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Author Topic: What are Your Music Parimeters?  (Read 31075 times)
Brother Jerry
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« Reply #15 on: July 31, 2008, 12:01:43 PM »

BTW, I really appreciate your tagline Brother Jerry.
Thank you

And you are also welcome for the engaging in the conversation.  Always like to talk....er type.

Brother Jerry

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« Reply #16 on: August 01, 2008, 11:59:12 AM »


There are some things to note.  First is that no where in the Bible does it say Rock music is bad.  As a matter of fact what the Bible has to say about music is that God created music.  And I feel that qualifies all music, yes even things like death metal.  I speak only of the music and not of the lyrics.  The Bible does not say anything about God creating lyrics, that was left to us. 

Another thing is that based on the Biblical principles since there is nothing specifically stating that certain types of music are good or bad then it is man imposing his judgment on what is good or what is bad...and that is what Got Adam in trouble to begin with.  The Bible gives us very clear moral and ethical boundaries of what is good or bad.  And personally I feel that if something specific is not mentioned then as long as it praises God then it is not my place to cast any sort of judgment upon it.

I have to say that I agree with Brother Jerry.  I enjoy many genres of music.  I listen to many different types of Christian music mostly.  They can be found in the form of rock, reggae, R&B, country, and pop.  I like them all and have quite a vast collection.
I also enjoy alot of different secular music in these genres also.
I wouldn't however put something on if I was in company that might be offended or would cause another to fall.
I totally believe that God knows each of our hearts individually and to say that because I don't listen to a certain type of music,(Heavy Metal would be one!) that you are an unredeemed sinner if you do.

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« Reply #17 on: December 02, 2008, 10:35:37 PM »

I personally listen to mostly Christian contemporary
I don't see anything wrong with any perticular kind of music though I do think that a person should pay attention to what kind of lyrics they listen to. I feel this way because I think that music can be very influencing to the way a person thinks and thus to how they act because of what they end up metitating on.
I wont condem anyone for listening to any kind of music but I would strongly sugst that it be something that lifts the name of the Lord and is biblicly  sound. I know that most secular music doesnt do anything but glorify some of the most unGodly behavior there is.

Just my humble opinion
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« Reply #18 on: January 05, 2009, 01:15:04 PM »

I personally like older Country (new country is really just rock and roll), Celtic, Hymns, Southern Gospel, and Folk. I never did like music with a heavy beat. I listen to both secular and Christian music, usually on my way to work and back.

 I don't have music on continually as most folks do these days. In fact, I once deliberately avoided any music at all for quite a period of time, then listened. It was amazing how much more I enjoyed it! I think we are over-saturated with it today, so that it just becomes background noise. We can't seem to exist without constant noise these days.

I enjoy some contemporary Christian songs, but generally I find it to be "dumbed down" music, with a few words and chords repeated over and over and little real message. Hymns weren't always doctrinally sound, but they usually did have a real message and most of them were about God, not about "me and my relationship with God".

I've never been a big fan of particular performers. In fact, I believe Christian performers should take a backseat to the music and the message, and few do. When a "Christian" artist has their name plastered all over everything and is obviously "putting on a performance", I would rather listen to an amateur who is singing to glorify the Lord. Also, too many "Christian artists" are watering down the message to appeal to the secular world. Without a message they aren't going to reach the secular people, so the only reason to do so is that that is where the money is!

There always seem to be divisions in the church over music. As someone else pointed out, there isn't "good or bad" music, though there are good and bad lyrics. Mostly it is a matter of personal taste. A wise church uses a variety of music. Mine includes both hymns and contemporary, though they seem to avoid Southern Gospel. I manage to get a little Celtic in now and then. People seem to dislike hearing or learning anything new, or singing anything remotely difficult.

Interestingly, in the early days of America, there was little music and much preaching in churches. Instruments weren't allowed - one of my early relatives shocked his community by playing his instrument (a cello, I think) in church in Connecticut! Preaching usually went on for several hours in the morning, and again in the afternoon.

My biggest complaint about the music in my own church is the unwillingness of the musicians to "put a cork in it". Our most recent service lasted from 10:30 to 1 PM, mostly because the worship group made like the energizer bunny. Kids were going nuts and many people just walked out before the service ended.

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« Reply #19 on: January 05, 2009, 03:39:02 PM »

Hello Brother Rhys,

 Cheesy   I enjoyed your description of the ongoing discussion about various styles of Christian music. It's interesting to know that our parents and grandparents probably had like discussions. You made quite a few points that I agree with completely. I'm not a spring chicken, so I enjoy the older styles of music, but I know that many of the younger people don't share my tastes. For this reason and many others, I think it's wise for churches to have additional activities for youth and young adults. We probably don't want to know very much about what they think about us older folks. Besides, some of them might be selecting our rest home.   Grin

Love In Christ,

Philippians 2:1-2  If there be therefore any consolation in Christ, if any comfort of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if any bowels and mercies,  2  Fulfil ye my joy, that ye be likeminded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind.

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« Reply #20 on: June 25, 2010, 12:14:40 PM »

What do you get when you play New Age music backwards?

New Age music.  Lips Sealed

Its no joke, and  I could`nt resist  Tongue

If the song lyrics are intelligible and moral, and the instrumental does`nt sound like my cat when I step on his tail, or the grandbaby has climbed into the cupboard with the pots and pans, then I`m cool... otherwise my parimeters scream shut that noise off!


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« Reply #21 on: June 25, 2010, 02:31:55 PM »

What do you get when you play New Age music backwards?

New Age music.  Lips Sealed

Its no joke, and  I could`nt resist  Tongue

If the song lyrics are intelligible and moral, and the instrumental does`nt sound like my cat when I step on his tail, or the grandbaby has climbed into the cupboard with the pots and pans, then I`m cool... otherwise my parimeters scream shut that noise off!

 Grin  I'll second that. Otherwise, my personal tastes are the 60's and 70's for secular music. For Christian music, I like the old fashioned hymns at church and a variety of older Christian music at home. I guess that makes me an old square.

Love In Christ,

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