What should I do with it?
Here are a couple of ideas ...
1) If you are in a realationship, suprise them with a night out to dinner and a movie.
2) If you have kids, pack a lunch and head to the park for a picnic
3) If you are alone ... go see the Matrix Reloaded.
(That's where I'll be in about 1 hour).
4) Write a letter to a friend you have not spoken to in some time.
5) Write an encouraging email to your pastor telling them how much you appreciate what they are doing.
6) Invite a friend to play a game of basketball, or to just throw the football.
7) Clean up the house and the yard.
Read a book you've been meaning to .
9) Just sit outside in a rocking chair and breath in life for a short time.
10) Spend some quality time with someone special.
Well, I gotta go see a movie.
Grace and Peace and Love to you.