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« Reply #15 on: March 17, 2007, 08:51:06 PM »

I think that many scientist throw common sense out the window when money is involved.  Cheesy Cheesy


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« Reply #16 on: March 17, 2007, 10:11:50 PM »


The below is a video taken from a recent global warming convention.


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« Reply #17 on: March 17, 2007, 10:25:06 PM »

rofl  ...  that looks like a repeat of the evolutionists convention. Oh, wait it is the same as the evolutionists convention.


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« Reply #18 on: March 18, 2007, 01:06:37 PM »


Ice Age Predicted, Blamed on Global Warming

Scientist (cough) are now predicting an ice age in Europe... And they blame it on global warming. Better- they base the whole prediction on one set of ocean temps they did not expect.


    Failing ocean current raises fears of mini ice age

    The ocean current that gives western Europe its relatively balmy climate is stuttering, raising fears that it might fail entirely and plunge the continent into a mini ice age.

    The dramatic finding [STOP THE TAPE] comes from a study of ocean circulation in the North Atlantic, which found a 30% reduction in the warm currents that carry water north from the Gulf Stream. [STOP THE TAPE]

Stop the tape... A dramatic FINDING? This is not a finding. It is a conclusion at best but more accurately a prediction. The -finding- is that some temps were not what researchers thought they were going to measure. Everything after that is conjecture.

Never let the media confuse a finding with a prediction.


The slow-down, which has long been predicted as a possible consequence of global warming, will give renewed urgency to intergovernmental talks in Montreal, Canada, this week on a successor to the Kyoto Protocol.

Bogus New Alert! When the third sentence of a news story says "See, this proves we should agree to Kyoto" the whole story is officially suspect.


Harry Bryden at the Southampton Oceanography Centre in the UK, whose group carried out the analysis, says he is not yet sure if the change is temporary or signals a long-term trend.

In the first 2 paragraphs it was a done deal.. It was a FINDING for goodness sake... Now we learn that the researcher has no clue if this is even a temporary change or not? Maybe that haste over Kyoto was misplaced?


We don't want to say the circulation will shut down," he told New Scientist. "But we are nervous about our findings. They have come as quite a surprise."

So.... You got some data you did not expect... From there -someone- (it's unclear who from the story) FOUND that we were going to have an ice age if we don't agree to Kyoto. This is getting thinner by the minute.

They get data they did not expect, they have no idea why it happened or if it is just temporary or not but by golly there is an ice age acoming and we better sign Kyoto. Talk about putting several carts before a single horse.

El Niño warms the water in the Pacific every 4 or 5 years and we've known of this cycle for over 400 years. [Long before the evil United States] Could it be that maybe -just maybe- something like this might happen elsewhere on the planet? (gasp)

No, we won't look at unexpected data and wonder why we were wrong, we now look at unexpected data and draw conclusions. If we didn't know the temps were going to be that high, how can we explain why they were AND use them to predict what it means for the future?

This article commented on was printed in the New Scientist on 30 November 2005, supposedly a very reliable scientific source. Another article printed in "Nature News" on Nov 22, 2006 tells us that "Russian scientists predict new Ice Age in 50 years". This article is based on researchers with the Russian Academy of Sciences. It seems to me that the scientists are totally confused. Global warming or ice age. (Also if we remember right, the last hurricane season was supposed to be worse than the one just prior to it.) The truth of the matter is that these predictions are based on limited data, some erroneous, some guessing, that these scientist have entered into a computer model. Take note that it is being called "Climate Change" now instead of global warming because they have no real idea of what is going to happen.

Another factual matter is that in approximately 6,000 years this planet has existed it has undergone many dramatic changes from a perfect paradise, to being completely flooded, to having a major portion of it frozen, to what we have today. Scientist cannot predict the weather correctly just one day in advance. What makes them think that can correctly predict years into the future. God has promised us that "Gen 8:22  While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease." God is in control and things will go according to His will no matter what scientist have to say about it and no matter what man may try to do to change it.

Isa 45:18  For thus saith the LORD that created the heavens; God himself that formed the earth and made it; he hath established it, he created it not in vain, he formed it to be inhabited: I am the LORD; and there is none else.

Jer 32:27  Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh: is there any thing too hard for me?

Mal 3:6  For I am the LORD, I change not;  ....


Joh 9:4  I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.
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« Reply #19 on: March 18, 2007, 01:34:01 PM »

BBC show exposes global warming 'lies' 
Documentary's scientists, climatologists agree: 'The whole thing stinks'

"THE ICE IS MELTING," blares the opening headline in the latest TV documentary on global warming. Amid thunderous music and video bites of furious ocean waves, melting glaciers and tornadoes, the headlines continue:




But then, the dramatic BBC documentary deviates from the rest of today's dire presentations on impending global-warming disaster. The headlines continue:




In "The Great Global Warming Swindle," British TV director Martin Durkin interviews scientist after scientist who claim the current hysteria over global warming is, in a word, nonsense.

Here's how the announcer introduces the controversy at the outset of the 60-minute program:

    "Manmade global warming is no longer just a theory about climate change. It is the defining moral and political cause of our age. Campaigners say the time for debate is over. Any criticism, no matter how scientifically rigorous, is illegitimate – even worse, dangerous.

    "But in this film, it will be shown that the earth's climate is always changing, that there is nothing unusual about the current temperature, and that the scientific evidence does not support the notion that climate is driven by carbon dioxide, manmade or otherwise.

    "Everywhere, you are told that manmade climate change is proved beyond doubt.

    "But you are being told lies."

Currently, the video is going viral in the online world, and threatens to break the stranglehold that global-warming hysteria has on the world's major media.

But what's behind the hysteria?

The current edition of WND's popular Whistleblower magazine – titled "HYSTERIA: Exposing the secret agenda behind today's obsession with global warming" – reveals why so many scientists, journalists and others are so gripped by global warming fever.

Whistleblower shows how all the main players – from politicians and scientists to big corporations and the United Nations – benefit from instilling fear into billions of human beings over the unproven theory of man-made global warming. Indeed, just three weeks after the U.N. ratcheted up international fears over global warming, a panel of 18 scientists from 11 countries has now reported to the U.N. that the only thing that can stop catastrophic climate change is a global tax.
Whistleblower Magazine

associated with WorldNetDaily (WND) - contributors include Pat Buchanan, Ann Coulter, David Limbaugh (Rush's brother)
- majority ownership by Western Journalism Center and Joseph Farah - 75 other private shareholders

Western Jouralism Center - founded by Joseph Farah who co-authored book with Rush Limbaugh and worked on Arkansas Project to impeach Clinton
- received $330 000 grant from Richard Mellon Scaife (Carthage Foundation)

Richard Mellon Scaife
- a major, early supporter of the Heritage Foundation, which has since become one of Washington's most influential public policy research institutes. Later, he supported such varied conservative and libertarian organizations as:

American Enterprise Institute
Atlas Economic Research Foundation
Center for the Study of Popular Culture (headed by David Horowitz)
Federalist Society
Foundation for Economic Education
Free Congress Foundation (headed by Paul Weyrich)
Freedom House
GOPAC (headed by Newt Gingrich)
Independent Women's Forum
Intercollegiate Studies Institute (which operates the Collegiate Network)
Judicial Watch
Landmark Legal Foundation
Media Research Center (headed by Brent Bozell)
Pacific Legal Foundation
Pittsburgh World Affairs Council
Reason Foundation

- by 1998 his foundations were listed among donors to over 100 such groups, to which he had disbursed some $340 million by 2002.
Based on its background, Whistleblower Magazine has a definite "right wing" agenda and hardly an unbiased source.
Solar cycles, melting on Mars, eating soy - not exactly a reflection of mainstream science.

"WorldNetDaily published an article in December 2006 written by Jim Rutz of "Megashift Ministries" where he claimed that eating soy at a young age increases the chance that a child will be gay, and that soy's estrogen content will feminize a young boy.
Such claims are contradicted by research done by scientists at the University of Pennsylvania.
The article was referenced by Frank Rich in a New York Times op-ed piece on December 17, 2006, describing the reaction to homosexuality in the Republican Party.
The liberal advocacy organization People For the American Way mocked Rutz's claims in their online "RightWing Watch" feature, commenting "sometimes you just have to marvel at the things published by WorldNetDaily."
In response to the interest in the article, WorldNetDaily later published columns by Rutz providing documentation to back up his claims."
« Last Edit: March 18, 2007, 01:51:13 PM by jgarden » Logged

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« Reply #20 on: March 18, 2007, 01:44:32 PM »

You only discounted the reporting agency. It has nothing to do with what the individual scientists have to say. More important than that is it has nothing to do with what the scriptures has to say on the matter. The final authority in all matters is God.

Read reply # 18, especially the last portion of it.


Joh 9:4  I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.
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« Reply #21 on: March 18, 2007, 02:20:36 PM »

I think that many scientist throw common sense out the window when money is involved.  Cheesy Cheesy


- accused of conflicts of interest, most notably involving financial ties to oil and tobacco companies  (Philip Morris)

- 1994 - co-authored report attacking EPA regulation of environmental tobacco smoke funded by the Tobacco Institute

- involved with the International Center for a Scientific Ecology, a group  considered important in Philip Morris' plans to create a group in Europe similar to The Advancement of Sound Science Coalition (TASSC).

- Singer is a Research Fellow at the Independent Institute another recipient of Philip Morris and ExxonMobil funds.

- serves on the Science Advisory Board of the American Council on Science and Health (ACSH) that opposes smoking but supports industry positions on health issues, for example downplaying risks associated with dioxin, asbestos, and other carcinogenic materials

-  Singer's non-profit corporation SEPP received multiple grants from ExxonMobil, including in 1998 and 2000

Singer, whose name was included on the list as one of the "global warming" skeptics, would appear to have financial connections with both Philip Morris and ExxonMobil

As previously stated, common sense can go out the window when money is involved.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2007, 02:22:10 PM by jgarden » Logged

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« Reply #22 on: March 18, 2007, 02:44:22 PM »

The Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT), a free-market policy organization, was created to offer a "new voice" on consumer and environmental issues.

- established in 1985, is a member and organizer of the Cooler Heads Coalition and the National Consumer Coalition.

-  free market think tank focuses on campus organizing and getting their message to the public through research, media exposure, and a national radio commentary called "Just the Facts" that is broadcast on 300 stations daily.

- CFACT's Board of Academic and Scientific Advisors is a who's who of climate skeptics and industry-funded scientists.

- "are two of the primary voices seeking to provide a positive alternative to major environmental groups like Greenpeace, the Sierra Club, and Friends of the Earth."
- received $710, 000 between 1991 and 2002 from Richard Mellon Scaife controlled foundations, the Carthage Foundation and the Sarah Scaife Foundation.[/b]

KEY QUOTES - 12 November, 2001
"In short, as science becomes more advanced it seems that the one thing is clear: While ice caps may be growing, and coral reefs are remaining resilient, the one thing that is dwindling for sure is the case for global warming."
Source: Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow CFACT Website 5/03

7 April, 2004 - "President Bush, of course, deserves even more credit for showing leadership in putting the breaks on this misguided treaty. When he first refused to go along with the Kyoto Protocol, howls of protest went up from those decrying his insensitivity to addressing this 'pressing' problem. Since then, however, nations such as Japan, Australia, Russia, and now Germany have likewise backpeddled on Kyoto compliance. One can't help but think, now in this baseball season, that maybe this President, a former owner of the Texas Rangers, knows when, and when not, to play ball."

7 June, 2002 - President David Rothbard signed a letter to President Bush, asking him to withdraw the "Climate Action Report 2002" and demand that it be rewritten based on "sound science". The letter also recommends that Bush "dismiss or re-assign all administration employees who are not pursuing your agenda, just as you have done in several similar instances."
Source: Joint Letter To President Bush On The EPA's Climate Action Report 6/7/02

2 August, 2002 - Wrote to President Bush, discouraging him from attending the UN Summit on Sustainable Development. Bush did not attend.
Source: "Corporate-funded Lobbyists Aimed to Sabotage Johannesburg Summit," Africa News, 8/19/2002

Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow has received $472,000 from ExxonMobil since 1998.

$5,000 ExxonMobil Corporate Giving
Source: ExxonMobil 1998 grants list

$110,000 ExxonMobil Foundation
project support
Source: ExxonMobil Foundation 2000 IRS 990

$35,000 ExxonMobil Foundation
Source: ExxonMobil 2001 Annual Report

$35,000 ExxonMobil Foundation
Source: ExxonMobil 2002 Annual Report

$25,000 ExxonMobil Foundation
Climate Change Issues
Source: ExxonMobil 2003 Corporate Giving Report

$47,000 ExxonMobil Foundation
General Operating Support
Source: ExxonMobil 2003 Corporate Giving Report

$35,000 ExxonMobil Foundation
Climate Change Issues
Source: Exxon Giving Report 2004

$40,000 ExxonMobil Foundation
General Operating Support
Source: Exxon Giving Report 2004

$50,000 ExxonMobil Foundation
Grassroots Efforts on Climate Change Issues
Source: Exxon Giving Report 2004

$90,000 ExxonMobil Foundation
Source: ExxonMobil 2005 DIMENSIONS Report (Corporate Giving)

David Rothbard
Source: Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow CFACT Website 5/06

Hugh Ellsaesser
Board of Academic and Scientific Advisors
Source: Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow CFACT Website 5/06

Howard Hayden
Board of Academic and Scientific Advisors
Source: Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow CFACT Website 5/06

__________________________________________________________________________ _____
What a coincidence - even more names from the "global warming" skeptics list on another industry "think tank" financed by corporations like MobilExxon and the Richard Mellon Scaife controlled foundations, the Carthage Foundation.  As previously stated, the latter gave a $330 000 grant to Western Journalism Center which owns WorldNetDaily and Whistleblower Magazine).

« Last Edit: March 18, 2007, 02:47:44 PM by jgarden » Logged

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« Reply #23 on: March 18, 2007, 02:53:54 PM »

As previously stated, common sense can go out the window when money is involved.

And I can see that you still do not understand the point. For every scientist that says one thing there can be found another that will say something else. So what as Christians should we believe?

Psa 18:30  As for God, his way is perfect: the word of the LORD is tried: he is a buckler to all those that trust in him.

Psa 118:8  It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man.

Pro 3:5  Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.

Again I post this verse, the words of the Lord:

Gen 8:22  While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.


Joh 9:4  I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.
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« Reply #24 on: March 18, 2007, 03:32:22 PM »

And I can see that you still do not understand the point. For every scientist that says one thing there can be found another that will say something else. So what as Christians should we believe?

Psa 18:30  As for God, his way is perfect: the word of the LORD is tried: he is a buckler to all those that trust in him.

Psa 118:8  It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man.

Pro 3:5  Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.

Again I post this verse, the words of the Lord:

Gen 8:22  While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.
I am merely using the same argument that you introduced in an attempt to discredit corporate members of the BELC - conflict of interest.

Some of the "scientists" introduced have their degrees in mathematics, agronomy, geology, social anthropology -  not climatology.  Many are from Canada, New Zealand and the Netherlands - not America. One is even an energy consultant at Sioux Lookout of all places - have you ever been or even heard of Sioux Lookout (there are no roads - you have to fly in).

To somehow associate Trust in God and Bible quotations with dismissing "global warming" does the Scriptures a disservice.

"The right of holding slaves is clearly established in the Holy Scriptures, both by precept and example."
-R. Furman, Baptist, of South Carolina

"The doctrine that the earth is neither the center of the universe nor immovable, but moves even with a daily rotation, is absurd, and both philosophically and theologically false, and at the least an error of faith."
-Catholic Church's decision against Galileo Galilei

If "global warming" " becomes a reality, non Believers will turn use statements by Christian conservatives in an attempt to discredit the faith.  Slavery and the belief in a "flat earth" also used the Gospel to convince large numbers of Christains to justify and support their existance as part of God's order in the universe.

Why do Christians continue to take the Bible out of context to support causes for which it was never intended?
« Last Edit: March 18, 2007, 03:50:46 PM by jgarden » Logged

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« Reply #25 on: March 18, 2007, 03:47:25 PM »

Why do Christians ignore scripture that does not fit their agenda or beliefs or doubt that the word of God can stand on it's own merits. There is nothing taken out of context with the scripture that i used. It is a promise of God. There was no exceptions made for "unless global warming happens". He assures us that "seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter" as well as "day and night" will continue "While the earth remaineth". If we doubt His word on this how then can we believe that Christ is our Lord and Saviour and means what He said about our Salvation?

It is to call God a liar to say that He did not mean what He said.


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« Reply #26 on: March 24, 2007, 01:05:02 AM »

Brothers and Sisters,

The New York Times is known as being an extremely liberal publication, yet they have recently exposed all of the Al Gore global warming stuff as HYPE AND HOAX! BUT, Al Gore got some kind of award for his so-called documentary about global warming, and it's still being shown in schools as TRUTH.

The absolute truth involves many billions of dollars at stake to keep selling this global warming lie. All the lies have managed to accomplish is public confusion and near hysteria for certain special interest groups. At this point, it doesn't appear that the real TRUTH is of much interest. If lies are told long enough, many people will start believing them, and Al Gore is living proof of this. It will take much more than an article from the New York Times to set the record straight. I just hope this hoax doesn't last as long as the Darwin hoax.

The Al Gore hoax is not just a matter of opinion on his part. The so-called documentary contains many outright lies and gross misrepresentation. Many of the so-called facts and statistics of the documentary are close to Michael Moore quality. UM??? - Michael Moore got awards also.

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« Reply #27 on: March 24, 2007, 09:31:22 AM »

Evil is awarded these days.


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« Reply #28 on: March 26, 2007, 07:51:13 AM »

Greetings brothers and sisters....its been a while!   Shocked

I have seen this documentary, and I must say its eye opening.  You can view it by doing a video google search for Global warming swindle

The data presented in the documentary without question raises doubts as to the cause.  Most scientist agree warming is happening (if you consider 0.6 degree's C on average over the past 4 decades significant...lol).   The real argument hinges on whether or not humans are causing it.   I certainly don't agree we are to blame.   Its been noted that the polar caps on Mars are also melting....no doubt from all the CO2 that the rovers are releasing into the martian atmosphere  Grin

From what I have seen data wise, its much more logical that this is all related to the Solar cyclical activity, which has been going on for thousands of years.   From ice core samples, we can see back in medieval times, the earth on average was found to be much warmer than it is today.   So earth temperature change is nothing new.   As some of you know, I frequent a few weather boards as well.   Some scientists on these boards are also quite skeptical regarding Al Gores film.

I've always said, when you hear science from politicians, rather than scientists, red flags should be going up all over the place.   Its all about industry and money.   We have much more important things to be worried about as a nation and as believers IMHO.   Also, The Bible has nothing to fear from science.   Science has changed it theories so many times after discovering for years it was wrong its not even funny anymore, yet scripture has stood the test of time, showing it was accurate all along, while science eventually catches up.   I'll stick with Gods truth!

Oh yeah.....How can you tell if a politician is lying?  His lips are moving  Cheesy

Good to see you guys again!

« Last Edit: March 26, 2007, 07:52:53 AM by 2nd Timothy » Logged


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« Reply #29 on: March 26, 2007, 07:57:26 AM »

Why do Christians ignore scripture that does not fit their agenda or beliefs or doubt that the word of God can stand on it's own merits. There is nothing taken out of context with the scripture that i used. It is a promise of God. There was no exceptions made for "unless global warming happens". He assures us that "seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter" as well as "day and night" will continue "While the earth remaineth". If we doubt His word on this how then can we believe that Christ is our Lord and Saviour and means what He said about our Salvation?

It is to call God a liar to say that He did not mean what He said.

AMEN Brother Roger, as I posted in coffee time:

 Ge 8:22 While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease

PS 91:2 I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in Him will I trust
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