There still exists an apparatus in this country to make changes in a peaceful organized way –- it’s called “your vote” and
one person can make a whole lot of difference.
There were
a few good folks that started a prayer vigil on the front steps of a church in East Germany and it brought an entire wall down.
I know of no City State or Country that has achieved Sinless Perfection -- there are some that strive for purity but then, they do cut folks heads and hands off or end-up locking-up half their populations in deprogramming camps and prisons.
The United States of America has been blessed by the good Lord in many many many ways and America still does a whole lot of good in this world.
America and the rest of the free west has the best chance of maintaining some sort of sanity -- due mainly to the bill of rights and perspective freely elected constitutional governments in this lunacy called Earth.
Of course, there exist certain currants here and abroad that are bent on undermining all this wonderful freedom –- please don’t be a part of the psychosis disguised as idealistic utopia or religious purity.
See them for who they really are -- atheistic “far left” communism
OR “Far right” American Talibanism.
There will be no real peace till the Prince of Peace returns in His glorious Second Advent.
God bless