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Entertainment => Politics and Political Issues => Topic started by: Apostle0121 on November 05, 2003, 04:50:08 AM

Title: Can a Christian be a Democrat?
Post by: Apostle0121 on November 05, 2003, 04:50:08 AM
Hello my handle here is Apostle0121.  I am a very conservative believer and I do believe in the Bible as the final authority of faith.  I do have a problem.

I was raised a Democrat.  I understand Democratic politics and I truly do understand their logic regarding Constitutional Liberty for all even sinners.  I believe abortion is definately wrong in most circumstances, but due to the complexity of each woman's situation I believe the mother is best left with the ability to choose.  I am a strong advocate for the Seperation of Church and state.  I do not agree with most Republican policies and corporate greed.  I believe in Democratic government.  

This has caused me some pain and I have had much soul searching.  Most friends of mine are Republicans and when we fellowship it seems as though they are oblivious to the numbers regarding the economy and they are often unaware of rights and priviledges protected by the Constitution.  Sometimes I feel like they do not understand that the Bible is the rule of faith...not a manual of civil law.  

Sometimes I feel Republicans are manipulating Christians I care about by using their faith and morality against Democratic candidates who are actually better leaders and believe in social justice.

I was pleased to find a pro-life Democratic group called Democrats for Life of America but they are a minority.

What are some of your thoughts on this.  God bless. :-[

Title: Can a Christian be a Democrat?
Post by: Brother Love on November 05, 2003, 05:46:03 AM
Can a Christian be a Democrat?

For me the answer is NO, I culd never be a Democrat.

Brother Love :)

Title: Re:Can a Christian be a Democrat?
Post by: Allinall on November 05, 2003, 05:50:46 AM
Sure they can!  Of course they can also be sinners... ;D

Seriously though, I've known a few Democratic Christians.  I've known many Republican Christians.  They're both sinners saved by grace with different hang ups and weaknesses.

Title: Re:Can a Christian be a Democrat?
Post by: rafter on November 05, 2003, 08:55:52 AM
You may well ask, can a person be a Christian and a republican. Come on now, they are all politicians. I understand where you are coming from, it is much like my own views and searchings.  I struggle with it to, but there are no black and white answers for me, yet.
You would be better stated if you said you are a follower of Christ who happens to vote Democrat.
I try and vote for the man, Knowing full well the parties dictate what direction they take. Jimmy Carter is a born again christian and the moral majority run him out of office. That leads me to believe it is not about morals, but political agenda. Anyway that is my 2 cents......

Title: Re:Can a Christian be a Democrat?
Post by: Tibby on November 05, 2003, 09:04:13 AM
Don’t see why not. A Christian can believe in Federal Government over State. A Christian can be for helping the down trodden. Democrat doesn’t always equal liberal. Likewise, Republican does not always equal conservative. Now, Generally this is the case, yes, but there are exceptions. For example, in my district, the Republicans ousted the guys who would have one the state seat for him for a younger, most Popular, richer, guy. So, he went Democrat, and because he is a hometown boy and has been leading us usefully for year, he won, and is leading our district from Austin like a good conservative, only with a D after his name.

Also, a just because you are a Republican doesn’t keep you from believing in a “Democratic” government. A democratic government is a system ruled by the masses. It was an invention of Plato‘s, not of the Democrats.

Republicans do use emotional manipulation to win, but so do Democrats. They are in for there own agenda’s, not for the people. Personally, I think we just have to vote for the party whose agenda is best for the country. For me, that is Republican, for you, it may be Democrat.

Title: Re:Can a Christian be a Democrat?
Post by: rafter on November 05, 2003, 09:09:06 AM
Good answer Tibby, I can't think of a thing to add to it.

Title: Re:Can a Christian be a Democrat?
Post by: Petro on November 05, 2003, 12:27:47 PM
I can't imagine, why any true Christian would support a party that is pro abortion, or as the so called christians in this party like to put it, "womes rights".

For the most part many who identify themselves as christians, are democrats.

Christians, are not replubicans nor democrats, they are children of God, who should live for Him.

And this should be the driving force that defines them, the stand of all Christians should be for life not death.

And to throw ones vote away, by voting with the animal rights group or the tree hugging parties, instead of the one that stands for "pro life" is the same thing as voting with the pro death party.

Regardless of what one may not like about the other issues, life and the right to it, is given by God, and to be legislated by man.

I am happy to hear partial birth abortions are being limited or at leats banned from being paid for by public dollars.

Any christian who votes with the democratioc party while they have on their platform "womans rights" as it concerns right to life decisions,  in essence allies himself with the father of lies who was a murderer from the beging.

By the way although I love Life, I am for Capital Punishment, also.


Title: Re:Can a Christian be a Democrat?
Post by: Tibby on November 05, 2003, 05:22:46 PM
A true Christian should support the greater good. Like I said above, abortion isn't the biggest issue for some. Federal  vs. State Government is a BIG issue. I'm pro-life all the way, but the life of one child who will be in Heaven pails in comparison to the Communization of the Nation. Personally, I like being a Christian WITHIN the law. But back to you point at hand, Abortion is not what divides the party lines. There are much bigger issues to deal with.

Title: Re:Can a Christian be a Democrat?
Post by: rafter on November 05, 2003, 06:28:51 PM
I let one issue sway me on my vote once. It was the abortion issue. The first time Ronald Reagan ran for office. Eight years with him, four more with GW and it never got touched. It was just a campaign issue. Just because someone is a Republican does not mean they are going to do anything about it.
My faith is in the Lord God Almighty, not in a political party.

And once again Tibby, I liked what you said.

I can understand someone being prolife and for Capital punishment. However I am pro life also. And if we actually had a justice system instead of a legal system I would be for Capital punishment. But our system is to flawed for that. Sorry but that is how I feel. I also believe our government is spending a ton of money and  a lot of lives to try and fix something in Iraq that will not be fixed. I will quit right here, because I don't want to sound unpatriotic, but I can be a patriot and still not agree with a bunch of politicians that are presently leading this country.

Title: Re:Can a Christian be a Democrat?
Post by: Symphony on November 05, 2003, 07:48:00 PM

"Democrat" and "Republican" are evolving titles.  They aren't the same as they were in earlier periods.

Nevertheless, today, I don't see how anyone could be a Democrat and a Christian, seriously.  Where I live, if you want to get along in business, etc., with people, it's best you be a Democrat--yet many of them apparently go to church.  Yet they virtually all are completely silent, on such issues as the gay agenda.   But here, too, are the Republicans, it's beginning to look like.

Most Democrats to me seem earnest about getting along, towing the party line, pleasing each other, and basically pretending.  They typically don't, or won't, pray, don't read their bibles, and don't have a clue what you're talking about if you are reading yours.  But here too, neither do many Republicans.

Essentially, Democrats believe in giving away what is their neighbor's.  Republicans believe in giving away what is their own.  That's a general rule, so there would be exceptions.  I have met some very generous Democrats.

Democrats believe in making everything a government program(thus undercutting the benevolence of the church, and individual generocity).  Republicans believe that government should be contained, restrained, limited--that argument originating most likely from the Christian doctrine of a person "faith" in God, instead of a faith in government programs.  The U.S. Constitution is a Republican instrument, and an annoyance for the Democrats, and an increasing inconvenience for our courts--courts being vested with the responsiblity to interpret the Constitution, they instead now are writing their own law, whether we like it or not, U.S. Constitution notwithstanding.

Jesus is very clear, "Whose image is on this coin?  (Then) render unto Caesar what is Caesar's."

Title: Re:Can a Christian be a Democrat?
Post by: Reba on November 05, 2003, 09:41:21 PM
As a child of God i will not vote for a party or person who believes the unborn image of God can be aborted. To support abortion in any way is to be party to its evilness.

 Our Constitution begins. . .

We the people of the United States in order to form a more perfect Union establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberity to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this contitution for the United States of America.  

 (highlights mine)

The  opening of the Declaration of Independence....

WHEN in the Course of human Events,
it becomes necessary for one People to dissolve the Political Bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the Powers of the Earth, the separate and equal Station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent Respect to the Opinions of Mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the Separation.
WE hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.....

To kill the unborn violates their person and their rights. At 56 years of age i can well remember when the doors of abortion were opened those wanting to distroy life saying  abortion would not be used for  birth control  and they would be rare and only when the mothers life was in danger. This cancer kills and hardens the heart.  


Title: Can a Christian be a Democrat?
Post by: Ambassador4Christ on November 06, 2003, 01:41:04 PM

Sometimes its hard to be a Republican ;D

Title: Re:Can a Christian be a Democrat?
Post by: ollie on November 06, 2003, 06:53:57 PM
It is very difficult for a Christian to be involved with civil government these days whether Democrat or Republican. Both parties have some policies that are ungodly. Neither parties seem to represent the people anymore but just big money and the industrial complex.

Still I remmeber God's word in Romans 13 and know it is all for God's purposes not ours.

Title: Re:Can a Christian be a Democrat?
Post by: Symphony on November 06, 2003, 08:38:24 PM

That's well said, Ollie...

Title: Re:Can a Christian be a Democrat?
Post by: Reba on November 08, 2003, 01:45:38 PM

That's well said, Ollie...


Title: Re:Can a Christian be a Democrat?
Post by: ELI on November 09, 2003, 05:29:51 PM
There still exists an apparatus in this country to make changes in a peaceful organized way –- it’s called “your vote” and one person can make a whole lot of difference.

There were a few good folks that started a prayer vigil on the front steps of a church in East Germany and it brought an entire wall down.

I know of no City State or Country that has achieved Sinless Perfection -- there are some that strive for purity but then, they do cut folks heads and hands off or end-up locking-up half their populations in deprogramming camps and prisons.

The United States of America has been blessed by the good Lord in many many many ways and America still does a whole lot of good in this world.

America and the rest of the free west has the best chance of maintaining some sort of sanity -- due mainly to the bill of rights and perspective freely elected constitutional governments in this lunacy called Earth.

Of course, there exist certain currants here and abroad that are bent on undermining all this wonderful freedom –- please don’t be a part of the psychosis disguised as idealistic utopia or religious purity.

See them for who they really are -- atheistic “far left” communism

OR “Far right” American Talibanism.

There will be no real peace till the Prince of Peace returns in His glorious Second Advent.

God bless   ;D ;)


Title: Re:Can a Christian be a Democrat?
Post by: ebia on November 09, 2003, 06:22:36 PM
Of course, there exist certain currants here and abroad that are bent on undermining all this wonderful freedom
... and as for the sultanas ...

sorry, couldn't resist.

Title: Re:Can a Christian be a Democrat?
Post by: Brother Love on November 10, 2003, 04:34:42 AM
Democrat, I dont even like the name.

Brother Love :)

Title: Re:Can a Christian be a Democrat?
Post by: Tibby on November 10, 2003, 06:21:33 PM
See them for who they really are -- atheistic “far left” communism

OR “Far right” American Talibanism.

Um... I really don’t think you do see them for who they are...

Democrats are rough around the edges, but hardly communist. The Communist are a whole other party. And you’d better be thanking God the Republicans are not like the Taliban.

Title: Can a Christian be a Democrat?
Post by: ELI on November 10, 2003, 07:21:29 PM
I was referring to the extreme far left and the extreme far right in the political spectrum.  

re-posted from Reply #15
See them for who they really are -- atheistic “far left” communism


Far right” American Talibanism.

You go to college?

God bless


Title: Re:Can a Christian be a Democrat?
Post by: Tibby on November 10, 2003, 11:21:15 PM
ah. Thanks for the clearing that up.

And I do. ;D How'd ya know?

Title: Can a Christian be a Democrat?
Post by: Brother Love on November 11, 2003, 04:25:10 AM
The only good Democrat is a EX-Democrat :)

Brother Love :)

Title: Re:Can a Christian be a Democrat?
Post by: Symphony on December 12, 2003, 09:33:11 AM

Article in this week's U.S. News & WR, Dec. 15, 03, p.66, by John Leo:

"The Pew study shows that most religious states vote Republican, the least religious go Democratic."

He cites a "...growing polarization that pits secularists against religious people."

Title: Can a Christian be a Democrat?
Post by: Brother Love on December 12, 2003, 10:04:51 AM
Can a Christian be a Democrat?


Brother Love :)