Hello Grace03,
I haven't had an opportunity to welcome you, so WELCOME!
I sincerely hope that you enjoy the Christian fellowship here with us on Christians Unite.
I think that clicks are individual things that not all Christians experience. It might have something to do with the specific church you attend.
In a larger sense, I guess that one could call denominations a click. There aren't any denominations in CHRIST. In reality, there are only two categories of people: those who are possessions of CHRIST and those who are lost. For those who belong to CHRIST, denominations will be left behind for eternity, and so will all of the other tags and labels of man.
On the other side of the coin, I do understand why people look for various kinds of churches to attend. There would be many examples, but I just mention a couple. Some churches are more interested in serving the world than GOD, so many Christians would not be happy in a church like that. Many Christians look for a church to fulfill a specific need that they feel. An example might be structured Bible studies for people of varying levels of maturity. Many people do have needs that they are searching for a church to fulfill. I think that the various levels of Bible study is one of the best examples. The babes in CHRIST want to be fed and strengthened, and the same is true for the mature in CHRIST. There are many churches that don't do Bible studies at all, and their meetings are more of a social event than a worship service.
I'm going to guess that clicks are more common in churches known more for social events than Bible study. I'm not saying that social events are wrong for a church, but I would say that social events should not be a sole or primary purpose for a church. Frankly, I think it's sad that many people go to church for business or social reasons instead of to worship and praise GOD, and there are plenty of churches to make these folks happy.
Maybe you are attending the wrong church if you aren't being fed according to your needs and being strengthened in CHRIST. I hope this helps some.
Love In Christ,
2 Corinthians 3:5 NASB Not that we are adequate in ourselves to consider anything as coming from ourselves, but our adequacy is from God,