the rest of Scripture. For example, those who hold to the gap theory would translate the Hebrew word in Gen. 1:2 as 'became.' Now, this word is used 1500 times in the first five books of the Old Testament alone to denote the word 'was'. Whereas, the Hebrew word normally translated 'became' is haphak and that word is not found in Gen.1:2. Furthermore, the use of the Hebrew connective word vav at the beginning of Gen 1:2 emphasizes that the condition referred to therein follows immediately on the heels of the creating action mentioned in verse 1. ( Note also that the English Bible, the Jerusalem Bible, the New American Standard, Moffat, and every other modern translation of the Bible correctly use the word was in Genesis 1:2, not the word became upon which the gap theory advocates insist.)
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Reply #5 on:
August 10, 2007, 05:34:54 AM »
Further proof that no gap exists between Gen.1:1 and Gen.1:2 is found in Gen.2:1-3 and Ex.20:11. Therein we are told that God created "the heavens and the earth" in six days. (emphasis added) Since the only place that the word 'heaven' can be found in Genesis chapter 1 is in verse 1, it must be assumed that the heavens and earth of verse 1 were part of the 6 day creation process referred to in the remainder of the chapter, not the product of some previous creation which occurred 5 billion years earlier.
Another point to consider is this. Evolutionists maintain that the fossil record proves that tens of thousands of species of animals existed before the first humans evolved. Most of these creatures died off before man appeared. As such, death existed long before Adam sinned. This of course puts the gap theory in direct conflict with Ro. 5:12 which says that death entered the world only after Adam sinned. Secondly, if the fossils we find today are in fact the remains of dead animals which lived on some previous earth, how could God have said that the earth He recreated in Gen. 1:9 was "very good?" Besides, when you consider the fact that evolution not only relies upon death and extinction in order to work, but also produces a great number of 'dead ends' in the process, it is illogical to assume that the God of the entire universe would use such an inefficient mechanism as evolution for his creating process. (I Cor.14:33) Finally, how could God have said in Heb.11:3 (NEB) "...that the visible came forth from the invisible" if the earth we see today was made from already existing elements (fossils)? Obviously, those fossils and the cataclysm which led to their formation must have occurred at some point after God's "very good" creation.
Keep in mind that there is no Scriptural evidence to support the claim that there was any earthly catastrophic consequence following after the events of Ezekiel 28 or Isaiah 14 as they are traditionally interpreted.) It is also equally incorrect to argue that there was some heavenly cataclysm associated with these events. Since only the earth is mentioned in verse 2 of Genesis chapter 1, there is no Scriptural evidence to even suggest, let alone prove, that the heavens 'became' void. Therefore, according to the gap theory, these heavens must have existed during the 5 billion year gap without a sun, a moon, or stars, because these heavenly bodies were not created for the first time until the 4th day of the six day creation week.
We need to be aware that those who attempt to correlate the Biblical account of creation with the theory of evolution run into still another problem. Evolutionists will tell you that the solar system was the first entity to come into existence; whereas, Gen.1:14-19 informs us that this did not occur until the fourth day of creation. Evolutionists will tell you that the planets (including earth) were flung out from the sun - which is a star -after the solar system appears. On the other hand, Genesis tells us that the earth came before any of the stars. Evolutionists will tell you that marine invertebrates and even fish evolved before land plants appeared. However, Gen. 1: 9-12 reveals the fact that ALL land vegetation preceded the creation of marine life. Finally, the evolutionists will say that animals, amphibians, and sharks were established prior to the appearance of the forests, but Gen. 1:20-25 indicates that these were in fact created after the forests.
There is however an even greater obstacle which must be overcome by any believer who desires to correlate Genesis and Darwin by saying that God used the method of evolution to accomplish the act of creation. That problem is the presupposition which evolutionists such as Niles Eldredge, a curator with the American Museum of Natural History, maintains is the cornerstone of their theory. To Eldredge, evolution is science, and science requires that the notion of a creator be set aside. #1 At a gathering of the national Science Teacher's Association in Kansas City, Carl Sagan expressed his disdain for the perfectly valid, nonevolutionary academic pursuit known as scientific creationism by referring to it as nothing more than an "oxymoronic subject." #2
By no means though is Eldredge and Sagan the only evolutionist who makes this assumption. Those of us who watch TV have undoubtedly heard similar sentiments expressed on PBS. For example, William B. Provine said
The vast majority of people believe there is a design... in the universe (and) that it is somehow responsible for both the visible and moral order of the world. Modern biology has undermined this assumption. Even though it is often asserted that science is fully compatible with our Judeo/Christian ethical tradition, in fact it is not... (parenthesis added) #3
Perhaps also those of us who read magazines such as National Geographic have seen assertions such as the following from the pen of no less that its editor, Wilbur Garret:
There are as many different myths, such as the Judeo/Christian story of God creating first a man and then a women in the Garden of Eden, as there are ancient cultures. Scientists dismiss the myths... #4
Needless to say, it would appear that at least as far as the evolutionists are concerned, there is no way that the Genesis account of creation can be made to square with their brand of science. Isaac Asimov acknowledged that "Any real comparison between what the Bible says and what the (evolutionistic) astronomer thinks shows us instantly that the two have virtually nothing in common." (parenthesis added) #5 To put it bluntly, if the concept of evolution as it applies to the origin of the species is correct, then the Bible is wrong.
It has been said that Jesus Christ is one of three things. Either He is a liar, a lunatic, or He is who He says He is. (I believe that He is who He says He is.) The same type of thing can be said of creation. Either God created the world as He says He did or He didn't; in which case He would be a liar, and God is not a man that He should lie (Titus 1:2, Heb.6:18, I Sam.15:29, II Sam.7:28, Nu.23:19, and Isaiah 45:19).
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Reply #6 on:
August 10, 2007, 05:36:39 AM »
1) Niles Eldredge - The Monkey Business - A Scientist Looks at Creationism, (New York: Washington Square Press, 1982) pp 82 & 104
2) Associated Press, "Humans not smart..." Charleston, IL Times Courier, Vol. 206, Tuesday, April 6, 1993, p. A2.
3) William B. Provine, "The End of Ethics?" Hard Choices, 1980 pp. 2-3 (This magazine was a companion to PBS TV series "Hard Choices" broadcast on KCTS TV, Channel '9', University of Washington, 1980) Quote taken from Francis Shaeffer - The Christian Manifesto, (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books, 1981) p. 57
4) Wilbur E. Garrett, "Where Did We Come From", National Geographic Vol. 174, No. 4, (October 1988 ) p. 434
5) David Bender and Bruno Leons - Science and Religion: Opposing Viewpoints (St Paul ,MN: Green Haven Press, 1981), p. 51
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Reply #7 on:
August 10, 2007, 05:55:08 AM »
Chapter II
I'd Rather Not Talk About It
My quarrel is not with true science - but with a theory- (which in reality is little more than a hypothesis) that is passed off as scientific, when in fact it cannot even meet the first and foremost test of what it is that makes an idea scientific. Eldredge states in part that for an idea to be scientific, it must be an explanation of some phenomenon which is "testable solely by the criteria of our five senses."
# 1 I do not disagree with this statement. However, by its very nature the theory of evolution is totally unscientific because it is impossible to test any hypothesis which, by its own definition, requires 4 billion years to work. Yet evolutionists maintain that evolution is as scientific as the study of quantum mechanics.
#2 A prime example of such incongruous logic is furnished by Eldredge himself. In his book, The Monkey Business: A Scientist Looks at Creationism, he passes along the hypothesis that a possible explanation for the development of oxygen in the atmosphere at a level high enough to support complex life came about as the by-product of photosynthesis in algae over a period of several "billions" of years. He then states that "such a hypothesis is difficult to test.", but appears to accept it himself because he offers no alternative to it, and merely continues on with his discussion.
#3 Eldredge appears to accept as part of his "science" an idea which is not only difficult to test, but is downright impossible to test by the criteria of our five senses. But then Eldredge is certainly not alone in his inability to provide truly scientific explanations to such foundational questions. The best that Rick Gore, assistant editor of National Geographic could do was say ‚that "...certain bacterial members of the primordial slime invented the kind of photosynthesis that releases oxygen as a waste product." (emphasis added)
#4 The acceptance or willingness to accept as "scientific", an idea which violates the very rule of what it is that makes an idea scientific must raise some question in the reader's mind as to exactly how "scientific" evolution really is.
The simple fact that evolutionists call their study scientific does not make it so, even if they have been doing it for a hundred years and insist that it be treated as such in our children's textbooks. The fact that Eldredge states that "all reputable biological scientists see evolution as the only naturalistic scientific explanation of the order we see in the biological side of nature" should not defame the character of any biologist who accepts the Genesis account of creation, although the inference is clearly made.
#5 What then can we expect the psudoscience of evolution to tells us? Dr. Stephen Jay Gould of Harvard University provided us with part of the answer to that question in a speech he gave before a group of evolutionists at Hobart College wherein he stated that, "...if it doesn't agree with your idea you don't talk about it."
#6 (By the way, Dr. Gould is not a creationist. In fact, he is coauthor along with Niles Eldredge of the currently popular "punctuated equilibria" theory which is used by evolutionists to explain why it is that the fossil record in reality does NOT show gradual evolution.) Now, while there are other things we can expect from evolutionists, let us first take a look at the points which do not appear in school textbooks and which definitely do not support the theory of evolution.
The fossil record is at the very heart of the theory of evolution, and it is there that I would like to begin this part of our study. Darwin believed that the different species developed one from another, either by direct descent or through a common ancestor. Complex life forms developed gradually over millions of years from simpler forms. This basic definition of what evolution is is still found in student texts such as Webster's New World Dictionary with Student Handbook 1978 edition which says that evolution is "the gradual changes that take place as something develops into its final form" ‚(emphasis added) However, Darwin himself noted, "Geology assuredly does not reveal such finely graduated organic chains... the explanation lies, I believe, in the extreme imperfection of the geological record."
Last Edit: August 10, 2007, 06:28:43 AM by blackeyedpeas
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Reply #8 on:
August 10, 2007, 05:57:03 AM »
#7 That record is no longer "imperfect" in that there are currently more than 100 million categorized fossils in the world's museums, and no graduated chain can be found.
#8 Evolutionists accuse those who believe in the Genesis account of creation of attacking the science of Geology and the science of Paleontology whenever they point out all the inconsistencies of the evolutionist's position. That ‚is a good smoke screen because it immediately puts the Christian on the defensive. This is unfortunate because it is not the science of Geology or the science of Paleontology which is under fire. After all, Geology and Paleontology are legitimate sciences, and I know of no one who wishes to attack the study of the Earth or fossils, when such studies follow established scientific principles. What is under attack is the type of sloppy, closed minded scholarship exhibited by some geologists and paleontologists who are confirmed evolutionists and who, using Eldredge's own words; "Spoke eloquently of the ravages of time, the erosion and metamorphism that destroyed the older vestiges of the fossil record," when in fact there was no evidence to suggest that any "older vestiges" ever existed in the first place.
# 9 Even Eldredge is forced to admit that many of his past colleagues were "...adventurous thinkers...(who used their) active imagination (to) invent novel explanations of how evolution takes place." (parenthesis & emphasis added)
# 10 These men made every effort to explain something which never existed; that is, the evidence of the gradual evolution of the species which Darwin assumed was there. Their preconceived notion that the fossil record had to eventually yield something they "knew" was there caused them to assure our parents, us; and if you will check your child's science book you will most likely find that they are still assuring them that it is a "scientific fact" that we slowly evolved from single-celled life forms. In fact, that is not what the fossil record shows at all. Such assertions were not scientific when they were made. In reality, they were nothing more than wishful thinking on the part of those who made them.
Every single major invertebrate form of life is found in the rock strata known as "Cambrian", and yet not a single, indisputable, multicellular fossil animal has ever been found in pre-Cambrian rock. The sudden appearance of all those life forms in Cambrian rock is even acknowledged by Eldredge to be, "perhaps the greatest of all events in life's history," yet its explanation is, according to him, "a mystery" (emphasis added)
# 11 The very foundation of organic evolution is categorized as a mystery because no evidence exists to fit the evolutionist's preconceived theory of evolution.
In a feeble attempt to explain this mystery, modern evolutionists, like their predecessors also rely upon their active imaginations. Time magazine science writer J. Madeleine Nash admitted that when trying to explain the abrupt appearance of Cambrian fossils "… scientists delicately slide across data this ice, suggesting scenarios that are based on intuition rather than solid evidence."
#11a To me however, the astounding thing is that evolutionists refer to the sudden appearance of every major invertebrate form of life as "evolutionary" when not one shred of fossil evidence exists to suggest (let alone prove) that any type of gradual development took place from the less complex to the more complex multicellular forms of life which are indisputably present in the Cambrian rock formation. In an attempt to explain the lack of pre- Cambrian multicellular fossils Eldredge says, "...the intermediates had to have been soft bodied, and thus extremely unlikely to become fossilized."
# 12 That sounds logical, and were it not for some other seldom discussed points, many of us would believe it.
But that explanation ignores the fact that fossils of worms and caterpillars have been found by L.S.B. Leakey in other strata;
# 13 Hair, feathers, and stomach contents along with other soft body tissues have been found in the fossil beds of central Germany.
# 14 Just as interestingly though, is the fact that such an explanation ignores the fossils of seven foot long jellyfish, worms, and sponges found in the Cambrian rock itself, and you can't get much more soft-bodied than that. But the most intriguing thing of all is that fossils of flowering plants and fish have also been found in Cambrian rock, and they weren't supposed to have evolved at the time that Cambrian rock was being formed.
# 15 At this point in our study however, the most important thing to remember is that there is no evidence in any rock strata of the gradualness Darwin demanded, and this fact is not contained in our children's high school textbooks.
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Reply #9 on:
August 10, 2007, 05:59:01 AM »
Student textbooks still contain statements such as this one by William H. Matthews III, "Fossils provide one of the strongest lines of evidence to support the theory of organic evolution."
#16 Note also this one by Twenhofel and Shriek, "No line of evidence more forcefully and clearly supports the fundamental principle of evolution - descent with accumulative modification - than that furnished by the fossils."
# 17 Even more detailed reference books, (such as major encyclopedias) tell us that fossils present "evidence to support the theory of evolution" which is itself defined as a "process of gradual change" that explains how "organisms gradually developed specialized characteristics that helped them adapt to their environment."
# 18 All of these statements remember, are made in spite of the fact that at the very first level in which multicellular fossils are found, (Cambrian rock) there is absolutely no evidence of "accumulative modification." It is also clear from other observations that while "transitions" at the subspecies level are observable, they are only inferable at the species level and totally absent between higher categories.
# 19 This absence of higher life form transitions was first mentioned by Professor Richard Goldschmidt of the University of California at Berkley in 1940. He specifically noted that "... transitions between higher categories are missing."
# 20 In fact, this lack of transitions is so obvious that Professor George Gaylord Simpson, a vertebrate paleontologist at Harvard University, stated that "... higher transitions are not recorded because they did not exist.."
# 21 Dr. Austin Clark, a biologist with the Smithsonian Institute, stated that "since we have not the slightest evidence among the living or fossil animals of any integrating types following between major groups it is a fair supposition that there never have been, any such integrating types."
# 22 It would seem that this complete absence of transition fossils has been noted everywhere except in our children's textbooks.
Dr. Stephen Jay Gould states that the "fossil record offered no support for gradual change ... new species ALMOST ALWAYS APPEARED SUDDENLY in the fossil record with no intermediate links to ancestors in the older rock of the same region." (emphasis added)
# 23 Along the same line Eldredge makes an interesting observation concerning life cycle changes which the fossil record does show. "Such changes have not been graceful. Life has been occasionally violently disputed by major episodes of extinction that appears to have eliminated 75% or more of ALL species in some cases." (emphasis added)
# 24 The preceding five quotes were not taken from creationists, but from confirmed evolutionists, and those words tell us that the 125 years of graduated evolutionary teaching that had been, and still is being taught as "scientific fact", is simply not true. In fact, Dr. Colin Patterson, senior paleontologist at the British Museum of Natural History, has gone so far as to state that "... statements about the ancestry (of species) are not applicable in the fossil record... (but) are made up stories… not part of science." (parenthesis and emphasis added)
# 25 Before we proceed any further I would like to highlight what has just been said because the consequences of these rather surprising admissions by members of the evolutionary community are indeed astounding. I am sure that we have all heard the expression "evolutionary chain" or "missing link." Now by missing link I am not referring to its more limited definition; ie. applying it only to man's supposed ancestors, but to its more general meaning as it applies to the development of every species within the animal kingdom. I am however going to limit this part of our discussion to the "higher categories" of scientific classification known as "family" as opposed to the final level of classification known as "species."
Imagine for a moment that one representative from each extinct and living family of animals is standing before you holding a link of steel chain in its hand (or paw or foot - whichever you prefer). Each one of these ten thousand or so specimens would then take its assigned place in the so called evolutionary chain of development and begin looking around for that "ancestor" with whom it could join its link. No doubt what you would notice is that all ten thousand specimens were standing there with a blank expression on their faces. This of course results from the fact that not one of them could find anyone, either from among the living, or the extinct which directly proceeded them in this supposed chain. There is no one with whom they could link up. You see, there is not merely one "missing link", but ten thousand of them, and that is at the family level alone. If we go down to the species level of classification, the number of missing links increases by the tens of thousands because as we have just seen, even the evolutionists now admit that there is absolutely no evidence in the fossil record of graduated transitional forms.
The question now is, "Will the evolutionists graciously accept the account of creation as set forth in Genesis?" He cannot!!! Remember, Eldredge stated at the outset that a purely evolutionistic scientist must of necessity deny the existence of a creator god. The evolutionist's absolute prejudice against a creator is best summoned up in the words of D.M.S. Watson, a frequent commentator on the BBC and himself an evolutionist. He stated that "evolution itself is accepted by zoologists not because it has been observed to occur, or can be proven logically by coherent evidence to be true, but because the only alternative, special creation, is clearly incredible."
# 26 Such an attitude therefore causes the evolutionists to totally dismiss even the evidence of the very fossils they must of necessity depend upon, when those fossils do not line up with their preconceived notions that life gradually appeared over a cycle of millions of years.
Referring to the catastrophic changes mentioned earlier, Eldredge states: "... such events ... took upwards of a million years to accomplish. But once again, such long periods show up as dramatically sudden turnovers if the rock record is taken literally."
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Reply #10 on:
August 10, 2007, 06:01:46 AM »
# 27 How incredible! For decades we were told that the fossil record is at the very heart of evolutionistic evidence. Now we are told that we shouldn't take it literally in this case because such a literal interpretation does not fit their preconceived notion of time which we were at one time assured the rock record supported. In one breath Eldredge chided his past colleague because they didn't take the fossil record literally and accept what any literal interpretation of Genesis chapters 1 & 2 would have told them, ie. no gradual changes. In the next breath he tells us not to take the rock record literally because if we do we won't end up with as many millions of years as the evolutionist needs in order for his theory to have even the slightest chance of working out.
Why would Eldredge say such things? Simple, his theory of punctuated equilibria uses a literal interpretation of the fossil record to show no gradual changes, but like any other evolutionist, he still needs millions of years to increase the statistical possibilities that other portions of his theory will work out. He must therefore deny the literal interpretation of the rock record when such an interpretation would knock several million years off of his time clock.
Since the rock record does not show the gradual changes formerly insisted upon by evolutionists, the inevitable has finally happened. As Eldredge and Gould now maintain "... the fossil record ... suggests to some of us that some of the specific ideas that Darwin and many of his successors right up to the present day, had on how life evolves, may be at least partially wrong."
# 28 They have, as inconspicuously as possible, thrown out the first major tenet of Darwin's theory, ie. the gradual evolution over long periods of time of every species. They, and an apparent majority of the nation's leading biological evolutionists who attended a conference in October 1980 at the Field Museum of Natural history in Chicago, now accept what is known as "punctuated equilibria."
Translated into common English this means that the species are, were, and will most likely remain, separated from each other by a division of some type.
# 29 In short, no gradual changes from one species to another. While there may be gradual changes WITHIN species, such as men of the 20th century being taller than men of the 15th century, there had to be sudden, numerous, major organic changes within a short span of time to explain the sudden appearance of different species. They say it happened over thousands of years, as opposed to the previously alleged "fact" that it took millions of years, but as far as the fossil record is concerned, it could just as easily have happened over one generation - but they will not admit that.
However, as was the case with Darwin's gradualism, there is absolutely no fossil evidence to prove the punctuated equilibria hypothesis (still no fossilized transitions). In an attempt to explain this problem, evolutionists who hold to this notion maintain that these changes affected relatively few animals. In short, greater changes affecting fewer animals over a shorter period of time meant that fewer specimens were available to even have a chance to become fossilized. In any case, the sudden changes that they now assure us happened, fly directly in the face of Charles Darwin's own statement which was, "... if it could be demonstrated that any complex organ exists which could not possibly have been formed by numerous successive slight modifications, my theory would absolutely break down" (emphasis added)
# 30 Eldredge and Gould are on the leading edge of the currently popular evolutionary thought process which maintains that that is exactly what happened, but they still refuse to accept what Darwin himself said would be the only possible consequence of such a finding; namely, "...my theory would absolutely break down." If that isn't bad enough, look at what they offer up as a "scientific" replacement for Darwin's gradualism - punctuated equilibria. A hypothesis which even Eldredge admits "...isn't particularly neat, elegant, all-embracing, completely testable, or even as yet totally thought through."
# 31 Nevertheless, we are supposed to accept this nontestable idea as scientific, even though it violates the very rule which Eldredge himself said must be complied with before an idea can be considered scientific.
This is not the end of the problems which the fossil record presents to the evolutionist. Among others would be fossilized trees - some right side up and some upside down - penetrating several different strata of rock. Obviously, this is something which could not have happened unless both the tree and the different strata were laid down at the same time.
# 32 There are also numerous areas, such as the Cumberland Bone Cave in Maryland, where fossils of mammals, birds, and reptiles from different types of climates have been found mixed together. There are also fossil beds so huge that nothing short of some world wide cataclysm could possibly explain. Examples of these would be the Karron formation in South Africa, containing an estimated 800 billion vertebrate skeletons, and the hippopotamus beds of Sicily which are extensive enough that they have been mined commercially for charcoal. The thousands of frozen mammoths found in Siberia should also be included in this group.
The final problem presented by the fossil record which I will mention, deals with where the fossils themselves are located. According to traditional evolutionistic thought, the oldest fossils are the least complex and should be found in the lowest rock strata while the newer, more complex fossils will appear only in the upper strata. (While this is generally found to be true, evolutionists ignore the fact that this could just as well be explained by the Biblical great flood. In such a situation the more able-bodied complex life forms would have sought higher ground and would be the last to die, and therefore, the last to have become buried under the sediment produced by the flood. Note also that the sediment itself would have been deposited in layers as the flood waters receded from the earth.) What are normally not discussed in high school textbooks are the glaring exceptions to the evolutionist's traditional position.
In fact, these exceptions are so numerous that some geologists who are themselves strongly committed to the evolutionists overall viewpoint, now admit that the 'simple to complex' premise held by many of their colleagues is simply not supported by the fossil record. They point out that while it is indeed true that the fossil remains of 'simple' organisms are found in lower rock strata and the fossil remains of 'complex' animals are found in higher strata, this fact alone does not establish an evolutionary chain. David M. Raup of the University of Chicago correctly notes that within the fossil record "there is no recognizable trend toward increased complexity that is clear enough to use for dating purposes... Even where the fossil record of a coherent group of organisms can be traced ... increasing complexity through time is elusive at best." (emphasis added)
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Reply #11 on:
August 10, 2007, 06:04:40 AM »
# 33 Besides, to compare the 'complexity' of an insect with the 'simplicity' of a starfish is to compare apples to oranges.
Concerning the location of simple fossils vis-a-vis more complex ones, it should also be noted that in the mountainous regions of every continent, numerous examples can be found where the less complex fossils are found on top of the more complex ones.
# 34 Geologists have a name for formations such as these where fossils appear to be out of sequence, they call them "overthrusts." In an overthrust the bottom layer of rock is said to have slid over on top of the neighboring newer strata. Evolutionists will tell you that this is exactly what happened with the Lewis Overthrust in Montana, assuming that is, that they mention it at all.
Even if they do mention it, what they probably will not point out to you is that the Lewis overthrust is over six miles wide in places and ranges in length from 135 to 350 miles. Now that is one heck of a piece of rock to move by slow natural means, but that is what they want us to believe. What's more though is that they want us to believe that it moved more than 30 miles to its present location, and did so without leaving sufficient signs to demonstrate such a massive shift of the earth's surface. While it is true that the area may indeed be described as geologically disturbed, the disturbances noted cannot account for a relocation of this magnitude. Evolutionists would also ask us to believe that the Matterhorn mountain in the Swiss Alps moved at least 20 miles to its present location, and that Mythen Peak, which has what is estimated as 200 million year old rock on top of 60 million year old rock, moved from Africa to Switzerland.
# 35 This brings us to another example of the incongruous thinking which is used by the evolutionist. One of the reasons some evolutionists reject any concept of a creator is because such a concept brings into play a god who must, according to his reasoning, have acted "using laws no longer in operation," and such a possibility is "utterly beyond the purview of science."
# 36 If we assume that this statement represents the overall point of view held by members of the evolutionistic community, it reveals three interesting things about their mind set. First, evolutionists have created a "god" out of their "science" in that they have defined the limits within which anything can, has, or will operate.
# 37 Secondly, they believe that God does not act today as He did at the creation. This belief causes them to not only deny the first two chapters of Genesis, but the crossing of the Red Sea as described in Ex.14:21-22, Jesus' walking on the water as related in Matt.14:25, and any number of totally miraculous healings which have happened in the last few years alone, including the creation of new eye balls in previously empty sockets. Thirdly, and most importantly for purposes of this discussion, evolutionists place total confidence in a concept known as "uniformitarianism." This concept assumes that the forces of nature acting today are sufficient to account for all past geological changes.
Charles Lyell, the father of modern evolutionistic geology, developed this concept by expanding upon the ideas of his predecessor, James Hutton. He was strongly opposed to any explanation of a geological event which even suggested catastrophe. To quote Lyell, ".. no causes whatever have from the earliest time ... to the present, ever acted, but those now acting; and they have never acted with different degrees of energy from that which they now exert." (emphasis added)
# 38 Traditionally, evolutionists have taken the position that Lyell "dealt catastrophism the death blow."
# 39 Therefore, if any evolutionist tells you that he now accepts certain types of catastrophic changes, he is again eliminating one of the major suppositions that made up the foundations of his theory. Not only that, but in the process he has actually created a major intellectual dilemma for himself.
Eldredge points out that the geologic column (which evolutionists used to establish the earth's age) was worked out before Darwin published his Origin of the Species. This of course, is quite true. However, the idea of a geologic column does not in and of itself contain any assumption about the age of the earth, only the composition of its crust. The age of the earth which Darwin relied upon in his book was in fact based totally upon the works of Charles Lyell and James Hutton. As we have already seen, both of these men absolutely rejected catastrophic occurrences as viable explanations for the geologic formations we see around us today.
# 40 As such, Darwin reasoned that any fossil found in a rock formation Lyell estimated to be half a billion years old must itself be half a billion years old. Were it not for the anti-catastrophic viewpoint held by Lyell and Hutton, Darwin would have had no basis for assuming that any formation was anywhere near as old as half a billion years.
Since Lyell's calculations were not based upon Darwin's theory, what then, was his anti-catastrophic theory of uniformitarianism based upon? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING !! Nothing that is except his reasoning that since he had never seen a world wide deluge, none had ever occurred. We can now begin to see the intellectual problem facing the evolutionists. If Lyell was wrong, then there was no valid reason for Darwin to have assumed that his fossil discoveries were ancient because Darwin's concept of the age of the earth was based solely upon Lyell's now discredited theory. At this point the problem which the evolutionists have created for themselves comes into full focus. What evolutionists must now maintain is a position which goes something like this. "Both Lyell and Darwin were correct in all their ultimate conclusions, but they were right for all the wrong reasons." Putting it another way, they could say, "Both Darwin and Lyell arrived at the correct destination, but they took all the wrong roads to get there." Not only are we expected to accept this type of evolutionistic thought process as scientific, but they want us to do so in spite of the fact that two of their foundational premises have been abandoned by their most prominent spokesmen.
Eldredge states that "geologists long ago abandoned ...(the idea)... that all changes in earth history were the product of infinitesimally minute changes gradually accumulating through time." (emphasis & parenthesis added)
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Reply #12 on:
August 10, 2007, 06:09:10 AM »
# 41 His contention that the anti-catastrophic portions of Lyell's theory were abandoned by geologists long ago is itself contradicted by the American Geological Society which stated in 1958 that:
(geologists) learned that the features of the earth's surface could be adequately accounted for by cumulative processes, operating not only in the past, but in the visible present. The valleys of the earth, they found were not torn open by violent paroxysms of the planet's surface, but were slowly excavated by running water over immense periods of time… (emphasis & parenthesis added)
# 42 Even as late as 1985 the World Book Encyclopedia was informing its readers that "Geologists base their explanations of rock clues on their observations of the earth today. ... Geologists also assume that the earth has developed in the past in the same way as it is developing now. This idea ... first proposed by James Hutton ... is now called the principal of uniformitarianism."
# 43 I therefore submit, that if in fact this aspect of Lyell's uniformitarianism theory has been abandoned by some modern evolutionists, it was not done so long ago, but only recently. Even then it was abandoned not because it is clearly wrong, but because they feel that they no longer need it.
You see, they have discovered something else which seems to give them the billions of years they need for their theory. These new techniques appear to have a more scientific basis than did Lyell's hypothesis. Had it not been for the radio isotope dating methods developed in the late 1950's and early 60's, evolutionists would still be clinging tenaciously to Lyell's anti-catastrophic views, even though they had no basis in fact when Lyell developed them. Recognizing the fact that Lyell's position was totally baseless, modern evolutionists have in effect acknowledged that Lyell was wrong.
We are now faced with a situation which is similar to that which we saw in the case of Darwin's gradualism. First of all, today's crop of evolutionists are again telling us that something which we had been assured was as much a scientific fact as gravity, is not a fact at all. In reality, 'anti-catastrophic geologic uniformitarianism' is nothing more than another now thoroughly discredited evolutionistic fairy tale. Secondly, and perhaps most disturbing to me is the fact that "...the nineteenth century idea of uniformitarianism and gradualism still exists in popular treatments of geology, some museum exhibits, and in lower level textbooks. It is even still taught in secondary school classrooms."
# 44 Again, our school children are being exposed to evolutionary myth, and then being assured that it is a scientific fact. And this is in spite of the fact that Lyell's anti-catastrophic viewpoint was not the result of a simple oversight on his behalf. In order for Lyell to arrive at his position he had to actually ignore the very evidence which should have told him he was wrong. According to at least one noted evolutionist, Lyell and other 19th century geologists had to "ignore or give very secondary importance ..." to the many examples of geologic catastrophism which they themselves discovered.
# 45 It should be noted concerning the inter-relationships which existed between Lyell's version of geology and Darwin's version of biology that Eldredge maintains that there isn't any: "Geologists on the whole don't care a fig about evolution - haven't in the past, and as far as I can tell still don't care much about it today."
# 46 I believe that Eldredge has made this statement in an attempt to prove that both geologists and biologists scientifically arrived at the same conclusion that the earth is billions of years old, and that they did so independently of each other.
However, the noted British geologist Sir Archibald Geike clearly contradicts this assertion when he stated in 1910 that "The publication of Darwin's Origin of the Species ... produced an extraordinary revolution in geological opinion. The older schools of thought rapidly died out and evolution became the recognized creed of geologists all over the world."
# 47 Even today "fossils help geologists figure out the ages of rock strata..."
# 48 Enough has been said for now about the age of the rocks and the fossils found in them. I will discuss that topic in greater detail a little later on.
As we return to the concept of uniformitarianism, allow me to ask several questions. What forces of nature today are moving individual mountains from Africa to Switzerland? What forces of nature are producing fossils of the type discovered by Leakey (or any type for that matter)? When you find out please tell his son, for in regards to the soft bodied fossils he discovered prior to his death, he stated; "How did these incredible fossils occur? We simply do not know?"
# 49 The incongruity of the evolutionist's thought process becomes more apparent.
Evolutionists first make the assumption that any god who created the universe must not be working today. They then state that the forces of nature at work today are sufficient to explain everything that happened in the past. Then they turn around and say that they do not know what forces of nature created the very fossils they have to depend upon as they try to prove their theory. They also ignore the overwhelming exceptions to the arbitrary rules they themselves have set up when it is pointed out to them that their rules violate the rules of true science. Needless to say, not much is said in high school textbooks about all the exceptions we have just seen. In fact, these books usually leave the impression that everything in nature follows the evolutionist's pattern.
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Reply #13 on:
August 10, 2007, 06:12:38 AM »
Here are a few other questions which need to be asked. What forces of nature at work today produced the Decean Plateau of India which is composed of over a million square miles of lava sometimes thousands of feet thick? What forces of nature at work today explain how the quarter million square mile Utah-Arizona plateau apparently rose from below sea level to a mile above sea level, as many evolutionistic geologists say it did, without disturbing the relatively even distribution of marine fossils found in the strata which comprises this plateau? What forces of nature at work today explain islands which contain fossilized land animals submerged six thousand feet below the surface of the ocean?
Dr. K.K. Landes, Chairman of the Department of Geology at the University of Michigan asked this question of his fellow geologists, "Can we, as seekers after the truth, shut our eyes any longer to the fact that large areas of sea floor have sunk vertical distances measured in miles?"
# 50 I submit that open-minded scientists who carefully follow their own rules of hypothesis and testing, and who are open to change, are not ignoring such problems. However, most evolutionists appear to have the habit of doing exactly what Stephen Gould said they do; namely, if it doesn't fit their theory, they simply do not talk about it.
But Dr. Gould's candid statement which was quoted near the beginning of this chapter is not the only one we have to substantiate the charge that evolutionists have a habit of ignoring the facts which are overwhelmingly in conflict with their theory. Dr. Robert Jastrow, Director of NASA'S Goddard Institute for Space Studies noted that:
Astronomers are curiously upset by... proof that the universe had a beginning. Their reactions provide an interesting ‚ demonstration of the response of the scientific mind - supposedly a very objective mind -when evidence uncovered by science itself leads to a conflict with the articles of faith in their profession.... There is a kind of religion in science; a faith that every event can be explained as the product of some previous event... This conviction is violated by the discovery that the world had a beginning under conditions in which the known laws of physics are not valid... the scientist has lost control. If he really examined the implications he would be traumatized. As usual, when the mind is faced with trauma, it reacts by ignoring the implications. (emphasis added)
# 51 However, we should not be so niave as to believe that all this absent mindedness is trauma induced. Pierre Paul Grasse', past President of the French Acadamie des Science, and himself an evolutionist, candidly noted that:
The deceit is sometimes unconscious, but not always, since some people, owing to their sectarianism, purposefully overlook reality and refuse to acknowledge the inadequacies and the falsity of their beliefs. (emphasis added).
# 52 Other evolutionists have been known to ignore the evidence facing them for reasons which are decidedly less lofty than philosophical ones. Again, you need not take my word alone in order to substantiate this point. While giving the 1980 Assembly Week address at the University of Melbourne, Professor Whitten, a member of the Genetics Department who, even though holding to the evolutionists position, pointed out that:
Biologists are simply naive when they talk about experiments designed to test the theory of evolution. It is not testable. They may happen to stumble across facts which would seem to conflict with its predictions. These facts will invariably be ignored and their discoverers will undoubtedly deprived of continuing research grants.
# 53 (emphasis added) By no means could the prominent biologist S. Lovtrup, professor of zoophysiology at the University of Umea in Sweden, be considered a creationist. Yet, he too, has observed the fact that Darwinian evolutionists regularly ignore the facts which disprove their theory. As he points out, this is not merely a recent phenomena. He states:
...the Darwinian theory of natural selection whether or not coupled with Mendelism, is false. ...(T)here are now considerable numbers of empirical facts which do not fit with the theory. Hence, to all intents and purposes the theory has been falsified, so why is it not abandoned? I think the answer to this question is that current evolutionists following Darwin's example - they refuse to accept falsifying evidence. (emphasis added)
# 54 It would appear that the evolutionist's mind is a perfect example of the principle that if we hold unsound presuppositions with sufficient tenacity, facts will make no difference at all.
Many evolutionists hold on to the uniformitarianism theory because it is one of the few concepts which gives them the billions of years they need to work with. However, if consistently applied, it presents innumerably more problems to them than it apparently solves. For example, sediment formed by microscopic marine organisms and dust blown or washed into the ocean should have blanketed the sea floor to a uniform depth of at least twelve miles, if in fact the earth is even half as old as evolutionists maintain. Yet none is found in the center of the Atlantic and only a 1/2 mile thick veneer is found along the continental shelf.
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Reply #14 on:
August 10, 2007, 06:15:14 AM »
# 55 Furthermore, assuming that salt is being added to the ocean today at a rate no greater than it has in the past, and even assuming that there was no salt in the oceans at their inception, the salinity of the oceans demands a date for their creation of not more than 200,000 years ago. And that is at least 3 billion years younger than, any evolutionist can accept.
Finally, we also know from observation and testing that iron meteorites strike the earth at a given rate per year. If in fact the geologic formations on the earth were laid down over a period of several billion years, then it would be easy to find tons of iron meteorites in each layer of sediment. Whereas, if these layers were set down over a very short period (say one year or less), such as would have been the case in the Biblical flood, then few, if any, would be found in the middle or lower layers. The fact that NO iron meteorites have been found in the so called ancient geologic layers is merely one more traumatic fact which many evolutionists simply forget to mention in their writings.
# 56 The foregoing points are all ignored, glossed over, minimized as to their import, or given explanations which are totally untestable and then passed off as factual when they are, many times, in direct conflict with the "scientific" facts the evolutionists wanted us to believe only a few short years ago. Yet there are even greater examples of the evolutionist's ignoring the very laws of true science to which they supposedly subscribe. Some of them can be shown as we examine their concept of how our solar system developed.
1) Niles Eldredge - The Monkey Business - A Scientist Looks at Creationism, (New York: Washington Square Press, 1982) pp 82
2) ibid p. 82
3) ibid p. 22
4) Rick George "Extinctions" National Geographic, Vol. 175 p. (October 1989) 676,
5) Eldredge, op cit. p. 22
6) Dr. D. James Kennedy - The Collapse of Evolution, (Ft Lauderdale, FL: Coral Ridge Ministries, 1981) p. 6
7) Thomas F. Heinze - Creation vs. Evolution Handbook (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House, 180) pp. 22-23
8 ) Kennedy, op cit. p. 3
9) Eldrdge, op cit. p. 46
10) Niles Eldredge - Time Frames: The Rethinking of Darwinian Evolution and the theory of Punctuated Equilibria (New York: Simon and Shuster, 1985), p. 93
11) Eldredge - Monkey Business…. pp. 46-47
12) J. Madeleine Nash, "When Life Exploded" Time, Vol.146 # 23 (December 4, 1995) p. 73
13) Eldredge - Monkey Business… p. 130
14) Louis G. Leakey, "Adventures in Search of Man", National Geographic (January 1963) p. 146,
15) Norman D. Newell, "Fifty Years at Paleontology", Journal of Paleontology, Vol. 33 (May 1959), p.488-499
16) Dr. Walter T. Brown Jr., Radio Interview, Point of View, USA Radio Network - October 3, 1988
17) Kennedy, op cit. p. 2
18 ) Kennedy, op cit. p. 2
19) World Book Encyclopedia 1985 ed. Vol. 7, p. 367 and Vol. 6, p. 330
20) Heinze, op cit. p. 26
21) Kennedy, op cit. p. 3
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