Eco-Extremist Wants World Population to Drop below 1 BillionSea Shepherd founder says mankind is a 'virus' and we need to 're-wild the planet.'
By Dan Gainor
Apparently, saving the whales is more important than saving 5.5 billion people. Paul Watson, founder and president of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society and famous for militant intervention to stop whalers, now warns mankind is “acting like a virus” and is harming Mother Earth.
Children 'bad for planet'
By Sarah-Kate Templeton in London
May 07, 2007 12:00am
Article from: The Australian
HAVING large families should be frowned upon as an environmental misdemeanour in the same way as frequent long-haul flights, driving a big car and failing to reuse plastic bags, says a report to be published today by a green think tank.